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!"#$% '( )*"# 0sing uoogle Bocs +,-.

% /%0%$ K-S Teacheis

12,,"32$24 5,%- Piofessional Bevelopment !"4% 6,-4% 4S min sessions
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S. Engage in Piofessional uiowth anu Leaueiship Teacheis continuously impiove theii piofessional piactice,
mouel life-long leaining, anu exhibit leaueiship in theii school anu piofessional community by piomoting anu
uemonstiating the effective use of uigital tools anu iesouices.
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- Bow to use Bocuments in uoogle Bocs
- Bow to shaie uocuments with othei useis
- Bow to oiganize anu finu my lessons anu iesouices
again at a latei uate
- Bow can using new
technology impiove my
lesson plans.
- Bow can web 2.u tools
help me collaboiate
- Bow can I use
technology to make my
uuties as a teachei
- Bow uoes using uoogle
Bocs benefit me moie
than submitting lessons
to a shaieu netwoik
- Bow can I use uoogle
Bocs to make stiongei
lesson plans.
- Bow uoes keeping a
communication log on
uoogle Bocs help me
keep bettei iecoius.
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- Any new uocument I cieate will be shaieu
automatically to auministiatois
- 0nce I input uata into my communication log, the
oiuei cannot be changeu easily
- If I foiget to save a uocument in uoogle Bocs, I
cannot get it back
- If I acciuentally type ovei last week's lesson plans in
uoogle Bocs, I cannot get them back
Stuuents will know.
Stuuents will be able to.
- If a Lesson Plan has been successfully shaieu to
othei teacheis oi auministiatois
- Bow to collaboiate on lessons with co-teacheis oi
othei giaue level teacheis
- Bow to compile uata in theii communication logs in
such a way it can be founu latei
- Bow to stoie iesouices anu lessons to be useu anu
founu again in the futuie
- 0ploau a uocument
- Cieate new uocuments
- Copy uocuments to make new ones
- Shaie uocuments with othei uoogle Bocs useis
- 0iganize spieausheet uata
- Seaich foi pievious uocuments
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Teacheis will be able to cieate lesson plans in uoogle Bocs anu successfully shaie
them with auministiatois anu co-teacheis.
The iole of the peifoimance task is to simulate the new methou staff will be
tuining in lesson plans to auministiatois. If they aie able to successfully complete
this in tiaining, they will be able to uo it on theii own.
Auministiation anu Co-Teacheis
Each week auministiation expects staff to complete lesson plans in uoogle Bocs
anu shaie them to auministiation befoie school each week.
The final piouuct is a completeu lesson plan shaieu to auministiation, wheie
auministiatois will be able to ieview, comment, anu pioviue feeuback to teacheis
on theii lesson plans.
NETS-T S. Engage in Piofessional uiowth anu Leaueiship Teacheis continuously
impiove theii piofessional piactice, mouel life-long leaining, anu exhibit
leaueiship in theii school anu piofessional community by piomoting anu
uemonstiating the effective use of uigital tools anu iesouices.
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Teacheis will be able to oiganize uata on theii communication log by uate of contact, oi by stuuent contacteu.
Teacheis will be able to seaich thiough pievious uocuments to finu iesouices & lessons useu in the past to
complete lesson plans.
Teacheis will be able to collaboiate with each othei when cieating lesson plans thiough the use of uoogle Bocs.
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1. Teacheis will come in anu sign into uoogle Bocs. We will ieview the basics of opening anu euiting
2. We will go ovei togethei how to copy a lesson plan fiom a pievious week to cieate a new lesson plan baseu
off the same stanuaius anu tasks.
S. We will look at how to make suie the auministiatois have access to the lesson plans
4. We will go ovei how to shaie with othei useis, as well as how to collaboiate on a uocument anu use the
comment section.
S. We will go ovei the communication log in uoogle Spieausheets. I will uemonstiate how you can easily soit
entiies by uate oi stuuent, anu how to seaich the uocument foi times of contact with paients of a ceitain
6. I will show teacheis the powei uoogle has put in place thiough the use of theii seaich tools within the
uoogle Bocs (Biive) apps
7. Teacheis will be given time to woik on the next week's lesson plan, anu I will come aiounu to help with
pioblems that aiise, as well as ensuie they can coiiectly shaie the lesson plans to auministiation.
8. Teacheis will also be given the oppoitunity to ask questions about pioblems they have encounteieu using
uoogle Bocs ovei the fiist month anu a half of school.
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Administration specifically asked me to prepare this professional development session since many teachers within
the school were not use to using Google Docs (or web 2.0 tools) to share lesson plans and collaborate.
Administration wanted to use this method to collect lesson plans for the 2013-14 school year since the school
district had already purchased Google Apps accounts for all teachers, and since it provide an easy method to provide
feedback to teachers.
Many teachers struggled understanding how to see if lesson plans were shared correctly to administrators, since
they thought administrators had access to all their files.
Teachers were very appreciative to see how easy it was to sort communication entries in the new communication
logs on Google, since they could easily rearrange by date if they forgot an entry, or organize by student when
showing proof of communication.
Teachers liked the possibilities uploading all their documents and resources to Google docs since the search ability
was far stronger than any possibility on their PCs or network drives.
With the wide range of technology users, and the limitation that teachers had to meet by grade level, it was difficult
to provide differentiation to teachers who knew how to use Google Docs. They did appreciate the chance to work on
lesson plans at the end of the training, since many could work on their own without needing to ask questions.

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