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Miss Branch
Newsletter for Spring Practicum

Hello Again!
Hello parents and students of Ms. Delucas class. I will be back in the classroom from April 7-25. I hope that your children are looking forward to working with me as much as I am with them! It has been such a pleasure learning from the students, and I am sad that this will be my last practicum with them. I know that we will have a great time, and I hope to see your children in their future years in school in sd71.

Our Plan for the next 3 weeks

During my 3-week practicum, we will be working on several things together. In Math, we will be doing a unit on fractions. In Language Arts, we will be doing a unit on poetry, and there will be many activities to accompany this as well as a really fun Art lesson! We will be doing some research in Social Studies, trying some new spelling and handwriting techniques and learning about sports in French!

Education is not preparation for life it is life itself. - John Dewey

Save the Date!

April 7
First day back in class.

April 18-21
Easter Enjoy your long weekend!

April 25
Miss Branchs final day.

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