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Welcome to Part 2 of the tutorialyou can close Part 1 by clicking on the triangle next to where it says Part 1 in the binder on the left. ou can also hide the !ns"ector by clicking on the blue disc icon in the toolbar again. ou ha#e now learned some of the fundamental features of $cri#ener. %ow it&s time to mo#e on to some of the organisational features. 'irstly( notice that this document is actually a folder in the binder. There is no real difference between text and folder documents aside from their icons( and the fact that folder documents always ha#e disclosure triangles next to them in the binder )and other outline #iews* regardless of whether or not they ha#e anything inside them. %ote that the folder icon for this document )Part 2+ ,rganisation* has a little text icon in its corner. This means that this folder contains text - the text you are reading now. )!t does not ha#e anything to do with the fact that it also has text documents inside it( such as $te" . and so on.* The other ma/or difference between folders and text documents is the default way they get #iewed when you o"en them. We&ll come to that in $te" .. !n fact( you can con#ert a folder document into a text document and #ice #ersa #ery easily. 0lick on Part 2+ ,rganisation in the binder to make sure it is selected( and then go to 1ocuments 2 0on#ert 2 To 'ile in the main menu. The folder icon changes into a text stack )the stack indicates that the text document has subdocuments*. !f you go back to the 1ocuments 2 0on#ert menu( you will see that now you ha#e the o"tion of con#erting it back to a folder - do that now. The idea behind this flexibility is that you can

choose to ha#e different #isual indicators for different le#els of organisation( and also you don&t ha#e to "lan in ad#ance how you structure your "ro/ect( because if you end u" using a text document as a container for other files( you can always con#ert it to a folder later( and #ice #ersa. To create new documents( click 3dd in the toolbar. !f you hold the add button down for half a second( a menu a""ears that lets you choose which kind of document you would like to add. ou can also add documents #ia the Pro/ect menu( footer #iews and contextual menus. 4itting enter in the binder( outliner or corkboard will also create a new document )although this beha#iour can be turned off #ia the Preferences*. ,kay( mo#e on to $te" . when you&re ready )you will need to ex"and Part 2 by clicking on the disclosure triangle next to it*. ,r go get a cu" of tea and a biscuit. $cri#ener&s editor has four modes - four different ways of #iewing your work - and learning how and when to switch between them will make your $cri#ener ex"erience much more comfortable. The four modes are as follows+

1. $!%567 1,0897%T 9,17

!n this mode( the editor shows the contents of a single document( whether it&s a text document( an image( a P1' file or whate#er. The editor is in single document mode right now.

2. 0,:;<,3:1 9,17

!n corkboard mode( the editor shows the subdocuments of the current document as index cards on a corkboard. 6et&s take a look at how that works right now+ a* Try clicking on the Part 2+ ,rganisation folder in the binder( and then click on the image of the corkboard in the toolbar )the one in the middle of the grou" of three =iew>5rou" 9ode icons* so that it is selected+

,nce you&#e taken a look at the corkboard( return here. $ee how the subdocuments of the folder you had selected a""eared as index cards? !f you o"en the ins"ector right now and select the %otes "ane( you will see the index card associated with this document - which you will ha#e seen on the corkboard( because this document is a subdocument of the Part 2+ ,rganisation folder. b* %ow - well( after you&#e read this bit( so you know how to get back - click on the corkboard icon again( while #iewing this document. ou will see that the corkboard is blank. This is because this document )$te" .+ 0hanging 7ditor =iews* doesn&t ha#e any subdocuments - but it could. 3fter you&#e seen the blank corkboard( click on the text icon to the left of the corkboard icon in the toolbar icon to see the text of the document again+

@. ,8T6!%7: 9,17
,utliner mode is much like the corkboard mode( allowing you to see the subdocuments of the current document( exce"t that it shows them as rows and allows you to #iew #arious columns of information. Try re"eating e#erything you did for the corkboard mode abo#e( but this time instead of choosing the corkboard icon(

click the outliner icon on the right )and remember to come back here afterwards*+

A. $0:!=7%!%5$ 9,17
$cri#enings is the term for $cri#ener&s combined text mode( and it is one of $cri#ener&s coolest features. !t allows you to #iew or edit multi"le text documents as a com"osite - as though they were one long document. $cri#enings mode is a#ailable when there are multi"le documents a#ailable to #iew as one. !f you look at the =iew 9ode control in the toolbar at the moment( you will see that the left-most icon shows a single sheet of "a"er. This indicates that the com"osite text mode is not a#ailable here( because you are #iewing a single document that has no subdocuments. $o( let&s look at one that does. 3fter reading this "art( once more click on Part 2+ ,rganisation in the binder. When you do so( you will notice that the =iew 9ode icon in the toolbar changes. !n fact( it e#en gets renamed - it becomes 5rou" 9ode+

) ou will notice that when you select the Part 2 folder again( it returns to outliner mode - this is because $cri#ener remembers which mode you last used to #iew a grou"( and will automatically use it for #iewing grou"s until you change it again.* The single text icon on the left has now changed into a stack of "a"er. This means that it is "ossible to enter $cri#enings mode. To do so( you sim"ly click on the button with the icon of the stack of "a"ers. Try that with the Part 2 folder now( and after selecting the

stack of "a"ers icon scroll all the way down to the bottom of the editor( then return here by clicking back on $te" . in the binder. 1one that? ou should ha#e seen that the text from all the #arious subdocuments of the Part 2 folder - including this one were combined into one long document( with di#iders between them. ou could ha#e edited the text( and your changes would ha#e automatically been a""lied to all of the indi#idual files you altered.

