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Acupuncture Formulas Review Course INDEX Acupuncture Introduction 15 San Jiao 16 C inese !

onetics 1" #eneral In$ormation %1 &o'i(ustion %) *welve !rimar+ !at wa+s ,, C inese Cloc- ,. Invisi(le !at wa+s o$ /i ,5 &eridians ," /i0on0 5" 1in and 1an0 61 C inese &edical * eor+ 6, Five Elements 6, Indications 6" Footnotes )% E'ercise 21 ), Identi$ication Section )5 #all 3ladder 4) #overnin0 5essel ", 6eart ") 7idne+ "" 8ar0e Intestines 19, 8un0 &eridian 19) !ericardium 19" Small Intestines 111 Spleen 11, Stomac 11) *riple 3urner 1%, C inese Names 1%) E'ercise 2% 1,1 :t er Causes o$ Disease 1,, Evil In$luences 1,) Formula Flow C art 1," #lossar+ ,9) C inese #lossar+ ,%5 Re$erences ,.,

Acupuncture Introduction ; at is Acupuncture<

Acupuncture is a treatment based on Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a system of healing that dates back thousands of years. At the core of TCM is the notion that a type of life force, or energy, known as qi (pronounced chee ) flows through energy pathways (meridians) in the body. !ach meridian corresponds to one organ, or group of organs, that go"erns particular bodily functions. Achie"ing the proper flow of qi is thought to create health and wellness. #i maintains the dynamic balance of yin and yang, which are complementary opposites. According to TCM, e"erything in nature has both yin and yang. An imbalance of qi (too much, too little, or blocked flow) causes disease. To restore balance to the qi, an acupuncturist inserts needles at points along the meridians. These acupuncture points are places where the energy pathway is close to the surface of the skin. Cali$ornia Acupuncture 3oard According to the California Acupuncture $oard, acupuncture means the stimulation of a certain point or points on or near the surface of the body by the insertion of needles to pre"ent or modify the perception of pain or to normali%e physiological functions, including pain control, for the treatment of certain diseases or dysfunctions of the body and includes the techniques of electroacupuncture, cupping, and mo&ibustion. A 8ittle 6istor+ 'n China, the practice of acupuncture can perhaps be traced as far back as the stone age, with the Bian shi, or sharpened stones. Clearer e"idence e&ists from the (st millennium $C, and archeological e"idence has been identified with the period of the )an dynasty (*+* $C,**+ A-). .orms of it are also described in the literature of traditional /orean medicine where it is called chimsul. 't is also important in /ampo, the traditional medicine system of 0apan. 1ecent e&aminations of 2t%i, a 3,+++4year4old mummy found in the Alps, ha"e identified o"er 3+ tattoos on his body, some of which are located on acupuncture points that would today be used to treat ailments 2t%i suffered from. 5ome scientists belie"e that this is e"idence that practices similar to acupuncture were practiced elsewhere in !urasia during the early $ron%e Age. According to an article published in The 6ancet by -orfer et al., 7e hypothesi%ed that there might ha"e been a medical system similar to acupuncture (Chinese

8hen9iu: needling and burning) that was practiced in Central !urope 3,*++ years ago... A treatment modality similar to acupuncture thus appears to ha"e been in use long before its pre"iously known period of use in the medical tradition of ancient China. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 (; This raises the possibility of acupuncture ha"ing originated in the !urasian continent at least *+++ years earlier than pre"iously recogni%ed. Acupuncture<s origins in China are uncertain. The earliest Chinese medical te&ts (Mawang4 tui gra"es, ;= $C) do not mention acupuncture. The Chinese medical te&t that first describes acupuncture is the >ellow !mperor?s Classic of Internal Medicine (History of Acupuncture) )uangdi @ei9ing, which was compiled around A+3,*+B $.C. 5ome hieroglyphics ha"e been found dating back to (+++ $.C. that may indicate an early use of acupuncture. $ian stones, sharp pointed rocks used to treat diseases in ancient times, ha"e also been disco"ered in ruinsC some scholars belie"e that the bloodletting for which these stones were likely used presages certain acupuncture techniques. Acupuncture and *raditional C inese &edicine * e ! ilosop + o$ t e Dao -ao is often described as the path or the way of life in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and acupuncture, 9ust as its counterpart in ancient 'ndia, Ayur"eda. The laws of the -ao ad"ocate moderation, li"ing in harmony with nature and stri"ing for balance. Ancient Chinese belie"ed that moderation in all areas of life is essential to a long and fruitful life. 7e are fueled by three treasures: #i or Chi (pronounced chee), 5hen, and 0ing. C i is energy or "ital substance, 5hen is the spirit, and 0ing is our essence. #i is both the life force (or "ital substance) and the organi%ing principle flowing through all things and establishing their interconnectedness. The Chinese belie"e that e"ery li"ing thing (both human and non4human) has qi. 'n the body, qi is found in the heart and lungs in circulating blood and o&ygen. S en is the treasure that gi"es brightness to life and is

responsible for consciousness and mental abilities. 5ometimes it is compared to soul. 7ithin the indi"idual, 5hen is manifested in personality, thought, sensory perception, and the awareness of self. Jin0 is responsible for growth, de"elopment and reproduction. 0ing represents a person<s potential for de"elopment (comparable to the 7estern concept of genetical inheritance). The Chinese belie"e that e"eryone is born with a finite amount of 0ing. As we go through life, we lose or consume our 0ing little by little. Dnce we lose 0ing, it cannot be replacedC it is gone fore"er. 7e lose 0ing if we li"e a wrong or careless life, but 0ing can be preser"ed if we li"e in moderation. Acupuncture can reduce the loss of 0ing. San Jiao The San Jiao () is a traditional Chinese medical (TCM) concept of a functional organ that is not found outside of TCM (see 8ang .u theory). 5an 0iao has been translated as triple heater, triple warmer, and triple burner, the latter of which is probably fa"ored because of the in"ol"ement of the 5an 0iao in metabolism (burner meaning metaboli%er ). 6ike most other organs, the 5an 0iao has a meridian named for it which is also a reflection of the energetic health of the organ. The Triple 7armer Meridian is located from the fingernail of the ring finger, up the outside center of the hand and arm, behind the top of the shoulder but abo"e the shoulder blade, up the neck to behind the ear, then up and around the base of the ear to the top E front, then on the outer tip of the eyebrow. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 (F 'n TCM theory, the 5an 0iao is a yang organ paired with the pericardium which is the yin organ associated with it. >ang organs are typically hollow, whereas yin organs are more solid. The triple burner, howe"er, is said to be primarily energetic and does not ha"e a physical component, unlike all the other organs in TCM. The 5an 0iao occupies the trunk of the body, in three compartments (hence the triple in its name). The upper

compartment is the chest down to the diaphragm 4 which is associated with respiration. The middle compartment is from the diaphragm to the umbilicus 4 which is associated with digestion. The lower compartment is from the umbilicus to the top of the pubic bone 4 which is associated with elimination. )owe"er, in dissecting a body, one would not be able to find a structure that could be called the 5an 0iao. The 5an 0iao is said to be a metabolism mechanism similar to an old4fashioned water wheel that is turned by incoming water and creates energy for accomplishing a task, such as grinding grain in the case of the water wheel, or for metaboli%ing and digesting food in the case of the 5an 0iao. The 5an 0iao is closely associated with the spleen functions of transformation and transportation, particularly the metabolism of incoming food. The 5an 0iao is also closely associated with the kidney<s function in TCM. The 5an 0iao, howe"er, is not limited to one metabolism function as the spleen or kidneys are, but is a general metaboli%er which can be applied to a "ariety of metabolism needs. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 (= Acupuncture *raditional * eor+ Chinese medicine is based on a different paradigm from scientific biomedicine. 'ts theory holds the following e&planation of acupuncture: Acupuncture treats the human body as a whole that in"ol"es se"eral systems of function. These systems are in some cases loosely associated with (but not identified on a one4to4one basis with) physical organs. 5ome systems of function, such as the triple heater (5an 0iao, also called the triple burner ) ha"e no corresponding physical organ, but instead represent the "arious 9iaos (or le"els) of the "entral body ca"ity (upper, middle and lower). -isease is understood as a loss of balance between the yin and yang energies, which bears some resemblance to homeostasis among the se"eral systems of function, and treatment of disease is attempted by modifying the acti"ity of one or more systems of function through the acti"ity of needles, pressure, heat, etc. on sensiti"e parts of the body of small "olume traditionally called acupuncture points in !nglish, or &ue (, ca"ities) in Chinese. This is referred to in

TCM as treating patterns of disharmony . Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 (G #eneral Acupuncture and Related In$ormation 6ow Does Acupuncture ;or-< )istorically, acupuncture points were belie"ed to be holes that allow entry into channels. These holes pro"ide us gateways to influence, redirect, increase, or decrease the body<s "ital substance, qi, thus correcting many of the imbalances. Many studies and research ha"e been directed towards understanding the mechanism of acupuncture. E$$ects o$ Acupuncture Acupuncture has been shown to stimulate the immune system. 't also affects the circulation, blood pressure, rhythm and stroke "olume of the heart, secretion of the gastric acid, and production of red and white cells. 't stimulates the release of a "ariety of hormones that help the body to respond to in9ury and stress. * e #ate Control * eor+ o$ !ain According to this theory, pain signals must pass through a number of high4traffic gates as they mo"e from the area of in9ury upward through the spinal cord into the brain. 6ike a road or highway, these ner"es can handle only a limited number of ner"e signals at one time. The pain signals tra"els "ery slowly. 7e can generate other signals which mo"e faster. The faster signals crowd out the slower ones because of the limited capacity of the ner"es. ('magine sitting in traffic near a construction %one, where the two lanes merge into one. The fast cars on the merging lanes go further and merge ahead of the slower ones, making it nearly impossible for the slow traffic on the lane to mo"e forward. @ow, the pain signals are the slow ones sitting there waiting for an opening to mo"e through. 'f one can produce enough fast signals, it can effecti"ely crowd out the pain signals.) Acupuncture generates competing stimulus and effecti"ely blocks the slow pain signals from reaching the brain. The result: we ne"er e&perience the pain . Electrical * eor+ o$ !ain The body continually generates tiny but detectable electrical discharges. This electrical

field influences the growth, maturation, and functioning of some types of cells. 't is known that acupuncture points are concentrated in regions of low electrical resistance. 5tudies ha"e shown that there is a correlation between the electromagnetic fields in the body and the channels or meridians. 5o, this electrical theory suggests that acupuncture works by influencing the body<s electromagnetic fields. Acupuncture points ha"e certain electrical properties, and stimulating these points alters chemical neurotransmitters in the body. !alpation Auscultation and olfaction refer, respecti"ely, to listening for particular sounds (such as whee%ing) and attending to body odor. 'nquiring focuses on the se"en inquiries , which are: chills and fe"erC perspirationC appetite, thirst and tasteC defecation and urinationC painC sleepC and menses and leukorrhea. Halpation includes feeling the body for tender ashi points, and palpation of the left and right radial pulses at two le"els of pressure (superficial and deep) and three positions Cun, Guan, Chi(immediately pro&imal to the wrist crease, and one and two fingers< breadth pro&imally, usually palpated with the inde&, middle and ring fingers). Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 ** Dther forms of acupuncture employ additional diagnostic techniques. 'n many forms of classical Chinese acupuncture, as well as 0apanese acupuncture, palpation of the muscles and the hara (abdomen) are central to diagnosis. *C& !erspective on *reatment o$ Disease Although TCM is based on the treatment of patterns of disharmony rather than biomedical diagnoses, practitioners familiar with both systems ha"e commented on relationships between the two. A gi"en TCM pattern of disharmony may be reflected in a certain range of biomedical diagnoses: thus, the pattern called -eficiency of 5pleen #i could manifest as chronic fatigue, diarrhea or uterine prolapse. 6ikewise, a population of patients with a gi"en biomedical diagnosis may ha"e "arying TCM patterns. These

