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The wild life laws have a long history and is the culminative result of an increasing awareness of the compelling need to restore the catastrophic ecological imbalances introduced by the depridations inflicted on nature by human being. The earliest codified law can be traced to 3rd Centuary B.C. when Ashoka, the King of aghadha, enacted a law in the matter of preservation of wild life and environment. But, the first codified law in !ndia which heralded the era of laws for the wild life and protection was enacted in the year "##$ by the British and was titled as the %ild Birds &rotection Act, "##$ '"( of "##$). This Act enabled the then *overnment to frame rules prohibiting the possession or sale of any kinds of specified wild birds, which have been killed or taken during the breeding season. Again the British *overnment in the year "+", passed the %ild Birds and Animals &rotection Act, "+", '# of "+",) as the Act of "##$ proved to be inade-uate for the protection of wild birds and animals. The Act of "+", was amended in the year "+3. by the %ild Birds and Animals &rotection 'Amendment) Act, "+3. ',$ of "+3.). After the /econd %orld %ar the freedom struggle for !ndia started taking its shape and wild life was relagated to the background. But after independence, the Constituent Assembly in the 0raft Constitution placed 1&rotection of %ild Birds and %ild Animals1 at entry 2o.,( in the /tate 3ist and the /tate 3egislature has been given power to legislate. !t was not till late "+4(5s that the concern for the depleting wild finally aroused.

ACT 53 OF 1972
The first comprehensive legislation relating to protection of wild life was passed by the &arliament and it was assented by the &resident on +th /eptember, "+$, and came to be known as The %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,). LIST OF AMENDING ACTS ". ,. 3. 8. .. The The The The The constitution '6orty7second Amendment) Act, "+$4. %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "+#, ',3 of %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "+#4 ',# of %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "++" '88 of %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "++3 ',4 of

"+#,). "+#4) "++"). "++3).


'.3 of "+,$) [9th September, 1972]

An Act to provide for the protection of "9wild animals, birds and plants: and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto. ,9; ; ;:

PRELIMINARY 1. Sh !" "#"$%, %&"%'" (') * ++%'*%+%'". '") This Act may be called %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,. 39',) !t e<tends to the whole of !ndia e<cept the state of =ammu and Kashmir.: 3) !t shall come into force in a /tate or >nion Territory to which it e<tends, 89; ; ;: on such date as the Central *overnment may, by notification, appoint, and different dates may be appointed for different provisions of this Act or for different /tates or >nion territories. 2. D%,#'#"# '-.7!n this Act, unless the conte<t otherwise re-uires,7 '") 1animal1 includes amphibians, birds, mammals and reptiles and their young, and also includes, in the cases of birds and reptiles, their eggs? ',) 1animal article1 means an article made from any captive animal or wild animal, other than vermin, and includes an article or ob@ect in which the whole or any part of such animal .9has been used, and ivory imported into !ndia and article made therefrom:? 49; ; ;: '8) 1Board1 means the %ild 3ife Advisory Board constituted under sub7section '") of section 4? '.) 1captive animal1 means any animal, specified in /echedule !, /chedule !!, /chedule !!! or /chedule !A, which is captured or kept or bred in captivity? 49; ; ;: '$) 1Chief %ild 3ife %arden1 means the person appointed as such under clause 'a) of sub7section 8. $9'$A) 1circus1 means an establishment, whether stationary or mobile, where animals are kept or used wholly or mainly for the purpose of performing tricks or manoeuvres?: '#) 1closed area1 means the area which is declared under sub7section '") of section 3$ to be closed to hunting? '+) 1Collector1 means the chief officer in charge of the revenue administration of a district? '"() 1commencement of this Act1, in relation to7

'a) a state, means commencement of this Act in that /tate, 'b) any provision of this Act, means the commencement of that provision in the concerned /tate? '"") 1dealer1 means any person who carries on the business of buying and selling any captive animal article, trophy, uncured trophy "9meat or specified plant:? '",) 10irector1 means the person appointed as 0irector of %ild 3ife &reservation under clause 'a) sub7section '") of section 3? ,9'",A) 16orest Bfficer1 means the 6orest Bfficer appointed under clause ',) of section , of the indian 6orest Act, "+,$?: 39; ; ;: '"8) 1*overnment property1 means any property referred to in section 3+? ,9or section "$C?: '".) 1habitat1 includes land, water or vegetation which is the natural home of any wild animal? '"4) 1hunting1, with its grammatical variations and cognate e<pressions, includes,7 'a) capturing, killing, poisoning, snaring and trapping of any wild animal and every attempt to do so, 'b) driving any wild animal for any of the purposes specified in sub7 clause 'a), 'c) in@uring or destroying or taking any part of the body of any such animal or, in the case of wild birds or reptiles, damaging the eggs of such birds or reptiles or distrubing the eggs or nests of such birds of reptiles? '"$) 1land1 includes canals, creeks and other water chanels, reservoirs, rivers, steamsand lakes, whether artificial or natural, "9marshes and wetlands and also includes boulders and rocks:? '"#) 1licence1 means a licence granted under this Act? ,9'"#A): 1lives stock1 includes buffaloes, bulls, bullocks, camels, cows, donkeys goats, horses, mules, pigs, sheeps, yaks and also their young?: '"+) 1manufacturer1 means a manufacturer of animal articles? ',() 1meat1 includes blood, bones, sinew, eggs, fat and flesh, whether raw or cooked, of any wild animal, other than vermin? ',") 12ational &ark1 means an area declared, whether under setion 3. of section 3#, or deemed, under sub7section '3) of section 44, to be declared, as a 2ational &ark? ',,) 1notification1 means a noification published in the Bfficial *aDette?

',3) 1permit1 means a permit granted under this Act or any rule made thereunder? ',8) 1person1 includes a firm? ',.) 1prescribed1 means by rules made under this Act? "9',.A) 1recognised Doo1 means a Doo recognised under section 3#C? ',.B) 1reserve forest1 means the forest declared to reserved by the /tate *overnement under section ,( of the !ndian 6orest Act,"+,$ '"4 of "+,$)?: ',4) 1sanctuary1 means an area declared, whether under section ,9,4A: or section 44, to be declared as wild life sanctuary? ,9',$) 1specified plant1 means any plant specified in /chedule A!?: ',#) 1special game1 means any animal specified in /chedule !!? ',+) 1/tate *overnment1, in relation to a >nion territory, means the Administrator of the >nion territory appointed by the &resident under article ,3+ of the Constitution? '3() 1ta<idermy1, with its grammatical variations and cognate e<pressions, means the curing, preparation or preservation of trophies? "9'3(A) 1territorial waters1 shall have the same meaning as in section 3 of the Territorial %aters, Continental /helf, E<clusive Economic Foo and other aritime Fones Act, "+$4 '#( of "+$4)?: '3") 1trophy1 means the whole or any part of any captive animal or wild animal, other than vermin, which has been kept or preserved by any means, whether artificial or natural, and includes7 'a) rugs, skins and specimens of such animal mounted in whole or in part through a process of ta<idermy, and 'b) antler, horn, rhinoceros horn, hair, feather, nail, tooth, musk, eggs and nests? '3,) 1uncured trophy1 means the whole or any captive animal or wild animal, killed wild animal, ambergris, musk and other animal products:? '33) 1vehicle1 means any conveyance used for movement on land, water or air and includes buffalo, bull, bullock, camel, donkey, elephant, horse and mule? '38) 1vermin1 means any wild animal specified in /chedule A? '3.) 1weapon1 includes ammunition, bows and arrows, e<plosives, firearms, hooks, knives, nets, poison, snares and traps and any instrument or apparatus capable of anaesthetiDing, decoying, destroying, in@uring or killing an animal?

'34) 1wild animal1 means any animal found wild in nature and includes any animal specified in /chedule !, /chedule !!, /chedule !!!, /chedule !A, /chedule A, wherever found? '3$) 1wild life1 includes any animal, bees, butterflies, crustacea, fish and moths? and a-uatic or land vegetation which form part of any habitat? '3#) 1%ild 3ife %arden1 means the person appointed as such under clause 'b) of sub7section '") of section 8? "9'3+) 1Doo1 means an establishment, whether stationary or mobile, where captive animals are kept for e<hibition to the public but does not include a circus and an establishment of a licensed dealer in captive animal.:

AUTHORITIES TO .E APPOINTED OR CONSTITUTED UNDER THE ACT 3. A// #'"+%'" , D#!%*" ! (') "h%! ,,#*%!-.7 '") The Central *overnment may, for the purposes of this Act, appoint,7 'a) A 0irector of %ild 3ife &reservation? 'b) Assistant 0irectors of %ild 3ife &reservation? and 'c) such other officers and employees as may be necessary. ',) !n the performance of his duties and e<ercise of his powers by or under this Act, the 0irector shall be sub@ect to such general or special directions, as the Central *overnment may, from time to time, give. '3) The Assistant 0irectors of %ild 3ife &reservation and other oficers and employees appointed under this section shall be subordinate to the 0irector. 0. A// #'"+%'" , L#,% W(!)%' (') "h%! may, for the purposes of this Act, appoint,7 ,,#*%!-. 7 '") The /tate *overnment

'a) a Chief %ild 3ife %arden? 'b) %ild 3ife %ardens? "9; ; ;: ,9'bb) one Conorary %ild 3ife %arden in each district? and: 'c) such other officers and employees as may be necessary. ',) !n the performance of his duties and e<ercise of his powers by or under this Act, the Chief %ild 3ife %arden shall be sub@ect to such general or special directions, as the /tate *overnment may, from time to time, give. '3) 39The %ild 3ife %arden, the Conorary %ild 3ife %arden: and other officers and employees appointment under this section shall be subordinate to the Chief %ild %arden. 5. / 1%! " )%$%2("%.7 '") The 0irector may, with the previous approval of the Central *overnment , by order in writing, delegate all or any of his powers and

duties under this Act to any officer subordinate to him sub@ect to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order. ',) The Chief %ild 3ife %arden may, with the previous approval of the /tate *overnment by order in writing, delegate all or any of his powers and duties under this Act, e<cept those under clause 'a) of sub7section '") of section "", to any officer subordinate to him sub@ect to such conditions, if any, as may be specified in the order. '3) /ub@ect to any general or special direction given or condition imposed by the 0irector of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, any person authorised by the 0irector or the Chief %ild 3ife %arden to e<ercise any powers, may e<ercise those powers in the same manner and to the same effect as if they had conferred on that person directly by this Act and not by way of delegation. COMMENTS /ub7section ',) of section . of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, gives power to the concerned authority to delegate his powers to any of his subordinate officers. Therefore, it could not be be said that another person e<cept the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or such other officer who has been authorised by the /tate *overnment can file a complaint upon which cogniDance can be taken? =agdish /ingh v./tate of Bihar, '"+#.) Cri 3= "3"8 '&at). 3.C '-"#"4"# ' , W#$) L#,% A)5#- !6 . (!).7'") The /tate *overnment, or in the case of a >nion territory, the Administrator, shall, as soon as may be after the commencement of this Act, constitute a %ild 3ife Advisory Board consisting of the following members namely G7 'a) the inister in charge of forests in the /tate or >nion territory, or, if there is no such inister, the Chief /ecretary to the *overnment, or, as the case may be, the Chief /ecretary to the *overnment of the >nion territory, who shall be the Chairman? 'b) two members of the /tate 3egislature or, in the case of a >nion territory having a 3egislature, two members of the 3egislature of the >nion territory, as the case may be? 'c) /ecretary to the /tate *overnment, or the *overnment of the >nion territory, in charge of forests? "9'd) the 6orest officer in charge of the /tate 6orest 0epartment by whatever designation called, e< officio?: 'e) an officer to be nominated by the 0irector? 'f) Chief %ild 3ife %arden, e< officio? 59'g) officers of the /tate *overnment not e<ceeding five? 'h) such other persons, not e<ceeding ten, who, in the opinion of the /tate *overnment, are interested in the protection of wild life, including the representatives of tribals not e<ceeding three.: ,9'"A) The /tate *overnment may appoint a Aice7Chairman of the Board from amongst the members referred to in clauses 'b) and 'h) of sub7section '"):. ',) The /tate *overnment shall appoint "9the 6orest Bfficer in charge of the /tate 6orest 0epartment:.

'3) The term of office of the members of the Board referred to in clause 'g) of sub7 section '") and the manner of filling vacancies among them shall be such as may be prescribed. '8) The members shall be entitled to receive such allowances in respect of e<penses incurred in the performance of their duties as the /tate *overnment may prescribe. 7. P! *%)4!% " 7% , $$ 1%) 76 "h% . (!).7 '") The Board shall meet at least twice a year at such place as the /tate *overnment may direct. ',) The Board shall regulate its own procedure 'including the -uorum). '3) 2o act or proceeding of the Board shall be invalid merely by reason of the e<istence of any vacancy therein or any defect in the constitution thereof or any irregularity in the procedure of the Board not affecting the merits of the case. 8. D4"#%- , W#$) L#,% A)5#- !6 . (!).7 !t shall be the duty of the %ild 3ife Advisory Board to advise the /tate *overnment,7 'a) in the selection of areas to be declared as sanctuaries, 2ational &arks "9;;;: and closed areas and the administration thereof? ,9'b) in formulation of the policy for protection and conservation of the wild life and specified plants?: 'c) in any matter relating to the amendment of any /chedule? 39; ; ;: 89'cc) in relation to the measures to be taken for harmonising the needs of the tribals and other dwellers of the forest with the protection and conservation of wild life? and: 'd) in any other matter connected with the protection of wild life which may be referred to it by the /tate *overnment.

HUNTING OF WILD ANIMALS 599. P! h#7#"# ' , h4'"#'2.7 2o person shall hunt any wild animal specified in /chedule !, !!, !!! and !A e<cept as provided under section "" and section ",.: COMMENTS /ection + of the Act says that no person shall 1hunt5 any wild animal specified in /chedule !, Elephant is inluded in /chedule !? /tate of Bihar v. urad Ali Baig, A!H "+#+ /C ". 49; ; ;: 11. H4'"#'2 , 1#$) ('#+($- " 7% /%!+#""%) #' *%!"(#' *(-%-. 7 '")2otwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force and sub@ect to the provisions of Chapter !A,7 'a) the Chief %ild 3ife %arden may, if he is satisfied that any wild animal specified in /chedule ! has become dangerous to human life or

is so disabled or diseased as to be beyond recovery, by order in writing and stating the reasons therefore, permit any person to hunt such animal or cause such animal to be hunted? 'b) the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer may, if he is satisfied that any wild animal specified in /chedule !!, /chedule !!!, or /chedule !A has become dangerous to human life or to property 'including standing crops on any land) or is so disabled or diseased as to be beyond recovery, by order in writing and stating the reasons therefore, permit any person to hunt such animal or cause such animal to be hunted. ',) The killing or wounding in good faith of any wild animal in defence of oneself or any other person shall not be an offenceG &rovided that nothing in this sub7section shall e<onerate any person who, when such defence becomes necessary, was committing any act in contravention of any provisions of this Act or any rule or order made thereunder. '3) Any wild animal killed or wounded in defence of any person shall be *overnment property. COMMENTS To decide whether in killing an animal the accused acted in self defence or not, the nature and ferocity of the animal will be relevant. Bn the basis of the facts and circumstances of the case there can be no doubt that the accused acted in defence of his life and his act did commensurate with defence.Thus in this case of killing the tiger in good faith in defence of oneself it can not be said that the accused was committing any offence prior to shooting the tiger that charged at him. Therefore, the impugned order of conviction and sentence is contrary to the provisions of section "" of the Act and as such it is liable to be set aside? Tilak Bahadur Hai v./tate of Arunachal &radesh, "+$+ Cri 3= "8(8. 12. G!('" , /%!+#" , ! -/%*#($ /4!/ -%-.72otwithstanding anything contained elsewhere in this Act, it shall be lawful for the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, to grant "9; ; ;: a permit, by an order in writing stating the reasons therefore, to any person, on payment of such fees as may be prescribed, which shall entitle the holder of such permit to hunt sub@ect to such conditions as may be specified therein, any wild animal specified in such permit, for the purpose of,7 'a) education? ,9'b) scientific research? 'bb) scientific anagement. E<plaination.7 6or the purposes of clause 'bb), the e<pression, 1/cientific management1 means7 'i) translocation of any wild animal to alternative suitable habitat? or 'ii) population management of wildlife without killing or poisoning or destroying any wild animal?:

39'c) Collection of specimens7 'i) for recognised Doos sub@ect to the permission under section 3#7! or 'ii) for museums and similar institutions?

'd) derivation, collection or preparation of snake7venom for the manufacture of life7saving drugsG: 89&rovided that no such permit shall be granted7 'a) in respect of any wild animal specified in /chedule !, e<cept with the previous permission of the Central *overnment, and 'b) in respect of any other wild animal, e<cept with the previous permission of the /tate *overnment.: "9; ; ;:

PROTECTION OF SPECIFIED PLANTS 17A. P! h#7#"# ' , /#*:#'2 , 4/! "#'2, %"*. , -/%*#,#%) /$('". 7 /ave as otherwise provided in this Chapter, no person shall7 'a) wilfully pick, uproot, damage, destroy, ac-uire or collect any specified plant from any forest land and any area specified, by notification, by the Central *overnment? 'b) posses, sell, offer for sale, or transfer by way to gift or otherwise, or transport any specified plant, whether alive or dead, or part or derivative thereof? &rovided that nothing in this section prevent a member of a /cheduled tribe, sub@ect to the provisions of Chapter !A, from picking, collecting or possesing in the district he resides any specified plant or part or derivative thereof for his bona fide personal use. 17.. G!('"- , /%!+#" , ! -/%*#($ /4!/ -%-.7 The Chief %ild 3ife %arden may, with the previous permission of the /tate *overnment, grant to any person a permit to pick, uproot, ac-uire or collect from a forest land or the area specified under section "$ A or transport, sub@ect to such conditions as may be specified plant for purpose of7 'a) education? 'b) scientific research? 'c) collection, preservation and display in a herbarium of any scientific institution? or 'd) propogation by a person or an institution approved by the Central *overnment in this regard.

