SW 3810 Paper 1

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The Triple P System Intervention Program 1

Capri L. Jackson SW 3810 r. !ing The Triple P System Intervention program "ccessing an# $sing %vi#ence in Social Work Practice Paper &arch '( )013 Wayne State $niversity

The Triple P System Intervention Program ) Introduction Parenting can *e vie+ as a #,ty in +hich many h,man *eings +ill have a chance to e-perience. &any o. ,s have hear# the saying that( /Li.e #oes not come +ith an# instr,ctions man,al(0 an# I am s,re that the same can *e sai# a*o,t parenting. Thro,gho,t this paper I +ill *e #isc,ssing an evi#ence#1*ase# intervention program that has assiste# a n,m*er o. .amilies in preventing #epression an# chil#1maltreatment as it relates to the parenting skills o. an in#ivi#,al. This intervention program is kno+n as The Triple P 2Positive Parenting Program3 System. Chil# maltreatment is +itho,t 4,estion a signi.icant p,*lic health pro*lem in the $.S. an# else+here 25Social Programs That Work5( n.#.( p. 13. In or#er to re#,ce maltreatment( it is important to have an a#e4,ate amo,nt o. parenting skills. This +ill allo+ room .or the healthy gro+th o. the chil# as +ell as the .amily. Activities and Theories of the Program So +hat e-actly is The Triple P System an# ho+ has it *een applie# +ithin o,r society .or the *ene.it o. a#olescents6 The Triple P System is a system o. parenting interventions .or .amilies +ith chil#ren ages 018 25Social Programs That Work5( n.#.( p. 13. The Triple P System emphasi7es .ive core principles o. positive parenting8 213 ens,ring a sa.e an# engaging environment9 2)3 promoting a positive learning environment9 233 ,sing assertive #iscipline9 2:3 maintaining reasona*le e-pectations9 an# 2;3 taking care o. onesel. as a parent. There are a n,m*er o. services in +hich this system provi#es. These services incl,#e vario,s com*inations o. parenting seminars( parent skills1training sessions( an# in#ivi#,al cons,ltations. The services are provi#e# in one to ten or more sessions( +ith the type an# amo,nt o. service #epen#ent ,pon the severity o. the .amily<s #ys.,nction an#=or chil#<s *ehavioral pro*lems. Sessions are #elivere# *y a variety o. service provi#ers .rom #i..erent settings that are not limite# to( *,t may

The Triple P System Intervention Program 3 incl,#e healthcare( preschools( elementary schools( mental health( an# social services settings. These provi#ers are e-pecte# to have complete# Triple P<s 31; #ay training regimen. &e#ia strategies promoting positive parenting practices comm,nity1+i#e s,ch as ne+s stories( parenting articles an# ne+sletters may also *e vie+e# as services ren#ere# *y this system. How the Intervention Identified Address the Practice Question The Triple P System is likely to have a positive e..ect on the o,tcome o. the .amilies that are involve# in this st,#y. The system has a variety o. services that +ill assist the parents in many areas as it relates to parenting. It is also important to note that many o. these services are o..ere# in a n,m*er o. sessions to ens,re the s,ccess an# retention o. in.ormation that is provi#e#. Effectiveness of Intervention The trial ran#omly assigne# 18 So,th Carolina co,nties to a gro,p that implemente# the Triple P System co,nty1+i#e .or .amilies +ith at least one chil# ,n#er eight years ol#9 or a control gro,p that provi#e# ,s,al co,nty services +itho,t implementation o. Triple P. "ll o. the 18 co,nties selecte# ha# a pop,lation si7es *et+een ;0(000 an# 1>;(000( an# none o. the co,nties ha# any prior e-pos,re to Triple P at the start o. the pop,lation trial 25Social Programs That Work5( n.#.( p. 33. T+o years .ollo+ing the ran#om assignment the res,lts in#icate# that there +as a );? re#,ction in the rate o. s,*stantiate# chil# maltreatment( a 33? re#,ction in the rate o. o,t1o.1home placements( an# a 3;? re#,ction in the rate o. hospitali7ations or emergency room visits .or chil# maltreatment in@,ries. Aase# ,pon those .in#ings( the Triple P System prove# to *e e..ective in its attempt to re#,ce an# preventive chil# maltreatment an# #epression. The st,#y +as a*le to .in# statistically1signi.icant e..ects( #espite its small sample( *eca,se the e..ects are large in si7e.

