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Name: Date: Lecture 1 Quiz This quiz will cover all of lecture 1. Each question is worth 2 points.

You will have 9 multiple choice questions and 1 essa question worth ! points. This quiz is worth 2" points total. 1. '. (. #. D. 2. '. (. #. D. .. '. (. #. D. 1. '. (. #. D. ". '. (. #. D. 6. '. (. #. D. !. '. (. #. D. #onvertin$ to a #onstitutional %onarch requires which of the followin$ processes& Democratization )evolution *ar ' +arliament *hat is a )epu,lic& ' countr that lives within the western part of Europe ' countr that has $ot rid of a -in$ all to$ether ' department of the $overnment ' re$ion in Europe ' countr that is ,ounded , a ,oarder and has a population that feels ethnicall identified is a )epu,lic %iddle #lass #ountr Nation/0tate )e,ellious The term used to descri,e man countries ta2in$ over the rest of the world is 3mperialism )evolution 0a,ota$e (ar,arism The wor2in$ class who felt e4ploited usuall identifies with which of the followin$& 5i,eralism 0ocialism #onservatism 3deolo$ *hich of the followin$ had a,solute power& The 5i,eralist The ',solutist %onarch -in$ 5eopold The )epu,lic *ho ruled 7in the name of the people&8 The -in$ Napoleon #on$ress of 9ienna %etternich

:. *ho was deepl convinced that he was the christian leader of the world and wanted to create an alliance of countries ,ased on christian principles& '. Tsar 'le4ander (. %etternich #. ;arden,ur$ D. Tall rand 9. '. (. #. D. +russia< )ussia and 'ustria were part of what& The con$ress of vienna The hol alliance The department of state The -arls,ad Decrees

Essa =uestion: +lease writ a,out the . different classes of this time. +lease ,e detailed and include common ,eliefs< how the identified politicall < what was si$nificant a,out them< and the t pe of people the were. Your response should include ./" sentences for each class.

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