obser"ations are encapsulated in the TCM aphorism Dne disease, many patternsC one pattern, many diseases . (/aptchuk, (G=*) ; at Is A Cun< The cun is a measurement relati"e to the patient?s body that is used to find acupuncture points. Ienerally speaking one cun is equal to the space between the distal interphalangeal 9oint and the pro&imal interphalangeal 9oint on the middle finger. )owe"er, this cun can only be used on certain parts of the body when finding acupuncture points 4 on other points you use other relati"e landmarks. .or e&ample, the space from nipple to nipple is = cun and this = cun can be used to find points on the chest 4 the space from the center of the patella to the lateral malleolus is (; cun and this (; cun can be used to find points on the legs, etc. Clinical !ractice Classically, in clinical practice, acupuncture treatment is typically highly4 indi"iduali%ed and based on philosophical constructs and sub9ecti"e and intuiti"e impressions and not on controlled scientific research. Most modern acupuncturists use disposable stainless steel needles of fine diameter (+.++F to +.+*+ , +.(= mm to +.3( mm), sterili%ed with ethylene o&ide or by autocla"e. These needles are far smaller in diameter (and therefore less painful) than the needles used to gi"e shots, since they do not ha"e to be hollow for purposes of in9ection. The upper third of each needle is wound with a thicker wire (typically bron%e), or co"ered in plastic, to stiffen the needle and pro"ide a handle for the acupuncturist to grasp while inserting. The si%e and type of needle used, and the depth of insertion, depend on the acupuncture style being practiced. 7arming an acupuncture point, typically by mo&ibustion (the burning of a combination of herbs, primarily mugwort), is a different treatment than acupuncture itself and is often, but not e&clusi"ely, used as a supplemental treatment. The Chinese term %hJn 9Ku (), commonly used to refer to acupuncture, comes from zhen meaning needle , and jiu meaning mo&ibustion . Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *A *a(le o$ Commonl+ Ased !roportional &easurements

6ead and Nec-istance Hroportional Lnit (cun) 1emarks Anterior hairline to posterior hairline. (* There are the standards "ertically measured from the forehead to the Ilabella to anterior hairline. A neck if hairlines are indistinguishable the distance from the glabella to Hosterior hairline to Tachui (IM (B). A Tachui (IM (B) taken s (= cun. The hairline between the two temporal. G These are the standards measured trans"ersely regions in the head region. The distance between the -istance between the tips of two mastoid. G tips of the two mastoid processes is measured processer instead in case the hairlines on the temples are indistinct. .rom the laryngeal prominence to Tientu B This is the standard measured (CM **). "ertically on the neck. -istance between two 0enying (5T G). A This "ertical distance is used as the standard measured trans"ersely on the neck. * ora' and A(domen -istance Hroportional Lnit (cun) 1emarks .rom Tientu (CM **) to Tanchung ;.= This "ertical distance is measured as (CM (F). standard on the chest. .rom lower end of sternum to = This standard measured "ertically is Lmbilicus. used on hypochondriuim. The &iphoid process is equi"alent to +.3 cun. Lmbilicus to upper border of symphysis 3 This "ertical measurement is the pubia. standard used in hypogastrium. -istance between two nipples. = This is the trans"erse measurement used in chest and abdominal $etween the midlines of two cla"icles. = regions. 'n women use the measurement between the midlines of the cla"icles. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *B 8ateral Aspect o$ * ora' and A(domen -istance Hroportional Lnit (cun) 1emarks The center of the a&il lary fossa to the (* This "ertical measurement is taken free end of the ((th rib. as the standard for the lateral aspect of thora&. The free end of the ((th rib to the tip G This "ertical measurement is taken of greater trochanter. as the lateral aspect of abdomen. Apper E'tremities -istance Hroportional Lnit (cun) 1emarks .ront (or back) trans"erse crease of G This distance is measured "ertically the a&illa to the cubital crease upper e&tremities.

(or the olecranon). The cubital crease (or the olecranon) (* to the wrist trana"erse crease. 8ower E'tremities -istance Hroportional Lnit (cun) 1emarks .rom the upper border of the symphysis (= This is the standard measurement of pubia to the upper border of the medical three >in meridians of the foot. condyle of the femur. .rom the tip of greater trochanter to the (G This is the standard measurement of middle of the knee. three >ang meridians of the foot. .rom the inferior border of medical (A This measurement is used for the condyle of tibia to the tip of medical three >in meridians of the foot. Maleolus. .rom the middle of the knee to the tip (; This measurement is used for the of lateral malleolus. three >ang meridians of the foot. N The distance from the middle of knee to the inferior border of medical condyle of the tibia is * cun. The medial malleohus is ( cun higher than the lateral malleolus. Therefore the length fromithe middle of knee to the tip of lateral malleolus is (; cun. This standard may be also used for the three >in meridians of the foot. &o'i(ustion The characters that we translate as Oacupuncture,P %hen 9ui in Chinese and shinkyu in 0apanese, translate more literally as Oneedles and mo&a.P .rom the earliest )an dynasty te&ts, to complete 5ong dynasty treatises solely dealing with mo&ibustion, mo&a has been an integral part of medical practice. Mo&a is processed from the fibers inside the lea"es of Mugwort ("arious Artemisia species). The fibers are separated from the rest of the plant matter, allowed to bleach in the sun, and aged for se"eral years. They smolder when ignited, rather than burning with a flame, and the ashes tend to tighten up, holding their shape, rather than falling apart. The word mo&a is an !nglish appro&imation of the 0apanese mogusha, the Mugwort plant. The term mo&ibustion describes the techniques of burning mo&a for therapeutic purposes. Mo&ibustion is still used in the *(st century to "arying degrees among the schools of oriental medicine. .or e&ample, one well known technique is to insert the needle at the desired acupuncture point, attach dried moxa to the e&ternal end of an acupuncture

needle, and then ignite it. The mo&a will then smolder for se"eral minutes (depending on the amount adhered to the needle) and conduct heat through the needle to the tissue surrounding the needle in the patient<s body. Another common technique is to hold a large glowing stick of mo&a o"er the needles. Mo&a is also sometimes burned at the skin surface, usually by applying an ointment to the skin to protect from burns, though burning of the skin is a general practice in China. #rades o$ &o'a There are a number of grades of mo&aC more refined and aged mo&a burns at a lower temperature. The highest grade is suitable for use directly on the skin of children, while the lower grades are applied to needles or burned with a something between them and the skin, often ginger, garlic, salt or miso paste. Marious techniques are used to apply the heat to the points. The types used most often are thread mo&a (sesame seed or rice grain si%e), cone mo&a (smaller soybean si%e or larger pyramids) or needle mo&a (spheres of mo&a on the top of an inserted needle). Mo&a adds warmth when Cold is a problem, creates mo"ement when 5tagnation is a problem, and adds #i when Macuity is a problem. #ua s a 'n cases of the common cold or muscular pain, either cupping or gua sha may be used to support the healing process. Iua 5ha is performed by rubbing the skin with the smooth surface of a coin, ceramic spoon or lid in areas where stuck or stagnated blood is found to reside. 5mall red dots or petechiae come to the surface. The result is healthy circulation of blood and an impro"ement of symptoms that is usually felt immediately. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *= Cuppin0 Cupping uses glass, plastic or bamboo cups that create suction when placed upon the patient?s body. The technique may temporarily lea"e small round red marks on the skin. Typically, the marks will clear within a few days. 5imilar to the technique of gua sha,

cupping can be used for many conditions including muscular pain and the common cold. ; at Does an Acupuncturist Do< 'n addition to asking questions, the acupuncturist may want to take your pulse at se"eral points along the wrist and look at the shape, color, and coating of your tongue. The acupuncturist may also look at the color and te&ture of your skin, your posture, and other physical characteristics that offer clues to your health. >ou will lie down on a padded e&amining table, and the acupuncturist will insert the needles, twirling or gently 9iggling each as it goes in. >ou may not feel the needles at all, or you may feel a twitch or a quick twinge of pain that disappears when the needle is completely inserted. Dnce the needles are all in place, you rest for (3 to ;+ minutes. -uring this time, you<ll probably feel rela&ed and sleepy and may e"en do%e off. At the end of the session, the acupuncturist quickly and painlessly remo"es the needles. .or certain conditions, acupuncture is more effecti"e when the needles are heated using a technique known as mo&ibustion (see pre"ious section). Another "ariation is electrical acupuncture. Acupuncturists trained in Chinese herbal preparations may prescribe herbs along with acupuncture. 8oo- at t e prices $or Bust an ounce= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *G Di$$erent St+les o$ Acupuncture There are se"eral different approaches to acupuncture. Among the most common in the Lnited 5tates today are: *C&@(ased acupuncture 44 the most commonly practiced in the Lnited 5tates, it bases a diagnosis on eight principles of complementary opposites (yinQyang, internalQe&ternal, e&cessQdeficiency, hotQcold). Frenc ener0etic acupuncture 44 mostly used by M- acupuncturists, it emphasi%es meridian patterns, in particular the yin4yang pairs of primary meridians. 7orean and acupuncture 44 based on the principle that the hands and feet ha"e concentrations of qi, and that applying acupuncture needles to these areas is effecti"e for the entire body. Auricular acupuncture 44 this technique is widely used in treating addiction disorders. 't is

based on the idea that the ear is a reflection of the body and that applying acupuncture needles to certain points on the ear affects corresponding organs. &+o$asciall+@(ased acupuncture 44 often practiced by physical therapists, it in"ol"es feeling the meridian lines in search of tender points, then applying needles. Tender points indicate areas of abnormal energy flow. Japanese st+les o$ acupuncture 44 sometimes referred to as meridian therapy, it emphasi%es needling technique and feeling meridians in diagnosis. ; at is #o-avi *ransverse *ec niCue >#** Acupuncture?< ITT Acupuncture is a dry needling acupuncture technique combined with high frequency electrical stimulation. 't is said to be "ery useful in the treatment and management of chronic myofascial pain release. *+picall+D #** Acupuncture tec niCue involves two sta0es= 'n stage (, acupuncture needles are inserted in a specific trans"erse direction to form a special circuit enclosing the area of pain. The needles are electrically stimulated at two different high frequencies. The end result of this treatment is rela&ation and analgesia of the muscles in"ol"ed. The high frequency electrical stimulation acti"ates skin and muscle receptors. The proponents of the method propose that the high frequency electrical stimulation also causes the midbrain to bypass the endorphin system and causes the release of serotonin and norepinephrine. This suppresses the transmission of pain, causing an analgesic effect. 'n stage *, the dry needling is done in a trans"erse direction. 5ince the muscle is already rela&ed as a result of the treatment in stage (, the therapist can lift the muscle and needle the muscle through its entire thickness, releasing spasms and trigger points. -eeper layers of muscles are accessible in this two step process than are a"ailable in con"entional acupuncture. The stage * treatment increases mobility and reduces the pain. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 A+ The trans"erse needling employed in ITT acupuncture is safe, reliable and effecti"e. The soothing pain relief obtained causes a significant impro"ement in patient compliance and tolerance to the dry needling. This produces dramatic and long term effects. ITT

Acupuncture is especially effecti"e in the treatment of patients suffering from fibromyalgia and chronic myofascial pain. 6ow &an+ *reatments do I Need< The number of acupuncture treatments you need depends on the comple&ity of your illness, whether it<s a chronic or recent condition, and your general health. .or e&ample, you may need only one treatment for a recent wrist sprain, while a long4standing, chronic illness may require treatments once or twice a week for se"eral months to achie"e good results. 6isted below are some general guidelines related to forming a prognosis. To discuss any of this information, please utili%e our Chinese Acupuncture Theory forum. :r0an vs= &eridian !at olo0+ 'n general, meridian imbalances take less time to treat than deeper organ imbalances. Interior vs= E'terior !atterns 'n general, e&terior patterns take less time to treat than interior ones. .or e&ample, the common cold (e&ternal wind4cold) takes less time to treat than the heat in the lung "ariation of sinusitis. /i vs= 3lood 't is generally easier to build andQor mo"e #i than it is to build andQor mo"e $lood. .or e&ample, #i 5tagnation will resol"e faster than $lood 5tagnation. De$icienc+ vs= E'cess 't is generally easier to drain an e&cess pathology than to build up a deficiency. Additionally, there are "ariations within these broad categori%ations. .or e&ample, a >ang -eficiency may take longer to build than #i -eficiency. Dn the deficiency side, >in -eficiency may take longer to build than $lood -eficiency. Dampness and ! le0m -ampness is generally considered easier to treat than Hhlegm. They are both, howe"er, slow to mo"e and resol"e by their nature and will generally complicate other imbalances. 8i$est+leE!s+c o@Emotional Factors Conditions that ha"e fostered certain states of imbalance (li"ing in a damp en"ironment, for e&ample) if left unresol"ed will generally hinder the treatments. Dn a psycho4 emotional le"el, the continued repression, o"er e&pression or o"er e&perience of certain emotional states will also make imbalances more difficult to resol"e.

