Homework Answers #2

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Homework #2 AP Chemistry Answer Key 1. If matter is mostly empty space, as suggested by Rutherford, then why does it appear so solid?

We see matter because of the movement of the electrons around the nucleas If the electrons stopped moving, we would be invisible. 2. What is an ion? A Cation? An Anion? A cation gives electrons and is therefor positively charged. An anion is a negative ion and is negatively charged. 3.

4. Determine the number of protons and electrons of each element. a. Ni2+ 28p+, 26 e- B. S2- 16p+, 18eC. Br- 35p+, 36e- d. Cr3+ 24p+, 21e5. Predict the charge of the ion formed by each element a. Oxygen -2 b. potassium +1 c. Aluminum +3

d. chromium +2, +3, +6 etc

6. An element has two naturally occurring isotopes. Isotope 1 has a mass of 120.9038 amu and a relative abundance of 57.4%, ad isotope 2 has a mass of 122.9042 amu. Find the atomic mass of this element and identify it. 121.76 a.m.u. Sb antimony

7. Use the mass spectrum of rubidium to determine the atomic mass of rubidium. 85.46 to 85.52 any number in this range is acceptable

8. Carbon-12 contains six protons and six neutrons. The radius of the nucleus is approximately 2.7 fm (femtometers) and the radius of the atom is approximately 70. pm (picometers). Calculate the volume of the nucleus and the volume of the atom. What percentage of the carbon atoms volume is occupied by the nucleus? Use correct significant digits. Volume of a sphere is 4/3 pi r3 1m=1x1015fm, 1 m = 1x1012pm Vnucleus = 82 fm3 Vatom = 1.4 x 1015 fm Therefor 1x103fm = 1 pm 5.9 x10-12 % of the atom is occupied by the nucleus. 9. Pure gold is usually too soft for jewelry, so it is often alloyed with other metals. How many gold atoms are in an 0.255 ounce, 18K gold bracelet? (18K gold is 75% gold by mass) 5.23 g of gold if 1 mole of gold atoms weigh 196.97 then there are 1.66 x 1022 atoms of gold in that jewelry. 10. A 67.2 g sample of a gold and palladium allow contains 2.49 X 1023 atoms. What is the composition (by mass) of the alloy. Palladium accounts for 23.57 g and gold accounts for 43.63 g.

******** 1 mole of sand grains would cover the state of Texas to several feet. Estimate how many feet by assuming that the sand grains are roughly cube-shaped, each one with an edge length of 0.10mm. Texas has a land area of 268,601 square miles. 268,601 sq miles = 7.49 x 1012 sq ft. 1 mole of sand = 6.022 x 1023 grains each grain is .001mm3 = 6.022 x 1020 mm3 = 2.13 x 1013 ft3 2.8 ft

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