Bio Metrics in Secure E-Transaction

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In the present day world, online Depending on the context on which a biometric

shopping using WAP enabled mobile phone has system works, it can be either classified as an

widely come into use. Credit cards serve as the Identification system or a verification

currency during e-business and e-Shopping. (authentication) system. Identification involves

As technology has advanced in the in establishing a person’s identify whereas in

negative side also hackers and spoofers steal verification involves confirming or denying a

misuse credit card numbers, even though the person’s claiming identity.

network has been made secure.

So, in this paper, we have proposed a
multi-biometric model (integrating voice, MULTIBIOMETRICS:
fingerprint and facial scanning) that can be A multi-biometrics system is obtained by
embedded in a mobile phone, this making e- the integration of multiple individual biometrics
transactions more secure. The model is very cost models. A numbers of models integrating hand
effective as we have tried to use the hardware geometry, keystroke dynamics, face and iris
already present in the phone.This paper uses for recognition system have flooded the markets in
image processing or facial recognization and recent years.
finger print. Here we present a multimodal system
that can be embedded in a mobile phone, which
integrates fingerprint, voice and facial scanning.
It shuts down the problem of high False
A biometric system is a recognition
Rejection Rate of facial scanners, eliminates the
system, which makes a personal identification by
fooling of fingerprint scanners and overshadows
determining the authenticity of a specific
the disadvantage of voice recognition models.
physiological or behavioral characteristic
possessed by the user. This method of Introduction to Biometrics:
identification is preferred over traditional A wide range of biometric
methods involving passwords and PIN numbers traits can be employed:
for various reasons: • Fingerprints, the most common
• The person to be identified is required mechanism
to be physically present at the point of • Iris
identification. • Retina
• Identification based on biometric • Voiceprint
techniques eliminates the need to • Hand geometry
remember a password or carry an • Palm prints (vein structure analysed
identity. via IR light)
Extract features of the Mobile phones have ceased to be
exclusive status of the high class and, today has
presented trait and match
become an indispensable electronic gadget in the
the result against a stored
life of many. The main reason for their higher
template: market penetrations in recent days is their
• Process is lossy, matches are incredible array of functions at an affordable
approximate cost. Apart from setting remainders and sending
e-mails, they are also used in

Two Usage Modes for • e-business

Biometrics: • SMS messaging

• Chatting
• Telemedicine and teleconferencing
Mode 1: Access control:
Thus, these phones with wide
roaming facility prove to be a really versatile
• Only this exact person is allowed in
• Primary identifier uniquely identifies Nowadays, shopping through the internet
someone has become very popular and surely, a WAP
– Personal ID (public value) enabled mobile phone provides the facilities to
– PIN/password (private value) consumers to shop online. Credit cards continue
• Biometric backs up the primary ID to be an efficient tool for online money
– 1:1-match biometric check weeds out transactions. But, on the other hand, credit card’s
the majority of impersonators number can be stolen on its way to its destination
– Match only this one identified person and can be misused by hackers. Thus, e-Business
and no-one else through a mobile phone becomes insecure.
Also, a report in
Mode 2: Identification stated that much anti-fraud Software, like those
• Inexact match used to find things provided by ArticSoft and ISC, created a back
– Find one of 3 million people (DHS terrorist door entry and were largely involved in data
list) from a population of 6 billion spoofing. In addition to this, many user and
• Real-life analogy: “Was this the person who companies were prone to the attack of many
robbed you” vs. “Find the person who robbed viruses and Trojan horses.
you in these 25 shelves of books of mugshots” With so much of problems faced, the
• The answer to all your terrorism problems service provide turned their attention towards
biometrics to prevent data spoofing and to