Factors related to t e Four Sta0es The prognosis is worsened depending on the stage of disease, ranging from the 7ei le"el, to the #i le"el, to the >ing, to the $lood. Factors related to t e Si' Sta0es The prognosis is worsened depending on the stage of disease, ranging from Tai >ang, to >ang Ming, to 5hao >ang, to Tai >in, to 5hao >in, to 0ue >in. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& A( Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 ; at does Acupuncture Feel 8i-e< Acupuncture needles are hair4thin, metallic, and solid. Heople e&perience acupuncture differently, but most feel minimal pain (or e"en none at all) as the needles are inserted. 5ome people are energi%ed by treatment, while others feel rela&ed. 'mproper needle placement, mo"ement of the patient, or a defect in the needle can cause soreness and pain during treatment. This is why it is important to seek treatment from a qualified acupuncture practitioner. ; at are t e needles li-e< Can I 0et in$ected< 'n (GG; L5 .-A appro"ed acupuncture needles for licensed practitioners. The .-A requires that the needles be sterile, nonto&ic, and disposed of after a single use. Dnly .-A appro"ed sterile, disposable needles should be used, and they are only used once. These needles are carefully manufactured under the guidance of the .-A. There is no risk of infection. Acupuncture needles are small and hair4thin. They are solid (not hollow like the needles used by doctors in surgery). The end of an acupuncture needle is smooth and rounded. Acupuncture needles are not designed to cut the skin. 'nstead, when an acupuncture needle is inserted, the round edge pushes the tissue aside without cutting it. Acupuncture needles are so thin it<s as if they can glide through the spaces between the indi"idual cells of the body. Does it >Needlin0 or Acupuncture !rocess? 6urt< Heople e&perience needling differently. Most feel no pain. 5ome e&perience minimal pain as the needles are inserted. The needles can be quickly ad9usted in the unlikely e"ent of uncomfortable feelings during the needling process. (Hlease do not hesitate to tell the practitioner if you feel uncomfortable). 5ome people e&perience a sensation like that of a mosquito bite that disappears "ery quickly. Dften people describe their sensations as warming, hea"y, numb or tingling. $e comfortable and

rela& while the needles are in place. The more you can rela& during an acupuncture treatment, the better the results. 5ome people e"en fall asleep during the treatment. .ollowing treatment, it is "ery common to feel a tremendous sense of rela&ation and calm. Are t ere an+ !ossi(le !ro(lems or Complications< 7hen done by a trained professional, acupuncture is generally considered safe. The number of complications reported ha"e been relati"ely few, but there is a risk that a patient may be harmed if the acupuncturist is not well trained. Traditional needle acupuncture can cause di%%iness, fainting, local internal bleeding, con"ulsions, hepatitis $, dermatitis, ner"e damage, and increased pain. Hunctured lungs ha"e happened rarely but ha"e resulted in a few deaths. Traditional acupuncture also poses risks, such as infection from contaminated needles or improper deli"ery of treatment. The risk of infection is much lower now that acupuncturists in the Lnited 5tates use sterile needles that are discarded after a single use. Those who are taking anticoagulants (blood thinners) may ha"e bleeding problems with traditional needle acupuncture. Heople with cardiac pacemakers, infusion pumps, or other electrical de"ices should a"oid electroacupuncture. 1elying on this type of treatment alone, and a"oiding or delaying con"entional medical care, may ha"e serious health consequences. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& A* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& AA Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *welve !rimar+ !at wa+s Treatment of acupuncture points may be performed along se"eral layers of pathways, most commonly the twel"e primary pathways (meridians), located throughout the body. Dther pathways include the !ight !&traordinary Hathways i !in" Ba Mai, the 6uo Messels, the -i"ergents and the 5inew Channels. Lnaffiliated, or tender points, called ah shi (signifying that<s it , ouch , or oh yes ) are generally used for treatment of local pain. Df the eight e&traordinary pathways, only two ha"e acupuncture points of their own. The other si& meridians are acti"ated by using a master and couple point technique which in"ol"es needling the acupuncture points located on the twel"e main meridians that correspond to the particular e&traordinary pathway. Ten of the primary pathways are named after organs of the body ()eart, 6i"er, etc.), one is named for the serous membrane that wraps the heart ()eart Hrotector or Hericardium), the last is the <three spaces< (#an !iao). The pathways are capitali%ed to a"oid confusion with a physical organ (for e&ample, we write the

)eart meridian as opposed to the heart meridian ). The two independent e&traordinary pathways $en Mai and %u Mai are situated on the midline of the anterior and posterior aspects of the trunk and head respecti"ely. The twel"e primary pathways run "ertically, bilaterally, and symmetrically and e"ery channel corresponds to and connects internally with one of the twel"e 8ang .u ( organs ). This means that there are si& yin and si& yang channels. There are three yin and three yang channels on each arm, and three yin and three yang on each leg. The three yin channels of the hand (6ung, Hericardium, and )eart) begin on the chest and tra"el along the inner surface (mostly the anterior portion) of the arm to the hand. The three yang channels of the hand (6arge intestine, 5an 0iao, and 5mall intestine) begin on the hand and tra"el along the outer surface (mostly the posterior portion) of the arm to the head. The three yin channels of the foot (5pleen, 6i"er, and /idney) begin on the foot and tra"el along the inner surface (mostly posterior and medial portion) of the leg to the chest or flank. The three yang channels of the foot (5tomach, Iallbladder, and $ladder) begin on the face, in the region of the eye, and tra"el down the body and along the outer surface (mostly the anterior and lateral portion) of the leg to the foot. The mo"ement of qi through each of the twel"e channels is comprised of an internal and an e&ternal pathway. The e&ternal pathway is what is normally shown on an acupuncture chart and it is relati"ely superficial. All the acupuncture points of a channel lie on its e&ternal pathway. The internal pathways are the deep course of the channel where it enters the body ca"ities and related 8ang4.u organs. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& AB Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 The superficial pathways of the twel"e channels describe three complete circuits of the body, chest to hands, hands to head, head to feet, feet to chest, etc. C inese ClocThe distribution of qi through the pathways is said to be as follows (based on the demarcations in TCM<s Chinese Clock): 6ung channel of hand taiyin to 6arge 'ntestine channel of hand yangming to 5tomach channel of foot yangming to 5pleen channel of foot taiyin to )eart channel of hand shaoyin to 5mall 'ntestine channel of hand taiyang to $ladder channel of foot taiyang to /idney channel of foot shaoyin to Hericardium channel of hand 9ueyin to 5an 0iao channel of hand

shaoyang to Iallbladder channel of foot shaoyang to 6i"er channel of foot 9ueyin then back to the 6ung channel of hand taiyin. !ach channel occupies two hours, beginning with the 6ung, AAM4 3AM, and coming full circle with the 6i"er (AM4AAM. Role o$ Acupuncturist in *raditional C inese &edicine According to the philosophy of -ao, the role of the acupuncturist is to restore your health and enable you to li"e a little closer to the -ao, thus preser"ing your 0ing and helping you li"e to a ripe old age. A number of factors can contribute to the depletion of 0ing. 6i"ing a life of e&cess, drinking too much, e&cessi"e emotional reactions, working too hard, inappropriate se&ual beha"ior, etc. all are belie"ed to result in the depletion of 0ing. $alance in all things is considered the key to good health and long life. 'n order to increase their understanding of the -ao, the Chinese de"eloped two concepts that together form the basis of Chinese thought: yin and yang and the more detailed system of the fi"e elements. Daoism The -ao -e 0ing, along with the 8huang%i, is one of the core te&ts of the Chinese way of thinking known as -aoism . This word has a number of meanings. 'n early te&ts, -aoism is manifest as a sophisticated "iew of the world which mediates on the nature of the world. There is a common disappro"al of the unnatural and artificial. 5ocial con"ention is re9ected in fa"or of the ecstatic and the immediate nature of e&perience. 6ater on -aoism also came to signify the large number of popular cults that e&ist in China (so4called popular -aoism ). Although -aoism is often set in opposition to Confucianism, both ways of thinking interact with each other. 't should also be noted that although Ch<an $uddhism (or 8en $uddhism) is usually seen as a "ariant of Mahayana $uddhism, in many respects it draws on -aoist ideas. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& A3 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 C annels or &eridians in Acupuncture * e Invisi(le !at wa+s o$ /i Chinese use the term 9ing luo which means, channels, conduit, meridian etc. According to acupuncture, these are the in"isible channels through which qi circulate throughout the body. The acupuncture points (or holes as the Chinese term &ue is more aptly translated means) are the

locations where the qi of the channels rises close to the surface of the body. There are (* main meridians, si& of which are yin and si& are yang and numerous minor ones, which form a network of energy channels throughout the body. 'n acupuncture, each meridian is related to, and named after, an organ or function. The main ones are: the lung, kidney, gallbladder, stomach, spleen, heart, small intestine, large intestine, gall bladder, urinary bladder, san 9iao (three heater) and pericardium (heart protectorQ or circulation se& meridian). There are also = e&traordinary channels in acupuncture that are considered to be reser"oirs supplying qi and blood to the twel"e regular channels. These are belie"ed to ha"e a strong connection to the kidney. The meridians are shown in the figures.

