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THE THEORY OF GROUPS AND QUANTUM MECHANICS CONTENTS Ma -Antuon’s Prevaces NOH a HERMANN WEYL Taawsuason’s Prerace 5. se sn Iwmmopoenos 5. E zl + ex TRASRLATED PRON THE HEOOAD CAEUIEED > SE Baremny Csonneny : i ian 1. Then dimensional Veotor Space. a ERODE Lo Se Bal Vege oes oes a mea reorimn HATITIAE, ECR EE METRE eT Pig Dusk Vector Snes cnitan Forms |! ei Gransi@rmation ® Principal Axes => a ‘Hesiial Unitary Teausformations ee eae accel ea 11 Qnwwren Tuan « Daya! Foundations nn 1S PAP ae arog Wie of a’ Pare a f Bislgge tee tan Tie taminc Ouatior | je © Hlectron in Sphercay symizeré rela, Dueetionl aan wort non ae & 6. cant Feasentce £ $ Bee Concent Stactre of Quantum Mechanics 7 OT Syramica iow “Fance Bobbi. & 3 rasta 8 8 renee Tey notes," Pouce Sco ae Eee eects Gals Moan Tansee 3 IE AGuay te baslie igen icromaguecs waa Sic isi sec bet ils 1g MORES Ge aaiin 2 DDL at 11, Gxoors smo rem RpneserAsts « AH 1. Tansormation Gross : te ERMC tear eines 8 5 Sage oa ee iam inasironiieas’ fae } Rist pocnal Gln enisn'sene 7 { evodgetidiee Teen and Amine: : aa a fade eee ane ae DOVER PUBLICATIONS, INC 5 otto ata Coren Groups cum ib 9: Character of a Representation, Dold 12. Schur Lemma. and Durnsige’s Theorem * 11. Orthogonality Properties of Group Charactess ||| Sy THE THEORY OF GROUPS 1a. Bxleusiou to Cloned Continue Groups 5+ 1d Invariants and Covariants 1 Nemarks on Live Theory ct Coitinuéss Groupi of Trans 16, Representation by Relations of Ray Space IV, Aneuteartow om tne Treony on Gnowas 10 Quameum Mreastes A. The Raion Group 1. te Reprentation Induced in Sytem Space bythe Kot Se ve igen . Simple teand Term ASalya. Brame Seetton and Tetenty th. icin Ho Shaan ncton, Mallet Stiture and’ Anoiaoas Ee is it B. The Loren Grow Ralativistially Invariant Equations of Motion af an Rlactom § Baty ef Momnti"Achastron to fterchangs of Bask asd Future 1. Electron io Sphericaly Syminetric Ficia@ | [: Selection Relea Pied Structure ane ©. The Permutation Group 9. Resonance between Equivalent Individuals 10, The Paull Bxcasion Priaciple and’ the Structure of the Periiie Table 11, The Problem of Several Bodies and’ the Quantization of ‘the Wave Bgnation 12, Quantization of the Maxwell-Dirac Field Equations” 19. ThetBnegy gad Momentum Laws of Quantum Py D. Quantum Kinematics 14 Quantum Kinematics as ap Abelian Group of Rotations 15, Beatin of te" Wave ‘Equation trom he Commatatioa '¥. Tas Svapesiatc PonwvsArion GROUP AND 1B ALunniA oF Sra A. General Theory ‘The, Grou suayeed in Tenor Splce and the Alger of symmetie Tranctormations Symmetry. Canes of Tentore Bran? Somacs fn Grou Tavarlant Sub-spaces in Tennor Space ‘oles and Algebras Ropecsoniatons cf Atjetaal° Exmiiictin Bakeiae oan gah into Sila Stats ‘Miebeas B. Exlansion ofthe Theory and Physical Apphzaions 8, The Characters of the Symunetsic Group and Equivalence wgereracy in Cantar Mecbacic o, Relation between ‘mutation sad Affae Groupe to, Direct Produce» Subgroupe Ie Perturbation Tigory #5 the Construction St Mclecsles 12! The Symmetry Brobler of Qusatam Theory ofthe ‘Symintié Per 170, 8 185 185 a 107 ao 27 3 a8 ua og 23 ang an aor 36 3 34 200 336 339 3 1 cs +5. 6. a 8 CONTENTS , Rapist Abebrate Construction Younes Symactry Operators oo ereductblty, Linear Independence, Incquivalence and Compleseness = Splatt Valence! Group thors Caattiaton of At Specte Determination of the Primitive Characters of x aad leulation of Volume oat - ‘Branching Laws, ETBROOF oF aw Deeouatity 2, A Cowpostrion PROPERTY OF GROUP CHARACTERS 4A Tenors Consenvine Now-onevenare Avztsvanremic BI- Linear Foans = pera eee A List oF Oranarivinas Seanors « List on Lermmae mano 4 Frean Stoxtmesnor IwoEx . 395 397 399 499 40 a TRODUCTION HEE quantum theory of atomic processes was proposed by | Negus Bor in the year 1913, and was based on the atumiy model proposed eailier by Ruitexeoxv. The deduction of the Balmer series for the line spectrum of hydrogen and of the Rydberg number from universal atomic constants constituted its first convincing confirmation, This theory gave us the key to the understanding of the regularities observed in optical and X-ray spectra, and led to a deoper insight into the structure of the periodic system of chemical elements. The issue of Naturwissenschaften, dedicated to Bowe and entitled “Die ereten achn Jahre der Theorie von Nios Bohr ber dea Bau der Atome'” (Vol. 14, p. 535 (1923)), gives a short account of the suceesses of the thenry at its peak. Rut ahout this time it began to become more and mors apparent that the Born theory was a compromise between the old “classical” physics and a new quantum physies which has been in the process of development since Planck's introduction of cnorgy quenta in 1900. Born described the situation in an address on “ Atomic Theory and Mechanics” (appearing in Nature, 148, p. 4g (1925)) in the general problem ot the quantum theory, one is faced not with a modification of the mechanical and electrodynamical theories deseribable in terms of the usual physical concepts, but with an essential failure of the pictures in space and time on which ‘ iption of natural pheno therts heen based '! The rupture which led (o a mew stage of the theory was made by Heisenzers, who replaced Bohr’s negative prophecy by a positive guiding principle. ‘The foundations of the new quantum physics, or at least its more important theoretical aspects, are to be treated in this =x THE THEORY OF GROUPS book. For supplementary references on the physical side, which are urgently required, I name above all the fourth edition of Sommenreco’s well-known “Atombau und Spektrallinien " (Rrannschweig, 1924), or the English translation “Atomic Structure aad’ Spectral Lines" (London, 1923) of the tind edition, together with the recent (129) " Welleumechanischer Enganzungsband "or its English translation “ Wave Mechanics " (1930). An equivalent original English book is that of Ruanx ann Urey, ‘Atoms, Molecules and Quanta" (New Vork, 1930}, which appears in the ‘International Series in Physics," edited by Ricumever. I should also recommend Grniacn's short but valuable survey ““ Experimentelle Grundlagen det Quanten- theorie” (Braunschweig, 1921). The spectroscopic data, pre- sented in accordance with the new quantum theory, together with complete references to the literature, are given in the following three volumes of the series "“Struktur der Materie,” edited by Bors aNd FRANCK :— F. Hono, “Linienspektren und periodisches System der Elemente" (1027); E. Back anp A. Land, Zeemanefiekt und Multiplott struktur der Spektrallinien" (1925) W. Grorarax, “Graphische Darstellung der Spektren von Atomen und Ionen mit ein, cwei und drei Valenzelektronen” (1028) ‘The spectroscopic aapente of the eu in Pavuino ap Goupenr's recent “The Structure of Line Spectra’ (1930), which also appears in the “International Series in Physics." ‘The development of quantum theory has only been made possible by the enormous refinement of experimental technique, which has given ue an almost direct insight into atomic processes. If in the following little is said concerning the experimental facts, it should not be attributed to the mathe- matical haughtiness of the author; to report on these things lies outside his field. Allow me to express now, once and for all, my deep respect for the work of the experimenter and for his fight to wring sigoificant facts from an inflexible Nature, ‘who says so distinctly “No" and so indistinctly “ Yes"" to our theories, INTRODUCTION xxi Our generation is witness to a development of physical Imowledge auch az has not been seen sinne the days of Kroxea, GALILEO AND Newron, and mathematics has scarcely ever experienced such a stormy epoch. Mathematical thought romovee the spirit from ite worldly haunts to solitude and Fenounces the unveiling of the secrets of Nature. But as recompense, mathematics is less bound to the course of worldly evente than physics. While the quantum theory can be traced back only as far as igoo, the origin uf the deory of groups is lost in a past scarcely accessible to history; the earliest works of art show that the symmetry groups of plane Aigures were even then already known, aldough che dheury of Uiese ‘was only given definite form in the latter part of the eighteenth and in the nineteenth centuries. F. Krzuy considered the group concept as most characteristic uf nineteenth century mathematics. Until the present, its most important application to natural science lay in the description of the symmetry of crystals, but it has recently Leen recognized that group theory is of fundamental importance for quantum physics; it here reveals the essential features which are not contingent on 2 special form of Uhe dynamical laws nor on special assumptions concerning the forces involved. We may well expect that it is just this part of quantum physics which is most certain of a lasting place. Two groups, the group uf rolations in 3-dimen- sional space and the permutation group, play here the principal rile, for the laws governing the possible electronic configurations grouped about the statiunary nucleus of an atom or an ion are spherically symmetric with respect to the nucleus, and since the various electrons of which the atom or ion is composed are jentical, Usese possible configurations are invariant under @ permutation of the individual electrons, ‘The investigation of groupe first becomes a connected and complete theory in the dheory of the representation of groups by linear transformations, and it is exactly this mathematically most important part which is necessary for an adequate description of the quantum mechanical relations. AU quantum suombers, with the exception of the so-called principal quantum number, are indices character: fring representations of groupe. xxl THE THEORY OF GROUPS ‘This book, which is to set forth the connection between groups and quanta, consists of five chapters. The first of these is concemed with wnitary geometry. It is somewhat distressing that the theory of linear algebras must again and again be developed from the beginning, for the fundamental concepts of this branch of mathematics erop up everywhere in mathe- ‘matics and physics, andva knowledge of them should be as widely disseminated as the clements of differential calculus. In this chapter many details will be introduced with an eye to future use in the applications; it is to be hoped that in spite of this the simple thread of ‘the argument has remained plainly visible. Chapter II is devoted to preparation on the physical side; only that has been given which seemed to me indispensable for an understanding of the meaning and methods of quantum theory. A multitude of physical phenomena, which hnave already been deait wich by quantum theory, have been omitted. Chapter IIT develops the elementary portions of the theory of representations of groups and Chapter IV applies them to quantum physics. ‘Thus mathematics and physics alternate in the first four chapters, but in Chapter V the two arc fused together, showing how completely the mathematical theory is adapted to the requirements of quantum physics. In this last chapter the permutation group aud ils representations, together ‘with the groups of lincar transformations in an affine or unitary space of au arbitary number of dimensions, will be subjected to a thorough going study. THE THEORY OF GROUPS AND QUANTUM MECHANICS CHAPTER 1 UNITARY GEOMETRY §4, The a-dimensional Vector Space \HE mathematical field of operation of quantum mechanics, well as of the theory of the representations of groups, is the multi-dimensional affine or unitary space. ‘The axiomatic method of developing the geometry of such a space is no doubt the most appropriate, but for the sake of clearness I shall at firet proceed along purely algebraic lines. I begin with the explanation that a Vector ¢ in the n-dimensional linear space Bt = ft, isa set of mordered numbers (ay x2" * +, %q); vector analysis is the calculus of such ordered sets. The two fundamental operations of the vector calculus are the multiplica- fiom of a nector t by a number a and the addition of twa vectors t andy. On introducing the notation B= (Ry a teh Oy Yay 1 Ya) these operations are defined by the equations OES (at, Oy, + OeQ), ERY= (Ht Yn Fat Yo” * Sn + Yn): ‘The fundamental rules governing these operations of multiplica- tion by a number and addition are given in the following table of axioms, in which small German letters denote arbitrary vectors and small Latin letters arbitrary numbers : (0) Addition. 1. a+ b= 6+ a (commutative ta) 2 (a+b) be=at (b+ ¢) (associative law) 3. a and ¢ being any two vectors, there exists one and only one vector x for which a+ ¢= 6. It is called the difference ¢ — 0. of cand a (possibility of subtraction). 2 UNITARY GEOMETRY (P) Multiplication, 1. (a+ De = (an) + (bg) (frst distributive law). 2 aia) = (os (eno la). 4 a(g + 4) = (as) + (au) (second distributive aw). The existence of a vector 0 = (0,0, + + +, 0) with the property EtO+O+E—% need not be postulated separately as it follows from the axioms. Afine vector geometry concerns itself entirely with concepts which are defined in terms of the two fundamental operations with which the axioms (2) and (8) are concerned ; we mention a few of the most important. A number of vectars a, 3, +**, &y are said to be linearly independent if there exists between them sno homogeneous linear relation 4a + ata ts am = 0 except the trivial one with coefficients Sia A such vectors are said to span an k-dimensional (linear) sub- space ®! consisting of all vectors of the form B= Git + Gata to + Git 1) where the f's are arbitrary numbers, It follows from the fundamental theorem on homogencous Linear equations that there exists a non trivial homogencous relation betweon any 4k | x weetora of &Y. The dimensionality h of fH can therefore be characterized independently of the basis: every hb r vectors =O, 6 Spy dyin BY canbe used ao a von systeu or bassin; the eoeficients Gy fy ~~ yin the representation (1.1) are then said to be the components of x in the cu-urdinate system (ay, 03, (12) “AY define a co-ordinate system in it in which the components of a ‘vector THE n-DIMENSIONAL VECTOR SPACE 3 agree with the jolute components ” Beat t+ tty te + tle From the standpoint of affine geometry, however, the " absolute co-ordinate system "” (1.2) has no’preterence over any other which consists of independent vectors of R. We now add ta the prewions avinme, which did nat concern themeshves wi dimensionality n, the following dimensionality axiom : (y) The manimum number of linearly independent vectors in ® ism ‘These axioms (2), (f), and (y) suffice for a complete formula- tion of vector calculus, for ifs, és," + +, €5 are any n independent weetors and q is any other vector there must necessarily exist a linear dependence OF + ayes + ate ts tat, =0 between them. Since not all the cocfficients may vanish we must in particular have a +0, and consequently any vector £ ‘can be expressed as a linear combination ttt te tat, (13) of the “fundamental vectors” €1, €n- - ew We specify r by the set (1, %,,+ + +, 4) of components in this co-ordinate system In accordance with axioms (2) and (8) for addition and multi- plication we then have for any two vectors (1.3) and selena t+ (eae Eble + Chale and we arrive at the definitions from which we started. The ‘only—but important—difference between the arithmetic and the axiomatic treatment is that in the former the absolute co- ordinate system (1.2) is given the preference over any other, whereas in the latter treatment no such distinction i¢ made Given any system of vectors, all vectors ¢ which are obtained, s (Lil), by linear combinations of a finite number of vectors Gy, Gs, "= *, Gy of the system conscicute a (linear) sub-space—the sub-space “ spanned” by the vectors a. iis said to be decomposed or reduced into two linear sub- spaces B’, R” (R= R’ + R") i€ an arbitrary vector g can be expressed uniquely ac the sum of a vector ¥f of BY and a vector v7 of R.A voroidinale system in DY aud a ev-osdinate system in 9t” constitute together a co-ordinate system for the entire space &; this co-ordinate system in %R is “ adapted" to the decomposition 9 + 8”. The sum n’ +n” of the dimension- alities of and &” iS equal to #, the dimensionality of 8. -— 4 UNITARY GEOMETRY Conversely, if the sub-spaces WY, 8" have no vector except 0 incommon, and if the sum of their dimensionalities ie », then Raw + W’ ‘W being an n-dimensional sub-space, two vectors £ and) are said to be congruent modulo B : Eb (mod, ®), if their difference lies in BY. Congruence satisfies the axioms postulated of any relation of equality : every vector is congruent fo itself: if z= (mod. ®t) then 9 =F (mod. W); if p= y (mod. $’) and = (mod. §), then t =% (mod. BY). “Ie ie therefore permissible to consider vectors which are congruent jad. BY a5 differing in no wise from one another ; by this ab: straction, which we call projection with respect to W. the n-dimensional space gives rise to an (n—n'}-dimencional space Bt. is also a vector space, for from TS Te, 0: = te (mod. R) follow the relations sy Ext. = Ea | Be (mod. ®). The operations of multiplication by a number and addition can therefore be considered ones which operate directly on the vectors g of All vectors r of SR which are congruent mod, give rise to the same vector g of O. If SY is one-dimensional and is spanned by ¢ the above process is the familiar one of Parallel projection in the direction of €; it is not necessary to sive an (n— 1)-dimensional sub-space ‘of { on to which the Projection is made ‘fais 2 non-null vector, all vectors ¢ which arise by multi- plying a by a number are said to lie on the same ray as a. Two nennull vectors determine the same ray when, and only when, one i8 a multiple of the other, In a given co-ordinate systems the vector a is characterized by its componests ay, tne oa whereas the ray ais characterized by their ratios a, :a:* + +:'ayt these ratios have meaniug only when the components of a do ot va bony we 9 ransition from one co-ordinate system e, to another ¢/ is accomplished by expressing the new co-ordinate vectors ei terms of the old: inane ceil ox = Bou LINFAR CORRESPONDENCES 5 At xq, 44 are the components ot an arbitrary vector fin the old and in the new co-ordinate systems, respectively, then t= Ines Fave, feom which the Taw of transfnrmatinn x= Dann a a follows. The requirement that the co-ordinate vectors ey’ also he linearly independent is expressed arithmetically by the non. vanishing of the determinant of the coefficients ay, ‘The rom ponents of vectors, y,- « + in undergo the same transformation fon transition to. the new co-ordinate system e/ and are said to transform cogredienily §2 Linear Correspondences. Matrix Calculus ‘The formula (1.4) can, however, be otherwise interpreted ; it is the expression of a finear or affine correspondence or mapping of the space 9 on itself. But for this purpose it will be found more convenient to interchange the réles of the accented and the unaecented co-ordinates. On employing a definite co-ordinate system @,, the equation 1) associates with an arbitrary vector g with components 3g vector ¥ wilh components 27, This comrespoudeace a. gr ¢ of Bon itself can be characterized as linear by the two asseitions ; if 4, 9) go over into g', yf, then ag goes over into ap’ and + ¥ into py’, Linear comespondences therefore leave all alne rela~ tions unaltered ; hence theit promincace in the theory of affine geometry, In oer to show thal these two conditions fully we fuituwing « Geiermiive te fiuear cornespouttece (2.7), cousides if a correspondence A which satisfies these conditions sends the fundamental vector €, over into te! = Zanes (2.2) then, in consequence of the above requirements, tytn goes over into mye db te tale 6 UNITARY GEOMETRY On substituting (2.2) in this equation we see that the new vector 7’ has in the co-ordinate system e the components z/' obtained rom the components 2, of F by means of (2.1). Tt has become customary in quantum physics to call the linear correspondences tf a veetor space operators which operate on the arbitrary vector ¢ of B. Let 4, B he two linear correspondences, the first of which sends the arbitrary vector r over into f' = Ar, while the second fends y’ into "= Br’ = BlAz). The resultant correspondence C, which carries directly into 2”, is also linear and is denoted ‘by (BA) (to be read from right to left!) : (Baie = Bla) (BA) = (CB)A is here valid, but the commutative law is not—in general 4B=BA. the‘ 1” in this domain, which we here denote by 1, is the identity, ie. that correspondence which associates every vector with itself: r+, Hence AL=1A= A. ‘The correspondence A is then and only then reversible in case it ie non-degenerate, ie. if it carries no non-vanishing vector into the vector 6, or if distinct vectors are always carried over into distinct ones. The algebraic condition for this is the non vanishing of the determinant |ay| = det A; there then exists the inverse correspondence ~ AA* = AMA = 1, ‘The multiplication theorem for determinants atates that det (BA) = det B+ det A. Not only can we “ multiply" two correspondences, we ean also “add them. This concopt of addition arises quite natur- ally: if the arbitrary vector z is sent over into gy’ by A and into 1! by B, then that corrospondenco which sends § into #1 is slo linear and is denoted by A+ B: (A+ B= Ag+ Br. We may alzo introduce multiplication by an arbitrary aumbee a: ad is that correspondence which sends into a(4g}. Addition ‘and multiplication by @ number obey the same laws as the LINEAR CORRESPONDENCES 1 analogous operations on vectors. Addition is commutative, and has as its inverse subtraction, The réle of 0 is played by. the correspondence 0 which transforms every vector £ into the Yestor 0. Addition obeys the cstnibutive law with respect to multiplication : (A+ BC ACH BC, | CAB) = CA+ CB, (ad)C= alae, | |” clad) =aica). Before proceeding to the arithmetical expression of these operations in a given co-ordinate system, we consider another natural generalization. We can map an m-dimensional vector space ft linearly on an n-dimensionai space ; this is accom: plished when with each vector ¢ of ia vector i of © is associated in such a way £ > 9 that from r, > by, Te + De it follows that > ay HERE Such 2 correspondence 4:2 +0) is expressed by equations of the form ye Baws 1%) 23) where #,, + = +49 are the components of ¢ in given co-ordinate system fa the space Band 94, + + yq lave the corresponding interpretation in G, With this correspondence A there is associated the matrix |] un aes + + am | Pan age «emf with m rows and m columns, and which we also denote by the same letter A, The first index indicates the row and the second the column to which ay, belongs. We can also add corre- spondences of the same space It on the same space ©. Addition and multiplication by a number is accomplished on matrices by subjecting their mm components to these operations : if A=l|laul| and B= | byl then aA = |[a-ay|, A+ B= lla + hell If we have a third (p-dimensional) vector space 2, the consec- utive application of the correspondences 4:¢ > 9 of on G and Bz -> § of Gon ¥ gives rise to the correspondence C= BA:t—>4 of Rt on &. This composition is expressed in terms of matrix components by the law : von) (24) 8 UNITARY GEOMETRY B has p rows and » columns and A n rows and m columns; the composition of matrices is possible when the first factor B has the same number of columns as the second factor has rows. The component of element ¢,, which is found at the intersection of the ® row and the #® column, is formed in accordance with 2.4) from the components in the M row of B and the # column of A. An important special case is that in which © is the same space as; A is then a correspondence of # on G, B of S on R. Already here concepts of the theory of groups play an important role; on beginning Chapter III, which deals with the theory of groups, the reader should return to the matter here discussed as an illustration. ‘The matrix calenlus allawe ue to axprese # for a linear correspondence, such as (2.3), in an abbreviated form, We do this by denoting by x that matrix whose only column consists of the vector components a y+ --; %—m; similarly for y, In accordance with the rule (2.4) for the composition of matrices, equations (2.8) can be written y= Ax, (2.5) LINEAR CORRESPONDENCES 9 This form is particularly useful in examining the effect on th matrix A of a linear correspondence of a space iR on a space © ‘when the original co-ordinate systems are replaced by new ones, If this change of co-ordinates is effected by the transformations Ssux or == Sein B, mm then from (2.5) Ty = AS ory’ Thay’ or Ty’ in 8, TAS}. Fra. @ ‘The same correspondence in the new co-ordinates is therefore expressed by the matri Alm TAS, (2.8) Lot us now rotura to the linear correspondence A of a space Bou to itself, I Wis a linear n'-dimensional sid~space of W we say that A leaves ® invariant if it carries any vector of Wi, over into a vector of &'. If the co-ordinate system is so chosen that the first n’ fundamental vectors lie in W, the matrix of a correspondence which leaves § invariant will assume the 10 UNITARY GEOMETRY form given by Fig. 1. All elements in the rectangle of n’ columns and #— n’ rows denoted by zeros in Fig. 1, vanish. 4 contains ‘a correspondence of SY on to itself and at the same time a corre- spondence of the space 1, arising by projecting ® with respect. to 8, on to itself. The matrices of these correspondences con- sist in the shaded squares. If is decomposed into Ry + i, (%1-+ m=), and if the correspondence A leaves both sub= spaces i, and §, mvariant, then A is completely reduced into a correspondence of Ut, on itself and a correspondence of §, on to itself, If the co-ordinate system is adapted to the decomposition §, + M, the matrix A is completely reduced into ‘two square matrices arranged along the principal diagonal as in Fig. 2. The unshaded rectangles are empty—the elements situated in these portions are all zero. Tet the dimensional linear space R be decomposed into subspaces, + St, -+ + + +, Re having the dimensionality na; » is then equal to the sum m, +, + +++. Any vector g can then be written uniquely as the sum of components +2, + - - - which. lie in the sub-spaces Bt, My, °°". The association p> ge is a linear correspondence Za of 8 on to Bx. Given a correspond- ence A:g-> 4’ of Bon to itself, we consider that linear corre- spondence [A]zg which carries an arbitrary vector ¥ of ty over into the component 3’ in Bs of t. We call [Alu the portion of A in which Ue mlersects My, ‘This terminology arises from the matrix representation of A;_on adapting the co-ordinate system. to the decomposition , +t, +--+ the set of variables 2, or rather their indices i which number the rows and columns of the matrix, is broken up into segments of lengths ma (x= 1, 2, +++). The matrix A is thereby divided into the single rectangles [Alay in which the a set of rows intersects the fl set of columns, and which consist of ma np elements. If A is the matrix of @ correspondence of & on to itself in a given co-ordinate system, and 4’ its matrix in a co-ordinate system obtained from the first by means of the reversible transformation 5, then in accordance with (2.6) Al = SAS. (2.7) ‘The search for an invariantive characterization of correspondences may be formulated algebraically: to find expressions which are so formed from the components of an arbitrary matrix Uat they assume the same value for equivalent matrices, ie. for matrices 4, 4” between which a relation (2.7) exists, ‘The way in which this can be accomplished is indicated by the related Problem of finding a vector ¢-+0 which is transformed into 4 multiple Ax of itself under the influence of . The column x of the components of r must then satisfy the equation des dx, or (M— Aj =0. But linear homogeneans equations in» unknowns have a non-vanishing solution only if their determinant vanishes; the multiplier 2 is ther scarily a root of the “character! polynomial” {Q) = det QL — Ay 2.8) of A. This polynomial is an innariant in the above sense, for from (2.7) or SA’ = AS it follows that S(t — 4) = (M — 4s, whence by the theorem concerning the multiplication of deter- minants det S+ det (AL — A’) = det (aL ~ A) + det S. Since the determinant of the reversible transformation S cannot vanish, we can divide by it and obtain the required identity (IM = 4’| = [al Al. ‘The characteristic polynomial is of degree m in A JO) = at | +s ken whose coefficients, certain integral functions of the elements @u, are invariants of the correspondence A. The " norm” sq is merely the determinant of A. The first coefficient s,, the trace facta toot day = tr 29) is of more importance, as it depends linearly on the ay: tld, + Ay) = tray + try, If 4 is a linear conespondence of the medimensional vector pace M on the n-dimensional space G, aud B is conversely a neat vurrespoudence of S on i, then we can bulid the corre: spondences BA of $t on to itself and AB of S on to itself. These ‘two correspondences have the same trace tx(BA) — tr(-4B) (2.20) for, in accordance with the rule of composition (2.4) and the definition (2.9) we have tr(BA) = Sheet, te AB) 12 UNITARY GEOMETRY where i runs from 1 to m and & from 1 to 2. The special in which A and B are both correspondences of 8 on to i naturally deserves particular consideration, $8. The Duai Veuier Space ‘A function L(g) of the arbitrary vector ¢ of the form sty bata t+ is called a linear form. This concept is invariant in the sens affine geometry: it can be defined by means of the functic properties (et) = «-L(@), Lee | 9) = Le) + Lio). It is obvious that the expression (9.1) has these properti conversely, on introducing a coordinate system @ and seb ttn i La) = Fale) = Yams w= Led). On going over to another co-ordinate system such that components x, of an arbitrary vector 7 undergo the transfor: tion (1.4), the near form becomes Zam = Laie! the coefficients a:’ of which are related to the original a, by equations a! = Zag a : The coefficients 2 of a linear form are said io transform conts grediently 10 the variables x, Tt is, however, not necessary to consider the a, as consta and the x, as variables. When the a; do not all vanish the eq tion L(g) = 0 defines a “plane,” ic. an (%— 1)-dimensio sub-space ; a vector £ lies in the plane if its components sati this equation. But on the other hrand we can ask for the equat\ of all planes which pass through a given non-vanishing vector ; the #,= x? are then constants and the a, variables. It is the fore most appropriate to consider the two sets (24, ta °° +, % (Gy aq, * + *; 9) in parallel 'We therefore introduce in addition to the space 9 a seco n-dimensional vector space, the dual space P. From the co. ponents (4, £, ° >, éq) of a vector ¢ of P and a vect (a a, >" Hq) Of BE We can construct the inner or scalar prods frat bamat ot bate 6 THE DUAL VECTOR SPACE 13 ‘Thic product has, by definition, an invariantive significance, for when ® is referred to a new co-ordinate system by means of a transformation of the the variables & of the dual space P undergo the contragredient transformation. This dual space is in fact. introduced in order to enable us to assoriate a contra: gredient transformation with each one-to-one transformation. To repeat, two linear reversible Lransfurmations xa Ad, f= Ae 3) ate contragrediont with respect tn each other if they Ieawva (9.9) unaltered : batt bate te et bata n't bales of Bye! (BA) ‘A vector £ of 8 and a vector £ of P are said to be in involution when their product (8.2) vanishes. A ray in determines a plane in P, i.e. the plane consisting of the vectors which arc in involution with the given ray, and conversely. Duality is 4 reciprocal relationship. ‘The dual or transposed matrix A* of a matrix A = lay is obtained by interchanging the rows and columns of 4. A* = llall| is therefore defined by af, — a, and has m rows and n columns, We shall always employ the asterisk to in- dicate this process. And what is its geometrical interpretation ? Let & be an m-dimensional, G an n-dimensional, vector space ; A:%-+} a linear correspondence of R on G, specified in terms of given co-ordinate systems in @ and G by the matrix 4: dam Fact and let P, Z'be the dual spaces. The product Fé), i where 7 is an arbitracy vector of Z with components yp, has then an invariantive significance. A bilinear form which depends linearly on a vector 9 of 2 and a vector ¢ of iit is therefore in- variantively associated with a linear correspondence of on 6, and conversely. This gives rise, az the expression of the bit linear form given in parentheses shows, to a correspondence ates fm Zou of Zon P, ie. the dual A* of A. The reciprocal relation existing between the correspondence A and its dual A* may be expressed [Hs the dueory of relativity i is arual to call vootors ia 2 and P enna saritnd and covarbost woctore, apectvaly. crs UNITARY GEOMETRY as follows: if ¢ is an arbitrary vector in and » is an arbitrary vector in Z, then the product of the vectors 4g and 7 is equal to the product of ¢ and A*m, The dual correspondences obey the linear laws (A+ Ad® = At + At, (9A) = a AY If 4 is a correspondence of 8 on © and B a correspondence ot Goa, then since (Bayt = AB 85) BA mape ® linearly on &, and A*B* maps the dual space T We have agreed once and for all to consider the set ty, #4 ++ £4 of components of a vector t as a column ; the inner product ‘of the vector z in M with the vector £ in P can therefore be written in matrix notation as ¢*x or 2%, The transformations (8.3), from the first of which it follows that at = a'tA*, ate consequently contragredient to one another if AAs1 or As (At, 6) and we have arrived at an explicit expression for the contra: gredient transtormation, Let he an 2’-dimensional sub-space of R=, All vectors of P which are in involution with the totality of vectors of ® obviously eoustitute, in consequence of the simplest theorems on linear homogeneous equations, an (n— n’)-dimen- sional subspace P’ of P. And from this we are led immediately to the result that if a correspondence A of 8 on tiself leaves the subspace W invariant, then the dual correspondence A* of Pon ‘itself leaves the associated sub-space P” invariant, Let be decomposed into two or more sub-spaces BLM, Ls + of dimonsionalities wn, o,, sub-spate of P which consists of all vectors in involution with all vectors of Big + Diy + * - be denoted by P,, the dimension- ality of which i also m™, Defining P,, Ps analogously, we arrive at the decomposition P= P,-+P,-+~'-, for the sum of a vector of P, a vestor of Py, ete., can only'be, zero when each of the individual summands vanishes. In order to prove this latter statement, we note that if the sum is O then the first summand belongs to P, as well as to Py} Pst +, ie. it is in involution with all the vectors of Ry Ry -f «> > a8 well a5 with all those of fR, and is therefore in involution with all the vectors of But this is only possible if this first, and therefore any, summand is zero. Py can be considered as the space dual to By, for ify is an arbitrary vector in R and 2 a vector in P UNITARY GEOMETRY AND HERMITIAN FORMS 15 with components 7f@ in the various P,, thea the product of and » is equal to the product of g and “!, If @ correspondence of Ml om itself leaves the w’-dimensional subspace invariant, then the (n ~ »')-dimensional sub-space P’ 1s invariant under the dual correspondence A* ot P on itselt. If ® is decomposed into 1 + M,-+- + - and if A leaves each of the sub-spaces ® invariant, then A® leaves earh of the si spaces P, invariant.” If 4 is any correspondence in and [Aap that portion in which WR, intersects Ry, then the portion [.1*]px of A* in which Pp intersects Py is dual to (4]ap [Alpe = [A] *ap- (3.7) (Alay maps Wk, on tk, and (4° }q, maps the dual space P, on Pp. Tu these results are conceptually evident, but can ‘be seen even mote readily directly from the matrices on adapting the covordinate system to the decomposition B+ Bb + "= §4. Unitary Geometry and Hermitian Forms The metric is introduced into affine geometry by means of a new fundamental concept ; the absolute magnitude of a vector. In Euclidean geometry the sum of the squares Beattatte tae (43) the square of its absolute value. The only co-ordinate systems which are then equally permissible are te Cartesian systexs, in which the square of the absolute value of F is given by (4.1) in terms of the components x, ; the range of values which the components may here assume is taken as the continuum of all real numbers. But the content of the preceding paragraphs ja not bound to this choice; the only requirement is, in fact, that the range of permissible values constitute a “Acid” in which the four fuudaueuial operations (excluding division by zero) can be performed. We shall hereafter consider the con tinuum of all complex numbers as the range of values which our components may assume. The expression (4.1) loses its detinite character in this domain; the sum of the squares can vanish ‘without implying that each tem is zero, Tris therefore desirahle to replace the quadratic form (4.1) by the “unit Hermitian form" 2m Batt ate é where denotes the complex conjugate of a number x. The value 1 of (4.2) will be taken as the square of the absolute 16 UNITARY GEOMETRY smaagaitade of the vector §= (x, ¥4**, 4) and the corerpond. ing bilinear form ) = st teat + An fas the scalar product (go) of the two vectors ¢ and (Yn t' I A co-ordinate system is said to be norm when’ the square of the absolute magnitude of a vector £ is expressed in terms of its components x, in this co-ordinate aystem by (49). In a normal co-ordinate eystem e these components ate the scalar products te (¢a). (43) ‘The transformations which lead from one normal co-ordinate aystem to another such, which therefore leave the form (4.2) invariant, ae called uniiary transformations.+ The conditions which characterize unitary transformations entirely analogous to those for orthogonal transformations, with which we are familiar from the elements of analytic geo- metry. Let 2= Sd be such a transformation; under the influence of $ the fundamental metric form (4.2) goes over into e*5¢Sd. Sis therefore unitary if and only if S*S=1; the fact that det S +20 follows immediately from’ this. Indeed, since a matrix S and its transposed S* have the same deter: ‘inant, it follows that the determinant of a unitary transformation ‘has the absolute value 1: |det S|*= 1, These conditions may to S, and therefore not only S*S = 1 but also SS* = 1. first ‘of these equations states that the sum of the squares of the absolute values of the elements of = column is 1 and that Ue sum of the snixed products Ziyi of two different columns (+) ic 0; the second equation contains the same assert for the elemats ofthe vowse nu We carry over the terminology usual in Euclidean geometry. In particular, the vector is said to he perpendindar to fit the sealar product (gh) vanishes, In virtue of the symmetry law (a) = HY perpeniculrity isa reciprocal rdatiashp. ‘Thee exits no vector a, except ¢ = 0, to which all vectors are perpendicular; infact, 2 0 i the only vector which is perpendicular to its Nomual corordinate systenm can be characterized by the fact [Tapas "otogeat An mn aud a he payne Uarte ty dence these transiormstions, bt in mathematic ita ascemary to have Atgcreat names Yor thee two arent concept mia UNITARY GROMFTRY AND HERMITIAN FORMS 17 that for them the scalar products of the fundamental vectors e, among themselves are a3,- [Gee (eee) Ba (OER. On comparing the fundamental metric form (4.2) with (3.2) it is seen that the unitary space ® can be characterized by the fact that its conjugate complex R coincides with ite dual P, or more precisely, that the conjugate complex j of a vector z can at the same time be considered as its dual, We found that with ‘a correspondence A of an m-dimensional unitary space ft on ‘an dimensional © is associated in an invariant manner the correspondence 4* of the dual space J on the dual P, As a consequence of the equation P = Bt for unitary spaces aca js a correspondence of G on R; we call it the “Hermitian conjugate of A.” AA is a correspondence of ® on itself, AA of & on inset, A wucspyudence S which general vector over into f° = Sz is unitary if it leaves the absolute magnitude of z unaltered: y*==r Two configura: tions consisting of vectors, either of which can be obtained from the other by a unitary transformation, are congruent in unitary geometry; ic. unitary geometry is the theory of those relation- hips which are invariant under an arbitrary unitary transforma. tion, ‘The characteristic property of such transformations is expressed in terms of the matrix calculus by either of the two equations §s=1, SS-1. Let 9% be an m-dimensional linear sub-space spanned by the linearly independent vectors @, My ** *) Gm We consider a vector Fas belonging to the sub-space §” if and only if it is perpendicular to ®’, 1, to all the vectors of BY”; such a vector ‘must therefore satisfy the equations (8) =0, (022) = => (ms) = 0 From these it follows that 9” is (n —m)-dimensional, The relation between 3 and &R" is a reciprocal ouc: every vector of ®” is perpendicular to every vector of &R' and conversely. sn Hane B= WW + 8”, for if the sum ’ ++ 7" of a vector yin ® and a vector x” in 8” vanishes then y= —Z" 18.0 ector which belongs to both sub-spaces and is consequently 18 UNITARY GEOMETRY perpendicular to itself, and this can only occur if f= 0. A unitary correspondence which leaves §Y invariant will also leave §R”' invariant since the relation of perpendienlarity will not be destroyed hy such a tranafarmatinn In dealing with unilas correspondences or transformations it is therefore alwayis possible to find an innariant sub-space R associated with a ginen invariant subspace 8, such that R= 8 +H". The previous remarks about projection suggest that here in the unitary geometry we identify the space generated by projecting ® with respect to W with the sub-space ®”: we project on to the space WR per- pendicular to ®'. To this end we remark that among all vectors @ in R which are congruent mod. MY there is one (a) which lies in 8”; we then have (a+a) = ofa), (a +8) = (a) + (6). ‘With an orbitrary linear correspondence oye ay: w= Zon (4) of 8 on itself is, as we have seen, associated a bilinear form Seabee which depends linearly on a vector £ in P and a vector ¥ in Jn unitary space we can therefore associate the form Al, 9) = Zou ey depending linearly on ) = (y,) and = (&,), with the correspond ence (4.4). It is in fact the scalar product of z and 4. The special case in which 4a4 oe AGA Aes) oF see (AS) bears the name of the French mathematician Hermite. The correspondence (4.4) is consequently Hermitian if the scalar product of z with Ay is the conjugate complex of the scalar product of 9 with Ag. On identifying y with ¢ we obtain the “ Hermitian form” Ale) — Ale, 2) — Landy (4.8) ive. the scalar product of z and Az; in consequence of (4.5) its value is real, An Hermitian form or correspondence A is said to be non-degenerate if there exists no vector z, except = 0, whose transform Ag vanishes It is positive definite if the value of the form A(r) > 0 for all vectors r+ 0; a positive definite form is non-degenerate. The fundamental metric form (4.2) is one such positive UNITARY GEOMETRY AND HERMITIAN FORMS 10 definite Hermitian form, the “unit form,”” the cneffcients of which consist of the numbers Vis Ba 6 OE i On introducing an arbitrary co-ordinate system a, (¢= 1, 2,+++, 2) ito the n-dimensional space, the absolute magnitude of 'an arbitrary vector att te tay is given by B— Zeatixn gee (0104). ‘The expression for * is accordingly always a definite Hermitian form; conversely, any positive definite Hermitian form G(z) could be taken as the fundamental metric form, To show this we employ Ute assuciated Hermitian bilinear form Gig, 9) to carry through the following procedure, which is patterned after the step-by-step construction of a Cartesian co-ordinate system. Choose any non-vanishing vector e; since Gl) > 0 we may, on multiplying e, by an appropriate numerical factor, normalize it in accordance with the cquetion G{e)) = 1. When the process of constructing a system of unilary-urthogunal vectors e Glee, Cr) = Bee has been carried through m steps, 7= 1, 2, + step is accomplished by choosing a solution tn, of the omen homogeneous linear equations G(e,, z) = 0 for the m uunknowa components of the vector ¢-+ 0 and normalizing it in accordance with the equation Glégax) = 1. The procedure comes to an end after m steps; we then have m vectors ey Ga, °° +, Oy of Such a kind that GE Y= HM pt ty Tame tute tes tty It follows from the equations themselves that £ can only vanish ‘when. all of its components 4: vanish, and consequently the e are linearly independent and constitute ea-ordinate system in R The transition from affine to metric geometry can accordingly be accumplished by the introduction of the axiom : (6) The square of the absolute magnitude of a vector x 4s a real suber 1 which 0 postive dele Hermiton form inthe Components off These last considerations are useful in another connection, TE WY is a lincar sub-space of ft we can employ the construction m, the next where 20 UNITARY GEOMETRY used above to find m vectors ey, ¢, -* +; &m in B which apan and are mutually unitary orthogonal in the sense of the equations (Gite) = 3c By continuing the construction we can supplement these m fundamental vectors by n— m additional ones Casn °° te 30 that the two sets together form a co-ordinate systein for the entire space . We can therefore adapt our normal co-ordinate system to the separation of ft’ out of 8 or iy ite decomposition of = + Ht” into two perpendicuiar sub-spaces, Since the correspondence 4 of &t on to itself is invariantively connected with the Hermitian form A in , we may speak of the product BA of two Hermitian forms 4, B in tt, but this product is not in general Hermitian as BA = 4B = a5. The trace of an Hermitian form or correspondence A is real. ‘The positive definite expression tr (AA) = El dalt (4.7) te is of particular importance. When § is decomposed into mutually perpendieniar eheepacee SR. (1 1, 9, + +s) the Aug 0f the correspondence or form A in which MR, intersects Ry is uniquely determined ; it is a correspondence of Ry on My ‘and Apa the Barsection of A, is a correspondence of 8s on Rp ‘When the co-ordinate system is adapted to the decomposition of we have tr (Ap tr (Ape Ang) = Daal (4a) where in the sum i runs through the a”, & through the B* set of indices, Any non-vanishing vector a determines a ray a which consists of all vectors of the form 2a, A being an arbitrary complex number. ‘The generating vector a can be so normalized that its absolute value [a] this does not, however, determine @ to within a change of sign, as in the real damain, as the normalization ic unaltered on multiplying a by an arbitrary (complex) number # of modulus 1. We shall call the totality of vectors of ® the vector field ® and the totality of rays the ray Held Any non-degenerate linear correspondence A of the vector fiold & on itself is at the same time 2 correspondence of the ray ficld R on itself, but this latter correspondence ic unaltered by multiplication with any non-vanishing number, A unitary correspondence or transformation of the ray field on itself will TRANSFORMATION TO PRINCIPAL AXES 21 be briefly referred to as a rotation. By the symbol S’ ~ S we shall mean that the two transformations S, S' of the vector field on itself differ anly by 2 numerical factor af modulus 1: ‘the ray §5. Transformation to Principal Axes The fundamental theorem on Hermitian forms is that con- cerning the transformation to principal axes. We are here concerned with the analogue of the familiar problem of finding the principal axes of an ellipse or ellipsnid in the ordinary geometry of two or three dimensions. We wish to find a normal co-ordinate system e associated with a Hermitian form A(z) such that in addition to pa mest mete txt. Ae byt bt Ft, (61) ‘we also have AW) = adv antes + tetany (5.2) that is, 4 shell be brought into the normal form (5.2) by means of a unitary transformation. The real numbers ay, a)" ~ °; are called the characteristic numbers of the form 4, and €), Cy ** +; Gy the Corresponding characteristic vectors. ‘To this end we first consider the correspondence E> 2" = Ag and seck those vectors 7-0 which are transformed into multiples x’ = At of themselves by A. We then obtain the “secular equation." J) = det (Ai — A) 0 for the multipliers A. According wo the fundamental theorem of algebra this equation certainly has a root A= a; correspondiig tovit a non-vanishing vector { = e, can be found which satisfies the equation Ae, =e, and on multiplying this vector by an appropriate numerical factor we may take it such that its modulus is unity. e, can then be supplemented by n — I further vectors b+ 12,0, in ench a way that these n vectors constitute a normal Co-ordinate aystern. Tn these co-ordinates the formule el = Atc= Dare for the corrcepondence 4 require, in accordance with the definition of ey, that the coefficients ayy, asx) ** * ish and that a= aj Decause of the symmetry conditions 2, UNITARY GEOMETRY yy dy, ***; yy Ut also Vanish, Hence in the new co-ordinates ‘the matrix assumes the form Ha, 0 0 +++ 0 tae ag 7 * Bon HO aye ag + * dan (53) 0 ue ta * + + onl and the Hermitian form becomes Ala) = asbity + A) (63) where 4’ is an Hermitian form containing only the n—1 variables fy %y***s qe Repeating this process, or calling on the method ‘of mathematical induction, we establish the validity of the fundamental theorem stated above. ‘The characteristic polynomial of (6.2) is det OM A) = Q— aA a) + A a) From this it follows that the characteristic numbers a, dy ***, dy including their multiplicity, are uniquely dever- mined by the Hermitian form 4; their sum is the trace of 4, What can we say concetning the characteristic vectors? Let a be a given real number; the vectors z which satisfy the equa- tion AE= ar constitute’ a linear sub-space (a) of , the characteristic space belonging to a. When the normal co-ordinate system ¢; is so chosen that is in the normal form, the equation Ar = of is, in terms of its components, ay = oy from which it follows that (a) is spanned by those vectors ¢ for which a; = a, If, for example, the three roots a, @y, t= @ ‘while all the others are difterent from a, the characteristic space Wa) is Z-dimensional. It none of the characteristic numbers 18 equal to a, B(x) consists only of the vector J. This again characterizes the characteristic numbers, including their multi- plicity, in a way which is mdependent of the particular co- ordinate system chosen, and in addition it characterizes the corresponding sub-spaces ®(a). Wis thus decomposed into the characteristic spaces (2): = Z°(s) ; only a finite number of terme occurs in this sum, ie. those for which a is a character. istic number of 4. A complete co-ordinate system @y, @y, ++", €y for the entire space ® can be obtained by choosing anormal co-ordinate system in each non-null sub-space W(x). The normal form (6.2) is undisturbed on subjecting the variables TRANSFORMATION TO PRINCIPAL AXES 23 x, associated with the same characteristic number a —# to an arbitrary unitary transformation. i If for example, w is triple characteristic number while the remaini e remaining a +a, then xt) + stat date is the normal projection gy of the vector on Sta) and Ely) = is the scalar product of gs with itsell. ‘The equations (5.1), (0.2) may then be written in the invariant form #= LEG), Ale) — Za By). 4) et W being a eub-space of §R, any vector can be uniquely broken ap into z’ + tg where £’ lies in DY aud yp is perpendicular to BY. The “ orthogonal projection” gry = By is a linear correspondence which obviously has the property BE =F", (6.5) for the projection of x on Wis simply 1’ itself. Furthermore, the operator B” is Hermitian, for the scalar product of into r" is equal to the scalar product af ' into, where isthe projection of) on’. (The Hermitian form E'(a) is accordingly the square of the absolute value of z’)) We shall call Hermitian forms which satisfy equation (5.8) idempotent When the sub-spaces ®’, §” are orthogonal, the two corre sponding projection operators E', B” satisfy the equations EE =0, BE =0, (0.6) for E’ (E''p) is the component of Es lying in the space R’ per- pendicular to Ez. Idempotent operators which satisfy these equations are aid to be independent. The cecond equation is, moreover, a consequence of the first, a may be seon on going. over to the Hermitian conjugate: EE’ =0. If is decom posed into several mutually orthogonal sub-spacesit'+-9"-+ + * then peEt+B'rte+ (5.7) It is easily shown that the converses of all these assertions ‘are also valid, If’ is an idempotent operator and E” = 1— E’, all vectors of the form £’r constitute a linear sub-space WR and all vectors of the form Et a sub-space ft”. The equation Bk" = BE" mE E)=0 m4 UNITARY GEOMETRY shows that the scalar product of a vector Eg in W and a vector By in W" is zero: ZE'L"y—0, The decomposition of a Vector f into a component lying in ® and one perpendicular ‘to Wis accordingly expressed by en ket Be If the twa idempotent forme F’, B” satify the equation then, as we have just seen, the two corresponding characterietic spaces ®, 8” are mutually perpendicular. If the sum (8.7) consists of independent idempotent forms, then by the above the corresponding mutually perpendicular sub-epaces , fi” exhaust the entire epace 8. The theorem on transformation to principal axes can accord is non-vanishing for only a finite number of values 2. A correspondence A can be reiterated : Ad= A A= AY and we ean arenrdi NA) = coh + Gd gAP toe sb cy in 4 with numetical cociicients c. On reiterating (9,8) k— 1 obtain palynom: fines A= Tee, whence forthe general polynomial f 1A) = Bfe)En (6.9) The characteristic numbers of f(A) are therefore the values of the polyuomial f(a) for the characteristic numbers of A. ‘This suggests defining the Hermitian form f(A), where fla) is any ‘Gap function of the real variable 4, by means of the equation Given neo Hermitian forms A, B, under what conditions can they be brought simultaneously into diagonal form, ie. when is it possible to hind a normal co-ordinate system in which Ale) = anda + anlgta to + ogtgty Big) = bitin + Brea tt presse (610) ‘TRANSFORMATION TO PRINCIPAL AXES 25 A necessary condition is that they commute: BA ~- AB, for if A and B are in Uhe normal form (6.10) BA as well as AB is the diagonal matrix with elements Bay = af, This condition 4s also Suficient ; to prove this, choose a normal co-ordinate system in which A is already in normal form. The equation BA = AB requires that the matrix B= |[ball satisty bases aba or (a — eal 0. (5.11) We divide the indices i, the fundamental vectors e, and the variables +; into clasces hy considering # and i to be of the same class if a — 2%. Equation (8.11) states that Ba — 0 when i and & belong to different clacece. B ie consequently decom- posed into smaller matrices B’, 3” aligned along the principal Uiagoual, corresponding to the way in which the ay ate distci= buted in classes a’, «”,*++3 the correspondence B consequently leaves each of the characteristic spaces F(a’), B(x"), -- = of A invariant. But we can then chioose a normal’ co-ordinate system in each of these characteristic sub-spaces R(x) in such ‘a way that the Hermitian correspondences 5’, B” in them are referred ta principal axes ; the normal form of 4 is undisturbed bby thie procedure This process can immediately be applicd to any number of Hermitian forms: Any number of Hermitian forms can be brought ‘simultaneously into normal form if and only if they commute with one another. By a slight modification we can further extend this theorem to an arbitrary finite or infinite system Z of Hermitian forms. Yhis will be briefly discussed here, although in general the consideration of systems of forms or correspond- ence is postponed until Chap. TIL Let the space R be decor posed into mutually perpendicular sub-spaces ®’, ++ + in such a way that each correspondence of the system’ 3° takes place in these sub-spaces ; on adapting the co-ordinate system to this decomposition cach Hermitian matrix A of 2 consists of sub-matrices 4’, 4”, ~~~ aligned along the principal If all the A’ are already multiples of the unit matrix 1 in 8 and similarly for all A”, «+ , our goal is reached, for each corre- spondence ot the system’ then transtorms it’ into itselt and is a simple multiplication in it; similarly for ®", ++. But if this is not the case let A be a correspondence of the system which is not merely a multiplication in the sub-space f¥. On transforming the constituent 4’ of A to principal axes, ® is decomposed into characteristic spaces Wy’ + Sy! [+++ of 4’, of which there are at least two. For any Hermitian matric X of B we have 4'X' — X’d’, from which it follows, as we saw above, that X”-transforms each of the sub-spaces Bt’, Bh’, = *~ 28 UNITARY GEOMETRY into itself. The decomposition ® + 8" +++ + can thus be further reduced to the decomposition (’-{-2' [> - *) 4 B+ way we fitally reach our gual Bp, Proceeding in ik after at most m steps, proving : ‘The Hermitian forms of any system 2 can be simultaneously referred to principal axes if they all commute with one another. The theory developed above for Hermitian correspondence is valid os # stands for unitary transformations. S being any unitary aperator, a normal co-ordinate system e can be introduced in such @ way that S carries each of the fundamental vectors €, over into 4 multiple o( of itself. ‘The characteristic numbers o, of S are numbers of modulus 1. In these co-ordinates the matrix of S is a diagonal matrix, the elements in the principal diagonal of which arc the numbers oy. ‘The proof is quite analogous. We again start with the secular equation det (01 — 5) =0 ‘and cousider the root oy. There then exists a vector e, of modulus 1 which is transformed into ot, by the correspondence S. Sup- plement ¢, with n — 1 further vectors ¢, -« ¢q so that these 1 ‘vectors form a narmal co-ordinate system. In these co-ordinates the matrix fel Se. Toute t is again of the form sa 0. Since S is unitary the sum of the squares of the moduli of these elements of the first column must be unity, whence |oy| = 1 Similarly the sum of the squares of the moduli of the elements S20. The matrix S is now broken up into a I-dimensional o and an (n—1)-dimensional S* as in (6.8) ; the truth of the above theorem then follows immediately by induction. The further results can be obtained in exactly the same way as above for Hermitian forms. The characteristic numbers 0, including their multiplicity but not their order, are uniquely determined by S, and similarly for the corresponding sub-spaces. If we wish to find a linearly independent system of character. istic vectors, the fundamental vectors of cach such sub-space INPINITESIMAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATIONS 27 may be taken as forming a normal co-ordinate system. Finally, fa finite or infinite set of unitary transformations can be simul- taneously reduced to normal form if and only if they commute among themecl § 6. Infinitesimal Unitary Transformations ‘A rigid body in continuous motion about a fixed point 0 performs an infinitesimal rotation in cach interval dr of time. Denoting by (dx, dia, dx.) the infinitesimal displacement of that point of the rigid body which is at the point P(x, x», #4) at the time +, the equations of motion of the body must be of the form ~#1- Ban (ea) in which the coefficients cy are constants, ie. independent of the particular point P under consideration. Kmploying a Cartesian co-ordinate system with O as origin, xy!-F af + ma? must remain unchanged throughout the motion ; this requires that Lenten = 0. Since this equation must be satisfied identically in the x, the matrix C= [lrall which characterizes the motion must be anti- symmetric: ‘4, = — cu Introducing the vector with origin at Oand terminus at the point P, and the vector ¢= (ss, Cos, Cs), equations (6.1) become ee ae {xel, the familiar fundamental formule for the kinematics of a body. The equare brackets denate the vectar product and ¢ the veetorial angular velocity, the absolute valua and divectian of which give the angular velocity and direction of the axis of rotation respectively. ‘The continuous compounding of interest offers another example of an infinitesimal linear Lrausformatioa, The interest rate being c, a real number, tle increase in the capital x in time dr is xcde.' Radioactive disintegration is the same kind of a process with negative c. The capital x, considered as @ function ot the time, satishes the equation are (6.2) 28 UNITARY GEOMETRY. and consequently increases exponentially with r. IE the prin- cipal has the value x at time + = 0, it will have increased to 6p) = aye at time r. To obtain an alternative solution we divide, as in the method of finite differences, the time interval z into a large number m of equal elements 7/n; x will increase by xer/n in each of these intervals and the ‘capital x will accordingly be multiplied by (1+ cx/n)® at the end of time x, The familiar definition on tim (1 + 2) (6.3) of the exponential function follows from a comparison of these two results. But we can also solve the differential equation (6.2) by the method of successive approximations. We take as the 0 approximation the initial value 2%: (7) = 2. ‘The (n+ I}st approximation is obtained from the ni™ by substituting the latter in place of x on the right-hand side of (6.2) and integrating: Fun(t) = y+ efratnat ° On carrying out this process we find on oon afte qe 4G from which we obtain the familiar power series expansion (ex) emt tt Ste (6.4) for the exponential function. The convergence of (6.9) and (6.4) and the identity of their limits is rigorously proved by elementary analysis. ‘These examples will assist in understanding the cancant of an infinitesimal unitary transformation of the n-dimensional space R=, which we now proceed ta introduce, In order to avoid the use of infinitesimals we introduce a (purely fictitious) time + and think of the infinitesimal linear correspondence which carries the vector f over into ¢ 4 dz as taking place in the time interval dr: a dey $= 6, Ha Zean INFINITESIMAL UNITARY TRANSFORMATIONS 29 (Por the sake of ievity we sefer to this simply as “the in- finitesimial (ransfurumation C.") Siuce the transformation is unitary, on employing a normal co-ordinate system 22), must remain unchanged : (6.5) On setting Ex Tea Eas the lett-hand side ot (6.0) reduces to the Hermitian form Elea + Audion oe and since it must vanish identically ia the x, we must have fat y—0, of the tranaformation C ie ant tthe sonse of the equation (6.6) In the teal domain Uhere exists uy intimate lationship between syunnetric and anti-syuunetric watrices, but the situation is different in the complex domain. For on setting C = iff (i being the imaginary unit V — 1) it follows from (6,6) that H satisfies, the equation H — H, and Cis consequently i times an Hermitian matrix, In an infinitesimal unitary rotation of a vactor field the fae selocity & is related tox by means ofa correspondence whose matrix is & times an Hermitian matris, The theorem on transformation of Hermitian forms to principal axes is accordingly the limiting case of an analogous theorem on unitary transformations. By repeated application of the infinitesimal unitary trans- formation dy = ate Cy (6.7) we obtain after time + E> Hr) = (rig = ee (6.8) where the exponential function e4 for a matrix A can be defined by either Hn iin (t +7) ‘or the power series ai 1+ Trt mil ‘Naturally Ule +2!) = Ute) Ul). 