.NEED FOR BIOMETRICS IN provide secure e-Transactions

Though security applications that verify a
person's identity based on their physical
attributes, such as fingerprint readers or iris That could be a voice recording that is
scanners, have been in use for some time, authenticated to eliminate any doubt about who
biometric security has only recently started to the speaker is, what they actually said and prove
appear in mobile phones, PDAs and notebook that it has not been manipulated," Ricci explains.
computers where the need for miniaturization "To achieve that it is necessary to digitally sign
represents a technological challenge. the data and to ensure that only the legitimate
So far biometric data has been used to tie the user can perform the signing."
device to a person to prevent it from being used The system developed by the SecurePhone
illegitimately if lost or stolen. But the IST project project partners consists of two main elements.
SecurePhone is taking a new approach, The first, an authentication module, uses
employing physical attributes to enable the user biometric security applications to verify the
to digitally sign audio, text or image files, user's identity. That in turn gives them access to
providing proof of their origin and authenticity. the second module which digitally signs the data
Although existing communications infrastructure using a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI).
based on the GSM, GPRS and UMTS mobile The system, which is designed primarily for
systems provides a secure means of PDA-phones but could also be used in new
communication, it lacks any robust method of generation smart phones and WiFi-enabled
user identification. Text, audio and image files PDAs, offers three methods of biometric
can be sent by anyone to anyone with no identification. One employs the digital cameras
authentication and there are no guarantees the that have become commonplace in mobile
person you are talking to in a phone devices along with a face recognition application
conversation, if you've never met them before, is to identify the user based on their facial features.
really who they claim to be. Another uses voice recognition software – also
The upshot is that data exchanged over mobile detecting any asynchrony between speech and lip
devices is of limited use for legally binding movements - and the third verifies the
transactions even though mobile devices, given handwritten signature of the user on the device's
their ubiquity, would be a prime candidate for touch screen. The three methods are used in
carrying out e-commerce (or m-commerce), combination to enhance the overall levels of
managing business processes such as signing security and reliability, and most importantly
contracts or even in securing the exchange of they require no hardware additions to mobile
data in e-healthcare and e-government systems. devices.
A digitally signed and authenticated voice
recording during a telephone conversation
would, for example, give the speaker's words
Facial recognition is considered to be one of the
legal value.
most tedious among all scans. Further, difficulty
"The aim is to enable users to exchange
in acquisition of face and cost of equipments
information that can't be disputed afterward.
make it more complex.
However, some WAP enabled Facial thermogram requires an (expensive)
phones like CX 400K and LG-SD1000 infrared camera to detect the facial heat patterns
manufactured by LG electronics, have built in that are unique to every human being.
camera that can acquire images and can be Technology Recognition Systems worked on that
transmitted over internet. This it is sent to the subject in 1996-1999. Now disappeared.
credit card company to verify the face received "Face Recognition in Hyperspectral Images" is
matches with the face in their database. If it an article describing a variant using several
matches, the goods are sent, else the order is wavelentghs.
Face recognition uses mainly the following Smile recognition:
The Stony Brook university system relies on
• Facial geometry: uses geometrical
probing the characteristic pattern of muscles
characteristics of the face. May use
beneath the skin of the face.
several cameras to get better
Guan takes two snaps of a person in quick
accuracy (2D, 3D...) succession, asking subjects to smile for the
• Skin pattern recognition (Visual Skin camera. He then uses a computer to analyse how
Print) the skin around the subject's mouth moves

• Facial thermogram: uses an infrared between the two images. The software does this

