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1. (A) Explain REST architecture and give its design constraints. Ans: Representational State Transfer(REST) 1.

REST is an architectural style consisting of a coordinated set of constraints applied to components connectors and data elements !ithin a distri"uted hypermedia system. #. REST ignores the detailsof component implementation and protocol syntax in order to focus on the roles of components and their interpretation of significant data elements.

$. The REST architectural style is also applied to the development of !e" services as an alternative to other distri"uted computing specifications such as S%A&. Architectural &roperties The properties of the REST architectural style are ' ' performance. ' scala"ility of component interactions. ' simplicity of interfaces. ' modifia"ility of components to meet changing needs. ' visi"ility of communication "et!een components of service agents. ' porta"ility of component deployment. ' relia"ility. (esign )onstraints

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