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Tallina street 10 Zvejniekciems, Saulkrasti 25 februar 201!

Saulkrasti cit council "aina street # Saulkrasti

$ear %r.&ravitis, ' am (ritin) to ou about t*e s+ee, car racin) in m street. ' am not *a++ about it. T*ese s+ee, cars are ver lou,. -asicl t*is race (it* s+ee, cars starts at ni)*t, (*en +eo+le )o to slee+. ' am not t*e onl one, (*o lives on t*is street an, is (orrie, about it. .*il,rens are +la in) near t*e street an, t*e mi)*t suffer. %ab ou ma limit t*e ,rivin) s+ee,/ 0f course t*ink about c*il,ren safet . 1stablis* s+ecial +laces for s+ee, car racin). 0r)ani2e local +olice ins+ections.

3our sincerel , Krista Kula.

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