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: TAHUN: 2011 KREDIT: 3 2 ! 1"



K&-#'* Pre-number concepts Counting strategies Early numbers development and number sense

T&./(#'!iscuss" -#hat are some characteristics o$ numbers% - &llustrate #ith e'amples the meaning o$ number sense(

A0'-# Prepare a set o$ materials that can be help$ul $or - counting - learning basic $acts (eg( )en$rame) -#riting and recording numbers *eading"



i(*eys+ at( el( ,,-)( .elping children learn /athematics (0th ed() pp(110-121

1 (5/1-9/1)

ii( /c&ntosh+3(4( (199 )(5)#o needed revolutions5($rom Challenging Children to - )ry out the resources #ith your Think When They peers during micro Compute. 67)+ 8risbane teaching

9ote" 2,hrs interaction #ill be done in 1 #ee:s( 1 #ee: ;(a<b)hours ;5 hours (a<b)" a represents lecture and tutorial hours b represents practical #or:

(1hr) ( hrs)

( hrs)

4anuari ,11


M#$%%& /T'(#)* (1 /1-12/1)

T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ Whole numbers

K&-#'* Place value representation o$ numbers - >rouping or trading -!eveloping place ?alue -*egrouping and renaming


A0'-# *eading"


C'.'.'$ *e$erence" ii( 8oo:er+at(el( (1990) )eaching Primary /athematics ( nd Ed()( pp 51-9

( hrs)

/a:e a number e'pander (*eys+ pp102) or arro# cards $or use in rein$orcing reading and #riting numbers E /a:e hundred 'amine a primary number chart and mathematics te'tcarry out =esson boo:( .o# many &dea A-1 (*eys" pp di$$erent place100) and 3ctivity &n value models are the Classroom illustrated% Which A-1(reys"pp1A ) model is used the What have most% Comment you learnt $rom i$ the te'tboo: these t#o provides a good activities% choice o$ models% !e$end your ans#er( ho# ho# ,1 and 1 , #ould be represented #ith three di$$erent place-value models( (1 hr) ( hrs)

i( *eys+ at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp(122-19

Bebruari ,,A

=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'A0'-# ISL C'.'.'$

1 (19/1- 1/1)

9umber operations and basic $acts

/odels $or addition and subtraction /odels $or multiplication and division 8asic $acts

*ead about basic $acts $rom pp( ,2- - (*eys) and discuss Cuestions 1-2 in page -( @ummarise all the strategies $or teaching basic $acts

)as: 1" &n pairs+ choose and prepare only one card $rom 3ctivity &n the Classroom 9-5 to 9-9A(*eys"pp 1,- 1 )( Play #ith your peers( E'change the 3ctivity Cards #ith other groups so that you get a chance to play all the - types( )as: " &n groups o$ -+ plan an activity #ith teaching material that can be used to rein$orce basic $acts( Carry out micro-teaching using the models and aids prepared

*eading" i( *eys+ at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp(195- 5

*e$erence" ii( Cathcart+ et al ( ,,2)( =earning /athematics in Elementary and /iddle @chools( 3 =earnerCentered 3pproach (-th Ed)( pp( 1-5-12

Bebruari ,,A

=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'A0'-# ( hrs) (1 hr) ( hrs) ISL C'.'.'$

M#$%%& /T'(#)* ( 2/1-1,/1"

T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ Dperation sense and computations

K&-#'* /ental computation -)he role o$ mental computation Computationa l estimation - estimation s:ills - #hy doing estimations

T&./(#'>r oup presentation o$ 3ctivity 1" E.o# did you do it%5 / a:e a summary o$ the methods applied based on the data collected by the #hole class( Comment on the $indings regarding mental computation(




3ctivity " *eading" *e$erence " Borm groups and each 3ctivity 1" Bor )utorial *e$erence" group carry out one Wi(>roves+ @( activity based on &n groups o$ ( ,,2) activity to 2 in EComputatio three+ intervie# at pp19(>roves)( n least 2 primary -*ecord #hat )echniCues school children happens #hen you based on activity 1 and 9umber try out the activity " .o# did you do it%F @ense (&n Wee: 5) and comment on ( pp( 1A o$ >roves)( #hat you have *ecord di$$erent ii( Cathcart+ learnt ( methods and et @ubmit your present to the class( al ( ,,2)( comments through =earning #ee:ly re$lective /athematic log( s in Elementary 3ctivity 1" and /iddle )ry @chools( 3 activity 1(11 (6s( =earner3-/) listed in pp-A Centered *eader 3pproach (-th EComputation Ed)( pp( 122-129

Bebruari ,,A

=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'A0'-# )echniCues and 9umber @ense(5 (1 hr) (1 hr) (1 hrs) ISL C'.'.'$

iii( *eys+ at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp( A- -9

M#$%%& /T'(#)* 5 ( / -2/ )

T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ Dperation sense and computations

K&-#'* )he role o$ algorithms - Children5s use and understanding o$ algorithm in #hole number operations Calculators and abacus