6ocation of the meridians and acupoints (acupuncture points) in the body. -otted along these meridians are more than B++ acupuncture points, classified by 7)D. (There may be as many as *+++ points in use for different treatments.) These are listed by name, number and the meridian to which they belong. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& A; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 7hen Chi flows freely through the meridians, the body is balanced and healthy, but if the energy becomes blocked, stagnated or weakened, it can result in physical, mental or emotional ill health. An imbalance in a person<s body can result from inappropriate emotional responses such as:

e&cess anger, o"er4e&citement, self4pity, deep grief and fear. !n"ironmental factors such as cold, dampQhumidity, wind, dryness, and heat can also cause imbalance so as factors such as wrong diet, too much se&, o"erwork and too much e&ercise. To restore the balance, the acupuncturist stimulates the acupuncture points that will counteract that imbalance. 5o, if you ha"e stagnant Chi, he will choose specific points to stimulate it. 'f the Chi is too cold, he will choose points to warm it. 'f it is too weak, he will strengthen it. 'f it is blocked, he will unblock it, and so on. 'n this way, acupuncture can effecti"ely rebalance the energy system and restore health or pre"ent the de"elopment of disease. The points that the practitioner chooses to stimulate may not necessarily be at the site of the symptoms. &eridian name >C inese? 1in E 1an0 Arm E8e0 5 elements :r0an Ma9or >in () Arm () Metal () 6ung () >in () Arm () .ire () Hericardium () Minor >in () Arm () .ire () )eart () >ang () Arm () Metal () 6arge 'ntestine () Minor >ang () Arm () .ire () Triple 7armer () Ma9or >ang () Arm () .ire () 5mall 'ntestine () Minor >in () 6eg () 7ater () /idney () Ma9or >in () 6eg () !arth () 5pleen () >in () 6eg () 7ood () 6i"er () >ang () 6eg () !arth () 5tomach () Ma9or >ang () 6eg () 7ater () $ladder () Minor >ang () 6eg () 7ood () Iall $ladder ( ) Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& AF Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Indication o$ t e F4@6uiF Acupoints $or *reatment !oints &eridians Involved Area Involved R( ($;*)

E RF (5'A) SI (5mall 'ntestine), 3 ($ladder), 7 (/idney), #5 (D&, -umai) EarsD S oulderD NapeD 6eadD 3ac-D A(domenD Internal cant usD 8im(s (along the related Meridian area) RA (T!3)E RB (IB() # (Iallbladder), 8iv (6i"er), *E (Triple !nergi%er), 35 >$elt Messel, -aimai 44 one of the !&tra4 Meridians related to gynecological diseases) E'ternal cant usD E+esD EarsD 6ead area (e ind earsD C ee-D Nec-D S oulderD 8im(s (along the related Meridian area) R*, R3 (/;) E RG (6F) 8 (6ung), 7 (/idney), 8I (6arge 'ntestine), C5 >R&, 1enmai) 8un0sD * roat G 8ar+n'D FaceD Diap ra0mD 8ow (ac-D Se'ual or0ansD 8im(s (along the related Meridian area) R; (5pB) E R= (H;) 6 ()eart), S (5tomach), Sp (5pleen), ! (Hericardium) C estD 6eartD Stomac D *on0ueD 8im(s (along the related Meridian area) Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& A= Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& AG Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 &eridians Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& B+ Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8un0 &eridian >8A? * e 6and #reater 1in >*ai 1in? o$ t e 8un0 as 11 points The lung channel of the )and Taiyin originates from the lateral aspect of the chest near the arm pit. 't then tra"els along the anterior4medial aspect of the upper arm, passes the cubital region and arri"es at the radial side of the wrist containing the radial artery for pulse palpation. Hassing the thenar eminence, it tra"els along the radial border of the palm ending at the medial side of the tip of the thumb. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& B( Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8ar0e Intestine >8I? * e 6and 3ri0 t 1an0 >1an0 &In0? o$ t e 8ar0e Intestine %9 points The large intestine channel of the )ang4>angming starts from the tip of the inde& finger. 1unning upward along the radical aspect of the inde& finger, it passes through the inter4 space of the first and second metacarpal bones, and ascends along the lateral anterior aspect of the upper arm to

the highest point of the shoulder. 't then tra"els along the anterior border of the acromion, then descends to the supracla"icular fossa. .rom the supracla"icular fossa it tra"els upward to the neck and to the cheek, then it cur"es around the upper lip and e&its at the corner of the mouth, where it crosses the opposite large intestine channel of the )and4>angming at the philtrum. it ends at the side of the nose, where is connects with the stomach channel of the .oot4 >angming. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& B* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& BA Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Stomac &eridian >S*? * e Foot 3ri0 t 1an0 >1an0 &In0? o$ t e Stomac .5 points The stomach channel of the .oot4>angming starts directly below the pupil between the eyeball and the infraorbital ridge. 1unning downward along the lateral side of the nose, to the lateral corner of the mouth. Cur"ing posterior to the anterior angle of the mandible. Then it tra"els to the posterior aspect of the mandible, ascending in front of the ear and following the anterior hairline, reaching to the forehead. 't then runs along the throat and enters the supracla"icular fossa. The straight line of the channels separates the supracla"icular fossa and runs downward along the middle mammillary line. 't tra"els to the side of the umbilicus and descends to the inguinal groo"e. 1unning downward, it tra"els along the anterior aspect of the thigh and reaches the knee. .rom there it continues further down along the anterior border of the lateral aspect of the tibia to the dorsum of the foot and reaches the lateral side of the tip of the second toe. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& BB Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& B3 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Spleen &eridian >S!? * e Foot #reater 1in >*ai 1in? o$ t e Spleen %1 points The spleen of the .oot4Taiyin starts from the medial aspect of the tip of the big toe. 't tra"els along the medial aspect of the foot at the 9unction between the red and white skin, ascends anteriorly to the medial malleolus up to the medial aspect of the leg. Hassing through the anterior medial aspect of the thigh, it enters the inguinal region tra"eling along the anterior of the abdomen. 't then cur"es lateral to the midline to the intercostal space up to the *nd intercostal spaceC then turns inferior to midway between the a&illa and the free end of the ele"enth rib. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& B; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

6eart &eridian >6*D 6E? * e 6and 8esser 1in >S ao 1in? o$ t e 6eart " points The heart channel of the )and45haoyin starts in the center of a&illa. .rom there is goes along the posterior border of the medial aspect of the upper arm. Hassing through the cubital region, it descends to the pisiform region pro&imal to the palm and enters the palm. Then it ends at the medial aspect of the tip of the little finger. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& BF Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Small Intestine &eridian >SI? * e 6and #reater 1an0 >*ai 1an0? o$ t e Small Intestine 1" points The small intestine channel of the )and4Taiyang starts at the ulnar aspect of the tip of the little finger, and tra"els along the ulnar border of the hand dorsum upward to the posterior border of the lateral aspect of the upper arm . 't passes through the cubital region, cur"ing around the scapular region. Then, turning downward to the supra4cla"icular fossa, it ascends to the neckC tra"els up to the cheek going through the outer canthus of the eye, and ends anterior to the tragus of the ear. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& B= Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 3ladder &eridian >38D A3? * e Foot #reater 1an0 >*ai 1an0? o$ t e 3ladder 6) points The urinary bladder channel of the .oot4 Taiyang originates from the inner canthus of the eye. Hassing through the forehead, it flows up to the "erte&. 't bifurcates abo"e the posterior hairline into two lines. Dne line runs from the posterior aspect of the neck downward along the medial border of the scapula (A cun lateral to the back mid4line). Hassing through the gluteal region. Another line runs straight downward ((.3 cun lateral to the mid4line of the back) to the lumbar region. .rom there, it descends along the posterior aspect of the thigh to the popliteal fossa. -escending to the posterior aspect of the gastrocnemius muscle and further to the posterior inferior aspect of the lateral malleolus. !nding at lateral posterior side of the tip of the little toe. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& BG Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 7idne+ &eridian >7I? * e Foot 8esser 1in >S ao 1in? o$ t e 7idne+ %) points

The kidney channel of the .oot45haoyin starts from the interior aspect of the little toe (or the sole of the foot, depending on the te&t), and runs through a depression in the lower aspect of the tuberosity of the na"icular bone. 't tra"els behind the medial malleolus and encircles the malleolus. Ascending along the medial side of the leg, it passes the medial side of the popliteal fossa and goes further upward along the posterior4medial aspect of the thigh. Tra"eling to the superior border of the symphysis pubis, it forms a straight line +.3 cun from the midline. 't ascends di"erging at the diaphragm, ending in a depression on the lower border of the cla"icle * cun from the4midline. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3+ Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 !ericardium &eridian >!D !C? * e 6and *erminal 1in >Jue 1in? o$ t e !ericardium " points The pericardium channel of the )and40ueyin originates in the chest lateral to the nipple. 't then ascends to the a&illary fossa and runs along the medial aspect of the upper arm, passing through the cubital fossa. 't goes further downward to the forearm between the tendons of the m. palmaris longus and m. fle&or carpi radialis. 't enters the palm and passes along the middle finger to its tip. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3( Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *riple ;armer >San Jiao? &eridian >*;D *3D SJ? * e 6and 8esser 1an0 >S ao 1an0? o$ t e San Jiao %, points The san9iao channel of the )and45haoyang originates from the tip of the ring finger. 't tra"els upward between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones and along the dorsal side of the wrist and the lateral side of the forearm between the radius and ulna, it passes through the olecranon. Then it runs along the lateral aspect of the upper arm and reaches the shoulder region. Crossing o"er the shoulder, it enters the supracla"icular fossa. 't then ascends to the neck, running along the posterior border of the ear. 't crosses from the superior aspect of the ear to the corner of the forehead. Then it turns downward to the cheek and terminates in the depression at the lateral end of the eyebrow. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #all 3ladder &eridian >#3? * e Foot 8esser 1an0 >S ao 1an0? o$ t e #all (ladder .. points The gall bladder channel of the .oot45haoyang starts from the outer canthus of the eye, and

descends to the anterior aspect of the earC then ascends to the corner of the forehead, and winds downward posterior to the ear. 't then arches forward to the forehead at the midpoint of the eyebrow, and runs abo"e the hairline to the lateral side of the neck, where it then tra"els to the highest point of the trape%ium muscle. .rom there, it further descends to the a&illa and enters the chest. 't then tra"els interiorly in the hypochondriac region, emerging at the lateral side of the lower abdomen near the femoral artery in the inguinal region. Then it cur"es along the margin of the pubic hair and runs trans"ersely into the hip region. 't then tra"els downward along the lateral side of thigh to the lateral side of the knee. .urther descending along the anterior aspect of the fibula, it reaches the lower end of the fibula, and the anterior aspect of the lateral malleolus. .ollowing the dorsum of the foot, it terminates at the lateral side of the fourth toe<s tip. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3A Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8iver &eridian >85? * e Foot *erminal 1in >Jue 1in? o$ t e 8iver 1. points The li"er channel of the .oot40ueyin originates on the lateral side of the great toe. Ascending along the dorsum of the foot, it flows further upward to the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus. Then it runs upward to the medial side of the knee and along the medial aspect of the thigh into the pubic region. .rom there it cur"es around the e&ternal genitalia and crosses the midline up to the lower abdomen, ending directly below the nipple. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3B Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Conception 5essel &eridian >C5D Ren? * e Directin0 C annel as %4 points The 1en channel starts on the midline between the anus and the scrotum in males, and between the anus and the posterior labial commissure in females. 't ascends anteriorly to the pubic region. Along the midline of the abdomen, it flows upward, reaching the throat. .lowing further upward, it ends in the depression in the center of the mentolabial groo"e. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 33 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #overnin0 5essel &eridian >#5D Du? * e #overnin0 C annel as %4 points The -u channel starts midway between the tip of the coccy& bone and the anus with patient lying prone. 't then flows upward inside the spinal column to the nape of the neck, and ascends to the

