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Search Strategies Quests 1 & 2 U.S. Constitution and branches. Answers found using SIRS Discoverer: a.

What three branches were created by the Constitution? -Excecutive, Judicial, Legislative b. Which branch of government makes the country's laws? - Legistative c. How many members are in the House of Representatives? 435 Using, I looked up the following words. ratifyto confirm by expressing consent, approval, or formal sanction: to ratify a constitutional amendment. amendment- an alteration of or addition to a motion, bill, constitution, etc. assemble- bring together or gather into one place, company, body, or whole. put or fit together; put together the parts of: to assemble information for a report; to assemble a toyfrom a kit.



Found these answers to the following questions using boolean logic.

1. Which was state was misspelled in the signature area of the U.S. Constitution? Pennsylvania 2. Why didn't Thomas Jefferson sign the U.S. Constitution?Thomas Jefferson was representing his country in France. 3. Who was the oldest to sign the U.S. Constiution? Ben Franklin 4. Who was the considered the Expounder of the U.S. Constitution? Daniel Webster 5. Who actually handwrote the U.S. Constitution? Governor Morris

1. Visit the Search Settings page. 2. In the "SafeSearch filters" section: Turn on SafeSearch by checking the box beside "Filter explicit results." 3. Click Save button at the bottom of the page. Scavenger Hunt (Questions on next page): 1. 81547 2. 767.123287671 3. 7872.81 4. 316800 inches 5. 27875297 6. 56.20 7. 7.3% 8. NCG Eastwood Cinema Lansing, MI 9. Electric Car 10. 28.40 11. 1.241 million 12. 7' 1" 13. 48 Degrees F 14. 4:56 AM 15. 10:57 PM 16. Copenhagen 17. Into the Wild, Cats of the Clans, Firestars Quest 18. 7:12 PM 19. March 28, 2014, 8:47 a.m. -- 5 miles northwest of The Geysers, California 20. 1-800-222-1222

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