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Company_Name Company_Full_Address Todays_Date_Long Customer_Contact Customer_Name Customer_Full_Address Dear Customer_Contact: We have recently completed an exam nat on o!

our records and "ould apprec ate your ver !y ng the correctness o! the !ollo" ng n!ormat on# $ur records nd cate that% at the close o! &us ness on Todays_Date_'hort% the amount paya&le on your account "as (Customer_)alance *! th s amount agrees " th your records% please s gn the con! rmat on !orm n the space prov ded &elo" and return# *! t does not agree% do not s gn &ut expla n and s gn on the reverse s de# ' ncerely%

Company_Name Company_Telephone_Num&er Company_Full_Address +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + * con! rm that the a&ove n!ormat on s accurate# ' gnature: _______________________________ ,r nted Name: ___________________________ T tle: ___________________________________

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