"erte&. Along the forehead, it descends to the nose bridge, then to the lips, ending at the labial frenulum inside the upper lip. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3F Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Re$le'olo0+ 1efle&ology promotes healing by stimulating the ner"es in the body and encouraging the flow of blood. 'n the process, refle&ology not only quells the sensation of pain, but relie"es the source of the pain as well. Anecdotally, refle&ologists claim success in the treatment of a "ariety of conditions and in9uries. Dne condition is fibromyalgia. Heople with this disease are encouraged to undergo refle&ology therapy to alle"iate any of a number of chronic bowel syndromes associated with the condition. .requent brief sessions of refle&ology therapy are also recommended as an alternati"e to drug therapy for controlling the muscle pain associated with fibromyalgia and for relie"ing difficult breathing caused by tightness in the muscles of the patient<s neck and throat. 1efle&ology applied properly can alle"iate allergy symptoms, as well as stress, back pain, and chronic fatigue. The techniques of refle&ology can be performed con"eniently on the hand in situations where a session on the feet is not practical, although the effecti"eness of limited hand therapy is less pronounced than with the foot pressure therapy. 6ow does re$le'olo0+ wor-< There are many theories but in our approach we look at the ner"ous system as the e&planation of refle&ology<s working. Hressure sensors in the feet and hands are a part of the body<s refle&i"e response that makes possible the fight or flight reaction to danger. .eet ready to flee and hands ready to fight communicate with the body<s internal organs to make possible wither e"entuality. The sudden adrenal surge that enables a person to lift a car is an e&ample of this reaction. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3= Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 1efle&ology taps into this refle& network, pro"iding an e&ercise of pressure sensors and thus the internal organs to which they are ine&tricably tied. !reparations 'n order to reali%e ma&imum benefit from a refle&ology session, the therapist as well as the patient should be situated so as to afford optimal comfort for both. Hatients in general recei"e treatment in

a reclining position, with the therapist positioned as necessarySto work on the bare feet, or alternately on the bare hands. A refle&ology patient remo"es both shoes and socks in order to recei"e treatment. @o other preparation is in"ol"ed. @o prescription drugs, creams, oils, or lotions are used on the skin. !recautions 1efle&ology is e&tremely safe. 't may e"en be self4administered in a limited form whene"er desired. The qualified refle&ologist offers a clear and open disclaimer that refle&ology does not constitute medical treatment in any form, nor is refle&ology gi"en as a substitute for medical ad"ice or treatment. The ultimate purpose of the therapy is to promote wellnessC fundamentally it is a form of pre"enti"e therapy. Heople with serious and long4term medical problems are urged to seek the ad"ice of a physician. -iabetes patients in particular are urged to approach this therapy cautiously. 6ikewise pregnant women are cautioned emphatically to a"oid refle&ology during the early phases of pregnancy altogether, as accidentally induced labor and subsequent premature deli"ery can result from refle&ology treatment. A consultation with a refle&ologist is recommended in order to determine the safety and appropriateness of refle&ology therapy for a specific health problem or condition. Side e$$ects $ecause refle&ology is intended to normali%e the body functions, the therapy does not cause a condition to worsen. Most patients find that pain diminishes o"er the course of the therapy. 't has been noted, howe"er, that some patients e&perience greater discomfort in the second session than in the first session, because a significant easing of pain and tension is generally associated with the initial therapy session. As a result, when pressure is reapplied to the tender points of the foot during the second session, the sensiti"ity has been heightened. This increase in sensiti"ity may cause minor additional discomfort for the patient. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 3G Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /i0on0 #igong (!" 4 Hinyin: &"'n", 7ade4Iiles: ch(i )un") is an increasingly popular aspect of

Chinese medicine. #igong is mostly taught for health maintenance purposes, but there are also some who teach it, especially in China, for therapeutic inter"entions. Marious forms of traditional qigong are also widely taught in con9unction with Chinese martial arts. There are many hundreds, if not thousands, of different styles and schools of qigong. 'n general, qigong schools teach their own "ariations of physical training routines based on coordinating different patterns of breathing with different physical motions of the body. #igong relies on the traditional Chinese belief that the body has an energy field, known as #i. i means breath or to breathe in Mandarin Chinese, and by e&tension the energy produced by breathing that keeps us ali"eC "on" means work or technique. #igong is then breath work or the art of managing the breath to achie"e and maintain good health, and especially in the martial arts, to enhance the le"erage and stamina of the body in coordination with the physical process of respiration. Attitudes toward the basis of qigong "ary markedly. Dne "iew which is one taken by most 7estern medical practitioners, many practitioners of traditional Chinese medicine, as well as the Chinese go"ernment "iews qigong simply as a set of breathing and mo"ement e&ercises, with many possible benefits to health through stress reduction and e&ercise. Dthers see qigong in more metaphysical terms, claiming that breathing and mo"ement e&ercises can influence the fundamental forces of the uni"erse. An e&treme form of the latter "iew was ad"ocated by some participants in the $o&er 1ebellion of the late (Gth century who belie"ed that breathing and mo"ement e&ercises would allow them to ward off bullets. &ore on Han0@Fu 8ang4.u theory is a concept within traditional Chinese medicine, part of the TCM model of the body. There are fi"e %ang (# pinyin %angB $$$$) and si& fu (% pinyin fuA $ $$$ $). This theory treats each of the 8ang organs as an energy center that runs an entire system, similar to the )indu chakra concept. The 8ang systems include organs, senses, emotions, and the musculoskeletal system44 essentially, the entire person di"ided into fi"e categorical systems. 8ang organs are also known as yin organs, and each has a .u partner, a yang organ (see >in >ang). 'n addition to bodily functions, each

8ang organ is the home of an aspect of the spirit. 7ith a thorough understanding of either of these schools of thought, therapeutic results are achie"ed accordingly. The theory is always in ser"ice of practical, therapeutic application, with the goal of an elegant treatment. An elegant treatment uses the least amount of force for the greatest therapeutic benefit, and requires true mastery of the art of traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ;+ Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 The fi*e elements are associated energetically with the following +an",-u organs. T .ood: /i*er, home of the Hun (!thereal 5oul), paired with the Gall Bladder0 T -ire: Heart, home of the #hen (Aggregate 5oul) paired with the #mall intestine0 (and secondarily, the #an !iao or 1riple 2urner and 3ericardium). T 4arth: #pleen, home of the 5i ('ntellect), paired with the #tomach0 T .ater: 6idney, home of the +hi (7ill), paired with the Bladder0 T Metal: /un", home of the 3o (Corporeal 5oul), paired with the /ar"e Intestine0 1in and 1an0 in Acupuncture and in *raditional C inese &edicine >*C&? The idea of harmony and balance are also the basis of yin and yang. The principle that each person is go"erned by the opposing, but complementary forces of yin and yang, is central to all Chinese thought. 't is belie"ed to affect e"erything in the uni"erse, including oursel"es. 1in@1an0 S+m(ol >*ai C i s+m(ol? Traditionally, yin is dark, passi"e, feminine, cold and negati"eC yang is light, acti"e, male, warm and positi"e. Another simpler way of looking at yin and yang is that there are two sides to e"erything 4 happy and sad, tired and energetic, cold and hot. >in and yang are the opposites that make the whole. They cannot e&ist without each other and nothing is e"er completely one or the other. There are "arying degrees of each within e"erything and e"erybody. The tai chi symbol, shown abo"e, illustrates how they flow into each other with a little yin always within yang and a little yang always within yin. 'n the world, sun and fire are yang, while earth and water are yin. 6ife is possible only because of the interplay between these forces. All of these forces are required for the life to e&ist. 5ee the table below to understand the relationship between yin and yang. The yin and yang is like a candle. >in represents the wa& in the candle. The flame represents the yang. >in (wa&) nourishes and supports the yang (flame). .lame needs the wa& for its e&istence. >ang consumes yin and, in the process, burns brightly. 7hen the wa& (yin) is gone, the flame is gone too. >ing is also gone at that time. 5o, one can see how yin and yang depend on each other

for their e&istence. >ou cannot ha"e one without the other. The body, mind and emotions are all sub9ect to the influences of yin and yang. 7hen the two opposing forces are in balance we feel good, but if one force dominates the other, it brings about an imbalance that can result in ill health. Dne can compare the concept of yin and yang to the corresponding principle of tridoshas in Ayur"eda, the ancient remedy from 'ndia. Ayur"eda proposes that e"ery person has "ata, pitta and kapha. 7hen these are balanced, there is the state of perfect health. 7hen there are imbalances then there is disease. Dne of the main aims of the acupuncturist is to maintain a balance of yin and yang within the whole person to pre"ent illness from occurring and to restore e&isting health. Acupuncture is a yang therapy because it mo"es from the e&terior to the interior. )erbal and nutritional therapies, on the other hand, are yin therapies, as they mo"e from the interior throughout the body. Many of the ma9or organs of the body are classified as yin4yang pairs that e&change healthy and unhealthy influences. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ;* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 1in ForcesEAspects 1an0 ForcesEAspects -ark 6ight Moon 5un 7ater .ire Hassi"e Acti"e -escending Ascending .emale Male Contracting !&panding Cold )ot 7inter 5ummer 'nterior !&terior )ea"y 6ight $one 5kin .ront $ack 'nterior of $ody !&terior of body >in and yang are also part of the eight principles of traditional Chinese medicine. The other si& are: cold and heat, internal and e&ternal, deficiency and e&cess. These principles allow the practitioner to use yin and yang more precisely in order to bring more detail into his diagnosis. C inese &edical * eor+

Chinese medical theory holds that acupuncture works by normali%ing the free flow of &i (a difficultto4 translate concept that per"ades Chinese philosophy and is commonly translated as "ital energy ), blood and body fluids (jin ye) throughout the body. Hain or illnesses are treated by attempting to remedy local or systemic accumulations or deficiencies. Hain is considered to indicate blockage or stagnation of the flow of qi, blood andQor fluids, and an a&iom of the medical literature of acupuncture is no pain, no blockageC no blockage, no pain . The delicate balance between qi and blood is of primary concern in Chinese medical theory, hence the a&iom 2lood is the mother of &i, and &i is the commander of 2lood. $oth qi and blood work together to mo"e (qi) and to nourish (blood) the body fluids. Arrival o$ t e /i Many patients claim to e&perience the sensations of stimulus known in Chinese as deqi (&!, obtaining the qi or arri"al of the qi ). This kind of sensation was historically considered to be e"idence of effecti"ely locating the desired point. There are some electronic de"ices now a"ailable which will make a noise when what they ha"e been programmed to describe as the correct acupuncture point is pressed. The acupuncturist decides which points to treat by obser"ing and questioning the patient in order to make a diagnosis according to the tradition which he or she utili%es. 'n TCM, there are four diagnostic methods: inspection, auscultation and olfaction, inquiring, and palpation (Cheng, (G=F, ch. (*). 'nspection focuses on the face and particularly on the tongue, including analysis of the tongue si%e, shape, tension, color and coating, and the absence or presence of teeth marks around the edge. * e Five Elements in C inese ! ilosop + The +in and +an0 p ilosop + was further refined into the system of the fi"e elements to gain a deeper understanding of how the body, mind and spirit work in acupuncture. The microcosm of the body is linked to the uni"erse and is affected by the daily and seasonal cycles of nature. (Think about the seasonal affecti"e disorder which manifests itself in winter or when the light is not sufficient). The indi"idual and the world are changing all the time. $ut the Chinese belie"e that these changes are occurring in certain order and in cycles. (7e can think about these like our economic cycles or agricultural cycles. A period of growth is always followed by a period of stagnation or unemployment. 'n the stock market, a bull market is always followed by a bear market etc.) 'n the same way, a seed planted in spring blooms in summer, seeds itself in late summer to autumn, dies in winter, and a new seed grows again in spring. 't is part of a ne"er4ending cycle and each phase has