T&./(#'/a:e a list o$ the standard #ritten algorithm $or the #hole numbers #hich you believe should be included in the primary mathematics curriculum( Comment about your list compare #ith the vie#s put $or#ard by Plun:ett5 in his article(

A0'-# &n about hal$ a page+ summarise and present your vie#s on #hether or not children in primary school should use calculators and the #ay in #hich they could be used( &n groups o$ suitable siGe+ design an e'ercise or games #here you can use abacus/calculators to teach operations *eading"


C'.'.'$ R242(2$526: iii( >roves+ @( ( ,,2) Computation techniCues and number sense( pp 1 -15 iv( >roves+@ H Cheeseman+ 4(1995)(5 8eyond e'pectations" 7sing calculators #ith young children5

i( *eys+ at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp( 51- 0A ii( Plun:ett+ @((1909)( E!ecomposition and all that rot5+ /athematics in @chool+ ?ol A 9o( 1(pp( -5 1(21'(2 T&./(#'- 35"

Bebruari ,,A

o$ numbers( .o# $ar abacus is used in teaching #hole numbers in /alaysian primary schools% !iscuss #ith e'amples (1 hrs)

=3/-P),9-, v( /etallo( (undated))he abacus" &ts history and applicationsF

(1 hr) (1 hr)

M#$%%& /T'(#)* 2 (9/ -11/ )

T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ Iey issues in teaching #hole numbers

K&-#'* &ssues in teaching #hole number Ino#i ng basic $act )eachi ng o$ place value /athe matics :no#ledge o$ teachers

T&./(#'*ead article J and summarise the issues raised in the teaching o$ mathematics in primary school(

A0'-# 3cyivity 1" &n groups+ discuss the issues related to the teaching o$ numbers that e'ist in our local school conte't( Present your issues and ma:e recommendations on ho# they can be overcome( @upport your presentation #ith re$erences( *eading"



3rticle J" i( *evie#" Ino#ing and )eaching /athematics by *oger .o#e http"//###(ams(org/noti ces/1999,A/rev(ho#e(p d$

Bebruari ,,A

=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'A0'-# 3ctivity " !ebate )raining a mathematics generalist or a specialist in handling primary mathematics in school" &ts impact on children5s learning o$ mathematics( (1 hrs) *ead *eys+ et( al( (1995)(.elping children learn /athematics (-th ed() pages 11-A and discuss Cuestions no( 1-0 on page 50 &n groups" prepare suitable models $or introducing $ractions+ including #ord and symbol cards(*e$er *eys" pp( A9) prepare suitable models $or teaching eCuivalent $ractions+ mi'ed numbers H improper $ractions plan a teaching activity and carry out micro-teaching *eadings"(
i( *eys+ at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp( A - 92 *e$erence" ii( Cathcart+ et al ( ,,2)( =earning /athematics in Elementary and /iddle @chools( 3 =earner-Centered 3pproach (-th Ed) Pg ,1- 5 iii( 8oo:er+at(el( (1990)()eaching Primary /athematics ( nd ed()( pp 90-110 iv( Iennedy et al( ( ,,-)( >uiding



( 1 hr) ( 1 hr) 0 (12/ - ,/ ) F('5.#/$6, ,25#0'-6 '$, 12(52$.'%26 Bractions Conceptual development o$ $ractions and eCuivalent $ractions /i'ed number and improper $raction

Bebruari ,,A

=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'A0'-# using the models and aids prepared (1 hr) ( hrs) ( hrs) ISL C'.'.'$
Children5s =earning o$ /athematics (1,th ed) pg -,1 K - ,

A ( 1/ - 0/ )


Bractions operations addition o$ $ractions - subtraction o$ $ractions

!esig n an assessment tas: or a game Lre$er Iennedy et al ( ,,-) page -0-M that #ill help you understand #hether or not your students understand operations #ith $ractions( !iscu ss #ith your peers the e$$ectiveness or suitability o$ your assessment tas:

&n groups" /a:e teaching aids suitable $or addition and subtraction o$ $raction Plan and carry out teaching steps using the aids you have prepared and use the assessment tas: you have designed in your tutorial

*eading" iii( Iennedy et al(( ,,-)(

>uiding Children5s =earning o$ /athematics (1,th Ed) pg -50 - -00

i( *eys+ at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp( 92-1, ii(Cathcart+ et al ( ,,2)( =earning /athematics in Elementary and /iddle @chools( 3 =earner-Centered 3pproach (-th Ed) Pg 0- 1A

Bebruari ,,A

=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'/game ( hrs) (1hr) ( hrs) A0'-# ISL C'.'.'$


Bractions operations K multiplication o$ $ractions - division o$ $ractions

!iscuss the $ollo#ing Cuestions" o .o# is multiplication o$ $ractions di$$erent $rom multiplication o$ #hole numbers% o .o# do you illustrate the multiplication and division o$" $raction #ith a #hole number+ e(g(

9 ( /1-2/1)

