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Mobile App Google Map Survey

We are students who studying Creative Media in Hong Kong City University. We are having a research about how teenagers think about Google Map (Mobile version). We hope to improve the app after the research. It would be so grateful for your help. Thank you.


1. How did you first learn about the mobile app Google Map? App Store Google Map website Search engine Relative or friend Other Please specify:______________________ 2. How long have you used this app? More than 1 year More than 6 months More than 1 month Less than 1 month Never 3. How many times a month do you use this app? More than 15 times More than 10 times More than 5 times Less than 5 times 4. Which function do you use most? The Global Positioning System (GPS) Route Planning Transport search Nearby facilities Searching

Other Please specify:______________________ 5. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements. One answer for each line. a. Interface Design: Use of term is understandable Use of color makes me feel comfortable Graphics (e.g. options, map) are easy to be understood Organization of information is visually clear and simple Interface layout enables me to get information easily and quickly Interface layout enables me to do something quickly I like using the interface
Strongly Agree 6 Strongly Disagree 1

Strongly Agree 6

Strongly Disagree 1

b. Information: GPS information provided is up-dated GPS information provided is accurate GPS information provided is useful

Route information provided is updated Route information provided is accurate Route information provided is useful Facilities information provided is updated Facilities information provided is accurate Facilities information provided is useful Information provided meet my needs/expectations I am satisfied with the information provided

Strongly Agree 6

Strongly Disagree 1

c. Function: The Global Positioning System (GPS) function is stable Speed of using The Global Positioning System (GPS) function is fast Searching information is stable Speed of searching information is fast Connecting Internet is stable

Speed of connecting Internet is fast Variety of functions fulfills my needs/expectations I am satisfied with the function provided

Strongly Agree 6

Strongly Disagree 1

d. Overall:

It is simple to use this app/It is user friendly Beginner can easily learn to use this app I easily remember how to use it It requires the fewest steps to accomplish what I want to do This app has all functions and information I expect it to have Using this app enhances my daily efficiency Using this app is important to my daily life

6. Which functions you hope to develop in Google Map?

Multi-answers can written each line.

MTR route chart Bus route chart Weather& Climate To use Off-line Other Please specify:______________________

7. After you reported any problems, how satisfied are you with the updated improvement? 6 5 4 3 2 1 Very satisfied

Very dissatisfied

8. Please provide us with any additional comments or suggestions you may have about Mobile Google Map App.

About You a) You are: Male Female b) In which age group are you? Under 13 13-15 16-18 19-21 21 above c) What is your profession? Student Pert-time job Please specify:______________________ Full-time job Please specify:______________________ Other Please specify:______________________

d) What is your highest education? Primary School Secondary School Bachelor degree Master degree Doctor Other Please specify:______________________ e) If you are willing to participate in our observation in City University, please fill in the following: Your contact phone number/ e-mail address: _______________________________________________________ Your free sension: Multi-options can be written.
910AM 1011AM 1112AM 1213PM 1314PM 1415PM 1516PM 1617PM 1718PM 1819PM 1920PM 2021PM

25 March 26 March 27 March 28 March 29 March 30 March

Thank you for providing valuable opinion.

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