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The Mandarin ab initio Webquest Worksheet

Name: Alex Nguyen Teacher: Lihui Zhang

Under Blogs & Wikis you will find a number of wikis. But what is the purpose of the Voice Cast section? What are the lesson topics of week ? !"int# click on the Content tab.$ Which discussion forum will you contribute to in week '? (n what week will you receive your first )erm *eport? !"int# click on Course "ome and use the Calendar tool.$ What do the following stand for in terms of assessment? 1% 2% 3% /(% /1 !"int# look in the web4uest table.$

We use the Voice Cast section to post works that we have made using audio to share with the class. We are going to learn about numbers% &obs% introduction to others% greetings% and different countries. We will discuss Chinese prices in Week '. We will receive our )erm *eport on Week +% during the week of ,ctober and /ovember 0th . E = Excellent: Activity is well completed and shows critical thinking skills and understanding of course materials if required. G = Good: Activity shows good understanding of course content and demands of task and shows some critical thinking. 3 5 3atisfactory# 6ctivity shows a basic level of understanding of course content and demands of task% but no critical thinking /( 5 /eeds (mprovement# 6ctivity shows only a limited level of understanding of course content /1 5 6ctivity is not completed.

3et up Chinese character input on your computer. (nstructions for this are in lesson .7..0. )ype some te8t !any word, or two$ in the answer column. 3end a one sentence 9hello: email to your teacher. ;our teacher will respond and tell you the name and location of the high school they attended. <aste their answer into the answer column.

ear students, !he information "elow is for your we"quest activity. #y hign school name is $!he !hird #iddle %chool of &heng ing$ 't located in &heng ing, (e )ei. !hank you.

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