In The Beginning of Act 1 Scene 5 It Starts Very Light Hearted and Relaxed

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In the beginning of Act 1 Scene 5 it starts very light hearted and relaxed.

Wheres Patpan, that he helps not to take away?...the scene starts with the servants talking about girlfriends and work, this reduces the tension from the previous scene, when Romeo enters enemy territory wearing a mask. This light hearted start helps to make the reader calm, but straight away we are put in tension when the scene carries on, a few lines on. When Romeo first sees Juliet he is oblivious to the fact that is is not supposed to be at the Capulet party. (to a servant) what ladys that which doth enrich the hand of yonder knight? Romeo is talking to someone that he has no connection to his family; this creates a slight amount of tension he is in danger of being found out by the servant. Romeo is totally engaged on Juliet. By Romeo slowly falling for Juliet rapidly builds tension for the reader because we know that Romeo should not be falling for Juliet because she is the daughter of Capulet the head of the Capulet family who are sworn enemies of the Montague family, Romeos family. When Romeo goes on to describe Juliets beauty and grace, he uses five rhyming couplets, ...As a rich jewel in an Ethiops ear... Ethiops was the name used when referring to a black person in Shakespeare time. He compares her to a Jewel .Jewels are beautiful, rare and expensive. This simile shows us how much Romeo loves Juliet, by saying it is on a Ethiops ear rather than a white persons ear is that is would stand out more. This could mean that although there are many other beautiful girls, Juliets beauty stands out more.

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