17C. C4$"#5("# ' , -/%*#,#%) /$('"- 1#"h 4" $#*%'*% /! h#7#"%). 7 '") 2o person shall cultivate a specified plant e<cept under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or any other officer authorised by the /tate *overnment in this behalfG &rovided that nothing in this section shall prevent, who immediaely before the commencement of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) act, "++", was cultivating a specified plant from carrying on such cultivation for a period of si< months from such commencement or where he has made an application within that period for the grant of a licence to him, until the licence is granted to him or he is informed in writing that a licence cannot be granted to him. ',) Every licence granted under this section shall specify the area in which and the conditions, if any, sub@ect to which the licensee shall cultivate a specified plant. 17D. D%($#'2 #' -/%*#,#%) /$('"- 1#"h 4" $#*%'*% /! h#7#"%).7 '") 2o person shall, e<cept under and in accordance with a licence granted by the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or any other officer authorised by the /tate *overnment in this behalf, commence or carry on business or occupation as a dealer in a specified plant or part or derivate thereof G &rovided that nothing in this section shall prevent a person, who immediately before the commencement of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "++", was carrying on such business or occupation, from carrying on such business or occupation for a period of si<ty days from such commencement, or where he has made an application within that period for the grant of a licence to him, until the licence is granted to him or he is informed in writing that a licence cannot be granted to him. ',) Every licence granted under this section shall specify the premises in which and the conditions, if any, sub@ect to which the licensee shall carry on his business. 17E. D%*$(!("# ' , -" *:.7 '") Every person cultivating, or dealing in, a specified plant or part or derivative thereof shall, within thirty days from the date of commencement of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "++" declare to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or any other officer authorised by the /tate *overnment in his behalf, his stocks of such plants and part or derivative thereof, as the case may be, on the date of such commencement. ',) The provisions of sub7sections '3) to '#) 'both inclusive) of section 88, section 8., section 84 and section 8$ shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to an application and a licence referred to in section "$C and section "$0 as they apply in relation to the licence or business in animals or animal articles. 17F. P! --%-# ', %"*., Chapter shall7 , /$('"- 76 $#*%'-%. 72o licensee under this

'a) keep in his control, custody or possession7 'i) any specified plant, or part or derivative thereof in respect of which a declaration under the provisions of

section "$E has to be made but has not been made? 'ii) any specified plant, or part or derivative thereof which has not been lawfully ac-uired under the provisions of this Act or any rule or order made thereunder? 'b) 'i) pick, uproot, collect or ac-uire any specified plant, or 'ii) ac-uire, receive, keep in his control or possession, or sell, offer for sale or transport any specified plant or part or derivative thereof, e<cept in accordance with the conditions sub@ect to which the licence has been granted and such rules as may be made under this Act. 17G. P4!*h(-%, %"*. , -/%*#,#%) /$('"-.7 2o person shall purchase, receive or ac-uire any specified plant or part or derivative thereof otherwise than from a licensed dealerG &rovided that nothing in this section shall apply to any person referred to in section "$B. 17H. P$('"- " 7% G 5%!'+%'" /! /%!"6.7'") Every specified plant or part or derivative thereof, in respect of which any offence against this Act or any rule order made thereunder has been committed, shall be the property of the /tate *overnment, and, where such plant or part or derivative thereof has been collected or ac-uired from a sanctuary or 2ational &ark declared by the Central *overnment, such plant or part or derivative thereof shall be the property of the Central *overnment. ',) The provisions of sub7sections ',) and '3) of section 3+ shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to the specified plant or part or derivative thereof or they apply in relation to wild animals and articles referred to in sub7section '") of that section.:

SANCTUARIES, NATIONAL PAR<S 19= = => AND CLOSED AREAS S('*"4(!#%18. D%*$(!("# ' , -('*"4(!6.7 ,9'") The /tate *overnment may, by notification, declare its intention to constitute any area comprised within any reserve forest or the territorial waters as a sanctuary if it considers that such area is of ade-uate ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological, natural or Doological significance, for the purpose of protecting, propagating or developing wild life or its environment.: ',) The notification referred to in sub7section '") shall specify, as nearly as possible, the situation and limits of such area. E<plaination.76or the purposes of this section it shall be sufficient to describe the area by roads, rivers, ridges or other well7known intelligible boundaries.

COMMENTS 'i) The purpose of the notification declaring the area as *ame Heserve under the Ha@asthan %ild Animal and Birds &rotection Act, "+."? or the declaration of the area as a sanctuary under the notification dated "."."+$. declaring the area as protected forest under the Ha@asthan 6orest Act, "+.3 is to protect the 6orest %ealth and %ild 3ife of the areas? Tarun Bharat /angh, Alwar v. >nion of !ndia, A!H "++, /C ."8. 'ii) The respondents are entitled to declare any area other than area comprised with any reserve forest or territorial waters as a sanctuary as per the provisions of section "# of the Act, but that can be done only after following the provisions contained in the Act. The respondents can take follow up action for evicting persons from the area falling within the declared sanctuary in accordance with the provisions as contained in CCA&TEH !A of the Act. 2one of this things has been found to be followed by the respondents in passing the orders pre@udicially affecting the petitioners. Therefore, the impugned orders are not sustainable in law and accordingly they deserve to be -uashed? =aladhar Chakma v. 0eputy Commisioner, AiDwal, iDoram, A!H"+#3 *au "#. 19. C $$%*" ! " )%"%!+#'% !#2h"-.7 39%hen a notification has been issued under section "#: the controller shall in-uire into, and determine, the e<istance, nature and e<tent of the rights of any person in or over the land comprised within the limits of the sanctuary. 2?. .(! , (**!4($ , !#2h"-.7After the issue of a notification under section "#, no right shall be ac-uired in, on or over the land comprised within the limits of the area specified in such notification, e<cept by tastamentary or intestate. 21. P! *$(+("# ' 76 C $$%*" !.7 %hen a notification has been issued under section "#, the collector shall publish in the regional language in every town and village in or in the neighbourhood of the area comprised therein, a proclamation7 'a) specifying, as nearly as possible, the situation and the limits of the sanctuary? and 'b) re-uiring any person, claiming any right mentioned in section "+, to prepare before the Collector, within two months from the date of such proclamation, a written claim in the prescribed form, specifying the nature and e<tent of such right with necessary details and the amount and particulars of compensation, if any, claimed the respect thereof. 22. I'@4#!6 76 * $$%*" !.7 The Collector shall, after service of the prescribed notice upon the claimant, e<peditiously in-uire into7 'a) the claim preferred before him under clause 'b) of section ,", and 'b) the e<istence of any right mentioned in section "+ and not claimed under clause 'b) of section ,", so far as the same may be ascertainable from the records of the /tate *overnment and the evidence of any person ac-uainted with the same.

23. P 1%!- , C $$%*" !.76or the purpose of such in-uiry, the Collector may e<ercise the following powers, namelyG7 'a) the power to enter in or upon any land and to survey, demarcate and make a map of the same or to authorise any other officer to do so? 'b) the same powers as are vested in a cilvil court for the trial of suits. 20. A*@4#-#"# ' , !#2h"-.7 '") !n the case of a claim to a right in or over any land referred to in section "+, the Collector shall pass an order admitting and re@ecting the same in whole or in part, ',) !f such claim is admitted in whole or in part, the Collector may either7 'a) e<clude such land from the limits of the proposed sanctuary, or 'b) proceed to ac-uire such land or rights, e<cept where by an agreement between the owner of such land or holder of rights and the *overnment, the owner or holder of such rights has agreed to surrender his rights to the *overnment, in or over such land, and on payment of such compensation, as is provided in the 3and Ac-uisition Act, "#+8. "9'c) allow, in consultation with the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, the continuation of any right of any person in or over any land within the limits of the sanctuary.: 25. A*@4#-#"# ' /! *%%)#'2-.7 '") 6or the purpose of ac-uiring such land, or rights in or over such land,7 'a) the Collector shall be deemed to be a Collector, proceeding under the 3and Ac-uisition Act, "#+8? 'b) the claimant shall be deemed to be a person interested and appearing before him in pursuance of a notice given under section + of that Act? 'c) the provision of the sections, preceding section + of that Act, shall be deemed to have been compiled with? 'd) where the claimant does not accept the award made in his favour in the matter of compensation, he shall be deemed, within the meaning of section "# of the Act, to be a person interested who has not accepted the award, and shall be entitled to proceed to claim relief against the award under the provisions of &art !!! of that Act?

'e) the Collector, with the consent of claimant, or the court, with the consent of both the parties, may award compensation in land or money or partly in land and partly in money? and 'f) in the case of the stoppage of a public way or a common pasture, the Collector may, with the previous sanction of the /tate *overnment, provide for an alternative public way or common pasture, as far as may be practicable or convenient. ',) The ac-uisition under this Act of any land or interest therein shall be deemed to be ac-uisition for a public purpose. 23. D%$%2("# ' , C $$%*" !A- / 1%!-.7The /tate *overnment may, by general or special order, direct that the powers e<ercisable or function to be performed by the Collector under sections "+ to ,. 'both inclusive) may be e<ercised and performed by such other officer as may be specified in the order. 1923A. D%*$(!("# ' , (!%( (- -('*"4(!6.7'") %hen7

'a) a notification has been issued under section "# and the period for preferring claims has elapsed, and all claims, if any, made in relation to any land in an area intended to be declared as a sanctuary, have been disposed of by the /tate *overnment? or 'b) any area comprised within any reserve forest or any part of the territorial waters, which is considered by the /tate *overnment to be of ade-uate ecological faunal floral geomorphological, natural or Doological significance for the purpose of protecting, propogating or developing wild life or its environment, is to be included in a sanctuary, the /tate *overnment shall issue a notification specifying the limits of the area which shall be comprised within the sanctuary and declare that the said area shall be sanctuary on and from such date as may be specified in the notificationG &rovided that where any part of the territorial waters is to be so included, prior concurrence of the Central *overnment shall be obtained by the /tate *overnmentG &rovided further that the limits of the area of the territorial waters to be included in the sanctuary shall be determined in consultation with the Chief 2aval Cydrographer of the Central *overnment and after taking ade-uate measures to protect the occupational interest of the local fishermen. ',) 2otwithstanding anything contained in sub7section '"), the right of innocent passage of any vessel or boat through the territorial waters shall not be affected by the notification isued under sub7section '"). '3) 2o alteration of the boundaries of a sanctuary shall be made e<cept on a resolution passed by the 3egislature of the state.:

27. R%-"!#*"# '

' %'"!6 #' -('*"4(!6.7 '") 2o person other than,7

'a) a public servant on duty, 'b) a person who has been permitted by the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer to reside within the limits of the sanctuary, 'c) a person who has any right over immovable property within the limits of the sanctuary, 'd) a person passing through the sanctuary along a public highway, and 'e) the dependents of the person referred to in clause 'a), clause 'b) or clause 'c), shall enter or reside in the sanctuary, e<cept under and in accordance with the conditions of a peemit granted under section ,#. ',) Every person shall, so long as he resides in the sanctuary, be bound7 'a) to prevent the commission, in the sanctuary, of an offence against this Act? 'b) where there is reason to believe that any such offence against this Act has been committed in such sanctuary, to help in discovering and arresting the offender? 'c) to report the death of any wild animal and to safeguard its remains until the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer takes charge thereof? 'd) to e<tinguish any fire in such sanctuary of which he has knowledge or information and to prevent from spreading, by any lawful means in his power, any fire within the vicinity of such sanctuary of which he has knowledge or information? or 'e) to assist any 6orest Bfficer, Chief %ild 3ife %arden, %ild 3ife %arden or &olice Bfficer demanding his aid for preventing the commission of any offence against this Act or in the investigation of any such offence. "9'3) 2o person shall, with intent to cause demage to any boundary7mark of a sanctuary or to cause wrongful gain as defined in the !ndian &enal Code, "#4( '8. of "#4(), alter, destroy, more or deface such boundary7mark. '8) 2o person shall tease or molest any wild animal or litter the grounds of sanctuary.: 28. G!('" , /%!+#".7'") The Chief %ild 3ife %arden may, on application, grant to any person a permit to enter or reside in a sanctuary for all or any of the following purposes, namely G7 'a) investigation or study of wild life and purposes ancillary or incidental thereto? 'b) photography? 'c) scientific research?

'd) tourism? 'e) transaction of lawful business with any person residing in the sanctuary. ',) A permit to enter or reside in a sanctuary shall be issued sub@ect to such conditions and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed. 1929.D%-"!4*"# ',%"*., #' ( -('*"4(!6 /! h#7#"%) 1#"h 4" /%!+#".72o person shall destroy, e<ploit or remove any wild life from a sanctuary or destroy or demage the habitat of any wild animal or deprive any wild animal of its habitat within such sanctuary e<cept under and in accordance with a permit granted by the Chief %ild 3ife %arden and no such permit shall be granted unless the /tate *overnment, being satisfied that such destruction, e<ploitation or removal of wild life from the sanctuary is necessary for the improvement and better management of wild life therein, authorises the issue of such permit. Explanation.7 6or the purposes of this section, graDing or movement of live7stock permitted under clause 'd) of section 33 shall not be deemed to be an act prohibited under this section.: 3?. C(4-#'2 ,#!% /! h#7#"%).72o person shall set fire to a sanctuary, or kindle any fire, or leave any fire buring, in such manner as to endanger such sanctuary. 31. P! h#7#"# ' , %'"!6 #'" -('*"4(!6 1#"h 1%(/ '.72o person shall enter a sanctuary with any weapon e<cept with the previous permission in writing of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer. 32. .(' ' 4-% , #'B4!# 4- -47-"('*%-.72o person shall use, in a sanctuary, chemicals, e<plosives or any other substances which may cause in@ury to or endanger, any wild life in such sanctuary. 33. C '"! $ , -('*"4(!#%-.7 The Chief %ild 3ife %arden shall be the authority who shall control, manage and maintain all sanctuaries and for that purpose, within the limits of any sanctuary,7 'a) may construct such roads, bridges, buildings, fences or barrier gates, and carry out such other works as he may consider necessary for the purposes of such sanctuary? 'b) shall take such steps as will ensure the security of wild animals in the sanctuary and the preservation of the sanctuary and wild animals therein? 'c) may take such measures, in the interests of the wild life, as he may consider necessary for the improvement of any habitat? 'd) may regulate, control or prohibit, in keeping with the interests of wild life, the graDing or movement of ,9live7 stock:. 39; ; ;:

0933A. I++4'#-("# ' , $#5%C-" *:.7 '") The Chief %ild 3ife %arden shall take such measures in such manner, as may be prescribed, for immunisation against communicable diseases of the live7stock kept in or within five kilometres of a sanctuary. ',) 2o person shall take or cause, to be taken or graDed, any live7 stock in a sanctuary without getting it immunised.: 30. R%2#-"!("# ' , *%!"(#' /%!- '- #' / --%--# ' , (!+-. 7 '") %ithin three months from the declaration of any area as a sanctuary, every person residing in or within ten kilometres of any such sanctuary and holding a licence granted under the Arms Act, "+.+ '.8 of "+.+), for the possession of arms or e<empted from the provisions of that Act and possessing arms, shall apply in such form, on payment of such fee and within such time as may be prescribed, to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer, for the registration of his name. ',) Bn receipt of an application under sub7section '") the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer shall register the name of the applicant in such manner as may be prescribed. "9'3)2o new licences under the Arms Act, "+.+ '.8 of "+.+) shall be granted within a radius of ten kilometres of a sanctuary without the prior concurrence of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden.: National Parks 35. D%*$(!("# ' , N("# '($ P(!:-.7'") %henever it appears to the /tate *overnment that an area, whether within a sanctuary or not, is, by reason of its ecological, faunal, floral, geomorphological or Doological association or importance, needed to be constituted as 2ational &ark for the purpose of protecting, propogating or developing wild life therein or its environment, it may, by notification, declare its intention to constitute such area as a 2ational &arkG ,9&rovided that where any part of the territorial waters is proposed to be included in such 2ational &ark, the provisions of section ,4A shall, as far as may be, apply in relation to the declaration of a 2ational &ark as they apply in relation to the declaration of a sanctuary.: ',) The notification referred to in sub7section '") shall define the limits of the area which is intended to be declared as a 2ational &ark. '3) %here any area is intended to be declared as a 2ational park, the provisions of sections 39"+ of ,4A 'both inclusive e<cept clause 'c) of sub7section ',) of section ,8): shall, as far as may be, apply to the investigation and determination of claims, and e<tinguishment of rights, in relation to any land in such area as they apply to the said matters in relation to any land in a sanctuary. '8) %hen the following events have occured, namelyG7 'a) the period for preferring claims has elapsed, and all claims, if any, made in relation to any land in an area intended to be declared as a 2ational &ark, have been

disposed of by the /tate *overnment, and 'b) all rights in respect of lands proposed to be included in the 2ational &ark, have become vested in the /tate *overnment, the /tate *overnment shall publish a notification specifying the limits of the area which shall be comprised within the 2ational &ark and declare that the said area shall be 2ational &ark on and from such date as may be specified in the notification. '.) 2o alteration of the boundaries of a 2ational &ark shall be made e<cept on a resolution passed by the 3egislature of the /tate. '4) 2o person shall destroy, e<ploit or remove any wild life from a 2ational &ark or destroy or damage the habitat of any wild animal or deprive any wild animal of its habitat within such 2ational &ark e<cept under and in accordance with a permit granted unless the /tate *overnment, being satisfied that such destruction, e<ploitation or removal of wild life therein, authorises the issue of such permit. '$) 2o graDing of any "9live7stock: shall be permitted in a 2ational &ark and no "9live7stock: shall be allowed to enter therein e<cept where such "9live7stock: is used as a vehicle by a person authorised to enter such 2ational &ark. '#) The provisions of sections ,$ and ,#, sections 3( to 3, 'both inclusive), and clauses 'a), 'b) and 'c) of ,9section 33, section 33 A: and section 38 shall, as far as may be apply in relation to a 2ational &ark as they apply in relation to a sanctuary. 39; ; ;: Closed Area 37. D%*$(!("# ' , *$ -%) (!%(.7

'") The /tate *overnment may, by notification, declare any area closed to hunting for such period as may be specified in the notification. ',) 2o hunting of any wild animal shall be permitted in a closed area during the period specified in the notification referred to in sub7section '").


Sanct aries or National Parks declared b! Central "o#ernment 38. P 1%! , C%'"!($ G 5%!'+%'" " N("# '($ P(!:-.7 )%*$(!% (!%(- (- -('*"4(!#%!