its role to play in maintaining the balance of nature. The same process of change occurs within the body. Cells grow and die to make way for new cells, and body systems depend upon each other in a similar way to the seasons, working together to ensure the balanced functioning of the body, mind and spirit and the healthy flow of life through the whole person. Representation o$ t e Five Elements C inese p ilosop + reco0niIes $ive distinct elements o$ c+clical c an0e called water, wood, fire, earth, and metal. These fi"e elements can be related to our four seasons (with a fifth late summer season) as shown in the table below. The elements can also be related to different colors, emotion, taste, "oice and "arious organs. These can also be related to the selection of food and herbs. @otice the correspondence between the Chinese philosophy and the underlying 'ndian philosophy, which also classifies e"erything in the uni"erse under earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The doctrine of fi"e phases describes both a generating (' #hen") cycle and an o"ercoming (( 6e) cycle of interactions between the phases. 'n the generating cycle, wood generates fireC fire generates earthC earth generates metalC metal generates waterC water generates wood. 'n the o"ercoming cycle, wood o"ercomes earthC earth o"ercomes waterC water o"ercomes fireC fire o"ercomes metalC metal o"ercomes wood. The doctrine of fi"e phases was employed in many fields of early Chinese thought, including seemingly disparate fields such as music, medicine, and military strategy. Season Element 1in@1an0 ! ase 1in :r0an 1an0 :r0an 7inter 7ater .ull yin /idney Lrinary bladder 5pring 7ood @ew yang 6i"er Iallbladder 5ummer .ire .ull yang )eart 5mall 'ntestine 6ate 5ummer !arth yin4yang balance 5pleen 5tomach Autumn Metal @ew yin 6ungs 6arge 'ntestine Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ;3 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 !nergy Hattern Color !motion Taste Moice Conser"ed $lack .ear 5alty Iroans !&pansi"e Ireen Anger 5our 5houts Culmination, completion 1ed 0oy $itter 6aughs $alance >ellow 5ympathy 5weet 5ings Contraction and accumulation 7hite Irief sadness Hungent 7eeps Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ;; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 6ow t e Im(alance o$ t e Elements A$$ect As< Im(alance &eanin0 S+mptoms Too low fire , not warming the earth )eart (fire) unable to

warm spleen (earth) -islike of cold, cold in e&tremities, early morning diarrhea, urinary symptoms, edema, distended abdomen, fatigue, weakness Too low metal , metal not producing water 6ungs (metal) not sending water to kidney 5hortness of breath, thirst, weak knees, lower back pain, scanty dark urine. Too much wood 4 7ood o"erpowers the earth 6i"er (wood) qi dominates spleen (earth) )eadache, sore eyes, gas, poor appetite, weakness, pain in flanks, "ertigo, chest distress Too much metal 4 .ire cannot control metal )eart (fire) yang cannot control lung (metal) fluids .requent urination, shortness of breath, palpitation, insomnia !ach person<s physical and mental constitution can be described as a balance of the elements in which one or more may naturally dominate. The proportion of the elements in a person determines his or her temperament. Driental medicine considers the ideal condition as one in which all the fi"e elements are in balance or in harmony. 7ood is said to be the mother of fire and the son of water. (7ater allows wood to grow, wood pro"ides fuel for the fire). Lsing these relationships one can describe all possible yin4yang imbalances within the body. The thrust of fi"e element diagnosis is to isolate and treat the imbalanced element, because an imbalanced element is like a weak link in your energetic chain that can undermine the strength of your mind, body and spirit. Correspondences Element *astes Smells 5iscera 1 7ood sour goatish li"er % .ire bitter burning heart , Metal acrid rank lungs . 7ater salty rotten kidney 5 !arth sweet fragrant spleen Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ;F Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Correspondences Element 6eavenl+ Creature Season 6ost o$ * e Direction 1 7ood Ching4long ()*), the $lue4green -ragon 5pring !ast % .ire 8hu4chue (+,), the 1ed $ird 5ummer 5outh , !arth )uang4long (-*), the >ellow -ragon 6ate 5ummer middle4earth . Metal $ai4hu (./), the 7hite Tiger Autumn 7est 5 7ater )suen4wu (01), the -ark Tortoise45erpent 7inter @orth (corrected in *++B -ec, not in accordance with @eedham<s book) They also correlate to the = trigrams of the ' Ching. Correspondences Element I C in0 tri0rams 1 7ood 7ind, Thunder :UU ( 2 xn) U:: ( 3 zhn) % .ire .ire U:U ( 4 l) , Metal 5ky, 6ake UUU ( 5 &in) UU: ( 6 du) . 7ater 7ater :U: ( 7 )7n)

5 !arth !arth, Mountain ::: ( 8 )8n) ::U ( 9 "n) Note 7estern parallels and contrasts, re"ol"ing instead around only four elements, called the temperaments or the four humours in 7estern physiology, psychology and pre4scientific medicine, from the time of the pre4Classical Ireeks until the (=th century !nlightenment, also informed the historical study called alchemy that led to chemistry. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ;= Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 6ow t e Five Elements are &ani$ested Internall+ and E'ternall+ Element Aniverse Individual 7ood Irowing, flourishing, rooted yet pushing upward 5tri"ing, controlling, fle&ible strength, self4assured !arth Hroducti"e, fertile 5olid, stable, reliable, tenacious, Irounded Metal )ard, structured, symmetric Drgani%ed, substantial, strong, -urable .ire -ry, hot, ascending -ynamic, sparkling, enthusiastic 7ater 7et, cool, descending .lowing, adaptable, pliant Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ;G Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Indications Accordin0 to Acupuncturists in t e ;est According to the American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (*++B), acupuncture may be considered as a complementary therapy for the conditions in the list below. The conditions labeled with V are also included in the 7orld )ealth Drgani%ation list of acupuncture indications. These cases, howe"er, are based on clinical e&perience, and not necessarily on controlled clinical research: furthermore, the inclusion of specific diseases is not meant to indicate the e&tent of acupuncture<s efficacy in treating them. T Abdominal distentionQflatulenceV T Acute and chronic pain controlV T Allergic sinusitis V T Anesthesia for high4risk patients or patients with pre"ious ad"erse responses to anesthetics T Anore&ia T An&iety, fright, panicV T ArthritisQarthrosis V T Atypical chest pain (negati"e workup) T $ursitis, tendonitis, carpal tunnel syndromeV T Certain functional gastrointestinal disorders (nausea and "omiting, esophageal spasm,hyperacidity, irritable bowel) V T Cer"ical and lumbar spine syndromesV T Constipation, diarrhea V T Cough with contraindications for narcotics T -rug deto&ification V T -ysmenorrhea, pel"ic pain V T .ro%en shoulder V T )eadache (migraine and tension4type), "ertigo (Meniere disease), tinnitus V T 'diopathic palpitations, sinus tachycardia

T 'n fractures, assisting in pain control, edema, and enhancing healing process T Muscle spasms, tremors, tics, contracturesV T @euralgias (trigeminal, herpes %oster, postherpetic pain, other) T Haresthesias V T Hersistent hiccupsV T Hhantom pain T Hlantar fasciitisV T Host4traumatic and post4operati"e ileus V T Hremenstrual syndrome T 5elected dermatoses (urticaria, pruritus, ec%ema, psoriasis) T 5equelae of stroke syndrome (aphasia, hemiplegia) V T 5e"enth ner"e palsy T 5e"ere hyperthermia T 5prains and contusions T Temporo4mandibular 9oint derangement, bru&ism V T Lrinary incontinence, retention (neurogenic, spastic, ad"erse drug effect) V Additionally, other sources ad"ocate the use of acupuncture for the following conditions: T 'nfertility, regarding in "itro fertili%ation, see !&pansions of in "itro fertili%ation , acupuncture. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& F+ Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Is Acupuncture Ase$ul $or Cancer< According to American Cancer 5ociety, there is no e"idence that acupuncture is effecti"e as a treatment for cancer. )owe"er, clinical studies ha"e shown that acupuncture is helpful in treating nausea caused by chemotherapy drugs and surgical anesthesia. Another clinical trial found that acupuncture was effecti"e in reducing the number of hot flashes e&perienced by men after prostate cancer hormonal therapy. Acupuncture may lessen the need for pain medicines. .or e&ample, headache sufferers treated with acupuncture used less pain medicines and missed fewer work days as compared with those taking standard treatment. Acupuncture is often used as an ad9uncti"e therapy in anesthesia, in post4 operati"e pain control, and in aiding and hastening reco"ery from the side effects of the "arious therapies. Acupuncture is effecti"e for control of pain, of local swelling post4operati"ely, for shortening the resolution of hematoma and tissue swelling and for minimi%ing use of medications and their attendant side effects. !nergetic acupuncture, an approach consisting of the use of needles with electricity and mo&ibustion, imparts a sense of well being and accelerates patients< reco"ery. 't is used routinely in cancer institutions along with nutritional support.

.or many people undergoing chemotherapy, the dreaded side effect of nausea and "omiting is more sickening than the chemotherapy itself. A study conducted at the Lni"ersity of 6os Angeles (LC6A) 5chool of Medicine found significant reduction of nausea and "omiting when the patients were treated with acupuncture before undergoing chemotherapy. The American Cancer 5ociety reports that acupuncture is now routinely administered before, after and in between chemotherapy treatment sessions for control of nausea and emesis. Lse of acupuncture helps in minimi%ing the use of standard, e&pensi"e multi4drug anti4nausea regimens with their attendant side effects for chemotherapy patients. Acupuncture is useful in managing cancer4related pain. The use of acupuncture can reduce the need for narcotic drugs. This also means that acupuncture will minimi%e side effects such as confusion, disturbed mentation, beha"ioral changes, nausea and se"ere constipation, the normal result of taking narcotics. @eedling a "ariety of trigger and painful points, percutaneous electrical ner"e stimulation, and osteo4puncture, along with whole body energetic acupuncture support, are approaches a"ailable to the acupuncturists. *raditional C inese &edicine According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), any such energy depletion can be ameliorated by a process known as tonification by imparting energy into the system. This is deemed necessary for more durable, successful pain control. 't can also add to the patients< sense of well being and decrease the malaise associated with any chronic disease, especially cancer. The chronic disease process depletes the energy le"el in the organism. !nergetic acupuncture repletes energy le"el to the body and the diseased organs or part of the body. 't also reestablishes homeostasis by re4balancing energy distribution and un4blocking energy flow. Acupuncture can pro"ide a more durable, successful pain control and pro"ide a sense of well being to cancer sufferers. !nergetic acupuncture is routinely used to pro"ide healing energy to diseased organs such as li"er, pancreas, kidney, and others that are ra"aged by cancer. 1esearchers at LC6A found that Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& F( Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

when nutrition and supplements are combined with energetic acupuncture, it boosts the immune response in cancer patients, along with minimi%ing the immune and white blood cell suppression. 'n summary, acupuncture can help in the care of the cancer patient. 5ource: American Cancer 5ociety Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& F* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Footnotes (. J 7)D Hublications and documents 45tandard acupuncture nomenclature. 5econd edition *. J 6ee A, -one M6 (*++B). 5timulation of the wrist acupuncture point H; for pre"enting postoperati"e nausea and "omiting . Cochrane data2ase of systematic re*ie9s (:nline) (A): C-++A*=(. -D':(+.(++*Q(B;3(=3=.C-++A*=(.pub*. HM'- (3*;;BF=. A. J http:QQwww.9r*.o&.ac.ukQbandolierQband3GQb3G4B.html B. J .urlan A-, "an Tulder M7, Cherkin -C, et al (*++3). Acupuncture and dry4needling for low back pain . Cochrane data2ase of systematic re*ie9s (:nline) ((): C-++(A3(. -D':(+.(++*Q(B;3(=3=.C-++(A3(.pub*. HM'- (3;FB=F;. 3. J Manheimer !, 7hite A, $erman $, .orys /, !rnst ! (*++3). Meta4analysis: acupuncture for low back pain (H-.). Ann0 Intern0 Med0 1.% (=): ;3(4;A. HM'- (3=A=+F*. ;. W a b Trinh /, Iraham @, Iross A, Ioldsmith C, 7ang !, Cameron ', /ay T (*++F). Acupuncture for neck disorders . #pine ,% (*): *A;4BA. HM'- (F**B=*+. Cochrane re"iew of Acupuncture for neck disorders F. J The Cochrane Collaboration 4 Acupuncture for idiopathic headache. Melchart -, 6inde /, $erman $, 7hite A, Mickers A, Allais I, $rinkhaus $ =. J The $onghan Theory by /im, $ong4)an G. J )5 5hin, )M 0ohng, $C 6ee, 5 Cho, /5 5oh, /> $aik, 05 >oo, /5 5oh, .eulgen reaction study of no"el threadlike structures ($onghan ducts) on the surfaces of mammalian organs, Anatomical record0 3art B ;e9 anatomist, *=B((), pp. A34 B+, *++3. (.eature article) (+. J $iomedical Hhysics 6aboratory for /orean Medicine, 5chool of Hhysics, 5eoul @ational Lni"ersity, 5outh /orea. This lab. studies on the $onghan system. ((. W a b 6ewith IT, 7hite H0, Hariente 0 (5ep *++3). 'n"estigating acupuncture using brain imaging techniques: the current state of play . 4*idence,2ased complementary and alternati*e medicine< eCAM % (A): A(34G. -D':(+.(+GAQecamQneh((+. 1etrie"ed on *++F4 +A4+;.

