Vegetable Stone - Whitening The Salt of Sulphur

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Whitening the Salt of Sulfur

From the works of Robert Bartlett: Liquid residue from Fermentation or Alcohol extract of plant Evaporate to Honey and Incinerate

Black coal The phlegm is obtained by continuing the distillation (after removal of the alcohol) of our fermentation/ tincture liquid down to the thickened honey-like residue from which we obtain the Salt of Sulfur. The water that distills over is called the Phlegm and it is held to be the best solvent for purifying the salts of the body it was derived from.

Grind with Phlegm or Water

Evaporate water over night

Optional processes
Gentle calcination Sublimated Salts Empyreumatic oils

Resublime and add to nal salts

Mix with alcohol and distill

Sweetened oils Add to Sulfur

Final Leach with Water/ Phlegm

Insoluble Residue

Salts in Solution

Caput Mortuum

Evaporate to Crystallize

Whitened Salt of Sulfur

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