'") %here the /tate *overnment leases or otherwise transfers any area under its control, not being an area within a sanctuary, to the Central *overnment, the Central *overnment may, if it is satisfied that the conditions specified in section "# are fulfilled in relation to the area so transferred to it, declare such area, by notification, to be a

sanctuary and the provisions of .9sections "# of 3.: 'both inclusive), .8 and .. shall apply in relation to such sanctuary as they apply in relation to a sanctuary declared by the /tate *overnment. ',) The Central *overnment may, if it is satisfied that the conditions specified in section 3. are fulfilled in relation to any area referred to in sub7section '"), whether or not such area has been declared, to be a sanctuary by the Central *overnment or the /tate *overnment, declare such area, by notification, to be a 2ational &ark and the provisions of sections 3., .8 and .. shall apply in relation to such 2ational &arks as they apply in relation to a 2ational &ark declared by the /tate *overnment. '3) !n relation to a sanctuary or 2ational &ark declared by the Central *overnment, the powers and duties of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden under the sanctions referred to in sub7sections'") and ',), shall be e<ercised and discharged by the 0irector or by such other officer as may be authorised by the 0irector in this behalf and references, in the sections aforesaid, to the /tate *overnment shall be construed as references to the Central *overnment and reference therein to the 3egislature of the /tate shall be construed as a reference to &arliament.


'") The Central *overnment shall constitute a body to be known as the Central Foo Authority 'hereinafter in this Chapter referred to as the Authority), to e<ercise the powers conferred on, and to perform the functions assigned to it under this Act. ',) The Authority shall consists of7 'a) chairperson? 'b) such number of members not e<ceeding ten? and 'c) member7secretary, to be appointed by the Central *overnment. 38.. T%!+ %"*.C , ,,#*% (') * ')#"# ', -%!5#*% , Ch(#!/%!- ' (') +%+7%!-,

'") The chairperson and every member shall hold office for such period, not e<ceeding three years, as may be specified by the Central *overnment in this behalf. ',) The chairperson or a member may by writing under his hand addressed to the Central *overnment, resign from the office of chairperson or, as the case may be, of the member. '3) The Central *overnment shall remove a person from the office of chairperson or member referred to in sub7section ',) if that person7

'a) becomes an undischarged insolvent? 'b) gets convicted and sentenced to imprisonment for an offence which in the opinion of the Central *overnment involves moral turpitude? 'c) becomes of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent court? 'd) refuses to act or becomes incapable of acting? 'e) is, without obtaining leave of absence from the authority, absent from three consecutive meetings of the Authority? or 'f) in the opinion of the Central *overnment has so abused the position of chairperson or member as to render that person5s continuance in office detrimental to the public interestG &rovided that no person shall be removed under this clause unless that person has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard in the matter. '8) A vacancy caused under sub7section ',) or otherwise shall be filled by fresh appointment. '.) The salaries and allowances and other conditions of appointment of chairperson, members and member7secretary of the Authority shall be such as may be prescribed. '4) The Authority shall, with the previous sanction of the Central *overnment, employ such officers and other employees as it deems necessary to carry out the purposes of the Authority. '$) The terms and conditions of service of the officers and other employees of the Authority shall be such as may be prescribed. '#) 2o act or proceeding of the Authority shall be -uestioned or shall be invalid on the ground merely of the e<istance of any vacancies or defect in the constitution of the Authority. 38C. F4'*"# '- , "h% A4"h !#"6.CThe Authority shall perform the following functions, namelyG7 'a) specify the minimum standards for housing, upkeep and veterinary care of the animals kept in a Doo? 'b) evaluate and assess the functioning of Doos with respect to the standards or the norms as may be prescribed? 'c) recognise or derecognise Doos? 'd) identify endangered species of wild animals for purposes of captive breeding and assigning responsibility in this regard to Doo? 'e) co7operate the ac-uisition, e<change and loaning of animals for breeding purposes? 'f) ensure maintenance of stud7books of endangered species of wild animals bred in captivity? 'g) identify priorities and themes with regard to display of captive animals in a Doo? 'h) co7ordinate training of Doo personnel in !ndia and outside !ndia?

'i) co7ordinate research in captive breeding and educational programmes for the purposes of Doos? '@) provide technical and other assistance to Doos for their proper management and development on scientific lines? 'k) perform such other functions as may be necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act with regard to Doos. 38D. P% *%)4!% " 7% !%24$("%) 76 "h% A4"h !#"6.C

'") The Authority shall meet as and when necessary and shall meet at such time and place as the chairperson may think fit. ',) The Authority shall regulate its own procedure. '3) All orders and decisions of the Authority shall be authenticated by the ember7/ecretary in this behalf. 38E. G!('"- (') $ ('- " A4"h !#"6 (') C '-"#"4"# ' , F4').C

'") The Central *overnment may, after due appropriation made by &arliament by law in this behalf, make to the Authority grants and loans of such sums of money as that *overnment may consider necessary. ',) There shall be constituted a 6und to be called the Central Foo Authority and there shall be credited thereto any grants and loans made to the Authority by the Central *overnment, all fees and charges received by the Authority under this Act and all sums received by the Authority from such other sources as may be decided upon by the Central *overnment. '3) The 6und referred to in sub7section ',) shall be applied for meeting salary, allowances and other remuneration of the members, officers and other employees of the Authority and the e<penses of Authority in the discharge of its functions under this Chapter and e<penses on ob@ects and for purposes authorised by this Act. '8) The Authority shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records and prepare an annual statement of accounts in such form as may be prescribed by the Central *overnment in consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor7*eneral of !ndia. '.) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited by the Comptroller and Auditor7*eneral at such intervals as may be specified by him and any e<penditure incurred in connection with such audit shall be payable by the Authority to the Comptroller and Auditor7*eneral. '4) The Comptroller and Auditor7*eneral and any person appointed by him in connection with the audit of the accounts of the Authority under this Act shall have the same rights and privilege and the authority in connection with such audit as the Comptroller ad Audit7*eneral generally has in connection with the audit of the *overnment accounts and, in particular, shall have the right to demand the production of books, accounts, connected vouchers and other documents and papers and to inspect any of the offices of the Authority. '$) The accounts of the Authoriy, as a certified by the Comptroller and Auditor7*eneral or any other persaon appointed by him in this behalf,

together with the audit report thereon, shall be forwarded annually to the Central *overnment by the Authority. 38F. A''4($ !%/ !".C The Authority, shall prepare in such form and at such time, for each financial year, as may be prescribed, its annual report, giving a full account of its activities during the previous financial year and forward a copy thereof to the Central *overnment. 38G. A''4($ !%/ !" (') (4)#" !%/ !" " 7% $(#) 7%, !% P(!$#(+%'".C The Central *overnment shall cause the annual report together with a memorandum of action taken on the recommendations contained therein, in so far as they relate to the Central *overnment, and the reasons for the non7acceptance, if any, of any of such recommendations and the audit report to be laid as soon as may be after the reports are received before each Couse of &arliament. 38H. R%* 2'#"# ' ,E -.C

'") 2o Doo shall be operated without being recognised by the Authority G &rovided that a Doo being operated immediately before the date of commencement of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendation) Act, "++" may continue to operate without being recognised for a period of "9eighteen months from the date of such commensement: and if the application seeking recognition is made within that period, the Doo may continue to be operated until the said application is finally decided or withdrawn and in case of refusal for a further period of si< months from the date of such refusal. ',) Every application for recognition of a Doo shall be made to the Authority in such form and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed. '3) Every recognition shall specify the conditions, if any, sub@ect to which the applicant shall operate the Doo. '8) 2o recognition to a Doo shall be granted unless the Authority, having due regard to the interests of protection and conservation of wild life, and such standards, norms and other matters as may be prescribed, is satisfied that recognition should be granted. '.) 2o application for recognition of a Doo shall be re@ected unless the applicant has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard. '4) The Authority may, for reasons to be recorded by it, suspend or cancel any recognition granted under sub7section'8)G '$) An appeal from an order refusing to recognise a Doo under sub7 section '.) or an order suspending or cancelling a recognition under sub7section '4) shall lie to the Central *overnment. '#) An appeal under sub7section '$) shall be preferred within thirty days from the date of communication to the applicant of the order appealed againstG &rovided that the Central *overnment may admit any appeal preferred after the e<piry of the period aforesaid if it satisfied that the appellant had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal in time. 38I. A*@4#-#"# ' , ('#+($- 76 ( E .C /ub@ect to the other provisions of this Act no Doo shall ac-uire or transfer any wild animal specified in /chedule ! and /chedule !! e<cept with the previous permission of the Authority.

38F. P! h#7#"# ' , "%(-#'2, %"*., #' ( E .C 2o person shall tease, molest, in@ure or feed any animal or cause disturbance to the animals by noise or otherwise or litter the grounds in a Doo.:

TRADE OR COMMERCE IN WILD ANIMALS, ANIMAL ARTICLE AND TROPHIES 39. W#$) ('#+($-, %"*., " 7% G 5%!'+%'" /! /%!"6.C'") Every7

'a) wild animal, other than vermin, which is hunted under section "" or sub7section '") of section ,+ or sub7 section '4) of section 3. or kept or "9bred in captivity or hunted: in contravention of any provision of this Act or any rule or order made thereunder or found dead, or killed by ,9; ; ;: mistake? and 'b) animal article, trophy or uncured trophy or meat drived from any wild animal referred to in clause 'a) in respect of which any offence against this Act or any rule or order made thereunder has been committed? "9'c) ivory imported into !ndia an article made from such ivory in respect of which any offence against this Act or any rule or order made thereunder has been committed? 'd) vehicle, vessel, weapon, trap or tool that has been used for committing an offence and has been seiDed under the provision of this Act,: shall be the property of the /tate *overnment, and, where such animal is hunted in a sanctuary or 2ational &ark declared by the Central *overnment, such animal or any animal article, trophy, uncured trophy or meat ,9derived from such animal, or any vehicle, vessel, weapon, trap or tool used in such hunting: shall be the property of the Central *overnment. ',) Any person who obtains, by any means, the possession of *overnment property, shall, within forty7eight hours from obtaining such possession, make a report as to the obtaining of such possession to the nearest police station or the authorised officer and shall, if so re-uired, hand over such property to the officer7in7charge of such police station or such authorised officer, as the case may be. '3) 2o person shall, without the previous permission in writing of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer7 'a) ac-uire or keep in his possession, custody or control,or 'b) transfer to any person, whether by way of gift, sale or otherwise, or 'c) destroy or damage, such *overnement property. COMMENTS

The wild animals which are dead in a private land, the owner of the land is entitled to claim ownership of the dead animal. The body of a wild animal which is found on a particular land becomes the absolute property of the owner of the soil even if killed by a trespasser, unless, the trespasser chased the animal on the land of one person and killed it on the land of another. The dead elephant in -uestion had not been chased or persued by the forest authorities, but it had been shot by some unknown persons and it voluntarily -uit the reserve forest and entered the private land where it died. !n this view, the order of the lower Appellate Court can not be sustained? B.2atwall Aalid v. /tate of Tamil 2adu, A!H "+$+ ad ,"#. 0?. D%*$(!("# '-.C '") Every person having at the commencement of this Act the control, custody or possession of any captive animal specified in /chedule ! or &art !! of /chedule !!, or any uncured trophy derived from such animal or salted or dried skins of such animal or the musk of a musk deer or the horn of a rhinoceros, shall, within thirty days from the commencement of this Act, declare to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer the number and description of the animal, or article of the foregoing description under his control, custody or possession and the place where such animal or article is kept. ',) 2o person shall, after the commencement of this Act, ac-uire, receive, keep in his control, custody or possession, sell, offer for sale or otherwise transfer or transport any animal specified in /chedule ! or &art !! of /chedule !! or any uncured trophy or meat derived from such animal, or the salted or dried skins of such of animal or the musk of a musk deer or the horn of a rhinoceros, e<cept with the previous permission in writing of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer. "9'3) 2othing in sub7section '") or sub7section ',) shall apply to a recognised Doo sub@ect to the provisions of section 3#" or to a public museum.: '8) The /tate *overnment may, by notification, re-uire any person to declare to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer any animal article or trophy 'other than a musk of a musk deer or horn of a rhinoceros) or salted or dried skins derived from an animal specified in /chedule ! or /chedule !! in his control, custody or possession in such form, in such manner, and within such time, as may be prescribed. 01. I'@4#!6 (') /!%/(!("# ' , #'5%'" !#%-.C

'") Bn receipt of a declaration made under section 8(, the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officers may, after such notice, in such manner and at such time, as may be prescribed,7 'a) enter upon the premises of a person referred to in section 8(? 'b) make in-uiries and prepare inventories of animal articles, trophies, uncured trophies, salted and dried skins and captive animals specified in /chedule ! and &art !! of /chedule !! and found thereon? and

'c) affi< upon the animals, animal articles, trophies or uncured trophies identification marks in such manner as may be prescribed. ',) 2o person shall obliterate or counterfeit any identification mark referred to in this Chapter. 02. C%!"#,#*("% , 1'%!-h#/.C The Chief %ild 3ife %arden may, for the purposes of section 8(, issue a certificate of ownership in such form, as may be prescribed, to any person who, in his opinion, is in lawful possession of any wild animal or any animal article, trophy, uncured trophy and may, where possible, mark, in the prescribed manner, such animal article, trophy or uncured trophy for purposes of identification. 03. R%24$("# ' , "!('-,%! , ('#+($, %"*.C

'") /ub@ect to the provisions of sub7section ',), sub7section '3) and sub7section '8), a person 'other than a dealer) who does not possess a certificate of ownership shall not7 'a) sell offer for sale or trasfer whether by way of sale, gift or otherwise, any wild animal specified in /chedule ! or &art !! of /chedule !! or any captive animal belonging to that category or any animal article, trophy, uncured trophy, uncured trophy or meat derived thereform? 'b) make animal articles containing part or whole of such animal? 'c) put under a process of ta<idermy an uncured trophy of such animal, e<cept with the previous permission in writing of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer. ',) %here a person transfers or transports from the /tate in which he resides to another /tate or ac-uires by transfer from outside the /tate any such animal, animal article, trophy or uncured trophy as is referred to in sub7section '") in respect of which he has a certificate of ownership, he shall, within thirty days of the transfer or transport, report the transfer or transport to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer within whose @urisdiction the transfer or transport is effected. '3) 2o person who does not possess a certificate of ownership shall transfer or transport from one /tate to another /tate or ac-uire by transfer from outside the /tate any such animal, animal article, trophy or uncured trophy as is referred to in sub7section '") e<cept with the previous permission in writing of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer within whose @urisdiction the transfer or transport is to be effected. '8) Before granting any permission under sub7section '") or sub7 section '3), the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer shall satisfy himself that the animal or article referred to therein has been lawfully ac-uired. '.) %hile permitting the transfer or transport of any animal aticle,

trophy or uncured trophy, as is referred to in sub7section '"), the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer7 'a) shall issue a certificate of ownership after such in-uiry as he may deem fit? 'b) shall, where the certificate of ownership e<isted in the name of the previous owner, issue a fresh certificate of ownership in the name of the person to whom the transfer has been effected? 'c) may affi< an identification mark on any such animal, animal article, trophy or uncured trophy. '4) 2othing in this section shall apply7 "9'a) to tail feather of peocock and the animal articles or trophies made therefrom?: ,9'b) to any transaction entered into by a recognised Doo sub@ect to the provisions of section 3#! or by a public museum with any other recognised Doo or public museum.: 00. D%($#'2- #' "! /h6 (') ('#+($ (!"#*$%- 1#"h 4" $#*%'*% /! h#7#"%).C '") 39/ub@ect to the provisions of Chapter AA, no person shall, e<cept under, and in accordance with, a licence granted under sub7section '8): 'a) commence or carry on the business as7 'i) a manufacturer of or dealer in, any animal article? or 89 ; ; ;: 'ii) a ta<idermist? or 'iii) a dealer in trophy or uncured trophy? or 'iv) a dealer in captive animals? or 'v) a dealer in meat or 'b) cook or serve meat in any eating7house?.9'c) derive, collect or prepare, or deal in, snake venomG]

&rovided that nothing in this sub7section shall prevent a person, who immediately before the commencement of this Act was carrying on the business occupation specified in this sub7section, from carrying on such business or occupation for a period of thirty days from such commencement, or where he has made an application within that period for the grant of a licence to him, until the licence is granted to him or he is informed in writing that a licence cannot be granted to himG "9&rovided further that nothing in this sub7section shall apply to the dealers in tail feathers of peacock and articles made therefrom and the manufacturers of such articles.: Explaination$%6or the purposes of this section, 1eating7house1 includes

a hotel, restaurant or any other place where any eatable is served on payment, whether or not such payment is separately made for such eatable or is included in the amount charged for board and lodging. ',) Every manufacturer of, or dealer in, animal article, or dealer in captive animals, trophies or uncured trophies, or every ta<idermist shall, within fifteen days from the commencement of this Act, declare to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden his stocks of animals articles captive animals, trophies and uncured trophies as the case may be as on the date of such declaration and the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer may place an identification mark on every animal article, captive animal trophy or uncured trophy as the case may be. '3) Every person referred to in sub7section '") who intends to obtain a licence, shall ,9; ; ;: make an application to the Cheif %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer. '8) 'a) Every application referred to in sub7section '3) shall be made in such form and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer. 39'b) 2o licence referred to in sub7section '") shall be granted unless the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, or the authorised officer having regard to antecedents and previous e<perience of the applicant, the implication which the grant of such licence would have in the status of wildlife to such other matters as may be prescribed in this behalf and after making such in-uiry in respect of those matters as may think fit, is satisfied that the licence should be granted.: '.) Every licence granted under this section shall specify the premises in which and the conditions, if any sub@ect to which the licence shall carry on his business. '4) Every licence granted under this section shall7 'a) be valid for one year from the date of its grant? 'b) not be transferable? and 'c) be renewable for a period not e<ceeding one year at a time. '$) 2o application for the renewal of a licence shall be re@ected unless the holder of such licence has been given a reasonable opportunity of presenting his case and unless the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer is satisfied that7 'i) the application for such renewal has been made after the e<piry of the period specified therefor, or 'ii) any statement made by the applicant at the time of the grant or renewal of the licence was incorrect or false in material particulars, or 'iii) the applicant has contravened any term or condition of the licence or any provision of this Act or any rule made thereunder, or 'iv) the applicant does not fulfil the prescribed conditions.