30 UNITARY GEOMETRY Accordingly U(r) runs through all the transformations of a L-parameter continuous group of unitary transformations genes, additive on composition, The power setics is obtained by the method of successive approximations ; this method can alse ’be applied to obtain a solution in the more general case in which tthe infinitesimal unitary transformation Cis not the samo for each time element dr, ie. in which C is'a ma on the time. The eolution of the equation trix C(x} depending dy Ea coe for this case is given by a) = Uerandele) 5 the unitary transformation U(rer,) which takes place in time interval 1s, 74 obeys the bed oe ie aiiiiilil Uren) = Ulrard Ute). 1g — ay at de + = 0, the formule for the suocetive approx: mations & () are bwin (= 1 tale) = 26+ foronigae; foe Ue} = U0 we stan th ite series $0) wae Ue) 45 Dual) = I CU) de. (6.3) ‘Written explicitly, vee = ff +++ fEla)cte) oxdsus “gen The proof of the convergence of this process is readily _ The proof of . rocess is readily ob- tained with the aid of the quantity | 4 | associated with a matrix 4 = |Jau|| by the equation [A P= (44) = Flow Tt follows from the well-known Schwarg inequality Jagby + agby + +++ 4 a, bg! (lal +---+ layt Cleat, diy» + + dy, (1a +++ [baB) (6.10) |A+ 81S 141+ 131 that and that [4Bl s [4] [Bh REMARKS ON oo-DIMENSIONAL SPACE 31 The second inequality is obtained by applying (6.10) to the element ir box wl C= AB: iceul* SS Di] airl* + 2°) Bra and summing with respect toi and &. The first inequality may be stated in the form IAQ ae] s ft A [ae for integrals. Ihe convergence ot 2U; (r} can now be established with the aid of these auaillary results, for we can prove that under the assumplion IClh| se va) b ‘This infinite system has the property of completeness; it is a complete co-ordinate system tor the entire function space. ‘The thearem that any periodic function y(s) can be expressed aca linear combination of the functions (7): =e] (7.2) (Fourier expansion of y(s}) is true only if certain conditions concerning the differentiability of ¥(s) are tulniled, but any continuous function. satisfies Parseval’s equation J Fsi(sjas Fake (7.8) a En UNITARY GEOMETRY ‘We learn from this example that there is no essential distinction, between spaces of a derumerable and of a non-denumerable infnitedee of dimensions; we have introduced into our function spans 2 complete normal en-ordinate system (7.2) consisting of = denumerably infinite set of fundamental vectors. In an i Gimencional’ unitary space a cystem of unitary-orthogona westor is complete if their number is m, but not if it is lees ‘however, such an cnumeration gives no criterion for o2-dimen” sional pace, If-we Ieave out a finite aumber of the functions (7.2) we still have an infinite oct left, but the completences of the system iy destroyed thereby. The zeal criterion for complete= ress lies in the validity of tie completeness relation (1.3). ‘We can understand the relations existing in Filbert space by analogy with or as limiting cases of those existing in spaces, of a finite number of dimensions, If we consider the values of an arbitrary periodic function ys) only at the points 0 1 ey ye C2) =6 ‘we are dealing witn an mdimensionai vector space in which the. components of the arbitrary vector # are these quantities and set & (=G1, 1). Let t be the vector in this space. ‘with components il see syns these vectors ¢, (A= 0, 1,+ + ordinate system for the spac hae the eampanent +, 1 —1) constitute a normal co- from, whence REMARKS ON w-DIMENSIONAL SPACE 3 By passing to the limit m+ oo we obtain the equation of Parscval. We do not concorn ourselves here with the further cousiderations which way be necessary to establish a rigorous proof, but content ourselves with such reasoning by analogy. We consider the linear correspondence or “ operator" 1a Snch eastorms a fonction ye a te domo Lap periodic functions into +2 D (ns) is the characteristic vector (characteristic function) of this operator belonging to the characteristic number n= 1 de(ns) ids ‘This operator is Hermitian; the scalar product of g and Dy is the conjugate complex of that of # and Dg, where $ and are any two periodic functions, for by partial integration = ne elt). In fact, the Hermi assumes the normal form Sonia (a) in the normal co-ordinate system whose fundamental vectors are the characteristic vectors of the operator D. The reiterated operator DD = — 4 appears in the theory of the vibrating string, together with the corresponding Hermitian form (p24, — (ee, — fegies— [Fae which represents the kinetic energy of the string. 36 UNITARY GEOMETRY We have here beea dealing with a discrete spectrum of char acteristic numbers, But in en o2-dimensional space Hermitian forms with a continuous spectrum can alco be constructed. Consider, for example, the function space consisting of all con- feere ter cat tese agalccanct cae scat aa (9) = Joon. ‘The Hermitian form ” ay) = Jobe (7) is already in normal form, which shows that it has as character- istic numbers all numbers between — and + m, The functions (7.2) again constitute a complete normal co-ordinate system in terms of which us) ~ ve zye(ns). Substituting this in (7.5) we find The evaluation of Feelin — mss yields 0 when n = m and by partial integration [e-em] anf Cates when » +m, The Hermitian form 1a ee ‘has therefore as characteristic numbers all values between and +2 The characteristic vector , belonging to the characteristic value « (— 9S & S + =) of Alf is that function which vanishes at all points s+ and is there so large that the intogral of REMARKS ON -DIMENSIONAL SPACE 97 of has the value 1. Of course such a function does not really exist, but we can approximate it as closely as we wish. In order to arrive at a formulation which is mathematically rigorous for the case of continuous spectra, we must introduce ia. place of the idempotent Hermitian form £, in (5.4) the idempotent form AE= § E, for the entire interval A= Ag (a SA tthe functions ¢(+s), but the frequency » cau now assume all real values. The components of $(s) are the quantities 0) Tagfooel— ws. Fourie's integral theorems then allows us to conclude the validity of the expansion te He) Tafeonselee REMARKS ON o-DIMENSIONAL SPACE 39 under certain assumptions concerning the differentiability of the function ¥(s}; but in any case the completeness relation * Groves = Sheva is valid, We arrive at a somewhat different problem when we only require that the functions #3) be such that $(s}(s) possess a definice mean value lim sof lowends = 4, 95 this leads to the theory of almost-periadic functions developed by H. Rokr? Here again the validity of the completeness relation can be established. The theory of the characteristic numbers of Hermitian forms in infinitely many variables has been developed by Hilbert and Heltinger,* but it is applicable only to bounded forms Al) = Yantra jue, forms whose values have a fixed upper bound when P= Fie 1. (78) Indeed, without this assumption we cannot guarantee the convergence of Alp) in the entire domain (7.8) ; as an example consider the form (7.4), Sn... That this form only converges in a portion of the domain (7.8) is merely another expression of the fact that not every continuous function is differentiable, ‘The situation is more favourable for unitary forms as they satisfy the condition that they be " bounded ” in consequence of their very definition ; a unitary transformation is thereby to be taken as eatiefying’hath of the eanditions vi= The theorem on principal axes has been proved rigorously for bounded Hermitian and for unitary correspondences in o~ dimensional space. A method due to A. Winter * seems particularly appropriate for dealing with unitary correspond ences ; it is based on the consideration of the discrete group of 0 UNITARY GEOMETRY all powers U/* of the given unitary transformation U, and deter- mines the monotonic increasing function E(A;2) of the real variable A (0 A Ss 2n) by means of the equations oy = fe EQ; 2) (79) (the problem of trigonometric moments). 9. v. Neumann ® has gone furthest in dealing with linear operators for which bounded- ness is not postulated, " In accordance with § 6 with a Hermitian form A is associated a group of unitary correspondences e4=U() depending on the real parameter 7 and satisfying the equation i Ue +2) = UG); (7.10) the study of this group is equivalent to the study of A. It is therefore perhaps appropriate to replace this latter for oo- dimensional space by the former, for no convergence difficulties appear in the domain of unitary transformations, We must therefore attempt to bring the operators U(r), which are con- tinuous functions of the real parameter 1 satisfying (7.10) simultaneously into the form ts Ue; = fod FO; 2) a) This is accomplished with the aid of Wintner’s method on re- placing the discrete parameter m in (7.9) by the continuous parameter ¥. The problem (7.11) beais the same relation to (7.8) as Fourier’s integral bears to Fourier series, Jn setting up a system of axioms for co-dimensional vector space tie waiuuis (a), (f) of G7 aud the micirie aniva (B) of § 4 can be retained; for the proper substitute for the dimension axiou (7) se, cig, u Newman, “ Mathematische Begrindung. ict Quantvenutevioa ‘The algebraic and geometric tools developed in this chapter offer a natural medium for the expression of quantum mechanics ; Guutiuating position in tke classical paysics of continuous media, A masterly exposition of their mathe- matical 6 ation is found in the first_part of Couruni-Hioeri's “"Wiethoden der matiematischen Paysik, 2nd ed. (Berlin, 1990). CHAPTER IL QUANTUM THEORY § 4. Physical Foundations? ‘HE magic formula E=h (uy from wi whole of quanitum ticory is developed, establishes a universal relationsitip between the frequency v of an oscillatory process and the energy & associated with such a process. The quantum of action i 1s one of the universal constants of nature hh = 6D47 X 10 erg secs. It was first discovered by Planck at the tun of the century in the laws of black body radiation ; that is, radiation which is enclosed in a cavity and is in thermodynamic equilibrium with matter of a definite temperature, which by emission and ab- sorption causes an exchange of energy hetween the various frequencies contained in the radiation. Since thie equilibr! is independent of the particular nature of the matter involved, Planck considered, a3 @ kind uf schewatic matter, @ system of Linear oscillators of all possible frequencies. A charge oscillating with frequency vinteracts with the electromagnetic held by emitt- ing and absorbing radiation of the same frequency. Planck as- sumed that the exchange of energy toak place in integral multiples of an energy quantum e; he at fest considered this asrumption merely as a mathematical device, and intended to pase to the limit e-=0, In order to obtain agreement wich che Wien nent law, which was detived from general thermo- dynamical principles, the energy quantum associated with a definite frequency y must be taken proportional to v:_¢ = hy. In this way Planck obtained his radiation formula, which is in excellent accord with observation ; according to it the amount of energy contained per unit volume in the spectral interval soy 10 ai Ceimperatuse ois Smhv'dy oer — 3) a u(yjdy = (1.2) 2 QUANTUM THEORY where c is the velocity of light and & the Boltzmann constant (ghd being the mean energy of an atom of a monatomic gas at temperature 6). On passing to the limit h = 0 we obtain the Rayleigh-Feans radiation law Bm uly) = y+ BB. ‘The ascumption of the validity of this latter law for the entire spectrom is in groce disagreement with the facts, as it would lead to an infinite value for the total energy fu(ejdy; state of equilibrium would therefore be impossible with given finite energy. “The idea of a quantized exchange of energy, which occurs in Planck's derivation somewhat schematically and only in application to statistical thermodynamical consequences, was first seriously applied to individual atomic processes by Einstein. Tn 1905, guided by the observations of H. Herts, Hallwachs and Lenard on the photowleciric effect, he enunciated the idea of a light quantum or phaton as ‘an heuristic viewpoint con : and transformation of light "? according. ich not only the sxchange af energy between matter and radiation of frequency » occurs in quanta of amount hv, but further, light of frequency » can exist in the ether only in quanta af energy he. The devtive experiments were first performed by Milliken ten years later, By allowing ultra-violet or X- radiation of frequency » to fall on a metal plate electrons are released whose Kinetic energy (as was already Iowa to Lenard) increases with the hardness (je. with decrease of wave length) of the incident radiation ; the caergy with which the electrons ‘are emitted is, however, not infuenced by the intensity of the radiation, The exact selation predicted by Einstein is ‘in? pa ae where —¢, m and v are the charge, mass and velocity of the electron, respectively. The energy hy of the photon is trans- formed into icnetic energy ot the electron, atter subtracting from it the work P required to pull the electron out of the metal surface. » If the potential difference between the metal surface and a plate placed in front of it is V’ the electron current will Aisappear as soon ao V” exceeds the critical value Vy — ‘Millikan found that the potential at which the current vanished, obtained by extrapolation, was in fact exactly proportional to PHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS 4“ the frequency v for monochromatic light of vatious frequencies, and that the constant of proportionality was equal to the quotient of the h obtained by Planck from black body radiation and the elementary quantum of electric chaige ¢. The differ cence uf Ue mean eviergy P for two different metals is furthermore equal to ¢ times their contact difference of potential, The value ot #, or at least its order of magnitude, is theretore known, and we find that for X-rays of a few Angstroms wave-length (1A = 10-* em) P is negligible in comparison with fv, The equation y= a ey us} governs not only the generation of secondary cathode rays hy Primary X-rays, but algo the inverse process the transformation Bt the lass wall or on the anode vf the incident cathode rays election whieh has un through the potential drop — Vin the X-ray tube loses its entire energy on colsion, a photon of fre quency v and energy fw = e7” will spring into existence. The lectron’ may, however, only be slowed down consequently vis only the upper limit for the frequency of the impulse radia- tion, which will therefore consist of a continuous spectrum with asta tint atv neo dsl theory ot raciatn was eutirely unable to account for this most chatacteristic property of tite iimpuise radiation, Tie frequency of te tiait increases in proportion with the applied potential—and this is the exact formulation of the fact that" the higher the potential, the harder the rays" so familiar to every X-ray operator. The observed phenomena thus confirm the hypothesis that radiation of frequeney v can be absorbed and emitted only in quanta of energy hy. ‘This hypothesis will of course have further consequences for the theory of the structure of matter. Thé Planck oscillator will, for example, be unable to alter its energy eontinuuusly since il cau only eiil or absorb these fixed quanta of energy, aud it will eousequeniiy spring to and fu on the rungs of its energy ladder, which are equally spaced at intervals hy ; v 48 here the frequency of the oscillator, a constant determined by tthe constitution of the oscillator. An application of the essential elements of this idea to actual atoms gave rise to the frequency rule enunciated by Niels Bohr (1913) : iu ‘An atom can evict only in certain discrete stationary states (quantum states”) in which it does not radiate, Light will be emitted on transition from one state into another ; the energy which “4 QUANTUM THEORY it loses in this transition, the difference E, — Es of its energy in the two states, will he transformed into a photon of energy hy, the frequency v of which is determined hy the equation hv Ey — By a4) In this equation Ey, Ey may be any two of the discrete energy levels (E,>E,). Conversely, in absorption a photon raises the aiom from the energy level Ey 10 a higher Eq by giving up its energy hy fo the atom, According to classical electrodynamics an atom should continually emit radiation in consequence of the vibrations of its constituent electrons, and the frequencies of the emitted light should agree with the frequencies of the simple oscillations into which the motion of its electronic eystem can be resolved. But the atom will itself lose energy through thie radiation, the motion of its clectrons will thereby be modified and the fre- quencies will consequently be displaced. This entire point of ‘View is therefore irreconcilable with one of the most fundamental physical facts: the existence of sharp spectral lines. On the other hand, Bohr's assumption is not only in agreement with this fact, although it offers no such detailed picture of the reaction between matter and ether as the classical theory, but contains in addition the fundamental Rite-Rydberg combination principle. If we order the energy levels in an increasing serics E,<2, <2, <->, then in accordance with (1.4) cach frequency » is the difference of two “ terms " v= Ey/h, ann egg Consequently there will occur in addition to the frequencies v(i —» k), vile» the frequency Hie) = vf &) + fe D) (10) obtained from them by addition. This combination. principle is Valid without exception in the whole of spectroscopy, in the optical region as well as in that of X-rays, and has proved to afi 2 classification of spevisa; it seduces the complex fine spectra to the simpler term spectra, Un- fortunately the probleu is made more difficult by the fact that not all lines corresponding to possible transitions i> # need actually occur—not every term y need “combine” with a given term y—for the conditions of excitation may be such that certain lines have zero intensity. ‘The selection rules for tthe allowable transitions will therefore be contained in the rules which determine the intensities of spectral lines. The combination principle, or the Bohr frequency rule, determines, PHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS cd 0 t0 speak, only the keyboard of the spectrum—which tones are really struck is dependent on the mode of excitation. But it will in general be possible under proper conditions of ex: citation, eg. the influence of strong external electric fields, to bring out the lines which are not observed under ordinary conditions, Tn he wnexcited ” or normal state the atom isin the stationary stave of lowest energy by and consequently only the lines of the “ series " n> 0, of frequency ¥_, — M% (1 1. 2, +++), occur in absorption. The lowest of these 1> 0 with greatest wave- length}, or more precisely the lowest which is not forbidden by theseldetion rule, is called the © resonance ine!” ‘The smpleat atom ia Una of hydrogen dn tw single election of charge ~~ ¢ revolves about a nucles of opposite charge + The terms of the spectrum of atomic hydrogen are found by observation to be given by the equation a: as where R = 109700 cm.—* is the Rydberg constant (spectroscopists are arcustomed to give the ave number sf, the reciprocal wave: Tength, intead of the frequency »). The energy levels corre — BE To this 7 spanding to these frequency terms are E, discrete term spectrum we must add the continuous spectrum E20; the additive constant in the energy is so chosen that E50 separates the hyperbolic electron orbits from the elliptic. The Balncr series consists of the lines n> 2 with wave numbers G3 This is the olde Balmer obtained it in 1885 by abstraction from the fret four lines of the series, called He, Ho; Hy Hs, which lie in the visible region. The lines of this series converge with increasing m to a limit with wave acon), “RE GOA), PR is the work vequised my Panne number F (waverieugiis to ionize an H-atom in the stationary state m — 2, ie. the work required (o remove the electron from such an atom without leaving it with kinetic energy. The continuous spectrum, arising from transitions which ionize the atom, will join on to this series limit on the short wave side. We’ are further ac- quainted with the Lyman series n> 1 which lies in the ultra- Violet and alzo occurs ia absorption, the Paschen series n> 3 48 QUANTUM THEORY lying in the infra-red, and finally with some members of the Brackett (n> 4) and Pfund (n-> 5) series in the far infra-red. In order to ionize hydrogen in the normal state an amount eRe of work must be done; the corresponding " ionization potential,” ive. the potential difference an electron must traverse before it gable to ionize atomic hydrogen by meane of ite kinetic energy, is eRh S = 1508 volts. Bohr's frequency rule goes beyond the combination principle asserting that the terme are actually energy levela, an assertion, irrelevant to and not verifiable by spectroscopy. That this is, however, in fact Uke case is confumed by the experiments of Franck and Heris on collision phenomena? Tn these experiments electrons are given an amount e/” of kinetic energy by allowing them to pass through an electric field of known potential ditfer= ace — Vand are then allowed to pas through a gas consisting of the atoms which are to be investigated with the velocity thus obtained, without further influence from external fields. The electron can give up no energy to the atom until aV/ is greater than the excitation energy Fy — F, of the resonance line; if then the electron can either suffer an “elastic collision," in which case it loses no energy, or it ean suffer an “ inelast collision,” in which case it Tose an amount E,—, to the atom. The electrons which have passed through the ges arc of two Ikinds, those with kinetic onergy eV” and those with eV —(E,—E,). When the atoms which have been raised from the state 0 to the state 1 by collision with electrons fall bback into the normal state they emit the resonance line and, under the above conditions, only this line. This is fully con- firmed by the experiment. “Ihe kinetic energy of the emerging electrons is measured by introducing a retarding potential V7’ ; the electrons only come through it if their energy is greater than eV’. In general the electrons possess a discrete “energy spectrum ” after collision with an atom of the gas; the possible energy values are V9! — eV — (E,— By) (#0, 1, 2, + « «in co far az Vr’ is still positive; we here dis- regard the poosibility that a single clectron may sulfer moze than one inelastic collision). On allowing the retarding potential 7” to decicase gradually from @ value which is greater than / the PHYSICAL FOUNDATIONS a7 electron current decreases suddenly whenever 1" passes thrangh one of the values V5, Vj, ++ « Bohr's frequency rule reduces the determination of spectra to the problem of obtaining the stationary stales and the correspond ing energy levels of an atom, ie. of a mechanical system of known dynamical constitution. The example of the linear otcillator given above and the fundamental notions of the theory of vscilla a general ge! © (Pj the frequencies desived from the eacrgy levels by means Of Bolu’s frequency rule shall worrespond to the frequeacies of the simple vibrativus into which the actual ution of Uke atosiic constituents cau be resolved in accordance with the laws of dynamics. Such a resolution into simple uscillations is con- vincingly attainable in classical mechanics only if the system is “ multiply” or “ conditionally periodic,” and for this case it was actually found possible to sharpen the general principle (P) into a definite rule for quantization, In the years 1915-25 the application of this quantum rule yielded a’ great harvest of results, and it seemed that we were in possession of the key that would unlock the mysteries of atomic processes, Mut the wards did not quite fit; toward the end of this epoch its failure became more and more apparent and the physical theory was gradually reduced to a symbolic calculus of quantum numbers which had to be corrected each time a new fact was discovered. We do not wonder now that it ran such a course, but rather are surprised that it was as suenessful as it was ! [ From the beginning the quantum rules were a compromise. If a merhanical aystem of one degree of freedom undergoes @ periodic motion the frequencies v of the simple vibrations into Which its motion can he resolved are integral multiples of @ fundamental frequency «. This frequency depends on the concideratinn, and this latter is re: stricted by the quantum rules to the discrete set E,. The internal frequonelte of the motion are therefore given ‘hy the fonda + a(n) an which depends on the two integers and k. By the analogy with quantum mechanical frequencies this internal frequency (1.7) is to he ascribed to the jump n> (n — hk). The tact that + depends linearly and homogeneously on the jump & is expressed by the * classical combination principle ” Suna =) (8) 48 QUANTUM THRORY in ennsequence of which frequencies with the same initial state will combine. But this is not in accord with the correct combination principle vn n— b+ rn—k+n—k—) “The changes &, lin the quantum number are here the same as (1.8), but the final state n — k of the first frequency coincides swith the initial state of the second ; only for quantum numbers m which are large compared with # and | does the classical principle agree asymptotically with the Rite-Rydberg com- nation principle. Consequently if the general principle (P) is to be satiefied without compromise our mechanics must be altered in such a way that the false combination principle (1.8) is replaced by the correct one (1.0). In 1028 Heisenberg di covered a way in which such an alteration can be naturally accomplished; in order to do this, however, it was necessary to give up the picture of an atom with its electronic orbits. The quantities with which the Heisenberg theory deals are only the frequencies and intensities of radiation associated with transitions between the various states of the atom. He aheerved that the carrect combination principle (2.0) io in one important respect simpler than the false one (1.8)- As the formulation fn" >!) + o{n' > n) = (n> 0) (1.10) (n> n—k—1) (1.9) shows, the quantum numbers serve only as distinguishing marks: of indices which do not involve a law of composition, whereas: the classical formula requires the addition of quantum numbers, which are therefore numbers on a definite scale, ‘Another approach to quantum mechanics was discovered bby L, de Broglte ond E. Kingev' Thie appraach seems to me less cogent, but it leade more quickly to the fundamental principles of quantum mechanics end to the moet important Consequences fur experimental science, We shall therefore follow it, since we are more concerned in giving @ short bot comprehensive account than in giving a complete discussion of the physical foundations. The physical, essentially statistical, interpretation of the theory, with which Schrédinger has not heen entirely in accord, is due mainly to M. Born, $2. Th ‘Waves of a Particle We consider the undulatory character of light as guarantee by the phenomena of diffraction and interference, Their most decisive feature is that with them we are dealing with the linear THE DE BROGLIE WAVES 49 superposition of wanes with arbitrary differences of phase. From the mathematical standpoint, they are characterized by the fact that they involve addition ‘and multiplication with complex numbers, and we are consequently dealing with vectors in complex space. We can, in fact, consider a complex function y(t; 292) emptoyea in the descnption ot the phenomena and defined over time and space as such a vector, where each space- time point represents one dimension of a complex vector space ; the differential laws for such a wave function y—or for several such functions simultaneously, such as the components of the clectrie and magnetic ficld strengthe are linear and homo geneous. But on the other hand the quantum phenomena Which we discussed above speak just as plainly in favour of the corpuscular nature of light. The intensity of the mono- chromatic radiation employed in the production of the photo- electric effect has no influence on the velocity with which the electrons leave the metal; it influences only the frequency of this event. Even with intensities so weak that on the classical theory hours would be required before the electromagnetic energy passing through a given atom would attain to an amount equal to that of a plioton, the effect begins immediately, the points at which it occurs being distributed irregularly over the entire metal plate. ‘This constitutes a proot of the existence of photons which is no less direct than the proof that particles are ‘of corpuscular nature by observing the scintillations caused by them on striking a sensitized sorren. Further, if ane ennsiders the exchange of momentum in addition to that of energy in detiving the laws of black body radiation, conflict with Planck's hypothesis concerning euergy quanta can be avoided only by assuming that in addition to the emission of the energy quantum Jy a quantum fv/c of momentum is emitted in a definite direction, producing an equivalent reaction on the atom. We here replace the continuous radiation of a spherical wave by the discontinuous “ion of photons in definite directions which are irregularly ibuted over the compass. ‘We unite the two standpoints by relating the linear wave equation, Dut considering the inienstty pop as the relate probability that the photon appears at the point (x, y, 4) at time tor, more precisely, that i dedyds (2) is the probability that at time ¢ it will be found within the small parallelepiped with sides of length dx, dy, dz about the point 50 QUANTUM THEORY (9 2? But we can only expect to artive at a rational theory Af we deat with material particles in the same way as with photons. This point of view was developed in the Bose-Einstein treatment of an atomic gas, which paralieled that cmployed in the theory of black body radiation ("light quant gas”).* Schrddinger’s researches took as their point of departure the Hamiltonian theory of mechanics, which was originally obtained by Hamilton himself from an analogy with geometrical optics. He argued that since we replace geometrical optics, with the aid of which interference and diffraction cannot be treated, by wave optics, it is reasonable to attempt the analogous transition in mechanics, The results amply justified the attempt. The investigations of Davisson and Germer, which prove the existence of interference in beams of electrons reftected from a crystal lattice, were already in progress when de Broglie published his theory. The experi- mental evidence that moving material particles behave in much the same way as a beam of light with respect to these phenomena i now fully cetablished, and with no lose certainty than for authors ead by © P. Thomion, F Rupp tnd others? ‘The real difference between “ light-like ” and “election-like ” beams lies in the fact that the particles composing the latter possess charge and proper mass and can vonsequently be deflected by electric and magnetic fieids. ‘A simple oscillation is one in which the function y, defining the state of the system, depends on the time in accordance with the law wi) sare (22) where @ and y are independent of &, [We choose as our unit of angular measure that one which proves most useful in differ- ential calculus, for it yields the simple relation 1 dete) 1 a aa for the fundamental trigonometric function ¢*= elz). The sum of the angles about a point is then x ; it would, admittedly, be more correct from the integral standpoint to take this as 1, That then the factnr Om wonld appear in the differential relation »/9m is the number of oscillations in unit time; we shall not + Just as in the classical wave theory we have an expression for the fow cof enérgy in addition to its density, so in the more refined formoletion of Guantum theory we wil have on expression for the probability thet the hotnn pasene thrangh a givan element af mortare ("probability erent") i [ditiod to one forthe probability that it'be found ina given element of Volume ("probebuity deasity”). THE DE BROGLIE WAVES aL hesitate, however, to use the name “frequency” for v. If we denote Park's consiant of action by 2mie instead of hy aud we shall throughout the present work, the fundamental formula (1.1) ‘ill still be valid in the new nomenclature.) In accordance with the simple oscillations (2.2) are the characteristic functions of the linear Hermitian operator which carries @ over into hdd fae energies E — hv. If the dependence of a state of the system on time is described by a cuperpocition of au oacillati wi capable of uy,“ y and we shall take the intensity d,a,— |a,|* of the oscillation of frequency », in y as the relative probability that the energy is observed to be fv,. The relation & = hy is accord ingly to be interpreted: sf » is indeterminate because an entire spectrum of frequencies v 1s contained in the oscillatory process, then the energy is indeterminate to the same extent ; the intensities with which the various simple oscillations occur in the process measure the, probabilities of the coresponding energies, The the corresponding characteristic numbers are the aye operator — > . 5, represents the energy : had Hohe (28) in the following sense: a characteristic function of (2.5) represents 4 state in which the energy assumes a definite value E with certainty. This value is the corresponding characteristic mumber ; in an arbitrary stale the components a of with respect to these character- istic functions determine the relative probabilities Ba of these values £. ‘According to the theory of relativity energy is to be con- sidered as the time component of a 4-vector whose spatial com- ponents constitute the linear momentum b= (p,, Py, Pe]. The fundamental metric invariant of the two vectors running from tthe origin to the points (1, xy), (?, x’y's’) is the scalar product OW! — (aa! + yy’ + 2). Under a Lorentz transformation, which transforms from one space-time co-ordinate system ta another equally permissible one, the quantities Om ye must consequently transform contragrediently to f, xy2; they are therefore the components of the vector associated with ROG 52. QUANTUM THEORY {t, 292) in the space which is the dual of the 4-dimensional spact time world. Such a dual vector is given by Hy — Pe — Pn — Ba or, what amounts to the same thing, Hat — (pax + pyly + pals) is invariant under Lorentz transformations. The same is true of the total differential operator a) got Bes) applied to an arbitrary function of f; ,y, 2. Hence the corre. spondence (2.5) necessarily implies the further relations ho he ha Per ap PO Tay fete (2.6) 2 2 aa Sate (geet which are to be given the analogous interpretation, ‘A homogeneous plane wave faa dete twe an is simultaneously @ characteristic function of the four mutually commutative operators (2.5), (2.0), which has as characteristic numbers Hb; pemhoy py=hB, Pra hy (28) Tt represents a state in which the energy and linear momentum of the quantum possess these sharply defined values. In classical mechanics the laws governing the motion of a particle are known as soon as we express its energy 2 in terms of the “canonical variables” x2, PepyP. In Newtonian mechanics the Hamiltonian function for a free material particle of mass m is PEA PEt OF a3) a , Pn on employing the transition scheme developed above we obtain the corresponding wave equation hd a » 2 » he ay (f+ Rte) ao (2.7) is a solution of this equation pravided the values (2.8) of energy and linear momentum satisfy equation (2.9); in this sense (2.9) and (9.10) are equivalent. But the equation (2.10) is linear and has as its most general solution a linear super- position of simple waves (2.7) ; such a superposition corresponds ° THE DE BROGLUE WAVES 53, iy a siaic in which the cuergy and momentum of the pariicie assume their various permissible values "with a certain definite probability.” The space vector (2, B, y) in (2.7) gives the direction of propagation of the plane wave, and the modulus of this vector is the wave number p (the number of waves contained in 9x units of length; 2nju is the wave length 4). Hence by (2.8) the absolute value p of the momentum is equal to. hy in accordance with (2.9) or * is the phase veluvity of the wa jis the 2 ly it is h/2m = hr[tom and depends on the wave length or frequency (dispersion). Since p = mv, where v is the Velocity of the Be ae ge A youp velocity” & — Mt. y coincides with the soup edociiy” = 7 particle, the a gE inter. ference phenomena in electron beams, such as those performed by Davisson and Germer, have made it possible to test directly these relations set up by de Broglie. In relativistic mechanics we have in place of (2.9) an equation which states that the square of the absolute value of the energy- momentum 4-vector is constant and equal to mi: ght etapa me ay Hees PET By TP For the transition to a wave equation it is of advantage to employ the rational form (2.11) of this expression : Loe mic, — EE p= FF oy, (2.12) Here again the group velocity is equal to the velocity v of the particle, but the phase velocity is found to be clo; the former is always less, the latter always more than the velocity of I In order to return from the relativistic to the “ ordinary ” or Newtonian mechanics by passing to the limit c—> 0, we must first replace Hby met Hc. mustbe replaced by e( ne Jed ‘The differential equation governing light waves can be ob- tained from (2.11) by dropping the term on the right-hand side. ot QUANTUM THEORY Hence from the corpuscular standpoint light consists of photons or particles of proper mass 0 : m 3 2 2) Sn Gt tht pt In accordance with the expression (2.1) for the probability density, we are to consider as the vector in unitary system-space describing the state of the systom the function uJ in so far as i depends om the spatial co-ordinates xys. ‘The integral of (2.1) with respect to the spatial co-ordinates gives the probability that the particles will be found “ within the volume Vat time 1." Space and time must be separated from one another ; the system hhas at each time t a detinite state p(zys), which will in general vary with f, ‘The operators which represent physical quantities ‘must accordingly be ones which operate on an arbitrary function of the spatial co-ordinates, This requirement is satisfied by tthe operators (2.6) corresponding to the momentum co-ordinates, but not by differentiation with respect to time, which we have associated with the energy. We must instead consider the situation as described as follows: from the expression for the energy in terms of the canonical variables 22, Dy. P we obtain the operator H which represents the energy and which operates on the function p(xys). ‘The equation, hy petH=o is then the dynamical law which determines the change in the state J in time. The separation of space and time offers certain difficulties to the development of quantum theory from the relativistic standpoint ; consequently, for the present, we hase aur develop. ment on the Newtonian mechanics Our procedure must eventually he modified in another important respect : we have here tacitly assumed, for the sake of mathematical simplicity but without physical’ justification, that the wave field of a material particle is described by a scalar quantity YJ. The modification, which is required in order to give an adequate description of the farts of spectroscopy, will be made in Chap. TV. § 8. Schrédinger’s Wave Equation. The Harmonic Oscillator When the particle is moving under the infiuence of forces ‘the kinematic part (2.9) of the energy is augmented by the SCHRODINGER'S WAVE EQUATION 86 potential energy, which nonally depends an the eovardinates and net on the my which Hermitian operator acting on y corresponds to the co ordinate =. I assert that it is multiplication by x; this operator is already tefeired Lo ils principal axes, ils chatattetistic values are all real numbers v and hnally y(x), or more precisely y(x) Vax, 4s the component of the " vector " assqciated with the character- istic number x (we have here ignored the other co-ordinates ¥, 2 In accordance with the statistical interpretation of the relation- ship between physical quantities and operators, our assertion is: a the probability that x has a value between x and xy is |Yvdx this is in agreement with the expression (2.1) for the probability density. Tf V(zvs) is a function of position in the 3-dimensional space, eg. the potential energy, then the physcial quantity 7 is represented by the operator > Vere), for the probability that V lies between 7, and zis given by the integral SJSWaxdyde extended over that portion of space in which V; & V(2ys) SV_ The operators corresponding to x, 9, s commute with each other, but the operator Q corresponding to x and the operator P corresponding to 9. do not. In fact oe) — Ee) — #0) ki & or PQ-OP where the 1 on the right-hand side stands for the operator identity: pla) > Ula). Because of this non-commutative re- lation between the operators P and Q,p, cannot assume a definite alu mith covtainiy when dave, and connorcsly Tn fact, i is known to have the value ky with certainty, then the dependence of ih on # is given by the factor clt®; in conzequonce of thie the position # of the particle is entirely indeterminate, since th probability Yy of localization is the same for all points s. IP, y, 4) is the potential energy of the Geld in whieh Uwe particle moves, the total energy is Sila Haft af EPs Ux, 9,2). (1) 26 QUANTUM THEORY “We ascume with Schrédinger that in spite of the fact that all cour variables do not commute we may still apply our rules for the formulation of the wave equation; we thus obtain Schrddinger's differential equation alos lil ay =o Ae Fag t veo) We understand hy “ stationary" or “quantum states " yk those in which the energy E has a definite value ; they are character ized as solutions of the wave equation which satisfy in addition, the equation [ef. (2.5)] AML Eey, On setting E = fv, such a y will have the form «~*~ where the new function denoted by y is independent of t, This function ‘Yeys), which depends only on the spatial co-ordinates, satisfies the reduced equation Pap + E— eye =o. ‘The problem is thus reduced to finding values of F and functions 4 + 0 of position which satisfy this equation and are euch that the integral of #y over the entire space is finite. They arc the characteristic numbers and characteristic vectors of the Hermitian operator H associated with the energy (8.1) in the function space ‘of all functions of position y. The characteristic numbers E are the possible energy levels of the particles. Before going any further into the interpretation of the theory we have developed, it will be well to convince ourselves that it leads to energy levels which are in agreement with the facts. The simplest example is that of the linear oscillator ; with it we are dealing with only one co-ordinate x. The potential energy is V(x) = $s" and the total energy =e H-3(E + a). (2.2) The equation & f the chavacicristie values £ and ‘the associated characteristic functions p is aay a, image + (E— $e) = 3.3) SCHRODINGER'S WAVE EQUATION 87 Hermitian polynomials. The solutions of this equation are expressed in terms of Hermitian polynomials. The n'* Her mitian polynomial 79(2) is defined by the equati Ce que) = it ic of n degree and the highest term ic exactly x". The = te¥* glx) 5 (34) tint) (i ~ 8, 2,3, - 9) constitate an orthog: wilh Ue “ density function * 7, ica Je*™naldnalelée 0 men; (3.5) the functions Balt) = oH als) are consequently orthogonal in the ordinary sense. To prove this we need merely to note that becomes, on integrating n times by parts, and the Integrand vanishes for m <1, For m = n we obtaln ni fownes so the equations (3.5) can be supplemented by ae forrtatteyde = nl Vw. From (3.4) we have CFR en ala) = — an a and we can consider £7 as either +, — te aa ae! 588 QUANTUM THEORY and art a gee hs the first of these interpretations yields the recursion formula Daaal) = ¥n(2) — MIn-r(2)- (3.6) From the second we find ae ea H a gle 8 nol) = nenalt) a5 tasale) = — BB+ anal). (3.7) On subtracting the recursion formula (8.7) from (8.6) we find the simple relation 0 = ay de Differentiating (3.7) and substituting (n + 1)n, for the derivative of tueain accordance with (3.8), we obtain the differential equation On Zs The equation for 4,(€) is consequently PF 1 det ~ ote t (#4 5) Fe On going over to a new unit of length by the substitution a, the left-hand side of (3.3) is equal to the left-hand side of (8.9) multiplied by ht/2ma? provided moet Soma" +5) — 2 8) 8.9) and the second requires that E=F,=huln +) (8.10) It is possible to show that the ¢4(é) constitute a complete ortho- gonal system,! and consequently there can exist no further cheracteristic numbers and functions. The oscillator possesses SCHRODINGER'S WAVE EQUATION 59 the discrete energy levels (8.10) at interoats hw apart. ‘That the lowcat onuigy Kevel tusns oul iu be Hau inated uf O is uf itself uf no significance, as we may always introduce an additive constant into the energy, although it is meaningful to assert Ual the least possible value of the quantity HY, (9.9), is equal to a. However, the wave equation not only yields the energy levels as characteristic values, but it also gives us information con- cerning the probability of localization by means of the character~ istic functions, or convenience we now take x= lz" as the unit of length. When the oscillator is in the state described by the n™ energy level, the probability that the oscillating particle is at a distance x from its position of equilibrium is. given by e-*"-ni(x). These probabilities are to be understood as relative, and reter to equal inhnitesimal intervals about the points ot comparison x. In particular, for the lowest energy level n= 0 the probability density is “*?; we can therefore no longer say that the mass-point is at rest in the position of equilibrium, but rather the probabaity of als dasplacement from as position is given by a Gauss error curve. ‘The normalized characteristic functions of (3.8) are given by dale) = 5 dale On expressing any function (x) of position in terms of this set He) ~ Eaabale, 1 = fuerte, and the operator belonging to the energy seen, expressed we have already terms of these co-ordinates Yq by Beg > healt + oe In order to find the operator astociated with the co-ordinate # we must express mp,(r) linearly in terms of the characteristic functions theme An = bear t Mbnat whence Mya Bin = Tan tna = VEE aa + Vn The correspondence (x) —> x(x) is thus expressed in terms of these Fourier coefficients by fq VR Et VET Span 60 QUANTUM THEORY its matrix |famll contains only the elements Bona VR, Imo VE ET (3.11) (On returning to the original unit of length the right-hand side must be multiplied by the factor a.) On applying the operator Eto dy we obtain, in accordance with (8.8) and (3.6), ths d nbeat — tant whence Bs Vii daa VEE Maa) ‘The linear Hermitian correspondence associated with the mo- mentum p F 4 is accordingly Ky Fl Vita t VIF Lena) 5 its matrix [Peal has as its only non-vanishing elements those for which m= £1: Se eee host 29) Pues V7 Pasi gVath B12) (On returning to the original unit of length these elements are to be multiplied by 1/a.—Ferms with the index m —1 are to be omitted when = 0; in fact, they automatically drop out of the above formule. § 4 Spherical Harmonics In order to discuss the energy levels of an electron in a spherically symmetric electrostatic field we must first discuss spherical harmonics and their principal properties. 1. Definition —Let r denote the distance from the origin in tthe 8-dimensional space with co-ordinates 2, y, and let r, 6, ¢ be polar co-ordinates with polar axis along the positive » direction : ebiy=rsinoe®, 2 cos 8. On setting a homogeneous polynomial « of O degree in x, 9, # equal to V,, Vrdepende only on the directional co-ordinates 6. 3 and is a function of pocitian on the nit ephare TE i a harmonic function, ive. if it satisfies the equation Au = 0, Y; is said to be a surface harmonic of degree 1 aud the harmonic SPHERICAL HARMONICS el function 1 itself is said to be a spherical (or solid) harmonic of degree |. Since in polar co-ordinates, (4) the surface harmonic V; satisfies the differential equation AY, +W+1)¥)= 0. (4.2) 2. Orthegonality—On applying Green's formula to the spherical harmonice u— r#¥,, v= r'V; on the interior of the unit sphere, we obtain the orthogonality relations JV¥iVido =o, bokd, (43) in which dw = sin 6d0¢d¢ is the surface element on the unit sphere. Since the conjugate complex V, of a surface harmonic is also a surface harmonic, the first factor in (4.3) can be replaced by Yy. 8. Basis.—On writing fart, a= iy the differential equation Au = 0 becomes IPRs UGS Au = Se, toe ao wwe see that a homogenenus polynomial u of degree J in & n, = breaks up into harmonic polynomials ui) w= Bum, (m=—h 1-1) whore u consists of all terms in which the exponents of f and y have the fixed difference m, The rccursion formula for the coefficients of u, which is obtained from the differential equation Aw = 0, further shows that there exists one, and to within a multiplicative constant only one, such harmonic w™. Accordingly, there exist exactly 2/-+1 linearly independent surface harmonics of degree 1; we may take them to be the YP defined by ulm) = 2. yen Writing WOH me (x ay P= EI Pe and r placing +e —%) by rs, 62 QUANTUM THEORY Poand P, depend only on s# and x. Hence on taking y= 1 ‘we have Yop = ei? (sin 6)" + PS? (cos 8). (4.4) Tor m=—1 we take Pa, and for m=) Pym} P() = (1 — 2%)! for this latter’ case, Since Yq depends on only in the factor emt, SPPYPdo = 0, mem, (4.5) ‘This basis YP), in which the z-axis occupies a preferred position, is accordingly wnitary-orthogonal ‘4. Completeness. That the totality of surface harmonice constitute @ complete orthogonal system on the unit sphere can be proved by showing that any polynomial in x, y, 2 on the sphere can be written as a sum of surface harmonics. Now the general polynomial of degree ! contains UEYFI4U-Ytee-41 asbitrary constants, But exactly this same aumber of linearly independent homogeneous polynomials are contained in the expression PY it Yeates amt tye ated (48) for the polynomials of the forum '¥,, PY; © * > are linearly independent in virtue of the orthogonality of surface harmonics, rY, contains exactly 2/-+ 1 = (! + 1) +/ linearly independent functions, and consequently (4.8) contains exactly. (+) +04+U-Y+d-M4--, as asserted above, B. Closed azpressions for the surface harmonics —On suib- ituting (4.4) in (4.2) we obtain the differential equation dP = 092 + 2 — ye +1) — mim — ay) P for the polynomial P = P) in = cos 6. From this equation a ace ee placing m by m — 1; we thus obtain the recursion formula Pim-n(e) and the expression PR) SPHFRICAT. HARMONICS, 63 In particular, the " zonal harmonic” ) = PO = FU) Po) = PM) = Oe 6, Fusther formule — feVe¥idu = 0 (4.7) waleso 1 b— LL. For w-rtVy ie a polynomial of degres +1 and may, in accordance with 4, be expanded in the form PAY gat Feats * ‘je Consequently on Ue unit sphere #¥.— Vint Vea bers (4.8) and the only values of / 2 & for which the integral (4.7) can have a value other than 0 is ]=k+ 1. Hence our assertion (47); it also follows from the ahave that only the first two terms can appear in (4.8). Further, we shill also have occasion to use the differential expressions 12 _ 2m i Lau HG Ay) Lh Lat (4.9) Liu = Leds) + Ly(Ly) + La(Lau) GTR RL Oe stig in the changes de, dy, de ae y allowing ¢ to increase by dg and holding r, @ Swed, we obtain immediately (4.20) Similasly, 3 -cos 8 a Bam iy (a ob Lt=—A (eq, (6.1) (4.20) § 8. Electron in Spherically Symmetric Field, Directional Quantization Now back to physics! Consider an clectrou of charge — ¢ revolving about a fixed nucleus of charge Ze situated at the origin. For Z=1 we have the hydrogen atom, for Z= 2 64 QUANTUM THEORY singly ionized helium Het, for Z=3 doubly ionized lithium Lit, ete, ‘The potential energy ic V=—2"; we shal, however, for the present take (P) more generally as any function, of the radius r. The wave equation for the determination of the energy levels is then Hors B-ro On expanding in terms of surface harmonics y becomes a sum of terms fi)¥, (I= 0, 1, 9, «+9. The differential operator fon the leftthand side of (8.1) sends the J term of thie eum into Y;, times (61) 1 dy dfs +7) 32h) ED erent). (02) Consequently each individual term must satisfy the differential equation separately; we thus obtain a complete set of char- acteristic functions of the form #=fhYr ‘The factor fi(r) depending only on r must be such that (5.2) vanishes and frif(r)flr)dr converges. Denoting the cher- acteristic numbers and characteristic functions of this differ- ential equation by Exy fault) (= 0,130 + oy Eni is a (21+ 1)-fold energy level, as the expression fu(r)¥1 contains 22+ 1 linearly independent characteristic functions associated with this single characteristic value; we may choose ‘as a basis the functions WP = fal) VP (m= — 1s —1L). We thus arrive at three integral quantum numbers: the “radial quantum number " n, the“ azimuthal quantum number " 1, and the “magnetic quantum number” m. ‘The energy level depends only on the first two. In justification of this nomenclature we determine the angular y= YPa— Py In quantum mechanics Le, Ly, Lz are the operators (4.8). Hence for PP = fale) VP — ef: (a function of rand 0) (6.8) SPHEKICALLY SYMMETRIC FIELD 69 ‘we have, in accordance with (4.10), Lid mod, and for the general characteristic function b= fall Vr (5.4) with azimuthal yuantuie number 7 Tid = UL Yd Hence in the state described by (G4) not only the energy has a dennite value Bq, DU aiso the adsoiue vaiue of the moment of momentum {e=w+h |. The significance of the azimuthal number is that i fixes this magnitude. Il is indeed remarkable that Usere exist states i=0, n=0, 1, 2, +++ with spherically symmetric character- istic functions @ = fag(7) for which the moment of momentum vanishes. In the states described by (0.3) not only the energy and the absolute value of the moment of momentum have definite values, but also the z-component of the moment of mo- mentum assumes a definite value with certainty, for then 5) [Bea | (5.6) Since a magnetic dipole moment oh 7 a= are 6.1) is associated with the angular momentum AS of the revolving tron (the mace af the electean heing denated hy ys whenever there is danger of confusion with the magnetie quantum number 1m), the influence of & will be felt on subjecting the atom to a magactic ficld. ‘The existence of the Zeeman effect under euch conditions can be Uraced to this cause. A fundamental ex- periment to observe the magnetic moment of the electron directly 1s due to Stern and Gerlach. Let a stream of one-electron atoms, which are all moving in the direction of the x-axis and are in the state (x, 1) with energy level Eqs, be subjected to an in- homagenennis magnetic field in the direction of the z-axis. Let the 1 and y-components of the magnetic field vanish in the (2-2)-plane, in which the beam moves, and let the a-component be a function of # alone, A magnetic dipole, the s-component gnetic dip: pon de in the positive a-direction. In consequence of (5.6) the atomic of whose moment is s,, is then acted upon by a force 7+ sy 66 QUANTUM THEORY ‘beam should be broken up into 2+ 1 smaller beams by the force in the s-direction, corresponding to the various values mai 1-1, +++, —L of the magnetic quantum number, On performing the txperiment on silver atoms in the normal state foo beams, corresponding to m= 1, were observed ; the value of the " Bohr magneton,” the elementary magnetic moment corresponding to one unit of angular momentum, was eh i found to agree withthe value obtained from (6.6) and (0.2), Why the unperturbed beam corresponding to m= 0 did not appear remained unexplained. The older quantum theory, which employed the quantum number &= [+ 1 with values 1, 2, + + +, allowed m to assume the integral values from —k to +; it seemed plausible to exclude the case # = 0, although one was thereby led into ificultice on applying the so-called “adiabatic hypothesis " to the behaviour of an atom under the influence of crossed electric and magnetic fields, Tu the new quantum theory no ‘ad hoc hypothesis is required for this exclusion, as Z can assume only the values 0, 1, ++». But according to either the old for the present scalar wave theory there should exist an odd umber of permissible values of m for given keor /; the exclusion of the case m=O apparently required by the Sterm-Gerlach experiment cannot Le accounted for on either theory. Nor can we explain the related fact that in the anomalous Zeeman effect m may assume either an even or an odd number of values, according to the nature of the atom under consideration, Obviously something is lacking in our present scalar wave theory as well as in the older formulation; we return to this point again in Chap. IV, §4. The older quantum theory Gescribed the situation met above as “directional quantiza- tion’; since the absolute value of the moment of momentum ‘was hk and the component along the saxie was hm, it concluded ‘that the magnetic axis of the atom could assume only positions described by the inclination 8 with the z-axis determined by the formula cos =F (m= 0, £1, £3+ +548) Thus in the case k= 1 we should expect only three possible orientations for the magnetic axis: parallel and anti-parallel to the field, which we have taken in the direction of the s-axis, and perpendicular thereto—ualess we empirically exclude this latter possibility m = 0 because of the Stern-Gerlach experiment, in which case we have but two. In either case we find ourselves SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC FIELD 87 faced with a serious dilemma, for the direction of the s-axis is an arbitrary direction in space. In order Ww avvid this one then assumed that the quantization was due to the influence of the magnetic field, and consequently the preterred a-direction was interpreted physically as the direction of the magnetic field. But even so the difficulty is not avoided in the limiting case of vanishing magnetic field, for the directional quantization shauld be maintained in arbitrarily weak fields. Or stated more physically, the radiation mechaniom required by the Stern Gerlach clfect for the orientation of the atoms, which were originally in random urieniation and precessing about the s-axis, requires about 10* times as long as the greatest time consistent with the observations. ‘he stand taken by the new quantum theory on this point is fundamentally different. The possible states (n, I) of the atom are described by the functions 4h of the (22 + 1)-dimensional linear family # or by the vectors of a (2/+ l)-dimensional space with com- ponents tm. The s-component of the moment of momentum, as ‘well as the component in any arbitrary direction, is capable of assuming only the discrete values hom (m= 1, 1—1, ++ *, —O But in a state in which the 2 component, for example, assumes the value him with certainty there is only a certain probability that any other component will assume a definite one of its possible values +0, h- (1), +++, he (£0. The name * directional quantization " 1s hatdly an appropriate description of this situation.” When the electro-static central force satisfies the Cowlomd law and originates in a nucleus of charge + Ze, the differential equation (6.9) for the “ radial characterietic function " f = fualy) becomes Ean fad ¥ fale ¥, dXrf) _ Ub-+ 1) \ Ym ape (SpE M,) 4B er + zayy mo. ‘The character of this equation is unchanged on going over to the new dependent variable v defined by r= e-™ © @ 2. [ga IME) , YmZet 10+ 1) ame + (9+ Ge) +S} We choose a in such a way that the constant term in the eo- efficient of v vanishes : 8, Bad = — Im. (58) 68 QUANTUM THEORY le ‘the general theory of linear differential equations Teichare nt sitions of ts equation in the neighbourhood of the (regular) singular point y= 0 in the form of a power v=Zase in whic in value pp, which ch the exponent s begins with a certain value po, wl hot be an fateger_and rune through the values pha +1, yy +9, +. On substituting this power series into the equa: tion we find the recursion formula {ule +1) — A+ Wha 2,(% — F) (6.0) for the coefficients a, In order that it be satisfied for p+ 1—1 ‘There exist no other solutions for which the integral (5.11) converges." The energy levels depend only on the principal quantum number n; the terms tor which n is a fixed number and 1=0, 1, «+s, m—1 coincide in a single degenerate term F., of multiplicity’ E, zo +)an This theoretical result agrees with the empirical formulae for the Balmer, Paschon, Tyman, ele,, corien, We fad, 1 expression AI Pat ~ meh) TH expression for the Rydberg constant R in terms of the fundamental constants of nature (the charge and the mass of the electron, the velocity of light and the elementary quantum of action) agrees numerically with its empirical value. All terms and therefore all actual line frequencies v depend on the integer Z descrihing the charge on the nucleus in such a way that /w increases in Proportion with Z. SinZe the X-ray terms are due to the iancr- most electrons, which are hut slightly affected by the outer ones, we should expect to find that the hardest X-ray lines, arranged in accordance with the atomic number Z, follow this lave. “Tt was discovered by Moceey and gave w conclusive proyy of the fact that on going through the elements of the periodic table the charge om the nceus increases by « from element 1a element, This law uncovers with unetting certainty the holes yet re- ‘maining in the system of known elements; at present we lack but 2 (ur 3) elements in the series beginning with hydrogen, Z=1, and ending with urantum, 2 — 92 ‘The characteristic functions associated with these energy levels, which determine the relative probabilities of the various Positions of the electron, can be expressed in closed form in Yor the terms measured in wave-numbers (, i QUANTUM THEORY terms of the so-called Laguerre polynomials. ‘The character istic function belonging to the normal state n= 1, !