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The test is carried out to determine the resistance of the model in different constant speed and than to predict the effective power from the resistance test result.


Experiment Set-Up

The model is towed by a dynamometer, which for convenience is generally mounted on a moving carriage driven at the required nominal speed of the model. The model should be attached to the measuring head of the dynamometer by a connection which can transmit only a horizontal tow force. The resistance and movement dynamometer consists of a vertical cylinder moving in a low friction aerostatic bearing called as airstrut and a towing guide. Figure 7.1 shows the arrangement of air strut and towing guide with ship model. Other components of resistance and movement dynamometer are as indicated in Table 7.1.

Figure 7.1 !rrangement of airstrut and towing guide with ship model

Table 7.1 "omponents of resistance and movement dynamometer

#o 1 % & ' ) , 7 . 0 11 11 1% 1& 1'

"omponent $ase plate for towing guide Towing guide $alancing weight (easuring rail of the carriage *ertical ad+ustment of the towing guide $alancing weight -eave potentiometer $ar with au/iliary airbearing (ain airbearing 2ongitudinal and transverse force transducer 3imbals 4itch potentiometer 5oll potentiometer $ase plate with quic6 release coupling airstrut


Air trut

!irstrut consist of a two7component force transducer to measure longitudinal and transverse force. 8t is connected to model by means of gimbals using quic6 release clamps to fi/ the gimbals to a baseplate. !irstrut is equipped with a second air bearing at some distance from the main air bearing to prevent the model from yawing. To prevent falling down of airstrut when it is not connected to model, the airstrut is equipped with air powered loc6ing device. Table 7.% shows the technical data for resistance and movement dynamometer components.



3imbals used to permit the model to roll and pitch. Two potentiometers use to measure pitch and roll is connected to the gimbals. ! position sensor used to measure heave of the airstrut which corresponds to the heave of the model at the centre of the gimbals. 3imbals are equipped with a mechanical protection against overload to prevent overload especially during emergency bra6ing.


To'in( "uide

The towing guide connects the model at forward section to the carriage in such a way that its connection, it is free to move vertically and longitudinally but 6eeps the model transversely in position. The towing guide also fully balanced in each direction. 9o there is no force are e/erted from it to the model when the model is not moving relatively to the carriage.

Table 7.% Technical data for resistance and movement dynamometer


9tro6e (a/imum side force (ass without gimbals

711 mm 1111 # 1%.& 6g :;7 &1 degrees :;7 &1 degrees &..) 6g 1)1 # 1)1 # &11 # &11 #


4itch angle range 5oll angle range (as including force transducer

Force transducer low range Force transducer high range

Towing force <= 7 direction> Transverse force <? 7 direction> Towing force <= 7 direction> Transverse force <? 7 direction>

@uring model test, airstrut is connected to the location of centre of gravity of the model. $ase plate of the gimbals is mounted inside the model to place the airstrut. Figure 7.% show the location of base plate in the model.

Figure 7.% 2ocation of base plate in the model

Therefore the following location of base plate inside the model as indicated in Figure 7.%

1. %. &.

Anderside of the base plate .0 mm below the centre of gravity of the model. Bhen no towing guide is usedC centre of the base plate at least )D of the model length in front of the centre of gravity of the model. Bhen the towing guide is usedC centre of the base plate may be coinciding with the centre of gravity of the model.

8t is essential that the speed of the model through the water should be constant throughout that part of the test run during which resistance is measured and for a significant distance before the measuring begins. The speed range should e/tend from at least )D below the lowest speed at which reliable data is required to at least )D above the highest speed required. The model should be run at the correct calculated displacement to the nearest 1.) 6g. The trim of the model should such that the errors in draught from the design figure are the same at the forward and after perpendicular.


Model Resistance Test Techniques

(odel resistance test is an e/periment on a model of a ship which scaled according to the similarity of the full scale ship. This similarity is used to ma6e sure that the flow pattern along for both model and ship are the same. The size of the model is governed by several considerations, but the bigger the model the more accurate results can be obtained.

The model resistance test results then been e/trapolated to the actual ship. *arious methods have been carried out for this purpose. The first method which e/actly follow the Billiam FroudeEs original concept of the flat plate is consider the viscous form resistance, 5 visc.form proportional to the wave resistance, 5B. The sum of these two resistances is referred to as the residuary resistance, 55. 8t gives the following equation

Froude noted that 1. The model is made to a linear scale ratio of and run over a range of corresponding speed such that, .


Total resistance for the model, 5T is measured for every run.


(odel frictional resistance is calculated, assuming the resistance to be the same as that of a smooth flat plan6 of the same length and surface as the model.


(odel residuary resistance then calculated as follows


9hip residuary resistance is calculated using scale ratio

for the corresponding speed given by


9hip frictional resistance is calculated on the same assumption as in <c>, using a frictional coefficient appropriate to the ship length.


Finally the ship total resistance for na6ed hull is calculated as follows .

