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Kailasapuram, P R Mangalam, Puttur, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. + 91 9!"#$ #%&1&

OBJECTIVE: 'o o(tain a challenging placement in an esteemed pro)essional organi*ation and serve +ith sincerit, that supports e-cellence provides opportunit, )or the success o) organi*ation goals. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION: Course ./ 0' 0ntermediate MPC 1econdar, 1chool Institution 1ree 2id,anikethan /ngineering College, 'irupati 1ri Chaitan,a 3unior Kalashala, 'irupati 9.P :igh 1chool,P R Mangalam. Board/ University 34'5, Anantapur .oard o) 0ntermediate /ducation .oard o) 1econdar, /ducation ear o! Co"#$etion 6"1# 6"1" C%&A/ &er'enta(e !9.6& 7till 02 08 9&.&"



)OFT*A+E &+OFICIENC : <anguages >.M1 Packages = C,C++,Core 3ava. = ?racle.

A+EA OF )&ECIALI,ATION: Programming in C,C++. >ata(ase Management 1,stem.

&A&E+ &+E)ENTATION): Presented a Paper on Brain%ate )yste" at 1ree 2id,anikethan /ngineering College, 'irupati.


Attended @orkshop on .Virtua$i/ation and C$oud Co"#utin(0 at 1ree 2id,anikethan /ngineering College, 'irupati.


/lected and +orked as Class Representative )or class 20 to class A. 1ecured Class Birst Place in 0ntermediate.

Participated in Code 2ita contest 6"1& conducted (, TC). Coordinator and /vent ?rgani*er in our >epartment organi*ed Best Di(it34564. @orked as Pu(licit, mem(er )or our 7'echno Cultural Best8 1o7ana 1antra.

&E+)ONAL )KILL): Comprehensive pro(lem solving a(ilities. A(ilit, to deal +ith people diplomaticall,. @illingness to learn.


4ame >ate o) .irth BatherCs 4ame MotherCs 4ame <anguages Kno+n

= = = = =

2inod /lika. 11 APR 199&. Mr /.2enkataiah. Mrs /. >raksh,ani. /nglish, 'elugu and 'amil.

DECLA+ATION: 0, 2inod /lika do here(, con)irm that the in)ormation given a(ove is true to the (est o) m, kno+ledge.

Date: &$a'e:

8Vinod E$i5a9

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