=0, is spherically symmetric: * b= we ; (6.13) (8.14) for hydrogen (According to the older Bohr theory, is the radius of the inner- most electronic orbit.) a determines the order of magnitude of atomic dimensions. In the normal state hydrogen possesses spherical symmetry (according to the scalar wave theory—but see Chap. IV, § 8) ‘The radial characteristic functions 7 fu(r) do not, however, constitute a complete orthogonal system for a given J for the full domain which we wish to consider: in addition to the discrete term spectrum (5.12) we have the continuous spectrum covering the whole region E 20. We go no further into this matter. § 6, Collision Phenomena ‘The optical phenomena show that the quantum theory leads to the correct energy levels, but they do not lend themselves to an attempt to interpret the vector y in system space as a probability. "Collision phenomena, which deal with the de- flection of electrons or a-particles under the influence of other material hndies, are heet suited far thie latter purpose. The fundamental experiments of Franck and Herte, a2 well as those of Davisson and Germer, belong to this latter category. Neglecting the reaction of the moving particle on the per turbing body, the potential energy due to this latter may be taken as a given function V(xys) of position, Considering a one-dimensional problem, the energy of the moving particle is then 1 H= 5+ VG). We can think of the curve y= V(2) as the contour of a hill against which the particle runs. The wave equation for a ‘The normalizing factor 1/Vza¥ is calculated from Jf fertedvas = nfo lady = aa, COLLISION PHENOMENA nm state with given energy K is (6.2) If we neglect for the moment the perturbing field V' we obtain as solutions of (6.1) the familiar de Broglie waves : qh is a linear combination of the waves e'* and e~i* proceeding in the positive and negative directions along the v-axis, the wave number « of which is determined by (iajt=2mE or ha Writing equation (6,1) becomes See SE +l Ul —0. (6.2) Wo now assume thal as 2» + 0, Ulx) behaves in such a way that the integral f]U(a)ldx converges; equation (6.2) then has fone solution which behaves for x-» + 00 asymptotically like <*, aud auvther, which is linearly independent of the first, which behaves like e~'** in the same region, This can most readily be seen by solving (6.2) by the methad of successive approximations. Let Pet tht hte: (6.3) and take as the 0M approximation the function e™; in general Yasr is determined in Lens of y by integrating the equation SES +o Yass = Ue Hence Jini — 8) + UE) HalG) 46. (6.4) We restrict ourselves for the moment to a region 1 2 xy such that i ° Liver =e + «0 and for x > — © sinlbh — WB, ob — v8 1 (6.7) It follows from this that @ $0, On multiplying pix) by 1/o we have a solution y whose asymptotic behaviour is described by the equations Ua) ~ et + alerts for x — 0, Wha) ~ ac? for x +0 (6.8) ab+ fetal. (6.9) A particle uf definite energy runs against he potential energy ill from the left, ive. from x= — 0, Whereas in classical mechanics the particle certainly either gets over the hitl or is thrown. back, according to whether its inttial kinetic energy is greater or less ‘than the maximum of V(x), quantum mechanics states that there és a probability |a\* that tt gets over and a probability |a’|? that it is thrown back, Furthermore, these probabilities are continuous functions of the energy of the particle; the dis- continuity of the classical theory is completely broken down. If we perform the experiment successively with a large number of particles we find that they are divided into two streams, in accordance with (6.8.), proceeding in the positive and negative " QUANTUM THEORY directions along the #axit; the relative intensities of ‘these are given by 1 and [a'|* for a> — ao, respectively, while for orto there exists only the positive stream of intensity {alt Equation (7.5) thus expresses the conservation of the number of particles and shows that we must consider the square [alt of the absolute value of the amplitude a as a velative intensity or probability ft the integral Nee Jive <2 solution is represented ilrougiwout tie whuie space by the fata (03), In'perturbation theory. one Ys usualy sated with the first term ¥,, The theory of the familiar experiments of Rutherford, in which a-particles are allowed to fly in a given direction with given momentum into and be deflected by the field of un atom, has been developed by Wentzel in a similar manner!" The influence of the a-particle on the atom is thereby neglected ; on taking it into account we are led to the theory of the experiments of Franck and Herls, giving formula for the dispersed particles specified according to their various discrete kinetic’ energies and their various directions. This calculation has been carried through for hydrogen by Born and Elsasse.* A very important application of this picture of corpuscular waves “ seeping" through a potential hill has been made by G. Gamow and R. W. Gurney and E. U. Condon to explain radioactive decay. § 7. The Conceptual Structure of Quantum Mechanics “The fruitfulness of the theory has been amply established by the above applications and the examples given have served to late te physical interpretation; 1c now seems time fos stract formulation, foreseen’ physical aystem of kxown constitution, Bech particular stale, each individual case of such a sysiem is repre. ened by 0 vector ¢ of modulus 1 ina unitary system space. Bock ‘physical quantity associated with the system is represented by Flermitian form in this space. The fanéamencal question ‘we put to the theory is not, as in classical physics, "What value haa thie physial quantity in this particular ease?" but rather "What are th posable naa o he physical quantity A, and is te probability that i escames definite one of thee sau is 4a given case?” The answer to this question iv: The probubiity THE CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE 1 that A assumes the value x is the value Ex(g) of the characteristic form Ex of A associated with the value 1, where the vector ¥ repre- ‘sents the case in question and the quantity A is represented by the Hermitian form A in the system space. “The quantity vepre- sented by A is capable of assuming only those values x which are characteristic nalues of the form A. In accordance with the equations B= TEs, Als) = Dak) ‘the sum of the probabilities is 1 and the value A(z) of the form A is the mean value or expectation of the quantity A in the stale ¢ Since all assertions concerning the probabilities in a given state ¥ are numerically unaltered when z is replaced by e, where ¢ is an arbitrary complex number of modulus 1, we cannot dis. fingnish between these two cases. The pure case or state is consequently more properly represented by the ray E than by the vector 4, and we must therefore operate in the ray field in system space rather than in the vector field The significance of probabilities for experimental science is that they determine the relative frequency of occurrence in a series af repeated ne, According tu vlassival physics it is in principle possible to create conditions under which every quantity associated with 2 given physical system assumes an arbitrarily sharply defined value which is exactly reproducible whenever these conditions are the same. Quantum physics denies this possibility. We illustrate this by the example of directional quantization. We know conditions under which we can guarantee with practical certainty that the alors of a hydrogen gas are in the normal state, Let us therefore assume that we can create conditions under which we can be certain that the atoms under observation are in the quantum state (1, !) with azimuthal quantum number I= 1 and energy F certain quantity Z,, which can, under these conditions, assume only the values +1, 0, or — Lic associated with cach Wivection x in space. Stern and Gerlach have shown us how to sharpen these conditions so that L, takes on a definite one of these values, say Ly= +1, According to the theory the utmost limit of precision is then reached. If x is another direction in space, then under these conditions which determine I, and F only the relative probability that the quantity L, assumes any one of the values -+ 1, 0, —1 ean be given. Why is it impossible to go further and insure conditions under which in addition Z, takes on a definite one of the values, say 0, with certainty? Because the “measurement * of L,, witch 1s accomplished by separating 16 QUANTUM THEORY the atoms into thuce classes Ly — + 1, 0, — 1, is ouly possible by creating conditions which destroy the humugencity already existing with respect tu L_. Polarization of photons is obviously somewhat analogous to directional quantization of atoms. The conditions for the production of a monochromatic beam of light in a definite direction determine the energy and momentum of the photons. To each orientation s of a Nicol prism corre- sponds a definite quantity A, which is capable of assuming only the values 1; if A=-+1 the light goes through and it A, = ~ it does not. With the aid of such a prism we separate Out the photons for which A,=1 without disturbing their energy and momentum. The utmost limit of precision is then reached; a monochromatic pencil of polarized light is the most homogeneous light possible. If we now place a second Nicol of orientation & in the path of this beam, then naturally only those photons which have A.= +1 can’ pass through. But the light which we thus obtain is of the same constitution as if the first Nicol of orientation s were not used at all; the can- dition that all the photons have, = + 1 is obviously destrayed by the second Nicol. Natural science is of a constructive character. The concepts with which it deals are not qualities or attributes which can be obtained from the objective world by direct cognition. They ean only he det ology, by obeerving their reaction with other bodice, and their implicit definition i consequently conditioned by definite laws of nature governing reactions.16 Consider, for cxample, the introduction of the Galilean concept of mass, which essentially amounts 10 the following indirect definition: “Every body possesses a mo- mentum, that is, a vector mb having the same directiun as its volocity 8; the scalar factor m is called its mass. The mo- mentum of a closed system is couserved, that is, the sum of the momenta of a number of reacting bodies is the same before the teaction as after it.” On applying this law to the observed collision pheuomena data are obtainable which allow a deter- mination ‘of the relative masses ot the various bodies. But scientists have long held the opinion that such constructive concepts were nevertheless intrinsic attributes of the Ding an sich,” even when the manipulations necessary for their deter- mination were not carried out. In quantum theory we are con- Jronted with a fundamental limitation to this metaphysical stand- ‘pointes We have already seen, toward the beginning of this chapter, that a co-ordinate x and its associated momentum stand in peculiar relationship to one another: the precise determina- THE CONCEPTUAL STRUCTURE 1 of sither one of theoe quantitics precludes the precise determination of the other. In the state represented by the wave function $2) [Fihy dm 1'] the mean values y= Ge) and bo ,

s(t) = Ulr which the state vector z undergoes in time 1 Since |x,{8)|tis constant, the probabilities for the various energy rabies do nat change in the course of time. The finite law X() = UQXO-NY (64) for the dependence of the statistical state X(i) on the time ¢ is fully equivalent to the diferential lav (8.2). The mean value g— q(t) of the physical quantity represented by the fixed Hermitian operator Q : alt) = te [XQ -0} can, on taking into account the symmetry properties of the trace, be written also in the form a = 6 EX 90] 2) = U-ynQUI. (@) Consequently the situation can be described either by con- sidering Q as fixed for all time and the statistical state X(é) a3 ‘varying with the time in accordance with the law (8.4)—and this is the fundamentai stand taken by quantum mechanics— or we can take the initial state X as representing the state of the system for all time and allow the operator Q(f} representing the quantity Q to vary with time in accordance with the law (8.5). This latter interpretation lends itself to comparisan with classical mechanics, (86) is equivalent to the differential law where ha 342 _ uo on, (28) for in virtue of (8.9) and (8.6) a aX a dae (G0) = (x-2) #2 QUANTUM THEORY In particular, the quantity Q is constant in time, i.e. the proB- abilities associated with it do not change in course of time, if the Hermitian form Q which represents it commutes with H. Tn Heizenberg's co-nrdinate system equation (8.8) becomes downll) — dean = & Sono, (8.7) The matrix O(t) is thus expressed in terms of components per forming simple oscillations with frequencies ¥mq— vy, Ihe corresponding amplitude is gq. On going over from the me'* ta the n® stationary state the system loses an amount h{vq, — Yn) of enerey; if this energy is radiated as light, its frequency is given by Chassival anech 6 a fixed level m to all possible levele = 1, 2, + State of motion, the motion of the system in the mt quantum. state, whose harmonic components have the corresponding ramsition frequencies Yq, Yeu) "~~~ For any quantity A it Urcrefore assuciates a constant amplitude dp with the transition m-—>n. But int classical mechanics (for systems with one degree of freedom) we have Yan = holt), k=m—2, instead of equation (8.8). On multiplying the two Fourier series A, B Foxe and Eby we ublain the Fourier series C with coefficients a= Sab +s=h). Accordingly classical mechanics associates with the quantit: C= AD the amplitudes * ” Con = Em mr Bm ane (7 +S = m—n), (8.9) whereas quantum mechanies assigns to it the amplitudes Fun = Eat bin = Lib, mor" bars ns (8.10) ‘The difference between these two results lies ‘in the fact that in. (8.9) both factors a, b have the first index m in common, whereas. in (8.10) che first index of 0 1s the same as the last index of a. This is in exact analogy with the difference between the "classical ** and the correct Rite-Rydberg combination principle. This was Heisenberg's starting-point; the correct combination principle indicates the pertinent-fact that the rule (8,9) for the multi - lication of amplitudes must be replaced by (8.10). Admittedly THE DYNAMICAL LAW 83 such multiplication is not commutative, and st collects together amplitudes which the older model assigned to different orbits. We donate [anq|? 28 the intensity nf the quantity A in the transition m=». When multiple energy lovele occur ("de ‘n for which Eq ~ E" and all dices m for which Ey = 2", has an invariantive significance; in such a case this sum is taken as the intensity of A in the transition B’> 2". It Ay is that portion of A in which §R(E’ intersects §(E”) the sum Ucfined above is the trace of yd Consider an atom with one ot more electrons and let t be the vector from the nucleus to a representative electron. ‘Then q=et, or in case there is more than one electron the sum = Sr, extended over the varias electrons, is the electric dipole moment of the atom. In classical electrodynamics the intensity of the light of frequency v emitted by the atom is calculated from the amplitude q() of the harmonic components of q with the same frequency y in the following manner. The rate at which energy flows through a surface element do at the point P, whose distance from the atom at 0 is large compared with the wave-length, is given by oye Ite) gear where 4! i the component of 4 perpendicular to OF and de is the solid angle subtended at 0 by'do, We have turther assumed that the wave-length under consideration is large compared with the radius of the atom. Since each photon of frequency carries with it energy hy, we postulate that this law ie to be taken over into quantum theory as follows: the probability that an atom in state n goes over into slate n’ in unit Gwe and emits 2 photon of frequency », whose direction lies within the solid angle du, 3s given by Val 5 We thus arvive at a definite rule for the calculation of the intensities af the tines omiited hy the atnon The fact that wa can naw mabe such a prediction indicates distinct superiority of the new theory over the old. In particular, the transition n—r n' does not occur if the corresponding coeficient in the Hermitian form (nn) By fn ea ta ete yoo =A ona In be basen ads ae 86 QUANTUM THEORY Jor q is sero, This constitutes the general selection rule, The connection between the state of polarization of the emitted light and the direction of oscillation of the electric moment is also carried over into quantum theory. But a real derivation. of our intensity rule can naturally only be obtained by con- sidering the question of interaction between the atom and the ether ; see §13. Examples: 1. The Oscillator. ‘The Hermitian form Vek) ea, representing the co-ordinate x of the oscillating particle has, as we have already found [(8.11)], the coefficients aw =0 if wnt; } aa stl dana, tna HED } (3.12 with respect to Heisenberg's co-ordinate system, in which the energy is referred to its principal axes, We thus obtain the slection rule n-> 7 +1; the quantum number n can only change bby 4 1, the oscillator then absorbing or emitting a photon of fre~ quency'v = w and energy hes, in accordance with (3.10). The Selection rule makes it clear why no higher harmonics arc ex- cited in the simple oscillator. We have also found that the matrix ([Paq{|, which represents the linear momentum in Heisen= berg's co-ordinate system, is given by (3.12) —_ 1 fime: 1 limo FT Pee Poot VESEED | Han Pay =0 for wen kl 2. Electron in spherically symmetric ld. ‘The result (4.7) for surface harmonics yields the selection rule. Irth (8.14) for the asimuthal quantum number t; for} = 0 only the transition. O— Lis possible, On introducing the magnetic quantum numbex m as in §4, the characteristic functions yl) depend on the: meridian angle & shant the veciuenveel factor im; here il ahiy=rsin de, g—7 008 8, THE DYNAMICAL LAW 85 In order to cbtain the dependence of the matrices 9. + iz» q2 — gy, ge on the transition m > m’ we must evaluate the Integral Jelag) e(— md) elm’d) a4, where a=1, —1, 0, respectively. The integral vanishes unless m!-+ a= m. The only components of 9. + ig, which do not nanish ave thove corresponding to the transitions m—>m — 1 in which the magnetic quantum number decreases by 1; for Yx— iy, m—r m+ 1, for yy m—> me. This last selection rule cannot be obtained from the spectra themselves as long as the terms corresponding to dilterent values of m (|m| <0) coincide, But these terms are broken up into their various components by a homogeneous magnetic field in the direction of the z-axis (Zeeman effect]. On “ longi- tudinal " vbscivativu uf the light cuiliod ia the edievtiua we find instead of tite one line (1, 1) > (w’,[) several left- and right- circularly polarized components, the former of which arise from the transitions m—>m—1 and the latter from m—> m-+ 1. On “ transverse” observation, eg. along the y-axis, we find trvo tranoveree linearly polarized lince arising from m > m 1 and in addition a longitudinally (i.e. along the z-axis) polarized line corresponding to the transition m—> m, (Polarization as here used means the direction of oscillation of the electric dipole, and therefore the direction of the electric field strength.) In the term spectrum of the alkali elements, which is, however, typical in this respect, even for the more complicated spectra of the other elements, ‘we distinguish between several series by means of the letters §, p, 4, f, g) + **. Each series consists of infinitely many terms Which We number in the direction of increasing frequency by the integer m. It is found convenient to let m run from T on in the s-series, from 2 on in the fs from $ in the d-eeries, etc. The valuee of the terms ns, np, nd,~ + + ave then given by the “ hydrogen-like " formula wre in which = ry, xp mg, + is a correction tecm depending but slightly on m, the numerical value of which but rarely exceeds 1/2 and is very close to 0 for high series (f.g. .. J. Omly terms lying in neighbouring series combine to produce a line, i.e. an s-term combines only with a p-term, p only with s and d, d with p and f, ete. In particular, the transitions np > Is give rise 86 QUANTUM THEORY the principal series, which also appears in absorption, nd -» 9 ee ee Ge dice sorts, me Op to the sharp sree, and nf-r 3 to the Bergmar series 3 ‘The alkalies are univalent, ie. ia chemical reactions only ‘one electron, the valence electron, plays @ role; the others, together with the nucleus, constitute an inert closed shell. It ie therefore reasonable to’ assume that the optical spectra of tthe alkalies are caused by quantum jumps involving only this Valence electron, while the core A* remains in ite normal state, We have seen above that hydrogen in the normal state ie re presented by a sphetically symmetric wave function ¥; we Eheretore assume, disregarding the reaction of the valence electron on the core, that this feature of the core being " closed "* is to be expressed by ascribing spherical symmelry to it." We hhave then to deal with the problem of an electron in a spherically aymmetsc feld, which we have already diseussed ahove. Tn accordance with the empirical combination principle and the theoretical selection rule for the azimuthal quantum number J, the 5, p, d, f, + + terms are to be taken as having I= 0, 1, 2, 3, ++ respectively. then runs from + 1 on in the series with azimuthal quantum number /, as in hydrogel § 9. Perturbation Theory ‘The problem with which perturbation theory is concerned is the following : Let the energy H consist of two terms H=H-+eW", Uke second of which, Use pertw bation erm el, iy sinall compared with the first; this we express by the " infinitesimal ” numerical constant €, of which powers higher than the first are to be neglected, "Assume that the quantum problem for the "un pperturhed system with energy W has already heen solved, 50 that the Hermitian form H has already been brought into normal (diagonal) form, and let $¥, 8, ~ - - be the chavacter- istie spaces of 27 with chavacteristic nuutbers £", 2", The problem is to find the soiution of the equations for the “ per- turbed system" with energy H. In order to illustrate the typical difference between degenerate and non-degenerate systems we first consider the system epace a 2. inatead af en-dimencinnal ; then i Bi FA) i | O £. sng WAY He and not H is the rt closed atom is only to be understood as | +e. PERTURBATION THEORY 87 Hf By ++ Dy the unitary transformation which brings H into diagonal form differs from the identity only by terms of order &. Consequently the probabilities jr,[4, jza[* that in the pure state H has the values &,, 2, will change only by amounts of the same relative order €; they remain constant to the same ap- proximation with which sl” may he neglected in camparisnn with H. But the situation is quite different for degenerate systems, for which E, = Ey —E, for the principal axes of H are Ulen indeterminate aud this’ arbitrariness. is expressed ia the “instability " of the system under the influence of a per- turbation, We set up that normal co-ordinate system e', ey’ in which W assumes the diagonal form; the co-ordinate vectors are then also characteristic vectors of 'H, since Ey =, But these vectors can obviously differ arbitrarily from the sriginal co-ordinate vectors €, €, whereas the encegics ly’, hr’ can oalyy differ from E by a termof order ¢. On returning to the original co-ordinate system we have y= aye — ryt) + aaa ef — veld), Fa = ag * e(— vy") + dans e(— ve't), where a = (a, 4), = (4 @n) are two mutually per- pendicular vectors whose directions coincide with those of e,t. he probabilities for the tun states e,, e, vary periodically in time with the emall beat frequency »y' — vy) (resonance between slates €, e). Quantum states with the came energy are therefore in resonance withone unother. The wagnivudes of the vampencats of in the characteristic spaces W, 9”, * - +, ie. the probabilities for the various numerically ditferent values of remain ap- proximately constant under a small perturbation, but this is not the case for the absolute values |2,| of the individual com- ponente x, resolved along the axes of an arbitrary Heisenberg Tn accordance with the foregoing we can formulate the perturbation problem in two forms: I. Detetniae the change, due to the perturbation, in those states in which the energy H of the unperturbed system is determinate, ‘This formulation hhas a sound physical interpretation if we consider the perturba- tion as acting during a time interval f,, t, We then find how the probabilities for the various quantum states change wader the influence of the perturbation lL Determine the quantum states and energy levels of the perturbed system, i.c. the chac- acteristic values and characteristic spaces of H. We ask in particular how the terms are broken up and displaced under the perturbation. We consider TI frst cy QUANTUM THEORY ‘We first decompose the Hermitian form W into two parts: W,+V. To the first belong those portions of W in wi a characteristic space ®Y, M”, «+ = of H intersects itself, and to ¥ those in which two different characteristic spaces intersect. If the characteristic values of H have but finite multiplicity tthe problem of bringing W", that part of W in which W intersects iteclf, into diagonal form deals only with the space ® of a fnite number of dimensions. If 8 is not simply a one-dimensional space, the resonance phenomena mentioned above will appear, ‘The co-ordinate system, consisting of characteristic vectors of H, is now more precisely specified, for now W, also appears as a éiagonal matrix; let E, be the characteristic values of the H+ eW) = Hp so obtained. The single term value E’ asso- ciated with has in general been resolved into as many different characteristic values E, of H, as there are dimensions in the sub-space ® ‘The remainder V = |loms|]| of the matrix is such that tag = 0 if the characteristic values Bq Ey of HY are equal. The in- finitesimal unitary rotation Seme-Cx, C= |lemnll of order # transforms H into H+ BH where 3H = e(HC ~ CH) ~ (HC — CH. ‘On choosing this transformation in such a way that 6H = — eV, H = Ha-+ eV gocs over into He: this can be accomplished by choosing Cam = 0 if Em = Eq anc otherwise. The characteristic values Eq of Hy are therefore the energy levels ofthe perturbed system of energy H if we neglect terms of order 8. W, can be considered as the time mean of the perturbation wagsd over the motion of the unpeituibed ayate For by (87) the mean value of the element aeq() of the matrix A(d), which represents an arbitrary physical quantity of the system, is aq, oF 0, according as vq =, or not. In statistics ongilar bracbets ate a quantity ; we may therefore write We= W>, Ho= HD. The solution of TI naturally provides an answer to. the question i. But it is more convenient to employ the method of variation of constants for the éalculation of the effect of the imited time interval—the smaller the THE PROBLEM OF SEVERAL BODIES 89 constant ¢, the longer we may take this time interval to be, Asoume that at time ¢ = 0 the system is in the quantum state 0 and that the perturbation bogins to act at this time; “we ask for the probability that the system will be found in the state nat time £ That is, we seck that solution of the equations which reduces to Pree attimet=0. Writing the eyuations for €, are Lent eekncinn rs for ¢=0, & the initial conditions f=1, Asha =0 as the 0! approximation; on substituting these values in the equation we obtain as the first approximation Neglecting terme of order <#, we can take Wy = me a=52 #y). On setting » — ¥4 =», the desired probability is fi — cos i] — See nal @) It is to be noted that in accordance with this result the probability of transition from state 0 to state m is determined by (H,,|2. Th the case of resomance (vq — vq) the transition probability: in ‘creases at first with the square uf 1; fralt = (j) = [PPaelt#. § 10. The Problem of Several Bodies. Product Space A physical system consisting of two particles of masses m, m', co-ordinates xy; x's’ and linear momenta p, p’, has as its Hamiltonian function = helt eaten + ert ete) +Peys x72), (104) 90 QUANTUM THEORY where Vis the potential energy. We assume, as in the older physics of central forces, that we are here dealing with an action at a distance so that the potential energy depends only on the imultaneous positions of the two particles. This assumption rurally break down when, in accordance with the theory of relativity, we take into account the finite velocity of propaga tion of the disturbance, which requires the introduction of a field. ‘The wave function of the system will depend on all six co-ordinates xy; 2’/'a' in addition to t: the operators corresponding to these functions in the domain of such functions 4 are multiplication by #, +++; 7, +++ and to the linear A i momenta cmap he deta #2. oo, BS From (10.1) we then obtain the wave equation Ao ® A, Fit mbt ge HAV t=. (10.2) We must ask for the probability that the one particle is wo be found at a point P and, simultaneously, the other is to be found at a point P', The probability density is accordingly to be computed for a G-dimensional space with co-ordinates xy 2; x’ y’ 2 Tadeed, the wave Bald fe not to rep i taking place in physical space, but is to determine the appear ance at definite positions of with definite energies and momenta ; there is consequently nothing absurd in the fact that its medium 4s this abstract 6-dimensional configuration space. In order to be independent of the special procedure by which the scalar wave mechanics puts together two systems @, B to form a single system ¢, as suggested by this example involving the Hermitian forms representing the co-ordinates and momenta of the two systems, We must first discuss the multiplication of spaces from a purely mathematical standpoint. ‘With each vector z= (x) in a space i of m dimensions and each vector = (94) in a space © of w dimensions there is associated a vector j= ¢ x 9 with components a= 20s (10.3) in an m: ndimensional space E— R x G; the product space. The components are here numbered by means of the index pair (ik) = 1. The totality of vectors 3= 2 x 9 do not them- SG conatitue a linear manifold, but thee linear combinations entire product space £, With the linear correspondenc Aio Rand Bin S: ia we Favete ve = Zhan ye THE PROBLEM OF SEVERAL BODIES a1 is associated a linear correspondence C= 4 X Bin: Ip = Edeuben tie th ae Devity cor arbyn (I (ib), = 72) t Naturally, to this multiplication corresponds the law of com position (4 x B)lay x By) = (Ady x BB), where A, Ay are correspondences of on itself and B, By are correspondences in GA coordinate system in §R and one in G together determine a co-ordinate system in T; if the co ordinate system in §R is subjected to the traneformation 4 and that in G to the transformation B, thea the co-ordinate system associated with them in £ undergoes the transformation A x B. In accordance with the equation dla) = dev ye + mee dyn, to the infinitesimal correspondence IT in , 7 in © corresponds the infinitesimal correspondence i (Hx A)+L x 7) (10.4) in &, where 1,, 1, denote the unit matrices in , G, respectively. All of the foregoing 1s applicable to arbitrary vector spaces. ‘When & and © are both unitary spaces, then & is also, for by (10.3) Sin = Shae Dh is an invariant if Diy, Day, are; ci x Bis unitary if a aud Bare ‘Accordingly, two physical systems @ and b are compounded to form a total system ¢ as follows. ‘The system space & of ¢ is Bt x G, where W is the system space of @ and © of B. Let the arbitrary physical quantity x in § be represented by the Hermitian form A; on replacing all these forms A by Ax 1,, where 1, is the unit form in an arbitrary space ©, there exist between these latter exactly the same relations as between the A, s0 that from the solution of a quantum problem in there arises a solution for the corresponding problem in R x S, but there oxists no real distinction between the two. In the system ¢ obtained by composition we have therefore to as- soviate the Hermitian form A x 1, with a quantity a of a and 1, x B with f of 8 where 4, B are the forms associated with a, B in ®, G, respectively. The totality of quantities of the composite system ¢ is obtained by starting from the quantities ee QUANTUM THEORY Uelongiog to the component systems a and Wand multiplying and aidfag them together in all posible ways, "The quantities a of a commute with the quantities p of 6, for (Ax Ljlly x B) =A x B= (hy x BMA A We refer to the content of these last two sentences when we Bay that consists of two kinematically independent parts and 6. The wo systess are dynamically independent if the energy H of the composite system is the sum of the energies H), #®) of the partial pysteme = H= (HO x1) + x HO, ann The infinitesimal unitary ooerespondence 4.17 in the total system space is then that one which is due to the infinitesimal unitary correspondences 2-H, 2-H in the two original system spaces [(10.4)]. If HO and H are both in diagonal form, then H is also, and the characteristic numbers are given by Bem BP + BP or yao + oP hm (my) If we have a pure state for the total system which is repre- seated by the vector ¢ of absolute value 1 and components Gq» and if Q = [gi is an arbitrary quantity in a, then the ex- pectation of Qin the pure state ¢ Q) = Lqebwtacer. ‘This has the form (7.2) with A= lll = 1ZFacrl Alt) is the Hermitian form Zizek? in But we se from this that we are not dealing with a pure state in a, for ay will not in general have the form agiy. Con ditions which insure a maximum of homogeneity within ¢ need not require a maximum in this respect within the partial system @. Furthermore: if the state of a and the state of b are known, the state of ¢ is in general not uniquely specified, for a positive definite Hermitian form ||@j,, || in the product space, which describes 4 statistical aggregate of states ¢, is not uniquely determined by the Hermitian torms Fain Bam we COMMUTATION RULES 98 to which i gives rise in the spaces 8, ©. In this significant ence quantum theory subscribes to the view that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts," which has recently been raised to the status of a philosophical ereed by the Vitalists and the Gestalt Psychologists. ‘The kinematically independent parts into which a system can be resolved need not be spatially separated, nor need they even refer to different particles. We can, for example, resolve a single particle, whose physical quantities can all be expressed in terms of %, y, £; Pz, Py, Pa into three partial systems with fundamental ‘quantities x, ps, py|o, pb» For quantitics which belong to different partial cystems, for example a quaulily which can be expressed in terms of x, p. alone and one which is in torms of y, py alone, commute with each other in the sense of maltix multiplitation. In the perturbation theory we are usually concerned with a system which consists of two kinematically independent parts and which are almost dynamically independent. Disregarding the interaction eH for the moment, let J. and hp. be the enerey levels of the two parts, so that lve -- p.) are the energy levels of the unperturbed total system. Gn writing in equation (9.1) = (n, *} in place of 0 and s!— (w', r') in place of m, whence we find as the probability that the total system goes over from the state s to the state s’ during time t: SiR ea UR af) = fest pelt art, wry (008) ‘The probability that the first system will be found in the state n’ after time ¢, the total system having been in the state s = (nr) originally, is obtained from (10.5) by summation with respect tor’. § 41. Commutation Rules. Canonical Transformations ‘The development of wave mechanics in §§ 1-3 went beyond the general scheme of §§ 7 and 8 in that it employed certain specific Hermitian forms to represent the co-ordinates and momenta of the particle. We are now interested in seeing how this can be formulated in an invariant manner, without recourse to any special co-ordinate system in system space. For the Hermitian forms 4, p representing a rectangular 4 QUANTUM THEORY co-ordinate and its associated momentum we postulate the commutation rule Ifthe ayatem has only one degree of freedom, these two quantiti appear ts canonical oriaes in classical mechanics. All physical quantities of the system are then functions of p and q; in order to avoid complications we restrict ourselves to polynomials f in. p and q, and assume, in particular, that the Hamiltonian function H has this form, What are we to understand by the derivatives Jp and fy of f with respect to p and q in this domain in which $ and q are not commutative in multiplication? We should in any case require that differentiation with respect to g should obey the following postulates: () =O =; (2) F+ee g and (af), 8) Gdemhee thee We see immediately that these conditions uniquely determine the derivative of a polynomial f, unless they happen to lead to contradictions. But that they do not lead to contradictions ccan be seen from the fact that they are obeyed by the definition, th f= fp Pf. (11.2) (2) follows immediately from the enmmutation rule (11.1), and the Linearity (0) of the process is evident, (8) is proved by the formula “Jo. where «is anumber ; (gle — pl fe) = flep — pe) + (fp — pfle ‘which involves only the dis of matrix multiplication. Si ~theh=A—-y. a2) f ipa —which obviously suffices to establish the corresponding result for any polynomial f of p and g—and comparing it with the formule (11.2) applied to the particular function H, we are led to the familiar Hamiltonian equations of rlasciral markawice » aaa taaiel ana) C4 at COMMUTATION RULES 9 It is a wniversal trait of quantum theory to retain all the relations of classical physics; but whereas the latter interpreted these re lations as conditions to which the values of physical quantities were subject in all individual cases, the former interprets them as con ditions on the quantities themselves, or rather on the Hermitian matrices which represent them. This is the more significant formulation which the new quantum theory has given Bohr’s correspondence principle. The commutation rule (11.1) is of a rather remarkable nature, it 18 entirely impossible tor matrices in a space of a finite number of dimensions, and it alone precludes the possi- bility that in an co-dimensional space q (or p) have only a discrete spectrum of characteristic numbers. For on referring g to its principal axes 4= |\Qnn||) gon— au dan = (m+); P= |lPmnlly the left side of the commutation rule has the components Pala — gu), hence the main diagonal consists of nothing hut zeros!” The question arises as to whether it can be con: cluded from (11.1) alone that the forms representing q and p can always be given the form fever oe) ae, oe vhthew for an arbitrary vector ¥ with components $x) on employing ‘an appropriate co-ordinate system in system space. We shall see in Chap. IV, § 18, that, on introducing a certain irreducibility condition, this is in fact the case. On taking into account the three space co-ordinates g, and their associated linear momenta p. (e= 1, 2, 3), we have in place of the one commutation rule (11.1) the following : Pabp— Babe = dude ~ Sofa — 0 for all «, Bs h fl (@=—) (4) Pate a= 78-1, Bo =l0 (eee. | ‘The same commutation rules apply to the case in which we have several particles, the only difference being that then « runs through 6, 9, + «'+ values, according to the number of particles, instead of 8. These commutation rules are the necessary and suficient condition that the dynamical law, which yovemns the time rate of change of the state vector £ in system space, leads tu the Hamiltonian equations for the “canonical variables Ye, Po Tepresenting the co-ordinates and associated momenta of the various particies composing the physical system—whatever 06 QUANTUM THEORY the dependence of the Hamiltonian function Hon these quantities may be. To classical mechanics the Hamilionian equations are invariant with respect 10 canonical transformations." In a system of Ff degrees of freedom the transition from a set of variables g,, Pa, describing the state to a set gl, 92 (a= 1,2 +++, fis a canonical transformation if the difference Epa, — Epitas (11.5) is a total differential. If, for example, the gs are subjected to a transformation sai ++ a) among themselves, the ?. must transform as the components of a “ covariant vector” in g-space in order that the whole be & canonical transformation (“extended point transformation”) 4, = rth. Pit Pe Perhaps the simplest canonical transformation is that in which the roles of y and p are interchanged = P= tn te= Pe The canonical transformations constitute a group [cf. II, §1}. For the identity, ie. the transition from (p, 4) t0 (Pq is & canonical transformation; the inverse (p’, q')— (p, 9) of a canonical transformation (p, 9)—» (p', 7) is also canonical ; and from the canonical transformations (p, 2) (p', @’), (®, a) > (P" 4") iE follows that the tesllant (lanafonaation (9, > (@", £°} is also canonical, for if Epads— Etattn Evade — Eade ae total differentials their sum Zpulds — Epallte a= is also. ‘An infinitesimal canonical transformation is one in which qf siifer infiively iitite from p,q. We can consider it as ‘an infinitesimal deformation of the 2f-dimensional (p, ¢)-space which takes place in the infinitesimal time interval e= 5. We introduce the componente Bp, 8g of the displacement vector by COMMUTATION RULES 7 Since (11.5) must be a total differential, ZPde + Eyip, = aT (12.6) must also; in our case T must differ only infinitesimelly from Zpate We may therefore write T= pg eS; ‘considering Sas a f with (11.6), ction of pa and gf we have, in accordance as or a7) Be Since we may legitimately neglect terme of order of, we may identify ¢{ with g, on the right-hand side of these cyuations. We ca S the generating furition of the infinitesimal canonical transformation. In accordance with the Hamiltonian equations, the state of a system, represented by a point (p, ¢) in (p, ¢)-space, goes over into a state (p + de, g+ da) during time dt. If we follow this transition for all possible initial states (p, 9) we otain an infinitesimal deformation of the space whose points represent the state of the system. The Hamiltonian equations ascort that this deformation is an infinilesimal canonical transformation with generating function I1-dt, Tt follows from this without any calculation that these equations have a significance which is independent of any particular choice of canonical variables. Now in quantum theory the Hamiltonian equations (11.3) assert that the state vector 5 in system space undergoes the infinitesimal unitary rotation a ia +H, (8) s0 the infinitesimal canonical transformation of the quanti Pq is here obtained by cubjecting the argument 5 in the Hi ‘uilian forms representing them to the infinitesimal rotation 6 QUANTUM THEORY land, in virtue of the commutation relations (11.4), this agrees exactly with (117). On generating a finite canonical trans formation by the successive application of an infinity of finitesimal ones we arrive at the result that the unitary corre- ‘spondences of system space on itself in quantum theory . v=Ut correspond to the canonical transformations of classical mechanics § more precisely, only those for which the matrix U is expressible in terms of the matrices p, g, but we may for the present pass ‘aver the question as to whether every matrix J can be obtained, for at least arbitrarily closely approximated, in this way. Since the commutation rules (11.4) remain unchanged under rotations of the normal co-ordinate system, they are valid for an arbitrary set of canonical veriables. This is also evident from the fact that they are the conditions that the dynamical law (8.1) lead to the Hamiltonian equations a a The general procedure for the quantum mechanical treat ment of a physical system suffers from the disagreeable fact that the expression for the energy in terms of the canonical variables must be taken from the classical model, and in ad- dition the transition to quantum mechanics is even then not unique, for the model offers no means of telling whether a monomital such as ply is to be interpreted as p%, pap, gp* or a linear combination of all three [cf. IV, 5 14]. The provisional character of such a procedure is clear, but the results so far ob- tained seem to justify the hope that the path we have entered upon will lead to a unique formulation of the laws governing. the actual physical phenomena We need then concern our= selves longer with the general mechanical scheme. (11.3) {12 Motion of a Particle in an Electro-magnetic Field. Zeeman Effect and Stark Effect Let the spatial co-ordinates x2 now be denoted by #2 5 andthe time! by %. If gis the scalar and cl the vector potential of the electro-magnetic field, then in the theory of relativity (= $, We, Hy, Ba) = (Ba, bs. be $5) are the components of a vector in the space dual to the 4-di- mensional world. Let 2p _ ae, aaa Bagh PARTICLE IN ELECTRO-MAGNETIC FIELD 99 Puy Fy Fy are the components of the electric field strength ©, (Fes, Fay, Fyq) the components of the magnetic field strength 9. Denoting’ the components ot the velocity of a particle by U4, Up, Us, its proper time is ds = Vd — (at | da} dade av ect (ot = vt + + Ot With the world vector w=? is associated the dual u. with components tau =1,2,3), w= Aut ‘The invariant equations of motion for a particle of mass m and charge — e are se) a 1,28) (121) The right-hand side is in fact the ponderomotive force (E+ 2v6)) These equations arise from the Hamiltonian function T= ety + eal + Zot obit, (12.2) in which %,%2%); Ps P2Ds are the canonical variables, In tact, the Hamiltonian equations yield Pit ey = muy | in the remaining equations dpe UL fib, 2 Ub dates ana g Sele aca ees the left-hand side i ) 24, 2 domi (2b, de, Oa et Ze 8) But this is the desired equation (12.1) Ma Ee wk z Ges _ 28)o,}, a Nb Oty) 72 Nae, ae 100 QUANTUM THEORY ‘The negative energy — H is the time component py of the dual . ‘veetor whose space components are the components of linear momentum p = (Ps, Ps, Ps), 80 the equation (12.2) can be written in the rational form Hat cba? — 3 oct ohh = mie, From this we obtain the simple rule: Tike influence af am slectra- magnetic field on a particle of charge — 1 can he exppresced by ve- placing p. by ?. + eb. in the equations of mation for a free particle On going over to quantum theory p. becomes the operator 4 2a is eamtagrin tthe cinenoalciglacemet de, a8 is seen from the equation HNN sAeae urls iow On inedsing lf oi a 2 aay Mt be replaced by Yh (22.8) in the wave equation of the particle. Only $y has a simple physical Significance; itis therefore to be assumed that the laws Which govern ¥ remain invariant on replacing y by e+, where A is any real function of position in space-time. On the other hand, in the ciassicai theory of tne electro-magnetic held only the field strengths, and. not the potentials, have an objective signif- ie. the laws are invariant on replacing gy by ge — where ys is also an arbitrary function of the x, On examining our wave equation for these invariantive properties we find that it is not invariant under each of them separately, but that ‘there must exist a certain relation between A and wu. The field equations for the potentials } and ¢ of the material and electro- ‘magnetic waves are invariant under the simullaneous replacement of ka here ) is an arbitrary function of the space-time co-ordinates. ‘This * principle of gauge invariance” is quite analogous to that previously set up by the author, on speculative grounds, in order to attive at a unified theory of gravitation and electricity #8 But I now believe that this gange invariance does not tie to- B by ep and $. by be— PARTICLE IN RLECTRO-MAGNETIC FIFLD 101 gether electricity and gravitation, but rather electricity and matter in the manner described above. We shall discuss this principle more thoroughly in Chap. IV; its significance and its interpretation will then be more apparent. On passing to the limit c—> oo in (12.2), after separating out the factor mc, we return to ordinary mechanics : Hx eb + A ylp, + of) ot a On neglecting torms which ars quadratic in the $4 we find, in addition to the kinetic energy Epf/2n, the potential Va—d +S im. (2.4) We have already made use of the first part, that due to the lectric field, in § 5, If we have, in addition to the field originat- ing in the nucleus, a homogeneous electro-static field in the direction of the 2-axis and of strength F, for which $= — F +2, it adds the perturbation term Waekon to the energy. A homogeneous static magnetic field § is obtained from the vector potential «= Fig}, ©= ( », 4); this adds to the energy the perturhation term sitter) = ae thtoe) de 68 |. (2.8) Zeeman Bypecl—It the homogeneous magnetic hela strength, ot magnitude jgj, 1s in the direction ot the s-axis, the per- turbation term 1s lo ue On choosing the characteristic functions yig? as our co-ordinate system in the system space of the functions J, W7, as well as the energy of the unperturbed atom, is in diagonal form ; the state defined by wi, m it has the value hoo m. (22.7) he, Who-Ly (12.9) 102 QUANTUM THEORY The components (nl, m) —r (n,m), consistent with the selection: rule for m, into which the line with frequency ¥ = 5 (Eq: — Ew’) is broken up give rise to but three lines: one corresponding to fll the transitions mm, which is linearly polarized in the Sircetion of the # asds and is undisplaced ; one which is circularly polarized perpendicular to the s-axis, the frequency v of which Frdisplaced by -+o (me > m — 1); and one which is cireularly polarized in the opposite sense, with frequency » —o instead bev (m-—> m+ 1), This normal Zeeman effect is found only in the so-called singlet lines, i i ‘Stark Effect—In accordance with the general perturbation theory, the displacement and resolution of terms in tae presence of a homogeneois electric field is determined, to terms of first order, by the matrix oF (s). In consequence of the selection rule J+ +t 1, <#) = 0, unless ‘accidentally all energy levels whose azimuthal quantum numbers differ by Leoincide, Ignoring this exceptional case, we should expect to find no VW order perturbation effect increasing linearly with the field strength F (linear Stark effet), but only a quadratic effect, which is much smaller. This is in agreement with the experimental data on alkali atoms. Hydrogen is, however, degenerate, since for it energy levels with the same principal quantum number and J=0, 1, *--, 2—1 coincide. The caleulations for this case have been carried out by Schridinger and compared with experiment.” § 13, Atom in Interaction with Radiation Following Jeans, black body radiation is mathematically equivalent to a system of infinitely many oscillators. Maxwell's equations for the free ether are divG=0, ci ivE=0, cul G— In order to simplify the relations, we assume that the walls of the radiation cavity of volume '¥ are reflecting; then © is perpendicular to the walls at the boundaries of the cavity. Since the black body 15 at rest it is of no particular advantage to carry through the calculation in a relativistically invariant manner; we may therefore normalize the vector potential ATOM IN INTERACTION WITH RADIATION 103 9{ in such @ way that the scalar potential vanishes. We then igi On the boundary 9 is normal to the walls, Let the characteristic numbers and cliaracteristic functions of the equations AM+5%=0, divA =o, with the boundary condition that Wis there normal, be denoted vo pe (EO Me [x-1,98,---}, normalized in accordance with $(2.24)a" = tnd 7 On setting Mare %, ‘where the coefficients g” depend on time but not on position, we find for them the equations a 2 ge Inibacing Em pin ana the gs eguton i that for an oscillator with Hamiltonian function betters we readily find on appl Ea Trew, SacTor-cul that the energy of the radiation field is in fact given by 1 ~L[e.gur- on n ale FOV = THe with this we have proved the theorem due to Jeans. For high frequencies p there are approximately as.) 104 QUANTUM THEORY modes of oscillation in the frequency interval p, p+ dp.” We are interested above all in the limiting case of an infinitely large cavity ; the spectrum then becomes continuous and our formula for the'density of frequencies becomes exact. On quantising this mechanical system of infinitely many oscillators # in accordance with the theory of the oscillator (§ 3) and the process of composition (§ 10—but ef. remark on p. 108), wwe find as possible quantum states s, each of which ischaracterized by the fact that in it there is associated with each index @ an integer m, 20. in this quantum state 1 Hy = healt 3)s or, on choosing the additive constant in the energy in auch a way that the lowest energy value which the black body radi is capable of assuming is 0, Ham tap Ho Dia how Jn the language of photons this means that when the cavity is in the state s it contains x, photons of each kind a The matrix element Gor [S= May May Mey wnishes unless all the equations Sm My My] MS Mm, mm, mM, + hold with the exception of n= n., which is to be replaced by Nes mepl or nan In the fret case we have, by eg. (2.13), Gov = ED and in the second “ Ve (Absorption) (13) The first transition s—> s consists in a photon of kind « springing into being, the second in the disappearance of one such photon, It follows from the above that in a transition for which qi ++ 0 all other gf, must vanish. Let an'alom with fixed nucleus and electric dipole moment q interact with the radiation field. Differentiate the quantum states of tho atom from one another by means of the index » and denote the corresponding energies by hv, ; then g +1) (Emission), (13.2) ie ATOM IN INTERACTION WITH RADIATION 105 ‘A quantum state of the total system consisting of both atom ‘and radiation is characterized by the quantum numbers “The effect of the radiation on the atom is, in accordance with eq. (12.4) of the preceding paragraph, given to a first approxima- tion by the perturbation term 2 — Ga. Jt can be shown that the addition of such a term to the Hamiltonian function of the total system will, according to classical theory, not only indicate an influence exerted on the atom by the radiation field, but will also modify the equations of Maxwell in 2 way which indicates that the motion of the clectrons in the atom affects the radiation field. The per ‘turbation term will accordingly call forth emission as well as absorption, To a sulficient approximation we may take for 2% its value at the point occupied by the nucleus, provided we restrict ourselves to radiation whase wave-length 15 large compared with the dimensions of the atom, We now have W = EGG) ¢. (13.3) Prom this it follows than an clement ¢- Wy, gw can only differ from 0 if s aud s’ are such that all nj = np with the exception ot a single one nj, which must equal n, ++ 1. hen only the a term contributes to the sum (13.3), and we have Fg = (ban Me) in (3.4) Bohr’s frequency condition, which asserts that the emission or absorption of a photon in state a with energy fp, is associated with a quantom jump of the atom in which an amount “L hiva —v_) — Ap, of energy ic lost or won, need by no means be satis hore. ‘The finite cavity has ite own frequencios pa, aad may therefore be in no position to take up the frequencies associated with the quantum jumps of the atom, This is true in principle, but as a matter of fact, as we shall see, Bohr's frequency condition is fulfilled to a very close approximation in the overwhelming majority of all transitions ; and this is more land more the ease the larger the cavity is TLet the atom be in the state and the radiation in the Ehrape = V+ Ulplde, (15.0) where the sum on the left is to be extended over those indices for which py lies between p snd p + dp; hence Uip)ép i the energy density of the radiation contained in the frequency 106 QUANTUM THEORY range p, p+ dp.. In accordance with (10.8), the probability that the atoin will Sind iteclf in the state »’ after time by 03 Ya + pret Se ‘The contribution to this sum due to the cases in which a photon js emitted is, in accordance with equations (13.2), (18.4), given bs 7 a 1 cot Cou = et Mire +1) | Bz Gan =P pe and that for absorption by Dg L— 608 Pane + pall ite) og Be Tew Fad Hye | Ew Consider first the case in which the term level vq is higher than. vai Yost =a Yay = —v is then negative. We now collect together all those terms a in the sum (13+6,) for which p. les between p and p-+ dp. Since the position of the atom is not exactly fixed—even in consequence of the variations caused by the emission of photons—we may, for small wave-lengths, replace YE by its mean value xj as given by the normalizing equation f%jd7 = 4m, and we may also assume that all directions are equally probable for Of, The square |(.4)|* of the scalar product of M with e Sxod vector g hes 4! value 4%. gl, (19.6,) then becomes sv 1 0s (p — v)t te line? Eh ta Pa Coy 8 On introducing (13.8) the sum ( tion, be replaced by the integral Ae [few l? i 1 = 008 (p oe eo Essentially the only elements which contribute to the value of this integral, for a time £ large in comparison with the duration I/y of an oscillation, are those or which plies near tov. On developing Wa) (13) i. (13.6,) may, toa good approxima in powers of p —», the first term in the expansion contributes te eh PF ae a at OY) (is.7) ATOM IN INTERACIIUN WITH RADIATION 107 to the integral; all others are to Le neglected. Similarly the entire amount (13.0,) due to emission is negligible, for its de- nominator (p+ v)* vanishes nowhere. This means that the transition is almost invariably associated with the absorption of, ‘a photon whose frequency lies very close to v, The probability. that the atom will appear in the higher state n' after lapse of time f increases in proportion with ¢; the factor 4a* UY) gt dat 3 (nls Sow? = ape is the probability that the transition n> n' take place in unit time, ‘This formula was obtained for the case in which the state n’ possessed a higher energy level than », In the reverse case only the sum (13.6,) due to emissions contributes an appreciable amount. We now put My — % — Me » and obtain the same formula with this difference : in place of ny we now have s+ 1, Ub) Gnwl? or in place of the sum (18.5) the sam Thon, + Up. = Thn.p. + The. The first is I” Ulp}ap, and we denote the second by V+ u(phdp, This latter is equal to (hp) times the number of modes of vibra tion of the cavity within the frequency interval p, p + dp; hence by (13.1) telde = V -ulp)dp =V The probabitity that the atom drop from state n into the lower state nin unit time is given by oY SEL) + ull tow ‘The additional term u(r) is characteristic for spontaneous emission. When the radiation is not enclosed in a black body, i.e, when there is no radiation density Ul), the prob Bility’ that the atom drop from the state n to the lower siate n’ in unit time, emitting thereby a photon wnose trequency lies in the immediate neighbourhood of v = vx — Yn 18 4 Tae! This agrees with the formula obtained by integrating (8.11) over all direviiuus. The probability that the the level m into a higher level n’ (rq > vq) under thes conditions 1s zero. 108 QUANTUM THEORY, Tn the energy field of the black hady radiation wo fad mot only absorption, but aleo “stimulated emission,” both of which are proportional to the energy density U(y). Ou setting Aan = 3 [awl*| (13.8) ie tthe probability for a jump from state m to a higher state n’ in wunit time is ‘Wan = Aan UW) | =r —»,), (18.9) and the probability for the inverse jump, the drop from #2” toms n= Ava) £ uO] (13.9) Since [|4,e{] is an Hermitian matrix, [4av = Ane (18,10) If there are a number af atoms whale eyetem ie in worage 33 many tome must make the jump nn’ in unit time as make the inverse jump n'->n, On denoting the number of atoms in the state m by WV,, these considerations are expressed in the condition the radiation field and the Ml Aan NaU) = Aura NolO + wb) N, ls) m+ 98. (13.11) The probability coefficients Aww = Avy have entirely appeared—or rather, almost entirely, for the equation is valid, only under the assumption that yy £0 Of Guy #0, 1.6. tise icausicion nz n° is not to De torbidden by the selection rrules. But for such a system in thermal equilibrium NV, must as shown by Boltamann, be proportional to i CF hl where 9 is the temperature and A the Boltzmann constan ‘Equation (13.11) chen becomes i eoermen at or the Planck radiation formula: te we) vo) IN INTERAL H KAVIALIUN 109 this formula is valid for all frequencies » whuse energies can be exchanged by the absorbing and emitting atoms in accordance with Bohr's frequency condition. ‘We have thns finally retuned to the historical origin of the oe sy. We 3 this treatment, duc to Dirac, of encrgy exchange between matter and radiation.’ In the first’ place, it is able to explain the fact that the spectral lines are not sharp, but possess a natural breadth.® Secondly, we must inquire what causes this difference between absorption and emission, procescee which are transformed into each other on changing the direction of time. Indeed, the fundamental mechanical and field laws ate invariant under the transformation t+ —1! The answer is that this difference is due to the preferential direction in time involued in the application of tha theory of probability » we assume a fixed initial state and caloulate, with # of transition probabilities, the distribu tion over the various states at a Jaler time, not the distribution which would result from the equations for an earlier time. If no assumption is made concerning this preferential direction, # should be replaced by {t] in (18-7). And finally, the fact that ‘we have here treated Maxwell's equations as classieal equations ‘of motion, and as cuch have oubjected them to the process of ‘quantization, may give tise to serious doubts—for in our general formulation ‘Maxwell's equations are already the quantum- theoretic wave equations for the photon! But we shall see in Chap. TV, §11, that this method is in fart the correct one ploy in order to go from one corpusele to an indefinite number of corpuscles, For since the number of photons must remain indefinite—as a photon can, in contrast Wo an electron, spring into being or disappear—the method of composition described in § 10 is not applicable to them, CHAPTER U1 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS §1. Transformation Groups HE concept of a group, one of the oldest and most profound of mathematical concepts, was obtained by abstraction from that of a group of transformations. A point-field, 2 domain of elements which we call points, on which the transformations operate, underlies the trans- formations, This point-field may be either the totality of a finite number of individually exhibited elements or an infinite set. in particular a continuum such as space or time. A mapping or correspondence S of the point-field on itself is determined by a law which associates with each point p of the field a point p’ as image: p—> p’—= Sp; two correspondences Sp and Tp are identical if for all points p the two image points Sp and Tp coincide. If the point-ficld contains a finite number of elements the correspondence S can be defined by giving explicitly the image point for each point p; for infinite sets, however, the association is only possible by giving the law of the function S. Among such correspondences there is a particular one which associates with each point p the point p itself: pp; it is called the identity I. Two correspondences can be applied successively :, if the first sends the arbitrary point p into p’ = Sp, the second p’ into p” = Tp’, then the correspondence resulting from the composition of the’ two is defined by the association 2 > p" = T(Sp) and is denoted by TS (read from right to left !). ‘The resultant correspondence depends on the order of the two factors § and T. In order that composition be possible it is essential that the correspondences are ones which map the point-feeld on iteelf, and not on another point-field, We shall restrict ourselves to one-to-one correspondences S: the image points p’ = Sp associated with p shail always be distinct, and each given point p’ shall appear as the image of one (and only one) of the points p. Consequently such a one-to- 110 TRANSFORMATION GROUPS um ane correspandence S: pp" determines a second, the innerse Sts pls p of S, which just cancels it: Ss The inverse of $-1 is again S and the identity Tis its own inverse. The resultant TS of two one-to-one correspondences S, T is itself une-to-one, and its inverse is (73)-*= SOT! —for fon inverting the correspondences p> p'—> p” there resuits p> p>. Henceforth we shall consider only those corre- spondences, also called transformations or substitutions, which are one-to-one. In this domain we have, in accordance with what has been said, the two fundamental operations of inversion and eamposition Examples.