camera to map the face temperatures by tracking changes in the position of tiny
wrinkles in the skin, each just a fraction of a
• Smile: recognition of the wrinkle
millimetre wide.
changes when smiling
The data is used to produce an image of the face
Facial geometry:
overlaid with tiny arrows that indicate how
Many different methods based on geometrical
different areas of skin move during a smile. This
characteristics of the face have been developed
movement is controlled by the pattern of
such as "local feature analysis", "Eigen face or
muscles under the skin, and is not affected by
Principal Component Analysis", ...
the presence of make-up or the size of the
Skin pattern recognition: subject's smile. The system is sensitive enough
Visual Skin Print relies on standard hardware - to produce such a map from muscle twitches
most web-cams and higher resolution mass- even when people are trying to keep their
market video cameras, connected to a PC, will expression unchanged
work. Visual Skin Print™ is based on a simple
yet powerful idea: using the details of the skin Dynamic facial features:
for authentication.
In A Dynamic Approach to Face Recognition
Facial thermogram:
paper, a new method for face recognition is
proposed, which is based on dynamic instead of
static facial features. They track the motion of program and templates can be operated and
certain features on the face during a facial stored in the protected device itself. Optionally,
expression and obtain a vector field that the voice templates used for validation can be
characterizes the deformation of the face. loaded at verification time from a smart-card or
stored in external RAM due to their small size.
In the training process, two high-resolution
images of an individual, one with a neutral The greatest benefit of our method is that user
expression and the other with a facial security can be self-contained within a device.
expression, like a subtle smile, are taken to Cell Phones, ATM cards, Automobiles and Door
obtain the deformation field. Access are just some of the applications that are
protected by our Voice Protection Technology.
The speaker-specific characteristics of speech Other speaker verification technologies may rely
are due to difference in physiological and on costly database management of many users’
behavioral aspects of the speech production templates, and in some cases risk sending the
system in humans. The main physiological biometric data or even the voice stream itself
aspect of the human speech production system is over phone lines, air waves, or Internet lines.
the vocal tract shape. The vocal tract modifies Our Voice Protection Technology, ensures that
the spectral content of an acoustic wave as it the biometric data stays safe as the spoken
passes through it, thereby producing speech. phrase cannot be reconstructed from the "key"
Therefore, it is common in speaker verification created by the user. For Internet applications, the
systems to make use of features derived only user's "voice prints" can be contained in a single,
from the vocal tract. encrypted IP packet as it is less than 1K in size.
The microphone in the mobile phone
captures the speech. Then, using cepstral This is your best assurance, that we can deliver
analysis, an utterance may be represented as a biometric security technology to the market at a
sequence of feature vectors. Utterances, spoken lower cost than anyone else in the industry, with
by the same person but at difference times, result no re-occurring maintenance costs such as
in similar yet a different sequence of features database management or complicated user
vectors. So, the irrespective of the mood of the training. Once our Voice Protection technology
consumer, his transaction is accepted or rejected. is built into a product it will continue to function
The following algorithm may be used in voice independently for the life of the product.
Voice Recognition Biometrics, continues to How Voice Recognition Works:
pioneer methods of speach verification that can
effectively operate without the benefit of an
The first step in voice recognition is for an
external server or hard drive. The entire software
individual to produce an actual voice sample.
Voice production is a facet of life in which we as mispronounced verbal phrases, different
take for granted every day, and the actual media used for enrollment and verification
process is complicated. The production of sound (using a land line telephone for the enrollment
originates at the vocal cords. In between the process, but then using a cell phone for the
vocal cords is a gap. When we attempt to verification process), as well as the emotional
communicate, the muscles which control the and physical conditions of the individual.
vocal cords contract. As a result, the gap Finally, the voice samples are converted from an
narrows, and as we exhale, this breathe passes analog format to a digital format for processing.
through the gap, which creates sound. The
unique patterns of an individual's voice is then The next steps are unique feature extraction and
produced by the vocal tract. The vocal tract creation of the template. The extraction
consists of the laryngeal pharynx, oral pharynx, algorithms look for unique patterns in the
oral cavity, nasal pharynx, and the nasal cavity individual's voice samples. To create the
(1). It is these unique patterns created by the template, a model of the voice is created. In
vocal tract which is used by voice recognition voice recognition systems, stochastic models,
systems. Even though people may sound alike to particularly Hidden Markov models, have been
the human ear, everybody, to some degree, has a utilized. With this type of modeling, statistical
different or unique annunciation in their speech. profiles are created by comparing various voice
samples to determine any repeating patterns.
To ensure a good quality voice sample, the
individual usually recites some sort of text, The final step is verification of the individual. At
which can either be a verbal phrase or a series of this stage, the live voice sample submitted for
numbers. The individual usually has to repeat verification is compared to the statistical profiles
this a number of times. The most common created, and a probability score is then computed
devices used to capture an individual's voice which describes the likelihood that the individual
samples are computer microphones, cell (mobile) is who he or she claims to be.
phones, and the land line based telephones. As a
result, a key advantage of voice recognition is
that it can leverage existing telephony
Finger based scanning is one
technology, with minimal disruption to an
of the oldest methods used for verification.
entity's business processes. In terms of noise
Fingerprints, unique and immunable for all are
disruption, computer microphones and cell
made of series of ridges and furrows on the
phones create the most, and land line based
surface of the finger. These ridges and furrows
telephones create the least. There are also other
determine the uniqueness of the fingerprints.
factors which can affect the quality of voice
Apart from these, minute points (i.e. local ridge
samples other than the noise disruptions created
characteristics that occur at either a ridge
by telephony devices. For example, factors such
bifurcation or a ridge ending also play role in of capacitors of the size of 0.03µ m. capacitors
fool-proofing this biometric technique. with such a small size can be manufactured with
To reduce the search time and MEMS technology. When the consumer places
the computational complexity, fingerprint his thumb on the scanner, the points at which his
classification is undertaken and thus fingerprints fingerprint touches the screen get discharged
are classified as whorl, right loop, left loop, arch, whereas others remain charged. Thus the
and arch. Recently researchers and scientists fingerprint is scanned and is then sent for further
achieved a great feat by improving the process
fingerprint classification to 94%.
In today’s world, fingerprint Fingerprint Matching:
matching techniques can be placed into two
categories: minutiae-based and correlation based. Among all the biometric techniques, fingerprint-
In minutiae based technique, the minutiae points based identification is the oldest method which
are found and their relative placement are has been successfully used in numerous
mapped on the finger whereas in correlation applications. Everyone is known to have unique,
based technique, the fingerprint acquired from immutable fingerprints. A fingerprint is made of
the person is checked for certain points a series of ridges and furrows on the surface of
previously stored in the database. If both the finger. The uniqueness of a fingerprint can be
matches, the person is given authentication, else determined by the pattern of ridges and furrows
he is denied permission. as well as the minutiae points. Minutiae points
are local ridge characteristics that occur at either
a ridge bifurcation or a ridge ending.