Other procedures of e/trapolating the model results to the ship are same as in classical method but they are using coefficient to represent the resistance and also the form factor, k. This factor can be determined either by simple calculation or by graph plotted by 4rohas6a and -ughes as shown in figure 7.& and 7.'.

Figure 7.& F/trapolation of model results to ship using the form factor given by -ughes.

Figure 7.' 3raph of determining the form factor given by 4rohas6a.


Procedure o) Re i t$nce Te t


The model displacement is determined according to the full load and service condition ship using below equation

M =

S 3


%. $allast weight is then placed into the model until its total displacement equal to such that calculated above.

&. #ormally, model should be ballasted on a swing frame to ma6e sure there is no trim and also to confirm the location of centre of gravity <2"3 and *"3>.

'. The centre of gravity of the model must be set up on the swing frame before placing the model. 9winging frame then set into stable condition.

). The model is then put onto the swinging frame at its location of centre of gravity. Then the ballast weight been moved aft or forward until the swinging frame becomes stable to confirm the longitudinal centre of gravity <2"3>.

,. 1.% 6g of weight is put on the swinging frame <without model> at one end and states the degrees of inclination. (odel then placed on and the ballast weight then been shifted up or down until having the same degrees of inclination to conform the vertical centre of gravity <*"3>.


(odel with full load condition then transferred into the trimming doc6 to chec6 the inclination <Taft G Tfwd> by using the water lever ruler.


Then the model is attached to the towing carriage by means of airstrut.


The model speed which corresponds to the ship speed is then been set into the @ata !cquisition and !nalysis 9ystem <@.!.!.9>.


The towing carriage started to run and the measurement will only ta6e once the speed of the carriage is constant.


Bait until the water is calm down before continue with other speed.


9tep <0> to step <1&> then will be repeated for si/ times according to test protocol as below

Table 7.& Test protocol

S*ip peed +,not -

S*ip peed +m

Mode% peed +m

11 1%.) 1) 17.)

).1'' ,.'&1 7.71, 0.11%

1.,%7 %.1&& %.''1 %..'7

%1 %) &1

11.%.. 1%..,1 1).'&%

&.%)& '.1,7 '...1


Met*od o) An$%/ i U in( Intern$tion$% To'in( T$n, Te t +ITTC- 0riction Line 1127

International Towing Tank Conference, 1957 (ITTC 1957) met o! i" one of t e #o#$lar met o! $"e to calc$late t e frictional re"i"tance followe! %& t e total re"i"tance' T e ITTC 1957 met o! i" %a"e! on (ro$!e)" #rinci#le an! on t e *ITTC 1957 mo!el+" i# correlation line,' In 1957, t e ITTC (1959) !eci!e! t at t e line gi-en %& t e form$la
CF = /'/75 (log1/ Rn .) .

be adopted as correlation line. CF is friction resistance coefficient for the ship form. Figure 0.) illustrates the 8TT" 10)7 method. The total resistance coefficients for the model are determined by the towing tests and from the formula


RTM 1 mVm . S m .


R TM is the model resistance *m is the speed of the model S M is the wetted surface of the model

M is the density of the water in the towing tan6.

Figure 7.) 9chematic representation of the 8TT" 10)7 method

The residuary resistance coefficient for the model is then calculated by C 0M G C TM C (M where the frictional resistance coefficient is calculated using equation given by 8TT" 10)7 Friction line.

8t is supposed that the residuary resistance coefficient for the ship at the same Froude number as for the model and at a corresponding 5eynolds number is C GC

Asing the 8TT" 10)7 model7ship correlation line as an e/trapolator, the total resistance coefficient for a smooth ship can be determined by C =C +C

8n addition, furthermore, that total resistance coefficient for the ship is C =C +C +C

where C

is incremental, resistance coefficient for model7ship correlation ta6ing into accounts

also the effect of the roughness of the ship. 9ome model tan6s use the same C coefficient for all type of ships, for e/ample, C G 1.111'. Other tan6s assume that C has to try varying with the type and size of the ship. 8f the length of ship is used as a parameter, the variation of the incremental resistance can be as follows

"! G

<is valid for TF;2B2 H 1.1'>

The resistance of the ship is then calculated by

R =C


V2 S )

S is the density of the where V S is the speed and S S is the wetted surface of the ship. seawater.


Mode% Re i t$nce Te t Re u%t

Table 7., (odel resistance result of a single chine planing hull <(oorty Iumar,%111>

S*ip peed3 4S +,not 11.1 1%.) 1).1 17.)

Mode% peed3 4M +m5 1.,%,7 %.1&&& %.''11 %..',7

Me$ ured mode% re i t$nce3 RTM +N1&.,&,& &1.00, ',.7011 )&.,%.0 &..'). '..171 ).7,.) ,.7&11 11.)110 1).%01. 1,.1%00 1&.'0.1 &.),77 &.'%1) &.&1.7 &.%17) ,.0'&% 11..71& 1%.7%1% 11.%.1, Rn +x106CTM +x10-&C07M 8 C4M +x10-&C9M +x10-&-

%1.1 %).1 &1.1

&.%)&' '.1,,7 '...11

,1.7&.1 7&..).7 .).'%'0

7.,01) 0.,1'& 11.)&71

11.71'% 0.1101 7.&1,)

&.1'1, &.1%1, %.0%,.