The Triple P System Intervention Program : Compatible with Cultural Context and Implementation I .eel as tho,gh this intervention +o,l# *e compati*le +ith my client<s c,lt,ral conte-t consi#ering that I +o,l# like to +ork +ithin the ,r*an comm,nity. The st,#y state# that all participants +ere r,ral or semi1,r*an( +ith an average ".rican "merican pop,lation o. 31? an# poverty rate o. 1;? 25Social Programs That Work5( n.#.( p. 33. The st,#y also +orke# +ith .amilies +ho ha# chil#ren *et+een the ages o. 018. I think that this is important to note as it relates to c,lt,ral conte-t *eca,se I .eel as tho,gh it +o,l# *e important .or me to *e a*le to cater to the nee#s o. the ,r*an comm,nity .or those +ho have chil#ren #,ring this v,lnera*le age span. I .eel as tho,gh my agency +o,l# #e.initely have the reso,rces to implement this intervention. The estimate# ann,al cost o. training an# s,pporting the service provi#ers 2incl,#ing trainees< time3( an# o. the me#ia strategies( +as a*o,t B)3 per .amily +ith chil#ren ages 018 in )010 25Social Programs That Work5( n.#.( p. )3. I think that +ith grant .,n#ing( the cost .or training +o,l# #e.initely *e a..or#a*le .or all o. the necessary sta.. that +o,l# *e re4,ire# in or#er .or this intervention to operate properly. Advantages and Disadvantages There are many a#vantages as +ell as #isa#vantages o. ,sing this evi#ence *ase# practice process in social +ork practice. The a#vantages +o,l# *e the .act that this partic,lar intervention act,ally as a positive o,tcome o. *eing some+hat e..ective +ith the pop,lation in +hich the st,#y +as teste# on. "nother a#vantage is that the Triple P System is not limite# to one speci.ic age an# is *ene.icial to the chil#ren an# .amily as a +hole. Some #isa#vantages may incl,#e the race an# c,lt,re in +hich yo, may try to implement this intervention. isa#vantages may also incl,#e the n,m*er o. sessions in +hich the .amily may *e assigne# to an# +hether or not they .ollo+ thro,gh +ith each session. I think that a very important #isa#vantage co,l# possi*ly *e

The Triple P System Intervention Program ; the severity o. the mental state in +hich the parents or chil# 2ren3 may alrea#y *e in prior to implementing this intervention. Conclusion &altreatment an# #epression risk can *e s,*stantially +ith a *rie. gro,p program s,ch as The Triple P System. This st,#y provi#es an enco,raging #emonstration that evi#ence1*ase# parenting interventions can achieve pop,lation1level preventive impact on ma@or social pro*lems s,ch as chil# maltreatment. I think that it is important to keep in min# ho+ many chil#ren act,ally s,..er .rom chil# maltreatment #,e to the lack o. kno+le#ge or intervention +hen it comes to parenting. I .eel as tho,gh a great #eal o. kno+le#ge can *e learne# .rom the Triple P System not only *y those +ho are parents( *,t also *y those +ho are not parents. Consi#ering that I +o,l# like to p,rs,e a career in .amily co,nseling( I think that the Triple P System +o,l# *e a great asset to have +ithin the agency in +hich I *ecome employe# at.

The Triple P System Intervention Program C eferences Prin7( Donal# J.( &atthe+ D. San#ers( Cheri J. Shapiro( aniel J. Whitaker( an# John D. L,t7ker. /Pop,lation1Aase# Prevention o. Chil# &altreatment8 The $.S. Triple P System Pop,lation Trial.0 Prevention Science( )00'( vol. 10( no. 1( pp. 111).

Social Programs That Work. 2n.#.3. Detrieve# .rom http8==evi#ence*ase#programs.org=+p1 content=,ploa#s=TriplePSystem.p#.

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