T, :7979<7: W47% $W!T04!%5 =!7W$ ou&#e now switched between all the main #iews. The main thing to remember is that when you are #iewing a single document that has no subdocuments( there are only three #iew modes a#ailable - because you can&t enter $cri#enings )com"osite text* mode when #iewing only a single document. !n this case( the three #iew mode icons in the toolbar are labelled =iew 9ode and the left-most icon is a single sheet of text. ou click on the mode you want to #iew - single document mode( corkboard mode( or outliner mode.
When you are #iewing a folder or a document that has subdocuments( though( there are four modes a#ailable - the single document( corkboard and outliner mode( and also $cri#enings mode. When this is the case( the three #iew mode icons in the toolbar are labelled 5rou" 9ode and the left-most icon is a stack of "a"ers. !n this mode( you can return to single document mode by deselecting all of the segments of the 5rou" 9ode control - that is( click on the one that is selected to deselect it - /ust as you did at the end of $te" B to #iew the text of the Part 2 folder. ou can also switch between #iew modes using the to" three items in the =iew menu( or using the cmd-1( cmd-2 and cmd-@ keyboard shortcuts. ! know( ! know - now you really do need that cu" of tea( and "robably another biscuit too. ,nce you&re done( we&ll take a look at some of these #iew modes in more detail.


<efore del#ing further into the #iew modes( let&s "ause to check out another im"ortant feature of $cri#ener. The chances are that from time to time you are going to want to s"lit the editor so that you can #iew two "arts of the same document( or two entirely different documents( alongside one another. $o let&s do that now. 5o to =iew 2 6ayout 2 $"lit 4oriDontally. 3lternati#ely( click on the button in the right of the header #iew abo#e )the sEuare with the horiDontal line through its middle*+

$uddenly( this document is dis"layed in two "anes. %ote that through the 6ayout menu( you can also choose a #ertical s"lit( to get rid of the s"lit altogether( or to hide the header and footer #iews for the current document #iew. ) ou can also ,"t-click on the header button to create a #ertical s"lit( or to toggle to a #ertical s"lit if you already ha#e a horiDontal one and #ice #ersa.* 3ll well and good( but we don&t want to be limited to #iewing only one document at a time( do we? We can do that in any word "rocessor worth its salt )whate#er that means*( after all. 3nd naturally( we&re not. 0lick on any document in the binder( and it will be shown in the editor that currently has the focus. ou can tell which editor currently has the focus because when there is a s"lit( the header bar of the focussed editor turns blue. ou can also drag a document from the binder to the header #iew of the editor in which you wish to #iew it. 6et&s do that now. 9ake sure that this document( $te" F( is #isible in the bottom "ane( and then drag This!s<uDD3ldrin from inside the :esearch folder onto the header #iew of the to" "ane. This!s<uDD3ldrin is an audio file( so you won&t see much other than a media control bar in the lower "art of the to" "ane )actually( that audio file is the beginning of the coolest "hone message ! e#er "icked u"G sadly( the message was not for me*. %ow you can "lay the audio file in the to" "ane whilst ty"ing in this bottom "ane. ou can control the media file using the keyboard shortcuts defined in the =iew 2 9edia menu. 0md-:eturn will "lay

or "ause the file( for instancewithout your ha#ing to click outside of this text. These shortcuts are #ery useful for transcri"tion work( or for referring to a #ideo file while writing. 3lso note the button in the lower-right of the media control bar+

That is the "ause and rewind button. !f you click it( it will turn blue( indicating that it is on. When "ause and rewind is turned on( whene#er you "ause the media file it will automatically be rewound a cou"le of seconds )you can determine exactly how many seconds it gets rewound in the %a#igation "ane of the Preferences*. This is another useful feature for transcri"tion work. <ut of course( you can use the s"lit #iew to #iew any two documents in $cri#ener alongside one another. The snaDDiness of this feature should immediately be a""arent+ you can refer to another text( P1'( image or HuickTime document in one #iew while ty"ing in another. ou could hide the toolbar( the header and footer #iews and the binder and /ust ha#e the two documents side-by-side while you work. T!P+ 1ouble-clicking on the central di#ider will resiDe the two editors so that they are of eEual height or width. 9ake sure this bottom "ane has the focus )click in it if you are not sure* so that its header #iew is blue( and click on $te" I so that it o"ens here.

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