'#) Every order granting or re@ecting an application for the grant or renewal of a licence shall be made in writing. '+) 2othing in the foregoing sub7sections shall apply in relation to vermin. COMMENTS /ection 88 prohibit any dealing in trophies without a licence? &yarelal v. /tate &'elhi Administration(, A!H "++. /C "".+. 05. S4-/%'-# ' ! *('*%$$("# ' , $#*%'*%-.C /ub@ect to any general or special order of the /tate *overnment, the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer may, for reason to be recorded by him in writing suspend or cancel any licence granted or renewed under section 88G &rovided that no such suspension or cancellation shall be made e<cept after giving the holder of the licence a reasonable apportunity of being heard. 03. A//%($.C '") As appeal from an order refusing to grant a renew a licence under section 88 or an order suspending or cancelling a licence under section 8. shall lie7 'a) if the order is made by the authorised officer, to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden? or 'b) if the order is made by the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, to the /tate *overnment. ',) !n the case of an order passed by the Chief %ild 3ife %arden under clause 'a) of sub7section '"), a second appeal shall lie to the /tate *overnment. '3) /ub@ect as aforesaid,every order passed in appeal under this section shall be final. '8) An appeal under this section shall be preferred within thirty days from the date of communication, to the applicant, of the order appealed againstG &rovided that the appeallate authority may admit any appeal preferred after the e<piry of the period aforesaid if it is satisfied that the order appellant had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal in time. 07. M(#'"%'('*% , !%* !)-.CA licensee under this Chapter shall7

'a) keep records and submit such returns of his dealings, as may be prescribed,7 'i) to the 0irector or any other officer authorised by him in this behalf, and 'ii) to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer? and

'b) make such records available on demand for inspection by such officers.

08. P4!*h(-%

, ('#+($, %"*., 76 $#*%'-%%.C 2o licensee under this Chapter shall 7

'a) keep in this control, custody or possession,7 'i) any animal, animal articles, trophy or uncured trophy in respect of which a decision under the provisions of sub7 section ',) of section 88 has to be made but has not been made? 'ii) any animal or animal article, trophy, uncured trophy or meat which has not been lawfully ac-uired under the provisions of this Act or any rule or order made thereunder? 'b) 'i) capture any wild animal, or 'ii) ac-uire, receive, keep in his control, custody or possession, or sell, offer for sale or transport, any captive animal specified in /chedule ! or &art !! of /chedule !! or any animal article, trophy, uncured trophy or meat derived therfrom or serve such meat, or put under a process of ta<idermy or make animal article containing part or whole of such animal, e<cept in accordance with such rules as may be made under this ActG

&rovided that where the ac-uisition or possession, control or custody of such animal or animal article, trophy or uncured trophy entails the transfer or transport from one /tate to another, no such transfer or transport shall be effected e<cept with the previous permission in writing of the 0irector or any other officer authorised by him in this behalfG &rovided further that no such permission under the foregoing proviso shall be granted unless the 0irector or the officer authorised by him is satisfied that the animal or article aforesaid has been lawfully ac-uired. 1908A. R%-"!#*"# ' ' "!('-/ !"("# ' , 1#$) $#,%.C 2o person shall accept any wild animal 'other than vermin), or any animal article, or any specified plant or part of derivative thereof, for transportation e<cept after e<ercising dur care to ascertain that permission from the Chief %ild life %arden or any other officer authorised by the /tate *overnment in this behalf has been obtained for such transportation.: 09.P4!*h(-% , *(/"#5% ('#+($, %"*., 76 ( /%!- ' "h%! "h(' $#*%'-%%.C 2o person shall purchase, receive or ac-uire any captive animal, wild animal, other than

vermin, or any animal article, trophy, uncured trophy or meat derived therefrom otherwise than from a dealer or from a person authorised to sell or otherwise transfer the same under this ActG ,9&rovided that nothing in this section shall apply to a recognised Doo sub@ect to the provisions of section 3#! or to public museum.:

PROHI.ITION OF TRADE OR COMMERCE IN TROPHIES, ANIMAL ARTICLES, ETC. DERI;ED FROM CERTAIN ANIMALS 09A. D%,#'#"# '-.C !n this Chapter,7 'b) 1scheduled animal article1 means an article made from any scheduled animal and includes an article or ob@ect in which the wholeor any part of such animal "9has been used but does not include tail feather of peacock, an article or trophy made therefrom and snake venom or its derivative?: 'c) 1specified date1 means7 'i) in relation to a scheduled animal on the commencement of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "+#4, the date of e<piry of two months from such commencement? ,9; ; ;: 'ii) in relation to any animal adding or transferred to /chedule ! or &art !! of /chedule !! at any time after such commencement, the date of e<piry of two months from such addition or transfer? 39'iii) in relation to ivory imported into !ndia or an article made from such ivory, the date of e<piry of si< months from the commencement of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "++".: 09.. P! h#7#"# ' , )%($#'2- #' "! /h#%-, ('#+($ (!"#*$%-, %"*., )%!#5%) ,! + -*h%)4$% ('#+($-.C '") /ub@ect to the other provisions of this section, on and after the specified date, no person shall,7 'a) commence or carry on the business as7 'i) a manufacturer of, or dealer in scheduled animal articles? or 89'ia) a dealer in ivory imported into !ndia or articles made therefrom or a manufacturer of such articles? or

'ii) a ta<idermist with respect to any scheduled animals or any parts of such animals? or 'iii) a dealer in trophy or uncured trophy derived from any scheduled animal? or 'iv) a dealer in any captive animals being scheduled animals? or 'v) a dealer in meat derived from any scheduled animal? or 'b) cook serve meat derived from any schedule animal animal in eating7house. Explanation$76or the purposes of this sub7section, 1eating7house1 has the same meaning as the E<planation below sub7section '") of section 88. ',) /ub@ect to the other provisions of this section, no licence granted or renewed under section 88 before the specified date shall entitle the holder thereof or any other person to commence or carry on the business referred to in clause 'a) of sub7section '") of this section or occupation referred to in clause 'b) of the sub7section date. '3) 2otwithstanding anything contained in sub7section '") or sub7 section ',) where the Central *overnment is satisfied that it is necessary or e<pedient so to do in the public interest, it may, by general or special order published in the offiial *aDette, e<empt, for purposes of e<port, any corporation owned or controlled by the Central *overnment 'including a *overnment company within the meaning of section 4"$ of the companies Act, "+.4 '" to "+.4) or any society registered under the /ocieties Hegistration Act, "#4( '," of "#4() or any other law for the time being in force, wholly or substantially financed by the Central *overnment from the provisions of sub7sections '") and ',). '8) 2otwithstanding anything contained in sub7section '") or sub7 section ',), but sub@ect to any rules which may be made in this behalf, a person holding a licence under section 88 to carry on the business as a ta<idermist may put under a process of ta<idermy any scheduled animal or any part thereof,7 'a) for or on behalf of the *overnment or any corporation or society e<empted under sub7section '3), or 'b) %ith the previous authorisation in writing of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, for and on behalf of any person for educational or scientific purposes. 09C. D%*$(!("# ' 76 )%($%!-.C '") Every person carrying on the business or occupation referred to in sub7section '") of section 8+B shall,within thirty days from the specified date, declare to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer,7

'a) his stocks, if any, as at the end of the specified date of7 'i) scheduled animal articles? 'ii) scheduled animals and parts thereof? 'iii) trophies and uncured trophies derived from scheduled animals? 'iv) captive animals, being scheduled animals? "9'v) ivory imported into !ndia or articles made therefrom?: 'b) the place or places at which the stocks mentioned in the declaration are kept? and 'c) the description of such items, if any, of the stocks mentioned in the declaration which he desires to retain with himself for his bona fide personal use. ',) Bn receipt of a declaration under sub7section '"), the person making the declaration under sub7section '"), the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer may take all or any of the measures specified in section 8"and for this purpose the provisions of section 8" shall so far as may be, apply. '3) %here, in a declaration made under sub7section '"), the person making the declaration e<presses his desire to retain with himself any of the items of the stocks specified in the declaration for his bona fide use, the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, with the prior approval of the 0irector, may, if he is satisfied that the person is in lawful possession of such items, issue certificates of ownership in favour of such person with respect to all, or as the case may be, such of the items as in the opinion of the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, are re-uired for the bona fide personal use of such person and affi< upon such items identification marks in such manner as may be prescribedG &rovided that no such item shall be kept in any commercial premises. '8) 2o person shall obliterate or counterfeit any identification mark referred to in sub7section '3). '.) An appeal shall lie against any refusal to grant certificate of ownership under sub7section '3) and the provisions of sub7sections ',), '3) and '8) of section 84 shall, so far as may be, apply in relation to appeals under this sub7section. '4) %here a person who has been isued a certificate of ownership under sub7section '3) in respect of any item,7 'a) transfers such item of any person, whether by way of gift, sale or otherwise, or 'b) transfers or transports from the /tate in which he reside to another /tate any such item, he shall, within thirty days of such transfer or transport, report the transfer or transport to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer within @urisdiction the transfer or transport is effected.

'$) 2o person, other than a person who has been issued a certificate of ownership under sub7section '3) shall, on and after the specified date, keep under his control, sell or offer for sale or transfer to any person "9any scheduled animal or a scheduled animal article or ivory imported into !ndia or any article made therefrom:.: CHAPTER;I PRE;ENTION AND DETECTION OF OFFENCE 5?. P 1%! , %'"!6, -%(!*h, (!!%-" (') )%"%'"# '.C

'") 2otwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the 0irector or any other officer authorised by him in this behalf or the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer or any forest officer or any police officer not below the rank of a sub7 inspector, may, if he has reasonable grounds for believing that any person has committed an offence against this Act,7 'a) re-uire any such person to produce for inspection any captive animal, wild animal, animal article, meat, ,9trophy, uncured trophy7specified plant or part or derivative thereof: in his control, custody or possession, or any licence, permit or other document granted to him or re-uired to be kept by him under the provisions of this Act? 'b) stop any vehicle in order to conduct search or in-uiry or enter upon and search any premises, land, vehicle or vessel, in the occupation of such person, and open and search any baggage or other things in his possession? ,9'c) seiDe any captive animal, wild animal, animal article, meat, trophy or uncured trophy, or any specified plant or part or derivative thereof, in respect of which an offence against this Act appears to have been committed, in the possession of any person together trap, tool, vehicle, vessel or weapon used for commiting any such offence and, unless he is satisfied that such person will appear and answer any charge which may be preferred against him, arrest him without warrant, and detain himG &rovided that where a fisherman residing within ten kilometres of a sanctuary or 2ational &ark, inadvertently enters on a boat, not used for commercial fishing, in the territorial waters in that sanctuary or 2ational &ark, a fishing tackle or net on such boat shall not be seiDed.:

"9; ; ;: '3) !t shall be lawful for any of the officers referred to in sub7section '") to stop and detain any person, whom he sees doing any act for which a licence or permit is re-uired under the provisions of this Act, for the purposes of re-uiring such person to produce the licence or permit and if such person fails to produce the licence or permit, as the case may be, he may be arrested without warrant, unless he furnishes his name and address, and otherwise satisfies the officer arresting him that he will duly answer any summons or other proceedings which may be taken against him. ,9'3A) Any officer of rank not inferior to that of an Assistant 0irector of %ild 3ife &reservation or %ild 3ife %arden, who, or whose subordinate, has seiDed any captive animal or wild animal under clause 'c) of sub7section '") may give the same for custody on the e<ecution by any person of a bond for the production of such animal if and when so re-uired, before the egistrate having @urisdiction to try the offence on account of which the seiDure has been made.: '8) Any person detained, or things seiDed under the foregoing power, shall forthwith be taken before a egistrate to be delt with according to law. '.) Any person who, without reasonable cause, fails to produce anything, which he is re-uired to produce under this section, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act. '4)'a) %here any 39meat, uncured trophy, specified plant, or part or derivative thereof: is seiDed under the provisions of this section, the Assistant 0irector of %ild 3ife &reservation or any other officer of gaDetted rank authorised by him in this behalf or the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authorised officer may arrange for the sale of the same and deal with the proceeds of sale in such manner as may be prescribed. 'b) %here it is proved that the 39meat, uncured trophy, specified plant, or part of derivative thereof: seiDed under the provisions of this section is not *overnment property, the proceeds of the sale shall be returned to the owner. '$) %henever any person is approached by any of the officers referred to in sub7section '") for assistance in the prevention or detection of an offence against this Act, or in apprehending person charged with the violation of this Act, or for seiDure in accordance with clause 'c) of sub7 section '"), it shall be the duty of such person or persons to render such assistance. ,9'#) 2otwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, any officer not below the rank of an Assistant 0irector of %ild 3ife &reservation or %ild 3ife %arden shall have the powers, for purposes of making investigation into any offence against any provision of this Act,7 'a) to issue a search warrant? 'b) to enforce the attendance of witnesses?

'c) to compel the discovery and production of documents and material ob@ects? and 'd) to receive and record evidence. '+) Any evidence recorded under clause 'd) of sub7section '#) shall be admissible in any subse-uent trial before a agistrate provided that it has been taken in the presence of the accused person.: 51. P%'($"#%-.C '") Any person who "9contravences any provision of this Act ,9'e<cept Chapter AA and section 3#=): or any rule order and made thereunder or who commits a breach of any of the conditions of any licence or permit granted under this Act, shall be guilty of an offence against this Act, and shall, on conviction, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may e<tend to 39three years: or with fine which may e<tend to 89twenty7five thousand rupees: or with bothG &rovided that where the offence committed is in relation to any animal specified in /chedule ! or part !! or meat of any such animal or animal article, trophy or uncured trophy derived from such animal or where the offence .9relates to hunting in, or altering the boundaries of: a sanctuary or a 2ational &ark, such offence shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than 49one year: but may e<tend to si< years and also with fine which shall not be less than $9five thousand rupeesG: #9&rovided further that in the case of a second or subse-uent offence of the nature mentioned in this sub7section, the term of imprisonment may e<tend to si< years and shall not be less than two years and the amount of fine shall not be less than ten thousand rupees.: +9'"A) Any person who contravenes any provisions of Chapter AA, shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which shall not be less than one year but which may e<tend to seven years and also with fine which shall not be less than five thousand rupees.: "(9'"B) Any person who contravenes the provisions of section 3#= shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may e<tend to si< months, or with fine which may e<tend to two thousand rupees, or with bothG &rovided that in the case of a second or subse-uent offence the term of imprisonment may e<tend to one year, or with fine which may e<tend to five thousand rupees.: ',) %hen any person is convited of an offence against this Act, the court trying the offence may order that any captive animal, wild animal, animal article, trophy, ,9uncured trophy, meat, ivory imported

into !ndia or an article made from ivory, any specified plant, or part or derivative thereof: in respect of which the offence has been committed, and any trap, tool, vehicle, vessel or weapon, used in the commission of the said offence be forfeited to the /tate *overnment and that any licence or permit, held by such person under the provisions of this Act, be cancelled. '3) /uch cancellation of licence or permit or such forfeiture shall be in addition to any other punishment that may be awarded for such offence. '8) %here any person is convicted of an offence against this Act, the court may direct that the licence, if any, granted to such person under the Arms Act, "+.+ '.8 of "+.8), for possession of any arm with which an offence against this Act has been committed, shall be cancelled and that such person shall not be eligible for a licence under the Arms Act, "+.+ '.8 of "+.8), for a period of five years from the date of conviction. "9'.) 2othing contained in section 34( of the Code of Criminal &rocedure, "+$3 ', of "+$8) or in the &robation of offenders Act, "+.# ',( of "+.#) shall apply to a person convicted of an offence with respect to hunting in a sanctuary or a 2ational &ark or of an offence against any provision of Chapter AA unless such person is under eighteen years of age.: COMMENTS 'i) The accused was convicted for possession of lion shaped trophies of Chinkara skins meant for sale without licence. But there was no evidence whatsoever as to when the accused came into possession of these trophies. The proviso to section ." of the Act providing minimum sentence of 4 months is not attracted? &yarelal v./tate '0elhi Administration), A!H "++. /C "".+. 'ii) To convict a person under the Act, it is necessary to prove that he had either killed or attempted to kill one of the animals or birds mentioned in the /chedules. !t is no offence for a person holding a licence to go about with a gun in his possession? Batan /ingh v. Emperor, ,+ Cri 3= ,3# '3ah). 52. A""%+/"%) (') (7%"+%'".C%hoever attempts to contravene, or abets the contravention of, any of the provisions of this Act or of any rule or order made thereunder shall be deemed to have contravened that provision or rule or order, as the case may be. 53. P4'#-h+%'" , ! 1! '2,4$ -%#E4!%.Cif any person, e<cersing powers under this Act, ve<atiously and unnecessarily seiDes the property of any other person on the pretence of seiDing it for the reasons mentioned in section .(, he shall, on conviction, be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may e<tend to si< months, or with fine which may e<tend to five hundred rupees, or with both.

50. P 1%! "

* +/ 4')


'") ,9The Central *overnment may, by notification, empower the 0irector of %ild 3ife &reservation or any other officer and the /tate *overnmental: may, by notification, empower the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or any officer of a rank not inferior to that of 0eputy Conservator of 6orests,7 'a) to accept, from any person against whom a reasonable suspicion e<ists that he has committed an offence against this Act, payment of a sum of money by way of composition of the offence which such person is suspected to have committed? and'b) when any property has been seiDed is liable to be forfeited, to release the same on payment of the value thereof as estimated by such officer. ',) Bn payment of such sum of money or such value, or both, as the case may be, to such officer, the suspected person,if in custody, shall be discharged, and the property, other than *overnment property, if any, seiDed, shall be released and no further proceedings in respect of the offence shall be taken against such person. '3) The officer compounding any offence may order the cancellation of any licence or permit granted under this Act to the offender, or if not empowered to do so, may approach an officer so empowered, for the cancellation of such licence or permit. '8) The sum of money accepted or agreed to be accepted as composition under clause 'b) of sub7section '") shall, in no case, e<ceed the sum of two thousand rupeesG &rovided that no offence, for wich a minimum period of imprisonment has been prescribed in sub7section '") of section .", shall be compounded. 55. C 2'#E('*% , ,,%'*%-.C2o court shall take cogniDance of any offence against this Act e<cept on the complaint of any person other than7 'a) the 0irector of %ild 3ife &reservation or any other officer authorised in this behalf by the Central *overnment? or 'b) the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, or any other officer authorised in this behalf by the /tate *vernment? or 'c) any person who has given notice of not less than si<ty days, in the manner prescribed, of the alleged offence and of his intention to make a complaint to the

Central *overnment or the /tate *overnment or the officer authorised as aforsaid.: 53. O/%!("(# ' , "h%! $(1- ' " 7(!!%).C 2othing in this Act shall be deemed to prevent any person from being prosecuted under any other lawfor time being in force, for any act or omission which constitutes an offence against this Act or from being liable under such other law to any higher punishment or penalty than that provided by this ActG &rovided that no person shall be punished twice for the same offence. 57. P!%-4+/"# ' " 7% +()% #' *%!"(#' *(-%-.7%here, in any prosecution for an offence against this Act, it is established that a person is in possession, custody or control of any captive animal, animal article, meat, ,9trophy, uncured trophy, specified plant, or part or derivative thereof: it shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, the burden of proving which shall lie on the accused, that such person is in unlawful possession, custody or control of such captive animal, animal article, meat ,9trophy, uncured trophy, specified plant, or part or derivative thereof:. 58. O,,%'*%- 76 * +/('#%-.C '") %here an offence against this Act has been committed by a company, every person who, at the time the offence was committed, was in charge of, and was responsible to, the company for the conduct of the business of the company as well as company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordinglyG &rovided that nothing contained in this sub7section shall render any such person liable to any punishment, if he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he e<ercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence. ',) 2otwithstanding anything contained in sub7section '"), where an offence against this Act has been committed by a company and it proved that the offence has been committed with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of that offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. Expalnation$% 6or the purposes of this section,7 'a) 1company1 means any body corporate and includes a firm or other association of individuals? and 'b) 1director1, in relation to a firm, means a partner in the firm.

