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Installation of the ETo Calculator Version 3.

2 September 2012
Uninstall previous version of EToCalc If the directory where EToCalc was installed (default directory was so far: C:\Program Files\FAO\EToCalc) is different from the one where Version 3.2 will be installed (new default directory is C:\FAO\EToCalc) the user will have first to uninstall the ETo Calculator from the PC before installing the new version. The switch in the default directory is the result of problems with WINDOWS Vista and 7. Data created by the user in previous versions will not be destroyed by the uninstall procedure. After the installation of the new version, the files can be moved to the new DATA folder. Standard installation procedure Zipped files containing the executable program for installing Version 3.2 of the ETo Calculator, can be downloaded from the FAO website:
1. Copy the zipped file to the PC; 2. Unzip; and 3. Run SETUP.EXE. When running the installation file, a series of windows will pop up. By selecting Next > in each of the windows, the ETo Calculator will be installed by default in the FAO subfolder (which will be created when not available) of the C drive (i.e. C:\FAO\EToCalc). Once installed If the ETo calculator software is correctly installed, it occupies less than 2 Mb on disk. The main directory (default C:\FAO\EToCalc) contains: the executable file (EToCalc.EXE), and three subdirectories: o DATA (containing DSC (station description), and DTA (data) files), o IMPORT (containing text files with climatic data that can be imported), o REPORT (containing exported files). 64-bit PC Notwithstanding that Version 3.2 of the ETo Calculator is not yet compatible with 64-bit PCs, an elegant solution consists in installing a Virtual PC in which the ETo Calculator can be installed. This is a free program from Microsoft. Another possibility is to install the ET Calculator on a regular 32-bit PC and to copy the whole folder with its subfolders to the 64-bit PC.

Installation guidelines for ETo Calculator Version 3.2, September 2012

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