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Teacher Candidate: Claire Poad UW-Platteville HPE Program Physical Education Lesson Plan Template Lesson Title Leahs

Swim Lessons Adapted Aquatics Lesson 1 Unit Swimming Day# 1 Grade level(s)/Course Elementary Level Date taught Taught February 28, 2013 Textbook, Instructional Program, or Web Resource referenced to guide your instruction Title Adapted Aquatics Check List Publisher University of Wisconsin-Platteville HPE Department Date of Publication District, school or cooperating teacher requirement or expectations that might influence your planning or delivery of instruction. Fennimore School District: Expectation is to improve swimming skills and floats Amount of time devoted each day or week in your classroom to the content or topic of your instruction. 30 Minutes Describe how ability grouping or tracking (if any) affects your planning and teaching of this content. One on one work influences planning. List any other special features of your school or classroom that will affect the teaching of this lesson. All activities will take place in the pool.

INFORMATION ABOUT STUDENTS AND THEIR LEARNING NEEDS Total # of students: 1 Special Needs Students: Category
Students with IEPs

# of Males: 0 # of Females: 1 Number of Accommodations and/or pertinent IEP Objectives Students 1 Instructor will be with student at all times when life-jacket is not in use in the pool. Student will need constant reminders on what task is being worked on. Student needs to improve on floats and leg/arm actions while swimming. Leah will blow bubbles for at least 3 seconds and she will put her ponytail in the water for at least 3 seconds.

English Language Learners

Gifted and Talented


Autism or other special needs (Emotional-Behavioral Disorders)

Use information here to complete the Differentiated Instruction and Classroom Management prompt within actual lesson plan.


Fitness Benefits Skill Development 1. Basic Skill Instruction 3. Skill Related Fitness TSW learn the floating techniques and correct TSW develop coordination while swimming. By the end of the arm and leg action while swimming the freestyle. lesson, the student will be able to simulate correct swimming techniques. 2. Application of Skills TSW use a kickboard while working on floating 4. Health Related Fitness to gain comfortability. TSW sit on the side of the pool simulating arm and leg actions, then perform them in the pool. Life Skills 5. Effort TSW will put forth effort to listen to instruction better, thus being more successful in the pool. 6. Goal Setting 7. Communication

Introduction Total time: 10 Lesson Objective(s): -blow bubbles -bobbing with assistance -submerging with assistance Aligns with 3 and 5 Planned Transitions Play catch and jump off the side of the pool in between.

Formations / Cues


-hold breath -relax -Can you touch the bottom?

Assessment needs to be based on how deep she actually submerges (chest, chin, mouth, nose, head) and how long she will go underwater for. She doesnt yet feel comfortable with water in her face.

Main Activities / Total time: 20

Formations / Cues


Lesson objective(s): -work on traveling alongside the pool -kicking feet and using correct arm motions on side -kick on front/back while being towed -work on floats Aligns with 1 Go pick out a toy to play with Planned Transition Allow Leah to pick where in the low end she would like to be.

-hands cupped -head back -hips pointed to the sky -chin up -quick kicks

Assessment needs to be based on how long she does her kicks across the pool for and how long she floats for. Repetition is the key to success with Leah.

Cool-down / Total time: 5 Lesson objective(s): Water comfort ability with face-3 and 5 Kicking-arm motions/floats-1 Playing with toy-2

Formations / Assessment Strategy Student will put forth effort to listen to the instructor and be more comfortable putting face in the water. Student will work on parallel swimming. Student will work on floats with kickboard to be more in control and confident.

Assessment at the end of the lesson Can student demonstrate correct arm and leg actions? Can student float comfortably? Can student go underwater voluntarily? Did student have fun?

Equipment needs Kickboard Different toys

Safety Considerations Students need instructor with them at all times, especially without a lifejacket No running

Differentiated Instruction Modify Equipment-use kickboard and toy to keep attention and focus during lesson Modify Task-more-less physical assistance during swimming Modify Instruction-short verbal cues Classroom Management/Democratic Practices
Continuing to remind Leah to stay on task Reward Leah verbally if she listens Repetition

Activity Formations and or field diagrams: Student will be in shallow end at all times.

Possible Community Resources: University of Platteville-Wisconsin Pool. Public Pool during summer

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