MISCELLANEOUS 59. O,,#*%!- " 7% /47$#* -%!5('"-.C Every officer referred to "9in Chapter !! and the chairperson, members, member7secretary and other officers and employees referred to in Chapter !AA: and every other officer e<ercising any of the powers conferred by this Act shall be deemed to be a public servant within the meaning of section ," of the !ndian &enal Code, "#4( '8. of "#4(). 3?. P! "%*"# ' , (*"# ' "(:%' #' 2 ) ,(#"h.C

'") 2o suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding shall lie against any officer or other employee of the Central *overnment or the /tate *overnment of anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act. ',) 2o suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Central *overnment or the /tate *overnment or any of its officers or other employees for any damage caused or likely to be caused by anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act. ,9'3) 2o suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Authority referred to in Chapter !A A and its chairperson, members,, member7 secretary, officers and other employees for anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done under this Act.: 393?A. R%1(!) " /%!- '-.C

'") %hen a court imposes a sentence of fine or a sentence of which fine forms a part, the court may, when passing @udgement, order that the reward be paid a person who renders assistance in the detection of the offence or the apprehension of the offenders out of the proceeds of fine not e<ceeding twenty percent. of fine. ',) %hen a case is compounded under section .8, the officer compounding may order reward to be paid to a person who renders assistance in the detection of the offence or the apprehension of the ofenders out of the sum of money accepted by way of composition not e<ceeding twenty percent. of such money. 31. P 1%! " ($"%! %'"!#%- #' S*h%)4$%-.C

'") The Central *overnment may, if it is of opinion that it is e<pedient so to do, by notification, 19add or delete any entry to or from any /chedule: or transfer any entry from one part of /chedule to another &art of the same /chedule or from one /chedule to another. .9; ; ;:

'3) Bn the issue of a notification under sub7section '") 49; ; ;: the relevant /chedule shall be deemed to be altered accordingly, provided that every such alteration shall be without pre@udice to anything done or ommitted to be done before such alteration. "9; ; ;: 32. D%*$(!("# ' , *%!"(#' 1#$) ('#+($- " 7% 5%!+#'.C ,9The Central *overnment: may, by notification, declare any wild animal other than those specified in /chedule ! and &art !! of /chedule !! to be vermin for any area and for such period as may be specified therein and so long as such notification is in force, such wild animal shall be deemed to have been included in /chedule A. 33. P 1%! , C%'"!($ G 5%!'+%'" " +(:% !4$%-.C 39'") The Central *overnment may, by notification, make rules for all or any of the following matters, namelyG7 'a) conditions and other matters sub@ect to which a licensee may keep any specified plant in his custody or possession under section "$6? 'b) the salaries and allowances and other conditions of appointment of chairperson, members and member7 secretary under sub7section '.) of section 3#B? 'c) the terms and conditions of service of the officers and other employees of the Central Foo Authority under sub7section '$) of section 3#B? 'd) the form in which the annual statement of accounts of the Central Foo Authority shall be prepared under sub7section '8) of section 3#E? 'e) the form in which and the time at which the annual reports of the Central Foo Authority shall be prepared under section 3#6? 'f) the form in which and the ice re-uired to be paid with the application for recognition of a Doo under sub7 section ',) of section 3#C? 'g) the standards, norms and other matters to be considered for granting recognition under sub7section '8) of section 3#C? 'h) the form in which declaration shall be made under sub7section ',) of section 88? 'i) the matters to be prescribed under clause 'b) of sub7 section '8) of section 88?

'@) the terms and conditions which shall govern transactions referred to in clause 'b) of section 8#? 'k) the manner in which notice may be given by a person under clause 'c) of section ..? 'l) the manner specified in sub7section ',) of section 48 in so far as they relate to sanctuaries and 2ational &arks declared by the Central *overnment.: ',) Every rule made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be after it is made, before each Couse of &arliament, while it is in session, for a total period of thirty days which may be comprised in one session or in two or more successive sessions, aforesaid, both Couses agree in making any modification in the rule or both Couses agree that the rule should be made, the rule shall be thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the case may be? so, however, that any such modification or annulment shall be without pre@udice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule. 30. P 1%! , S"("% G 5%!'+%'" " +(:% !4$%-.C

'") /tate *overnment may, by notification, make rules for carrying out the provisions of this Act in respect of matters which do not fall within the purview of section 43. ',) !n particular and without pre@udice to the generality of the foregoing power, such rule may provide for all or any of the following matters, namelyG7 'a) the term of office of the members of the Board referred to in clause 'g) of sub7section '") of section 4 and the manner of filling vacancies among them? 'b) allowances referred to in sub7section'8) of section 4? 'c) the forms to be used for any application, certificate, claim, declaration, licence, permit, registration, return or other document, made, granted or submitted under the provisions of this Act and the fees, if any, therefor? 'd) the conditions sub@ect to which any licence or permit may be granted under this Act? 'e) the particulars of the record of wild animals 'captured or killed) to be kept and submitted by the licensee?

"9'ee) the manner in which measures for immunisation of live7stock shall be taken?: 'f) regulation of the possession, transfer and the sale of captive animals, meat, animal articles, trophies and uncured trophies? 'g) regulation of ta<idermy? 'h) any other matter which has to be, or may be prescribed under this Act.


35. R#2h"- , S*h%)4$%) T!#7%- " 7% /! "%*"%).C 2othing in this Act shall affect the hunting rights conferred on the /cheduled Tribes of the 2icobar !slands in the >nion territory of Andaman and 2icobar !slands by notification of the Andaman and 2icobar Administration, 2o. 8(I4$I6, 2o. *43., Aol.!!!, dated the ,#th April, "+4$. 33. R%/%($ (') -(5#'2-.C '") As from the commncement of this Act, every other Act relating to any matter contained this Act and in force in a /tate shall, to the e<tent to which that Act or any provision contained therein corresponds, or is repugnant, to this Act or any provision contained in this Act, stand repealedG &rovided that such repeal shall not,7 'i) affect the previous operation of the Act so repealed, or anything duly done or suffered thereunder? 'ii) affect any right, privilege, obligation or liability a-uired, accrued or incurred under the Act so repealed? 'iii) affect any penalty, forefeiture or punishment incurred in respect of any offence committed against the Act so repealed? or 'iv) affect any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy in respect of any such right, privilege, obligation, liability, penalty, forefeiture, or punishment as aforesaid? and any investigation, legal proceeding or remedy may be instituted, continued or enforced, and any such penalty, forefeiture and punishment may be imposed, as if the aforesaid Act had not been repeled. ',) 2otwithstanding such repeal,7 'a) anything done or any action taken under the Act so repealed 'including any notification, order, certificate, notice or receipt issued, application made, or permit granted) which is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, be deemed to have been done or taken under

the corresponding provisions of this Act, as if this Act were in force at the time such thing was done or action was taken, and and shall continue to be in force, unless and until superseded by anything done or any action taken under this Act? 'b) every licence granted under any Act so repealed and in force immediately before the commencement of this Act shall be deemed to have been granted under the corresponding provisions of this Act and shall, sub@ect to the provisions of this Act, continue to be in force for the une<pired portion of the period for which such licence had been granted. '3) 6or the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that any sanctuary or 2ational &ark declared by a /tate *overnment under any Act repealed under sub7section '") shall be deemed to be a sanctuary or 2ational &ark, as the case may be, declared by the /tate *overnment under this Act and where any right in or over any land in any such 2ational &ark which had not been e<tinguished under the said Act, at or before the commencement of this Act, the e<tinguishment of such rights shall be made in accordance with the provisions of this Act. "9'8) 6or the removal of doubts, it is hereby further declared that where any proceeding under any provision of sections "+ to ,. 'both inclusive) is pending on the date of commencement of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) 'Amendment) Act, "++" any reserve forest or a part of territorial waters comprised within a sanctuary declared under section "# to be a sanctuary before the date of such commencement shall be deemed to be a sanctuary declared under section ,4A.: '/ee secs. ,, #, +, "", 8(, 8", 8#, .", 4" and 4,)

M(++($"9Andaman %ild pig'/us soeofo andamanensis): ,9"7A. Bharal 'ovisnohura): ,9"7B. Binturong 'Arctictis binturong): ,. Black Buck 'Antelope cervicapra) ,9,7A. ; ; ;: 3. Brow7antlered 0eer or Thamin 'Cervus eldi) 3937A. Cimachal Brown bear '>rsus Arctos): "937B. Capped 3angur '&resbytis pileatus): 8. Caracal '6elis caracal)

,987A. Catecean specils: .. Cheetah 'Acinony< @ubatus) 89.7A. Chinese &angolin ' ainis pentadactyla): "9.7B. Chinkara or !ndian *aDelle '*aDella gaDella bennetti): 4. Clouded 3eopard '2eofelis nebulosa) ,947A. Crab7eating aca-ue ' acaca irus umbrosa):

,947B. 0esert Cat '6elis libyca): 3947C. 0eser fo< 'Aulpes bucapus): $. 0ugong '0ugong dugon) ,9$7A. Ermine ' ustele erminea): #. 6ishing Cat '6elis viverrina): "9#7A. 6our7horned antelope 'Tetraceros -uadricornis): ,9#7B. ; ; ;: 39#7C. ; ; ;: 39#70. *angetic dolphin '&latanista gangetica): 39#7E. *aur or !ndian bison 'Bos gaurus): +. *olden Cat '6elis temmincki) "(. *olden 3angur '&resbytis geei) 39"(7A. *iant s-uirrel 'Hatufa macroura): 39"(7B. Cimalayan !be< 'Capra ibe<): "9"(7C. Cimalayan Tahr 'Cemitragus @emlachius): "". Cispid Care 'Caprolagus hispidus) "9""7A. Cog badger 'Arcony< collaris): ",. Coolock 'Cylabates hoolock) ,9",7A. ; ; ;:

"9",7B. !ndian Elephant 'Elephas ma<imus): "3. !ndian 3ion '&anthera leo persica) "8. !ndian %ild Ass 'E-uus hemionus Khur) 39".. !ndian %olf 'Canis lupas pallipes): "4. Kashmir /tag 'Cervus elaphus hanglu) ,9"47A. 3eaf onkey '&resbytis phayrei):

,9"47B. 3eopard or &anther '&anthera pardus): "$. 3eopard Cat '6elis bengalensis) "#. 3esser or Hed &anda 'Ailurus fulgens) "+. 3ion7tailed aca-ue ' acaca silenus)

,(. 3oris '3oris tardigradus) "9',(7A. 3ittle !ndian &orpoise '2eomeris phocenoides): ,". 3yn< '6eli< lyn< isabellinus) ,,. alabar Civet 'Aiverra megaspila) alay or /un Bear 'Celarctos malayanus):

"9,,7A. ,3. ,8.

arbled Cat '6elis marmorata) arkhor 'Capra falconeri) ouse 0eer 'Tragulus memmina):

89,87A. ,..

usk 0eer ' oschus moschiferus)

"9,.7A. 2ilgiri 3ungur '&resbytis @ohni): "9',.7B. 2ilgiri Tahr 'Cermitragus hylocrius): ,4. 2yan or *reat Tibetan /heep 'Bvis ammon hodgsoni) ,$. &alla5s Cat '6elis manul) ,#. &angolin ' anis crassicaudata) ,+. &ygmy Cog '/us salvanius)

,9,+7A. Hatel ' ellivora capensis): 3(. Hhinoceros 'Hhinoceros unicornis) 3". Husty spotted Cat '6elis rubiginosa) 8'3"7A. /erow 'Capricornis sumatraensis) "93"7B. Clawless Btter 'Aony< cinerea): "93"7C. /loth Bear ' elursus ursinus): 3,. /low 3oris '2ycticebus couceang) "93,7A. /mall Travencore 6lying /-uirrel '&etinomys fuscocapillus): 33. /now 3eopard '&anthera uncia) "9337A. /nubfin 0olphin 'Breaella breveDastris): 38. /potted 3insang '&rionodon paradicolor) 3.. /wamp 0eer 'All sub7species of Cervus duvauceli) 34. Takin or ishmi Takin 'Budorcas ta<icolor)

"9347A. Tibetan Antelope or Chiru '&anthelops hodgsoni): "9347B. Tibetan 6o< 'Aulpes ferrilatus): 3$. Tibetan *aDelle '&rocapra picticaudata) 3#. Tibetan %ild Ass 'E-uus hemionus kiang) 3+. Tiger '&anthera tigris) 8(. >rial or /hapu 'Bvis vignei) 8". %ild Buffalo 'Bubalus bubalis) ,98"7A. %ild Jak 'Bos grunniens): "98"7B. Tibetan %olf 'Canis lupus chanco):


A+/h#7#('- (') R%/"#$%,9". Agra onitor 3iDard 9Aaranus griseus '0audin):

39"7A. ; ; ;: "9"7B. Audithia Turtle '&elochelys bibroni): "9"7C. Barred, Bval, or Jellow onitor 3iDard 'Aaranus flavescens):

"9"70. Crocodiles '!ncluding the Estuarine or salt water crocodile) 'Crocodilus porosus and Crocodilus palustris): "9"7E. Terrapin 'Batagur basika): "76. Eastern Cill Terrapin ' elanochelys tricarinata) ,. *harial '*ravialis gangeticus) 893. *anges /oft7shelled Turtle 'Triony< gangeticus) "937A. *olden *ecko 'Caloductyloides aureus): 8. *reen /ea Turtle 'Chelonia ydas)

.. Cawksbill Turtle 'Eretmochelys imbricata inlscata) "94. ; ; ;: $. !ndian Egg7eating /nake 'Elachistodon westermanni) #. !ndian /oft7shelled Turtle '3issemys punctata punctata) +. !ndian Tent Turtle 'Kachuga tecta tecta) +7A. Kerala 6orest Terrapin 'Coesemy sylratica) "(. 3arge Bengal onitor 3iDard 'Aaranus bengalensis)

"". 3eathery Turtle '0ermochelys coriacea) ",. 3ogger Cead Turtle 'Caretta caretta) "3. Blive Back 3ogger Cead Turtle '3epidochelys olivacea) "8. &eocock7marked /oft7shelled Turtle 'Triony< hurum) "9"87A. &ythons '*enus &ython):

"9"87B. /ail terrapin 'Kachuga Kachuga): "87C. /potted black Terrapin '*eoclemys hamiltoni) ,9".. ; ; ;: ,9"4. ; ; ;: ,9"$. ; ; ;: 39"$7A. %ater 3iDard 'Aaranus salvator)

F#-h%9". %hole shark 'Hhincodar typus: s9,. /hark K Hay 'All Elasmobranchio: 3. /ea horse 'All /ygnathidiang) 8. *iant *rouper 'Epinephelus larceolatus)

.#!)89". Andaman Teal 'Anas gibberifrons allagularis): "7A. Assam Bamboo &artidge 'Bambusicola fytchii) 39"7B. BaDas 'Aviceda @eordone and Aviceda leuphotes): ,9"7C. Bengal 6lorican 'Eupodotis bengalensis): "70. Black7necked Crane '*rus nigricollis) "7E. Blood &heasants '!taginis cruentus tibetanus, !thagins Cruentus kuseri) ,9"76. ; ; ;: ,. Cheer &heasant 'Catreus wallichii) ,9,7A. Eastern %hite /tork 'Ciconia boyciana): 39,7B. 6orest7spotted Bwlet 'Athene blewitti) 39,7C. 6rogmouth '*enus batrachostomus)

3. *reat !ndian Bustard 'Choriotis nigriceps) 8. *reat !ndian Cornbill 'Buceros bicornis) ,987A. Cawks 'Accipitridao): 3987B. Cooded Crane '*rus monacha): 3987C. Cornbills '&tilolaemus tickelli austeni, Aceros nipalensis, undulatus ticehursti) "9870. Coubara Bustard 'Chlamydotis undulata): "9876. !ndian &ied Cornbill 'Anthracoceros malabaricus): .. =erdon5s Courser 'Cursoritus bitor-uatus) 4. 3ammergier '*ypaetus barbatus) $. 3arge 6alcons '6alco peregrinus, 6alco biarmicus and 6alco chicuera) "9$7A. 3arge %histling Teal 'Anatidae): ,9$7B. 3esser 6lorican '/ypheotides indica): ,9$7C. onal &heasants '3ophophorus impeyanus, 3ophophorus /clateri): #. ountain Luail 'Bphrysia supercillosa)

+. 2arcondam Cornbill 9Hhyticeros 'undulatus) narcondami): ,9+7A. ; ; ;: "(. 2icobar egapode ' agapodius freycinet)

"9"(7A. 2icobar &igeon 'Caloenas nicobarica pelewensis): "9"(7B. Bsprey or 6ish7eating Eagle '&andion haliatetus): "9"(7C. &eocock &heasants '&olyplectron bicalcaratum): "". &eafowl '&avo cristatus) ",. &ink7headed 0uck 'Hhodonessa caryophyllacea) "3. /catter5s onal '3ophophorus sclateri)

"8. /iberian %hite Crane '*rus leucogeranus)

39"87A. ; ; ;: "9"87B. Tibetan /now7Cock 'Tetraogallus tibetanus): ".. Tragopan &heasants 'Tragopan melanocephalusm Tragopan blythi, Tragopan satyra, Tragopan temminckii) "4. %hite7bellied /ea Eagle 'Caliaetus leucogaster) "$. %hite7eared &heasant 'Crossoptilon crossoptilon) ,9"$7A. %hite /poonbill '&latalea leucorodia): "#. %hite7winged %ood 0uck 'Cairina scutulata)