—1. Let the point-feld consist of elements exhibited individually; bring them into a particular order by numbering them with the integers AS nm ay This numbering consists in a one-to-one reciprocal relation between the elements of the point-field and the integers or possible “positions” g in the series (1.1). A permutation con- sists in the transition from one such arrangement to another. Tf wie wich to operate in epare we may thinl: of the positions as fixed compartments into which the movable elements can be we may think of the clements as xed and shift the movable numbers about. With each permutation is ed a one-to-one correspondence p> p’ which tells which element p’ occupies, after the exchange, the position previously held by p. Insotar as the method of numbering is considered as left to convention, the permutation is nothing more than this one-to-one correspondence. The concept is to he understood in this way when we are concerned with the composition oF sureessive application af permutations 2. A kinematical example of 2 group is offered by the motions of a space-filling substance, in particular those of a rigid body. The positions ot numbers’ of the preceding example are here represented by he miaterial points and the puint-field is the space itself. The one-to-one correspondence p> p’ connects the mitial with the final state: that material point which origin- ally covered the spatial point is taken to the point 9’ by the motion, Congruent correspondences of space on to itself will also be briefly referred to as “motions” in the geometrical The concept of a group of transformations is now readily 2 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS formulated. We understand by it any system @ of transforma tions of a given point-field, which is closed in the sense of the following condition: 1. Terrontains the identity ; 2. If Shetongs to G}, then its inverse St does als 8. The resultant T'S of any two transformations S, T of @ is also a transformation of @. examples we name the group of all »! permutations of things, the congruent mappings or '' motions" of 3-dimensional Euelidean space, all homogencous linear transformations ia ‘2 variables with non-vanishing determinants (affine correspond- tence of an n-dimensional vector space) and the group of unitary transformations in n dimensions, If the point p goes over into p' by means of a transformation uf the group ©, thea p” is said to be equivalent to p (with veapact to the group @). ‘The same concept is applied when we arc considering instead of a point p a figure consisting of points. Expressed in these terms, the Ue requirements for @ group are nothing other than the three axioms of equality = 1. pis equivalent to p; 2. If p” is equivalent to p, then p is equivalent to "; 3. If pis equivalent to p and p” to p’, then p” is equivalent top. ‘Recording to Klein's Kslanger Lrogram * any geometry of a point-field is based on a particular transformation group © of the field; figures which are equivalent with respect to ®, and which can therefore be carried into one another by a trans: formation of G, are to be considered as the same, In Euclidean geometry this réle is played by the group of congruency trans: formations, consisting of the motions referred to above, and in affine geometry by the group of affine transformations, etc. ‘The group expresses the specific isotropy or homogeneity of the space ; it consists ofall one-to-one “ isomorphic correspondences " of the space on itself, i.e. those transformations which leave undisturbed all objective relations between points of the space which can be expressed geometrically. The symmetry of a particular figure in such a space is described by a sub-group of consisting of all transformations of @ which carry the figure ‘over into itself. The art of ornamental tiling, which was per- fected by the Egyptians, contains implicitly considerable know- ledge of a group-theoretic nature; we here find, perhaps, the oldest fragment of mathematics in human culture. But only recently have we been able to formulate clearly the formal principles of this art; attempts in this direction were already made by Leonardo da Vinci, who sought to give a general and ARSTRACT GROUPS AND THRIR REALIZATION 119 systematic account of the various types of symmetry possible in a building. But the most wonderful symmetrical structures are exhibited in crystals, the symmetry of which is described hy those congriency transformations of Fnelidean space which bring the atomic lattices of the erystal into coincidence with themsclves. The moot important application of group theory to natural science heretofore has been in this field. ‘The following cousiderativus fie waiuraily iniv the present discussion, Let the point-field M on which the transformations 'S of the group G operate be mapped on the point-field N by ‘means of the one-to-one correspondence A: p—>q; the case in which the correspondence serves to introduce new numbering or new co-ordinates is of particular importance. Through this correspondence A of Man N the transfarmatinn S af M heroes, a transformation T of N; in the particular case mentioned above T ie simply description of the transformation $ in the new coordinates. It is evident that to the composition of trans formaiivus 3 wirespouds the Lumpusitiva uf the weespomdiag transformations T of N and that a group © of transformations 3 goes over into a group 9 of transformations T, The relation between these two transformations is T= ASA, (1.2) for if we denate the transformation S by p> 9’ and if 9. 9! are the points af N associated with pp! hy 4, then the transforma. tion ¢—> 4 of N is effected by nee l Pie Pie ‘We may aisu write § = AGA, In particular, these considera: tions apply when Nand M are the same point-field. § 2. Abstract Groups and their Realization ‘An arbitrary number of transformations of a given point-field on to itself can be applied successively; we are of course not restricted to merely two. But when we perform this process step by step it ie automatically reduced to a succession of com- ne talzen tan af a Hime» [B(C + ‘This possibility of performing an extended composition in steps involving but two Uansformations at a time shows that the associative law (AB)C = A(BC) holds for any three transformations 4, B, C. 114 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS The structure of a transformation group is obtained from it by abstraction when we allow the transformations themselves to degencrate into cements of an immaterial nature, retaining two given transformations are compored, in a given order, tO forts third, Ta accordance with what as Been said such. Composition necesarly obeys the asyociative law. Perhaps 3€ iso obeys other universal laws, Dut since we have at presonst no indication of this ve attempt a formulation of the abstract Structure of the group by means of the following definitions: "An abstract group ts asjsem of elements within which « laze of composition 1s tlven such that by means 0 i there arises frorre any ito (the same or diferent) elements a,b ofthe Rrowp, taken 172 {his order, on element ba. The follwing conditions shall thereb'y he atta T Phe associatoe la c(ba) = (8a: 2, Thee shall sett aw sleet 1, the omit somont,o an arbitrary dlament a tmaltered on composition with it: la a 8. To each element a shall exist an inverse a! which yields ov composition with it the unit element 1: ich lentie s Such an abstract group is not to be confused with its reala'- zation by transformations, i.e. by one-to-one correspondences of a given point-feld. 4 realization consists in ascociating witFe tach element a of the abstract group a transformation Ta) of the point-feld in such a way that to the composition of elements of the group corresponds composition of the associated transforma Hons: oe T(ba) — T(e)T(a). (22) At follows from this that to the unit element | corresponds the identity J and to inverse elements a, a-* correspond inverse transformations Tort) = THe), (2.2) ‘The first assertion follows from the particular case T(a)T(1) = T(a) of (2:1) by left handed composition with the seciproval of Ue transformation 7a); (2.2) is then contained in (2) a the particular case )— a", “The sealization is said to be falchfur when to distinct clements of the group correspond distinct transformations : T(@) = T(b) when a +b. ABSTRACT GROUPS AND THEIR REALIZALION 115 In accordance with the fundamcatal equation (2.1) the nevessaty ud sufficient wundition for “faiti(ulucss is Uhat T(a) shall be the identity only if-a is the unit element. For if a, } are two elements of the group it then follows from £(a) = Z(b), ue. T(a)T-4) — T(a)\TW) = Tab) — that under these conditions ab’ = | ue. a=b, If the abstract group is obtained from a transformation group (by abstraetinn, then conversely (is a faithful realization of it. In the study of transformation groups we always deal with two manifolds, the structureless point field and the manifold of givup cicmenis, the siuciure uf wiki is expressed by the iaw of composition, The original problem thus resolves itself into two; the examination of the various group structures possible and ‘the examination of the possibility of obtaining realizations of the given abstract group by transformations of a given point- field. The historical development of the subject has shawn that it is advantageous to affect this division into two problem: they are of fundamentally different charactor and require fundamentally different mathematical equipment for their discussion. Tn accordance with our method of introducing the abstract group, which we henceforth refer to simply as the group, it serves merely to give the structure of the group; the nature of its elements is immaterial. ‘This abstraction from the nature of the elements is expressed mathematically hy the concent of isomorphism Vf we have two groups g, gf and there is ase sociated with each element a of gan clement a’ of g’ in a one to-one way : a za’, such that (ba)’ = Ba’, (2.3) then the two groups are said to be simply isomorphic. Simply isomorphic abstract groups offer no means of distinguishing one from the other. The concept of isomorphism can, of course, be applied to transformation groups. Two isomorphic transforma- tion groups can be considered as faithful representations of one and the same abstract group. A group may be isomorphic with iteclf; it is then said to be automorphic. Such an auto: morphism occurs when g and g’ coincide, ic. when a one-to-one reciprocai association aga’ satisfying’ the condition (2.3) is established between the elements ot the group g, The question arises whether or not every abstract group possesses a faithful realization. If this were not the case the concept of an abstract grap as developed above would be tno Ibroad—there would exist, in addition to the ascoriative law, 116 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS other purely formal laws for the composition of transformations ‘hich are satisfied by every transformation group. Conversely, 2 proof vf the realizability of any abstract group would tell us that all that can be said about the formal laws for the com- position uf transformations is contained in our conditions (1) fo (8). We can, in fact, construct a faithful realization of any abstract group g by taking as the point field the group manifold itself und letting correspond to cach clement @ of the group the trausformation of the group manifold on to itself. This “‘left-translation ” 4, is obviously a one-to-one reciprocal transformation which hhas as inverse the transformation s= ants’. If a and b are distinct elements the corresponding transformations t,, ty are distinct, for they allow the unit element I to correspond to the distinct elements a, respectively. If we perform in succession two left-translations sadma, Pa abt the resulting transformation is, in consequence of the associative law, 5+ 8" = Ofas) = (ba)s. Consequently the left-translations constitute in fact a faithful realization of the abstract group. However, the right-trans- lations behave otherwise, for if we denote the mapping $+ 8’ = sa of the group manifold on itself by #*(a), we find instead of (2.1) the equation (ba) = t*(a}t"(b). §3, Sub-groups and Conjugate Classes A sub-group gf of a given abstract group gis a sat of elements contained in g which itself fulfils the characteristic group con- ditions: the unit element 1 belongs to g’, with a belongs also 2-1 and with a, b also ba. ‘These three conditions can be reduced to the one: if a, b are any two elements of g', then ba? also belongs to 4’. We assume, of course, that the partial system consists not merely of the element I, but the other limiting case, in which g’ coincides with g, shall be included under the concept of a sub-group. Examples are readily found. In the group of Euclidean motions are contained, for example, the group of rotations (which leaves one point, the centre, fixed) and the group of translations. The unitary transformations constitute a sub- SUB-GROUPS AND CONJUGATE CLASSES 117 group of the complete group of all homogeneous linear transforma- ions; the even permutations a sub-group of the eroup of all permutations. If we are dealing with a transformation group ©, all those transformations of @ which leave a particular point p fixed (j.c. which carry p over into itself) constitute a sub-group Gp. Instead of a point p the fixed element may be any figure composed of points; the transformations of the sub- gronp must either leave the figure as a whole fixed (ie. they must carry each point of the figure over into another such) or the more restrictive condition that they leave cach point of the figure fixed. We can also obtain sub-groups of © by employing invariant functions instead of invariant figures. Jf y(p) 1s any function of position on the point-feld with elements we sociate with the transformation S:p— p' the function yf defined by y/(p") — $(p) and say that it is obtained from ¢ by the transformation S. If p’ = Sp, p” = Tp’, the equations He) — ¥(e) — ¥"P") show that the composition of the transitions ¥—>y' and W > W" associated with S and T result in the transition > B” associated with TS. Now consider all transformations S of G which carry ${p) over into itself, ic. for which (Sp) — $(p) is an identity in p; they constitute a sub-group © of G, and ¥(p) is an invariant of ©. In this way we can separate out the rotations from the homogenenns linear transformations by requiring the invariance of the unit quadratic form. ‘The sub groups contained in a finite group g, which is described by exhibiting each of its elements and giving explicitly the result of composition of each two, can be obtained by inspection, ‘There is assnciated with each element a of the group g a eytlie sub-group denoted by (8) Tenet Peale a ae, (31) lve elemets a* uf which are defined inductively by the equations al, ota ata These elements constitute in fact a group, for m and m being any integral exponents we have are common to all sub-groups of g which contain a. The elements of the set (3.1) can either be distinct or—and this latter must be the case if @ is a finite group—they must r themselves after a cycle of k terms: I, a, a?, =~, ab! are distinct but at = I. his called the order of the element a. 118 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS The order of @ finite group is the number of its clements; accordingly, tre order of an elemeut o agrees with the urder ut the cyclic sub-group (a) generated by 2. A group is said to be commutative or Abelian if composition ofits elements obeys reese Ifa rune through the sub-group iy (left) translations t, constitute a group of transformations which is simply isomorphic with b, the point-field of which is the group manifold. We say that two elements s, s’ which are equivalent with respect to this transformation group are (left-Jequivalent with respect to and express this situation by the notation ‘§ = 5 with respect to 9"; the condition for it is that s’ = as where a is an element of B. In this way the elements of q are divided into sate of elements which ace equivalent to 5. Tf Ug is a finite group the number of elements in each of these sets is given by the order of b, for ditterent translations f, send s into different elements : as “+ bs if ab. The order of b is ‘accordingly a divisor of the order of g, and the quotient of these two is the index of 6. The considerations at the end of §2 above, which were developed for groups of transformations, suggest a second realization of the abstract group g. We associate with the clement a the correspondence sos = aset (3.2) of the group manifold on itself. This correspondence, which we call the " conjugation ” f,, 18 reciprocal one-to-one, and has as inverse s=a-1¥a. ‘The law of composition is obeyed, for from Se ase, soe a bo wwe obtain the product "= basa? = (ba}stba)* Two elements $, 5’ of g ate sald to be conjugate if they are equivalent with’ respect to the group of all conjugations. Ac- cordingly, the whole group is divided into classes, any element of one of which is conjugate to any other element of the same class. When we speak of classes within a group without a more explicit description we mean these conjugate classes. The realization of g by the group of conjugations is in general a“ contracted " rather than a faithful realization. In particular, the conjugation % coincides with the identity if a commutes ‘with all elements 5 of the group. The totality of all such ele- ments a is called the central of the group; it is obviously SUBGROUPS AND CONJUGATE CLASSES 10 an Abelian sub-group of g. But this disadvantage of con- jugation over translation is offset by an advantage ; conjugation is an isomorphic correspondence within the group itself which leaves the unit element invariant and which associates with each sub-group } of q another such, the conjugate sub-group aba. These facts, which are expressed by the equation a(st)a* = (asa™)(ata~*), wete alucady contained implicitly in the considerations at the end of § 1. fis said to be a self-conjugate or iavariant sub-group if it coincides with all its conjugate sub-groups. The importance of this last concept is best seen in the following : Theorem. If) is an invariant sub-group and = denotes equivar ienve wits reopesi iu it, nen it fottows from s'as,U'st that sif'=st (3.3) To prove this we note that of — as, — bt (a, b in §) yield st = asbt = (ac) (st). (4) for ¢— bs" belongs to with b. Since ac lies in h our assertion is proven. It is readily seen that the invariantive nature of fis necessary ac well as sufficient for the validity of (3.8). Tn deal- ing with an invariant sub-group h we need not distinguish ’ with ceepect to Heindeed, the above proof was based on this fact We may, if we like, consider equivalent elements as not differing from one another (by application of the principle of definition by abstraction) ; but by thus allowing equivalent clements to fall together the group property of g is, in general forfeited. In accordance with the above theorem it still remains, however, if is an invariant sub-group. The group obtained from g by identifying all clements which are equivalent with respect to § is called the factor group g/); its order is the index of the invariant sub group § of These concepts are of assistance in examining the way in which a group may be “contracted " on setting up a realization, Let the transformation T(a) of a given point field on iteelf ‘correspond to the clement a of the abstract group g i the real iow under cousideration. Then T(a) = Tia’) if and only if a is obtained from a by comprsition with an clement ¢ (i.e. a’ — a) for which Tle) is the identity. Such elements ¢ obviously con- stitute a sub-group § of g, for it follows from Tle) =I, Tee’)=L that Tle’) = Tle’) = 1. 320 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS sup, for if T(e) is the identity. the same is true of Taea) = Tla)Tle)T-Ma) = Ta)T-*0). In any realization of an abstract group g by « group uf iransfurree- tinns the elements of a certain invariant sub-group }) of g correspond Le the identical transformation; two different elements will be ie ‘ad only af thoy ave equivalent with respect to, The group of transformations is consequently a faithful realisation of the factor group gi. § 4, Representation of Groups by Linear ‘Tran ions. (On requiring that the transformations which are to serve as a realization of a given abstract group g be linear and homo- geneous we arrive at'a problem which is most fruitful from the fhathematical standposnt and which is at the same time of greatest importance for quantum mechanics ; we then speak of a representation, instead of a realization, of the group.* An editnensional representation of g, or a representation of degree 72, Consists in asvocialing with each clement of the group att affine transformation U(s) of the n-dimensional vector space ‘R=, in such a way that these transformations obey the: law of composition Ug = UIs). (41) We thon say What » indies the transformation U(s) in the representation space On choosing a definite co-ordinate system in each transformation U( is represented by a square matrix of » rows and columns, the determinant of which does fot vanish. On replacing the original co-ordinate system by another, obtained from it by the transformation A, the corre- spondence which was formerly represented by the matrix U(s) is now represented by the matrix AU(s)A-}. Consequently if. the association s— (0) i a representation, the aseociation, SAU A* is obviously also one; this latter representation is said to be equivalent to the former. ‘They are essentially the same, differing only in the choice of the co-ordinate system in terms of which they are described. Examples-—A representation in one dimension consists in signing to cach element s of the group a non-vanishing number xis) in such a way that ale = x0) x10. (42) REPRESENTATION OF GROUPS 121 In particular, x(1) = 1. A most trivial L-dimensional repre- sentation is obtained by assigning to each s the number 1: xi) = 1. This special case is ealled the identical representation Consider next the co-called symmetric group, the group ny — ny of all f! permutations of f things. The assuciation soh= sl) according as s is an even or an odd permutation, defines a L-dimensional representation, the “ alternating” representation of the group 7. For the ‘character 5, which distinguishes hetween the even and the odd permutations, satisfies the equation Bu = Bee Let g be a finite cyclical group of order hj the elements sare then Lats aht and a = 1. Consider tne L-dimensional representation $—> x(s) in which via) =. The condition (4,2) for a representation then tells ne that ta the elements « nf this arias enrrespond 4, 6,640 04, Conversely, when e is an arbitrary fe* root ot unity ‘this assocration dehnes a i-dimensional ré- presentation of g. We have thus obtained a complete survey of all paseible Iedimensional representations af a eyelieal group. The only example of a multi dimensional representation which we offer at this tine is the following tivial one, If is itself a group of linear transformations of an n-dimensional vector space'i then the association $—> s defines an n-dimensional representation of ¢. This example implies more than one might at first sight imagine. We have in fact to do the following: wwe firet cbtain the otructure of the group g by abstraction from the gioup of lineat Wausformations aod then return to the original ealization by means of Ue correspondence ¥—> s between an element s of the abstract group on the one hand and the linear transformation s on the other, The concept of equivalence has a more general significance than that discussed above, It may refer to an arbitrary system E of linear conteapondences U of the dimensional vector space We need not assume Uat Uses cuscespondeuces Possess an inverse (ie. that they have a non-vanishing deter- inant), nor need we assume that they are associated with 123 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS the elements s of a group, as is the case with representations. On expressing the set of correspondences U in terms of a new co-ordinate system each matrix U goce over into the matrix U! = AUA; the system Fis transformed into the equivalent system 2 consisting of the U', a is here a fixed non-singular matrix. Consider @ correspondence U of & on to itself. A linear subspace W of R is said lo be invariant under U if the vectors of BY are transformed into vectors of BY by U. Ie BY is invariant then the space B (mod. H) obtained by projecting w with spect to R’ is also invariant (cf. 1, § 2, in particular Fig. 1). being invariant, U gives rise to a correspondence U' ot on to itself; we say that U induces U' in ¥. Similarly for the space obtained by projection, We now pass from a single correspondence U to a system Z of correspondences. is said to be invariant under Z if it is invariant under each corre: spondence U of Z. Describing ® in terms of a co-ordinate system which is adapted to the invariant sub-space , all matrices U of the system 2 reduce simultaneously to the form illustrated in Fig. 1, p. 8. 2 is called irreducible if 8 con: tains no sub-space, other than & itself and the space 0 consisting only of the vector 0, which is invariant under Z. We shall have occasion to reduce f in such a way that each constituent separated off is irreducible under a given system J. This requires the construction of a series of sub-spaces 8, Diy By + +, = (83) beginning with 0 and ending with ®, in which each member is contained in the preceding one and is such that 8; (mod. 8.) is irreducible, Naturally 9, shall actually be larger than Riau, not merely coincide with it. The implications of thie reduction fare most readily seen in terms of the matrices U of the corre- spondences of the system 2 on adapting the co-ordinate system to the “composition series” (4.8), i.c. by choosing first a co: ordinate system in GR, then supplementing it with additional fundamental vectors in order to obtain a co-ordinate system for My, Ry, > «in turn, |__ 2s said to be completely reducible if R can be decomposed into two sub-spaces X-+ ®’, each of which are invariant under Z and such that ucither of them consists merely of the vector 0. This woucepi of compiese reducibitity is more exacting than that of mere reducibitity, On describing 9 in terms of a co-ordinate system which is adapted to this decomposition, each matrix U of E assumes the form illustrated in Fig. 2, p. 9. We are then faced with the problem of decomposing’ % (or Z) into FORMAL PROCESSES 123 constituents, none of which is completely reducible, ie. of decomposing = ¥y ++ "+e into invariant. sub-spaces, none of which is completely reducible. We often find that reducibility implies complete reduciility, i.e, that in many cases we have the theorem: If § is an in- variant sub-space of R, a second invariant sub-space 9” can tbe found such that s is completely reducible (with respect to B) into RL, We shall soon see that this is actually the case when § is a unitary space and 3’ is a system of unitary transformations. Tt was shown in Chap. I, § 3, that if the oystem J is re ducible, then the system J* of “transposed ” correspondences of the dual space un itself is also reducible. If $37 Uis) is an n-dimensional representation of Ue group g te transposed U*(s) do not constitute a representation ; it is readily seen, however, that on employing instead the contragredient corre- spondences “ we do oblain a representation s—- Bia) of the dual vector space. This we call the contragredient representation §, §5. Formal Processes. Clebsch-Gordan Series Continnous groups offer what are perhaps the simplest examples of the theory of representations. We consider in particular the group ¢— ¢, of all linear and hamogeneaus trans- formations ¢ ia n variables xy, %y * * %; # with non-vanishing determinants; we consider cach sct of values x, as a vector n-dimensional vector space t= ty. The classical theory of invariants, first develuped in England about the middle of the last century, concerned itself in particular with the repre- sentations of ¢ induced on the coefficients of arbitrary forms an the variables x;. A quadratic form in these variables is a linear combination of the n(n + 1)/2 linearly independent products x;,; under the influence of a linear transformation of the 2, these products undergo a linear transformation [5], and the correspondence $—> {S}» is obviously a representation {63 in (y+ 1)/2 dimensions of the group ¢, The transformation of the wariables +, sends the arbitrary quadratic form Za tty inta a quadratic farm Zain He 424 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS in the new variables, where the coefficients aj, are obtained from the ay, by a certain linear transformation s, associated with S; sy is obviously contragredient to [sly The quadratic form Characterized by a fixed act of (+ 1)/2 coefficients aj, may therefore be considered as a vector in a space of this number of dimensions, and the transformation s of the variables #, induces the transformation sy in this space. The space thus defined by ithe totality of mary quadratic forms is thus tie puini~feid for a group of linear homogeneous transformations which constitute a representation of the group ¢. ‘We may in the same way deal with cubic, quartic, + fic forms. The totality of monomials of order f are contained in the formula afiatts +s als (6.) ‘here the j; are non-negative integers whose sum fthte that They constitute the substratum of a representation {¢}/ in G]-t mee dimensions. But we can exhibit representations of ¢ which are formally yet simpler than these arising from the theury of forms, Let (@) and (4) be two arbitrary vectors in our n-dimensional space t and consider the products x;y, On subjecting the x and te y, to the same transformation s of c (transition to a new co-ordinate system) the n* products undergo a certain linear transformation 5X s associated with s and the corre- spondence s—> s X sis an n-dimensional representation (¢)¥ of ¢ Now a system of numbers F(i, 4), depending on two indices i, & which run through the values 1, 9, - - -, m, is said to be a tensor of second order if under the influence of a transformation s of t the F(i, &) undergo the same transformation as the products 4.x 0f the components of two arbitrary vectors z, of t. Hence the tensors of order 2 arr the substratum of the represent: (0 of & (6)8 contains the reprecontation {e]8 whi 4 in the sub-space of symmetric tensors of order 2; tho tensor with components F(i, #) being symmetric if F(iR) = F(ki). In geometry the azti-symmetric tensors, i.e. tensors whose components satisfy the condition Pik) = — F(ki), play a more important réle than the symmetric ones.” In particular, two arbitrary. vectors (x), (y) define a surface element’ with ‘component {ik} = XO. — Ys FORMAL PROCESSES 10 of these quantities but n(n —1)/2 are fincarly independent, say those tor which ¢ <2. On subjecting the components 2, of the vector £ and the components y, of the vector to the same linear transformation 5, the components of the surface clement defined by them undergo an n(n — 1)/2-dimensional Tinear transformation {5}. s—> {sj is a representation {Q? whose substratum is the totality of antisymmetric tensors of order 2, Hence the representation (c)2 is reduced into the reptescntations {* and {6}%, for any tensor F(ik) can obviously bbe waitten ik) y BURGH) + PUb)) + BFR) — FC) ue. in a unique manner as the sum of its symmetric and anti- symmetric parts. That this reduction is correct is further borne ut by the fact that the dimensionalities satisfy met), mln — 1) wo MED mn 1 ‘Similarly three arbitrary vectors g, y, g determine a S-dimen- sional element of volume with components eat These clements constitute the substratum of a representation {tin in} _ nin — In — 2} Sa a a ae dimensions. Coatinning in this way we can construct 4-, y+ ++, nedimensional elements ; this process must cease with m-rowed determinants, for a determinant of the form (6.2) with more than » rows must necessarily vanish identically. We shall sce that the representations of ¢ whose substrata, are the symmetric und anti-symmetric tensors of order f are irreducible, and shall in fact solve the general problem of eifect- ing the complete reductions of (¢)/, the representation induced by ¢ in the space of all tensors of order f, into its irreducible constituents (Chap. V). The tencar concept really depends on the X-multiplication introduced in TT, § 10. Tf the m variables x, undergo a trans- formation A and the » variables y, a transformation B, then the mn products ag’, undergo a transformation A x B.’ Con- sidering the xq as the components of an arbitrary vector z in an m-dimensioual space Ry, and the yy a9 the components of ied} I (62) 126 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS ‘yin B, the products x, yx may be considered as the components of a vector F X 1) in an mn-dimensional vector space Bm Ry. Hence two representations Sr 08), Gre 0) (5.3) of g in m, n-dimensions, respectively, give rise to a new mn- dimensional representation which we denote by x = & X G1: 5-+ Us) x U's), (5.4) ‘This presente a goneral method of obtaining a new representa. tion § x §' from two given representations 9, $. Dencting the reprezentation s->s of the lincar group ¢ for the moment by (6), the representations of ¢ whose substrata fare the tenors of order 2, 3, - - + aro then (6) x (¢) — (9% x0 x () = 0% : We should, perhaps, have discussed the addition | of two representations before discussing their multiplication X. Con. sider the vatiables x and y, as the components of a single vector 4 in an (m-+n)-dimensional vector space; when the #% are subjected to the transformation A and the yy to the trans- formation B these m+n variables undergo a certain trans- formation (4, B). Heuce we obtain from (6.8) the representation Gx H':5> (U9, U'S)] in m-+ m dimensions. The inverse of this process is complete reduction, as discussed above: + §! is completely reducible into the components & and §. Another important forwal metiod is the following: Any representation T in N-dimensions of the linear group tq in n-dimensions may be used to construct an N-dimensional representation of any abstract group g from an n-dimensional representation § of the same. I associates with the linear transformation u in t-dimensional space @ linear transformation U in W dimensions, so if :5— u is an n-dimensional repre- sentation of the group g with elements s, then canst is an N-dimensional representation s+ U of g which we may denote by I). To this is due the importance of the repre- sentations of the linear group for the general theory of repre- sentations. For example, take I’ to be the representation of ¢ whose substratum is the dual space, the space of all tensors of order 2, of the symmetric or anti-symmetric tensors of order 2, ete. ; we then obtain from the representation § of the abstract group g the representation & § x G16 X $1, (@ X Gh ete. KURMAL PROURSSES: 127 ‘The three most important formal processes are (1) addition, (2) X-multiplication, and (3) the I” process. The first two generate @ New representation from one or two given repre- pentations, the third a new one from a given representation. The first two are completely circumscribed, but the third contains generat weihod, fur Pinay be ay vepreseutation of the linear group Cy If gis a ‘sub-group of g, then any representation G1 s- [T(8) of g contains a representation of g’; we need only Ict the element ¢ run through the sub group g’!' Thic too may te considered as a formal process (#) which gonecates a repre~ sentation of g’ from a given representation of g ‘The X-multipication occurs in yet another connection. Given two groups g, g’, we can consider the pairs (s, s'), the first member s of which is an element of g and the second waa clement of g', as the elements of a new group 3 x g’, the direct product vf g aud g’, obeying the multiplication law ) = (ot, o'¥). wel ‘The order of g x g’ is the product of the orders of g and g’. If H:s—U() is an rdiniensional representation of g and 9:5’ > U'(e) an n-dimensional representation of g’, then (5!) + Ul) x Ue) (65) ie obviously a representation in nn’ dimensions of the group 3X9); we denote it by § x G (with a boldface x). This construction may be broken up into two steps. First introduce the representation (5, <)> U8) of g XQ’; there is no reason why we should not designate it by the same letter § as the representation s—> Us} of g—we are accustomed Wo calling Use function f(x), considered as a function of the two variables x, y, Dy the same letter ws the function fx) of the single variable x. U(s) and Us) are thus to be considered as finnetions of the same variable pair (s, s), and then the representation § % § of g x’ may he obtained by ordinary X-multiplivation froin © and §'. The differentiation between boldtace x and ordinary x is accordingly puscly pedantic, Examples. Unimodular Group in Two Dimensions Let g a consist of all linear transformations + of two variables 1, 9 : wv maxtby, roel dy, (66) 128 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS whose determinant ad — be = 1 (“unimodular linear trans- formations *). A homogeneous polynomial in x, y of order f is a linear combination of the f + 1 monomials MINNA Ae (6.7) Under the influence of $ they undergo a lincar transformation which we denoted above by |sj/; they constitute the substratum of a representation [elf :s—> (s]y in f + 1 dimensions which we now denote by Gy. 6, is, although we have yet to prove it, irreducible, ‘We can restrict ourselves within ¢ to the sub-group ¢ of principal” transformations which transform each of ‘the variables separately : ¥ mar, y=1y, (5.8) where a +0 is an arbitrary constant, G is Abelian, This transformation multiplies tte monomials of the set (5.7) by POPU actor On associating the number at with the element (5.8) of ¢ we obtain a 1dimensional representation which we denote for the moment by Gl"; here r can be any fixed integral exponent. We have just seen that the irreducible reprecentation Gy of & is completely reduced on zestreting oursclres to the sub-group & into f-+ 1 onc dimensional representations €) with r= f, f-3,—h Th ‘AS an caanmipte of uu the problem of reducing the product 6, x G, of the two repre- sentations Gy, , of ¢ into its irreducible ‘components. The result is contained in the formula Gx 6,= 26, (6.9) where v runs through the series va ftefts \=el (6.10) without repetition, decreasing by 2 from term to term. This equation is essentially identical with the Clebsch-Gordan series which plays such an important réle in the theory of invariants of binary forms, We shall zee in the succeeding chapters that it may justly be considered as the fundamental mathematical lenate the group of all non-singular linear transformations Wy de ‘wil however ectasionally be used fo denote the more lar group, in which vase dhe seatsction sil be explicitly FORMAL PROCESSES 129 formula for the classification of atomic spectra and for the theory of the valence bond, The proof consists in showing that GX C= Cay + (pa X Gps) (o.21) for (6.9) then follows by mathematical induction and the fact Gx G=ep A new co-ordinate system for the representation space of Ey is obtained by replacing the basis (5.7) of homogeneous poly nomials of order / by another basis. In this sense we can say that the polynomials of order f constitute the substratum of the representation G,. The substratum of the representation G, ».G, is then the totality of polynomials = Oxy: En) depending on the components of two arbitrary vectors (x3), (7), homogeneous and ot order f in the nrst, and homogeneous and of order g in the second ; we write the total order f+ z= h. The ® are thus linear combinations of the (f+ 1) +1) ‘monomials Ky Gop where i+ k= fet Doth vectors ate Lrausformed cogiediently under the same t formation s, (5.6). The problem consists in completely reducing the space of the polynomials into two sub-spaces (P), and (®) which are the substrata of the representations @, and GX 6, , respectively We first disuse the structure of these twa sub-spaces (@). Expand (2 + PM ok + Bole ot do (Peed bo EB Be (5.13) in powers of the undetermined coefficients a, . The 4, = dey: fq) are special polynomials of the type ® and span the subsspace (O)y. We must now show that this subsspace is invariant under ‘the transformation (5.6) of the variables ; ie. that $f = di(v'y j27!) is a linear combination of the $i = deny; G7). Ie is clear that if this is the case then ¢ in- duces the fepresentation Gy in (®)g, for on identifying the two vectors & (6.12) PINT (6.14) diley a9) argh ; becomes 130 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS Hence we are certain @ priori that the # + 1 functions 4, are linearly independent. i . In order to arrive at the desired proof we replace x, y in (8.18) by dmarthy, yoatdy, and in the same way & 9 by Fae thy amt dy Now note that az’ + fy’ is the linear form (oa Pele + (ub + Rd)y = Ax + By in z and y; hence (ae? + Ay’ Wlat’ + fr!) and by (8.18) DY sigh gt WY pint Bi « EG)MP Ha 2 (arate Su replacing 4, 3 vu the sighi-haud side of this equation by A=aa+ fe, B= ab + a, and equating coefficients of aiip', we obtain $j as a linear combination of the dy. (@)'. The substratum of the representation Gj, x 6-1 ists of the polynomials P= Ploy; &) of order f—1in (x, 9) and of order g —1in (£9). They are not polynomials of type ®; in order to increase the order in the components of each vector by 1 we replace each such Y by Om (oy — 9) The factor thus introduced in no way affects the representation. ‘The last step in the proof consiete in showing that the total space of polynomials @ is completely reducible into these two subspaces; “ie. in showing that any polynomial @ can be ‘ritten in the form > pe = (dub + ards ++ «+ aga) + (2m — v8) (6.15) with unique constant coefficients a; (The develo : levelopment in terms of powers of the determinant 4 — y€ obtained from this by induction is the Clebsch-Gordan series.) First, the dimen- sionalities are correct, for (f+ Ve+N=F+24+1) +4. rufficce to show thal the various terms in (9.10) are fependent, i.e. that an expression of the form (6.16), (Ae-+ PoM(AE + Bye, co Hence linearly i THE JORDAN-HOLDER THEOREM 131 jn which Y iy a polynomial of order f— Lin (2, 9) and of order g—1in 7), can vanish only if ¥ vanishes identically and if all the coefficients a, are zero. ‘The proot is extremely simple. We first let (fn) = (zy) as in (6.19), then the equation ® = 0 becomes gh baat y +--+ anyh identically in x and y; hence a,—0. Having established this we return lo the two sets of variables ay; fy aud oblain the equation (ey — 9e)¥ trom which it follows that Y= (—in an algebraic identity for polynomials we may always remove a factor, such as = 98, which does not vanish identically Our formula (5.9) also holds for the group ¢ of all linear transformations of x, y with non-vanishing determinant. We must then interpret ©,, v= h — 21 in (5.9) as that representation whose substratum is ‘the totality of homogeneous polynomials of order v in % and y multiplied by (am — y€). In other words, the new 6, differs from the old in that the transformation of the (v+ 1)-dimensional representation space corresponding to 5 in the representation €, is to be multiplied by the ?* power of the determinant ad — bc. &, XG, is a representation of ¢y Xt, the group consisting of pairs (s,'s') whose members s and #’ run independently through the entics groupe, On intendscing the restriction that cis ‘the element F obtained from s by replacing the coefficients of the linear uausforimation s by Useir conjugate complex, 6, x Cy becomes a representation ©,» of cy, the substratum of which may be taken as the monomuals syhaye (itk-f obe-e) of order fin (x, 9) and order g in (Z, g). Tt can be shown that G,,, is also irreducible. § 6, The Jordan-Hélder Theorem and its Analogues Perlaps the most fundamental theuren of mathematics is that on which the concept of cardinal numbers depends. Let the members of a finite set of objects distinguished by marks 4,5, c+ + + be exhibited individually in this order and associated ‘with the symbols 1, 2, +++ m. The theorem then states that the “number” x is independent of the order in which the objects ure exhibited. The proof of this theorem is of con: siderable mathematical interest and offers the simplest example 182. GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS of the type of proof employed in establishing the Jordan- Holder theorem. A new enumeration consists in associating the symbol 1 with any one of the objects, the symbol 2 with any one of the remaining objects, etc., until the entire set is exliausted, the last object receiving the symbol n’, We assert that n’ =n ‘The proof is divided into two steps. (1) I in the new enumer- ation the symbol 1 is associated with the same object a as in the old, our theorem for the series from 1 to m is reduced to that for the series from 1 to n— 1. This is immediately evident on discarding the object @ and reducing by one the symbols as- sociated with the objects 8, c,- - - in the new as well as in the ‘old enumeration. (2) If, on the other hand, the symbol 1 is associated with one of the other objects 8, c, - + then in the new enumeration the object a is associated with some symbol 4 contained in the series 2, 3,---, n', We now introduce a third enumeration which enables us to make the transition between the first and the second by interchanging the symbols 1 and i in the second enumeration. The number n’ is obviously unaltered by this process. But we have now introduced an equivalent enumeration in which the object a is associated with the same symbol 1 as in the original and have reduced the general case to the one considered in (1) above. The proof of the theorem then follows immediately by the method of mathematical induction, As an auxiliary result of these fundamental considerations wwe have the theorem that any permutation can be obtained by the successive application of transpositions. The Fordan-Hélder theorem is concerned with an abstract group ¢. An invariant sub-group 9! of g which does not coincide with @ itself is said to be maximal if there exists no invariant sub-group of g—except. g’ and g—containing g’. The factor group gla’ is then simple, i.e. it contains no invariant sub-group with the exception of itself and that consisting only of the unit element I. As was recognized hy Galvis, the so-called composition series $= 8 Bi Be *s Brau Be E (6a) is of fundamental importance for the solution of algebraic equations, This series begins with g and ends with I, and each member is a maximal invariant sub-group of the’ preceding member. We assume that the composition series terminates ; this is naturally the case for finite groups, as the order necessarily decreases trom term to term, The successive factor groups UG, Gales * + *s BraalBr — Bran (6.2) THE JORDAN-HOLDER THEOREM 153 are simple. The Jordan-Tolder theorem asserts thet he structure of these factor groups, except for the order in which they ‘appear, ts untguely determined by g. Consider, theretore, a second composition series % = 8 Gr Si of the same group g; it is to be compared with the “ standard series” (8.1). The proof of the fact that this new series also contains exactly r+ 1 terms and that the corresponding factor groups are, except for the order in which they occur, isomorphic with the factor groups (8.2) is again accomplished in two steps (1) If the two second members 9’, 9, coincide, the theorem for the group g, whose standard series contains r-} 1 members, duced to the corresponding theurem for the group g,, whose dard series evtains but r members, (2) If g, and g's do not coincide we construct the inter- section ) of g; and gy, 1€. the set consisting ot all elements common to the two. } is then an invariant sub-group af ¢’, and, as we shall prove, a’x/) is isomorphic with a/g,. That two elements s, ¢ of g are equivalent with respect to gy, ie. that they belong ta the same set,” is expressed by the equation fas where a, ising, I sand tare at the same time elements of the sub-group g's, then a, is aleo in g', and consequently it is an clement of §. We may therefore consider as the clements of gly those sets in g which contain an clanent of g',. The elements contained in these classes then constitute an invariant sub-group 9 of g containing both g, and gy, and g°/9 is simply isomorphic with 9/g. But since g’, is maximal either or 5 ‘The second case implies that a, is contained in a’y, and since it is maximal it must coincide with g',, contrary to assumption. Hence § coincides with g and our assertion is proved The intoreection & af g, and g', dapende cymmetrically on both, whence g/g’, and g4/6 are also simply isomorphic. We now proceed as follows. We construct a composition secea for hy which we denote simply by Baad Compare the flowing four cousposition sees of Ane 8 Bb os Aa a a ‘The comparison of the first and sezond series is reduced to case (1). The second and third series agree from the member } on, and the two foregoing faster groups 6/e, oui 18¢ GROUPS AND THEIX REPRESENTATIONS are, as we have seen, simply isomorphic with Biss aa} ‘on interchanging their order, The comparison betweea the third and fourth scrics is again reduced to the case (1). The proof of the theorem for composition series containing r+ 1 ‘members is thus reduced to the proof of the corresponding theorem for series with but r members, and since it obviously holds for r-—2 (ke. for simple groups) the method of mathe- siatical induction establishes its general validity. The close methodological agreement between the construction involved in the proof of this theorem and that involved in the proof of the independence of the cardinal number of a sct of the order in which the objects are enuncrated is immediately evident, E. Noether has given a generalization af the Jordan-Holder theorem which is of importance for us. A correspondence 3-3! = As of the group on itself is said Wo be automorphic it ‘multiplication is invariant under it, Le. if (61)" = s—we here neither assume that different elements s generate different elements s' nor that for a given element s! there existe an element 5 such that s-> s! in virtue of the automorphism, Let 2 be & system of such automorphic correspondences of g. We now admit only sub-groups of @ which afe invariant under 5, ie. sub-groups whose elements are carried aver by all operations of the system J into elements of the same cub group, We say that two such “allowed” sub-groups g) and gy have the same structure if we can set up a one-to-one simple isomorphic correspondence between the elements of the one and the cle. ments of the other in such a way that every operation il of ystems D Slenuenis uf the two sub- reaps ove ta corapondng elements, ”‘The Jordan older heorer sti ‘under this modification ; its ean aken over unaltered. saad The vectors of an a-dimensional vestor space $ constitute grap ‘whose sauliipiicaiion is che adaition + of vectors, We must for the moment supplement addition by the operation of multiplication of a veetor by an arbitrary number; hence the concepts and theorems applying to vectcr Space are not truly specializations of the concepts and theorems of Abelian groups, but Ulere exists a thorough-going analogy Yetweeu the two. ’ Indicating this analogy hetween a group (ex the let) and vector space (an the right) by — we have he om ample, ‘sub-eroup m~ inear sub-epace, automorphism ~ linear pondence, “Indeed, a linear sub-space is a system BR of THE JORDAN HOLDER THEOREM 135 vectors such that with g and ip their sum x49 and the product Ag by an arbitrary number 2 also belong to W’, and a corre- spondence g > 2” — Ag is lincar if it sends z +. 9 and Ag over into Pepi aud Ae, acspoctively. Every “subgroup is inere invariant, as We are dealing with Abelian groups. If ® is a sub-space of 8 the space Uf (mod. Ht) odtained by projecting A with respect to fi’ is the exact analogue of a factor group. ‘A composition series consists of a sequence of spaces each member of which is a linear subspace of the preceding one ‘and has one less dimension. The last member is the space 0, consisting of the vector 0 alone, and the number of members in the series is 1 greater than the dimensionality n. The Jordan: Holder theorem is here vaiid but trivial, Ua the other hand, this theorem is of considerable importance on going over to Noether's generalization. Consider 2 system Z of linear correspondences of the vector space on itself ; the terms invariant, equivalent, reduction shall in the follwing refer to this system, | Two invariant sub-spaces WR, and fR, are similar or equivalent if a one-to-one lincar correspondence fy ZZ, can be set up between the vectors of the one and the vectors of the other in such a way that any operation 4 uf the syste sends corresponding vectors over into corresponding vectors. On reading the series (4.3) established in §4 backwards, we have the exact analogue of the composition series: each member of the cories ie followed hy a maximal sub-spare which is invariant under E. (The possibility of constructing the composition series in increasing as well as decreasing order is due to the fact that the addition of vectors is commutative.) Furthermore, wwe can obtain the concepts and theorems relating lv a system 2 of correspondences as genuine special cases of those of group theory, and not merely as analogues, by supplementing the system Z with all similarity transformations, i.e, by all corre- spondences of the form ¥—> 2" = Mg representing multiplication by aa arbitrary number The Jordan-Holder-Noether theorem 0, Ry, Ry +R (6.8) the corresponding projection spaces MW, (mod. HK), Hy (mod. HH, + =» are equivalent to the projection spaces (4.3) Hy, Ry (mod. W,), Me (mod. RW), + + = 186 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS of the original series, taken in a suitable order. The number of members is, of course, the same in both. The reader is advised to reconstruct the proof of this theorem by carrying through the proof of the Jordan-Holder theorem step by step for this case In particular, if the eystom Z consists of the transformations UG} ssuciaied with the various clamenis s of a group in a representation 9:5 —> U(g), our result yields the Uniqueness theorem : The irreducible representations separated off from & by successive reduction are completely determined by ©, except for the order in which they occur, considering equivalent representations as the same. In particular, the complete reduction of into srreducible components is unique, always considering equivalent representations as the same. §7. Unitary Representations For the case in which the representation space 9 is unitary coreespandencee Tile) af an itself, the clement s of the group under consideration, are also unitary, certain of the concepts introduced above are to be modified accordingly. Iwo representations SUG), s+ Us) = AU)A, are to be considered as equivalent only if is unitary, i.e. it it is a transformation from one normal co-ordinate system in ® to another such. If 8 is a sub-space of a unitary-orthog- onal co-ordinate systom can be set up in fR and supplemented by additional fundamental vectors to form a complete unitary orthogonal co-ordinate system for the entire space ®: every sub-space of a unitary space is fer se unitary. Tnvariance and reduction remain as before, but we allow only those decom: positions of 9 into two sub-spaces 8 +f, in which OR, are perpendicular. For a system of unitary correspondences reducibility implies complete reducibility and we have the theorem : IR’ is invariant with respect to E then ® may be broken up into, RW" in such a way that H" és also invariant under ES. We need merely to define "as the space defined by all vectors per- pendicular to 8’. The theorem naturally holds for the case in which Z is a system of infinitesimal unitary correspondences or, what amounts to the same, a system of Hermitian forms. The theorem developed in the ‘preceding section proves that these irreducible components are uniquely determined, in the sense of (unitary) equivalence, to within a permutation, UNITARY REPRESENTATIONS. 137 Examples (1) The Unitary Group in Two Dimensions ‘The group ¢ ~ cy of linear transformations in Lwo dimeusivus coutains the sub-group uu, of unilary transformations. Hence the representation Gy of c obtained in § 9 is also a repre sentation of #, 1mis representation 13 not unitary as it stands, but it can readily be made unitary by a slight change. The transformation of Cy corresponding to the unitary transiorma- tion s of the co-ordinates x, y is that induced by son the monomials waxy (ETR=S/) (1) of order f. For purposes of symmetry we label these ro-ardinates with the index w—i—B which mis through the values Ff —9,+++,—f. This is also desirable because on restricting ‘urselves to the cub group of principal trancformations ” xsex, pana EY x, is multiplied by the factor en. We now employ, instead of (7.1), the variables ne (ra) Vilk! obtained from them by multiplication with a constant, Ihe representation G, of tt will then be unitary, as follows from the equation 1 igh sigh Fiset yp = LATTE = Late ‘We call 6 even or odd according as fis even or odd. The even representations associate the identity 1 with the reflection Homa Yann and the odd associate with it the transformation —1. G, is also irreducible when considered as a representation of u, and fan letting f accnme the values 0, 1, 9, « + + they form a complete system of inequivalent irreducible representations of t. The proof of these assertions, which we employ heuristically in the follow. ing, will be given in Chapter V. On writing a homogeneous polynomial of order f in the variables 2, y in the form Zita he coefficients ag Wausform under the influence of @ unitary transformation 5 like the components of « vector iu the sepre- sentation space of Uy. 188 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS ‘The complete reduction Wy X Oe) = Cpe + Cpr X Coad ‘was accomplished by breaking up the space of thet polynomials ” into two invariant sub-spaces (0), and ()'. We must now verify that these two sub-spaces are mutually orthogonal in the unitary sense. A general polynomial ® may he written ‘where the x, are given by (7.2) and the , are the corresponding monomials ‘Two such polynomials ® with coefficients ayy, Dy, are orthogonal if Thar be = 0. The polynomial Ey, whose highest coefficients ay = 1 while all others vanish, is to within a constant factor #-£¢ and is, obviously perpendicular to all polynomials (@)', for in all these jatter the coefficient of + 4) the sum Z lFlaia s+ + ial (1.6) Gap is a unitary invariant, On restricting ourselves to the {7}-dimensional linear manifold of antisymmetric tensors we fake as the variables in tensor space those components Fohig = ++ i) for whien iy > + Sa ‘The snm (7.8) hecomes in this case fl MO Hut Fail fs Sail “KTR extended over all integral f, 2 0 for which f; + f+ The coefficient indicates how often the term |Fligis - - = i|* occurs in the sum in consequence of the fact that its value is unchanged on permuting the indices. We must therefore consider the quaatities Pfy fy 2 fe) VATAT fal as independent components of an arbitrary symmetric tensor of order f in order to obtain a unitary representation (uf 140 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS ‘The truth of this assertion follows from the fact that the special tensor (7.7) satisfies the equation cafes af «cafe tn (7.8) hat @ normal co-ordinate im as that a. commutativ n of unitary correspondences is completely reduced to a cet of T-dimensional systems, The only irreducible unitary ropre- sentations of an Abelian group are accordingly \-dimensional. For it follows from UE)UY = Vos) (42) and the Abelian character of the group that the unitary matrices U(e) associated with the elements s are commutative Ef @ and §! are unitary representations, then § + 9, © XH! are also.