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Article Title: Phosphorus: A Looming Crisis Author/Source: David A.

Vaccari A: List the major ideas, concepts or key points- point by point Phosphorus used up to 46 times Food and consumption imbalances nature Too much phosphorus ends up in lakes Although Earth has the phosphorus, it is not readily available The world depends on one exporter of phosphorous rock Consumption will grow as population grows No-till farming and reducing fertilizer can help Treat wastewater to recover phosphorus

B: Summarize the AUTHORs main point or idea- at LEAST 1-2 paragraphs Phosphorus can be compared to oil as a critical source needed for everyday life. Phosphorus is used for agriculture and other products. Even though phosphorus is abundant, it is not readily available. The disruption of phosphorus is due to the harvesting of crops. The natural cycle is imbalanced as phosphorus is not returned in the right place. There are certain acts you can do such as no-till farming and reducing fertilizer. It is better to take caution and conserve than let the future suffer. C: Write a reaction paragraph to the article stating your own thoughts on the topic, using specific citations from the article to support your views. It was surprising to learn about phosphorus being very abundant. The negative effects of phosphorus are mostly human linked. As the population adds more to the numbers, there is the

question on how many the Earth can take. Without more conservation efforts of the precious natural minerals needed for our everyday life, the world will go through much more than worry. So What? It is important to know of the effects of phosphorus. What if..? What if the human population decrease to less than a million people? Says Who? The author and the various sources. What Does This Remind Me Of? This reminds me of the eutrophication article similar to this.

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