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Cristal Preciado 7239 Tokay circle Winton, CA 95388 (209)489-8870 !"#$d$t"dent$%or& or cri$talpreciado


' a! (ilin&"al, )ery or&ani*ed, #one$t, relia(le, tr"$t+ort#y, and kind% ' kno+ #o+ to prioriti*e, co!!"nicate, and +ork +ell +it# ot#er$% Education ,enior at At+ater -i&# ,c#ool Work Experience Cleanin& and or&ani*in& $#el)e$ at !y A"nt.$ $#op in /e0ico Community/Volunteer Service ' #a)e #elped ("ild !any $ta&e $et$ and or&ani*e and tailor !any co$t"!e$ 1or !y T#eatre cla$$.$ play$ and prod"ction$% Special Training T%A% 1or 2ra!a 1, co$t"!e $ea!$tre$$3de$i&ner, paintin& , ("ildin&% Extra Curricular Activities 'n !y $pare ti!e, ' like to read, play &"itar, dra+, act, or (lo&% Awards Cro+ned 4Teen /i$$ At+ater5 in 2010
Re erences 6eti 2e6oa7 (209) 789-8524 9"lianne A&"ilar7 (209) 758-8981

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