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January 20, 2014 Dear Hiring Committee: I am pleased to recommend Lexie Kurovski for a teaching position.

I have consistently found Ms. Kurovski to be diligent, thoughtful, enthusiastic, reliable, and energeticall qualities that will make her a valued instructor and colleague at your school. I first met Ms. Kurovski last August; she was enrolled in my Writing Seminar at Drake University. From the start of the semester, it was clear that she would be one of my top students. Her communication skills are strong, and she is always willing to participate in class discussions, engaging with the readings and looking beyond the obvious answers. Because Writing Seminar sections are limited to 20 enrollees, students interact with one another in an intimate, discussion-friendly setting rather than a lecture hall. Ms. Kurovski flourishes in the discussion environment; in fact, it was clear to me that her classmates often looked to her for ideas and creative insights. For example, when my students worked together to talk about possible improvements to their paper drafts, Ms. Kurovski was very much in demand as a partner. Also, she is always tactful and respectful of others! ideas, even if she disagrees with viewpoints expressed by her classmates. She is never hesitant to assert her opinionsa task that is not always easy in a classroom full of smart, opinionated studentsbut she has a friendly, disarming communication style that persuades listeners without pressuring or alienating them. For these reasons, I believe that Ms. Kurovski is an ideal candidate to help students in their educational and social development. Students will find it easy to ask her questions and to trust her advice. For all of these reasons, I can easily picture Ms. Kurovski teaching and mentoring students at your school, and I am confident in her future success. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you would like additional comments. Thank you for your time. Sincerely,

Megan Brown Associate Professor of English Drake University

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