(*. J .eli& Mann: ...acupuncture points are no more real than the black spots that a drunkard sees in front of his eyes. (Mann .. 1ein"enting Acupuncture: A @ew Concept of Ancient Medicine. $utterworth )einemann, 6ondon, (GG;,(B.) #uoted by Matthew $auer in Chinese Medicine 1imes, Mol ( 'ssue B 4 Aug *++;, The .inal -ays of Traditional $eliefsX 4 Hart Dne (A. J /aptchuk, (G=A, pp. AB4A3 (B. J -espite considerable efforts to understand the anatomy and physiology of the acupuncture points , the definition and characteri%ation of these points remains contro"ersial. !"en more elusi"e is the basis of some of the key traditional !astern medical concepts such as the circulation of #i, the meridian system, and the fi"e phases theory, which are difficult to reconcile with contemporary biomedical information but continue to play an important role in the e"aluation of patients and the formulation of treatment in acupuncture. Acupuncture. @ational 'nstitutes of )ealth: Consensus -e"elopment Conference 5tatement, @o"ember A43, (GGF. A"ailable online at consensus.nih.go"Q(GGFQ(GGFAcupuncture(+Fhtml.htm. 1etrie"ed A+ 0anuary *++F. (3. J Medical Acupuncture 4 5pring Q 5ummer *+++4 Molume (* Q @umber ( Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& FA Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Dr= Rust+Ks !oint E'ercise Num(er 1 A. .u $ai I$(+ $. .u .en $6B( C. .u Tu 6'(= -. >ang Iu 5'3 !. >ang 0iao I$A3 .. 5an >in 0iao 5H; I. 5han Iuan CM(A ). >ang 6ao 5'; '. >ang 6ing #uan I$AB 0. >ang Yi 6'3 /. >ao 5hu IM* 6. >ao >ang Iuan IMA M. 5hang 6iao $6A( @. 5hang #u /'(F D. 5hang #ui 5H3 H. 5hang Ying IM*A #. >e Men T$* 1. >i .eng T$(F 5. >i 5he $6BG T. 5an 0iao 5hu $6**

L. 5an >ang 6uo T$= M. 5han 8hong CM(F 7. 5hang Iuan I$A Y. .u 0ie 5H(B >. .u 6iu /'F 8. .u 5he 5H(A (. 5hang 0u Yu 5TAF *. 5hang 6ian 6'G A. 5hang >ang 6'( B. 5hao 5hang 6L(( 3. 5hao Chong )!G ;. 5hao .u )!= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& F3 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 &eridians and Acupuncture !oint Identi$ication Section Alp a(etical :rder 3ladder &eridian 381 L Jin0 &in0 $ladder T ( $right !yes. Meeting Hoint on $ladder Channel with 5mall 'ntestine, 5tomach, Iall $ladder, Triple !nergi%er Channels Io"erning, Conception, and >in and >ang Motility Messels. Dn the face, +.( cun superior to the inner canthus when the eye is closed. ContraindicationM &o'a= 38% L Han H u $ladder T * $amboo Iathering. Dn the face, at the medial end of the eyebrow, on the supraorbital notch. 38, L &ei C on0 $ladder T A !yebrow Ascencion 'n the frontal region of the head, +.3 cun within the anterior hairline and +.3 cun lateral to IM *B at the midline. 38. L /u C ai $ladder T B -e"iating Turn. 'n the frontal region of the head, +.3 cun within the anterior hairline, (.3 cun lateral to IM *B at the midline. 385 L ;u C u $ladder T 3 .ifth Hlace. Dn the head, ( cun posterior to anterior hairline, (.3 cun lateral to IM *A at the midline. 386 L C en0 #uan0 $ladder T ; 6ight Iuard. Dn the head, *.3 cun posterior to anterior

hairline, (.3 cun lateral to the midline. 38) L *on0 *ian $ladder T F Celestial Connection. Dn the head, B cun posterior to anterior hairline, (.3 cun lateral to the midline. 384 L 8uo /ue $ladder T = -eclining Connection. Dn the head, 3.3 cun posterior to anterior hairline, (.3 cun lateral to the midline. 38" L 1u H en $ladder T G 0ade Hillow. 'n the occipital region, in a depression (.3 cun lateral to the superior aspect of the e&ternal occipital protruberance. 3819 L *ian H u $ladder T (+ Celestial Hillar. Ma9or 7indow of the 5ky Hoint. 'n the nuchal region, on the lateral border of the trape%ius muscle, (.A cun lateral to IM (3 at the le"el between cer"ical "ertebrae C( and C*. Caution Do not needle upward toward medulla o(lon0ata= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& F; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 3811 L Da H u $ladder T (( Ireat 5huttle. Meeting Hoint on $ladder Channel with 5mall 'ntestine, Triple !nergi%er, Iall $ladder, 5pleen and 6ung Channels. Meeting Hoint of $ones. Dn the upper back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first thoracic "ertebra (T(). 381% L Fen0 &en $ladder T (* 7ind Iate. Meeting Hoint on the $ladder Channel with the Io"erning Messel. Dn the upper back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the second thoracic "ertebra (T*). 381, L Fei S u $ladder T (A 6ung 5hu. $ack 5hu of the 6ung that connects with .ront Mu 6L(. Dn the upper back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the

third thoracic "ertebra (TA). 381. L Jue 1in S u $ladder T (B Hericardium 5hu. $ack 5hu of the Hericardium that connects with .ront Mu CM(F. Dn the upper back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fourth thoracic "ertebra (TB). 3815 L Xin S u $ladder T (3 )eart 5hu. $ack 5hu of the )eart that connects with .ront Mu CM(B. Dn the upper back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth thoracic "ertebra (T3). 3816 L Du S u $ladder T (; Io"erning 5hu. Dn the upper back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the si&th thoracic "ertebra (T;). 381) L #e S u $ladder T (F -iaphragm 5hu. Dn the middle back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the se"enth thoracic "ertebra (TF). 3814 L #an S u $ladder T (= 6i"er 5hu. $ack 5hu of the 6i"er that connects with .ront Mu 61(B. Dn the middle back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the ninth thoracic "ertebra (TG). 381" L Dan S u $ladder T (G Iall $ladder 5hu. $ack 5hu of the Iall $ladder that connects with .ront Mu I$*B. Dn the middle back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the tenth thoracic "ertebra (T(+). 38%9 L !i S u $ladder T *+ 5pleen 5hu. $ack 5hu of the 5pleen that connects with .ront Mu 61(A. Dn the middle back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the ele"enth thoracic "ertebra (T((). Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& FF Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

38%1 L ;ei S u $ladder T *( 5tomach 5hu. $ack 5hu of the 5tomach that connects with .ront Mu CM(*. Dn the middle back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the twelfth thoracic "ertebra (T(*). 38%% L San Jiao S u $ladder T ** Triple $urner 5hu. $ack 5hu of the Triple !nergi%er that connects with .ront Mu CM3. Dn the lower back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first lumbar "ertebra (6(). Caution A"oid the /idneys 38%, L S en S u $ladder T *A /idney 5hu. $ack 5hu of the /idney that connects with .ront Mu I$*3. Dn the lower back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the second lumbar "ertebra (6*). Caution A"oid the /idneys. 38%. L /i 6ai S u $ladder T *B 5ea of #i 5hu. $ack 5hu for 5ea of #i that connects with .ront Mu CM;. Dn the lower back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the third lumbar "ertebra (6A). 38%5 L Da C an0 S u $ladder T *3 6arge 'ntestine 5hu. $ack 5hu of the 6arge 'ntestine that connects with .ront Mu 5T*3. Dn the lower back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fourth lumbar "ertebra (6B). 38%6 L #uan 1uan S u $ladder T *; Drigin Hass 5hu. $ack 5hu Hoint for !nergy and $lood that connects with CMB. Dn the lower back, (.3 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth lumbar "ertebra (63). 38%) L Xiao C an0 S u $ladder T *F 5mall 'ntestine 5hu. $ack 5hu of the 5mall 'ntestine that connects with .ront Mu CMB. 'n the sacral region, (.3 cun lateral to the

posterior midline, at the le"el of the first posterior sacral foramen. 38%4 L !an0 #uan0 S u $ladder T *= $ladder 5hu. $ack 5hu of the $ladder that connects with .ront Mu CMA. 'n the sacral region, (.3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the le"el of the second posterior sacral foramen. 38%" L H on0 8u S u $ladder T *G Central $ackbone 5hu. 'n the sacral region, (.3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the le"el of the third posterior sacral foramen. 38,9 L 3ai 6uan S u $ladder T A+ 7hite 1ing 5hu 'n the sacral region, (.3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the le"el of the fourth posterior sacral foramen. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& F= Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 38,1 L S an0 8iao $ladder T A( Lpper $one )ole. 'n the sacral region, in the first posterior sacral foramen. 38,% L Ci 8iao $ladder T A* 5econd $one )ole. 'n the sacral region, in the second posterior sacral foramen. 38,, L H on0 8iao $ladder T AA Central $one )ole. 'n the sacral region, in the third posterior sacral foramen. 38,. L Xia 8iao $ladder T AB 6ower $one )ole. 'n the sacral region, in the fourth posterior sacral foramen. 38,5 L 6ui 1an0 $ladder T A3 Meeting of the >ang. Dn either side of the tip of the coccy&, +.3 cun lateral to the posterior midline. 38,6 L C en0 Fu $ladder T A;

5upport. 'n the gluteal region, 'n the middle of the trans"erse gluteal fold. 38,) L 1in &en $ladder T AF Iate of Abundance. Dn the posterior thigh, ; cun inferior to $6 A; at the trans"erse gluteal fold, on a line 9oining $6 A; and $6 B+ at the popliteal fossa. 38,4 L Fu Xi $ladder T A= 5uperficial Cleft. 'n the popliteal fossa, with the knee in slight fle&ion, ( cun superior to $6 AG, on the medial side of biceps femoris tendon. 38," L ;ei 1an0 $ladder T AG $end >ang. 6ower )e 5ea Hoint on the Triple !nergi%er Channel. 'n the popliteal fossa, at the lateral crease, medial to the biceps femoris tendon. 38.9 L ;ei H on0 $ladder T B+ $end Middle. )e 5ea Hoint on the $ladder Channel. Command Hoint for the Lpper and 6ower $ack. !arth Hoint on 7ater Meridian. At the midpoint of the popliteal fossa. 38.1 L Fu Fen $ladder T B( Attached $ranch. Meeting Hoint on the $ladder Channel with the 5mall 'ntestine Channel. Dn the upper back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the second thoracic "ertebra (T*), at the le"el of $6 (*. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& FG Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 38.% L !o 6u $ladder T B* -oor of the Corporeal 5oul. Dn the upper back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the third thoracic "ertebra (TA), at the le"el of $6 (A. 38., L #ao 6uan S u $ladder T BA Mital Center 5hu. Dn the upper back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fourth thoracic "ertebra (TB), at the le"el of $6 (B. 38.. L S en *an0