—The first fundamental problem for a given group g is to find a complete system of inequivalent irreducible unitary representations of g, for then any unitary representa- tion of g can be obtained by the addition of these irreducible representations, The second fundamental problem ic to reduce the product § X §! of two irreducible representations %, O° of § into is irreducible components ; or better (after having solved the first problem), 19 determine how often each of the irreducible representations occurs in this product. We illustrate these problems on the cxample offered by sotation groups, which are of particular importance in quantum physics. § 8. Rotation and Lorentz Groups (a) The Group of Rotations in the Plane We describe the 2-dimensional plane by a complex co- ordinate x. The rotations of the plane are then given by zoe mon, (8.1) where = e* is a constant with unit modulus. (The rotations of the real Z-dimensional plane thus coincide with the unitary transformations of a single complex variable.) ‘Ihe angle of rotation ¢ determines the rotation completely, but it is of course only determined mod. 2 by the rotation. The angle of rotation behaves additively on composition: the rotation 4 followed by the rotation ¢’ results in the rotation ¢ + ¢’. This rotation ROTATION AND LORENTZ GROUPS 4a group is accordingly one parameter continuous Abstian group. We obtain a I-dimensioual representation D') of our rotation group b = by by ussuciating with the element ¢, (8.1), the linear correspondence noe Ser em, (8.2) where m is any fixed integer. Tassert that the D), m running through all integral values, constitute a complete system of irreducible unitary representations of Dy, This can be seen as follows. Any irreducible representation is necessarily I-dimensional : it associates with the rotation ¢ a number x(¢) of absolute value Tench that xlé |!) = xld) x8) We aseume that our representation is continuous; then x(¢) is a continuous function of ¢ with period 2x. First, x(0) — 1 ‘We write x(f) — e# and determine Aig) uniquely by the require. ments that A(0) = 0 and that Ag) shall be a continuous function of g. We then have NG + #) =A) +B), (3) for the right- and left-hand sides of this equation could at most ‘by an integral multiple of 9m, but as it is written both tides agree for 4’ —0 and vary cantinnmsly with 4’ (8.3) satisfies the condition (0) = 0 and we obtain from it the further equations A= §) = AS), Ali) = ANP), (6.4) where h is any integer. On replacing ¢ in the second of these equations by ¢/h we obtain ae) = pr. (8.5) It follows immediately from (8.4), (8.5) that for every rational number kj (e, h integers) ahd) = fae. (86) In accordance with our assumptions X(2n) is an integral multiple Qme of 2m. On setting y — Bn ia (8.6) we obtain the equation AGG) = mp for all which ate tational fractions of 27; the continuity requirement then allows us to assert its validity for all real values of the argument ¢. M2 GROUPS AND THRIR REPRESENTATIONS ‘The simple equation Din) x Dla!) — Din is here valid. Consider the function j(p) on the unit circle in the complex x plane. JE the point p goes over into the point p” under the rotation , the function f goes into a function f” which is defined by the equation fe) = fe). ‘The transition f—> f' is a linear correspondence in the co-dimen- sional space of functions f(p) and is associated with the rotation t; this obviously defines an co-dimensional representation of the rotation group bs which we denote by & @ is unitary if wwe take a5 the square of the absolute value of a “vector” f the integral of [/(p)|! with respect to the element of are dp on the unit circle. The fact that any function (satisfying suitable Series meaus that in the seduction of & into its irreducible com- ponents each of the I-dimensional representations Dim) occurs bce and only once. Moré precisely, Uis reduction is to be inter- preted with regard to the completeness relation, (®) The Group of Rotations in 3-dimensional Space We consider the functions f= f(P) on the unit sphere as the vectors of an co-dimensional unitary space whose metric is given by {/UP)|!o; do is the eurface element of the ephere over which the integration is to be extended. It the point goes over into ’=sP under the rotation s, the function f oes over into the function j” defined by f(P')=f(P). The surface harmonics ¥; of degree 1 (ef, II, § 4] obviously span a (21+ 1)-dimensional sub-space ft, which is invariant under the totality of transitions f+’ induced in function space by the various elements 5 of the rotation group b = bj—here again we speak of this representation as ®. They are consequently the substratum of a certain representation ®, of 6 which is induced in ®, by b. On choosing a definite direction ae that of the svaxit we may, a8 in TT, §4, take the eet YY (m= 1,1 — as a basis for the surface harmonics of degree J. We then have a unitary representation, and the sub-spaces ®t corresponding to the various values 0, 1, 2,- - - of J are mutually perpendicular ROTATION AND LORENTZ GROUPS 49 in the unitary sense (arthagonality properties of surface har- monies). b contains the 2-dimensional rotation group by—c- a5 the sub-group of rotations about the saxis, The stiucture of Yfp! shows that on restricting , to this sub-group by the representation ; is reduced into the I-dimensional representa- tions D" for which m=i,1—1,+++,—L The fact that any function on the unit sphere possesses a unique expansion jn terms of surface harmonies means that on reducing # into its irreducible components cach of the representations D,, 1 — 0, 4, 2, *- +, occurs exactly once. This reveals the true signif cance of Surface harmonies; tey are characterized by the fundamental symmetry properties here developed, and the solution of the potential equation in polar co-ordinates is merely an accidental approach to their theory Rotations are orthogonal transformations of three variables 4,9, % Iwo wish to include with the proper rotations with dcicrminant -+ 1 also the improper once with determinant — 1 ~* auguiened rotation group °"—this can be done by intro- ducing the reftection ives, yary va— 67 in the origin, Its reiteration if is the identity, and it commutes, swith ail rotations. The matrix corresponding to it in the representation defined by the surface harmonics of degree 1 is the (21 + 1)-dimensional matrix (— 4)}, for the surface harmonics of degree J are homogencous polynomials of degree I in x, 7, We can thus obtain wu representations Dj, Dp of the aug ‘mented rotation group from the representation ®; of proper rotations ; these two coincide with D, for proper rotations, but in the first the matrix associated with the reflection iis + whereas in the second it is — 1. We call this + 1 the signature of the representation, Hence in the cm-dimensional repre: sentation § of the augmented group b” cach D, occurs once with signature (— IJ), but not with the opposite signature, Although we are not’ as yet in a position. to prove it, the Dy (L=0, 1, % ++) constitute a complete system of in- equivalent irreducible (single-valued) representations of the rotation group b, and the Dir, D> together constitute such a ystem for the augmented rotation group 0 Now consider the unitary function space of ll functions JP) in 8-dimensional space for which the integral |f|* over all space is finite, Let the representation induced in this space by rotations s, in which the transition from to the transformed function f' ='sf is associated with s, be denoted by @. Each 144 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS function /(P) can be expanded in a series of terms of the form (0) * Vi Choose a complete ortiogonal system di(r), da(r), + = = Jn the domain of functions (7) of the radius r, in the eense of the equations JrBalriba(ridr = 8, ‘The functions of the form ¢a(r) - Ys then constitute a (+ 1)- dimensional sub-space qx which is invariant under rotations ‘and in which © induces ‘the representation ,. Different Rae ‘are mutually unitary-orthogonal. Each ®, then appears in © infinitely often, its various occurrences being distinguished by the ‘‘radial quantum number” m. Consider the analysis of single electron spectra given in Chap. TI, §, in the light of these mathematical developments, We then see that the azimuthal quantum number 1 is of purely group-theoretic significance, ‘whereas the radial quantum number m refers to the dynamical situation, for the manner in which the orthogonal system 4.(7) is to be chosen is determined by the dynamical differential equation. ‘The proper rotations of 3-dimensional Euclidean space about tthe origin of Cartesian co-ordinates x, 9, 2, i. the real orthog- onal transformations with determinant +1, are most easily represented by a stereographic projection of the unit ephere bout ths origin on to the equatorial plane » — 6, the wut pole of the sphere being the centre of projection.” If the point (#,, ¥, 0} be the image on the plane of the point (x. ». 2) on the sphere and we write {= 2 + iy’, the formule for the projection stipe th, ey iat GTN Eee INTEC MT te But it is preferable to introduce the two homageneons complexe co-ordinates £, 9 in place of { by means of the equation f= y/f 5 the south pole #071 is thea included, We then have" xhiyeiy: oe 1 an 2 265 2 ae + Accordingly each unitary transformation ok abt iy, af = He + oq ‘of the co-ordinates g, 9 corresponds to a rotation $ of the sphere, the points of which are represented by the rays € 9 of Dedimen’ sional unitary space, Since, as is readily seen, any point and ROTATION AND LORENTZ GROUPS 145, tangential direction through it on the sphere can be carried over into any other such configuration on the sphere by means ot such rotations, we obtain in this way all rotations. Since we are only concerned with the ratios of the coefficients 2, 8, y. 8, the arbitrary factor of proportionality may be chosen in such a way that the determinant of the transformation is 1 Nevertheless this normalization is somewhat artificial as the correspondence is still double valued, for on multiplying thé cocfiicicnts of the unitary transformation by — 1, ie. ou going over from v ty —y, the normalizatiun is unaffected, Heuce to cach element @, (T-4), of the unimodular univary group u corre- sponds a rotation S:0->s under which the co-ordinates + ty, x — ty, s transtorm like nf, 2H, GE — a5, (8.8) 1 a 7 a~akt hi y~ cobb), s~ ke (8.9) (The eymbol ~, which we occasionally employ, means that the expression on the left transforms like the onc on the right.) We obtain in this way all rotations, each one exactly bwice. The rotations about the saxis are oblaiued from Ue “principal transformations" faagr-b of u In fact, on setting € e(w) the angle of rot: about the z-axis is $= — 20. In virtue of the correspond: os the sutations in S-dimensions constitute a represcntation of the group w; and, conversely, the assuviation 9—> uv is a representation of the group 0= by uf S-dimensional rotations by t, although this representation is double-valued, In virtue of this correspondence $—> o any representation U(o} of tt yields a representation of by ("'I’ process,” § 8) ; , may thus be thought of 5 a representation of D,, in which case we write it 9, where faye. ine ("even") with inf are sgvae, those with half-integral (ic, half an odd integer} j are double valued. On restticting Use gioup by to the sub-group dy of rotations about the s-axis Dy is reduced uly the 2/-+1 onc: dimensional representations Di"! (m= j,j—1,**%,—3). To show this we first note that the substratum ot our representation D, consists of the monomials (7.2) G+k=%, i-k=2m), 146 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS where m runs through the values j, j—1, +++, —j. The transformation induced on these variables’ by a rotation about the saxis is arcordingly (mm) > e(— mg) + x(m). ‘The representation o> 3 of i is itself contained among the representations D, of ut constructed above; it is, in fact, Dy. To show this we note that if (6, 9), (f°, 9') be subjected to the same transformation o of u, then the determinant £9’ — mf’, as well as €€-+ 7, is invariant. Consequently (£, 4) transform'co- grediently to (7', — £'), or as (y, — ); hence Btn ay ewe, 0) The representations D, with integral j are identical with those. obtained above as the representations induced on surface ha monies af order j, for each polynomial in x, 9, ¢ of degree j is, in virtue of (8.16), equivalent to a form of order 23 in €, 9. If we wish to augment = ty in a manner paralleling the augmentation of b=b, by the improper rotation (reflection in the origin) we must consider it as an abstract group rather than a group of linear transformations in two variables, Denote the element corresponding to ¢ by « and the elements of the original 1 by @ as before. We deine the augmented u' as the totality of elements of the types o and ie; + must naturally obey the multiplication laws =o, uw Gy and Gare then those representations of u' which coincide ‘with ©, for elements of the restricted group u and which as- sociate with the element « the unit matrix +1 and its negative = 1, respectively. ‘The sign +t is again called the signature The representation G7 astotates the augmented rotation group with w. (©) The Lorente Group Let the 3-dimensional Euclidean space be referred to homo- geneous projective co-ordinates 2, (x = 0, 1, 2, 8) defined by (8.11) ROTATION AND LORENTZ GROUPS uy and the formnle for the sterengraphie projection considered above become a=itm a \n-18, a= On subjecting £, to an arbityary linear transformation @ the xq undergo a corresponding zeal linear transformation s which Teaves the equation (R11) invariant Tf the ahsalute value of the determinant of o is 1, we can readily chow that the form e+ at atm (8.13) is itself invariant under tive correspouding s, and that the deter- minant of $38 + 1. We now consider = ch, x, 2, 3 as the co-ordinates of space-time; (8.11) is then the equation of the light-cone, the generators of which are the possible paths for a beam of light. In the restricted thehry of relativity normal co-ordinate systems for space-time are connected with each other by arbitrary Lorenta transformations, i.e. by any real linear transformation which leaves the form (8.13) invariant and which docs not interchange past and future. Lorentz trausfonwations con- stitute a group, tne “ complete Lorentz group,” and this group describes the homogeneity of the 4-dimensional world, ‘This group consists of “ positive” and “ negative” transformations, ice. transformations with determinants + 1 and — 1, respectively. ‘The first constitute the “ restricted Lorentz gromp,” fram which the complete group is obtained by inteadusing in addition the spatial reflection Kyo hy hy (8.19) ty (a=1,2, 3). (B14) Under the restricted group right and left, as well as past and future, are fundamentally different. Since the expression for ‘zg in (8.12) is positive definite, we may state the result vbtained above in the form: any linear transformation of &, 9, with deter ‘minant of absolute value 1, induces a positive Lorents transforma tion s in the x. Transformations o which differ only by a factor #4 of absolute value | give rise to thesames. The correspondence a» ¢is naturally a representation. ‘The question of whether every positive Lorents transformation g can be obtained in thie way arieos immediatoly. That thie is in fact the case can be seen frum general continuity con siderations, for the positive Lorentz transformations constitute a single connected continuum. But it is also easily proved by elementary methods. Since we have seen in (0) above that the 148 GROUPS ANT THEIR REPRESENTATIONS rotations of space $ are obtained from the unitary transforma- tions o, we need only to examine the Lorentz. transformation tH) > eet A), an) Ha, affecting the time axis, where a is a real non-vanishing constant, But this transformation is obtained from the unimodular o: frag, node Returning to the general case, the correspondence s—>o is @ dimensional representation of the restricted Lorentz group. But o is determined by s only to within the arbitrary “ gauge factor" e*; we may therefore normalize it by the condition that the determinant of o shail itself be unity, not merely its absolute value. Even so, @ remains double-valued, for ~o satisfies the normalizing condition as well aso, This repre- sentation $->@ contains the representation of the rotation ‘group considered in (6) on allowing s to run through the sub- group of spatial rotations contained in the restricted Lorentz group. ‘The expressions (8.12) are Hermitian forms with matrices to} you po —4| allllo heise | : Lo af lo} li 0 o-1 Hence if x denotes the one-columned matrix with elements equations (8.12) may be written y= ESE (8.16) On replacing £, y by i, — € the x, undergo the spatial re- flection (8.14). That is one way of including the negative Amirenite transformations. But if we require that the corre- npunsling transformation of , 7 be linear, we must introduce in uldition tog» (, 9) a second pair g/ = (¢, n') which undergoes the transformation af contragredient to 3. ‘Then (3, - H(G, 7!) to within the factor d, ln, ~~ ~(2 3) to within the factor d, . , Se (8.18) | = the quantities ROTATION AND LORENTZ GROUPS 149 undergo the same transformation s as (8.16), provided the absolute value of the determinant of o is 1. The same is true for any linear combination of the two, eg. x. + x1. Henre the quantities te ES ET ESE (8.17) undergo the given positive Lorentz transformation s when &, 7 ace subjected to a cortain transformation ¢ and simultaneously £, W[ to the transformation o! contragredicnt to . Furthermore, they undergo the transformation (8.14) om interchanging the two pairs z, F, ie. on subjecting the four variables to the crans- formation Tibsk, non: Psk on (B18) The expression a+ a is invariant in virtue of the transformation law of {', 1 defined above. To obtain an expression which is also invariant under the interchange (8.18) we must aud to the above the expression obtained from it by this interchange : (+ in!) + GE + an) (A.19) It will be found advantageous to denote the column con- sisting of the four elements (€, 9: @. 1') by a single letter z. Let that linear transformation’ of these four variables which transforms £, 1 in accordance with S, and €', 9’ in accordance Si be denoted simply by S,: (8-17) then becomes 4 = EST. (8.16/) ‘We must now ask to what extent the lincar transformation o of the four variables x is determined by the requirement that it induce a given (positive or negative) Lorentz transforuration $ of the Hermitian torms x,. It suffices for this purpose co inquire what transformations ot the £ induce the identity on the variables x... The only transformations of this latter kind are those which multiply &, » with a common factor e# of absolute vahie | and at the same time €', 9' with any factor e (inde. pendent of the first) of absolute value 1. Rut @ can be more precisely apecified by the requirement that (8.19), ie. FT'z, he also invariant. The two arbitrary “ gauge factors" Vis) are tao inequivalent irreducible representations of a! group , the equation D(A = AV(s) can be satisfied by no matrix A which is independent of s, except A=0. II. A matrix A which is independent of + and which satisfies the equation Ui) = AUIS) Jor ail sis necessarily a multiple of the unit matrix 1, If there exists a matrix A which satisfies U(s)4 = AU(s) identically in and which is not merely a multiple of the unit matrix 1, the argument employed above supplies us with a constructive process for the reduction of the representation $+ U(s) with the aid of 4 ‘We now consider an application of these impartant results, which are fundamental for the entire theory of reprecentations, in order to prove @ theorem duc to Burnside. Let 2 be a multiplicative system, ie. if U, U’ are two correspondences in E then the product UU" is also a correspondence in Z. This, Concept is somewhat wider than that of a group; we need not require that U possess an inverse—its determinant may be 0. Burnside's Theorem (10.6). In an irreducible multiplicative ———$—$_$_$—__ 104 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS stem Zof linear correspondences 1 = ||ttu|| of an n dimensional ae Bol eee ol nat tegen “This asserts that the only matrix L which satisfies the equation, tr (UL) = Fhatn = 0 for all matrices U of the system is L=0. Contrary to the ‘etastion, we assume there exist non-vanishing matrices satis. Fee equation: such matrices we shall call L-mairives, Ie is of course possible that every L-matrix whose first column fi tay Ia ‘vanishes must itself vanish, But in any case we can find a Yehnite column index & with the following properties: there ‘exist. non-vanishing L-matrices whose first #—1 columns vanish and are such that if the k® column also vanishes then Tecestarily L— 0. We shall call L-matrices whose first k— 1 columns Vanish special L-vsstriccs, They family of m3 n dimensions ; we denote a basis for by LM, 18, + ‘The 4 column of a special L-matrix will be written I. ‘Since 2 is multiplicative the equation tr(U'UL) =0 is satisfied by each L-matrix, where U, U’ aro arbitrary corre- ‘spondences of the system Z.' With L, UL is also an L-matrix ; obviously it is a special L-matrix if Lis. Each of the matrices Lm, ULM, ULM, +++, UL is therefore a lincar combination of Lit, - -, Lim) and each of the vectors U1, ++, U1 is a linear combination of the vectors 1, + +») 1), ' Accordingly the vectors [i¥), + + », It) span a non-vanishing sub-space which is invariant under all the correspondences UJ, and in consequence of the irreducibility assumed above it follows that m= and the vectors {@), + « =, 16 span the entire n-dimensional space. The basie LI, -+-, Lis) of the family of special Z-matrices can be chosen in such a way that 10), - -, 16) are the fundamental vectors of the space ; 19) is then the column (1, 0,0,+*», 0). ete. Since then WHO agg foo ge LOD (10.7) ‘we must also have ou hyp EOD $e 6 thy ZO, (20.8) SCHUR'S LEMMA AND BURNSIDE'S THEOREM 155 We now consider an arbitrary ccloma, say the B, of L. (This is of course of no interest if k ~ - “= Aa — 0, y= 1 ‘The equation tr (UL) =0 becomes Zita 0, r= ”, (10.9) ie all correspondences of the system 3* carry the vector A with components (\,, Ay +++, Ay) over into the nllevector. In consequence of the irreducibility of T this vector must there- fore vanisi, which is in contradiction with Ute eyuation dx — 1 Burnside’s ‘theorem then follows by reductio ad absurdum.- we know that the unit matrix is contained in the system 2, as is the case for a representation, we can conclude that A= 0 by taking U in (10.9) ae the unit matrix Reducibility requires that on employing an appropriate co-ordinate system all matrices U uf Ue system 2 have an entire rectangle of vanishing elements and consequently implies a system of homogeneous linear relations between the components tt of avery special kind. Rurnside’s theorem states that if cts no eystem of homogeneous Tinear relations of this ear dependence at all. The 156 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS real reason for this remarkable fact is of couree to be found in the assumption that 2 is closed with respect to multiplication, If our system 2 consists of an iveducible representation which associates with the elements s of the group g the matrix Wis), we see from Burnside's theorem that the components of Uls) are linearly independent. ‘The method developed above can readily be extended to prove the same for the components of two or more inequivalent irreducible representations. 1s), U's, « «7 From this it follows that in particular there can exist no linear dependences between their characters x(3), x!(3}, «= ‘Any unitary reprerentation § can be reduced into irreducible ‘components; the character of § is expressed in terms of the characters of these irreducible representations by (9.3). Since xls} x16) ate linearly independent the coefficients m, m', «+ +, ‘Which give the number of times the irreducible representations 8,9, "7 * appear in §, are uniquely determined, This con- stitutes a new indirect proof of the following result, which has already been proved in §6 in a more general and more elementary ‘way: The irreducible representations into which © can be reduced. «as well as the number of times they occur, are uniquely determined by §, no distinction being made between equivalent representations. Twn unitary representations §, and , are obviously equivalent every irreducible representation which is contained in the one is contained in the other the same number of times. Hence H §, and $y are inequivalent the character of §, cannot be the same as the character of Gy because ofthe Hlncat independence of the primitive characters : @ unitary representation is uni dominad ty is eharcer lone, and ta tharacter may be sed as a unique name for the representation itself. We here go no further into these extensions of Burnside’s theorem, which ate due to Frobenius and J. Schur, a8 we shall obtain the same results bby a mote profound method in the next section under assump- tions which are more restrictive but which are sufficient for our purposes ‘We meation only one consequence. §, § being representa- tions of the groups gg rexpestvsy, thon % § isan iveductble representation of g x ’. Indeed, there can exist uo homo- 5 cousiant coeficients Cue between the components un(sjuais’) of U(s) x U'(s’) except the trivial one ©—0. For on applying Burnside's theorem for the irreducible system § we have Teme tile) = 8 and on applying it again for {" we must have City ue ORTHOGONALITY OF GROUP CHARACTERS 197 § 11. Orthogonality Properties of Group Characters Uf the abstract group § is finite, then any representation Qs U(s) is equivalent to a wnitary one. To show this take auy positive definite Hermitian form, eg. the unit form, subject it to all transformations U(s) of and sum over s, We thus obtain a positive definite Hermitian form H which is invariant under each of the transformations U(s). Now choose the co- ordinate system in such a way that H becomes the unit form ; then U(s), expressed in terms of these co-ordinates, is unitary. This same method of summation over the elements of the eroup gives rise to the fundamental orthogonality relations. Let $5 (3), G'1s—> (6) be two inequivalent irre- ducible representations of the finite group g, the former being g-dimensional and the latter g’ dimensional, ‘We write U(s) = |JxafS)|], OS) = [lab TAs) = [ACO For a unilary representation Ws) = HAs). Wi A is an atbitrary matrix with g rows and g’ columns the obvivusly the sua EUVAU'-() = B, aay taken over all elements ¢ of g, is invariant in the sonse that UG)BUHs) = B. (una) In fact, the left-hand side of (11.2) becomes, in virtue of the fact that o—+ U6) is-a representation of g, ZU}AU" ¥), where r=, ¢ being fixed and £ running through all elements of the group. We therefore obtain cquation (11.8) or Ug) = BUG). In accordance with the fundamental theorem (10.5) it follows from this that B = 0, ie. EE maltianitel = 0. Writing s in place of ¢ and remembering that the ayy are arbitrary numbers, we obtain the g* g” equations Eualsiibals) a or, in dealing with unitary representations, Euals}#als} = 9. a) 188 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS Taking the single irreducible representation s—> U(s) in- stead of the two inequivalent representations , §, we find by the same argument that the square matrix (6) AU-Y(s) — B, found from an arbitrary square matrix A, must satisfy the U()B — BU(s) ‘This requires, however, that # be a multiple of the unit matrix 1, he. 2 2 Minls) de thls) = 08, the number a depends on the matrix , the dependence being of course linear and homogeneous. Taking as A that matrix which has as its only non-vanishing element a,, = 1, we obtain the equation i Zils) a(S) = Aer Bun (11.4) Now |jéa(s| is the matrix reciprocal to |fuua(s)| : Zita (s)teals) = On taking =i in (11.4) and summing over 1=1, 2, + we find that bh ex = Bln, whore isthe order of the group g Expressing the sum in terms of the mean value 2 our results may be written in the form {} ior Monae} — 1g 4k (118) (0 otherwise for any irreducible unitary representation §: s—» U(s) and Mlsrea(e)H(E)} = 0 (1.6) for any two inequivalent irreducible unitary representations S> U(s), $+ U's). The components of one or more inequivalent irreducible unitary representations constitute @ unitary-orthogonal ‘set of functions on the group manifold. It follows from these fundamental orthogonality relations that the components uals), win(s), «> are linearly independent Since the number of linearly independent functions of an argu: ment $ which assumes but & values cannot be greater than k we must have B+ ete Sh ORTHOGONALITY OF GROUP CHARACTERS 169 On the lefi-itaud side uf Uiis equation occur the squares of the degrees of any inequivalent irreducible representation of g. ‘We obtain the orthogonality properties of the characters by writing k= 1, «=e in (11.5), (116) and summing over these indices : Any primitive character satisfies the equation BER} = 1, (11.7) ‘and the characters x(s), x'(s) of any tmo inequivalent inredacible representations satisfy Mix’ (s)zj} = 0. (LT) The primitive characters of inequivalent representations constitute 2 normal orthogonal set of functions. They are consequently linearly independent, and from thi che concequences discustod in the previous section, In particular, a representation of g can be unambiguously described by its character, no dis- tinction being made between equivalent representations. The number of times m the irreducible x occurs in the representation X is, following (9.8), given by mm = BEX()x(5)}, (22.8) and we have MRIX()X(s)} = ma? om’ po This last equation offers @ simple critcrion for the irreducibility of a given representation in terms vf its character x + 10 a3 neces sary und sufficient that tke mean value of xx = |x|*—which is in any case integral—be unity. Since the characters are class functions we are in dealing with them concerned with an argument which runs through the K different classes of q; there can therefore be no more than K linearly independent class functions. Hence a finite group can have no more inequivalent irreducihle representations than lasers Whereas the general concept of a representation seemed at first to open up limitlees possibilities, we now see that all representations are constructed from primitive ones and that the number of possible primitive cepeeseutatious is wunfined within narrow limits, The further content of the general theory of representations can be stated in the theorem that the sets of functions, the orthogonality of which we have shown above, are ‘complete ' orthogonal systems. ‘he primitive characters ‘con- stitute a complete orthogonal system in the domain of class functions, i.e. there exist exactly K inequivalent irreducible representations. The components af a complete system of K 160 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS inequivalent irreducible representations constitute a complete orthogonal system for the totality of functions defined on the group manifold, or ha gegttes, where the sum on the right is extended over such a complete system and g, 4’, + «+ are the dimensionalities of the individual irreducible representations. § 12, Extension to Closed Continuous Groups ‘The theory developed in the preceding sections cannot be extended to arbitrary groups, Dut it is applicable mutatis ‘mutandis to a group whose elements constitute a continuous closed manifold of a finite number of dimensions. Just as the immediate neighbourhood of a point on a surface’ constitutes a plane, so the immediate neighbourhood af a point , on an r-dimensional continuous manifold constitutes an r-dimensional Hineay manifold and the line elements from p, to neighbouring pointe p dofino an r-dimensional linear vector space. We assume that the infinitesimal elements of our group (i.e. those clements in the neighbourhood of the unit clement I), or rather the infinitesimal vectors leading to them from |, constitute such an r-dimensional vector space, the "tangential space” to q at 1. The concept of an infinitesimal rotation will be familiar to the reader from the kinematics of rigid bodies, as well as the fact that these infinitesimal rotations in 8-dimen- sional space constitute a 3-dimensional linear family—in n-dimen- sional space an [a(n — 1)/2]-dimensional family. ‘The multiplica- tion of two infinitesimal elements of tho group is then expressed by the addition of the corresponding vectorial line elements in the tangential space. A parallelepiped which will serve ag a volume ighbourhood of 1 is defined by + linearly independent ine olements, and its volume is given as usual by the absolute value of the determinant of the components of these r vectors, his volume clement is, of course, not entirely independent of the choice of a co-ordinate system in the tangential space, but ie transformation to a new co-urdinate system only multiplies the volumes of all such elemental volumes in the neighbourhood uf by a constant numerical faetor. These volumes are there- fore determined to within the choice of @ unit of measure ; more than this we can hardly require. On extending the theory developed in the preceding section tu continuous groups integration replaces su nmation, and it is therefore necessary to be able to measure volumes on’the entire the 1 EXTENSION TU CLUSED CONTINUOUS GROUPS 161 group manifold of g. With the aid of the foregoing volume elements in the neighbourhood of 1 can be measured and com- pared immediately ‘with cach other, and the same is true for the volume elements at any other point of the group manifold. The only difficulty lies in carrying the unit of volume from the point I to any other point a. Examination of the argument of §11 reveals that the measurement of volume must have the following invariantive properties: the volume of an arbitrary clement must be unaltered by a Icft-translation of the group ‘manifold which transforms the general element £ into r= al. But this requirement just suffices to specify the process uniquely. Consider the volume element at a which arises from an elemental volume at I by the lett-translation which throws {into a; per definitionem the volumes of these too elements shall be the same. On carrying the volume element from a to b by means of the translation tf = (bat the equation # = b(a-¥) shows that with this definition of volume the volumes of the elements co obtained ‘and b are equal. We further assume that our continuous group manifold is closed—in the sense, for example, that the surface of a sphere is a closed manifold in contrast with a Euclidean plane, which is open. ‘This guarantees that we shall be able to integrate continuous functions of position on the group manifold over the entire manifold. We now choose the unit of volume in such a way that the volume of the entire manifold g is 1; the integrals are then mean values, We naturally require that the components of Ul) in a representation sr U(s) are continuous functions of the element 5 of g. The laws (11.5), (11.6), (11.7), (11.7’) and alt consequences obtained from tiem in §11 are then valid for irreducible representations of the continuous group g and their ‘characters.* The theory would be extraordinarily restricted if the measure of volume, which we have introduced in suck a way that it is invariant under leftstranslations, were not automatically invariant under (1) right-handed translations» $—» ¢ = sa and (2) inversion > gre’ sl, The first of these properties will be established by showing that the volume of a volume clement at | is unchanged oon taking it to @ by a left-translation and returning it to 1 by a right-translation. Obviously each infinitesimal element 65 of ‘the group then undergoes the linear transformation A : Bs sas b+ a, i.e. the conjugation 1. associated with the element a. Such linear transformations in the r-dimensional vector-space of the 162 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS infinitesimal elements of the group constitute a representation a> A of the abstract group g. Since g is closed, each A must be “ Ghealute-unimodular,”” i.e. the determinant of A must have the absolute value 1; and this in turn allows us to conclude that the definition of ‘transportation of volumes by cither left- or right-translations leads to the same result. To prove this consider the element a and its powers a, a Since the group manifold g is closed, the infinite set «, a, a®, ++ ong posseszes a point of condensation 6, ie. an infinite set of ex: ponents n can be found such that as # runs through this set &* converges to b. Tu the elements a” and J correspond the conjugations A* and B, respectively, and in virtue of the con- tinuity assumed above'det (A*) converges to det (B) as m runs through the chosen set. Now since det (R) is a finite non- vanishing sumber, and since, if the absolute value of the deter- minant of A differed from 1, det (4*) would tend toward 0 or «, ‘we may conclude the truth of the above assertion. ints also enables us to prove the truth of (2), invariance under inversion. For inversion sends the element S¢ at I into — 8s, and this transformation is absolute-unimodular. Now send one of two inverse volume elements at 1 to # by a left-translation and the other to a"? by a right-translation ; we thus obtain volume elements at a and a~ which go into each other by the inversion $—s'= 6% Since both left and rightstranslations conserve ‘Yolumes, these two volume elements have the same volume. Examples of the Orthogonality Properties We have already found the primitive characters for the group of rotations be of a circle into itself: elms), m= 0, +1, “£2,+++, where 4 is the angle of rotation. They constitute, in fact, o unitary orthogonal sct of functions: + ste ag. (2 (=m) Seo amo spate Tf there existed further irreducible representations their char- acters would necessarily be orthogonal to all of these; but this is impossible, for the functions (md), where m takes on all integral values, already constitute a complete orthogonal CE ae method (§8), which did not involve Parseval’s equation, that the system of primitive characters e(m) was complete. "It is therefore natural to consider Parseval’s equation as the simplest case of tte general group-theoretic completeness theorem men- ee : EXTENSION TO CLOSED CONTINUOUS GROUPS 163 The character of the representation Gy of the 2-dimenstonal ‘unitary unimodular group t= Uy is given by (9.6). Writing eeu), Ase—etmasinw, 2 aldo = do, we have t 1 (f=8) Jxrtedo { Hf (2.1) This leads us Ww suspect tat de is the votume of that portion ot the group manifold occupied by those elements o ot the group whose angles of rotation lie between w and w+ dw. |The total volume of the group manifold is then [te Ef this is correct, (12.1) are the orthogonality relations predicted by the general theory, and Une equation do = = ATdw defines the density of the various classes of the group. In the last chapter we shall actually carry through the determination of volume and verify these results, If there were yet another irreducible representation, with character x, then £ = Ay would be an odd periodic function of w with period 27 which would be orthogonal to all the fun: £7 — A> yy, ic. to the functions sine, sin 20, sin Ge. ++ -. But these latter are already a complete orthogonal set for the domain of odd periodic functions, aud consequently dhe Gy (f= 0, 1, 2, «+ 9) constitwe a complete system of irreducible representations of the group u. A direct proof, which is inde- yendent of Parseval’s equation, is also to be found in Chap. V, Pit indeed, itis there carried through for uy in an arbitrary number n of dimensions. ‘The Clehsch-Gardan series NIXe = Xteot Xtanee HT Xroa] (12.3) for the characters x, is readily verified. If we know on general grounds that the character of a representation specific it uniquely, this equation can be used as a proof of the reducibitity of 6, x €, into irreducible components with characters us on the right. Since the characters are much more readily handled than the 164 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS representations themselves this principle offers a very powerful method for obtaining assertions concerning represent: Let f 2g and multiply equation (12.2), which is to be verified, by A: fra Eh =F i eft e Mout ek The product of eee) with yee bertp es per is the difference af two sums; the one is SOL Stee belts, the exponent decreasing hy 2 fram term ta term, and the other is obtained from this one by replacing all exponents by their negative. Hence the product is in fact Dern — ery, v= Pt Et E— Beto w ‘The representations Gf, G7 (f= 0, 1, 2, + + ») constitute a complete set of inequivalent irreducible representations of the wugmented group 1, To establish this we first note that in an irreducible reprosentation of u’ the matrix associated with the clement + must be a multiple of the unit matrix, for it commutes with the irreducible system of matrices constituting the repre- sentation. Furthermore, u— I, 20 this matrix can only be +1or—4, Since the matrix associated with « is a multiple of the unit matrix, and since the extension of u to w' involves the addition of a single clement «, the representation must remain irreducible on restricting the group w’ to the sub-group u. Heuce every irreducible representation of u, is obtained by supplement- ing the irreducible representations of uy by the association tet or eet If , Q run independently through complete systems of inequivalent irreducible representations of the two (finite or closed continuous) groups g, q’, respectively, then the 9 X 5° constitute @ complete system of inequivalent irreducible rep- resentations for the direct product g X g'. To prove this we note that since the primitive characters y(s) of g constitute a complete orthogonal system for class functions of the element s which runs through g and the primitive characters x'(s’) of @ do the same for q’, the totality of the products x/s) - '(s’) con- stitute a complete orthogonal system for the class functions of the element (s, s’) which runs through the group q X @’. The representations Gy, , introduced in § B constitute a com- plete system of irreducible representations of cy when f, ¢ run THE ALGEBRA OF A GROUP 105 independently through the numbers 0, 1, 2, +++; we here only mention this fact without going further into it § 18, The Algebra of a Group Woe raturn for the present to finite groups. In order to he cach function z(s) on the group manifold of the fui its“ Fourier vvellicient matrix,” Uhe group matrix. X= Ex(9UE), (13.1) group where §):5—> Ujs) is a representation of g. The trace of X, e= Lexis), (13.2) is the Fourier coefficient of 2(s) with respect to the character x(s) Of §. It is here desirable to consider the function (s) as a single quantity x in the group domain; cach element s of the group is a dimension in “group space” and the number (s) fe the scomponent of the quantity » We prose the quantities themselves symbolically in the form xm Dxls)s (13.3) The matrix X is assuciated with the quantity x in the repre: sentation §:x— X in Q. Addition of" group quantities" and multiplication of them by a number are introduced 1m the usual way: x+y has the components 2(s) + 9(s) and ax the com- ponents a‘ x(s). Group quantities consequently behave like vectors in an h-dimensional space, where h is the order of the group. The following definition af multiplication af tra arbitrary group quantities x and y ie suggested by (18.3) : wy = Deltlylt ee = Dols) where (iy. asa) This last equation, in which the sum js to be extended over all pairs of elements #, / whose product is s, defines the product Of Use quautities x andy. We denote this product by ay and its components by xy(3) ; this is nut Lo be confused with (6) -¥(3), the ordinary product of the two numbers (3), (5). Addition and multiplication ot group quantities parallel addition and 186 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS multiplication of the group matrices associated with them by (18.1). Indeed, the product of X= ExG)U@), Y= ZAI) is given by ZHXV = F lye U UH) — Eels) UUs), ‘where s(6) is defined by (13.4) ‘The operations to which the group quantities may be sub- jected: (1) addition, (2) multiplication with a number, and (3) ‘multiplication with’ one another, satisfy the usual laws ‘of ordinary algebra with two important exceptions : multiplication 48 no: commuative aud division is noi in yenerai possibie, ic. the equation ax = 6 for given a +0 and b may have no unique solution or even no solution at all, But there does exist a quantity 1 having the properties of unity: 1a— #1 =a for every quantity #; its components all vanish with the exception of the one associated with s=1, which is 1. A domain of quantities as described above is called an algebra, and the group quantities” are the elements of the algebra ; ‘care must be taken not to confuse these with the elements of the group (cf. V, §5). The association x—> X in the representation © satisfies the condition: 1. 1-1, to the element 1 corresponds the unit matrix 1; 2. if x-+X, y> Y and ais a number, then K+ySRLY, axak, xy +X. ‘A representation © of the group is the same as a realization or « representation ” of the algebra of the growp by matrices such that these conditions are satisfied. Actually all we have done here is this: we have gone over from the matrices U(s) associ- ated with the individual elements of the group to tha Hnesr manifold of matrices for which they constitute a basis. What characterizes an clement a of the algebra whose com- ponents a(s) define a class function? We have in general ax(s) = Ealethe(e), xals) — Ealex(e, and a class function satisfies the equation a(st) = alts Hence such an a is characterized by the tact that 1t commutes with all elements x ‘of the algebra: ax = xa. Employing a term carried over from group theory to algebra we may say: those elements whose components depend only on the class of THE ALGEBRA OF A GROUP 107 conjugate group elements to which the argument s belongs constitute the eontral of the algebra We ate interested uuly in unitary representativus » > Vip) For such a representation the Hermitian conjugate of (13.1) is R= 2H}0) Ex}Uls 4) = Bay YU). Hence on defining the conjugate ¥ of the element x by #(s)=a(s), Hermitian conjugate matrices are associated with conjugate elements in a unitary representation ; this characterizes unitary representations, An element will be said to be real if it coin- cides with its conjugate, We have seen that the character xls} of a unitary representation satisfies this condition X=) ‘Let § be a g-dimensional irreducible unitary representation of g. C= ||¢all being a given g-dimensional matrix, the element ¢ of the algebra defined by 9) = Bea bagls) = Ste (CAN) (9) = Zea bald) = Eee (CAM ws such that €-» C inp; this readily verined with the aid ot the orthogonality relations. Hence in the correspondence x > X X runs through all g-dimensional matrices. We denote the quantity wieh components Esg(s) By es. ‘The set H of all elements of the form 2 Che Ces respect to the operations of addition and multiplication by umber, But ie product uf two elements iu His again a0 clement in Hj indeed, if ¢ is in H and x is an arbitrary clement of the algebra both ex and xc are also in H. We express this situation in a terminology paralleling that of the theory ot groups: H is an invariant sub-algebra ofthe algebra I’ of all group quantities. To prove these assertinns we first nate that the definition (13.1), together with the condition that ¢—» [s)he a representation yields the equation XU(s} = Fx(HUls), or, on replacing U(e-) by Os), xd) =F Nal. (13.5) 168 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS Multiplying on the left by C = ||¢all and constructing the trace we find Feet(cxp Deh = Zelsrrale) = e219), whence y = ox is in Ws ox Zyaea 36) Ilyael] = Cx. (ast) In the same way we can show that if ¢ belongs to H then xo does also. If xo X= |lall ind we call Pa the component of x in H. In accordance with (13.6), (18.7) this component is the product of x with Omen tem tes + es it is ax = re. # is a real element belonging to the central of the group algebra F, with components § + R(s) jit is “ idempotent,” Tn portioular, the product ‘ew a= Zonea, b= Dace of H with cocfficient matrices A, B, is the quantity ab in H with the coofficient matric AB. ‘eis the 4, the “ modulus,” or " principal unit,” of the sub-algebra H since sx = xe = x when xia in H. ‘The algebra H is identical with the algebra of all g-dimensional matrices (' simple matric algebra”). The“ units” ux Satisfy the equations Cul = Cm Coren = Ofor r+ 5. (138) ‘The central of the sub-algebra H consists only of the multiples of its modulus ¢. ‘An irreducible representation §' : 5» U'(s) = || 4(s) | ot dimensionality g’ which is not equivalent to © yields’ another invariant sub-algebra H’ consisting of all clements of the form C= Lee | eel] =e THE ALGEBRA OF A GROUP 169 g, The components of ef, are £a/(s). It follows from the orthogonality relations existing between inequivalent repre- sentations that c’—> 0 in the representation §. If ¢ is in H, then, by applying (186) for x= ¢, ce’ =y is also, but since thon X—0 (13.7) yields y—0; ‘the two sub-algebras are independent in the senze that the product of an element in one with an element in the other is always 0. Hence the “units” satisly ex, =. (13.9) ‘The modulus ae, of HY satisfies en” = 0 in addition to e'e’ = e' If as) is a class function, # belongs to the central of and if a> in the g-dimensional iercducible representation § then the matrix A commutes with all matrices X. Hence A is a multiple of the unit matrix > ant By (13.2) we find that the trace a of A is * Zalshx(s)- In this way the entire theory of representations can be translated into the language of modern algebra. This leads to a greater freedom of operation and is preferable for the expression of the completeness theorem. The orthogonality relations between uals), w){s), +++ lead to Rescel’s inequality (XE) +++ She Zee), (18.10) where X in the sum on the left is the matrix (13.1) associated with (6) in the g-dimensional irreducible representation § and the cum is taken over any ot of inequivalent irreducible repre- sentations ©, ---. This inequality is obtained by expressing the faci that the mean value of 2(9) Zs) is unruegative (ef. 1,97), where z is that element obtained from x on subtracting from x its components in H, * > - 2a x—(Seuent ~~ )=x— (eet +) Since the characters constitute an orthogonal system we also have the Bessel inequality Sei tla Cf, also Appendix 2 at the end of the book. + Za(s)ais) (13.11) 7 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS defined by (13.2). The completeness theorem asserts we i ac by 22 The mpl ers ‘goer 2 compieie system of inequivalent irreducible representations, ire in (13.0) x(0) 1 any function om the group manifold and Bela) ay as function, “The second elation 2 speia cate of he fit, since for class functions X = £1 If the abstract group g is a finite continuous group which is closed in the sense of § 12, of a finite group as above, the sume must be replaced by iategrals ; the measure of volume fon the group manifold is introduced as'in § 12, We thea have fn place of (18.1), (13-4) X= falgylss, ald) = Joya = felylrrgae ‘The modulus 1 of the algebra must have as components the values of a function 1(s) which vanishes everywhere on the group manifold except at the point s=I and must there be to lange that 1(s)és= 1. Such a function does not exist, but wwe can construct functions approximating these conditions arbitrarily close. The completeness relations assert that any clement x of the algebra of a finite group q is the sum of its components in the totality of sub-algebras associated with a complete system of inequivalent irreducible represeatations. The group algebra Tis thus reduced to a set of independent simple matric algebras. Tt suffices to prove this theorem for x = tte ee slates ben) te, (18.2) for oa multiplying this by x it follows for all elements x. ‘These astertions cannot be cartied over to continuous groups in the form here stated; we must hold to the formulation (18.10) (with — instead of <) containing an arbitrary function x(). We go into the proof of these results in Chap. V, whore all the results of this section will be derived anew and discussed in detail from another more profound point of view. § 14, Invariants and Covariants We first discuss briefly the classical concept of an invariant. Consider, for example, the group ¢= ¢ of homogeneous linear transformations of two variables f, » ‘with unit determinant, Let a6 + 2069 + ont INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS im be an arbitrary quadratic form in the two variables. The digoriminant ” ac — 6% is an invariant, for the discriminants of two forms which are such that cither gocs into the other on transforming ¢, Ly sume clement of ¢ have the same value. We may have, instead of one arbitrary quadratic form, one or more arbitrary forms f, ¢, -- + of given orders, #, », ">. An invariant is a rational integral function J of the coethicients of these forms which is homogeneous in the coefficients of each of the forms f, 4, +++ and which has the same value on replacing these coefficients by the cnefficients of the farms f”, 4’, +++ into which f, $, «+ + are transformed by an arbitrary transformation @ of ¢ affceting the variables £, 7. ‘The coefficients dp, a}, °- ", dy of an arbitrary form of order nin the variabies €, 7 undergo @ certain iinear transformation on subjecting the Variables to a transformation o of ¢, and the correspondence between @ and this transformation constitutes 1 representation of the group ¢. The same is true for the totality of monomials Bap aie (tte tar) of order y in these cnefficients. A homogeneous. polynamial J of order r in the a, is a linear combination of these monomials.. We thus sec that if Tis of given degrees r, p, ++ in the coefficients of the arbitrary forms f, y, ~~ it is a linear combination of quantities which constitute the substratum of a definite’ re- presentation of ¢; this representation is known as soon as we have given the orders n, v, ++ of the forms f, 4, + + + in the variables €, 7 and the degrees r, p, -- of the invariant J in the athitrary coefficients of f, 6, «+. | Discarding the all too special formal algebraic ascumptions involved in the “classical ” concept of an invariant, and which the theory of invariants has from the beginning attempted to outgrow by goncralizations in Various uirections, we ulay express Ue concept in moder group-theoretic language as follows : Let 9:5 U(s) be a given representation of an abstract group 8 in ant n-dimensional representation space with variables %,; 4 Hinear form in the x is said to be an invariant in the representation Space R of § if it is unchanged under all the transformations U(s). If I, Ty, «+ + are invariants in the representation space of 9, then any linear combination al, + cpl, +++ of them with constant cocfficicats ay wy - 15 also an it. The most important problem arising hese is naturally dial coucetning the number m of linearly independent invariants in the given representation space. If yy, Yq," * * Ym constitute such a com- plete set of linearly independent invariants, and it we choose as, 172 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS co-ordinates in % these m quantities and » — m further linear forms Jag," "1 Yn Such that the two sete together constitute a complete systern of lineurly independent linear forme in 9, the transformation U(s) is, in terms of the variables y, Ce a et year a (8) ab egy 0 (8) Yon Yue Ye SMI, bet Mans) Yee If we are dealing with a unitary representation the y’s can be 50 chosen that they define a normal co-ordinate system; § ig then reduced into m times the I-dimensional identical’ repre- sentation y= and an (n—m)-dimensional representation, Hence the problem of finding the number of linearly independent invariants in the representation space & reduces to finding how ‘often the identical representation with the character 1 is con. tained ia the given §. But by formula (11.8) the solution of this problem is given by m= Mix(5)), (14.1) or: the mean value of the character x of ) which is always @ non-negative integer, gives the number of linearly independent inuariants in the representation space of 9. ‘The formula (141) answers the principal question arising in the linear invariant theory, and we now proceed to an exc: tremely brief discussion of the algebraic invariant theory. Lot G, § «+ - be representations of the same abstract group g in he spaces with variables x, jy - +. We consider rational integral functions I(q yx, * ")'which are homogeneous in the variables 24, homogeneous in the variables y,, ete. If on sub- jecting z, y, + ++ to those linear transformations corresponding to the same arbitrary group element s in the representations ©, 9, «+ [remains unchanged, then it is said to be rational integral invariant of the system (@, 9, + + +] of representations. Ifthe orders 9, g, +++ of the function I'in the variables =,» are given, the problem reduces to the ane diecnsend shove : for the monomials in these variables which are homogeneous of order p in the z;, homogeneous of order g in the y_, - * - con stitute the substratum of a representation obtained in a certain way from ©, §, + --. But if we consider simultaneously in- tt possibts ordeas belonging iw dhe system (©, 9, ** “] we ate confronted with new problems, The most important Of these, which is answered in the affirmative by the so-called INVARIANTS AND COVARIANTS ms fundamental theorem of the theory of invariants ic: Do there exist a finite number of invariants such that all others can be expressed rationally and integrally in terms of them? — This involves the question of algebraic, rather than linear, dependence between the invariants. We only mention this higher branch of the theory of invariants, and do not go into it further, as it bears no direct relation to quantum mechanies.1® Ta addition to invariants or scalare, covariant linear quantities, such as vectors and tensors, play an important File in physics, Lot g be the giuup of ull linear irausfurmativns between the nuriial co-ordinate systems in space or in space- time, eg. the 3-dimensional group of Kuclidean rotations or the group of Lorentz transformations, and let §:5-> U(s) be an n-dimensional. representation of g. A covariant quantity of hind & is an entity having n components ay, ay, °°»; @ relative to any given co-ordinate system for the variables of the Inansforsea- tion group 4 and which is such that on going wer lo 4 new co- ordinate system by means of the transformation s of g the new components a; are obtained from the old by the corresponding transformation U\s) of 9. It is irreducible such a quantity is said to be primitive or simple. Phusical quantities are generally simple. Thus, for example, the entity whose components are the electro-magnetic field strengths in the 4-dimensional world is deceribed ac an “anti symmetric tensor of order 2" rather than merely as a “tensor of order 2"; we shall see in Chap. V, §4, that it is therefore a simple quantity. The reduction of representation into its irreducible constituents implies the reduction of the corresponding kind of quantities into simple quantities. It would appear that the only simple quantities with which we deal are tensors which are characterized by certain symmetry conditions in addition to their order. We shall prove this theorem for the complete linear group ¢ and for its unitary sub-group u in Chap. Vj; it asserts that all repre- sentations of ¢ (or i) can be obtained by reduction from the powers ¢, (co), (C%,-~- and that the irreducible constituents of (0)! are obtained by imposing certain symmetry conditions. ‘We must accordingly generalize the problem of the linear theory of invariants in the following manner. Consider two unitary representations §:¢->5, Gic>S of the abstract group g with elements @; let their dimensionatities be m, N And let be irreducible. We wisk to determine all covariant quantities of kind ty in the representation space of ). Calling the variables in this representation space x,, which undergo the transformation S under the influence of o, such a quantity Thas n componente J,, [,,+++, I, which are linearly independent 174 GROUPS AND THRIR REPRESENTATIONS linear forms in the variables x,, When the %; undergo the trans- formation S the n linear forms J, go over into new ones which are obtained from the Z, (in which the variables x, have been transformed in accordance with S) by means of the transforma. tion s of b, If there exist two or more covariant quantiti T= (hylan A> of the kind } in the representation space of ©, then any linear combination al + a'T' +++ with eonstant coefficients a is again a quantity of the same kind. We ack for the mnember of linearly independent quantities of this kind,” The answer is that m is equal to the number of times the irreducible répresentation 4113 contained in . Hence if x, X are the characters of §, §, wwe have m= MEX()X(6)} (14.3) In order tn prove this statement we choose the co-ordinate system #, in the representation space of § in such a way that the matrices of § are reduced into their irreducible constituent sub-matrices, the m representations " ae being separated out first. The remaining constituents fo" ‘arc incquivalent to . Denote te variables in the corre: sponding invariant sub-spaces by eles zi ce Pe ac at a Se a a ‘The matrix S is completely reduced into the sub-matrices sa sc0,sm simt0),+++ arranged along the principal agonal, ‘Let w= Met a} a= Onn 1 aa By bea covariant quantity of the kind §. We can write this i form y— Ax in terms of the column x of the N variables 2) the column y of the m variables ye and the matrix = [jag The requirement that J be a quantity of kind } means that ‘whon » is replaced by 2” — Sx, y goes over into y’ = sy, oF Sy ASe, sAv— ASe, 2A AS. (14.8) Corresponding to the reduction of z-space into irreducible sub-spaces, the matrix A of the correspondence of z-space on y'space is’ reduced into matrices A’, + «+, Alm; A(mtl),« «+ Consisting of the frst n rows, «+=, the mi set of m rows, «+» +++ of 4. Equation (14.8) then becomes tA Aly, SA = AMS; sim the = Aim ngmrn, os LIE'S THEORY OF CONTINUOUS GROUPS 175 It follows from the fundamental theorem (10.8) on representa- tions that 4’, + - -, A are all multiples of the n-dimensional uunit matrix and that the remaining AG), « «+ are all zero But this is just our assertion that Hincor combiaation of the m quantaics | O™ 7°" 7 2a) #8 LO A, ain of the kind § § 15, Remarks on Lie's Theory of Continuous Groups of Transformations In § 12 we made use of the concept of infinitesimal elements of @ group in order to establish a method of measuring volume on a continuous group manifold. We here discuss this concept in detail for the 3-dimensional group b of rotations in Euclidean space. This group serves to describe the mobility of a body in Euclidean space, one point 0 of which is xed in space. Fach possible position of the body can he considered as arising from any given initial position hy an operation of » A material substance distributed throughout the space or any portion of it moves as a rigid hody ahout 0 if the position of cach of its elements at a given moment is associated ‘ith its initial position by means of a correspondence belonging to b. This is the description of the motion of euch a rigid body which compaces ignoring the intermediate states which it has asoumed Sn going ii: pues cn db i en een nae ae Rea by ole liivtobig sealiuraba ars ul fo moment, so that the motion a a Whole is the Integration of a aeriey of infaiesimal operations Of On erpleyeag an auxiliary variable 1 in order to avoid the use of iniventnals See Ee ete eect du=%, dy = y, do=2 of an infinitesimal rotation is defined by [f. 1, §6] dz=ta—cy, dy=cx—as, de=ay—bx, (10.1) where the constants a, b, ¢ are independent of position (a, y, 2). These velocity fields, which obviously constitute a S-dimensional linear manifold, are the infinitesimal ciements of b; they are the“ vectors" which define the linear space tangent to the group 176 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS manifold at the point which represents the unit element 1 ‘The continuous mation of a rigid body about 0 is characterized by the fact that at cach moment its velocity field belongs to the -parameter linear family (15.1). We may take ae a by of this family the three elements D,, Dy, Dz obtained by choosing 5 a=0,5 a=1b=0c= 60; 20, b= 0, cm 1. We call these “ the infinitesimal rotations about the x-, y- and s-axes.” S. Lie was the first to undertake a systematic study of the construction of transformation groups from their in- finitesimal elements. In fact, once they are Known all the substitutions of the continuous group can be generated by integration, i. by successive application of such infinitesimal clements—at least, all those which belong to the same connected “ sheet" as the identity. (Example: the proper orthogonal transformations can be obtained from the infinitesimal ones, but not the improper transformations with determinant — 1) In general, consider a continuous r-parameter transformation group @, and let the group manifold be described in terms of the parameters sy 5p, “+ *, $, in the neighbourhood of the unit point, at which’ they vanish.” A portion of the group manifold is thereby mapped in @ one-to-one continuous manner on a neighbourhood of the origin in the r-dimensional number space of the parameters s, Let the n-dimensional point-held of the transformations be described in terms of co-ordinates xy, %,,***, X= in the neighbourhood of the point under consideration, and let the correspondence x > 2": = Bt ny Sy ty Se) bbe associated with the element (5, sa, * “; S) of the abstract group ia its realization by the transformation group. The infinitesimal transformation x x-+ dx obtained by assigning ‘the infinitesimal increments ds to the parameters s in the neigh: Dournood of s = U 18 given by = (8 ean (oe dam (dss tes + (Bae, (18.2) the parentheses indicate that the differential quotients are to be computed for sy —0, +», sy 0. We postulate a material substance which fills the pointield and which is capable of executing those and only those motions in which the positions of its elements at an arbitrary moment are obtained from their positions at time ¢ by a transformation of @, Again its motion ‘can be more simply described as the result of successive deforma- LIE'S THEORY OF CONTINUOUS GROUPS 177 tions corresponding to infinitesimal operations (19.2) of our group; the velocity field must at any time have the form (Aenean ORG p53) (ee 383) where 0, * + * or are constants independent of position. This r-dimensional linear family constitutes the infinitesimal group of ‘motions of aur substance. It is ta he observed that the application fof these infinitesimal processes to our transformation group presupposes that the functions 4, are differentiable with respoct to sat the point s~0, In the theory of abstract groups the point-feld is the group manifold itself and we take as a realization {left-)translation. In the neighbourhood of the unit element 5 = 0, t= 0 we have, as law of composition, (ste = Yel Sep het) fas lee srl ‘The introduction of a measure of volume in § 12 presupposes that the funetions g, are, for sufficiently small ¢, differentiable with respect to the ¢ at the point ¢ = 0, and that for snfficiently sunall s they are differentiable with respect to fat ¢— 0. ‘The composition of infinitesimal clements of the group is expressed by addition of the parameters g introduced by (18.3) Tt might therefore appear as if the infinitesimal elements of an y-parameter continuous group need satisty no condition other than that they constitute a linear family. However, that is not the case; there are further “integrability conditions” to be satisfied. ‘The example of a sphere which rolls without slipping on a horizontal table shows that the possible positions of a body whose infinitesimal mptions have but three degrees of freedom can nevertheless constitute a 5-dimensional manifold. ‘The integrability conditions we are seeking, which involve second order derivatives, guarantee that this situation does not arice, W jin these ennditions on expressing the fact that the commutator sts"! of two infinitesimal elements s, f of the group also is an clomeat of the group. Thie commutator con- Verges to 1 as 5 approaches the unit clement I, whatever # may be, and similarly as (> | for arbitrary s. The commutator of the two infinitesimal linear correspondences A and B : dc= Ax, dam Be is the infinitesimal correspondence AB — BA; to show this ‘we note that the equation AGIBE — Pb, 9BOAG) 178 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS leads, on writing a= 1,81) — 1, to the equation C= ABBA. Our main purpose in mentioning these matters is to prepare the yiound for an understanding from general principles of the infinitesimal sotations cuuuuuiativu sales satisfied by the three Dey Dy Det yoo of Poo ay yo —2 oF oo -1/, | oo ol, Hao olf cs.ay o 1 of |-2 0 of lo o off They are, as is readily shown, DgDy—DyDe= Ds, DyDi~DsDy= Da ag py DzDy~ DgDs= Vy poe ‘We could, of course, take the unimodular unitary group ua in two dimensions as fundamental, instead of the group bs of rotations. We denote the two variables which undergo the transformations @ of the unitary group by £, asin § 8. In consequence of the correspondence o> s, which was established there by means of a stereographic projection, the $-dimensional rotation group now appears as a representation of uy. We can take as a basis for the $-parameter linear manifold of infinitesimal ‘operators of u, the three particular operators— aii aa (15.6) a ne here, in agreement with (8.15), cain OG Rea Oe ol eat Mediaset | diene One ig ‘They are the infinitesimal transformations of uy corresponding to the three infinitesimal uausforuiations Dy Dy Dy of by In ° Lik'S THEORY OF CUNTINUOUS GROUPS 179 virtue of the correspondence » + 5; that this is in fact the cas is readily seen from (8:10) or) AEM anna mY 1 BNE LT yO HE ta 2m Oey, Given any representation §:0-> Uj iy (2) of ty, its infinitesimal operators with matrices 1 3 (Me, My, M,) corresponding to the infinitesimal operators (15.6) in up satisfy the same equations (15.8) os the Ds, Dy, Dz M.M,— M,M,— iM, (15.7) ‘The matrices M,, M,, M, are of cowrse Hermitian. For reasons which will appear in the following chapter we call these the Eo a em of the represcntation §, and 7 ah OP = MY = M+ M+ the square of the magnitude of the moment of momentum, It , O° are two representations with angular momenta Mt, 9’ -then, in accordance with the general formula IJ, (10.4), which governs the composition of infinitesimal operators by x -multi plication, the representation § x § has ac moment of momentum m » 1) 4» Me} We ‘noxt caleulato the moment of momentum Wy of the irreducible representation Cj =D, (j= 2) of uy It will be i found more convenient to employ in place of 1.5,, 2.5, the to employ in place of Sy, 5, eh transformations 1 LS. 4i8,): a—n, a0 ‘| i avs) PSS): de=0, y= el Tn general aie" ve tor dg + se y *dy, and on substituting in this the variables + 5=%, r—s= am) 180 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS of the representation space of Dy, we find that the three infinitesi~ ‘hal trareformations of uy defined by (15.0), (10.6) induce in this space the transformations J (Ss + 455): dx(m) = VIBE D atm — 1) VEE MUSES alm — 1, JUSe— AS): det) = VEIT atm + 0 = VORA MGT FF Yale +), son) = m xm + de(m) Hence, (My + iM,)(m, m — 1) = VOT GT — ETS) (ily —i,)(m, m+ 1) = VG MIG mT, (18.9) M.lm, m) . ‘All other components (m, m’) vanith. M? ie a multiple of the ‘unit matrix in , Mr— jG +), for it follows from (My + 1M,)(M, — iM,) = M3 + Mj—i(M_M, =M4M4M, M,yM,) that Mt = (M,+5M,)(M, —iM,) — M, + and from this and (15.9) that 26° (m, mm) = jf + mm) — m+ 1) — m+ m= ij +1). If on reducing an arbitrary representation © the irreducible representation D, is found to occur exactly g, times, then M® has ij-+1) a8 a [8+ Ve)}fold characteristic number and “M, has the characteristic number m with multiplicity a eeiiMich nanesliae aie From this we again see that the multiplicity g, with which ©, occurs in the reduction of § is uniquely determined by §. These infinitesimal operations can be used to give a relatwely elementary constructive proof of the fact that the D, are the only irreducible representation of 1, § 16, Representation by Rotations of Ray Space Th quantum theory the sepretntations take place in systema space; but thee tobe considered ao e ray eather than a vec REPRESENTATION IN RAY SPACE 1st space, for a pure state is represented by a ray rather than a vector. Two unitary transformations / and el which differ only by a numerical factnr e of absolute magnitude 1 are com gequently to he considered ac the same, Uavel, for they o f the vay ficid. ina " ray repre: sentation,” which associates with euch element s of the abstract group g'# unitary rotation U(s) of the rays of dimensional Fepresentation space, the gauge factor es) may be taken arbitrarily for each unitary matrix U(s) ; if a is a continuous group we choose it, however, in such a way that [(s) depends continuously on s.