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Conversation Club June, 2013

Quick Replies and Small Talk

Following are different spontaneous comments commonly made on different situations. Wit your partner! 1. "ecide ow you would respond to eac comment in t e same situations in #panis . 2. $ow do you reply to t ese in %nglis & ' in( of answers as natural as possible. 3. )a(e a comment of your c oice and e*pect your partner to reply. #tart a conversation using any of t e different comments. 'a(e turns.

+a, $ey- .t/s t e end of t e mont +b, 0uc - ./ve cut my finger on t is page. +c, #omeone loo(ing at a newspaper! 1ou (now guys, t is town we live in really .# a beautiful place. +d, #omeone loo(ing at a oliday p oto of imself! Jee2, . loo( awful ere+e, #omeone w o is bro(e! ./d ave anot er coffee, only . don/t ave any money left. +f, #omeone loo(ing at a newspaper! ' at was a terrible accident in 3, wasn/t it& +g, #omeone loo(ing towards t e street! .t must be raining, . see an umbrella up outside. + , #omeone w ispering! #ee t at man over at t e counter, e/s 4ust put a ca(e into is poc(et. +i, #omeone loo(ing at a newspaper! 5ctors are luc(y people, aren/t t ey& +4, #omeone loo(ing at t e '6 in t e cafeteria! 7eople watc too muc '6. +(, #omeone watc ing a mot er8fat er wit young c ildren! ' ey s ouldn/t allow (ids in ere.

9ote! t e more conversations you can start, t e more prepared you:ll be for conversations in %nglis -

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