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David Rankine Climbing the Tree of Life (Avalonia, 2005) The Book of Treasure Spirits (Avalonia, 2009) Heka-

Egyptian Magic (Avalonia, 2006) David Rankine, with Soritad'Este Practical QabalahMagick (Avalonia, 2009) Practical Elemental Magick (Avalonia, 2008) Practical Planetary Magick (Avalonia, 2007) The Isles of the Many Gods (Avalonia, 2007) David Rankine, with Paul Harry Barron The Book of Gold (17th century Psalm Magic), (Avalonia, 201 0) David Rankine, with Stephen Skinner The Grimoire of St Cyprian (Golden Hoard Press, 2009) A Collection of Magical Secrets (Avalonia, 2009) The Veritable Key of Solomon (Golden Hoard Press, 2008) The Goetia of Dr Rudd (Golden Hoard Press, 2007) The Keys to the Gateway of Magic (Golden Hoard Press, 2005) The Practical Angel Magic of Dr John Dee (Golden Hoard, 2004) For more information on these and other titles see:

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