| The cond oaly for a representation is now UE) ~ Vis, (10.1) uu £) i 2 numerical sand 4. "If by change of gauge U(s) is replaced by e(s)U3), Bl, ¢) is replaced by = ais, HUIS), (18.2) e(ate*s)e-40)5, 1). In the equation X= DANG). eke Veal al cera Vai umn ge clement x of the algebra of the group and the group matrix X which represents ity the a{9) are also depeudent on the gauge and are sent into e()a(s) om the change of gauge defined by Uls)-re(6}U().. In order chat the multipiication law tor two elements x, shall, as we require, paralel the multiplication of the matrices which represent them we must define apd) = 28 a0 910) (16) in terms of the chosen gauge. The condition 37) = a6) for a real element x is only appropriate if the gauge is so chosen. that U(e) is the matrix reciprocal to U(s). The algebra of the group is wo be adapted iu Ulis way Lo the tay sepresentation under consideration, whereas in dealing with" vectur repre+ sentations "it is uniquely determined by the law of composition of the group alone. Examples, I. The I-dimensional representations are now entirely uninteresting, for any Idimencional matric 4. Rut under 182 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS certain circumstances Abelian groups may possess multivdimen- sional unitary ray representations, whereas any irreducible ‘unitary vector representation of an Abelian group is aecessacil ‘of degree 1. ‘We first investigate the simplest example, a finite cyclical toup (a) of order A. consisting of the elements haat abt (t=), the unit matrix. Since « is of modulus 1-we may change the gauge in such a way that A goes into A/‘/e; then A= 1 and the ea o> Mine the cyclical group. Hence by introducing an appropriate change of gauge the ray representation can be made into a ‘vector representation, 8s, ) being then 1, __ Il, The simplest example of an Abelian group which gives rise to multi-dimensional irreducible ray representations must conscquently be aon-yclic. Consider the geoup consisting of she four eiemencs i, a, 6, ¢ with the multiplication table (18.4) A ray representation & is given by m0 =B ff v9 -PYf om-P Zh vo f 2) i) ‘The normalization is here chuses in such a way that Da) = Tla\Ule-s) = 4 and similarly for 1, 6, c. ‘The algebra defined hy (16.8) for-this representation is ‘non-commutative in spite of the Abelian nature of the group; it is the algebra of complex quaternions. On denoting the clomeats ot age by” mm X=KIb Aad b+ re, the “units” I, a, B, ¢ have the same multiplication table as the corresponding matrices TT: (The product xy oceupios the intersection of the row x with the columa y.) REPRESENTATION IN RAY SPACE, 183 ‘The “‘real" quantities are those for which all components Amv ate real. Since in tie calculus of quaternions 1, ia, ib, ie are taken as the fundamental units, they are those whose sealar component « is real and whose ‘vectorial components Ni, uli, vlé are purely imaginary. TIL. The group w= ty of unitary transformations @ in to dimensions mith determinant 1. Consider a representation @ > Ule) by rotations in n-dimensional ray space. On changing the gauge in such a way that Ufo) gues into (0): «dee Te), (18.8) the determinant of the new Ujo) is 1. The only possible dii- culty consists in the fact that the n™ root e(o) = Veer Te) (is) is multiple-valued. It is “locally " single-velued, ie. if we hhave chosen @ definite one ©) of the m values for the point o =o, we can uniquely determine the root e(a) in a sufficiently small neighbourhood of g in such a way that it depends con- tinuously on ¢ and goes over into ¢ for ¢ = ey. Hence we can continue the determination of the that for @ =a in a unique manner along a path in the group manifold, starting in my. The only question is whether e(e) retumne to ite original value when we allow o to desciibe a closed path, This isto be answered tn the affirmative, since the group manifoid of wis simply connected in the Sense that any closed curve can be drawn together into a point by a continuous deformation. For in accordance with equation (8) the elements of the group are mapped in a one- to-one continuous manner on the quadruple (ev) of real numbers which ate subject to the condition EME LAE L Hence the group manifold has the same topological properties Era dimensional sphere in k-dimensional spate These con siderations thus show that the n' root (16.7) is broken up into m single-valued continuous “functions over the entire group fpanifld. The mathod af proof here employed, which i ot smental importance in the whole of mathematics, is perhaps theorem ; it foliows from Uhe fact that the integral of an anal function is locally single-valued, Uhat it is single-valued in the large ifthe region in which we are operating is simply connected. "The result of our topological considerations showed that the formula (16.8) defines 1 single-valued continuous functions Ue toch that in it T7(D) is the unit matrix ; 181 GROUPS AND THEIR REPRESENTATIONS ‘we henceforth denote it alone by U(o). On writing the equation U(o}Ule) = Be, 2)U (or) (16.8) for r= 1, and taking into account the fact that U(I) ~ 4, we find 8(¢, 1) = 1. On forming the determinant of both sides of (18.8) we obtain the equation 1= Ble, ah. 8(e, 2) is consequently an n root of unity which depends con tinuously on + for fixed ¢ and which reduces to 1 for r= 1; hence it is identically equal to 1, and (16-8) becomes, Ule} Ule) = Uler). Consequently the only ray representations of tly are also vector representations, and our considerations show that this theorem is valid for any continuous group whose elements constitute a simply connécted manifold. On going over to the 3-dimensional rotation group b, by stereographic projection, all D,, even those with half-integral j, are single-valued when considered as ray repre- sentations. Any single-valued continuous ray representation of bh is reccihle inta irreducible the aly ducible ray representations are the D, (f= 0, 1/2, 1, 3/2, = +) obtained earlier in the chapter. But by ig not simply connected ; we must resort to a two-shected covering surface, similar to 2 Riemannian surface but without cuts or branch points, which is simply connected. This accounts for the fact that there exist inteducible ray representations of b, which may be single- or double-valued vector representations, but there cannot exist smultiple-valued representations of higher degree. __, 1 have been able to prove the same theorem for the n-dimen- sional rotation group (n 28). This means that there exist fo closed continuous motions (ie. motions which lead back to the initial state) of a rigid body, which is free to rotate about a fixed point 0, such that any other closed motion can be con. tinuously deformed into one of the two. One of thoee may be taken as rest, and the other is such that it eannot be continuously. deformed into rest. CHAPTER IV APPLICATION OF THE THEORY OF GROUPS TO QUANIUM MECHANICS A, The Rotation Group §1, The Representation Induced in System Space by the Rotation Group accordance with IIT, § 8, we can interpret the theory of I: single electron in a splicrically symmetric electrostatic field, as developed in I, § 5, in the following manner. A rotation of physical space, ile, an orthogonal transformation from the Cartesian co-ordinates xyz into x’y'z,, induces a unitary trans- formation U(s) : ¥ ~ y defined by (2'y'2!) = Plwya) (1.1) in the system-space i of the electron, the vectors of which are the wave functions y(xya) describing ‘the state of the electron. The correspondence > U(s} is a definite representation ©, of infinitely many dimensions. of the rotation group bs. This representation © can be reduced into its irrecucible constituents ,, and it is found that each 9, with integral L occurs an infinite number of times. The total system-space § is correspondingly decomposed into mutually orthogonal sub-spaces Ql) ; 8!) has 21+1 dimensions and the rotation group induces the representation Dz in it. If we introduce in addition the im- proper rotations (bj) D, always appears in G with the signature (=). The co-dimensional sub-spaces J O(ni) associated with the various values of | are uniquely determined, but their further decomposition into the summands Rnl) is quite arbitrary. In particular, this can be done in such a way that the energy of the states composing Diu!) has a definite value E(x). We now calculate the operators induced in system-space by the infinitesimal rotations of physical space. Denoting the increase y’(xya) — (aya) by dy, equation (1.1) becomes a + (ede + y + tan) 0 186 188 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY for the infinitesimal rotation s which sends aye into adds, yay tidy, fats. Taking as s the three infinitesimal rotations D., Dy, Ds in turn {HIT, (15.4)} and writing the corresponding infinitesimal unitary Pow bn Li, (1.2) Gis accordingly the moment of momentum ef. TT, 9] On going over from one electron to two, the vectors of system space are the fuuciious oyun i apyaty) of the Cartesian < ordinates of both clectrons. "The unitary transformation U:y—>W" induced in system-space by the rotation s is now defined by the equation Ves Hy) = vem aH, where ajyie; and xiyiep are obtained from xyys, and ayy by the Same orthogonal transformation s. ‘This situation can be described as follows: The state space &R of the system con- sisting of twa electrons is # XR and the representation induced in it is € x @. This representation is, as we see, determined by the kine- matical constitution of the system ‘alone, and is in no way influenced by the dynamical relationships; the rule for x- multiplication for the induced representation on composition of partial systems presupposes only kinematical, not dynamical, independence of the partial systems We can, without further trouble, formulate the situation discussed above in terms of the general sciteme of quantum tuechanies ia a manner which is independent of the particular assumptions of Schrédinger’s scalar wave theory. is all the more important since it has all along seemed doubtful whether the matter waves could be described in terms of = displacement of the state of the systein ia time and the viriwal change produced by an arbitrary rotation of space, The transition from time ¢ to time f’ changes the (arbitrary) state Eat time {into a state rat time 1, obtained from x by a unitary transformation U corresponding to a displacement of the time axis which sends f over into ? ‘The di ° : splacements alung the time ais conttute a one parameter continuous group Which 32 REPRESENTATION IN SYSTEM SPACE 187 isomorphic with the group of transformations U associated with them in system-space. The former group is generated from the infinitesimal deplacement t->t + dt, and it therefore suffices to give the infinitesimal unitary operator a ara He associated with it. in system-space, We called the Hermitian operator H the energy. ‘On subjecting the physical system (or the spatial co-ordinate system in terms of which it is described) to a virtual rotation s, the state £ goes over into another state 7’. Since nothing intrinsic to the system is changed thereby and since the state space is linear and unitary, the transition U(s):z—>¥) associated with s must alse be linear and unitary. As in the case of the group of actual displacements in time, this group of virtual rotations in space must induce a certain representation ® in the system-space R; this latter is more properly to be considered as a ray, rather than a vector, space. But it we go over from the rotation group to the unimodular unitary group ty (or ug) by stereographic projection (III, § 8) and take this latter as fundamental, it is, in accordance’ with III, §16, not necessary to distinguish between ray and vector representations. ‘The group of proper rotations can be generated from its infini- tesimal operations, and we may take as a basis for these the infinitesimal rotations D,, D,, D, about the x-, y-, and x-axis. It then suffices to know the infinitesimal unitary transformations a HM, My Me which they induce in eystem space. We call the real physical quantities of the system which are represented by the Hermitian operators M,, M,, M, the x, y-, s components of the moment of momentum 3. In order to express them in terms of the usual units they must, as was also the case with the energy, be multiplied by the quantum of action h. The moment of ‘momentum plays the same role with respect to the virtual rotations of space as’ the energy with respect to the actual displacements in time. One argument for the appropriateness of our delinition of mo- ment of momentum is that in the case of the Schrodinger theory it leads to the usual formulae of classical mechanics. AS a further justification we prove the general theorem that the moment of ‘momentum so defined is constant in time. We saw in Il, § 8, that the necessary and sufficient condition that the physical 188 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY quantity represented by the Hermitian operator A be constant in time was that A commute with the Hermitian operator induced by the infinitesimal displacement of time, In exactly the same way we can show that the commutativity of A with M,, M,, M, constitutes the necessary and sufficient condition that the quantity represented by A remains unaltered under the virtual proper rotations of space, ie. that A is a scalar with respect to these rotations, Now’ the energy is a scalar, hence HM, — MeH=0,-- But, on the other hand, these equations assert that M,, My, M. are constant in time. rotations; in order to obtain the complete orthogonal group we must supplement them with the reflection i in the origin, or extend the group ti to the group uw; by the addition of the ele- ment « (III, § 8). « will induce a unitary operator I in system space which commutes with all U(s), in particular with the moment of momentum TR (Ma My, M,), and which satisfies the equation f= 1; this shows that /'is Hermitian, as well as unitary. A quantity which 1s unchanged by retiection ‘must commute with J; hence, in particular, the energy H must commute with I. The physical quantity represented by I, which we call the signature, is constant in time, as it commutes ‘with I. Tt has, in common with all quantities arising in group theory which are not associated with infinitesimal operators, no analogue in classical mechanics. We reduce the total system-space into invariant sub-spaces, ‘with respect to the group of displacements in time; such an invariant sub-space is carried over into itself by the generating intemal operation d= Hi. Since we ae here dalig ‘with a one-parameter Abelian group, or with a single operator H, this reduction can be carried to the point in which all the con stituent sub-spaces are I-dimensional. The states contained in one of these invariant sub-spaces we call quantum states, ‘We now proceed in exactly the same manner to reduce the representation R induced in system-space by the group of rota tions into its irreducible constituents , We make use of the fact that these are known to us @ priori; only the aumber of times they appear in 32 depends on the particular representation, R. (Of course, we have not as yet shown that the D, really constitute a complete system of irreducible representations of be and it may ae tisky to apply the process of reduction to the co-dimensinnal. vepeeeentation 3 REPRESENTATION IN SYSTEM SPACE | 189) however, be justified on the basis of the fact that by is a closed group. But in the final formulation of quantum mechanics it will not be necessary to base our conclusions on such general considerations, 2s the reduction into D, will be obt clementary méant.) The entire oyster space ia # poted into sub-spaces Rj, My,“ * such that MR, is of dimension- ality 2j +1 and che representation induced in it by the group 1 15 D;, Un adapting the co-ordinate system in system-space 16 this decomposition the variables fall into classes xm) (maj, F— Uy — Hi td terete tetasten a ta under the iufluence of au arbitrary transformation @ of Up applied to the variabies ¢, the co-ordinates ot system-space transform in accordance with the law am) SU pha, i ). (ot) rts R= 8, 2m) With the reduction of 2 or ¥t is associated the reduction of the angular momentum SR; in the sub-space %j the components of are given by III) (15.9), from which it follows that the square M? of the moment of momentum has there the fixed value jl +1). (It is evident from general considerations that MP must be a multiple of the unit matrix in M,, for it is ‘4 salar and must therefore commute with all Use aperators of the irreducible representation D,.) If the state of the system is, represented by a vector lying in 8 the s-component of its moment of momentum is capable of assuming the values m =, —j; the scomponent naturally only apparently ‘oceupies a preferred status, due to the fact that the co-ordinates, in 9, were chosen in a manner which differentiated the s-axes from the others. That M,, M¥ can a priori assume only discrete vvalucs-m, jj | 1) ie cecentially duc to the fact that the rotation group ie used , stave the group of displaccmenta ia time is open, the analogous result for the energy need not in general hold. In this connection we wish to emphasize again that the operator H depends on the dynamical relationships existing in the system, ‘whereas the representation 9 induced by the group of rotations is determined only by the kinematical situation (number of elementary particles, ete). The signature J also assumes a definite one of its values 1 in cach sub-space R,, For lack of a better name we call the states which lie in the sub- syauc My which is invariaut under the group of rota “simple” states of inner quantum number j. We must 190 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY bbe prepared to find that j may here assume half-integral as well as integral values, in contrast with the Schrédinger theory. On “uniting two kinematically independent systems, with system-spaces 8, ® in which the rotation group induces the representations $2, 9, the total system has as system-space 8 x W, in which the representation $x R'is induced. In particular, the moment of momentum of the total system is (Mx 1) + (Lx MW) where SR and WY are the angular momenta of the two partial systems. The theorem that dhe moment of momentum behaves additively with respect 19 composition is contingent only on the assumption that Uh parts are kinematically independent, whereas Ute corresponding theorem for energy applies only if they are dynamically independent, ic. in the absence of inter- action between the parts. This difference is based on the fact that whereas the energy represents that actual change of state in the course of time, the moment of momentum represents the virtual change associated with a fictitious rotation. We reduce &, into the invariant ireeducible sub-spares &, BR. respectively, ie into the simple states of the two partial systems having inner quantum numbers, j, j’. The Clebsch-Gordan equation (IIT, §5) DX Dy = Dug + Divats + Dum (1.3) then tells us: If the two parts are in the simple states with inner quantum numbers j,;' then the whole has each of the simple states with inner quantum number Faith, G47 —-1--s li-F| (1.4) associated with it, each exactly once. To include the signature we must add: If the parts kane as signatures the values 8, 8° = + 1), the signature of the whole has the value 88. Compare the results which we have obtained with the corresponding results in classical mechanics. In both the moment ‘of momentum is constant in time and the moment of momentum of _ woments of momentum of the two parts. Denoting the magnitude of the moment of speprentum in canal theory by j, We fave a agretment with li-fisssi+s, for the resultant of two vectors of magnitudes j, jis a vector ‘whose magnitude J ties within these limits. Quantum mechanics deviaies rom ciassicai mechanics in the following three respects + SIMPLE STATES AND TERM ANALYSIS 191 1. In quantum mechanics the square of the moment of momentum is j(j 41), im classical mechanics itis 7; 3. Here 9 can assume only the discrete values 0, 4, 1, %, there it may have any non-negative value ; 3. Here the J obtained on compounding too partial systems ean assume only those valuss hetneen |j J, 5 + 7 which differ from thom by as integer, thee it cam asinona any vale Betton these Bmits. ‘Already before the rise of the new quantum mechanics a semi-empirical description of the regularities observed in spectra had been given with the aid of a vector model consisting of the ‘vectorial moments of momentum of the individual electrons and ff the atom as a whole; the observations, assisted by the Glder quantum mechanics, had already led to these three modi- featione of classical theary? ‘The reader will perhaps have wondered why we consider ouly the virtual rotations of space and not tho translations, which must also be taken into account in order to arrive at o complete description of the humogeneity of space. The reason for this is that in studying atoms or fons we treat only the clectrons 2s particles, taking the nucleus as a fixed centre of force situated in the origin. ‘That this is at least approximately correct is due to the fact that the mass of the nucleus is many timer the mass of the electrons. Space is thereby transformed from a homogencous into a centred space; such a procedure naturally allows us to consider only atoms or ions, which have f single nucleus, Diatomic molecules are accordingly described Sith the aid of the I-parameter group of rotations about the axis joining the two fuclel, and not by the full 9-parameter group of rotations of space—to this we must add reilection in the plane which bisects the axis perpendicularly in case the two auclei are physically equivalent? If we are dealing with three srmmore fixed nuclei the symmetry either disappears entirely or fe reduced to at most a finite group of rotations. § 2, Simple States and Term Analysis. Examples ‘To cach characteristic valve of the enerey H there belongs fa definite sub-epace & of &, the subsspace of quantum states Jormed into B'*E by the operator 11 and ie accordingly the characteristic. space M(B’) associated with the character Value E’ of H.. Since the energy is a sala the considerations “pplied in the preceding paragraph to the total space an al 192 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY be applied to 8’: OR" is invariant under the operators induced in system-space by the rotation group and is consequently the carrier of a certain representation of this group, which can be reduced into its irreducible constituents. If the energy levels are of at most finite multiplicity we are faced with the problem of reducing only representations of finite degree. Accordingly R is decomposed into the "simple spaces” 8, associated with the rotation group in such a way that not only the square of the angular momentum and the signature have definite values in ®,, but also the energy has a sharply defined value Ey. This enerey level F, ix necesearily (2-4 1)efald degenerate: we speak of an accidental degeneracy when the energy levels of different simple sub-spaces ®, arc equal. I, M,, M* and are all simultaneously in diagonal form; that this is possible is duc to the fact that these four operators all commute among themselves. In this way the reduction into simple states can be employed in term analysis; each energy level E, possesses an inner quantum number j which gives the term the natural multiplicity 2} +1 On subjecting the atom to a perturbing field which destroys up into j++ 1 terms. Let the perturbation, ie. its Hamiltonian function W, possess axial symmetry about the s-axis; if Ey possesses no accidental degeneracy, then in accordance with the theory of perturbations the perturbed energy levels are given to a first approximation by the portion of the Hermitian operator W in which R intersects itself: (mn) > Wm, m’) x{m’) (m' 1-1, atts ‘The rotation about the s-axis with meridian angle ¢ transforms sim) int e(— md) s(n), oad in Vitus of the symmetry assumed for W this correspondence of Rj on itself must also be represented by emp) am) = Wm, me) = e— mip or W(m, m') e[(m — m')4] = Wm, m’). But means that all elements W(m, m’) except those in the main diagonal vanish, whence E, + Wim, m) (2.1) are the +1 perturbed terms. he quantum number m, which is capable of assuming the values 7, 7—1, +--+, —f, thus serves to label these components. Perhaps the most SIMPLE SYATES AND TERS ANALYSIS 193 important axially synmmetsic perturbation is Uval due to a homogeneous magnetic field im the direction of tie axis (Zeeman effect); because of this m is called the magnetic quantum number. The inner quantum number j of a term can be determined spectroscopically by counting the number of terms appearing in the Zeeman effect. Sommerfeld first con- cluded, from the spectroscopic data, that j as well as m must be allowed tn assume half.integral values. Tf we consider the Zeeman affect to be described by the analogue of the classical Formula IT, (19.6) then antes ely| w= (pm) —tom, 0 El 2) and W is sigorously in diagonal form : Won, m) = hom. (2.3) Our analysis shows that the breaking up of energy levels due to an axially symmetric perturbation parallels the reduction of an irreducible representation of the rotation group By when this is restricted to the group b, of rotations about the z-axis: by this 9, is reduced into the 2 + 1 one-dimensional representations which we have previously denoted by 3): x(m) > e( — mg) + x{m). If two kinematically independent parts, which are in the simple etates ,, §,, are compounded together, the state of the composite system is in the (3j + 1)(3j’ + 1)-dimensional product space Ry = Rj x Wy. I the parts have the energies E;, By then the whole has the energy #, + E',, assuming no interaction between the parts, Introducing a weak interaction hhetween the two partial systems and assuming that there is no accidental degeneracy, i.e. assuming that all the remaining energy levels of the unperturbed system are different from Fyy, it ouffices, to a first approximation, to consider the section e(— md) x(m). TE we only assume that the physical quantity 4 possesses axial symmetry about the z-axis if follows that the coefficient a(mm’) is necessarily zero when the magnetic quantum numbers and m’ of the initial and final states are different, We now consider a vectorial quantity q with Uie three couponenls dy yy, gs instead of the scalar quantity A. Lnis is of particular importance because such a quantity, ie. the electric dipole moment q ot the atom, determines the interaction between the atom and radiation—to that approximation in which the linear dimensions of the atom may be neglected in comparison with the wave-length of the emitted light. If the degeneracy of the energy level I is destroyed by an external axially symmetric perturbation, og. a homogeneous magnetic field in the direction of the c-axis, then the spectral linc caused by the transition Sy Wy from the term L, to By, is broken up into the lines associated with all possible transitions 198 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY 1m) (Ry, m!). On calculating the part of the Hermitian fr Os alee dipole moment in which the snh- space Mey intersects 8, Eulram’) Hon, (33) the ratios of the squares |i{imm')/* of the absolute valucs of its ‘cocthcients determine the relative intensities of these (2j + 1)(2j"+1) lines, Since g, 8 axlally symmetric about the a-axis qe(mm’) = 0 ‘unless m’ =m; we thus have the selection rule qi mom a4) for the s-component of the electric moment, On performing the rotation with angle ¢ about the s-axis x(m), de-} 1 de — iy are multiplied by e(—md), e(¢), e(—¢) respectively. Since Hm)x/(m’) is therefore multiplied by ef(m —m')é] we obtain the selection rales Gert iggy: morm— 1, ge igyt mo mtd (3.4) for the z= and ycomponents of q. Only the transitions m m1, m m+) (3.5) of the magnetic quantum number are allowed ; the frst and the toner ted eats which e cralarty flared the 39. plane in opposite directions, and the remaining transition m—> m (encrates 2 wave which is linearly polariced in the s-direction. 'f the equation (2.8) holds for Zeeman effect, the wave number ‘of the component m_> m! is displaced by an'amount o(mm — m’) from its unperturbed value, Thus in ‘normal Zeeman. effect” swe obtain instead: of (2) + 1)(3j" + 1) components only three, ‘whose polarization is as described above and whose wave numbers are displaced by the amounts 0, -t 0, That the resolution of fact that the factor of proportionality ho in (2.8) has the same value for both terms. Fortunately most of the cases actually observed show “anomalous Zeeman effect” in which the resolu- tion of the terms can be seen clearly ; in order to explain it We must change the expression (2.2) for the perturbation due to the magnetic field, But the above selection rule for the ‘magnetic quantum number, which has been obtained from ‘fundamental principes of group theory, 1s valid 1n all cases, The selection rule for the inner quantum number j is obtained in an analogous manner. ‘The three components de dy, ge Of 9 suffer the transformation + among themselves when the (rn), #(m’) axe subjected to the transformations corresponding to $ in the representations ,, Dy respectively, Or, if we wish to SELEULIUN AND INTENSITY RULFS 100 express it in terms of uy instead of by, $ is that transformation which is associated with the element o of t, in the representation Dy. This is, of course, merely an expression of the fact that q is'a vector.’ Now, in’ accordance with the terminology intro duced in IIT, § 14, (3.3) is a vectorial quantity in the representa: tion space of D, x ,, and we are interested in determining how many linearly independent quantities of this lind there are, Their number is given by the number of times ®, is contained in, X Dy oF D, x D, as an ieveducible constituent. But in accordance with (18) %, nroure in, x9, once if T and otherwise not at all, and we must further exclude the case = 0, 47210, We thus oblain the selection rls dng Lg le (3.8) with the proviso that Or 0 does not occur, Since there exists Dut ote linearly independent vectorial quantity in the repre- sentation space of D, x @y in the cases in which the selection rule is satisfied, the components of alm, m’) are determined by purely group-theoretic considerations to within a constant factor of proportionality Tn order to calculate the vectorial quantity (8.8) forj?’ = j — 1 we proceed as follows, Let £9; , 9° be two arbitrary points fon the unit sphere which transform cogredientiy under i E¢ + yq/ 1s then the fundamental invariant, and the three forms which are obtained from G-1 or fo jt Re +a (81) by multiplication with (38) transform in the same way as the (x + i)-, (¢ — fy)+, s.00m. ponents of a vector, respectively. They are Uncar monomiais Ey of degree k-+2— 2) and in che monomials £7" of degree k= 27. Introducing 200 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY as co-ordinates in the representation spaces of D), Dy we find that the three torms above are of the type (3.3) with j= jf — 1. For example, we obtain for the (x + éy)-component nh a as NA NN re 2a aT PS Drs Vest = EVGF mG m= Teele m — 2). In agreement with the selection rule m —> m — 1 there occur here f (x --ay)- and s- components in the came way, we find for the trancition Ge + H43)(m, m — 1) = — VO + mG tm — 1), (qe — i4,)(om, m + 1) vVG=mgG—m—T, (39) gem, mm) = VG Fm) — mi) In order to calculate the components for the transition j = we must replace the factors (8.8) by aE, 2, FE- aa which also transform like the (+ iy), (@ id e-com ponents of a vector. Finally, for the transition’ =j +1 we must replace (3.8) by 7%, —¢", 7’. Since the angular mo- mentum {i is a vector, the formule for the transition j—> j must naturally agree with those already obtained for Di [111 (15.9), and since q is Hermitian the formula for the transition j—>j-+1 must agree with those obtained by taking the Hermitian conjugate of the components for the transition gog-l eee Get igy)ln, m — 2) = VGH mG =m FT), (a. — ig\m, m+ = VG=mMFFm+y, (3.9) geen, ma) =m. ipf=ith (e+ iain, m— I = VG—MENG—m TD, Ga — igy\(m, m+ 1) = — VOT mE NTH mss, (9.9) gm, m) = Vii m+ G—m+ 1). SELECTION AND INTENSITY RULES 201 In cach of these three sets of formule: the right-hand sides are determinate only to within a common factor of proportionality which ia independent of m, but which ean be completely deter mined only by integrating the wave equation of the dynamic model of the atom, and not by the theory of groups alone. ‘The coefficients which do not occur explicitly in the above formule: are all null. The squares of the absolute values of these cooffcients yield the (rational !} intensity ratios of the components into which a line is aplit by the perturbation, Already before the rise of the new quantum mechanics the intensity formule (8.9) for the components of a line emitted under the influence of a magnetic ficld were obtained ‘frum the observational data under the guidance of the correspondence principtc.® chanics they aie, as we have scen, @ consequence of the most general principles, and we would find ourselves in serious difficulties if they were incorrect. Nevertheless it is to be remembered that Uicy can be invalid (1) if Ue sphetical symmetry of the systeu is destroyed by saicinal perturbing ficids, ut (2) if for shut wave-tengtits tive interaction between matter and radiation is no longer decermnined, primarily by the electric dipole moment. Since the dipote moment is a proper vectur, as Ue components da, dy, Ye 88 OVE into — gay — dy, — gz on reflection # in the origin, the represeutation By induced on ein by uj has as signature — 1. If the signatures of 9, By are 8, 8, then under the influence of the reflection 7 (3.9) is multiplied by the factor 88. The cueflicients q(mm’) must accordingly all vanish unless 88" = — 1; the selection rule for the signature i 3-8 If the individual electrons are governed by the scalar wave theory the total azimuthal quantum number L of the atom can jump only to L— 1, Lor L | 1, while the sunt of the azi mudhal quanto numbers of the individual electrons ly | by | -°* bly can change only by an odd integer (Laporte's rule). In the cace of a single electron, f= 1, only the transitions 2 > Ji 1 are consistent with these rules ;' this result has already been obtained in Il, § 5, from the theory of spherical harmonics. The formula (8.9) allow us to solve a problem which we shall hero, for the sake of future application, introduce from the physical standpoint. A. partial system ia the simple state It, is compounded with a second in the simple state By to form a single syste. Tn By = By x RY,, ty induces the representa tion D=D, x Dy; let the corresponding moment of mo- mentum be M. On adapting the normal co-ordinate system the Rew qu 202 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY in Ry to the complete reduction of D into its irreducible con~ stituents y, RM is broken up iato square sub-matiives Dy of length 2J+ 1, arranged along the principal diagonal, corre- sponding to the decouspusition of Ry into sub-spaces Sy. But the same is noc true of de moment of momentum 3, x i of the first partial system, and we wish to determine the portion of this matrix in which Bu intersects itself. That is, in physical language, we wish tu determine the temporal mean value <2, of the moment of momentum of the first system in the state Sefined by the quantum numbers j, j"; J of the two parts and the whole, We assume that Ue isiteraction between the two parts resolves the energy level By into distinct levels Ey on applying the theory of perturbations. Since 2 is a vector we know, from the same considerations as we applicd to the electric dipole moment above, that the portion of it corresponding to the transition J—> J must be a multiple of My: MX 1y = wy My, (3.10) In order to evaluate the proportionality factor « we constiuct the scalar product of the matrices (Wt, x 1) and M; since M= (Mx +x My) these two matrices commute and we have (1 x ]* = M+ (ML, x 1)? — AMM, x 1) SRM, x 1) +077 +40, (8.11) for since in the original co-ordinate system (3 x 1)* was 4G +1) times the unit matrix, it remains the same in the new co-ordinates. And, on the other hand, SRM x 1) is equal to wy" JU +1) tines the unit matrix in the subsapace Stu. as follows from (8.10). Hence from (8.11) IT +1) = 5G +) FU + +I SY, wa tt ee fo 1) (8.12) §4. The Spinning Electron, Multiplet Structure and Anomalous Zeeman Effect 2 We have hithorto ignored the fact that the terms of the alkali spectra, characterized by the two quantum numbers 1, 1, are in reality not simple, Each of these terms-~with the exe ception of the s terms 1 — 0—actually consists of a fine doublet, By § 2 the (n, 2) term should be resolved into 21 + 1 components THE SPINNING ELECTRON 203 in a magnetic field; instead we find that one of the doublet terms breaks up into 81 components and the other into 2-4-2. We should accordingly ascribe to them the inner quantum ae: Our general considerations immediately give us a hint as to how this discrepancy is to be explained. The quantity describing the wave field is not a scalar, but is instead a covariant quantity of the kind Dy, having two components (Us, wy). ‘This is the theory of doublet phenomena as developed by W. Pauli.® Tr seems indeed easy to arrive at this conclusion after preparation of the preceding paragraphs, but historically this systematic foundation was developed only after Pauli's dio covery. It is quite immaterial whether we associate the matrix | Lor the matrix — 1 with the clement « in the representation , of uj. Taking the first of these altunatives, the signature has the value (~ 1)" in the quantum state (ndj) ; hreace Lapurte's rule remains rigorously correct un taking the spin into account, We have as further rigorous selection rules those concerning the total inner and the total magnetic quantum numbers. In the representation ®, the transformation o itself corresponds to the element o of Us, and by I1J, (15.6), the spin moment of numbers j ah i} respectively. momentum is 16, where Gia the vector already defined with components (° = elit I a0: slo al We shall not as yet attempt to find the specific effect of the spin perturbation on the wave equation. This was done origin: ally by picturing the electron as a small material sphere, the rotation of which gave rise to the spin; the additional moment ‘of momentum required by spectroscopic observations was first introduced in this way by Goudsmit and UBenbeck.? Since Sx is capable of assuming only the values 1 it appears as if the opin axis can only be quantized along the positive or negative sraxis; we need nol go into the false conclusions this assertion can lead Lo un interpreting it literally. The spin perturbation inust appear in going over from classical to relativistic mechanics. The terms of the hydrogen atom, calculated in accordance with the scalar non-relativistic wave mechanics, depend only on the principal quantum number m, but the theory of relativity intro- duces a correction which causes the terms corresponding to the various values of J to split apart and form the so-called fine 204 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY structure. We should therefore expect the same scheme of terms in hydrogen a2 in the alkalics, but observation shows that the doublet separation of an / term into two terms with i different 1 + Fis just such that two terms with the same j, but with jb}, exactly coincide, Hence the spin per turbation in hydrogen agrees quantitatively with the separation caused by the relativity correction. The alkali doublets show anomalous Zeeman effect. Other elements, ouch as alltaline carth metals, have (in addition to triplets) ‘a system of singlet terms, and singlet terms always show normal Zccman effect in a magactie field, It therefore seems probable that the anomalies in Zeeman effect are closely connected with the spin, The magnetic separation of an alkali torm is quite independent of the principal quantum nuuber m5 all the terms of a scrics behave in the same way. A tezm (l, ) splits up into 2j-+ 1 equi-distant components, characterized by the saagactic quantum number m, but their separation is hog instead of he, where g is a rational function of J andj (the “' Landé gfactor"). “The energy value of the component m is therefore displaced by an amount Frog +m (on — meme (4.2) from its unperturbed value. The empirical formula for the factor , which is due to Lands, is cate ca B+ Ane (43) This formula holds for weak magnetic fields, in which the separa- tion i of asmaller order of magnitude than the doublet separation. He 1—0,j— 3, we have in particular g = 2, ‘This latter fact gives a hint toward the solution of the puzzle: If the total moment of momentum consisted only of the spin (f= 0), its magnetic effect would he twien as great as if it con. sisted of $ alone, We therefore assnme that the magnetic effect an of the spin 5 © is twice as great as that of the orbital angular mo- mentum 2; the perturbation due to an exter netic fiel is therefore ta be iaken as nal magnetic field & ROUT maT LEONA 1 MS Fue Wh B+ ©) = 5, Wt -+ 5S). (4.3) THE SPINNING ELECTRON 205 The spin offers an explanation of why the beam in the Stern- Gerlach experiment is separated into two paris. The valence electron of the univalent silver atom is, in the normal state, 1 in an s-orbit (=U); hence y= 5 and m can assume only the values i}, Although the component of the mechanical moment af mamentim in the direction of the magnetic feld can have only the values 4, the experiment shows that the value of the magnetic moment of the atom is a whole Bohr magneton, and not the half of one; but we now see that since the’ mechanleal moment of momentum consists only of spit ie should give rise to twice the expected magnetic’ moment. The connection between magnetic _moment and mechanical moment of momentum is ever more apparent in the mogrela- mechanical effect the demagnetization of a vertically suspended bar of weak iron must result in giving to it an angular momentum. ‘The ratio between the change in the magnetic moment and the smoment of momentum was expested to be sé but the experi ment, which was performed only on ferro-magnetic bodies, yielded twice this value. The anomalous magnetic behaviour of the spin also accounts for this result, if we assume tat the mechanical moment of momentum in ferro-maguetic substances is due entirely to the electron spin.* ‘Does this hypothesis also explain the general Landé formula (42)? This is answered by the formula (8.12) obtained toward Ue ed in wij, 7 J na be taken aj onder that it apply to the composition of electron spin and electron translation. We find that in the state (lj) the temporal mean value of the spin 36 is equal to SR multiplied by the factor 1, 2-M+1) at RG FD or 1 i 1 zarpy fr inte (4.4) £: (OW) = hogs Mz. 208 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY So long as the magnetic separation is emall compared with the spin perturbation the Zeeman separation of the term (Ij) is determined primarily by <>; (44) then leads, in fact, to equation (4.2), in agreement with the empirical data, If the atom consists of several, say f, electrons, the situation then arising can be understood with the aid of the general rule of composition, If the electrons are in quantum states with inner quantum numbers j, and energy levels E(j,), (r= 1, 2, +++, f), then on neglecting the interaction between the electrons the total system has a (2%, + 1) +++ (jy + I)-fold energy level Elj) ++ ++ 4+E(j,). If this level coincides with none of the other levels it is resolved by a small perturbation into terme ‘with total inner quantum numbers J in a manner corresponding to that in which the product DX DX xX D= LD (4.5) is reduced into its irreducible constituents Dy (Clebsch-Gordan series). Obviously in order that this (jj) coupling lead to an adequate description the mutual interactions between the electrons must be small compared with the spin perturbation. The situation usually met is, however, the opposite of that contemplated above: the normal term ‘order corresponds ta the Russell-Saunders or (sl) coupling. Neglecting for the moment. the interaction between the electrons as well as the spin per- tuthation, we are led to a 9/21, + 1) ++ + (2l, + 1)-fold energy level (2.4) in whose characteristic space the rotation group duces the representation DX (DX D,X- +X D,). (4.8) Due to the interaction between the electron translations the second factor is reduced in a manner analogous to (4.5); a single tem with azimuthal quantum number L has now the multiplicity 2722 +1), We next reduce B= rd, (4.7) and finally, as the last step, we carry out the reduction, Dex Di = FB, JaL+sb+s—l,+-+, |L—sl), (48) associated with the coupling between the spin and the orbital moment of momentum. The terms which result frou this last reduction form together a multiplet, Each multiplet is therefore astociated with a definite azimuthal quantum number L and a spin quantum number s; the individual members of the multiplet are distinguished by the inner quantum number [. We call 2s-+ 1 the multiplicity, although the number of terms ING FLECTRON 207 in the multiplet is only actually equal to this when L >, as, by (48) their number is less if L, terms have the actual multiplicity 3. we can build up the atom by successively adding one electron after another. On adding a next electron, say the f*, to an atom or an ion 4’, a multiplet of A* characterized by azi- muthal quantum number L and spin s breaks up into all those multiplets contained in the representation (D, x Dy) x (Dy. x D). lis the azimuthal quantum number of the electron added. Since DX D= Diaz + Dp DS Leh Lele LR thio reculte in multiplets (2%, L*), one for each of the pairs * EM ee sadly aL Lttabeesy (2 9) ( bronching rule"). "The alternation law is again contained in the frst of the above equations. It is to be noted, however, that the Paul exciuston principe tor equivalent orbits, wich will be discussed in part C of this chapter, materially restricts, the array of multiplets allowed by this rule.” ‘Again applying (3.12) to the composition of spin and orbital moment of momentum, we find that the 2J-+1 components into which a J term of a multiples (s, L) is splitin a weak magnetic Feld are displaced rom the wiperturbed postions ty the amounts hogem (m= J, T—Mery J) (4.10) where the separation factor g i given by fae JU +N — LL +N 454+) STATIN) i (4a) 208 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY. This is exactly the formula which was derived empirically by Landé ; we here see the importance of the fact that the square of the absolute value of the moment of momentun I (or £ or S) is calculated from the quantum number J (or L ors) by JJ + 1), etc., instead of J, etc., as in the older quantum mechanics. ‘When the magnetic field increases to such an extent that the magnetic separation becomes comparable with the separation between the terms of the multiplet we must handle both the perturbation to which the multiplet separation is due and the magnetic perturbation together. In order to express the small: ness of the term in the Hamiltonian function to which this former perturhation is due, we introduce a factor p which will ‘ppeae in the came way a0 the factor o in the magnetic term ; the case of a weak magnetic field may then he expressed by saying that o is small in comparison. with p. We can consider o and p as variables which increase gradually from 0 to their actual values and follow the dependence of the separation on their ratio, We therefore write the perturbation term in the Hamiltonian function in the form W = pW" + of". Since the decomposition (4.8) need not for present purposes be expressed in terms of its ultimate constituents, the individual electrons, we may here denote the azimuthal and inner quantum numbers by J and j. Let the representation spaces of D,, D, be t,, 8; with co-ordinates £(m,), x(m) respectively. Denote the moments of momentum Wy, Wt, of these two representations by 8, B respectively; if the magnetic field has as its direction the z-axis, then W" = WL, + 254) (4.39) The co-ordinate system is again to be so chosen that the rotations about the s-axis appear in reduced form; to such a rotation cf angle 4 corresponds the transformation Elm.) > e(— mad) Elm.), xls) > e(— mgd) + alm)» the range of the quantum numbers m, and my is given by Mm =58—1 05 — 85m te oh (418) The waaben aft ¢, then eave lke the (24 4 1 1 Products: nikita Elm.) + x(m) (4.14) and are multiplied, under the influence of a rotatios out the s-axis, by e(— mf), where . acs as m= m+ my, TH & SPINNING ELBUIKON 209 We now reduce , XD; into its irreducible constituents Dy. Let tie co-ordinates of the (2j ++ 1)-dimensional irreducible sub- Space of T, x ii, in which the representation , takes place, ‘be denoted by ais mi) (m= -i. am is the magnetic quantum number, ie. under the influence of ‘the rotation g about the z-axis z{j ; m) is multiplied by e(— m4). ‘The co-ordinate transformation which leads ‘to the complete reduction of D, x Ds into its constituents 9, is obviously of such a kind that 21); m) is a linear combination of those of the variables (4.14) for which m, ++ m, has the value a. If the unperturbed system possesses no accidental dogencra Lion the separation is determined by Uhat part of tie ratrix (4.12) in which the subspace t, x 8, of 9 intersects itself. We must therefore solve a secular equation G of degree (2s $1241); but the problem is materially simplified by ‘the fact that the perturbation term possesses rotational symmetry about the saxis, as the only nonvanishing elements of the mnatrix Ware thote for which mm. ‘The one secular equation G is consequently broken up into (I + s) +1 secular equations Ga corresponding to the possible values maltslbende-y— (bs) of m. The degree of Cy is given by the aumber of possible partitions of m into two summands m, +m, which run through the ranges (4.13). In the case of a single electron, f= 1, we Jhave only equations of the first and second degrees, and’ the calculation can therefore be carried through completely for this case” The rate of the secular ears ion (., ate the displacements ‘ff the energy terms due to the perturbation, Since the trace ‘of a matrix is an invariant, the sum of the term displacements, Which are associated witha defuite value m of the iaguctic quantum number (the roots of the secular equation Gq) is equal ‘£0 the sum of the terms in the principal diagonal of this portion of Wie, to ts a mam, mm) Tr is therefore a homogeneous linear function of p and o ("* sum rule”), We obtain the part due to the magnetic field by putting Pp —0; by (4.19) this is OW" (mm, m, m,) holy + 2m). u 210 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY On the other hand, the formule (4.10), (4.11) determine the term displacements in the case in which o is small in comparison with p. In consequence of the sum rule these two results must agree. Land s being fixed once and for all, we denote the Landé g-factor (4.11) by g(), and we then have Elm + Ym.) = m+ Feli). ‘The sum on the left is extended over all partitions of m=m, | my for given m, and that on the right over all values of j which are consistent with the conditions F= [mh lal tees potty tts—aees b— a(j) can in fact be determined from this equation. For m=l+s both sums reduce to a single term ; we then have 14 Oem (4s) g(t 9. For m=1+5—1 these are two possibilities for (msm) and two forj: mp=1,m—s—1 orm—l—l,m=s; jal+s orl-+s—1, Consequently we must have A+ ds—3= (+ s—MNiell+s) +e +s— 1}. In this way we obtain recursion formule for the succcssive calculation of g(l-+s), gl+s—1), +++ The reader can readily verify that the result of the first few steps agrees with (al). Tt is to be noted that in following the terms from a weak to a strong magnetic field they eannat cross each other, con: sidered as functions of the monotonic increasing parameter o:p; the “singular elements” of a unitary group, ie. those elements for which two or more characteristic values coincide, constitute 2 manifold of three, and not simply one. fewer dimensions. B. The Lorentz Group § 5, Relativistically Invariant Equations of Motion of an Electron We have as yct obtained no specific expression for the spin perturbation; that for the magnetic effect due to an external field war eet up with the aid of the experimental facte. It is clear that we can arrive at a satisfactory theory of the electron only when we are able to express its fundamental laws of motion in a form which is invariant under Lorentz transformations, a5 required hy the restricted theory of relativity. The solution of this problem is due to Dirac}® We saw in TIT, § 8, how the 2-dimensional representation D, of the rotation’ group, which, RELATIVISTIC EQUATIONS OF ELECTRON 211 following Pauli, characterizes the covariant quantity y = (ja, Ya) describing the wave field, can be extended to the group ot positive Lorentz transformations. 1, py play the same réle as the variables £, 2 intenduced in connection with 9. Following de Broglie we took as the ws particle of mass m in field-free space eokuasinaisnan ian 233 Gate tian aaeeemy (m= FZ) on But this equation is not in agieement with the general scheme of quantum mechanics, which requires that only first order derivatives with respect to the time appear. The formulation of a relativistically invariant differential equation satisfying this requirement is, as Dirac discovered, made possible by the transition from the scalar wave function to one with two components, We scck to dulve these dynamical cquations from a Hamiltonian principle. Let quation of a 1 nay mae constitute 2 normal en-ordinate system in our 4-dimensional spacetime, If the quantity w is of the same kind as yf, the quantities J S,@ behave, in accordance with TI, (8.16), like the four components of a 4-vector; the S, are the matrices defined in THF, (8.15). Hence in parucler a, bis, are the components ds. of an infinitesimal vector; we are here dealing with a linear correspondence which is independent of the co-ordinate system employed and which sends the vector de over into ds, Ils trace bey 4 isa (6.2) is consequently a scalar and its integral (multiplied by 1/i) Mam} fois. Mede (dx =dedrdredx), (63) extended over any finite portion of the world, is a quantity which is independent of the co-ordinate system.