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Geeta Deshmukh Professor (Pathology)

Life is a bliss
We all want to be happy

Need to change our reactions of environment to be happy in life

Happiness is the goal of our life

No external stimuli can cause unhappiness

Happiness is a state of mind

10 secrets for happiness

Think Positive

Remain positive even in adverse circumstances


Positive thinking makes us realize our mistakes

Negative reactions change to healthy criticism Adverse circumstances pass away smoothly



Respect yourself
1. 2. Make yourself strong ,stable and respectable

Think and do what makes you happy

Avoid what makes you unhappy


Do not be Jealous
1. 2. Jealousy poisons our soul and we feel suffocated

Jealously takes away all our positive energy and reduces work efficiency
Jealousy is hazardous to a friendly work atmosphere


Control your anger

1. Anger is your biggest enemy It ruins your mind and wisdom



It spoils your health increases B.P Control on your anger by Yoga, Meditation and Chanting of Mantras


Keep yourself occupied

1. 2. 3. Always keep yourself busy so that there is no time for unhappiness An idle brain is the devils workshop

Make books your best friends

Keep smiling
1. 2. A simple smile can lit another smile on the face of the other person

It is very rich source of positive energy

It makes environment healthy , joyous and pleasant


Do not let criticism worry you

1. 2.

You can not please every one Do not let others set your standards
Be yourself


Always have faith in God

1. 2. 3. He is one who loves you selflessly

Whenever you are upset, try talking to him in a quiet place

Explore peace in religious books such as Bhagwad Gita and Ram Charit Manas

Forgive and Forget

1. 2.

Forgiveness is the greatest attribute Forgiveness brings peace, strength and calmness
Forgiveness makes you a better person


Work is worship
1. 2.
Do your prescribed duty selflessly and devotedly

Work hard and work smart Karmany evadhikaras te, ma phalesu kadacana; Ma karma-phala-hetur bhur,ma te sango`stv akarmani


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