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MONDAY High Frequency Words

Unit 5 Week 2

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

High Frequency Words:

another climb full great

poor through

Read the sentences, underline the wall words, then fix capitals and ending marks for each. 1. 2. 3. 4.

the cat stretched and then began to climb the tree quickly when will there be another full moon that poor bird got wet when he flew through the rain fern, the bird leaped on the bed and fell right through it

Write the high frequency words three times each below.

another climb full great poor through

Write a sentence using a new high frequency word.

TUESDAY High Frequency Words

Unit 5 Week 2

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

High Frequency Words:

another climb full great

poor through

Read the sentences. Using the beginning letter given, write in a wall word that will make sense.

1. The nurse helped the p__ __ __ man who was hurt.

2. The fireman will c__ __ __ __ up the tree to get the cat. 3. The lion at the circus leaped t __ __ __ __ __ a hoop. 4. She wanted to see a __ __ __ __ __ __ f __ __ __ moon. 5. The g __ __ __ __ valley stretched across the entire state.
Make rhyming words with these spelling words. Then read aloud the new words you have built.

fo rm w___ st _ _ _ d___ inf _ _ _

di r t sk _ _ _ sh _ _ _ fl _ _ _ g___

hu r t c___ sp _ _ _ bl _ _ _ yog _ _ _

Write a sentence using another high frequency word.

WEDNESDAY High Frequency Words

Unit 5 Week 2

Name _______________________________ Date ________________


another climb full great

poor through

Read the sentences. Write in a high frequency word that will make sense. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Would you like ____________ cookie? Do not go _____________ that door! It would be ____________ to ride on that train. She was too _________ to eat last piece of pie.

5. They will stretch before they _____________ the mountain. 6. The ___________ bird leaped as high as it could.

THURSDAY High Frequency Words

Unit 5 Week 2

Name _______________________________ Date ________________

High Frequency Words: Vocabulary Words:

another climb full great leaped stretched

poor through

Write a story below using our high frequency & vocabulary words. How many you can use?

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