* ‘The letter Mf used for the material part of the action is not to be confused ‘with the moment of momentum. a2 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY Although M may not be real, it is practically real in the sense that M — M is the integral of a complete divergence. For since the S, are Hermitian matrices, and M — Mf is in fact the integral of a ib Se % are iiieaaiit In using M as an action we are not interested in M itself, but only in its variations 8M caused by arbitrary infinitesimal variations BU of d= (dh, Je) which vanish outside of a given finite portion of the world (the integral is then extended over the entire world or, what amounts to the same, over this finite portion). The circumstances mentioned above guarantee that 8M is real ; on writing it in the form BM = [SH w + D+ Spade we find on comparison with (5.3) that lye mines We thus arrive at the first order diferential operator (64) From the invariance of (8.2) it follows that this operator trans- forms ¥ = (y,, v4) into a quantity ¥’ = (¥i, v4) which trans- forms contragrediently to Ji= li, iz) under the influence of an arbitrary positive Lorentz transformation. If we wish to guarantee that M is real, we may replace the original definition by i M Gs. — sy) de x =( Gs.2b — 2s, va (58) In TTI, §8, we found it necessary to introduce quantities 4, i which transform contragrediently to py, Jy in order to be able to extend the restricted Lorentz group to the complete group. And just as V applied to yp generates 2 quantity of the Kindy’, in the same way the " conjugate ” operator ; 2 im z Sap RELATIVISTIC EQUATIONS UF ELECTRON 213 transforms #’ inta a quantity of the kind y, W'V is, as is readily UMM ised ae) aey aa” Gat gt sa) Consequently equation (5.1) for y,, yy can be written in the form 244 me = AWW + me 0 (5.8) on introducing an auxiliary pair of components y’, From now on we denote the column of the four components dh, te: Wi, Wf by w and employ S, as the symbol for the transformations of these four components as in the latter part of Chapter TI with this understanding the differential equations (6.0) arise from an action integral which is composed additively of the quantity M, (6.3), and the invariant [ef. ITI, (8-19)] M’ = mofGTb- de. M and M' are also invariant with respect to interchange of Fight and loft, aad under the spatial reflecuua ¢ in the origin In accordance with the general scheme of quantum mechanics the differential equations tor y should, as already remarked, contain only the frst derivative of with respect to time; the additional requirement that it be relativistically invariant then leads to the conclusion that it can also contain only first de- rivatives with respect to the spatial co-ordinates. We have here been able to satisfy these requiremen ie ' tent of de Diugiie’s equation (for Give compouenis ty 2); the equations thus obtained are to be taken as the equations for a free particle. ‘This formal transition to first order equations will become physically significant only when we pass to the derivation of the equations of motion in an electro- magnetic field with the aid of the principle of gange invariance developed in IT, § 12. , According to it, il — 4y ie the ecalar and to dy ds the vector potential, we must replace 1 12 rt 1 Oy mY iethe en 214 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY It will be found convenient in the following to introduce the quantities f. obtained by multiplying the potentials 4, by the factor Thea in M= HF Wed (68) the operator Vis defined by (6.9) Recause of this gauge invariance the quantities M, M’ are unchanged on replacing simultaneously by oy and fe by KS (0.10) where J is an arbitrary function of position in spare-time. Now 2 be an intitesimal fnetinn which vanishes atside certain finite portion of the world; then BM and 8M! must automatically vanish for the variations w= ‘The complete expression UM + M) = [OF a + BY) + ZorOflde for the variation automatically tells us that under the assumption that the laws of matter (5.6) are satisfied, ie. that w = 0, ay, H=-3 (6.1) BM + M) = [Isr 8fa de, Hence we have as a consequence of the laws of matter — ze: Baden fa- Ede = 0, Fo a Es i.e. the continuity equation (6.12) A glance at the explicit expression for M shows that Ee (6.3) these a:e the quantities which for the theory of the transformations of y as develop RELATIVISTIC EQUATIONS OF ELECTRON 215 and we already know that they form the components of a 4-vector which is independent of the particular space-time co-ordinates employed, The time component 8 = Wh = (ath + dale) + Wit + Yas) (6.14) is the probability density and hence c8 = o(s!, 38, s*) is what may be called the probability current: in order to obtain the number of particles which will on the average pass through a surface element do in time unit, multiply the total number of particles present into the product of the area do and the normal ‘component of the vector cs. On integrating the equation (5.12) over a volume Y we nd that the increase in the mean number of particles in V per unit time is equal to the mean number of particles entering V through the surface in unit time. In contrast to the provisional scalar theory, the Dirac theory leads in a most natural way to expressions for the probability density, as well as the probability current, which depend on W alone. On integrating for day dry dey over the whole of space we find that the integral is independent of time—and, in avcordance with the statistical interpretation of J is to be so normalized that its value is 1. Consequently, in the dynamical law the energy H/h is a Hermitian operator, as should be. We shall from now on take k as the unit of action, with corresponding units for linear and angular momentum, The result of this is that the quantity h disappears completely from the laws of 1a quantum mechanics. With the usual abbreviation, p, = 35> Wht ESio. +f) + mT. (6.19) The influence of the clectro-magnetic ficld on the matter is taken care of by (6.9), but, on the other hand, the matter gener: aics ie cievisusnagueiic’ field in accord equations. In order to express this expii ‘M+ M’ the Maxwellian action tly we must add to Fa Aas + Shi + Sis) — (Ho + fio + faa)}dx (6.16) 218 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY of the electro-magnetic field, where the are the field etrengthe—which are unaffected by the change of gauge (6.10). F is obtained from : Bf fier — ereran (0.17) the action in by anipicaton with «(£)* = (0) i Heaviside units, which are best adapted to the electro-magnetic Feld thvry. Since we have taken hay the unt of aotee the tata action of our system, conting of mater plas Sele wamsars le (2-9), (28) For reasons which will he apparent later the real number a/4er is called the fine structure constant. Whereas the variation of the yin the Hamiltonian integral $W- de yields the equations of matter, watiation of f, leads to the equations of the electro~ magnetic feld with serene ds (6.19) appearing as the 4-vector of charge and current density. The vnly constanes occurring in tne field equations are the two combinations mato (6.20) ef fundamental atomic constants; the ft is a reciprocal length and the second a pure number, i Schridingr. in hs fundamental papers on wave mechanics, thought he could explain the quaatem behaviour of matter and radiation © clasealy ” by setting up a cloed system of field equations such an we have obtained shove. in pocteculag, he held that the charge of the electron was actually “smeared "! over the whole of space with the density es" yt there can be'me doubt atthe present time that the held equations ae got fo be interpreted tn this clasical manner Chey must ethos be interpreted in accordance with the Hatiscal view serra developed in Chapter II The expression (6.14) for the density. then guarantees the atomistic srcue of leebiciy. "Te shoe RELATIVISTIC EQUATIONS OF ELECTRON 217 this we first remark that the charge in a volume V is represented by —e times the Hermitian form J ffivaxardry, wy But this is an “ idempotent " form with respect to the * vector” Hj its characteristic values are 1, 0 and the corresponding characteristic functions are those quantities which’ vanish outside or inside V, respectively ‘The charge contained in 7 is accordingly capable of assuming only the values — and 0, i.e, according to whether the electron is found in V” or not. In order to guarantee the atomicity of electricity the electric charge density must equal —+ times the probability density. But if we base our theory on the de Broglie wave equation, modified by introducing the electro-magnetic potentials in accordance with the rule (87), we find as the expression for the charge density one involving the temporal derivative 2 in addition to yj this expression has nothing to do with the prob- ability density and ie not even an idempotent form. According to Dirac this ic the most conclusive argument for the stand that the diffcrential equations for the smotivu of au election in an electro magnetic ficld must contain ouly [ust uder deiivatives swith reepect to the time® Since it is not possible to obtain such an equation with a scalar wave function which satisfies at the same time the roquircment of iclativistic invariance, the spin appears as a Phencmewn necessitated by the theory of relativity The theorem of the conservation of electricity (6.12) follows, as we have seen, from the equations of matter, but it is at the same time a consequence of the electro-magnetic equations, The fact that (6.12) is a consequence of Luth sets of field laws means that Uhese sels are nul independent, ie, Uhal these exists an identity between them, ‘The true grouad for this identity is to be found in the gauge invariance, for it is equivalent to the assertion that B17 vanishes identically when y and fy are subjected to variations of Ue form (5.12). We have SW — S(Bh-w + 58H) + TLV jax, where w= 0 are the equations of matter and [*=0 the Maxwellian equations. On substituting the variations from (6.11) and integrating the last term in the integral by parts, Posy) +E =o. 218 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY Because of the arbitrariness of the gauge the number of inde- pendent equations must be one less than the number of unknown functions and f. §6, Energy and Momentum, Remarks on the Interchange of Past and Future 1. Energy and. Momentum, The complete field equations are expli ly Fath) t mn T= 0; i 2G divE+p=0, F—eul§ (6.1) Where and § are the electric and magnetic field strengths : p is the charge density $y, and the components s,, - - - of the current $ are given by BS (6.3) In addition to the differential law de i+ dv3=0, (64) expressing the conservation of electricity, we have a veetor con- servation law governing energy and momentum, A completely satisfactory expression for the tensor representing density and flux of energy and momentum is only to be obtained along the lines employed in the general theory of relativity. Here we sive only the result for the density of energy — ¢- @ and mo- mentum (f, 4 #), and in doing so we separate the material from the electro-magnetic part. We have for the part referring to matter 8 BE (IS +m) —a)h- sy} rs HAA AN tmitbiy OO sane EY) Hi B),- } We have here troduced, in addition to S,, the operator S? (= 1,2, 3 which acts on all fou compuceei ng SOTA Se ENERGY AND MOMENTUM 219 the former subjects yy) ys to the 2-dimensional transformation S, (IIL, (8.15)] and yi, $y to —S,, the latter exercises the same 2-dimensional transformation 5, on both pairs of com- ponents. Correspondingly 2p — FSyb. ‘The density of energy and momentum duc to the electro-magnetic field is given by the familiar Maxwellian expressions ~6= Ft H+ +H: (66) f= WlEHy — EH), + We find the conservation laws ae ae $28 cea aa Oa an Ce as consequences of the field equations. Furthermore, the tensor tis symmetric—not identically, but in consequence of the field equations ; in this sense we have B+G=0(P=1,2,9)) G=Glpg=1,2, 3). (68) On combining these with (6.7) we obtain the divergence con- ditions (6.9) (6.10) These results can all be verified directly, but their deeper significance can be understood only by going over to the general theory of relativity as mentioned above, Just as the theorem of the conservation of electricity follows from the gauge in- variance of the equations, the theorems for the conservation of energy and momentum follow from the circumstance that the action integral, formulated as in the general theory of relativity, is invariant under arbitrary (infinitesimal) transforma tions of co-ordinates, In this generai relativistic formulation we need further to erect a normal set of co-ordinate axes at each point P of space-time, consisting of four mutually perpendicular directions at P (‘orthogonal ennuple”), in order to fix the metric at P and to be able to describe the wave quantity in teums of ils components ; all permissible orthogonal cnauples at P are obtainable from each other by local Lorentz transfurma- tions which leave P invariant. But the rotations of these local 220 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY enmuples can be performed in the various points P quite inde- pendently—the quantities at various points are not bound to ‘each other as in the special theory of relativity. The symmetry of the energy-momentum tensor can be traced back to the invariance with respect to such rotations. One can in fact take it as a general rule that every invariance property of the Kind met in general relativity, involving an arbitrary function, gives rise to a differential conservation theorem. In particular, gauge invariance is only to be understood from this standpoint. i follows from the transformation laws for @ that its four com: ponents relative to the local ennuple are determined only to ‘within a common factor eof proportionality, the exponent of which depends arbitrarily on position in space-time; in consequence of this it is necessary, in order to obtain a unique covariant differential for p, to set up a linear form S'fidr, which is coupled with the gauge factor contained in in the manner required by the principle of gauge invariance." We obtain the iniegral conservation laws from the differential cones by integration. We set up the integral aay = J. (ar = dey dey dey) ove sto sy~ cin. of pring and fad shat is eee ee cee ety aa the Louor momentum. “Tha ates path, one nt E ~ hm fH ESE eth) +mer}per; A= ff} Ber, vee ‘These are Hermitian forms in the “ vector” #. ‘They again lead 1/2 a 2 us toassociate tho operators 1 (<%, 2, ™) with the comy he operators: (55 > Spy) with the components Uz Ju J) of linear momentum, i.e. tothe assumptions wi ‘which we, following de Broglie and Schrédinger, began. For the energy we obtain (on dividing hy «) the aperator Tia lye 35,702 BAZ SCF eth) + mF, ‘Without the additive term f, as in (5.15); the differential equa- tions of matter are therefore can cae Gt Het lap—o F iy ENERGY AND MOMENTUM 221 Moreover, we must not forget that to the part due to matter ‘we must yet add that due to the electro-magnetic field, the quantities Jax, av,- +s, (eal) which are by (8.9) also constant, are the components of the moment of momentum. We find irom (6.5) that the part due to matter is ss fallen) +s)ar In agreement with our earlier assumptions we here obtain the operator which is composed of the sum of the %,-component im 2 > a F(eag, — =agB,) of the orbital moment of momentum and the Hl il spin moment of momentum 55; eae 32 =} S) The vector z is actually the spin, for in accordance with the law of trans formation of both y pairs (4, ys), (Pf, #4) of components suffce the same transformation 2 as in the Pauli theory of the spin under the influence of the transformation ¢ (epatial rotation) of ty On integrating equations (6.10) over the spatial section &_— const. we obtain hang intar, +, which we may consider as the law of inertia of energy. The integral may be written Ju “Gy, where & &y és are the co-ordinates of the “ centre of energy”; the equations are then : H dfs Ah-aR We thus obtain the familiar mechanical law: Momentum is equal to mass times velaity, where the velocity is to be taken as that of the centre of energy and the mass as I[¢? times the energy content of the field, Nevertheless it is advisable not to divide by Hi in defining the centre of energy, as the energy density = fis here no longer positive-definite, and we cannot be certain that the energy content # will turn out to be positive. 222 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY Our theory is a classical field theory, the quantum features entering only in the statistical interpretation. With this interpretation the field laws are concerned with a single electron, At the present stage of our development we can deaf only with the additional quantities due to the electro-magnetic field by assuming a given external field affecting the motion of the particle, without the particle reacting on the ficld; we must then surrender our Maxwellian equations, The ‘true laws governing the interaction between electrons and quanta will only be obtained, in analogy with II, § 18, on subjecting the system of field equations to the process of quantization, just as was done by Heisenberg for any system of classical mechanical differential equations. ‘The fact that we are led back to our original assumptions concerning the operators representing posit.on and momentum is due to the particular expressions we have chosen for the action, from which the field equations were chtained ; indeed, it depends entirely on the part .M. These original postulates of quantum theory arc accordingly of less interest from the standpoint of general principles than we at first believed. But, on the other hand, this connection seems to indicate that M cannot be replaced in its réle as representing the action due to matter. M is alsa responsible for the fact that the charge and probability densities agree, which is unconditionally re- quired as a guarantee of the atomistic structure of electiic charge, These connections wilh the most fundamental physical observations thus require that the action be composed additively of M and further terms which are invariant not only under change of gauge (5.10) as is M, but also on replacing ys hy «4+ pand Ja bY Ja ~ sie, where A and y are two independent arbitrary functions in space-time, M’ and the Maxwellian action F are in fact of this kind.” Further relativistic invariant scalars satisfying these conditions are readily found—indeed it is not difficult to set up the most general action possible with the quantities at our disposal. But we have yet to be convinced by physical observation that the twee quantities M, J’, F here employed do not suffice. II, Electric and Magnetic Spin Perturbations. In order to be able to compare Dirac’s theory with the facts, we eliminate yf, ¥% in the same way as we did in the absence of the clectro-magueiie field, We obiain tie equation Vee = mip ENERGY AND MOMENTUM 223, with the new definition (6.9) of V and V’. The substitutions S, in two variables satisfied the equations S81 = SSo= S14 S85 — = Sr 455 and consequently those denoted by the same letters but operating on all four variables obey SiS.= SSo~ S44 SS4= — SyS4-> iS}, V'V contains terms of the following four types ; wo (en)\(+H), @ -(@+in(E+iH), S++) ~ (Ge +) (+H) @ a(t) (+n)- (Grn et+w} We collect together terms of types (1) and (2) to form the “regular term" in which the components of y are not coupled with each other : 2 De 2 2 (army -) + Beet ars [The transition from lower to upper indices, i.e. from “*co- variant" to“ contravariant ” components, is performed in ee eal ky cat fe eae Ms fat +) and the magnetic part sie — Me) + + = (Sifs + +): Oe, Das ‘These become, on multiplying by the factor h and expressing the electric and magnetic field strengths € and § in the usual units, e pM ZO USO. We have alicady (II, § 12) calculated the regular term for a homogeneous magnetic field and found it to be “(§@). On adding 224 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY the regular and irregular terms we obtain, on neglecting the squares f% of the potentials, £6,946) ‘This contains the tact, which was aiready derived in 94 from apectrescaps dota that othe spin 16’, twice ae great a magnesia moment is to be ascribed as to the same amount of orbital moment of momentum ; we have now obtained a convincing ‘theoretical foundation for this procedure. ‘The laws governing the interaction of a general inhomogeneous magnetic field with orbital and spin momenta emphasize_still_ more emphatically the essential difference between 2 and G'. The irregular electric term, calculated for the central-symmetrie field originating in the nucleus, is the spin perturbation. The description of the electron given earlier, according to which it was a composite structure composed ‘of two kine- matically independent parts—the electron translation, with an co-dimensional system-space, and the electron spin, with a Q-dimensional system spare—is in view of the Dirar theary, no longer quite appropriate. But the classification of spectra given there is none the less valid here, for it depends only on the fact that to the group of rotations of physical space corre- sponds the representation D, x in the total system-space. From the field equations (6.1) as they are to be understood for the present, ie. as the laws of motion of an electron in an external elertro-magnetic field, dispersion phenomena can be (approximately) calculated ; they tell us how the motion of the electron in the normal or other quantum states ie affected by the incident light wave. From the perturbed ¢ we then deter- mine the scattered light with the aid of Maxwell's equations ; ta this class of phenomena belong in particular the Compton: and Smekal-Raman effecs.* Spontaneous emission can be handled similarly if we take the considerations of Il, §13, as rocedure: The polarization and atom is to be calculated by integrating Maxwell's equations, where the expressions #, $@y for charge and current density ‘are to be understood as yyw), ynGyie’, being the Characters oneton ofthe atom in te tt guattamn see ENERGY AND MOMENTUM 295 IIL, Interchange of Past and Future ‘The action is so constructed, that it is invariant under inter- change of right and left ; the corresponding substitution is AT ferla freed ar) tho ti, dae Bm ds, eae Does a corresponding result hold for the interchange of past and future? The foundations of the theory lead ta the hope that it will he able to take account of the essential. diference between the two time directions, zo obvious in Nature. But Dirac ha remarked that M, M’ go over into -M,— under the influence of the substitution Hey fer fe (= O139; 1 gag hots Wei how hee Hence when, in dealing with the motion of an electron in an external electra-magnetic field, we obtain a solution yb which contains the time in the factor #-¥!, thie substitution will lead us toanewcolution which contains the time in the factor e'"'; or, more precisely, a solution of the problem obtained by changing into — f. Bul this can be dune by retaining the same external field with potentials @ and replacing ¢ by — e. We deuule such particle, whose mass is the same as that of the electron but whose charge is ¢ instead of — ¢, as a “ positive electron”; it is not observed in Nature! It follows from what has been said above that the energy levels of such a particle are — fv, where hy are those of the negative electron. Disregarding this differ- fence in sign, the two particles behave the same. The electron will possess, in addition to its positive energy levels, negative ones ss wel, tie latter arising from the positive energy levels of the positive eieciron on ciiatging sigue as abuve, Obvivusty sume thing is wrong here ; we should De able to get rid of these negative energy levels of the electron, But that seems impossible, for under the influence of the radiation field transitions should occur between the positive and negative terms. That we have twice as many terms as we should is obviously related to the fact that our quantity frhas four instead of ftna components (satisfying first order differential equations). The solution of this dif. ficulty would scem to lie in the direction of interpreting our four differential equations as including the proton in addition to the electron, 226 ~~ APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY ‘The substitution (0.19) transforms the terms M, M’ of the action into —_M, —M’, but leaves the Maxwellian term F unaltered. Our field equations as a whole, i.e, when we also take into account the reaction of the particle on the radiation field, are consequently not invariant under this substitution. However, there does exist a substitution which reverses the direction of time and which at the same time leaves all terms in the action invariant. We mentioned in IIT, §8 that the ex- pression (6.13) formed from a y with two components takes on. the sign 6,:) = i, 6) = — iip = i, 2, 5) on going over trom Hy, Ya t0 Jy, — Ya. | Hence if w is a quantity which transforms in the same Way as y then PSau > 8x BS; wy on upplying this to @ = 2 oxy we find that 33% ae eg a aa 7 Oe ae he Hence if we make in addition the substitution My te ty (P= 1,9, 3) thea, 57s. EM sy Bae ete and consequently M, formula (6.5), remains invariant. In the presence of an electro-magnetic field its components must ‘change signs in accordance with he hy fhe @=1,2,9), We have thus found that M, M! and F all remain invari under the substitution ait a aaa iV po, Bhp hope }en 13.9) (6.14) note he hs ho ho This shows that the past aud the future enter into our field theory in precicoly the same manner—in spite of the fact that the sign in the exponent of the time factor e-* of a solution of the quantum problem is unchanged by the substitution (6.14). ‘We must of course suspend judgment as to whether the laws governing interaction between pliotons and electrons allow us SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC FIELD 27 to dictinguich between these two directions in time until we have carried through the quantization (§ 12). § 7. Electron in Spherically Symmetric Field We now proceed to the discussion of the behaviour of an clectron in a spherically symmetric electrostatic field in Dirac's theory. I. Divac’e Comsornation Theorem From the definitions follow immediately the commutation rules: S,T = —TS., ST = TS, (p= 1,23). We need further the reoults SiSi = 1, S38p = — 83S} = 1S; and the commutation rules Lipi- Ps 0, (pk) = pili t Plat Psls=0, LsPs—Palr= iby Lei — fila = = tba, forthe components of linear and angular momenta = (py Pa:Pa and $= (Cy Ly La). Ina ephencally symmetric electrostatic field fa = f= fa = 0 aad fy = is a function only of the discance r froma the centre With 'the aid of the formula given above it is easily shown Ukat My= L455) commutes with ®, 7, (G'p) and consequently with each term in the expression ly =o + (Sp) tmr (ra) for the energy H. Indeed, this conservation law for the total ui niin moment of momentum t= $+ 16' was already known 0 tas from general considerations. We further find that (8) commutes with @ and 7, but that (SHS + SSS = — AS) * ES +4 +169 + NEW =o. Hence (6'2) + 1 ar -ommutes with (@'p) and therefore also wih (2p); its commutation properties with respect to the three 228 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY terms of (7.1) are therefore the same as those of T. Hence on setting (6H +1=e7, (7.2) ‘eis a scalar which commutes with the energy H (where by scalar we mean invariant under the group of rotations of space). Consequently we can decompose the system-space of the electron into irreducible sub-spaces associated with the rotation group, in such a way that the quantity k, which we call the auxiliary quantum number, as well as the energy H, ‘possesses a definite value in each of the sub-spaces, Now (SR) LE + + E+ ESrSs (Labs — Lola) + +} = (SL, ++) =2- 69) and consequently (G9 += e+ SH+1=(9498) + p= m+} me This agrees with wait y= Gr when we put 1 al im Wl} Ws ty (rt Accordingly, the auxiliary quantum number k is a non-vanishis integer, “The conservation theorem (7.2) goes beyond (7.3) in giving us in addition the sign of k. For a given half-integral j the two values k= + (i+ are both possible: they must y ered ee epee ee eee ea notation. The single quantum number k replaces the two J, j. II, The Differential Equation for the Determination of the Characteristic Values. Since the field is spherically symmetric, it suffices to carry through the calculation for the point x= 0, y=0,2—7. At this point ee net >» SPHFRIC 290 and the Dirac conservation law (7.2) becomes 2 42 , Be A -igacnta) ¥ . (2+ =k — te | together with the equations obtained from theee by interchanging tthe two pairs dy, Ye and Yi, yg of components. The differential equation (6.2) fur the charavietistie veer @ whiei contains dhe tine only in the factor e-*, has as its four components the two and two others of analagons structure; we have here written Em’, E-@=0, ? ‘The derivatives with respect to x and y which appear in (7.8) can be climinated with the aid of (7.5) ; the resulling equations are [eriE +e) (mt Pe tia Ves neal (7.7) [y-Grallet (m+ zan] where f= 410, 0, »), g—~ 4i(0, 0, +) The remaining two equations arc obtained by writing (fi, ds) in place of (jy $i). At an arbitrary point P — P(x, y, 2) the first and third’ components of p satisfy the equations (7.7) in 2 votated co-ordinate system whose positive z-axis passes through 2. Weshall find it convenient to introduce rf and rg as variables in place of fand g, as 1h) 7dr PB) If we wish to avoid the explicit appearance of i in the equations, we may write tiv, mg 230 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY and obtain, finally, the fundamental equations (7.8) IIL, Spherical Harmonics with Spin. Let flr), g(r) be a solution of equations (7.7); then in the rotated co-ordinate system Wale ae Pi HRS eT where the factors p, + are constants independent of r. On returning to the original co-ordinate system each of the pairs tds, ta; i, bs undergoes the transformation @ associated with the rotation s. Consequently. (7) fand g depend only on r, and the factors p, 7 only on direction, ie, on the spherical co-ordinates 4, 4 introduced by ebiymrcin Delt, aaeeneh; the coefficients in (7.9) must further satisfy the conditions (1 — €08 8) — py sin Be# = 0, (7.10) 1y(1 + cos 6) + ry sin Oe- += 0, On substituting the expression for @ in polar co-ordinates, {I (4.10)} into the Dirac conservation law, we are led, with the aid of (7.9) and (7.10), to the differential equations Per, 32 sin oF bl 5 6 sgh IMIDE sin OF — 85g — HL — c08 Bp (1 +05 ry = 0, (1.11) ‘We have thereby accomplished the transformation of the Dirac wave equation into polar co-ordinates. (7.9) corresponds to the substitution yy — flp)V, of the scalar theory; in place of the single factor f depending only on the distance r we have here the pair f, gand in place of the surface harmonic Y, depending only on the direction we have the matrix Jan Ian SPHERICALLY SYMMETRIC FIELD 231 ‘The equations (7.11), together with the conditions (7.10), define the " surface harmonics with spin of order k"; they are quite independent of the potential ®. The characteristic values E of the equations (7.7) or (7.8) are the energy levels associated with quantum number k. As in the theory of the ordinary spherical harmonics, we here again seek out those spherical harmonies with spin which contain the meridian angle only in the multiplicative factor e'™*: pia emt (sin B)-™- P, ry = em (sin Om Q. (7.12) Substituting these expressions in (7.11) and taking 2 the independent variable, we find cos @ as, lies | (1.13) | a. ae ssssss00 J We denote the solutions #, (of these equations which lead to non-singular functions p, + on the sphere more precisely by Pp”, Of". Tt suffices to consider the case > 0, for (— P, 0) js‘ solution of the equations obtained by changing & into — >: Ke) PPM), Qe) = OMe). (7.14) mQ — EP. Furthermore, a) yey aU = Penn, geen a Pe a OY for the derivatives of P=), Q™) satisfy the differential equations (719) withm— Lia placcolm Form=—k,P=1,Q-—1 is'a solution which satishes all continuity requirements on the sphere, since the multiplicative factor (sin A)-msind m= (ev — iy) is nite for negative m, Consequently we find polynomial solutions of (1.18), the degrees of which are 0, 1,» 2k —1 corresponding to the values m= ——& —k-+1, ~~ &—1. The solution for m = k— Lis PQ)= (=a +9, Oe) = A+) = 2) We thus finally obtain the following explicit expressions for the spherical harmonics mith spin + Per) = FA gH 9H, OM) — Ht | gt 29) (7.15) 292 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY. where p=k—1—m. They behave very much like the ordinary spherical harmonies. The following equations arg also of importance : PEM 2) = (= 4)? Qa), OP — 2) 2 (— 1. HAE) (7.16) § 8. Selection Rules, Fine Structure I, Selection Rules. In a solution defined by (7.9), (7.12) yy like py and 7, contains ¢ only in the factor e% and yy, like py and 7, only in the factor el"*1# ; correspondingly for Wi, #3. Hence 1h 2 1) Mo = 77 the (m+ 3)hs. b (m +5) 1 We Mid, ‘The z-component of the moment of momentum in the state toe (&, m) is accordingly m + t q change in the meaning of the quantum number m ie to be carefully noted: m+} runs through the values 1 bk as it should, In order to obtain the selection rules for the possible transi tions (k, m) —> (#', m’) and to obtain the corresponding intensities we must calculate the matrix which represents the energy of interaction between the atom and radiation in terns of the co-ordinate system determined by the characteristic functions 4 defining the quantum states m of the atom, Proceeding as in II, § 18, we see from (8.19) that this matrix ix 2 Sob The vector ec& here plays the same réle ax 4 there. ‘The in- tensities are essentially determined by the elements G(nn’). the three components of which are Solan’) = [Urs yorav, The selection rules are merely consequences of the fact that Gisa vector. We first obtain the old result for m and j from SELECTION RULES. FINE STRUCTURE 233 cuusiderativas inv nuper iutativis of space, The rule for j asserls (hat Ue auxiliary quantum number k may go over into & +k-D. th £4). @1) To the reflection i conesponds the interchange T of the two pairs (a, 2), (Wi, Ye). In polar co-ordinates this refiection consists in the transition from (8, ¢) to (w — 8, 7 + 4); z= cos 8 is thereby transformed into — 2 and the factor e™ takes on the sign (— 1)". In accordance with (7.18) and the expressions for py 71; Pa 7 this results in an interchange of py, 7, with postible change of sign, as represented by the substitution f oO tT ye HO 2 ccare|t bho]? BI ‘and the same for pa, Tx By (7.9) we therefore have for y with auxiliary quantum number &: TH(— a, — ¥, 2) = (— Ua, ¥, 2), The subspace % thus has the signature B= (— 11; this result was derived under the assumption k> 0. On replacing X by — k and applying (7.14) we find in place of (7.16) POL — 2) = (— 1PHOYs), OY — a} = (— 1 PELa). ‘The signature corresponding (o auxiliary quantum number =k (> O is accordingly (— 1}, On setting / 1 ) =~ when bis negative (j= —e—}=4-2), a ET lca ee EN 1— kL when b is positive (j= —g—11 9), oth possibilities ate included under 8 = (— 1)$, or we could also write 8 = sgn k+(— 1)" The only coefficients occurring in a proper vector are those corresponding to transitions in ‘which the signature is reversed, Our selection rule (8.1) for Reis thus narrowed down to em RH RTE (8.8) ‘The following table gives the value of the auxiliary quantum number k associated with each possible comhination of I and j: Cree eI NOM MMII Nha 234 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY IL. Transition to the limit ¢— w. In order to return from relativistic to ordinary mechanics we must pass to the limit c> co. Before applying this to equations (7.8) we must replace U, v by m+ =, 5 we then have, on neglecting 4 in comparison with 2 we (fi On introducing I by (8.2) we have in both cases k(t — 1)=H(I+1). Hence in the limit terms with the same J, and therefore those with ausiliary quantum numbers k and —k — 1, coincide that one associated with azimuthal quantum number I in the scalar theory of Chapter IL. The doublet found in alkali spectra ‘and in general the multiplet structure of spectral lines—is accordingly explained as a relativistic phenomenon. IIL, H, Heys + + In a Coulomb field with nuclear charge Ze we have Za ta lzal employing Heaviside units, which are better adapted to a field theory. In the following calculations we shall denote the cc and we shall set mgc=™ In order to integrate equations (7.8) we first perform the substitution echeR, wae-G, where fis a positive constant, Qur equations are then 2 he ape ee G-Pen oF G+ 3)6 ute 28c¢ te aestactae costa sing by tse, 4) SELECTION RULES. FINE STRUCTURE 235 Que method will lead to a solution if we choose the constant B in ouch a way that the determinant of the linear of F and G on the right vanishes han O'- +e o, B= vig We now seek a power series solution P=Dar, G= Thr, where the exponent j begins with an initial vale jg and rans through the values io, sup +1, y+ 2, +++. On subst these in (8.4) we obtain the recursion formulae (8.5) (e+ Hb, — a, = G i Naa + Boy (8.6) ue una fe ¥) bat fH Hite = Bona — (+ Oy ‘The initial exponent p= yg is determined by the tact that the determinant of the coeficients ot a,, b, on the left must vanish for this value ot the index : BOB bat 0; ww Vem Because of the manner in which 8 was determined in (8.5) there exists a linear relation, with coefficients 3 +", 8 between the right-hand sides of (8.6) which io satisfied identically in vay aoe 2) [iu + Hi, — 204) + Blab, + ( — Bay} = 0 mh) Su] 0. (87) ‘The power series will dreak off with the term with exponent je if on replacing ays, ty. by a, b, the right-hand side of (6.6) is made to vanish,” The condition for this is that ALG ure 1 a8] + afm —m —( Bb, + (2—S)a, = 05 (88) it will be satisfied in virtue of (8.7) if the determinant of the coefficients in these two equations vanishes : CHB EBoneeal-ate-n-GsB)ef-0 238 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY or by (8.5) Since the exponent js with which the series break off must be of the form ip + m, where m Is a positive integer, we obtain the Jine siructure formula The solution % of our differential equations, for the char- acteristic values v= cE defined by (8.9), is of the form P+ re (polynouiial of degree m in r) land satisfies the condition that the spatial integral of |p|* con- verge in the acighbourhood of the singular points r—0, <0. These E consequently constitule the discrete term spectrum of an tom with nuclear charge Ze and having but one electron outside the nucleus, IE we neglect the small constant « in comparison ‘with #, E depends only on + [hl This fine structure formula further tells us that the two terms with auxiliary quantum numbers k and —k, or the two terms with the same j and for which j +}, exactly coincide. That this is in fact found to be the case has already been mentioned in §4. Equation (6.8) has had a remarkable history. Tt was first derived on the basis of the older quantum theory by Sommerfeld and, at about the same time, verified by the experiments of Paschen ; it was perhaps the greatest triumph of drat theory, next to Bohr's explanation of the Baluer series and his calculation of the Rodéerg number from universal atomic constants, The new quantum theory at first destroyed this Deautiful’ agreement, as in its scalar form it led to (8.9) with the half-integral quantum number j in place of the integral {k|. Sommerfeld's original formula ‘was only completely re-established with the advent of the Dirac dheory here discussed. The quantum number i, Which was used in the older quantum mechanics in place of F and which may assume the value 0, has also reappeared and is now supplied with a sign. But on the other hand, the number of components in the fine structure is now greater than in Sommerfeld's Uneury, as in addition to the transitions k-rk—1, i+ 1we may now also have k> — i; this addition is also in agreement with experiment, SELECTION RULES. FINE STRUCTURE 287 Our conclusion that (8.8) was to be satisfied in virtue of equation (B17) for the unknowns ay, by, assuming that the deter- minant of the two equations vanished, fails when both coefficients of equation (8.6) are zcr0: vty nok B Alii It follows fenm this that then j enV +h<0, or h<0. There actually exist no terms nm # k= —1,—2,- ++. For the cooflicicats a,, 0, of the beginning term in the corresponding solution, which is at the same time Ue end term, would by (8.6), (8.8) necessarily satisfy the equations (E+ HO, — 0, = 0, by + (ge —R)a,= 0, BB+ —"%a, = 0 be a a, ) pFek a and this ia impossible because of the condition |p| < vg. Im accordance with the foregoing we ntay describe the normal Sate of the inydrogen atom; n= 0, k=1 (l= 0), as follows. We take the quantum number m, which may assume either of the values 0, — 1, to be 0. Let'a = 0-582 A. be the radius of the first Bohr orbit and a = 7-29 10-? the fine-structure con- stant, das wh ds! ate obtained by multiplying the radial janction with the factors (L+ VI=W) + ix cos 6, insin Fe | Ya, dy (+ V1— a8) — ia cos 8, —iasin Be | Ui, Ue. ‘We find from these expressions that the probability density yi ig distributed spherical-symmetrically in accordance with the law = Po ‘The normalization is here nat chosen in eich a way that the integral of p over all space is unity ; it is actually (Sra LN as We have already seen that in a certain sense the probability density multiplied by — represents the distribution of charge 288 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY in the atom. Considering the probability current as deter- mining the convection of this continuous charge distribution p, we find that it represents a circulation about the s-axis with velocity ac sin 6 (ac is the velocity of the electron in the first Rohr orbit on the older theory). On giving the axis of rotation all possible directions yf runs through the 2-parameter family of characteristic solutions for which » = 0, k take az a basie for thi and that for which 1 the opposite direction. C. Tue Permutation Group $9, Resonance between Eauivalent Individuals The Hermitian forms Q, which represent in system-space ali possible physical quantities of a given system, constitute a totality 2 within which addition and multiplication is defined. It Z were reducible we could choose our co-ordinate system in system-space in such a way that all Q would be simultaneously completely reduced ; these individual parts into which the whole would be divisible would then each constitute solutions of the quantum problem which were merely accidentally joined to- gether to form the given solution. In accordance with the fundamental Aristotelian postulate of “ nihil frustra' Nature could hardly be expected to indulge in such a superfluous luxury. Hence we propose the thesis that 2! is an irreducible system. On introducing as fundamental quantities the canonical variables as in Il, § 11, this assumption contains the requirement that it be 2" chooee 20 ordinate that the 2f matrices Gy *~-, 445 Puy * * *s By are simultaneously completely reduced. This postulate ts to be added to the Heisenberg commutation rules as an essential supplement, In accordance with Burnside's theorem (121, § 10], which we carry over without scruple from spaces with a finite number of dimensions to those with infinitely many, the irreducibility postuiate aliows us to assert that there can exist no linear homogeneous relation tr(4Q) = 0 between the components of Q which is satisfied for all J. Since in the domain of the Q's not only is multiplication possible—as presupposed in Burnside’s theorem—but also addition, we arrive at the conclusion that all Hermitian matrices in system-space are contained in 3. It is perhaps desirable to express our requirement directly in the form: any Hermitian form represents a physical quantity of the system. In accordance with II, § 7 there is associated with EQUIVALENT INDIVIDUALS 239 each statistical ensemble a positive definite Hermitian form 4 in such a way that tr(AQ) is the expectation of the quantity represented by Q, Burnside’s theorem asserts that the equation tr (AQ) = te (4'Q) can be satisfied for all Q only if Am a, or it is impossible distinguish between the two statistical agureyates represented. by he positive definite Hermitian forms only if A= A’. in particulat it follows from this that the states represented by two rays in system space are physically different if the two rays are distinct this was to be expected, or even required, from the outset. These consequences show the naturalness and cogency of the irreducibility postulate, from which it can conversely be deduced. The states of physical entities I which are fully equivalent, as, for example, the electrons in an atom, are to be represented by: vectors F— (t,) or rays in the same system-space TR. It two such individuals unite to form a single pliysical system I* the vecivrs uf ihe wisespouding system-space HX 3 — itt are, in accordance with the general rule of X-multiplication, the tensors (xj) of order two. But, by IL, § 5, #2 is reducible into two independent sub-spaces {9H} and 9t#], the space of anti- symmetric and the space of symmetric tensors of 2nd order. ical quantities Q of J have only an objective physical they depend symmetrically on the two individuals. This requirement is expressed in terms of the elements of the Mermitian form Q = Zhu. ey Fa ew by the eymmetry condition Maine — Yanie (9.1) On reducing (+) into its anti-symmetric and its symmetric parts, fib} £ xlib) (a9) Q is reduced, in virtue of (9.1), into two Hermitian forms in afk} and x{dk) respectively. For on substituting (9,2) into O ‘we obtain four terms : those in which {9}, [9] intersect them- selves, and the two in which {{R?} intersects [92] or eanversely. These last two then vanich, for if we interchange the dummy indices é with k, # with in [0] = Za, ov Hib} x(i'b') and then ceplave drarer Ci}, WE) BY dagen — HE), (eH) 240 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY we find [0] = — [0], or [0] =0. The totality of Hermitian forms Q which represent the quantities of J? depending sym- metrically on the two individuals is therefore not irreducible ; it can be reduced in accordance with the decomposition — + DH) (9.8) of the space Ta particular, every possible iuleruction between the two ally on them, even when other eae ges 2 ce eee fan succes ‘spaces, but the irreducibility postulate offore us no clue as to which one she hhas decided on, Tale as co-ordinates in the system space Mf of the individual J the principal axes e, of the energy associated with the char. vegarding , the system levels F, + B, with characteristic ‘vectars eX @, =, ; each characteristic number of the type E, +E, appears twice, and the corresponding characteristic space is spanned by the vectors G1» and en. On introducing the interaction as a small per turbation the two states é, and én are in resonance with each other, Denoting the components of the total Hamiltonian function by H(ik, #7’), the transformation of the sub-matrix: U(L 2,12) HL, 21) (21,12) Hai, 21) to principal axes, as required by perturbation theory, can in the present case be performed in a manner which is universally valid; we need only to replace the fundamental vectors ¢5, ¢a: by L vate tn), alent a 4) Denoting H(1 2, 12)=H(21, 21) by hy and the numbers (12, 21) = H(21, 12), which must be real in virtue of the condition H(1 2, 21) = H(2 1, 1 2) of Hermitian symmetry, by Jha, the resonance equations become 1B oe + aa) Hal ia + (ae + ven) EQUIVALENT INDIVIDUALS 24) front which it follows that Mea = Fa) — Gy — alley — en), Se | a) _ iy + atin + 0) ‘Taking as initial conditions «y,— 1, x, — 0 for != 0, we find OM, Maat tn = eta; (9.5) cost at, | fm [= sn? at PEA ec ae OULU forth with the beat puiod 3, horns the components (9.5) along the axes (9.4) have always the same constant absolute magnitudes ‘The only characteristic numbers associated with the system space {Wt} arc those of the type Ey + Ey, cach of which appears exactly once, but the sub-space {t"] has simple characteristic auubers of the type 22) in addition to Use, Hence if Nature decides in favour of {8} both individuals can never be sim- ultaneously in the same quantum state with energy E,—assum- ing this energy level tor the individual system is non-degenerate. ‘That E, + Eq occurs only once in {9%} and only once in [9] means: the possibility that one of the identical twins Mike and Ike is in the quantum state E, and the other in the quantum state Fy does not include two differentiable cases which are permuted on permuting Mike and Tke; it is impossible for either of these individuals to retain his identity so that one of thom will always be able to say ‘I'm Mike” and the other “Tim Ike.” Even in principle onc cannot demand an alibi of an clectron! In this way the Leibnizian principle of coin- cidentia indiscernibilium holds in quantum mechanics.” On passing from 2 to f equivalent individuals 7 it is not so easy to reduce the representation ()f ot the complete linear or ot the unitary group in system-space ® into its irreducible con- stituents: we shall go into this matter in the last chapter. Nevertheless we know from IIT, §5, that the anti-symmetric and the symnietric tensors of order J with edmponents affeley Le 7, cach yield ouch an iereductble representation. jeal quantity Q of the total system If which depends ally on all f individuals will be represented by an symmet Hermitian operator Q, the cvefficients g(kyka + ky; Kiuke>- Bj) 242 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY. vf which are unchanged on subjecting hika-- ky and Rijig s+ + Fey simultaneously to the same permutation. Itis evident that such. aan operator always sends an antisymmetric tensor x{2yky ++ - Fey} into an antisymmetric tensor A (liga + + Ry} = Lalla + hy Rik * Rpalihes + ede Hence the suh-spare {§¥} of antisymmetric tensors ic reduced pa ohne or aire aie rma diaia id the general rule of x-multiplieation, in euch a way that if IF fs ever in the aystem space {92} it remains there forever, regard less of what influences smay act upon it. Thre subspace [9V] of all symmetric tensors x(k) of order f can similarly be separated out off. The energy level Ey + Ee+-*--+E,, which is ‘JI-fold degenerate in Wi, appears in (W) as a simple level Only characteristic numbers of this type appear in {9}, but the characteristic numbers of 9!) are all numbers which can be obtained hy summation of f distinct or non-dictinct energies Eo. If the system space ic -dimensional, (9¥) is only possible Hf szn. IPE is am mefold energy level of the individual 1 then, fhe quantum states with energy E constitute an mdimensional sub-space RE). If it should happen that only {Wi} is realized in Nature, then in view of the foregoing it would be impossible {0 have more than m individuals of the system I! in the quantiem Sate E. ihe telution of SY to {8} or [BY] involves relationships old intuitive pictures ball electrons. But the difficulty enters already with the general composition rule, according to which the manifold of possible pure states of a system composed of two parts is much greater than the manifold of combinations in which each of the partial systems is itself in a pure state, $10. The Pauli Exclusion Principle and the Structure of the Periodic Table One of the most fundamental facts of Nature, the ordering o ‘he chemical elements in the periodic table, canbe undeeocA considerations. We go from one the following, hich wo dewie by 4, in two steps : the iret is preparatory and cousiste in increasing the charge oa the nucleus by J, aud the second and final step consists fa adding an electron to the ion A* so obtained, To obtain the Roctual state of A this additional electron must be bound ac tightly as possible, ie, the energy of the total system 4 must be THE PAULI EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE 243, um. H we disreg: 'd the mutual perturbations ot the electrons for 4 muueut, although they may be very considerable. ‘we might expect to find every electron in an unexcited atom in the lowest energy level, ic, with principal quantum number n — 1 But instead we find the following: The 1 electron of H and the 2 electrons of He are in the 1s orhit, i. they are in the quantum state n= 1,1= 0. Rut the next 2 electrone, which ave added in going over to Li, Be, are in a 2s orbit, and the additional 6, the addition of cach of which gives rise tu une of the elements from B to Ne, enter the 2p orbit, Then follow Na, Mg, each with a new electron in the 35 state, the elements from Al to A. the additional electrons entering the 3p orbit, etc. These facts are readily seen on writing the wave umber of the lowest S term in the form — R/nt,; in H, He, Li the “effective quantum number” x, has the values’ 1-00, 0°74, 1°80, ‘That ‘mg sinks on going from H to He is understandable in view of the “ screoning " effect of the original elcctrun on the new one. We should expect Uhat if the uext electron also went into the orbit n= 1 the corresponding value of 1, would be something like 0°29, but we find instead a number which is greater than this by unity. The same occurs on going from Be to Rar fram Mg to Al; the normal states of these atoms are formed by the Valence electrons entering 2p or Sp orbits because the 2s or 3¢ orbits are already “occupied,” and if the valence clectron is raised to an s state by excitation, it can only be raised tu one for which n23 or nZ4* Obvivusly the essential features of the regularities expressed in the periodic table depend on this, mysterious numerus clausus for the various states with principal quantum numbers = 1, 2, ++ and on the fact that in conse- quence of this the electrons in the atom are added on in definite layers or ‘shells. Stated more precisely, in an ms orbit (x =1, 2,+-+) there is room for but 2 electrons, in an mp orbit (v=2 8,- +) for but 6; in general the situation is described by Sloner's rule: there can be ai must 2021+) electrons in a state with quantum numbers 7, 1 On taking into account the duplicity caused by the spin we see that this number is exactly the dimensionality of the sub- space R(nl) in the system-space of a single electron. Neglecting the spin perturbation, which is indeed much smaller than the “ego Sec le, pe un, ats” sociale sete ts pte ute et: ‘electrons as multiplied by a numerical factor \ and let ) decraase steadily es Ube Ai aca wn at ean ae He ca Be Ul BRE: pe else Se Scale beeen St 244° APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY mutual perturbations of the electrons, the energy level associ- fated with thie sub-epace is 2(21-{ l)fold degenerate. This degencraey ean be removed by the introduction of the spin perturbation and a weal magnetic field; the energy level is then broken up into 2(2/ +1) simple components distinguished by the quantum numbers 1 jolky = amin Stoncr's rule led Pauli to postulate the exclusion of oquivateat orbits : it is impossible for two electrons in an atom to be sinul- lancously in the same quantum state (n, 1, j, m). This shows that 8 is obviously not the system apace of the physical system 11 in which f electrons revolve about a fixed nucleus, but that the reduction to {8} takes place: Nature has decided in favour of the reduction to the space of anti-symmelvic teases, at least i the case of electrons. In view of the considerations advanced in tthe previous paragraph this principle leads conversely to Stoner’s rule Tf the formation of one atom from the preceding one were fan entirely regular process the accupation of the various stares would take place in accordance with the following table, the lower row of which indicates the number of electrons captured, ‘on going from atom to atom, by the orbit immediately above : 15; 25, 2p} 38, Sp, dj As, Mp, 4d, 2; 240; 2H 6410; 2464104145 ++ ‘This would indeed be the casc if we could increase the charge om the nuclei by some large fixed amount, for the mutual perturba- tions of the electrons could thus be made arbitrarily small in comparison with the Coulomb attraction of the nucleus, But even a rough calculation shows that these perturbations arc actually too considerable not to lead to displacements in the above table, ie. to changes in the order in which the various shells are filled. For example, after the 3p shel! is filled, which is accomplished with A, the next 2 electrons go into 45 states to form K, Ca, and only then do we find electrons entering the Ad orbits to form Se, Ti, «+ +. For details consult the books by Hund, Pauling and Goudsmit or Ruark and Urey mentioned in the Introduction. It is not the purpose of this book to repart on the extensive empirical data of spectroscopy, nor to show how the two main principles required to lead beyond the general scheme of quantum THE PAULI EXCLUSION PRINCIPLE 245 mechanics to the interpretation of spectra were wrested from this material; I here refer to the introduction of the inner ‘quantum number j in addition to the azimuthal {, or the spinning slectron, on the ane hand, and to the redustion of W! to 17} by means of the Pauli’ exclusion principle on the other. Millikan begins his report to the American Philosophical Society fon “Recent Developments in Spectroscopy” (Prac. Am. Phil. Soc. 68, p. 211 (1927)], with the words: “Never in the history of science has a subject sprung so suddenly from a state of com- plete obscurity and unintelligibility to a condition of full illu mination and predictability as has the fcld of spectroscopy since the year 1918." The theory of groups offers the ap propriate mathematical tool for the description of the order thus won, ‘Ihe lines of the optical spectrum are caused by quantum jumps of the electrons which are most loosely bound. In the alkalies Li, Na, K, + + + the one involved is accordingly in the state 2s, 35, 45, - +: We also understand why their cores Lit, Nat, K*, +++ are spherically symmetric, and therefore ‘why their spectra may be approximately calculated in terms of the motion of an electron in a spherically symmetric field ; the real roason behind this ic the following. That an clectron has the quantum numbers 1, 1 means that ite state is in a subspace M, of A— 28-41) dimensions. The sub-space {Bx Rex ++ x M} with A factors, ay obtained Ly the anti- symmetric reduction of §j, is L-dimensional and the rotation group induces in it the 1-dimensional identical representation ; ie, a shell consisting of D electrons in the state n, | acts spherical: svmmetrically ; its presence does not increase ‘the manifold of terms. Hence the ‘ closedness ” of those elements with wi a sheil is completed ; the rare gases, which precede the allealies, are elements of this kind, But we should also expect Cu, Ag, Au to have allcali like apectra, as they contain but 2 cingle lectron in the s state, while all the others are bound more tightly in a “ closed ” configuration with an external field which is spheri- cally symmetric, The valence of the clements must obviously find its explanation in these terms; indeed, it gave the clues which originally led to the discovery of the periodic table. But only in recent times have we been able to call on the assist ance of spectra, interpreted and arranged with the aid of atomic theory by Bohr and others, and they have verified the principal features of the table, while modifying, supplementing and improving its details. ‘The concequences of the Pauli principle for the term analysis of atomic epectra will be discussed in detail in Chapter V, 246 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY ticularly in §15, We here mention briefly the results for Ene care of 2 lectron spectra f— 2 Just a2 the allies may be treated as if they were but Lelectron atoms, in dealing with the alkaline earth metals we need only tale into account the two most loosely bound slectrons which occupy an ¢ orbit outside a spherically symmetric closed shell, As before, we obtain one singlet and one triplet term (il, wT; L) whose total azimuthal quantum number L assumes the values Lath ltl ders [tar] assuming that the two quantum states (nd), (n'’) of the individual electrons are distinct. The only difference is that now such a term appears only once, whereas before it appeared twice, corresponding to a permutation of the electrons. ‘The situation is, however, more complicated if (nl) = (n'T). The only singlet terms (nt; nl; L) which actually occur are those with even L = 0, 2,- ++, 21 and the only triplet terms are those with odd L The best-known lines of the epectra are those arising from transitions in which only ono electron ie not in the normal state and is jumping between higher energy levels, Hence if one of the two electrons (not saying which !) fs in the normal state w= 10 (ty 1, 2, 8, 4, ++ for Ho, Be, Mg ca) we have L—/ and the to’ quantum numbers (, J) suftce to determine the singlets or triplets, The lowest 5 term (ZL — 0) of the singlet system has the principal quantum number — rg, but there is no such term in the triplet system ; it begins with m— ng. We find that the lowest S term in such a triplet system (which is, as we know, simple), eg. in the spectrum of Mg, actually does lie in the neighbourhood of the second lowest ‘S term of the singlet system instead of the lowest. § 14. The Problem of Several Bodies and the Quantiza- tion of the Wave Equation In this paragraph we depart from our usual terminology and denote the number of individuals by m instead of f. We first consider more fully the reduction of {to [BR], for we shall find that although it does not apply to electrons, it does to Photons. Let H'= [Has be the Hamiltonian function of an THE PROBLEM OF SEVERAL BODIES 247 individual. The variables Yt, 1, - -) of the unitary space [Re] hehave like the mannmiale (ut tete m), (11.1) Vain of degree » which ere formed from the components x, of an aibitrary vector in Mt; we denote this monomial (11.1), without tive denominator, by (7, ty +++). We shall have’ occasion to use the differentiation formula Ale )=(my aaa dey) + tat BO de) poo In the absence af interaction hetween the individuals we abtain from + Flags = 0 (212) a =F 80 Ma) = EHO — Ly yb) $m Elles Hey me Wy oy met) In the sum on the right din, — 1, ty +++, rp +3, +++) ie to be interpreted ac $(mty my -- +) for B= 1; similarly for the torm with B= 2, ete. "We can also write this equation, 7 bly ty so) = Zity Hae” ttn May 1} tg +1, + Zita Hoa $+ te Ly On introducing the binomial coefficients in accordance with Or ig (21.1) we obtain as the equations of motion Idjim My ** 9 _ py nit Hill — Re) Bn, Han ty TEV nig TT Hag We Me ‘These equations are of the form P+ 0, Wa then a. 248 © APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY where the matrices mag are defined by rl ta Hotes ial La] and for « + 8 pa Meena (FD ary where the frst, alternative holds when all x" — s with the ex ception of me %e—1, mj—m +1 and tho second in all other cases. H is, as it should be, an Hermitian matrix. If 27 is in diagonal form the fundamental vectors forming our woruntinaie system ate the quautun sta various dividuals; (Y(t, "- *)/? is then the probability that there are simultaneously ™ individuals in the first quantum state, rig in the second, etc, "On reduction from %* to [8k] st becomes impossible to identify the individuals as Mike, Ike, * + » and we therefore may not ask for the probability that Mike is in the a® state, Ike is in the fM,- ++, If we have in addition to H a perturbation sW affecting the individuals (and symmetric with respect to these individuals), then equation (11.3) governs the change of the probabilities jbiny, ma -+-)/? in time. The Hamiltonian function H'reminds us of the one which we ‘obtained in Chapter II, § 13 by quantizing Maxwell's equations ; there the individuals were photons, Maxwell's equations are to he considered as the quantum-theoretieal wave equations of an individual photon. If we replace the photon by an individual whose state (x,) varies in accordance with equation (11.2) we are led to a new way of treating the problem of several bodies, ‘which we call the ** method of second quantization " in contrast to the “method of composition” or "x -multiplication "de veloped in Chapter II, §10. In this we cousider (11.2) as the classical equations of motion of a physical system whose canonical Vatiables are Use real and imaginary parts qq, Pa of % and as such subject them to the process of quantization."* “We here tie on to the development given in Chapter Ll, § 11. Introduce ‘the complex quantities 1 Hl i Ate + Peds Fe= Feldu— tbe) into the Hamiltonian function Has independent variables in place of g, Pe; the Hamiltonian equations are then te pH dH 2a! dt ~ "Oe (1.6) THE PROBLEM OF SEVERAL BODIES 49 In order that (11.9) may be considered as the classical equations of motion of ¢ system with infinitely many degrees of freedom, in accordance with our programme, they must be of the form (11.6), But this is in fact the case the Hamiltonian function is then Hs ZHabate In quantizing <4, % are to be replaced by Hermitian conjugate matrices x, %, which satisfy the following commutation rales: KaXs— XX, , i l aun XaXp — Xp Xe = dup ={ The Hamiltonian function H then becomes the matrix H = Diag Sep (11.8) 3 if H is in diagonal form then H= SEX x. We are here dealing with an infinite set of oscillators, the in- dividual members of which are distinguished by the index 3 ay Be bY Eu ig The quantum theory of a single oscillator as developed in I, §3 gives us as the irreducible solution of xB Rx 4, complex cuvvidinates where x, ¥ are two Hermitian conjugate matrices normalized in such a way that the energy Xx is in diagonal form, the matrices xu, +1) = VP D, Fin, m1) = Va; Ral, n) = 2, all other components vanishing ; the quantum number n assumes the values 0, 1, 2, From this we obtain the solution of (11.7) by compositios if all n’ | vacri, Eat May 8 My a> except me IK i it al nt A re Sept ae a other wiee The products %, x, are of course in diagonal form; ¥, xp is the matrix ».y introduced above, and (11.8) coincides with (11.4) + 250 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY the method of second quantisation leads to the same result as the ‘method of composition supplemented by the “* symmetric reduction " of 8 to [Be]. But now the number ttm terae of individuals is not prescribed; however H is reduced into sub-matrices in accordance with the various values of m, for all components H(t, «+; my) * + -) for which m- mj + sm +mg-++ + vanish, The total number of photons is not conserved, and to this extent Maxwell's equations do not fit completely into the quantum-theoretical picture—unless we wish to consider “non-existence” as a particular quantum state of the photon. The method of composition remains applicable in the presence fof interaction between the individuals, provided it is an in- stantaneous action at a distance determined by the values of the canonical variables of the various indivi he theory of relativity, acoouud taken of the finite velocity of propagation, which ted to Une introduction of continuous fields ia the classical theories. The difficulty arises from the fact that the wave function y must contain the one time ¢ as argument in addition co the spatial co-ordinates of each particle, whereas the theory of relativity requires that the proper time of each particle appear as argu: ment in yp as well as the spatial co-ordinates. The method of second quantization shows its superiority in dealing with such problems. ‘As we have seen, the method of second quantization in accordance with Heisenberg's commutation rules is equivalent to a reduction of the system space f° to [MR]. Since we have seen in Il, § 13 that this leads to the correct laws af ras phenomena, we must conclide that the behaviour of phovone corresponds to this reduction. But in the cate of electrons the reduction is to the space {S}, and we must now inve: ta what kind of quantization this corresponds.” ‘The vectors of the unitary space {S] are the anti-syrumetric tensors with ‘componente ay ay yb mS [Pa Hay 71 Tag (11.9) in the space ® wh © the one cow ia the determinant stands for the » rows formed in the saine manner from m vectors E =f), 2%, + + +, 2 of R. We can obtain the totality of linearly independent components by restricting the indices by. the < Ax has the value 1. In dealing with the continuum we therefore introduce with Dirac a function 8(x— x’) which vanishes at all points x + x’ and is so large at the point x’ that its integral has the value 1 (cf. I, § 7). Of course there exists no such function, but it can be “ arbitrarily closely approximated” by a function which vanishes everywhere except in a very small. interval about x’ and assumes very large values within this interval. Only in this sense can we perform the passage to the limit Ax = 0 and write the commutation rules symbolically in the form af) 2!) — ple!) a) = £8(0 — x) (123) A good illustration of the mathematical interpretation of thus pathological function d(x — 2) anes in the theory of ortho- onal sets of tunctions 4y(2), tor with its aid the completeness tondition may be formulated EHH) $e?) = Bix — 2’). ‘This is Wterally coivect as long as # only runs through a discrete set of points, but the rigorous mathematical formulation for the case of a continuum is given by tim §f E Bsx) (x) - (a) fx") ax de’ = [a(n) v4) ae weg é where u(x), v(x) are any two continuous functions in the interval (0, 1). Hence from the more rigorous standpoint (12.3) must be replaced by the equation J Siteyfals) Be) — ae) ale)Jole) de da! = ifum fe) de containing two arbitrary functions u(a), o(2) 5 furthermore, it is Wo be uuted that the p, y ia the brackels are first lo Le replaced by approximations pi, giM—ey. by the n™ partial sum of their expansion in terms of orthogonal functions—and the passage to the limit m—> w is to take place after, not before, the integration. This interpretation offers a sound mathematical method of dealing with the relation (12.8). tis to be emphasized that (12.3) refers to two points of space 2, a” at Ue saine iumient 1, ie. in a section of the world in which ¢ = const. ; the arguments of q and p are to be written more precisely as (x, 6), (¥', ¢) re spectively. 