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Dear Respondent: I am student of Maulana Azad College studying inBBA III Year.

I am required to undertake a proje t in parti le fulfillment of t!e a"ard of t!e BBA degree. #!erefore$ I need your !elp in t!is regard %y filling up t!is questionnaire. I assure you t!at response gi&en %y you "ill %e kept onfidential.. 'uestionnaire

Customer satisfa tion (ur&ey )f BADSHA MASALA Section A: *. +ame of respondent: ,. -ender: Male .emale *1$000 to /0$000 3nmarried %usiness 6(C ser&i e -raduate unemployed 7A%o&e /0$000

/. In ome: *0$000 to *1$000 2. Marital status: Married 1. ) upation: student 4. 5du ation: ((C 8. Residential: Age: Section B:9

:. Bads!a Masala is More #!an *00 years old produ t ; 6o" Do You ame #o kno" A%out t!is 7rodu t .rom .amily Daily @eg .rom .riends =eekly +on9@eg Ad&ertisement )n 7arti ular ) asion <. =!en Do You 3se Bads!a Masala> *0. =!i ! )f #!e fla&ors? )f Bads!a Masala Do You 3se More>

**. Are You (atisfied By Its #aste> Yes +o

*,. Is #!eir Any (ide effe t In t!is 7rodu t Yes 7arti ulars 'uality 'uantity 7ri e (mell 7a king Ad&ertisement #aste +o -ood Better Best A&erage


15. Rate @i ks produ t>


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