Fingerprint matching techniques can be placed

into two categories: minutae-based and
correlation based. Minutiae-based techniques
first find minutiae points and then map their
relative placement on the finger. However, there
are some difficulties when using this approach. It
is difficult to extract the minutiae points
accurately when the fingerprint is of low quality.
Also this method does not take into account the
Transaction scanner
global pattern of ridges and furrows. The
embedded above display screen correlation-based method is able to overcome
some of the difficulties of the minutiae-based
The scanner here is a transparent layer approach. However, it has some of its own
above the screen. The scanner consists of arrays shortcomings. Correlation-based techniques
require the precise location of a registration point license registration. An automatic recognition of
and are affected by image translation and people based on fingerprints requires that the
rotation. input fingerprint be matched with a large number
of fingerprints in a database (FBI database
Fingerprint matching based on minutiae has contains approximately 70 million fingerprints!).
problems in matching different sized To reduce the search time and computational
(unregistered) minutiae patterns. Local ridge complexity, it is desirable to classify these
structures can not be completely characterized by fingerprints in an accurate and consistent manner
minutiae. We are trying an alternate so that the input fingerprint is required to be
representation of fingerprints which will capture matched only with a subset of the fingerprints in
more local information and yield a fixed length the database.
code for the fingerprint. The matching will then
hopefully become a relatively simple task of Fingerprint classification is a technique to
calculating the Euclidean distance will between assign a fingerprint into one of the several pre-
the two codes. specified types already established in the
literature which can provide an indexing
Algorithms are being developed which are more mechanism. Fingerprint classification can be
robust to noise in fingerprint images and deliver viewed as a coarse level matching of the
increased accuracy in real-time. A commercial fingerprints. An input fingerprint is first matched
fingerprint-based authentication system requires at a coarse level to one of the pre-specified types
a very low False Reject Rate (FAR) for a given and then, at a finer level, it is compared to the
False Accept Rate (FAR). This is very difficult subset of the database containing that type of
to achieve with any one technique. We are fingerprints only. We have developed an
investigating methods to pool evidence from algorithm to classify fingerprints into five
various matching techniques to increase the classes, namely, whorl, right loop, left loop,
overall accuracy of the system. In a real arch, and tented arch. The algorithm separates
application, the sensor, the acquisition system the number of ridges present in four directions (0
and the variation in performance of the system degree, 45 degree, 90 degree, and 135 degree) by
over time is very critical. We are also field filtering the central part of a fingerprint with a
testing our system on a limited number of users bank of Gabor filters. This information is
to evaluate the system performance over a period quantized to generate a FingerCode which is
of time. used for classification. Our classification is
based on a two-stage classifier which uses a K-
Fingerprint Classification:
nearest neighbor classifier in the first stage and a
set of neural networks in the second stage. The
Large volumes of fingerprints are collected and
classifier is tested on 4,000 images in the NIST-4
stored everyday in a wide range of applications
database. For the five-class problem,
including forensics, access control, and driver
classification accuracy of 90% is achieved. For Practical Problems with
the four-class problem (arch and tented arch
combined into one class), we are able to achieve
a classification accuracy of 94.8%. By
Biometric systems have never
incorporating a reject option, the classification
had to withstand serious
accuracy can be increased to 96% for the five-
class classification and to 97.8% for the four-