..),%, ,.1..) '.&.07

(odel7ship correlation factor, "! </117&> G 1.7&.)

Table 7.7 9hip resistance result of a single chine planing hull

4S +m5 ).1''1 ,.'&11 7.71,1 0.11%1 11.%..1 1%..,11 1).'&%1

Rn +x10:1.1'00 1.'&7& 1.7%'. %.11%% %.%007 %..7', &.''0,

C07S 8 C4S C9S 8 C9M +x10-&+x10-&%.1'1. 1.07.1 1.0%.% 1...7' 1..)&% 1.70.1 1.7)'7 ,.0'&% 11..71& 1%.7%1% 11.%.1, ..),%, ,.1..) '.&.07

CTS +x10-&..0.)1 1&..'.' 1'.,'0' 1%.1,.1 11.'1). 7...,) ,.1'''

CTS 0in$% +x10-&0.7%&) 1'.).,0 1).&.70 1%.01,) 11.1)'& ..,%)1 ,...%0

RTS +,N1%.0', &1.&'7 ',.100 )%.,%7 )0.'1, 71.77' .%.'7.

PE +,9,,.)0 10).1& &)).71 '7&.7) ,11.17 0%&.11 1%7%..1


S$mp%e o) C$%cu%$tion

This analysis is using 8TT" <10)7> Friction 2ine. This calculation is based on the ship speed %1.1 6nots which is the service speed for the double chine planing hull. The give model total resistance 5T( is ,).)01) #.


9hip speed *9 G %1 6nots G /'5133 ./ = 1/'.22 m1"


(odel speed, *(


1/'.22 1/

G &.%)& m;s

<!t T G %7 ", fresh water 6inematic viscosity, M G 1..)'10 117, m%;s>


(odel 5eynolds number, 5n G

4M 6 56 M 7M 3'.53 .'/123 /'253/9 1/ +8

G 7.,..) 11,

!ccording to 8TT"710)7 Friction 2ine, '. (odel equivalent flat7plate resistance coefficient, "FO( G

/'/75 ( log1/ 0n .) .


/'/75 ( 7'8225 1/8 ) .


G &.1'1. 117&

<!t T G %7 ", fresh water density, M G 00,.' 6g;m&>

0 TM
). (odel total resistance coefficient, "T( G 1

M 4M . S M

G 1 998'3 3'.53 . /'993. .

G 1%.)%&) 117&

The 8TT" 10)7 Friction line given that the model viscous resistance coefficient, " *( G <1 : k> "FO( where <1 : k> is the form factor which only can be determine at slow speed. -owever, as this model running with high speed, so the form factor is equals to 1.1. Therefore the model viscous resistance coefficient, "*( G "FO(.


(odel wave7ma6ing resistance coefficient, "WM G CTM CVM G (1.'5.35 3'1312) 1/ 3 G 9'3217 1/ 3

<!t T G %7 ", salt water 6inematic viscosity, S G 1.01&&1 117, m%;s>


9hip 5eynolds number, 5n

4S 6 56S 7S
1/'.22 ./'123 /'9/331 1/ +8

G %.%0.. 11.

!ccording to 8TT"710)7 Friction 2ine, .. 9hip equivalent flat7plate resistance coefficient, "FO9 G

/'/75 ( log1/ 0n .) .



(.'.922 1/ 2 ) . )


G 1..)&& 117&


9hip viscous resistance coefficient, "*9 G "FO9

9ince the model and ship are 6inematic similarity,


9hip wave7ma6ing resistance coefficient, "WS G "WM G 0.&.17 117&


9hip total resistance coefficient, "TS G CVS + CWS G (1'2533 + 9'3217) 1/ 3 G 11'.35/ 1/ 3

The ratio of TF;2B2 G

1'.37 G 1.1,1& <H 1.1'> ./'123

9o, by using the 8TT" line,


(odel7ship correlation factor, "!

G /'//8 6 56S + 1//



G /'//8 ( ./'123 +1//) /'18 /'//./5 G 1.7&.) 117&


Final ship total resistance coefficient, "T9 Final G "T9 : "! G (11'.35/ + /'7325) 1/ 3 G 11'9735 1/ 3

<!t T G %7 ", salt water density, S G 11%%., 6g;m&>


9hip total resistance, 5T9 G "T9 Final

1 . S 4S SS .

1 3 . G 11'9735 1/ ( 1/..'8 1/'.22 99'35) . G 83355 # G 83'38 6#


Fffective power, 4F G 5T9 *9 G 83'38 1/'.22 G 88.'/2 6B G

88.'/2 /'7357

G ... hp

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