256 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY On applying this general scheme to the action W=M4+M'+iR, (6.18) from which the field equations for the electron and for the electro- magnetic field are obtained, we find ourselves faced with a aumeulty ansing trom the fact that the Lagrangian function does not contain the time derivative of the scalar potential f, for the generalized momentum associated with f, then vanishes identically and cannot possibly satisfy a commutation relation such as (123). We avoid this difficulty for the moment by utilizing the principle of gauge invariance ta remove f, from the expression of the Lagrangian function by setting it equal to 0; this device has already been employed in II, § 13. The set of independent functions deseribing the state is then = (hs thes tas th), = a fe fe, where we have written Ya, i in place of fi, Ya. ‘The momenta associated with these quantities are then found to be: ‘if, with , and — E, with f,. The commutation rules which are to be applied in quantizing the field equations are accordingly ee TATRA [o,0=1,2,3,4), (12.4°) FAPIE(P)— EP Vol) = Foe (PP) (P,9= 1, 2,8], (12.4) where Band P! are any tun pointe of the enme epatial exetinn tm const. We have here taken account of the fact that the quantitics } describing matter are not to satisfy Heisenberg’s commutation rules, but are instead to satisfy those obtained by replacing the :ninus siga which occurs in them by a plus sign. These rules must be supplemented by the assertion that the y, satisfy in addition the equations YolP)belP’) + Hel P’ ol P) and the same for Jp; that the f, at any two points P,P’ are ‘commutative and the same for the Ey; and finally that the ‘material quantitics J, J on the one hand and the clectromagnetic quantities f,, E, on the other are kinematically independent, and that every quantity of the first kind at a point P commutes with every quantity of the second kind at any point P’ (in the same section t = const. of the world). ‘As in Il, § 13, we again consider the whole system enclosed in an insulated and perfectly reflecting cavity which is at rest. (12.8) THE MAXWELL-DIRAC FIELD EQUATIONS 257 In order to describe the clectro-magnetic potentials we make use of a complete orthogonal set of sulutions [ of Af+f—0 (12.6) in the cavity, which satisfy the conditions div {=0, f normal at the walls, The construction of such a system is readily obtained from the Gauss divergence theorem. Jlcutl f+ curl g + av fo aiv g +f ager = f\Uh curl gle + fa divg) do Gw denoting normal component) for the vector [f, curl g] + f div g, f and g being two arbitrary vector fields.* We first determine the scalar functions ¢ — 44 the equation Ad +p — 0 and vanish ou ihe walls, and from (rent construct Ue vector fields f= grad $3; these vectors j, automatically satisfy the conditions above, are of course mutually orthogonal and can be normalized in accordance with the equation Jt BadY = Bu = MfSdna7]. We also determine a complete normal orthogonal system }, of solutions of (12.8) which are normal to the walls but which satisfy the condition div f,= 0 everywhere, not only at the walls. The f, are then orthogonal to these f. and they con stitute together a complete orthoganal system for vector fields in the cavity. We may consequently write — = Zoot — Faby in the section f= const. The fy, fr aro vectorial functions of position in space and have as values ordinary numbers, whereas the p, q ace scalar quantum mechanical matrices which are independent of position and which satisfy the commutation rules De — Pee all g commute among themselves and all p among themselves, and any p commutes with any g whose index is not the same, (These rules are pechaps mast readily obtained by solving [12:7) for the “ Fourier coefficients ” p,q in terms of integrals Pi — Pid %8 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY vf scalar products of f, G with fa, f, and applying the commuta- tion rules (12.4),] The energy afee +2 (cur p}}av of the electro-magnetic field becomes silos Ze) + 92a We already know the solution of the commutation rules w! reduces this expression for the energy to diagonal form, The individual components of the vector on which the p, g operate are distinguished by means of the quantum numbers N, corre- sponding to the v, and the values of the continuous variables g, corresponding to the A On setting g— Ya"Q., Q. is an operator which affects only the index N, in accordance with the equations O(N, Ne 1) = O.(N., N. +1) [Nit1, Ra Van dea all other components, corresponding to transitions N,-> N! in which Ni is neither N, a. 1, vanish. N, assumes the integral values 0, 1, 2 - - and can’be considered as the number of photons of the kind y. The momentum ps associated with the suutinuvus vaniabte ys is, following Sefididinger, represented vy the operator 32. The electro-magnetic energy is then in 74 : i diagonal form and, on neglecting the (infinite !) null-point energy, multiplies the vector component (.V,; 4) with iat (12.9) ‘We thus see how it happens that the electro-static part, which is described by the continuous variable q,, is separated off from the part due to the radiation, described by the discrete N, giving the number of photons of kind v, The ¥ appear in the part of the energy due to matter only in combinations of the form J, y=. Consequently it will be found advantageous in dealing with electrons to apply the method of composition followed by anti-symmetric reduction ; we have shown in the preceding section that this procedure is equivalent to quantizing in accordance with the rules (12.4’). Since the clectro-magnetic quantities commute with the #,, J, they may THE MAXWELL-DIKAC FIELD EQUATIONS 259 hore be considered a9 ordinary numbers. The quantized wave equations then refer to a“ vectur " § with components Pn en( Ph Pai Ney gay where Py, +++; Py are the positions of the n electrons and Pu ***; Pa are their spin variables, each of which runs through the four Values 1, 2 3, 4. We write 5, ,, as a column consisting af 49 terms; this # is antisymmetric with re to a permutation affecting the Py and p, SE’, Sf) is Ue spin vector (Sy, Sy, Ss) operating only on the 7 index p,, T°? ts similarly ‘the operation on the r® index py, ‘which interchanges py, #, with Ws, 4, and grad”) is the gradient with respect to P,. The part of the Hermitian energy operator — J, in the equation Fi P80 Hoh) ‘which depends only on matter 1s ArmA nN 2 ins te) ‘e. EP) + °F grad $(P,) «2 (OP ged? + Ved OLR) + Parad hlP se) +mZT (12.9) and to tis must be added tie electro-magnetic part (12.8). ‘Since we have throughout taken the scalar potential fy = 0 ‘we have lost the equation divE+p—0 (12,10) arising from the variation of . This equation contains no derivatives with respect to time, and consequently represents a condition on the state of the field at a moment (= const. ; we must uaturally take it into account. On substituting the value of & from (12.7) we obtain Zudhtp=0 and on multiplying with 4; and integrating over the space under consideration am Seger From the standpoint of quantum mechanics the left-hand side of tis equation is an operator Dj, and the meaning of the equation D, = 0 is that only those vectors § which satisfy the 200 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY equation D,3—0 are ta be allowed, D, also consists of an slectrical part gq and a material part JodsdY = (hits + Gade + Bats +. Bathbs dV. ‘The operator D, which is to be applied to § is acenrdingly Dima Bpare. ‘The equations D,g=0 then assert that all components a(P.; N,5 43) of § vanish except those for which g, — Sg,(P,); ‘We may therelore write the non-vanishing components 23 Wes Me) =alPr; Ms SGP]. But then grad — grads + F grad gi(Py) ig is exactly the combination which appears in (12.9). 2g? is now given by 4 2 Zhen ble) = EGP. P) were GOP, P= FAP) bP) is the ordinary Green's function for the cavity, We conse- quently obtain the quantum equation in la Sa for y, in-whicn the operator Fe : Elie, grad) toro) +2 Bow, 7) Qtr + Don, + VaZ FG, 40). (12.11) Ia Dira’s theory AS, grad) + mel THE MAXWELL-DIRAC FIELD EQUATIONS 261 Is the energy operator for a single free particle. @G(P, P’) is the classical potential due to the electro-statie repulsion be- tween two electrons situated at P and P'. The next term represents the sum of the energies v of the photons in the various trequency states », and tnally the last’ term represents the interaction between photons and electrons by emission and absorption. ‘Ihe meaning of cach of the terms from which the energy operator (12.11) is constructed is thus apparent. ‘The quantum theory had previously dealt with fields, such as that which binds the electron in hydrogen to the nucleus, in a manner entirely different from that with which it treated the field of the emitted radiation ; the frst was calculated classically and purely electro-statically as an action at a distance described by the Coulomb potential, whereas the second was broken up into discrete photons with the aid of Bohr's frequency condition. We have now obtained a theoretical justification for this pro. cedure which led to good agreement with experiment. Our expression shares with classical electro-dynamics the disadvantage that it contains the term G(P,, P,) representing the infinitely large reaction of the 7 electron with itself, for as we allow P’ to approach P, G(P, P’) hecomes infinite likee the reciprocal of the distance PP’. Wo should therefore replace G(P, P) by tho finite I'(P, P) whore TP, P) = GP, Py — for this amounts to dropping an infinitely large additive con- stant from %. I(P, P) represents the effect on an electron at P of the field obtained by reflecting the field of P in the walls cof the cavity. (12.11) shows explicitly how the various terme of J, depend on the value of the fine-structure constant a; on developing the solution in powers of 2 we are faced again’ and again with infinitely largo terms of the came kind ac G(P,, P,) ‘The operator Jy contains aingularitics which, at the present stage, frustrate all attempts to carry through the theory. We nay indeed conclude with P. Jordan that the problem of the existence of the electron is solved, but that that of its com Slitutivn has ax yet duded us. Our equations further suffer fiom the [undauiental disadvantage of the Dirac theory that idual spin variables p, assume 4 instead of 2 different “There is, of course, nothing tw prevent us from quantizing the matter ‘waves in @ manner analogous to that applied to electro-magnetic waves. We should then develop vus quantities 982 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THRORY describing the material field in a series of characteristic fanctions y = y) (with four components) of the Dirac equation {FG grea) + mary + my = 0 (12.12) which constitute, on imposing appropriate boundary conditions, a complete orthogonal system. The general component ¢ of the vector 3, on which the energy — c¥s operates, will then depend on the quantum number 7., which corresponds to the char. acteristic values and which may assume only the values 0 and 1, and in addition on the numbers NV, of photons of the various frequencies v and on the continuous variables g, But then the operators D,, which commute among themselves and with 3, fare not in diagonal form, and the elimination of q: cannot be accomplished as in the above method. Instead of introducing a cavity as in the above we may employ a rectangular parallelepipedon with the " boundary condition” that all functions are to be periodic functions whose periods are the lengths of the sides of the parallelepipedon. We can then introduce running instead of standing waves as characteristic functions for the electro-magnetic field; this gives rise to a better agreement with the physical picture in which 2 photon corresponds to a homogeneous plane wave. The energy and the momenta are then also in diagonal form if we neglect the interaction between matter and light. Equation (12.10) then causes some difficulty, as its right-hand side 0 must be replaced by the constant mean value of the charge throughout the entire space in order that a periodic solution be possible. On taking account of protons in the theory this will automatically correct itself, as the total charge will then ¢ 0. ‘The dynamical law allows only those quantum jumps of the particles in which one m, falls from 1 to 0 and another m,. jumps at the same time from 0 to 1. Consequently the total ‘number of particles Zn, and therefore the charge, remains fixed ; hence that portion of che dynamical laws in which the total number inva given Grito wis separated olf from the remaining portion and intercombinations between the two do not arise. Dirac hao proposed to interpret che preseuce ur the absence of proton ine i of pone ea the nce othe pene eepoctively, of an election in the eorresponding negative en State — pj our law wil then include protons as wea electrons Remembering thet the numbots m0, 1 were at frst intro, dood merely a9 an arbitrary inde taticatiog the rows Of & THE MAXWELL-DIRAC FIELD EQUATIONS 263 matrix, there is nothing to prevent us from replacing the numbers mn, for negative by nz =1~n.,, keeping m2 = 1, for ve je The theorem of"the conservation of charge is then Ent — Enz = const. (w> 0), But we thereby alter the content, as well as the notation, of the thoory ; We are now interested in that part of the dynamical equations ia which only 2 finite aumber of m, with positive Ste diferent from 0 and only a finite number of my with negative [are diferent from 1! The quantum jump of an electron fhetween positive and negative energy levels, which was so un: desirable in the Dirac theory as formulated in the previous fection, iow appears as a process in which an electron and @ proton are simultaneously destroyed and ae the inverse process. Fie assumption of euch an occurrence, for which our terrestrial expetinuuats offer no justification, has long been entertained in atrophysics, as it seems otherwise extremely difficult to explain the source of the energy emitted by stars. However attractive this idea may seem at first, itis certainly wpossihle. to hold without introducing other profound modi- fications to square our theory with the observed facts. Indeed, fecording to it the mass of a proton should he the same as the mass of an electron; furthermore, no matter how the action J chosen (s0 long as it is iuvariant under interchange of right fand leit}, this hypothesis leads to the essential eyuivalence of positive and negative electricity under all circumstances—even fn taking the interaction between matter and radiation ngor- uly into account Having now quantized the field equations, we must return to the question of how the contieuenes M; MF af the action behave under the substitutions (8.19), (6.18), (6.4). The first two substitutions, which we tay call (a) and (), have exactly the same offect as before, “But te third substitution |) ‘which sends the components of y over into the components Of oot their negative, now affects M and M’ differently, for {J and are no longer commutative with respect to multiplice Uiou-they are, in fact, almost anti-commutative. From this itis found that M, M’,'P behave under (c) in exactly the same way as they do under (@), ie. they are multiplied by the signs OYE) -trespectively. Hence past and future play essentially different ves in the quantited field equations ; we find no 2 Stitution which Teaves these equations unchanged while reversing the direction of time. Tt seems to me that we have thereby 284 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY reached an extraordinarily important goal of physics. We can now obtain the substitution far — fa (4~% 1,2, 8) the — Fate > Bs, een) on combi and (¢); this substitution nei the co-ordinates ‘nor disturbs the quantized wave equations. Tn view of Dirac’s theory of the proton this means that positive and negative electricity have essential a certain substitution which interchanges the quantum nurnbers Of the electrons with those of the protons. The dissimilarity of the two kinds of electricity thus seems to hide a secret of Nature which lies yet deeper than the dissimilarity of past and future. § 18. The Energy and Momentum Laws of Quantum Physics. Relativistic Invariance In quantizing the wave equations the spatial and temporal Variables were treated so differently that the relativistic in- ‘variance of the resulting laws might seem to be open to serious doubt. But a thorough investigation dne ta Heicowherg and Pauli reassures us on this point.!¥ We carry through these ‘considerations on our action principle—but in such a way that the general validity of the argument may be readily seen. At the same time this offers an opportunity to discuss the meaning of the quantization more thoroughly than we have done hitherto 1, The Energy and Momentum Laws of Quantum Physics. We begin with the 4+ 8+ 8 operators Y, fy Ey» which are functions in 3-dimensional space satisfying the commutation rules (12.4) and the supplementary rules there set forth. There exists one, and in the sense of equivalence only one, irreducible solution of these conditions. From it we obtain the enel Seasty 4 defined by (6.0), (66) and integrate xt over all ot So= far. (18.1) ‘We next construct the “ commutator ” 39 — Hy 9) — 114% — 07) LAWS OF QUANTUM PHYSICS 265 of an arbitrary operator ® with J. Consider the result of this for the particular operators ® = q, fa, E» it should be possible to evaluate these commutators using (124) and the supplement. ary rules alone; if ane of the quantities invnlved appears 26 a derivative with respect to a spatial co-ordinate it should be transformed by integrating (13.1) by parts—or by deducing commutation rules for it from (12.4) in terms of appropriately , > defined derivates of the 8 function. Wf 2. is that proress involving only difterentiations with respect to the spatial vari- ables, but which coincide with the derivative with respect to time in virtue of the Maxwell-Dirac field equations, we find Bin = (B+ ih) bos yp — Ue — 2a — ar) dé, Bee bk, (13.2) We now drop the normalization fy = 0. It follows from these ‘equations that 8@ for any gauge invariant operator ® coincides with ite time derivative as defined in terms of its spatial deriv atives by means of the ficld laws. We may theicfore replace the Maxwell-Dicae field equations by Ute quantum mechanical dynamical law ei (13.3) 3 represents the probability state of the physical system (pure state I) at the time xy; it is a vector of that vector apace in which our operations take place. The fundamental concepts here involved are contained in the general programme of quantum mechanies as set forth in II, § 7. The “ density of electricity at the point 1s, tor example, represented by the operator p= dy, + + + which is independent of time. ‘The changes in the probability distribution for this physical quantity in course of time are due to the changes in the state § and not to changes in p itself; the rule for the calculation af this probability distribution from p and 3 is given in the general programme referred to above. The same romarke apply to any gauge invariant quantity ®. However, it is more desirable to éon- sider the “density of electricity" (without specifying either time or position) as a fixed physical quantity represented by a definite operator p, and to ascribe the variations im its prob- ability distribution’ in time and space to changes in the prob- ability state 5 considered as a function of the spatial co-ordinates 266 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY ky, ty y in addition to the time xy. We should then expect to find four equations deny @=01,2,9 (3.4) in place of the one (18.8) in which the operators Fa= Saar are those representing energy and momentum. Only now that wwe have formulated the general scheme of quantum physica in a manner which ic symmetric with respect to the spatial tand teuuporal co-ordinates, as required by the theory of rolativity, Gan we consider it as complete, In order to determine the Inean value of a quantity such as the electric density p we must assign to the spatial co-ordinates xy xq, x, on which the operator p depends, arly definite values 2% (eg. 0). The spatial com- ponents of equation (13.4) tell us’ that the replacement of (x8) by a neighbouring point (x8 + dz,) amounts to the same thing as subjecting the normal co-ordinate system in system space, to which the vectors 3 are referred, to the infinitesimal rotation id + Indy + Frdny). We must not forget that the equation (13.8) is not equivalent to the complete sot of field equations, for we have omitted the oP) = div + p—0 which does not involve differentiation with respect to time. We must therefore restrict ourselves to vectars 3 which satisfy all the equations of Pl aan) These equations define a linear sub-space MR, of the original system-space 9. The operators o(P), oP’) associated with any two points P, P” of space are commutative: oP) ofP?) ~ o(P')o(P) = 0. It is of prime importance that o(P) commute with J, ie, that bo = Hye — of that this is the case follows from the fact that the equation $e 0 is & consequence of the remaining field equations in 0; tha classial field theory, and consequently—independently of LAWS OF QUANTUM PHYSICS 267 our field equations—we may conclude that the gauge invariant operator ¢ satisfies the equation 80 = 0. This commutativity of o(P) and %_ guarantees that the infinitesimal rotation 27 ,d% of system-space during the time interval dy, does not carry the vector § iying in the sub-space My out of Me. Continuing our programme, we now set Ao jaav and investigate the “ commutator ” 86 = [F,, 9] of an operator with ¥,; we shall denote this commutator by 3, whenever confusion might arise between it and the commutator 3=d,with Jo We find the equations * = (Set ths =v, Oe Me = B aR, =— 9B, ay 5) Ea a a te (13.6) From this it follows that for any gauge invariant quantity @ we have 80 = 2 on taking the equation o = 0 into account, Hone the way in which gauge iavaiant quantitics depend on the spatial co-ordinates can in fact be described as we predicted : the operators representing them are constant, but the vector 4 representing Ue probability state vaties in space in accordance ‘with the equations (18.4) for a= 1, 2, 9. That the four equations (18.4) are consistent alsu follows from these considerations. In the first place we have 3,0=0 or o(P\F,— HrolP) = 0 in the entire space 8; thie follows from (18.6). In tho claceical ficld theory the differential conservation theorem ae | (ah, ae Oe ities is a consequence of Ue field equations, Sinwe if is « gauge invariant, it follows that after the quantization the operators satisty the relation 0. ad ad ad Qiu 2) \Se 7 day P dey buh + ° ‘n contrast with (6.2) we now il the letter §, without the factor t/a, a8 an abbreviation For cat | 268 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY in the space ®, defined by (13.5). Integrating over the space %o = const. we obtain ByftaV = 0 oF FoF, — FF (18.7) [The equation which takes the place of (13.7) for the entire space Ris FF: — FFo= foE dV.) Furthermore, ca 7 8 in Re, and on integrating this over space we find B,fRaV = 0 oF KF — Fs —0. ‘We thus see that the operators #, are commutative in Sy, and consequently equations (18.4) possess one and only onc solution 3 when the initial value of g (Le. at the origin of the space-time co-ordinate system) is a given vector in 8. 11. Relativistic Invariance, On transforming from the normal co-ordinate system x= in space-time to another x, by means of a Lorentz transformation (13.4) is, ao we shall show, obtained from the solution of (13.4) by means of a unitary transformation U induced in system-space by A. That is, there exists a umtary transformation J such that 1 Zan) (EF.de4)(U3) is satisfied in virtue of (13.4) U- FF dry- 0 OF. = ZoyeIp* V. (13.8) LAWS OF QUANTUM PHYSICS 269 We could also say that (13.4’) have the same solution 4 as (13.4) but that the normal co-ordinate system employed in svstem- space has undergone the unitary rotation U, for the vector Us has the same components with respect to the new co-ordinate system as 3 had with respect to the old. We are only able to give the transformation U explicitly for infinitesimal A: leapll = 1+ WBoapll; UO + hom, The equations (13.8) which are to be vertieg are then 25s Sepa = (8M, Fu]. In particular, the operators in system-space which correspond to infinitesimal rotations in physical space are, as we have long known, those representing moment of momentum: that 8M corresponding to the infinitesimal rotation D. 8x9 0, by =0, dg=—%, d= s, (13.9) about the ayaxis is the xycomponent of moment of momentum: (M, =)M J( ++, the m® with 6, = e""%; this exhausts the set, for the (m + 1)" 278 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY class b= eh coincides with the first. Let the variables be farranged and numbered in this order. Tt then follows from equa- ton (15.1) that all sub-matrices (jb) of the matrix A are empty, lie, dy = 0, unless their row index i and their column index E belong to successive classes. The matrix A then has the form indicated in Fig. 3, in which all elements in the non- shaded portions are zero’ (and we have taken m= 4). ‘The shaded portions are occupied by the sub-matrices A", A, vs, Atm), Since A is unitary the sum of the squares of the aboclute values of the elements of a row or column is 1; the o A a” & 1 A ie. 3. same must therefore also hold for the rows and columns of each of the sub-matrices. The sum of the absolute values of the squares of all elements in A®) must then be equal, on the one hand, to the numberof rows and, on the other, to the number of columns; the rectangle AO) is consequently a equare, and the number of indises inthe cond clas 1s equal to the nomber in the firet class, say d. By the same argument we sce that the number of individuals in each of the m classes is d, and hence md. The figure is to be corrected accordingly ; each of the shaded matrices is now unitary. On subjecting the variables DERIVATION OF THE WAVE EQUATION 279 of the first class to the ymitary transformation with matrix AO the sub-matrix AW is reduced to the d:dimensional unit matrix, This normal form is undisturbed by a unitary trans formation affecting the variables of the frst set aud the variables of the second set alike; we can therefore reduce the second sub-matrix to @ multiple of the d-dimensional unit matrix, and so on through the (m—~1)", The normal form so obtained 18 unchanged on subjecting the variables of each class to the same d-dimensional unitary transformation ; we may therefore choose as this last transformation one which reduces A®) to diagonal form. But the matrix a is then decomposed into d-sub-matrices, as can be seen by renumbering the variables, talking first the first members in each set, then the second, etc. The irreduci- bility assumption then tells us that there can be but one member incach ect: d-— 1," m. Our matrices are now in the normal form: joL | oL l, ereatcruct | acoo:- al | eril all elements not explicitly indicated are zero. The exponents in B aren successive integers and € is a primitive n™ root of unity. Finally, the equation 4" = 1 yields a= 1, We number the variables from r on and take indices which are congruent mod. mas equal ; the two correspondences are then Al mss Bi eee On reiteration we find A Sty By eee 132) ‘The transition to continuous groups is now accomplished by passing to the limit n> a. Let the basis iP, iQ of the con- tinuous 2-parameter Abelian rotation group be wonialized in accordance with (14.9). We identify the matrix A of che above considerations with the infinitesimal e(€P) and B with e(n0) where and 1 are real infinitesimal constants. ‘Then e(@P) = A, (20) = Bt when in the limit sf—> 0, i->7. ¢ is now ogq) and et == o(fhr) elr() represents the physical quantity ev; the values which it may assume are given by ef, where 7s tel and rans through all negra alas To other words the quantity q may assume the values KE; q may astime al real humbers from —= o> to |. (OF course bie to be com ele tenes eae el ela af Defy sidered mod.n and AG mudng, but xf joo of Daly 280 APPLICATIONS OF GROUP THEORY and may consequently be infinite in the limit) We therefore write q in place of 44, where q is understood to be a variable which runs through the possible Values of the physical quantity q, and VE-(q) in place of z (9) is an arbitrary function, whose values are complex numbers, which satisfies the normalizing condition Swale =. On passing to the limit in Uhe second equation of (15.2) we find that the quantity eis represented by the linear operator (a) > ef $(q). Similarly we find from the first equation of (18.2) that ¥(q)-> H(q + 0) is the operator representing ¢”*, On returning from finite to infinitesimal unitary transformations we find we (153) 4: 8b(q) = 9° via), PB4(a) We have thus finally justified the assumption from which we started in Chapter IT. of freedom causes no trouble. The kinematics of a system which is expressed by a continuous Abelian group of rotations is conse quently determined uniquely by the number f of degrees of freedom. ‘The postulate of irreducibility allows us to conclude that the particular operators (15.3) of the Schrodinger theory are a necessary consequence of Heisenberg's commutation rules.2” P. Jordan and E. Wigner * have given a very elegant group- theoretic proof that there exists but one irreducible matrix solution of equations (14.10), ie. that one of degree 2 there mentioned and given in greater detail at the end of §11. CHAPTER V THE SYMMETRIC PERMUTATION GROUP AND THE ALGEBRA OF SYMMETRIC TRANSFORMATIONS A. Genera THeory § i, Tae Group induced in Tensor Space and the Algebra of Symmetric Transformations ‘HE principal problem we propose to solve in this chapter is the group-theoretic classification of line spectra of an atom consisting of an arbitrary number, say f, of electrons, taking into account the reduction of the space W! to {R!\, as re: quired by the Pauli exclusion principle, and the spinning electron. For this it is necessary to consider in detail the representations of the symmetric group, i.e. the group m; of all f! permutations of f things. These are uiust intimately related lo the representa- tions of the group u of all unitary transformations or the group € of all homogeneous linear transformations of a space Ry. ‘his connection has already been touched upon in Chapter Li, § 5: the substratum of a representation of ¢ or u consists of the linear manifold of all tensors of order f in {, which satisfy certain symmetry conditions, and the symmetry properties of a tensor are expressed by linear relations between it and the tensors obtained from it by the f! permutations. A tensor F of order fin the n-dimensional vector space R = WR, is defined by its nf components or, as we prefer to say, “co efficients” Plijég ~~~ i,) ; cach of the indices # runs from 1 to 1. Tensors can be added and multiplied by arbitrary numbers ; hence the totality of such tensors F constitute a linear “ vector space” & of nf dimensions. Further, F can be subjected to an arbitrary permutation s of its f indices, which can be thought of as a permutation of the f numbers 1, 2, ++, f attached to the indices i in the general component above; if s is the per- mutation 1+, 85 8,+-4 fos 261 282 THE SYMMETRIC PERMUTATION GROUP then the tensor sF obtained by applying ¢ to F is, by definition, SF(biin + * 9) = Flity + + + Gp). ay It follows from this definition that for any two permutations sand? USF) = (0s)F. A linear correspondence F—> F": Fi i) = Zain aps ho he) + he) (18) is said to be symmetric if the coefficient ali, ti hy ky) is unaltered on subjecting the sub-indices 1, 2, -», fof both the indices i and & to the same arbitrary permutation s. The pro- cesses of addition, multiplication by a number and permutation, in the sence defined ahave, applied to tensors are invariant under symmetric linear transformations ; and conversely, any transformation of tensor space under which these processes arc invarfant is lincar and symmetric, The totality of symmetric correspondences constitutes an algebra E. if A and B aie cle- ate also, The problem with which we shall concer ourgeives is the reduction of §¥/ into linear sub-spaces 'B which are in- variant with respect to Z, ie. with respect to all symmetric linear transtormations. Wherever in the following we employ the terms invariant, irreducible, ctc., in referring to the tensor space BY, they are to be interpreted with respect to the algebra £. ‘We give a brief résumé of our terminology. We are dealing with a vector space & and a system 2 of linear correspondences Ere = AL of § on itself; we may often prefer to use the term “linear projection” instead of ‘linear correspondence (operator) "in order to bring out the fact that the correspondence need “not be one-to-one. A (linear) sub-space §B of is invariant if an arbitrary projection A of the system E sends overy vector & of B over into a vector of Bj WP is irreducible if it contains ho invariant sub-space other than itself and the space 0 con: sisting only of the vector 0, We shall always understand by a compiete reduction 8 = B, + Bs of the invariant sub-space 3B a complete reduction into two linearly independent snvariant sub-spaccs ,, 'Bz, even when this is not explicitly stated. A linear projection ¢> g’ of the invariant sub-space B on the THE GROUP INDUCED IN TENSOR SPACE 283 invariant eub-epace BP is similar if two vectors x and 4 of which are related by a correspondence A of the system: ) = Ar, are always projected into two vectors 2” and y’ of” which are related by the same A: 9 — fy’. Band BW are siuila: ot equivalent: @’~ B if @ one-to-one linear and similar corre- spondence can be set up between B and $Y. In particular, these concepts are to be applied to the case in which the vector space is the tensor space JY — MY of u/ dimensions aud J is the lotality of syminetrie trausforutatious. In quantum theory the state of a system consisting of / equivalent individuals (electrons) with @ system-space % is described by @ tensor of order fin #. The energy necessarily depends ont each of Uhe / individuals in exactly the same way; hence the Hennitian operator which represents the energy is necessarily syiminetric in our sense, The fundamental dynamical law therefore allows us to conclude that an invariant sub-space 4 of HY has the property that if the tensor describing the state of the system is at any time in §B no influence whatever can drive it out. A complete reduction of $/ into invariant sub-spaces 4B implies a corresponding reduction of the operator representing the energy; hence the term spectrum is reduced into classes of terms belonging to the various ', such that the members of one class can under no conditions combine with the members ot another. Naturally this division into non-combining classes 45 to be carried as tar as possible. But this problem 1s exactly the one proposed above—the only difference being that we are here only concerned with the totality Z® of symmetric Hermitian operators. However, this restriction is quite irrelevant, for any symmetric operator can be written m the torm A = A, + 14, where ‘ate both Henmitian, On going over to a new co-ordinate systeur im Une fundasnentat vector space % by means of @ non-singular transformativa a= Salik}a, (3) the cnetfirents of a tensor # are transtormed in accordance with Phin «+ iy) = Zoli) «+ + aliphe\ Fllaba + + he) & (is) “The transformation (1.8) in vector spate induces the symmetric transformation (L.4} im tensor space, These induced. trans 298 THE SYMMETRIC PERMUTATION GROUP formations, which we shall call “ special symmetric transforma: tions." constitute a group Z_ which is isomorphic with the com- plete linear geaup ¢ = ¢,; this representation of ¢ was previously denoted by (ef. The group Zy is contained in the algebra 2, Hence a sub-space B of IY which is invariant under the algebra Sis a fortior’ invariant under the group Zy, That the converse (of this result is also valid is not so self-evident. Nevertheless for all questions involving only linearity 2, can be replaced by more extended 3, for Z is what we might call an enveloping a Sey by thi 4 se transformations canbe’ expressed as a linear combination of appropriately chosen special symmetric transformations? To show this we prove the theorem : A humogeneous linear relation MCMC Sabi a) ALG Aad ele ay alisfed identically by all symmetric transformations Wells so ips a Rell if it is satisfied by all speciat symmetric transformations, i the py hyo ++ Rathi) «++ afisk) = 0 (6) is satistied for all values of the w* variables (ik) for which the determinant [<(iB)| 0. HHA i Proof, Venoting the pair (ik) of indices by j and calling the nt m values of j simply 1,2, ++, m, the lefthand side of (1.6) is a homogeneous polynomial of order f in the m variables xk) Beaty + me)» Buta where fy fe bt sb Sass Land lf fn + Fal 8 EES cljade ++ * 52) whose indices contain j = 1 futimes,| 2 fatimesscte, On denoting that variable x(jjs"*-j7) th whieh the indices j= 1, 3,+++, m occur fe Jas, fu times by Jac fa. "1 fa) the left-hand side of equation (1.8) becomes Zi fats fal fa + Sal: he determinant of the x(f) isa certain polynomial Diss an the variable xp Our Severin i rere vel Theorem of algebra: let ¢(z), D(z) be two polynomial Aetie wanablen #5 fa Sm the second of Which doesnot vaish tunes that coeflic THE GROUP INDUCED IN TENSOR SPACE 285 algebraically, ie. its coefficients do not all vanish. IE («) is zero for all values of the variables for which the value of Die) + 0, then $(x) vanishes algebraically. ‘This theorem is proved for a single variable x as follows, Hi ols} dues aot vanish algebraically i lies a defuiic degree p ZO; let q be the degree of D(z). There are then at most p +4 values of Ute variable for which (x) or D(x) vanish ; for any one of the remaining infinitude of possible values of x neither $2) nor D(x) can vanish, contrary to assumption. “The theorem is readily extended to polynomials in any number of variables by mathematical induction. The principal point is that the analytical vanishing of a polynomial for all values of the independent variables implies that it vanishes algebraically. In quantum theory the vector space tis unitary : the transi- tion fram one normal co-ordinate system to another such is, accomplished by an arbitrary wnitary transformation (1.3). ‘The transformations thus induced constitute a cub-group 5} of By which is isomorphic to the unitary group uy, ic. the representation (uj/ of the unitary group. I assert Uiat a sub- space B of §¥ which is invariant and irreducible with respect to Z remains irreducible not only under the group 2, but under the more restricted group 2{) as well. To prove this we must show that the identity (1.5) holds even when we assume only that (1.6) is true for those values of the variables (ik) with unitary matrix. ‘One of the most natural proofs of the above theorem con- cerning the formal vanishing of a form 4 of order f depends on the process of “polarization : we assign arbitrary infinitesimal increments dr, to the values of the variables x,; the identical vanishing of ¢ then allows us to conclude that the differential 2g Pa vanishes for arbitrary values of xj and dxy. ‘his procedure also leads us to the desired conclusion in the case under con- sideration, ‘Denoting by the matrix obtained by eranaposing ad Det rows and columns in we have tr (@4X) =0 where X, X-+dX are two arbitrary acighbouring unitary matrices,’ In order that this be the case we must have aX = iX 8X 286 «THE SYMMETRIC PERMUTATION GROUP where 8X is an arbitrary Hermitian matrix: the “rotation” X + aX is obtained by following up the rotation X with the infinitesimal rotation J + 1 But the equation tr (@X-8X) = 0 implies the vanishing of @X. This is scen immediately from the fact that a lincar form Fae da in the variables ya, = 8x(iB) vanishes identically if it vanishes for all values satisfying the condition yu— $y; indeed, any matrix Y = jai can be written in the form + iY, where ¥y and Y, are Hermitian. On multiplying the right-hand side of WX=0 by X* we ind S=0: all derivatives ay vanish in the same sease as ilslf, ie. for arbitrary (ik) whose matrix is unitary. But these derivatives are forms of order f—1; the truth of our assertion above is thus proved by ‘mathematical induction Every invariant sub-spaco $B of SY is the representation space of representations of the groups c and a which are con: tained in (c// and (u)! respectively. Hence the above results prove that if §R is irreducible these representations are also §.2. Symmetry Classes of Tencore One of the most natural methods of obtaining invariant manifolds of tensors F consists in subjecting F to linear symmetry conditions of the form. Eals)+ SF =0. a) This suggests introducing the symmetry operator a= Sals)-s. (2.2) Such operators can be added and multiplied with arbitrary numbers, and two operators a, b can be applied successively els) = 2A) ale). (2.3) In other words, we are here led in a most natural way to the algebra p of the symmetric group = my of all permutations s. The elements of this algebra, which constitute an fl-dimensional linear space t, appear as operators which can be applied to SYMMETRY CLASSES OF TENSORS 2st tensors of order f. We may call the numbers a(s) appearing in (2.2) the components of che eiement a. in particular, # is an Hermitian operator in the tensor space wif it is a real clement, ie. if it coincides with its Hermitian conjugate @ defined by the equation as) = ais}. (24) Hence these real symmetry operators represent physical quan- tities of the physical system consisting of f equivalent individuals, whose total system space is §¥; quantities of this kind are unknown in classical physics and cannot be pictured in terms of the usual spatial and temporal models.* 2.1) oF Ealsiais) = 0 is a linear condition which is imposed on the element x =F defined by x(s) = sF. A symmetry class is defined by one for more equations af this kind ; we are thus led to the definition : Each linear sub-space p oft determines a symmetry class B of tensors. F belongs io %B when the corresponding symmetry quantity or clement F is in p. It will be found convenient to denote the process by which 9 is generated from p by a symbul ; wwe write B= $p. If the reader finds it dithtcult to operate with elements F whose components sF are tensors rather than numbers he may replace the tensor hy the totality of its coefficients Fl tg + + dy) and F by the elements X= Plighy ++ i) associated with each definite set of indices (iyi ~~~ iy) this x is defined by the equation x(0) = sFlisis ++ + i) ‘The requirement that F belong to p means that Fli, belongs to p for all the nf possible combinations of the That the symmetry class §B = #p is invariant with respect to ait i yk he fact that (1.9) implies the corvesponding equation for the elements F (jig: +4) isa linear combination of the elements Fehr * + associated with the various combinations (lj, * * R,) of indices &. If F belongs to p then a F does also, where a is any element whatever of the algebra, To show this we note that the s-component of HG, +i) ma PG ++ i) 288 THE SYMMETRIC PERMUTATION GROUP is given by Zar) rsFliy iy) Ears) 88 (hy =» hy) where the ky, +++, ky are dhtained from i,, +, iy by the per- mutation r, "Hence Hf (i, ++ 7, is a linear combination of those Fib, ~~ = ky) whose indiees hare obtained by @ permutation of the indices & a ‘The principal question now is whether every invariant sub space $B can be generated from a p by the process #, and further, whether or to what extent this generating p is uniquely determined by $8. The answer is perhaps best expressed with the aid of the inverse Bich generates 2 p from the ‘enabling the reader to understand the situation with which ‘we are dealing. Let the points x of a plane with a fixed centre correspond to the elements of the algebra p and the line segments F going out from the origin correspond to the tensors. On ‘contracting the entire plane, leaving the contre invariant, in the fixed 1atio'r (0 17 @1) the point x goca into the point rx and the segment F into the segment 7F; this contraction of segments shall, be the analogue of the symmetrical tran: formations of tensors, —B will now denote an “invariant set of segments, ie. a set Such that if it contains the segment F it also contains all the contracted segments rF, Just as we associated the symmetry elements F{iy* - iy) with the tensor F wwe now associate with the segment F the continuum of points F(x) of F; F(z) is the end point of the segment 17, Let p be any set of points; the segment F will then be included in the set 8 = fp if and only if all its points Fr) are in p. Obviously the oniy Segment sets % which can be obtained in this way are those which are invariant, and all such invariant sets can be so obtained. Only the “ core ” pp of the point set p is essential to this construction ; py consists only of those points x such that 7x belongs to p for all r (in the interval 0S 7S). Po is invariant in the sense that with x all rx belong to Py. That only the core pis essential means that our construction generates the same segment set §B from two point sets 9, pif these latter have the same core; hence we can restrict ourselves ab initio to the consideration of invariant point sets ) = py, It is extra- ordinarily easy to find the point set p which generates a given segment set 8: we include in those and only those points lying on the segments of 8, and this p is automatically invariant. If the reader will think through this geometrical illustration, ‘which we have formulated here in such a pedantic manner, he SYMMETRY CLASSES OF TENSORS 289 will have no trouble in understanding the analogous situation for tensors and symmetry elements. A linear sub-space p of t is to he called invariant if all elements ay are in p, where x is an arbitrary element of p and @ ic any clement’ whatever.* Hence such ap is invariant under the totality of correspondences of the form (@): x>x ax (2.5) On associating this correspondence (a) of t on itself with the element a we obviously obtain a representation af the algehra p (and therefore of the gronp x); it is called the regular representation. {t appears here twice: once ac the ropre- sentation space and again az the algebra p represented in this space; the first will be expressed by the Gera letter 1, the second by the Greek p. We are here doing the same thing as in III, § 2, where we obtained a realization of the group g by associating with the element a of g the correspondence s> s’ = as ‘of the group manifold on itself.) ‘This regular representation supplies us with material from which we can construct all— and hence in particular the inequivalent irreducible—repre- sentations of the algebra p. When we use the terms invariant, eae aire iat wae ae cee Saree ag with tie aigebra p of all symmetry eleweuls a. y being an invariant sub-space of t, we shall always refer to the representa- tion induced im p by the regular representation simply as the regular representation in p; it associates with each element a the correspondence (2.5) of » on itself. The equation x’ = ax is, in terms of components, (5) = Lair). Let x be an arbitrary element of py; the requirement that p be invariant, allows us to conclude that the element x’ defined by x'(6) — x{rs) is also in 9, where r is any fixed permutation. ‘Let p be an arbitrary cub space of t; we say that x belongs lo Use cure pp vf p if aad only if all quantitics of the form ax belong twp; this py is invariant. We Uus have the dheorem that two linear subspaces p, p’ generate the same symmetry class 18 = $) = Gp’ of tensors it they ave the same core. We may therefore restrict ourselves ab initio to the consideration of ‘invariant sub-spaces 9. ‘This “invariant sub-space'” is not the same as an “ invariant sub- algebra.” as defined in Chap. 111, § 137 to conform with our previous nomen- ‘lature it Should be called @ ” left invartant submalgebra.” 290 THE SYMMETRIC PERMUTATION GROUP It is possible that certain relations (2.1) will be satisfied by ait tensors, Let t denote the smallest sub-space of 7 which contains the elements Fliyi, * + + 44) associated with alt tensors F and all values of the indices (ii% ++ i). Then p generates ‘the same §§ = Hp as the intersection of p with ty; it is therefore natural to restrict ourselves further to the consideration of invariant sub-spaces p of ty These remarks are not applicable if the dimensionality n a f, for certainly the /! coethcients SFL, 20° N= FU 2 f) of the arbitrary tensor F are independent, But the situation is different in case n hy), (88) where the tensors E, constitute a basis for the space B. Now the trivial equation, Facliy ++ i) Fé + i) = Belly + + + ie) Flags + 4) shows, on replacing sc by c, that i Bei DosR 8) Es) Fas He Heence we may replace (4.8) by ets) m Beals + - + bs) Ball =~ > ts) and the coefficients of F” are then given by Plies i) = Zeclis« or) where “ olin + ini By + + + hy) = Z8Flig + + ip)» see + + + fe) Because of the summation over all elements ¢ of the group ‘this transformation with coefficients <. is symmetric; hence the assumption that the sub-space JR is invariant allows us to conclude that F’ lies in $B if the E, do. But this establishes our theorem, The theorem can also be proved directly, without calling fon the theorems of § 3, in the following way. That F is in ty means that Flisis > + form (9.8) = Bn os ty) = Doolin + ty kt + Ry)? Bally + + + fey). i, is in p and is consequently of the The E, constitute a basis of 5B. Writing down the s-component of this equation and replacing the indices iy, + *, i by ig** we find the equation Fb i) Ze Mba ++ iyi a + + Me) Ball + + + By) for the components of F, Since this holds for every permutation 5-4 we may sum over the elements of the group and obtain where the coefficients Calin ++ ies Bo Re) = are symmetric. Hence since the B, helong to the invariant subspace §B and F is obtained from them by symmetric transformation, F also belong: to The only part of theorem (4,5) which is not self-evident is the assertion Unt py, are independent, By theorem (£7) we have the relations tia. 28, dt 2B for the (invariant) intersection p* of p, and py But since %B,, ‘Be are independent it follows that f)*, and therefore p*, is empty. ‘Theorem (4.5) shows the $ associated with an irreducible p is alsa ireducible, Hence it follows, in particular, that. the manifold of symmetric and the manifold of anti-cymmetric tensors Gre irreducible and ingariant, nok oaly with roopect to the algebra Of symmetric transformations, but also with respoct to. the transfurmativus induced in Lensor space by the affine or unitary groups of transformations in the vector space ®t. Applying this to the J-dimensional vector space, We sce that the repre- sentations , of ¢ = ¢, or u constructed in ILI, § 5, are irreducible. In order to prove (4.6) we must frst examine the nature of 1, (for n >> ip) Sealy + > + By) These ¢, define a symmetric transformation, Hence the given similarity transformation 8 > W, which sends E, into E,’, sends G into @ This proves our assertion that the vanishing of G implies the vanishing of 6 it If ¢ — 0 we then have Ec()sFGy i) tele PG, + 0 for all tensors F and all combinations uf indices 4, + + + ig, or tr(c'x) = 0 for all elements x of ty. Hence by the auxiliary theorem (4.9) o' =v. The result of our investigations is that there exists a one-to-one correspondence between the invariant sub-spaces 9 of ty and the insariant sub-spaces B of WR. This correspondence is as close as possible; irreducibility, complete reduction, eguivalence and inequivalence on the one hand imply the same on the other. Yn particular, we emph further consequence : Theorem (M11). Every invariant sub space B of W, in particular RP itself, can be completely reduced into irreducible variant sub-spaces. Thope that our elementary methods have wade this corres spondence quite apparent. It is evident @ priori that we can completely reduce the modulus 1 of the algebra p into asum e+ €y+°** + @q of in dependent primitive idempotent elements. The formula Beek pepo + + eal then gives the complete reduction of 9¥ into independent in- variant sub-spaces 'B,, 1B, “* ") Br, ¢ach of which is generated by one of the idempotent operators'e. (8, consists of all tensors of the form e,F.) From this point of view we might consider as the only non-trivial result of our investigation the assertion that the R generated by a primitive e is irreducible (with respect to the algebra E of all symmetric transformations). Physically this means that the clats of terms corresponding to such a B cannot be further divided into parte which cannot under any conditions interact with cach other. If in spite of this there does exist such a decomposition it is accidental i.e, attributable to the special dynamical situation in the case in question. 302 THE SYMMETRIC PERMUTATION GROUP § 5. Fields and Algebras We here interrupt our development in order to present an axiomatic treatment of the twa fundamental concepts fild and algebra ; our investigation has revealed the importance of these concepts for quantum theory. The physicist who is not par- ticularly interested in such @ treatment may well omit these sections, A field is a domain of elements, called numbers, within which the two operations of addition and multiplication are defined and which associate with any two numbers , B of the field certain unique numbere @ |. P, af respectively. "Addition obeys the commutative and associative laws at+PmBte, (+A ty—*t@t yr) and has a unique inverse, subtraction. From this follows the existence of 2 unique number o (cero) with the property Sf emetu—u for all w Pustlor, auciaied with each number ais a number — a, its negative, such that a -+ (— a) =o, ‘We require that multiplication obey the associative law (Bly = (By) and the distributive laws (x+y = (ay) + (By), a6 + 7) = (28) + (ay) with respect Wo addition, From the distributive law follow the relations a0 = Multiplication nocd uot Le couunutative ; in case it is we speak of a commutative feld. Further, division by any number vother than o shall be possible and shall lead to a unique quotient, i.e, each of the equations , f= 8, 72 =8 have for given a 4+u and given f one and onl i . ven fon one solution 9 respectively, “From this it follows that the product af of fe numbers can only be if one of the two factnre fen. Ass sequence, there exists a number, “one” or * unity," ‘with the property that it iia for all «Wie explicitly assume that aot all numbers equal 0 ; jen in particular +o, Every number a0 a unique reiprocal a wih the property eat = ig Poteet OO FIELDS AND ALGEBRAS 303 We must introduce in addition to the numbers of our field the ordinary numerical symbols 1, 2, 3, ++ -. ‘Their inter- pretation as multipliers is given by the equations le , Dae ata, 3x (2a) + a, + in general {n+ la = (na) In particular we can construct the series Je, 26, =, mes (5.1) of multiples of ¢. We then have two possibilities. (1) All the numbers of this set may differ from e; then they are all different, and we can conchide with the aid of the equation wha neR and the division axiom that for a given number a there exists ‘one and only one number = 5 which satisfies the equation mB =a; we can then introduce ordinary rational numbers as multipliers. (2) The second possibility is that one of the multiples in (6.1) is equal to itself ; let the least multiple of this kind be pe. Then the anmbers of the series (5.1) repeat in eycles of length p. p must be a prime number, for if p were the product of two integers m, m smaller than p we would then have om pom me- ne, but by assumption neither me nor ne are o, for pe is the lowest multiple of this kind, and this is contrary to the division axiom. In this case we are dealing with a finite field of modulus p.* In order not to lose ourselves ‘in tod broad generalities we now take as our number domain a commutative field and define a Hnear accaciative algehra of finite order aver this Feld By number we mean the elements of the field, and denote its zero 0 and its unite by 0 and 1; by element we mean an clement of the algebra, We denote the former by sinail Greck aud the latter by small Latin letters, An algebra is characterized by three fundamen- tal operations: addition of two elements, a+b; multiplication of an element by a number, ya; multiplication of two elements, ab. ‘The first and second of these operations abey the familiar axioms of vector calculus (I, § 1), which we cet forth here again for the sake of completeness. Addition is commutative and associative and as a unique 304 "THE SYMMETRIC PERMUTATION GROUP inverse, subtraction. It then follows that there exists a null element 0. Multiplication by a number oheys the laws la a, a(Be) = (aB)e, eR BMe (ae) BS, +o) = (af) + (ee ‘The order isis introduced by the dimensionality axiom: every h | Lelements af the algebra are linearly dependent, the co cilvivaty, inthe equations. expressing. the dependence. being tives af the filly rut thore exist linearly independent elements, A set of esuch clements ¢4, ¢g, °°; €n, called " basal tuts," Coren basis forthe algebra in the sense chat any element treat he expressed in one and only one way in the form a aye, bata bt een anul can be replaced by the set (a, as, °* +, aa) of numerical Soangesnents, Multiplication of elements among themselves obeys the dlistialintive laws wh be (ae) (be), ela) for bth fartors ane the associative laws yb pla), Bo ya— aba), (abje = alte) (ca) + (cb) We neither asume that multiplication is commutative nor that it prooesus a uniqyte inverns, division, But we do assume that the algebra possesses a “tone,” the modulus (or principal taut, Le an element ¢ with the property ae = ea =a for all Hlements a, We shall usally not hesitate to denote the zero ‘atul one of the elements of the algebra by 0 and 1. It we sesnmie the pussibility of division the algebra reduces tee fin xenicral jun-commmutative) field or division algebra of tute order hover the given field, § 6. Representations of Algebras fur the sake of the printer and in order to give the text a more peaceful appearance we no longer emphasize the elements MM cue algeliea by expressing them in boldface type, ‘This in particular te the clements of the algeby qiiamities "whisk we may often dengte by 2 " jun in case of possible confusion with the elements of levivinug group, We still employ this means of distinguish ng, between the tensor # and the symmetry clement F or when wee woh fe consider an element as an operator acting on @ tensor, REPRESENTATIONS OF ALGEBRAS: 305 We start with an algebra p of finite order &, the elements of which constitute an A-dimenstonal vector space t, and associate with the element a of p the correspondence (@): xo ax of t on itself. We consider the algebra (p) of transformations (a), which is simply isomorphic with the algebra p, a2 funda. rental for the vector epace f, i.e. the term reducible, invariance, ele,, 45 applied to subspaces of t are with respect to the group of transformations (a). We assume that t can be com Pletely reduced into irreducible sub-spaces Dy +. +++": each of these sub-spaces then contains an idempotent generating unit fate We have already seen that this assumption ie true for the algebra associated with any finite group —at least under the restriction that the field over which the algebra is defined does not have as modulus a prime number which is a tactor of the order fof the group, We discussed the representations of a group or af the corre- spondling algebra in Chapter IIT. We found that the irreducible representations are subject to certain important conditions which, surprisingly cnough, limit their auimber and. witich, together with the as yet unproved “* completeness theorem, lead to the reduction of the given algebra into independent simple matric algebras (III, § 13). That we were unable to prove the completeness theorem with the methods there em. tions were given and examined their properties; we liad no general process for the construction of representations of the given algebra, But we are now in possession of the materials for such a construction: the reduction of t into irreducible subspaces py reduces the regular representation into as many inequivalent irreducible representations of our algebra az there are inequivalent invariant sub-spaces py We shall now carry ut this construction process to the point of obtaining the re duction of our algebra into independent simple matric algebras ; it will be desirable to derive the provious results again from this standpoint. A further difference between this investigation and that of Chapter TIT consists in the fact that we here refrain as Tong as possible from placing restrictive assumptions oa the commutative field over which the algebra is defined ; only at the end of the investigation do we discuss the advantages at- tributable to the fact that the continuum of complex numbers, the only field in which we are interested for the physical appli- cations, is algebraically clesed,

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