C!4-"(*%( (') I'-%*",9".: Butterflies and oths F(+#$6 A+("h4-#$)(% 0iscophora deo deo 0iscophora sondaica muscina 6aunis fauula faunuloides F(+#$6 D('(#)(% 0anaus gautama gautamoides Euploea crameri nicevillei Euploea midamus roepstorfti F(+#$6 L6*(%'#)(% Allotinus drumila Allotinus fabius penormis Amblopala avidiena Amblypodia ace arata Amblypodia alea constanceae Amblypodia ammonariel Amblypodia arvina ardea Amblypodia asopia Amblypodia comica Amblypodia opalima Amplypodia Deta .#)4(')( M%$#-( C6('( Biduanda melisa cyana Callophyrs leechi Castalius rosimon alaebus Charana cepheis Chiloria othona 0eudory< epi@arbas amatius Everes moorei

Common English name 0uffer, banded 0uffer, common &allid fauna Tigers Crow, spotted Black Crow, Blue7spotted 0arkie,crenulateI*reat Angled darkie Cairstreak, Chinese 3eaf Blue Hosy Bakblue alayan Bush blue &urple Brown tailless Bakblue &lain tailless Bakblue Comic Bakblue Bpal Bakblue Andaman tailless Bakblue Blue posy Cairstreak, 6erruginous &ierrot, common andar in Blue, Cachar Tit, orchid Cornelian, scarce Cupid, oore5s

*erydus biggsii *erydus symethus diopeithes Celiophorus hybrida Coraga albimacula =amides ferrari 3iphyra brassolis 3isteria dudgenni 3ogania %atsoniana subfasciata 3ycaenopsis binghami 3ycaenopsis haraldus ananga 3ycaenopsis puspa prominens 3ycaenopsis -uadriplaga dohertyi 2acaduba noreia hampsoni &olymmatus oritulus leela &ratapa !cetas mishmia /imiskina phalena harterti /inthusa Airgo /pindasis elwesi /pindasis rukmini /trymoni mackwoodi Ta@uria ister Ta@uria luculentus nela Ta@uria ya@na ya@na Thecla ata<us Dulla Thecla bleti mendera Thecla letha Thecla paona Thecla pavo Airachola smilis F(+#$6 N6+/h($#)(% Apatura ulupi ulupi Argynnis hegemone Callnaga buddha Charases durnfordi nicholi Cirrochroa fasciata 0iagora nicevillei 0illpa morgiana 0oleschallia bisaltide andamana Eriboea moorel sandakanas Eriboea schreiberi Eulaceura manipurensis Euthalia durga splendens Euthalia iva Euthalia Khama Curifascia Euthalia tellehinia Celcyra hemina Cypolimnas missipus

Bigg5s Brownie *reat Brownie /apphires Bny<es Caeruleans Butterfly, oth 3ister5s hairstreak ottle, %atsen5s, Cedge Blue Cedge Blue, 6elder5s Common hedge Blue 2aga hedge Blue 3ineblue, %hiteMtipped *reenish mountain Blue Hoyal, dark Blue Brilliant, Broadlanded /park, &ale /iverline, Elwes5s /ilverline, Khaki Cairstreak, ackwood5s Hoyal, uncertain Hoyal, Chinese Hoyal, Chestnut and Black %onderful hairstreak !ndian &urple hairstreak %atson5s hairstreak &aona hairstreak &eocock hairstreak *uava Blues Emperor, Tawny /ilver7washed fritillary 6reak Ha@ah, chestnut Jeomen /iren, /carce Emperor, *olden Autumn leaf alayan 2awab Blue 2awab Emperor, Tytler5s BaronsIConnisI0uchness 0uke, *rand 0uke, 2aga Baron, Blue Emperor, %hite Eggfly, 0anaid

3imenitis austenia purpurascens 3imenitis Dulema elitaea shandura 2eptis antilope 2eptis aspasia 2eptis columella kankena 2eptis cydippe kirbariensis 2eptis ebusa ebusa 2eptis @umbah binghami 2eptis manasa 2eptis nycteus 2eptis poona 2eptis sankara nar &anthoporia @ina @ina &anthoporia reta moorei &rothoc franckii regalis /asakia funebris /ophisa chandra /ymbrenthia silana Aanessa antiopa yedunula F(+#$6 P(/#$# '#)(% Chilasa clytea clytea of commi<tus &apilio elephenor &apilio liomedon &arnassiusaeco geminifer &arnassius delphius &arnassius hannyngtoni &arnassius imperator augustus &ernassius stolieDkanus &olydorus coon sambilanga &olydorus cerassipes &olydorus hector &olydorus nevilli &olydorus plutonius pembertoni &olydorus polla F(+#$6 P$%!#)(% Aporia harrietae harrietae Baltia butleri sikkima Colias colias thrasibulus Colias dubi 0elias samaca &ieris krueperi devta F(+#$6 S("6!##)(% Coelitis mothis adamsoni Cyliogenes @anetae Elymnias peali Elymnias penanga chilensis

Commodore, *rey Admirals 6ritillariesI/ilverstripes /ailer, variegated /ailer, *reat Cockeystick /ailer, /hort7banded /ailer, Chinese yellow /ailerI3ascar /ailer, chestnut7streaked /ailer, &ale Cockeystick /ailer, Cockeystick 3ascar, tyler5s /ailer, Broad7banded Bhutan sergeant alay staff sergeant Begum, Blue Empress Courtier, Eastern =ester, /carce Admirables Common mime /pangle, yellow7crested /wallowtail, alabar Banded Apollo Banded apollo Cannyngton5s appollo !mperial apollo 3adakh Banded apollo Common clubtail Black windmill Crimson rose 2evill5s windmill Chinese windmill 0eniceylle5s windmill Black veins %hite butterfly Clouded yellows 0warf clouded yellow =eDebel, pale Butterfly cabbageI%hite !! Cat5s eye, /carce Evening Brown, /carce &almfly, &eal5s &almful, &ainted

Erebia annada annada Erebia nara singha nara singha 3ethe, distans 3ethe dura gammiel 3ethe europa tamuna 3ethe gemina gafuri 3ethe guluihal guluihal 3ethe margaritae 3ethe ocellata lyncus 3ethe ramadeva 3ethe satyabati ycalesis orseis nautilus &arage menava maeroides Jpthima dohertyi persimillis "9"7A. Coconut or Hobber Crabe 'Bigrus latro): "9,. 0ragon 6ly 'Epioplebia laidlawi):

Argus, ringed Argus, ottled 6orester, /carce Hed 3ilacfork, /carce Bamboo tree brown Tayler5s tree brown 6orester, 0ull Tree brown, Bhutan ystic, dismal /ilverstripe, /ingle 6orester, pallid Bushbrown, &urple %all dark 6ive ring, *reat

'/ee secs. ,, #, +, 9; ; ;:, "", 8(, 8", 8#, .", 4" and 4,) ,9; ; ;: PART I ". ; ; ; 39"7A. Assamese maca-ue ' acaca assamensis) 89,. Bengal &orcupine 'Atherurus mecrourus assamensis): 3. ; ; ; 3937A. Bonnet maca-ue ' acaca radiata): 8937B. ; ; ;: .937C. Catatean spp. 'other than those listed in /ch. ! and /ch. !!, part !!): 898. ; ; ;: 3987A. Common langur '&resbytis entellus):

"9.. ; ; ;: ,94. ; ; ;: $. 6erret Badgers ' elogale moschata, ,9#. ; ; ;: ,9+. ; ; ;: ,9"(. ; ; ;: "". Cimalayan Crestless &orcupine 'Cystri< hodgsoni) 39""7A. Cimalayan 2ewtor /alamander 'Tyletotriton verrucusus): "9",. ; ; ;: "9"3. ; ; ;: "9"8. ; ; ;: ,9".. ; ; ;: "4. &ig7tailed maca-ue ' acaca nemestrina) ,9"$. ; ; ;: ,9"$7A. Hhesus maca-ue ' acaca mulatta) "9"#. ; ; ;: "+. /tump7tailed maca-ue ' acaca speciosa) "9,(. ; ; ;: ,". ; ; ; ,,. %ild dog or dhole 'Cuon alpinus) "9,3. ; ; ;: ,9,8. Chameleon 'Chameleon calcaratus): ,.. /piny7tailed 3iDard or /anda '>romasti< hardwickii) elogale personata)


91.> .%%"$%-

F(+#$6 C(!(7#)(% Agonotrechus andrewesi Amara brucei Amara eleganfula Brachius atripennis Broscosoma gracile Brosous bipillifer Broter ovicollis F(+#$6 Ch!6- +%$#)(% Acrocrypta rotundata Bimala indica Clitea indica *opala pita *riva cyanipennis 2isotra cardoni 2isotra madurensis 2isotra nigripennis 2isotra semicoerulea 2isotra striatipennis 2onarthra patkaia &sylliodes plana &sylliodes shira /ebaethe cervina /ebaethe patkaia /phaeroderma brevicorne Bebasa sena F(+#$6 C4*4B#)(% Carinophlocua raffrayi Cucu@us bicolor Cucu@us grouvelle Cucu@us imperialis Cetero@inus semilaetaneus 3aemophloeus belli 3aemophloeus incertus &ediacus rufipes Amblypodia apidanus ahamus F(+#$6 I' /%/$#)(% !nopephus albonotalus Amblypodia camdeo F(+#$6 A+("h4%#)(% Aemona amathusia amathusia Aemona phidippus andamanicus Amathu<ida amythaon amythaon 0iscophora deo deodoides 0iscophora lepida lepida 0iscophora timora andamanensi

Calathus amaroides Callistominus belli Chlaenius championi Chlaenius kanarae Chlaenius masoni Chlaenius nilgiricus

Thauria allris amplifascia 6amily 0anaidae Euploea melanaleuca Euploea midamus rogenhofer 6amily Erycinidae Abisara kausambi 0odona adonira 0odona dipoea 0odona egeon 3ibythea lepita 6amily Cesperiidae Baoris phidippina Calpe homolea 6amily 3ycaenidae Allotinus subviolaceus manychus Amblypodia abetrrans Amblypodia aenea Amblypodia agaba aurelia Amblypodia agrata Amblypodia alesia Amblypodia areste areste Amblypodia baDaloides Amblypodia Amblypodia Amblypodia Amblypodia Amblypodia Amblypodia Amblypodia ellisi fulla ignara genesa watsoni paraganesa Dephyreeta paralea silhetensis suffusa suffusa

Enispe cycnus 6aunis sumeus assama /ticopthalma nourmahal Artipe eryn< Bindahara phocides Bothrinia chennellia Castalius ro<us manluena Catapoecilma delicatum Catapoecilma elegans myositina Charana @alindra Cheritrella truncipennis Chiliaria kina 0eudory< hypargyria gaetulia Enchrysops cne@us Everes diporoides Everes kala Celipphorus androcles moorei Corage ony< Corage viola Cypolycaena nilgirica Cypolycaena thecloides nicobarica !raota rochana boswelliana =amides alectokandulana =amides celeodus pura =amides coeruler =amides kankena 3ampides boeticus 3ilacea albocaerulea 3ilacea atroguttata 3ilacea lilacea 3ilacea melaena 3ilacea minima 3ogania massalia 3ycaenesthes lycaenina ahathala ameria ahathala atkinsoni agisba malaya presbyter 2acaduba aluta coelestis 2acaduba ancrya aberrans 2acaduba dubiosa fulva 2acaduba helicon 2acaduba hermus ma@or 2eucheritra febronia 2iphanda cymbia Thecla ata<us ata<us Thecla bitel Thecla icana

Amblypodia yendava Apharitis lilacinus Araotes lapithis Brthomiella pontis &ithecops fulgens &olymmatus devanica devanica &olymmatus metallica metallica &olymmatus orbitulus @aloka &olymmatus yeonghusbandi &oritia erycinoides elsiei &oritia hewitsoni &oritia plsurata geta &ratapa bhetes &ratapa blanka &ratapa deva &ratapa icetas Hapala bu<aria Hapala chandrana chandrana Hapala nasaka Hapala refulgens Hapala rubida Hapala scintilla Hapala sphin< sphin< Hapala varuna /pindasis elima elima /pindasis lohita /pindasis nipalicus /uasa lisides /urendra todra Ta@uria albiplaga Ta@uria cippus cippus Ta@uria culta Ta@uria diaeus Ta@uria illurgiodes Ta@uria illurgis Ta@uria @angala andamanica Ta@uria melastigma Ta@uria sebonga Ta@uria thyia Ta@uria ya@na istroides Tarucus callinara Tarucus dharta Thaduka malticaudata kanara Eriboea delphis Eriboea dolen Eriboea harcoea lissainei

Thecla @akamensis Thecla kabreea Thecla khasia Thecla kirbariensis Thecla suroia Thecla syla assamica Thecla vittata Thecla Diba Thecla Doa Thecla Dsta >na usta Jasoda tripunctata Euthalia patala taooana F(+#$6 N6+/h($#)(% Adolias cyanipardus Adolias dirtea Adolias khasia Apartura chevana Apartura parvata Apatura sordida Apartura ulupi florenciae Argynnis adippe pallida Argynnis altissima Argynnis clara clara Argynnis pales horia Atella alciope Callinaga buddha brahaman Chara<es aristogiton Chara<es fabius sulphureus Chara<es karruba Chara<es marma< Chara<es poly<ena heman Cheroonesia rahria rahriodes Cyrestis cocles 0iagora persimilis Eriboea anthames andamanicus &antoporia laymna siamensis &antoporia pravara acutipennis &antoporia ranga &arthenos sylvia &enthema lisarda /ymbrenthia niphanda Aanesa egea agnicula Aanesa lalbum Aanesa polychorous Aenesa prasoides dohertyi Aenesa urtico riDama

Euripus consimillis Euripus halitherses Euthalia anosia Euthalia cocytus Euthalia duda Euthalia durga durga Euthalia evalina landabilis Euthalia franciae Euthalia garuda acontius Euthalia lepidea Euthalia merta eriphyle Euthalia nara nara Euthalia teuta Corona marathus andamana Cypolimnas missipus Cypolmnas polynice birmana Kallima albofasciata Kallima alompra Kallima philachus horsefieldii 3imenitis austenia austenia 3imentis damava 3imentis dudu elitaea robertsi lutko 2eptis aurelia 2eptis a@ana nashona 2eptis aureli 2eptis magadh khasiana 2eptis nandina hamsoni 2eptis narayana 2eptis radha radha 2eptis soma 2eptis Daida 2eurosigma doublodayi doublodayi &antoporia ksura ksura &antoporia kanwa phorkys Appias lyncida latifasciata Appias wardi Baltia butleri butleri Cepora nadian remba Cepora nerissa dapha Colias ecocandiea hinducucica Colias eogene Colias ladaensis Colias stolicDkana miranda 0elias lativitta 0ercas lycorias

Euchloe charlonia lucilla F(+#$6 P(/#$# '#)% Bhutanis liderdalei liderdalei Chilasa epycides epycides Chilasa parado<a telarchus Chilasa slateri slateri *raphium aristeus anticrates *raphium arycles arycles *raphium eurypylus macronius *raphium evemon albociliates *raphium gyas gyas *raphium megarus megarus &apilio bootes &apilio buddha &apilio fuscus andamanicus &apilio machaon verityi &apilio mayo &arnassius charltonius charltonius &ernassius epaphus hillensis &ernassius @ac-uemonti @ac-uemonti &olydorus laterillei kabrua &olydorus plutonius tytleri Teinopalpus imperialis imperialis 3ethe goalpara goalpara F(+#$6 /#%!#)(% Aporia nabellica Appias albina darada Appias indra shiva 3ethe moelleri moelleri 3ethe naga naga 3ethe nicetella 3ethe pulaha 3ethe scanda 3ethe serbonis 3ethe siderca 3ethe since< 3ethe tristigmata 3ethe violaceopicta kan@upkula 3ethe visrava 3ethe yama aniola davendra davendra elanitis Ditenius ycalesis adasoni ycalesis ana<ias ycalesis -uotama chamka ycalesis heri

Eurema andersoni ormistoni etaporia agathon &ieris deota &ontia chloridice alipina /aletara panda Chrysaea Aaleria avatar avatar 6amily /aryridae Anlocera brahminus Cyllogenes suradeva Elymnias malelas milamba Elymnias vasudeva Erebia annada suroia Erebia hygriva Erebia kalinda kalinda Erebia mani mani Erebia seanda opima Erites falciennis Cipparchis hoydenreichi shandura 3ethe atkinsoni 3ethe baladeva 3ethe brisanda 3ethe insana insana 3ethe @alaurida 3ethe kaubra 3ethe latiaris latiaris ycalesis lepcha bethami ycalesis malsarida ycalesis mestra ycalesis misenus ycalesis mystes ycalesis suavolens ycalesis hilda 2eorina patria westwoodii Beneis buddha -uaurhwalica &arantirrhoea marshali &arage eversmanni cash miensis &arage maerula maefula Hagadia crislda crito Hhapicera sttriens kabrua Jpthima bolanica Jpthima lycus lycus Jpthima mathora mathora Fipotis saitis

"9"7A. Civets 'all species of Aiverridae e<cept "9"7B. Common fo< 'Aulpes bengalensis)

alabar civet)

"9"7C. 6lying s-uirrels 'all species of all genera Bulopetes, &etaurista, &elomys and Eupetaurus) "9"70. *iant s-uirrels 'Hatufa macroura Hatufa indica, and Hatufa bicolor): "9,. Cimalayan brown bear '>rsus arcotos) ,9,7A. Cimalayan black bear '/elenarctos thibetanus) "9,7B. =ackal 'Canis aureus) "9,7C. =ungle cat '6elis chaus): "9,70. armots ' armata bobak himalayana, armota caudata): artes

"9,7E. artens ' artes foria intermedia, gwatkinsii): "93. ; ; ;: 8. Btters '3uthra, 3. perspicillata) 3987A. &ole cats 'Aormela peregusna,

arte flovigule,

ustila poturius)

87B. Hed fo< 'Aulpes vules, vules montana, vulpes griffithi, vulpes pusilla) 39.. /loth bear ' elursus ursinus): 39.7A. /perm whale '&hyseter macrocephalus): "94. ; ; ;: "9$. %easels ' ustela /ibirica, ustela Kathian, ustela Altaica):