&n groups create $our story problems that involve" multipli cation o$ $raction #ith" - #hole numbers and $ractionsN division o$ $raction #ith" - #hole numbers and $raction Prepare a relevant lesson plan+ the reCuired models and teaching aids

i( 3s:ey+ *( (1999)( Ino#ing and )eaching Elementary /athematics+ 3merican Educator+ 3merican Bederation o$ )eachers+ retrieved $rom" http"//###(a$t(org/pubsreports/americanOeducato r/$all99/amed1(pd$

ii( *eys+ at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp( 92-1, iii( Cathcart+ et al ( ,,2)( =earning /athematics in Elementary and /iddle @chools( 3 =earner-Centered 3pproach (-th Ed) pp 1A- -9

Bebruari ,,A

=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'3 2 = 5 3 x5 ; 4 $raction #ith a $raction+ 3 1 e(g( = 4 2 3 1 x ; 4 2 ( hr) 1, (9/1-11/1) !ecimals *eadiing" Common $ractions and decimals "relationship and conversion Place value+ ordering and rounding 8rie$ly outline the steps that e'plain the meaning o$ the commonly used rule Edivide the numerator by the denominator5 !iscuss ho# rounding the divisor can assist in ma:ing an initial estimate in division #ith larger numbers( Prepare teaching i( 8oo:er >( at el (1990) materials to introduce children )eaching Primary to decimal notation /athematics ( nd Ed) pg -0 K -9+ 5,- 5 o$ tenths + hundredths an thousandths( *e$erence"
ii( *eys+ at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp(1, -1,9 iii(Cathcart+ et al ( ,,2)( =earning /athematics in Elementary and /iddle @chools( 3 =earner-Centered 3pproach (-th Ed) Pg 5 - 29

A0'-# and carry out microteaching using the $our story problems above


iv( Iennedy et al( ( ,,-)( >uiding Children5s =earning o$ /athematics (1,th Ed) pg -0A - 5,

(1 hr)

( hr)

Bebruari ,,A


=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'A0'-# ISL C'.'.'$
iv( Iennedy et al( ( ,,-)( >uiding Children5s =earning o$ /athematics (1,th Ed) pg - 1---

(1 hr) (1 hr)

(1 hrs)

11 (12/1- ,/1) 1 ( 1/1- 0/1) 11 (1,/1-1/-) 1(2/--1,/-)

Bebruari ,,A

M#,-S2026.2( 7(2')

Practicum &

Practicum &

Practicum &


=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* 15 (11/-10/-) 12 19/-- 1/ !ecimals !ecimal operations !iscuss the use o$ place value chart to help children understand decimal computation( T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#'A0'-# ISL C'.'.'$

Practicum & Write a lesson plan to introduce decimal computation ($or an operation o$ your choice) by lin:ing this topic to $raction computation( *eadings" i( Cathcart+ et al ( ,,2)(
=earning /athematics in Elementary and /iddle @chools( 3 =earnerCentered 3pproach (-th Ed) Pg 21- 29

(1 hr) (1 hr) Percentage Percentage - *elationship bet#een $ractions+ decimals and percentages Construct models that can be used to help children understand percentages( )ry out the model #ith your peers( *eading" (
iii( Cathcart+ et al ( ,,2)( =earning /athematics in Elementary and /iddle @chools( 3 =earnerCentered 3pproach (-th ed) pp( 01- A1 iv( Iennedy et al(( ,,-)( >uiding Children5s =earning o$ /athematics (1,th Ed) pp( --1--5,+

*e$erence" ii( *eys+

at(el( ,,-)( .elping Children =earn /athematics (0th ed() pp(11 -1 9

Bebruari ,,A


=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ K&-#'* T&./(#' (1 hr) A0'-# !iscuss #ith e'amples the use o$ percentages in daily lives( ( hrs)



Bebruari ,,A


=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$ Iey issues in teaching $ractions+ decimals and percentages K&-#'* Iey issues in teaching o$ $ractions+ decimals and percentage " T&./(#' A0'-# *e$er to 3s:ey+ *( (1999)( Ino#ing and )eaching Elementary /athematics &n groups" *eading" i( 3s:ey+ *( (1999)( Ino#ing and )eaching Elementary /athematics
http"//###(a$t(org/pubsreports/americanOeducato r/$all99/amed1(pd$



10 ( 0/--1/5)

!iscuss the di$$erences bet#een pedagogical issues H content pedagogical issues !iscuss #hy @tudent related teachers5 content pedagogical )eacher related :no#ledge is crucial Environmentall to e$$ective and y related meaning$ul teaching (@ocialo$ elementary economic mathematics L*ead" demands) 3s:ey+ *( (1999)( Ino#ing and )eaching Elementary /athematicsM

(1 hr)

(1 hr)

Create real-li$e stories related to the practical applications o$ the concepts and operations learned in Bractions+ !ecimals H Percentages( @hare the stories #ith peers and discuss the merits o$ these stories( Comm ent and discuss ho# the stories can be used in class instructions( (1 hrs)

Bebruari ,,A


=3/-P),9-, M#$%%& /T'(#)* 1A (-/5-A/5) 19 (11/5-15/5) W , (1A/5- /5 W 1 5/5- 9/5 T'+&) ,'$ K'$,&$%'$






*evision *evision E'amination E'amination



Bebruari ,,A


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