class classification when 30.8% of the images • Smart cards took 15 years of

are rejected. criminals walking all over them before

vendors started taking security
Fingerprint Image Enhancement: seriously.
Fingerprint scanners work
A critical step in automatic fingerprint matching poorly with the elderly, manual
is to automatically and reliably extract minutiae
workers, children:
from the input fingerprint images. However, the
• Children haven’t developed strong
performance of a minutiae extraction algorithm
fingerprints yet.
relies heavily on the quality of the input
• Manual workers and the elderly don’t
fingerprint images. In order to ensure that the
have strong fingerprints left.
performance of an automatic fingerprint
• German passport enrolment system
identification/verification system will be robust
ran into problems with people as “old”
with respect to the quality of the fingerprint
as 40 or 50.
images, it is essential to incorporate a fingerprint
– 10% of senior citizens can’t be
enhancement algorithm in the minutiae
reliably enrolled.
extraction module. We have developed a fast
fingerprint enhancement algorithm, which can
Established wisdom:
adaptively improve the clarity of ridge and 3-4% of the population (goats)
furrow structures of input fingerprint images have unstable biometric traits that
based on the estimated local ridge orientation can’t be identified by
and frequency. We have evaluated the sensors
performance of the image enhancement
• In practice it’s often much, much
algorithm using the goodness index of the
extracted minutiae and the accuracy of an online
• Up to 50% reject rate, see later
fingerprint verification system. Experimental
results show that incorporating the enhancement

algorithms improves both the goodness index Fingerprint readers have

and the verification accuracy. problems with outdoor use
E.g: in winter cold
photo instead of the
Attack: standard one:
• 80,000 of the first set of photos
Train the system to accept less and (600K) were rejected for not meeting

less reliable images the requirements.

• Has happened (inadvertently) in real- • Computer-based systems are vastly

world deployments as sensors were easier to confuse than humans.

subject to wear and tear.

• System would accept anything UK Passport Service
(elbow, nose) as a valid print Enrolment Trial:
• Enrolled 9,000 travellers to
People forget which finger evaluate the enrolment
they enrolled with and try experience.

each one in turn • 10% of users couldn’t enrol

• Alternatively, a failure to verify the using the iris-recognition

chosen print would lead to them trying system

all other fingers just in case • 30% of able bodied users

• (Happens to a lesser extent with couldn’t have their facial
passwords as well) biometrics verified

FARs for mass-market 50% of disabled users

fingerprint readers are couldn’t have their facial
already wound sky-high to biometrics verified (!!)
avoid consumer acceptance • Particularly problematic due to laws
like ADA that forbid discrimination
against the disabled.
• Need to wind the FAR up to the point where
FRR = 0.The readers will have a fairly broad
tolerance on the basis that products that stop “Fix” was probably to wind
people using their own cars, computers or the sensitivity down so that
whatever because their fingers are a bit sweaty
almost anything would pass
won’t turn out to be very popular.
• This is the universal solution for any
failures in systems that employ
UK passport service required
approximate matching..
a biometric-compatible
German passport enrolment 10-year life was that that
requirements stipulate the was about the maximum
use throughput of the
of the least unreliable trait processing system
sample if no reliable one can • Now, vastly more complex passports
have to be rolled over in half the time
be obtained
There doesn’t seem to be any minimum
acceptable quality measure for trait sampling
Failure rates were
• If all else fails, click the “No Hand” button on
the fingerprint significantly higher for
software people with darker skin
If the fingerprint isn’t readable, which isn’t and/or eyes:
uncommon, the passport records “No Hand” • Dark skin/dark eyes absorb more
[“Keine Hand”]. There is no provision for light
“Fingerprint not readable” • Features don’t stand out as much
This is an unfortunate ‘solution’
These are all features of the
ethnic group that these
Verification time was a full systems are targeting:
minute across a variety of • The targets are the ones least likely
systems: to be correctly processed!
• Current verification time for intra-EU
travel is < 5s CONCLUSION:
• Order-of-magnitude slowdown for Thus, this mobile multi-biometrics
traveller verification can be embedded in mobile phone. Phone is cost
effective since no special hardware in required
and is highly secured. Thus, this mobile phone
Enrolment has similar
becomes a reality will provide more e-Business
problems: and e-Transactions.
• German biometric enrolment system .
was advertised as taking 2½ minutes,
in practice takes > 10 minutes

One of the reasons why pre-

biometric passports had a

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