"9#. Checkered keelback snake 'Nenochrophis piscatar): +. 0haman or rat snake '&lyas mucosus) "(. 0og7faced water snake 'Carbrus rhynchops) "". !ndian cobras 'all sub7species belonging to genus 2a@a)

",. King cobra 'Bphilophagus hannah) "3. Bliveceous keekback 'Artaetium schistosum) "8. Hussel5s viper 'Aipera ruselli) ".. Aaranus species 'e<cluding yellow monitor liDard)

'/ee secs. ,, #, 39;;;: +, "" and 4") ,9". ; ; ;: ,. Barking deer or munt@ac ' untiacus munt@ak) 893. ; ; ;: "98. ; ; ;: .. Chital 'A<i< a<is) "94. ; ; ;: $. *orals '2emorhaedus goral, 2emorhaedus hodgsoni) "9#. ; ; ;: 89+. ; ; ;: "9"(. ; ; ;: "". Cogdeer 'A<is porcinus) ",. Cyaena 'Cyaena hyaena) "9"3. ; ; ;: "8. 2ilgai 'Boselophus tragocamelus) "9".. ; ; ;: "4. /ambar 'Cervus unicolor) "9"$. ; ; ;: "9"#. ; ; ;:

"+. %ild pig '/us scrofa) ,(. /ponges 'all calcarears)

'/ee secs. ,, #, +, "" and 4") "9; ; ;: ,9". ; ; ;: 39"7A. ; ; ;: ,9,. ; ; ;: 3. ; ; ; 3937A. 6ive7striped palm s-uirrel '6unambulus pennanti): 8. Cares 'Black 2aped, Common !ndian, 0esert, Cimalayan mouse hare) 8987A. Cegde hog 'Cemiechinus auritus): ,987B. ; ; ;: ,987C. ; ; ;: ,9870. ; ; ;: ,987E. !ndian porcupine 'Cystri< indica): ,9.. ; ; ;: ,94. ; ; ;: 8947A. angooses 'All species of genus Cerpestes):

.9$. ; ; ;: 89$7A. &ole cats 'Aormela peregusna, .9$7B. ; ; ;: #. ; ; ; .9#7A. ; ; ;: ,9+7A. ; ; ;: ustela putorius):

"(. ; ; ; 49"". Birds 89'other than those which appear in other /chedules)::G ". Avadavat 'Estrildinae) ,. Avocet 'Hecurvirostridae) 3. Babblers 'Timaliinae) 8. Barbets 'Capitonidae) .. Barnowls 'Tytonknae) 4. Bitterns 'Ardeidae) $. Brown7headed gull '3arus brunnicephalus) #. Bullbuls '&sycnonotidae) +. Butings 'EuberiDidae) "(. Bustorda 'Btididae) "". Bustorda7Lualis 'Turnicidae) ",. Chloropsis '!renidae) "3. Comb duck '/arkidiornis melanotes) "8. Coots 'Hallidae) ".. Cormorants '&halacrocoracidie) "4. Cranes '*ruidae) "$. Cuckoos 'Cuculidae) "$7A. Curlews 'seoalopacinae) "#. 0arters '&halacrocoracidae) "+. 0oves including the Emerald 0ove 'Columbidae) ,(. 0rongos '0icruridae) ,". 0ucks 'Anatidae) ,,. Ergrets 'Ardeidae)

,3. 6airy Blue Birds '!renidae) ,8. 6alcons '6alconidae), e<cepting the /haheen and &eregrine falcons '6alco peregrinua), the shaker or chorrug, shanghar and lagger falcons '6. biarmicus), and the redheaded merlin '6.chic-uera) ,.. 6inches including the chaffinch 'fringillidae) ,4. 6almingos '&hoenicopteridae) ,$. 6lowerpeckers '0icaeidae) ,#. 6lycatchers ' uscicapidae) ,+. *uess 'Antidae) 3(. *oldfinch and allies 'Carduelinae) 3". *rebes '&ooicipididae) 3,. *erons 'Ardeidae) 33. !bises 'Thereskiornithidae) 38. !orars '!renidae) 3.. =ays 'Corvidae) 34. =acans '=acanidae) 347A. =unglefowl '&hasianidae) 3$. Kingfishers 'Alcedinidae) 3#. 3arks 'Alaudidae) 3+. 3orikeets '&sittacidae) 8(. 8". 8,. 83. 88. 8.. agpies including the Cunting magpie 'Corvidae) annikins 'Estrildinae) agapodes ' egapodidae) inivets 'Campephagidae) unias 'Estrildinae) ynas '/turnidae)

84. 2ight@ara 'Caprimalgidae) 8$. Brioles 'Briolidae) 8#. Bwls '/trigidae) 8+. Byestercatchers 'Coematopodidae) .(. &arakeets '&sittacidae) .". &artridges '&hasianidae) .,. &elicans '&elecanidae) .3. &heasants '&hasianidae) .8. &igeons 'Columbidae) e<cept the Blue Hock &igeon 'Columba livia) ... &ipitis ' otacillidae) ..7A. &ittas '&ittidae) .4. &lovers 'Charadriinae) .$. Lualis 'Hhasianidae) .#. Hails 'Hallidae) .+. Hollers or Blue =ays 'Coraciidae) 4(. /andgrouses '&teroclididae) 4". /andpipers '/colopacinae) 4,. /nipes '/colopacinae) 43. /purfowls '&hasianidae) 48. /tarlings '/turnidae) 4.. /tone Curlew 'Burhinidae) 44. /torks 'Ciconiidae) 4$. /tilts 'Hecurvirostridae) 4#. /unbirds '2ectariniidae) 4+. /wans 'Anatidae)

$(. Teals 'Anatidae) $". Thurushes 'Turadinae) $,. Tits '&aridae) $3. Tree pies 'Corvidae) $8. Trogons 'Trogonidae) $.. Aultures 'Accipitridae) $4. %a<bills 'E<trildinae) $$. %eaver Birds or Bayas '&loceidae) $#. %hite7eyes 'Fosteropidesa) $+. %oodpeckers '&icidae) #(. %rens 'Troglodytidae) 1912. S'(:%- 29 "h%! "h(' "h -% -/%*#%- $#-"%) #' S*h.I, P".IIG (') S*h.II, P".II>H 'i) Amblycaphalidae 'ii) Amilidae 'iii) Boidae 'iv) Colubridae 'v) 0asypeptidae 'Egg7eating snakes) 'vi) Elapidae 'Cobras, Kraits, and Coral /nakes) 'vii) *lauconndae 'viii) Cydrophidae '6resh water and sea snakes) 'i<) Tlysiidae '<) 3etotyphlopidae '<i) Typhlopidae '<ii) >ropeltidae

'<iii) Aiperidae '<iv) Nenopeltidae: "9"3. 6resh %ater 6rogs 'Hana spp.): "9"8. Three7keeled Turtle '*eomydas tricarinata): "9".. Tortoise 'Testudinidae, Tryonychidae): "9"4. Aiviparous toads '2ectophyrynoides sp.): "9"$. Aoles: "9"#. Butterflies and F(+#$6 D('(#)(% Euploca core simulatri< Euploca crassa Euploca dioclctianus ramsayi Euploca muleiber F(+#$6 H%-/%!#$#)(% Baoris farri Casora vitta Cyarotis adrastus Briens concinna &elopidas assamensis &elopidas sinensis &olytrema discreta &olytrema rubricans Thoressa horiorei F(+#$6 L6*(%'#)(% Tarucus ananda oths:

F(+#$6 N6+/h($#)(% Euthalia lubenina F(+#$6 P#%!#)(% Aporia agathon ariaca Appias libythea Appiad nero galba &rioneris sita

'/ee secs. ,, #, 4" and 4,) ". Common crow "9,. ; ; ;: 3. 6ruit bats "98. ; ; ;: .. ice

4. Hats ,9$. ; ; ;:


'/ee section ,) ". Beddomes5 cycad 'Cycas beddomei) ,. Blue Aanda 'Aanda soerulec) 3. Kuth '/aussurea lappa) 8. 3adies slipper orchids '&aphiopedium spp.) .. &itcher plant '2epenthes khasiana) 4. Hed Aanda 'Hananthera imschootiana):


!n e<ercise of the powers conferred by clause 'b) of sub7section 43 of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,), the Central *overnment hereby makes the following rulesG7 1. Sh !" "#"$%, %&"%'" (') * ++%'*%+%'".C '") These rules, may be called the %ild 3ife 'Transaction and Ta<idermy) Hules, "+$3. ',) They e<tend to the %hole of the /tates of Bihar, *u@arat, Caryana, Cimachal &radesh, adhya &radesh, and >ttar &radesh. '3) They shall come into force on the +th April, "+$3. 2. D%,#'#"# '-.C!n these rules, unless the conte<t otherwise re-uires,7 'a) 1Act1 means the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,)? 'b) 1form1 means a 6orm appended to these rules? 'c) 13icensee1 means a licensee under Chapter A of the Act? 'd) 1Bfficer1 means the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or any other officer whom the /tate *overnment may, for the purposes of these rules, by notification in the Bfficial *aDette, appoint? 'e) 1specified animal1 means any animal which is specified in /chedule !, or &art !! of /chedule !!, to the Act and which is7 'i) captured or kept or bred in capitivity, or 'ii) found wild in nature. 3. Ac-uiring, receiving or keeping specified animal, etc. in control, custody or possession or put under process of ta<idermy or make articles, etc.7 '") 2o licensee shall7 'i) ac-uire, receive, keep in his control, custody, or possession, any specified animal or any animal article, trophy, uncured trophy or meat derived therefrom, or 'ii) put under a process of ta<idermy or make animal aticle containing part or whole of such animal, e<cept with the previous permission of the Bfficer. ',) Every application for such permission shall be made in 6orm !.

'3) Bn receipt of an application made under sub7rule ',), the Bfficer may, after making such in@ury as he may think fit and within the period of fifteen days from the date of receipt of the application, either grant or refuse to grant the permissionG &rovided that no such permission shall be granted unless the Bfficer is satisfied that the specified animal or animal article, trophy, uncured trophy or meat, referred to in sub7rule '") has been lawfully ac-uired. '8) %hether the Bfficer refuses to grant the permission, he shall record the reasons for so doing and a copy of the reasons so recorded shall be communicated to the licensee applying for the permission. '.) Every permission granted under sub7rule '3) shall be in 6orm !!. 0. S47+#--# ' , !%/ !" , -" *:-.C

'!) Every licensee to whom permission has been granted under sub7rule '3) of rule 3 shall submit, to the Bfficer who had granted the said permission, report regarding the stocks of specified animal or animal article, trophy, uncured trophy or meat, referred to in sub7rule '") of rule 3, in 6orm !!! within a period of "9thirty days: of the ac-uisition, receipt, or keeping of the same in his control, custody or possession. ',) The Bfficer, after receiving such report, may arrange to affi< identification marks on such stocks. 5.S($% , -/%*#,#%) ('#+($, %"*.C

'") 2o licensed dealer shall sell or offer for sale any specified animal or any animal article, trophy, or uncured trophy derived therefrom, e<cept to a person authoriDed to purchase by a permission granted by the Bfficer and where the sale is effected the purchaser shall surrender the permission to the licenced dealer. ',) Every application for permission to purchase shall be made in 6rom !A. '3) Bn receipt of an application made under sub7rule ',), the Bfficer may, after making such in-uiry as he may think fit, and within a period of ten days from the date of receipt of the application, either grant or refuse to grant the permission. '8) %here the Bfficer refuses to grant the permission, he shall record the reasons for so doing and copy of the reasons so recorded shall be communicated to the person applying for the permission. '.) Every permission granted under sub7rule '3) shall be in 6orm A. '4) Every permission granted unde sub7rule '3) shall be valid up to a period of one month from the date of issue of the same. '$) Every licensed dealer shall, at the time of each sale, issue a voucher in relation to the specified animal or animal article, trophy or uncured trophy referred to sub7rule '!), to the person authoriDed to purchase.

'#) Each voucher shall contain the following particulars, namelyG7 'a) date of issue of voucher? 'b) the amount of price realiDed or to be realiDed? 'c) name and address of the licensed dealer issuing the voucher? 'd) name and address of the person to whom the voucher is issued? 'e) permission number of the person authoriDed to purchase? 'f) description of the specified animalI animal articleI trophyI uncured trophy derived therefrom and number? 'g) whether such specified animalIanimal aricleItrophyIuncured trophy wasIwere re-uired to be declared under section 88 of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,), and if so, whether itIthey hasIhave been declared? 'h) signature of the licensed dealer issuing the voucher? 'i) signature of the person to whom the voucher is issued. 3. T(&#)%!+6 ! +(:#'2 ('#+($ (!"#*$%.C

'") Every licensed ta<idermist or licensed manufacturer shall, at the time of returning the trophy or animal article, issue a voucher to the owner of the said trophy or animal article. ',) Each voucher shall contain the following particulars, namelyG7 'a) date of issue of voucher? 'b) charges realiDed or to be realiDed? 'c) name and address of the licensed ta<idermistImanufacturer issuing the voucher? 'd) name and address of the person to whom the voucher is issued? 'e) description of the trophyIanimal article and number? 'f) whether uncured trophyItrophyIanimal article was re-uired to be declared under section 8( or section 88 of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,), and if so, whether itIthey hasI have declared? 'g) signature of the licensed ta<idermistImanufacturer issuing the voucher.

7. M(#'"%'('*% , 5 4*h%!-.C'") The voucher referred to in rule 4 shall be in triplicate and serially numbered. ',) The duplicate and the triplicate copy of the voucher shall be retained by the licensed ta<idermist, or licensed manufacturer, and the original copy of the voucher shall be given to the person referred to in sub7rule '$) of rule . or sub7rule '") of rule 4. '3) Every book containing blank vouchers shall be presented to the Bfficer for affi<ing his initials or stamps on such book before it is brought into use. '8) 'a) Every licensed dealer, licenced ta<idermist, or licensed manufacturer shall send in monthly batches, not later than the seventh day of every month, the duplicate copies of vouchers retained by him, to the Bfficer. 'b) Every permission surrendered to a licensed dealer at time of sale also be enclosed along with the duplicate copies aforesaid. 8. T!('-/ !" , -/%*#,#%) ('#+($, %"*.C

'") 2o licensee shall transport from one place to another within the /tate any specified animal, animal article, trophy or uncured trophy derived therefrom, e<cept with the previous permission of the officer. ',) Every application for such permission shall be made in 6rom A!. '3) Bn receipt of an application made under sub7rule ',) the Bfficer may, after making such in-uiry as he may think fit, and within a period of seven days from the date of receipt of the application, either grant or refuse to grant the permissionG &rovided that no such permission shall be granted unless the Bfficer is satisfied that the specified animal or animal or animal aticle, trophy or uncured trophy referred to in sub7rule '"), has been lawfully ac-uired. '8) %here the Bfficer refuses to grant the permission, he shall record the reason for so doing and a copy of the reason so recorded shall be communicated to the licensee applying for the permission. '.) Every permission granted under sub7rule '3) shall be in 6orm A!!. 9. A//%($.7 '") Any licensee or a person aggrieved by an order made by the Chief %ild %arden or any other officer granting the permission under sub7rule '3) of rule 3, sub7rule '3) of rule . or sub7rule '3) of rule #, may prefer an appeal,7 'i) if the order is made by an officer other than the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, or 'ii) if the order is made by the Chief %ild 3ife %arden, to the /tate *overnment.

',) !n the case of an order passed in appeal by the Chief %ild 3ife %arden under clause 'i) of sub7rule '"), a second appeal shall lie to the /tate *overnment. '3) 2o appeal shall be entertained unless it is preferred within fifteen days from the date of the communication to the applicant of the order appealed againstG &rovided that the appellate authority may admit any after the e<piry of the period aforesaid, if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal time.

9/ee sub7rule ',) of rule 3: A//$#*("# ' , ! /%!+#--# ' " (*@4#!%, !%*%#5%, :%%/ -/%*#,#%) ('#+($, ('#+($ (!"#*$%, %"*. ! /4" 4')%! /! *%-- , "(&#)%!+6 ! +(:% ('#+($ (!"#*$% To The............ ................. ................. /ir, !,.........residing at........,Taluka........,0istrict.......,and holding 3icense 2o......,granted under section 88 '8) of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,), re-uest that ! may be granted permission to ac-uireIreceiveIkeep in my controlIcustodyIpossession specified animalIanimal articleItrophyIuncured trophyImeat derivedfrom specified animal andIor put under process of te<idermyImake animal article containing partIwhole of such animal. ,. ! furnish below the pariculars in relation to such specified animalIanimal articleItrophyIuncured trophyImeatG '") /pecies of animal...................... ',) 2umber..................................... '3) 0escription 'including se<, if possible)........................ '8) /ource from which to be obtained............................... 'i) Address and 3icence 2o. if any.................................... 'ii) %hether declaration madeIpermissionIlicence obtained under sections 8(, 83 or 88 of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,, and if so the particularsG..............

'.) &articulars of certificate of ownership.................. '4) !dentification mark, if any................................... '$) &remises in which intended to be kept................ '#) &urposes for which to be ac-uiredIreceivedIkept in controlIpossessionG.............. '+) !f to be put under process of ta<idermy or to make animal articles,7 'a) 2umber of tropiesIarticles to be made.............. 'b) 0escription of such tropiesIarticles.................. 'c) To whom they will be returned..................... 'd) &robable date by which they will be so returned................... 3. ! hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information furnished herein is true and complete .............. /ignature of the applicant /trike out whichever is not applicable.

9/ee sub7rule '.) of rule .: P%!+#-# ' " (*@4#!%, !%*%#5%, :%%/ #' * '"! $, *4-" )6 ! / --%--# ' -/%*#,#%) ('#+($ (!"#*$%, %"*. ! /4" 4')%! /! *%-- , "(&#)%!+6 ! +(:% ('#+($ (!"#*$% /hri...........holding 3icence 2o..............granted under section 88 '8) of the %ild 3ife '&rotction) Act, "+$,), is hereby permitted to acuire, to keep under his controlIcustodyIpossesssion specified animalIanimal articleItrophyIuncured trophyImeat derived from specified animal, of the following description, or put under process of ta<idermy or make animal article containing part or whole of such animalG7 '") /pecies of animal.............. ',) 0escription 'including se<, if given in the application)............ '3) 2umber..................... '8) /ource from which to be obtained................

'.) 3icenceI&ermission 2o. of the source from which to be obtained............... '4) &articulars of the Certificate of Bwnership............. '$) !dentification mark, if any....................... '#) &remises in which to be kept.................. '+) &urpose for which permitted to ac-uireI keep in controlIcustodyIpossession........... receiveI '"() !f permitted to put under process of ta<idermy or to make animal article,7 'a) 2umber of tropiesIarticles to be made........................ 'b) 0escription of such tropiesIarticles............................. 'c) To whom they should be returned............................. 'd) &robable date by which they would be returned............. !ssued by me of........ /ignature 0esignation /ealG &laceG 0ateG /trike out whichever is not applicable.

9/ee sub7rule '") of rule 8: R%/ !" , S" *:To The.............. .................... ......................

". 6ull name, address and 3icensee................. ,. /tock held on the date of report in specified animalsG 'a) /pecies and se<............. 'b) 2umber................... 'c) Adult or @uvenile.............. 'd) &remises where kept.......... 3. /tock held on the date of report in animal articlesG 'a) 0escription, including species of animal from which derived............ 'b) 2umber.......................... 'c) 0imension or weight............................... 'd) &remises where kept........................................ 8. /tock held on the date of report in trophiesG 'a) 0escription, including species of animal from which derived............... 'b) 2umber................... 'c) 0imension or weight.............. 'd) &remises where kept.............. .. /tock held on the date of report in uncured tropiesG 'a) 0escription, including species of animal from which derived........... 'b) 2umber................... 'c) 0imension or weight................ 'd) &remises where kept.................... 4. Hemarks, if any............................. ! do hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. /ignature of the person making declaration

&laceG 0ateG /trike out whichever is not applicable

9/ee sub7rule ',) of rule .: A//#*("# ' , ! /%!+#--# ' " /4!*h(-% -/%*#,#%) ('#+($, %"*. To The................... ......................... ........................ /ir, !I%e..............residing at.......taluka.........., 0istrict........., re-uest that !I%e may be granted permission to purchase specified animal article trophy I uncured trophy derived from specified animal of the following description, from a 3icence G7 '") 2umber and description of7 'a) specified animal................ 'b) animal article..................... 'c) trophy....................... 'd) uncured trophy.............. ',) &urpose for which the purchaser is to be made.............. '3) !I%e hereby declare that to the best of myIour knowledge and belief the information furnished herein true and complete. /ignaure 's) of the applicant 's) &laceG 0ateG /trike out whichever is not applicable.

9/ee sub7rule '.) of rule .: &ermission to purchase specified animal, etc. /hriI/mt...................... of ..................isIare hereby permitted to purchase specified animalIanimal articleItrophyIuncured trophy derived from specified animal of the following description from......for the purpose of...... 2umber and description of7 'a) specified animal............. 'b) animal article................ 'c) trophy......................... 'd) uncured trophy................. !ssued by me this of .... /ignature 0esignation /ealG &laceG 0ateG 2oteG This permission shall be valid up to a period of one month from the date of issue. /trike out whichever is not applicable.

9/ee sub7rule ',) of rule #: A//$#*("# ' , ! /%!+#--# ' " "!('-/ !" -/%*#,#%) ('#+($ %"*. To The......................... ...............................

................................. /ir, !,............residing at........Taluk......., 0istrict holding 3icence 2o......., granted under section 88 '8) of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,), re-uest that ! may be granted permission to transport the followingG7 '") /pecies of specified animal or from which the animal articleIuncured trophy is derived............... ',) 2umber................... '3) 0escription 'including se<, if possible)................ '8) !dentification mark, if any............ '.) /ource of procurement and the 3icenceI&ermission 2o................. '4) Certificate of Bwnership, if any......................... '$) ode of transport................

'#) Houte.................. '+) &eriod re-uired for transport...................... '"() 0esignation....................... ! hereby declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information furnished herein is true and complete. /ignature of the applicant &laceG 0ateG /trike out whichever is not applicable.

9/ee sub7rule '.) of rule #: P%!+#--# ' " "!('-/ !" -/%*#,#%) ('#+($, %"*.

/hri....holding 3icence 2o.........granted under section 88'8) of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,), is hereby permitted to transport in the manner prescribed below specified animalI animal articleIcured trophyIuncured trophy derived from specified animal, 'i) ode of transport....................

'ii) Houte..................... 'iii) &eriod allowed for transport............... 'iv) Hemarks.............. !ssued by me of........... /ignature 0esignation /ealG &laceG 0ateG /trike out whichever is not applicable.


!n e<ercise of the powers conferred by clause 'a) of sub7section '") of section of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,), the Central *overnment hereby makes the following rules, namelyG7 1. Sh !" "#"$% (') * ++%'*%+%'".C'") These rules may be called the %ild 3ife '/tock 0eclaration) Central Hules, "+$3. ',) They shall come into force in the /tate of adhya &radesh on the ,.th =anuary, "+$3, and in other /tates, and >nion Territories on such date as the Central *overnment may, by notification appoint, and different dates may be appointed for different /tates and >nion Territorities. 2. D%*$(!("# ' 76 +('4,(*"4!%! ,, )%($%! ! "(&#)%!+#-" #', ('#+($ (!"#*$%, %"*.C Every manufacturer of, or dealer in, animal article or every dealer in captive animals, trophies, or uncured trophies, or every ta<idermist shall, within fifteen days from the commencement of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,, declare his stock of animal articles, captive animals, trophies, and uncured trophies, as the case may be, as on the date of such declaration to the Chief %ild 3ife %arden in the form given belowG

F !+

, D%*$(!("# '

9/ee sub7section ',) of section 88: To The Chief %ild 3ife %arden /tate or >nion Territory of.............. ". 6ull name and address of the manufacturerI dealerIta<idermist making the declaration................... ,. Actual stock held on the date of declaration in animal articlesG 'i) 0escription including name of animal from which derived.......... 'ii) 2umber...................... 'iii) 0imensions or weight............. 'iv) &remises where kept................ 3. Actual stock held on the date of declaration in captive animalsG 'i) /pecies and se<............................. 'ii) 2umber.......................... 'iii) Adult or @uvenile....................... 'iv) &remises where kept................... 8. Actual stock held on the date of declaration in trophiesG 'i) 0escription including name of animal from which derived.......... 'ii) 2umber................ 'iii) 0imensions or weight................. 'iv) &remises where kept......... .. Actual stock held on the date of declaration in uncured trophiesG 'i) 0escription including name of animal from which derived..........

'ii) 2umber................ 'iii) 0imensions or weight................... 'iv) &remises where kept...................... 4. Hemarks, if any................ ! do hereby declare that the information given above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. /ignature of the person making the declaration &laceG 0ateG

!n e<ercise of the powers conferred by clause 'a) of sub7section '") of section 43, read with clause 'b) of sub7section '8) of section 88 of %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,), the Central *overnment hereby makes the followingrules, namelyG7 1. Sh !" "#"$%, %&"%'" (') * ++%+*%+%'".C '") These rules may be called the %ild 3ife '&rotection) 3icensing 'Additional for Consideration) Hules, "+#3. atters

',) They shall e<tend to the whole of !ndia e<cept the /tate of =ammu and Kashmir. '3) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Bfficial *aDette. 2. D%,#'#"# '.C !n these Hules, unless the conte<t otherwise re-uires, 1Act1 means the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,'.3 of "+$,). 3. A))#"# '($ +(""%!- , ! * '-#)%!("# ' , ! 2!('" , $#*%'*% 4')%! -%*"# ' 00 , "h% A*".C 6or the purposes of granting a licence referred to in sub7section '") of section 88 of the Act, the Chief %ild 3ife %arden or the authoriDed officer, as the case may be, shall, in addition to the matters specified in clause 'b) of sub7section '8) of that section, have regard to the following other matters, namelyG7 'i) capacity of the applicant to handle the bussiness concerned with reference to facilities, e-uipment and suitability of the premises for such business? 'ii) the source and the manner in which the supplies for the business concerned would be obtained.

'iii) number of licences for the relevant business already in e<istence in the area concerned? 'iv) implications which the grant of such licence would have on the hunting or trade of the wild animals concernedG &rovided that no such licence shall be granted if the said implications relate to any wild animal specified in /chedule ! or &art !! of /chedule !! to the Act, e<cept with the previous consultation of the Central *overnment.


!n e<ercise of powers conferred by clause 'k) of sub7section 'l) of section 43 of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,), the Central *overnment hereby makes the following rules, namely G7 1. Sh !" "#"$% (') * ++%'*%+%'".CThese Hules may be called %ild 3ife '&rotection) Hules, "++.. ',) They shall come into force from the date , of their publication in the Bfficial *aDette. 2. D%,#'#"# '-.C !n these rules, unless the conte<t otherwise re-uires7 'a) 1Act1 means the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, 'b) 1/ection1 means the section of the Act. 3. Th% +(''%! , "h% ' "#*% 4')%! *$(4-% (*) , -%*"# ' 55.C

'") The notice to the Central *overnment or the /tate *overnment or any authorised officer, as the case may be, shall be given in 6orm 1A1 anne<ed to these rules. ',) The person giving notice to the Central *overnment or the /tate *overnment or any authorised officer shall send the notice by registered post to G 'a) The 0irector of %ild 3ife &reservation, *overnment of !ndia in the Environment and 6orests, 2ew 0elhi? and inistry of

'b) 'i) The /ecretary to the /tate *overnmentI>nion Territory incharge of %ildlife,or 'ii) The Chief %ild 3ife %arden of the concerned /tate *overnmentI>nion Territory, or 'iii) Any authorised officer of /tate *overnmentI>nion Territory.

'/ee sub7rule '") of Hule 3) 6rom G ............ ............ ........... To G ................ ................. ................ '2otice under section .. of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,. %hereas an offence under the %ild 3ife '&rotection( Act, "+$, has been committedIis being committed by 96ull name's) and complete address 'es).............: And whereas the brief facts of the offence's) are enclosed? !I%e hereby give notice of 4( days under section .. of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, myIour intention to file a complaint in the Court of...........for violation of section's)...........of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,. ! amI%e are enclosing the following documents as evidence of proof of the violation of the said Act.'0ocumentary evidence may include photographsIreportsIstatements of witness 'es) for enabling en-uiry into the alleged violationIoffence).


!n e<ercise of powers conferred by clause 'a) of sub7section '") of section 43 of %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,), the Central *overnment hereby makes the following rules, namelyG7 1. Sh !" "#"$%, %&"%'" (') * ++%'*%+%'".7 '") These rules may be called %ild 3ife '/pecified &lants7Conditions for &ossession by 3icensee) Hules, "++..

',) These rules shall come into force from the date, of commencement of provisions of Chapter !!!7A of the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$,. 2. D%,#'#"# '-.C!n these rules, unless the conte<t otherwise re-uires, 1Act1 means the %ild 3ife '&rotection) Act, "+$, '.3 of "+$,). 3.C ')#"# '- (') "h%! +(""%!- -47B%*" " 1h#*h "h% $#*%'-%% +(6 :%%/ ('6 -/%*#,#%) /$('"- #' h#- *4-" )6 ! / --%--# '.C '") 2o licensee shall ac-uire or receive or keep in his control, custody or possession any specified plant or part or derivative thereof in respect of which a declaration under section "$E of Act has not been made. ',) 2o licensee shall ac-uire, purchase or receive any specified plant or part or derivative thereof from any person other than a licensed dealer in specified plants or cultivatior having a license for cultivation of specified plants under the Act. '3) 3icensee shall keep the stock of specified plants so purchased by him only in the premises approved by the Chief %ildlife %arden of the /tate.

". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec., 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. &reamble omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec.3 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 8 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 8. Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. 8 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). .. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. . 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 4. /ub7sections '3) and '4) omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. . 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). $. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. . 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. . 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. . 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. /ub7section '"3) omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. . 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. . 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. b Act 88 of "++", sec. . 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. 4 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 4 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++").

3. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 4 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. $ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. $ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. # 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. # 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. # 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 8. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. + 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). .. /ection "( omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec."( 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". Bmitted by Act ,3 of "+#,, sec. , 'w.e.f. ,"7.7"+#,). ,. /ubs. by Act ,3 of "+#,, sec. , 'w.e.f. ,"7.7"++"). 3. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ""'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 8. !ns. by Act ,3 of "+#,, sec. ,'w.e.f. ,"7.7"+#,). ". /ections "3 to "$ 'both inclusive) omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. ", 'w.e.f. ,7"(7 "++"). ,. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. "3 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ".Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. "8 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ". 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. "4 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec."$ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec."# 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec."+ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,( 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ," 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. Clause 'e) omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. ," 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 8. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,,'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++").

". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,,A'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. Added by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,3 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,3 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,3 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,.The sub7heading 1*ames Heserve1 and section 34 omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec.,8 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,. 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ".!ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,4 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act ,4 of "++3, sec. , 'w.e.f. 87#7"++,). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,$ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,$'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,# 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. ,+ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act ,# of "+#4, sec. , 'w.e.f. ,.7""7"+#4). 3. Clause 'ia) omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3( 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 8. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3( 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3( 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. Bmitted by ,3 of "+#,, sec. 3 'w.e.f. ,"7.7"+#,). 3. /ubs by Act ,3 of "+#,, sec. 3 'w.e.f. ,"7.7"+#,). ". !ns by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3" 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3, 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. !ns. by Act ,# of "+#4, sec. 3 'w.e.f. ,.7""7"+#4). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 33 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. 33 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 33 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++").

8. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 38 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3. 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec.3. 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 34 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ub7section ',) omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec 34 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 34 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 34 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act ,# of "+#4, sec.8 'w.e.f. ,.7""7"+#4). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3$ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. !ns. by Act ,# of "+#4, sec. 8 'w.e.f. ,.7""7"+#4). 8. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3$ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3$ 'w.e.f ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3# 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 3+ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 8( 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 8" 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 8, 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 83 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 8. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 88 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). .. /ub7section ',) omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. 88 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 4. Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. 88 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". /ub7section '8) omitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. 88 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 8. 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3. /ubs. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 84 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 8$ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++").

". !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec. 8# 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ".Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4I 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), p. 3#., dated .th Bctober, "+$$. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec. 3'i), p. 83", dated ,nd Bctober "+#(. 3. Aide 2otification 2o./.B. #.+ 'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4, pubished in the *aDatte of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec'i), ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. 8. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated ,+th August, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec. 3'i), p.333, dated 3rd /eptember, "+$$. ". Aide 2otification 2o. /.B.#.+ 'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4 published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!. /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ '%3), dated +th /eptember, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. 3. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated ,+th August, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3 'i), p. 333, dated 3rd /eptember, "+$$. 8. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !! /ec.3'i), p. 3#., dated .th Bctober, "+$$. ". Aide 2otification 2o. /.B. #.+'E), dated ,8th 2ovember , "+#4, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I"3I$4 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec. 3'i), p.3#., dated .th Bctober, "+$$. 3. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated "+th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec. 3'i) p. 83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. 8. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated ,+th August, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra, &t. !!, /ec'i), p.333, dated 3rd /eptember, "+$$. ".Aide 2otification 2o. /.B. #.+'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra, &t.!!, /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(.

3. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated ,+th August, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3 'i), p.333, dated 3rd /eptember, "+$$. 8. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober, "+$$, published in the *aDtte of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.3#., dated .th Bctober, "+$$. ". Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated ,+th August, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i) p.333, dated 3rd /eptember, "+$$. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. /.B. #.+'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. 3. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. ". Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. ,.Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec.8+ 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 3.Aide 2orification 2o 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated, ,+th August "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.333, dated 3rd /eptember, "+$$. 8. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra, &t. !!, /ec.3'i), p.3#., dated .th Bctober, "+$$. .. Aide 2otification 2o. /.B. #.+'E) dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra, &t. !!, /ec. 3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. ".Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated ,+ August, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.333, dated 3rd /eptember, "+$$. 3. Aide 2otification 2o. /.B. #.+'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. ". Aide 2otification 2o. /.B. #.+'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. 3.Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.3#., dated .th Bctober, "+$$.

". Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec. 3'i), p.3#.,dated .th Bctober, "+$$. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. /.B. #.+'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4 published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra, &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. 3. Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec..( 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). 8. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. ". Bmitted by Act 88 of "++", sec. ." 'w.e.f. ,7"(7"++"). ,. Aide 2otification 2o. /.B. #.+'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. 3. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6H'%3), dated +th /emptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. 8. Aide 2otification dated 2o.6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated ,+th August, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i) dated 3rd /eptember, "+$$. .. Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec3'i), p.3#., dated .th Bctober, "+$$. 4. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), p.83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. ". Aide 2otification 2o.6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), p. 83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. ,.Aide 2otification 2o./.B.#.+'E), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4 published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t.!!, /ec.3'i), dated ,8th 2ovember, "+#4. ". Aide 2otification 2o. 6= ""(",I3"I$4 6HJ'%3), dated .th Bctober, "+$$, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i) p. 3#., dated .th Bctober, "+$$. ,. Aide 2otification 2o. 6l7,#I$# 6HJ'%3), dated +th /eptember, "+#(, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), p. 83", dated ,nd Bctober, "+#(. 3. !ns. by Act 88 of "++", sec.., 'w.e.f.,7"(7"++"). ". Aide 2otification 2o. *./.H. "+#'E), dated +th April, "+$3, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra, &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated +th April, "+$3). "./ubs. by 2otification 2o. *./.H. $",'E), dated "4th 0ecember, "+#3, for 1seven days1.

". Aide 2otification 2o. *./.H. ,+'E), published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated ,.th =anuary, "+$3. ,. The same rule been e<tended to the following /tateG7 'i) Bihar, vide 2otification 2o. *./.H. 8"'E), published in the *aDette of india, E<tra, &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated "st 6ebruary, "+$3. 'ii) Caryana, vide 2otification 2o. *./.H. 48'E), published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra, &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated ",th arch, "+$3. 'iii) Cimachal &radesh, vide 2otification 2o. *./.H. "+"'E), published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra, &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated ,nd April, "+$3. 'iv) aharashtra, vide 2otification 2o. *./.H. ,+$'E), published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated "st =une, "+$3. 'v) &ondicherry, vide 2otification 2o. *./.H. 43'E), published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated "st arch, "+$.. ". Aide 2otification 2o. *./.H. 3,#'E), dated "3th April, "+#3, published in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &t. !!, /ec.3'i), dated "3th April, "+#3. ".Aide *./.H. 38# 'E), dated $th April, "++.. ,. "#787"++.. ". Aide *./.H. 38+ 'E), dated $th April, "++.. &ublished in the *aDette of !ndia, E<tra., &art !!, /ec.3'i), dated "#787"++.). ,. ,7"(7"++".

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