$ladder T BB 5pirit )all. Dn the upper back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the fifth thoracic "ertebra (T3), at the le"el of $6 (3. 38.5 L 1i Xi $ladder T B3 >i Yi. Dn the upper back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the si&th thoracic "ertebra (T;), at the le"el of $6 (;. 38.6 L #e #uan $ladder T B; -iaphragm Hass. Dn the middle back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the se"enth thoracic "ertebra (TF), at the le"el of $6 (F. 38.) L 6un &en $ladder T BF )un Iate. Dn the middle back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the ninth thoracic "ertebra (TG), at the le"el of $6 (=. 38.4 L 1an0 #an0 $ladder T B= >ang )eadrope. Dn the middle back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the tenth thoracic "ertebra (T(+), at the le"el of $6 (G. 38." L 1i S e $ladder T BG 1efle&ion Abode. Dn the middle back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the ele"enth thoracic "ertebra (T((), at the le"el of $6 *+. 3859 L ;ei Can0 $ladder T 3+ 5tomach Iranary. Dn the middle back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the twelfth thoracic "ertebra (T(*), at the le"el of $6 *(. 3851 L 6uan0 &en $ladder T 3( )uang Iate. Dn the lower back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first lumbar "ertebra (6(), at the le"el of $6 **. 385% L H i S i $ladder T 3*

7ill Chamber. Dn the lower back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the second lumbar "ertebra (6*), at the le"el of $6 *A. 385, L 3ao 6uan0 $ladder T 3A $ladder )uang. 'n the sacral region, A cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the le"el of the second sacral foramen. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =+ Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 385. L H i 3ian $ladder T 3B 5equential 6imit. 'n the sacral region, A cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the le"el of the fourth sacral foramen. 3855 L 6e+ 1n0 $ladder T 33 >ang Lnion. Dn the posterior leg, * cun inferior to $6 B+ at the popliteal crease, between the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle. 3856 L C en0 Jin $ladder T 3; 5inew 5upport. Dn the posterior leg, 3 cun inferior to $6 B+, in the center of the gastrocnemius muscle. 385) L C en0 S an $ladder T 3F Mountain 5upport. Dn the posterior leg, = cun inferior to $6 B+, along the line connecting $6 B+ at the popliteal crease and $6 ;+ posterior to the lateral malleolus. 3854 L Fei 1an0 $ladder T 3= Taking .light. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the $ladder Channel to /'A. Dn the posterior leg, F cun superior to $6 ;+ posterior to the lateral malleolus, and ( cun inferior to $6 3F, = cun inferior to $6 B+ at the popliteal crease. 385" L Fu 1an0 $ladder T 3G 'nstep >ang. Yi Cleft Hoint on >ang Motility Messel. Dn the posterior surface of the leg, A cun superior to $6 ;+ posterior to the lateral malleolus. 3869 L 7un 8un

$ladder T ;+ /un 6un Mountains. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the $ladder Channel. .ire Hoint on 7ater Meridian. Dn the lateral ankle, in the depression midway between the e&ternal malleolus and the tendon calcaneus. ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected 3861 L !u Can $ladder T ;( 5ubser"ient Misitor. Meeting Hoint on the $ladder Channel with the >ang Motility Messel. Dn the lateral foot, in a depression on the lateral calcaneus, (.3 cun inferior and posterior to the lateral malleolus, directly below $6;+ which is posterior to the lateral malleolus. 386% L S en &ai $ladder T ;* !&tending Messel. Dn the lateral foot, in the depression directly inferior to the lateral malleolus, at the dorsal4plantar skin 9unction. 386, L Jin &en $ladder T ;A Metal Iate. Yi Cleft Hoint on the $ladder Channel. Meeting Hoint of the $ladder Channel with the >ang 6inking Messel. Dn the lateral foot, in the depression posterior to the fifth metatarsal bone and lateral to the cuboid bone. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =( Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 386. L Jin0 #u $ladder T ;B Capital $one. >uan 5ource Hoint on the $ladder Channel. Dn the lateral foot, in the depression anterior and inferior to the tuberosity of the fifth metatarsal bone. 3865 L S u #u $ladder T ;3 $undle $one. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the $ladder Channel. 7ood Hoint on 7ater Meridian. Dn the lateral foot, in the depression posterior and inferior to the fifth metatarsophalangeal 9oint. 3866 L *on0 #u $ladder T ;; Malley Hassage. >ing 5pring Hoint on the $ladder Channel. 7ater Hoint on 7ater

Meridian. Dn the lateral foot, in the depression anterior and inferior to the fifth metatarsophalangeal 9oint. 386) L H i 1in $ladder T ;F 1eaching >in. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the $ladder Channel. Metal Hoint on 7ater Meridian. Dn the lateral foot, at the lateral fifth digit, +.( cun from the corner of the nailbed. ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =A Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Conception 5essel &eridian C51 L 6ui 1in Conception Messel T ( Meeting of >in. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the Io"erning and Henetrating Messels. 'n the perineal region, at the midpoint between the anus and the posterior border of the scrotum in males and the posterior labial commissure in females. ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= C5% L /u #u Conception Messel T * Cur"ed $one. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the 6i"er Channel. 'n the pubic region, on the anterior midline, at the superior border of the symphysis pubis. C5, L H on0 Ji Conception Messel T A Central Hole. .ront Mu Hoint of the $ladder that connects with $ack 5hu $6*=. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the 5pleen, 6i"er and /idney Channels. 'n the pubic region, on the anterior midline, ( cun superior to the upper border of the symphysis pubis. C5. L #uan 1uan Conception Messel T B Drigin Hass. .ront Mu Hoint of the 5mall 'ntestine that connects with $ack 5hu $6*F. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the 5pleen, 6i"er and /idney Channels. 'n the pubic region, on the anterior midline, * cun superior to the upper border of the symphysis pubis.

C55 L S i &en Conception Messel T 3 5tone Iate. .ront Mu Hoint of the Triple !nergi%er that connects with $ack 5hu $6**. Dn the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, * cun inferior to the umbilicus. C56 L /i 6ai Conception Messel T ; 5ea of #i. .ront Mu Hoint for 5ea of #i that connects with $ack 5hu $6*B. Dn the lower abdomen, on the anterior midline, (.3 cun inferior to the umbilicus. C5) L 1in Jiao Conception Messel T F >in 'ntersection. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the Henetrating Messel. Command Hoint for the 6ower $urner. 'n the umbilical region, on the anterior midline, ( cun inferior to the umbilicus. C54 L S en /ue Conception Messel T = 5pirit Iate. @eedling is Contraindicated. Mo&a is applicable. At the umbilicus. C5" L S ui Fen Conception Messel T G 7ater -i"ide. 'n the umbilical region, on the anterior midline, ( cun superior to the umbilicus. C519 L Xia #uan Conception Messel T (+ 6ower 5tomach Ca"ity. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the 5pleen Channel. 'n the umbilical region, on the anterior midline, * cun superior to the umbilicus. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =B Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 C511 L Jian 8i Conception Messel T (( 'nterior 5trengthening. 'n the upper umbilical region, on the anterior midline, A cun superior to the umbilicus. C51% L H on #uan Conception Messel T (* Central Menter. .ront Mu Hoint of the 5tomach that connects with $ack 5hu $6*(. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the 6ung, 5pleen, 5tomach, and Triple !nergi%er Channels. 'n the upper umbilical region, on the anterior

midline, B cun superior to the umbilicus. C51, L S an #uan Conception Messel T (A Lpper Menter. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the 5tomach and 5mall 'ntestine Channels. 'n the upper umbilical region, on the anterior midline, 3 cun superior to the umbilicus. C51. L Ju /ue Conception Messel T (B Ireat Tower Iate. .ront Mu of the )eart that connects with $ack 5hu $6(3. 'n the epigastric region, on the anterior midline, * cun inferior to the &iphoid process and ; cun superior to the umbilicus. C515 L Jiu ;ei Conception Messel T (3 Turtledo"e Tail. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the Conception Messel to the internal abdominal "iscera. 'n the epigastric region, on the anterior midline, ( cun inferior to the &iphoid process and F cun superior to the umbilicus. C516 L H on0 *in0 Conception Messel T (; Central Halace. 'n the epigastric region, on the anterior midline, on the &iphoid process. C51) L S an H on0 Conception Messel T (F Chest Center. .ront Mu of the Hericardium that connects with $ack 5hu $6(B. Meeting Hoint on Conception Messel with Hericardium, 5pleen, /idney, 5mall 'ntestine and Triple !nergi%er Channels. Dn the sternal midline, le"el with the fourth intercostal space, between the nipples. C514 L 1u *an0 Conception Messel T (= 0ade )all. Dn the sternal midline, le"el with the third intercostal space. C51" L Hi #on0 Conception Messel T (G Hurple Halace. Dn the sternal midline, le"el with the second intercostal space. C5%9 L 6ua #ai Conception Messel T *+

.lorid Canopy. Dn the sternal midline, le"el with the first intercostal space. C5%1 L Xuan Ji Conception Messel T *( 0ade Hi"ot. Dn the manubrium midline, midway between CM *+ and CM **. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =3 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 C5%% L *ian *u Conception Messel T ** Celestial Chimney. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the >in 6inking Messel. Minor 7indow of the 5ky Hoint. 'n the suprasternal fossa, on the anterior midline, 9ust abo"e the 9ugular notch. C5%, L 8ian /uan Conception Messel T *A 1idge 5pring. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the >in 6inking Messel. Dn the neck, on the anterior midline, in the depression superior to the hyoid bone. C5%. L C en0 Jian0 Conception Messel T *B 5auce 1eceptacle. Meeting Hoint on the Conception Messel with the Io"erning Messel, 6arge 'ntestine and 5tomach Channels. Dn the chin, in the depression in the center of the mentolabial groo"e, below the middle of the lower lip. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =F Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #all 3ladder &eridian #31 L *on0 Hi 8iao Iall $ladder T ( Hupil $one )ole. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the 5mall 'ntestine and Triple !nergi%er Channels. Dn the lateral face, +.3 cun lateral to the outer canthus of the eye. #3% L *in0 6ui Iall $ladder T * Auditory Con"ergence. 7ith the mouth open, in the depression anterior to the auricular intertragic notch. #3, L S an0 #uan Iall $ladder T A

Lpper Iate. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the Triple !nergi%er and 5tomach Channels. Dn the lateral face, anterior to the ear, on the upper border of the %ygomatic arch. #3. L 6an 1an Iall $ladder T B 5uspended .ullness. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the Triple !nergi%er, 6arge 'ntestine and 5tomach Channels. 'n the temporal region, posterior to the hairline, at the 9unction of the upper quarter and lower three4quarters of the distance between 5T = and I$ F. #35 L Xuan 8u Iall $ladder T 3 5uspended 5kull. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the Triple !nergi%er, 6arge 'ntestine and 5tomach Channels. 'n the temporal region, posterior to the hairline, midway between 5T = and I$ F. #36 L Xuan 8i Iall $ladder T ; 5uspended Tuft. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the Triple !nergi%er, 6arge 'ntestine and 5tomach Channels. 'n the temporal region, posterior to the hairline, * cun inferior to I$B on the cur"ed line connecting 5T = and I$ F. #3) L /u 3in Iall $ladder T F Temporal )airline Cur"e. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel. 7ithin the hairline, anterior and superior to the auricle, about ( cun anterior to T! *+. #34 L S uai #u Iall $ladder T = Malley 6ead. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel. (.3 cun superior to the auricular ape& and directly abo"e T! *+. #3" L *ian C on0 Iall $ladder T G Celestial )ub. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel. Hosterior and superior to the auricular border and +.3 cun posterior to I$ =. #319 L Fu 3ai

Iall $ladder T (+ .loating 7hite. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel. 'n the temporal region, posterior to the auricle and superior to the mastoid process, at the 9unction of the upper and middle thirds of a cur"ed line connecting I$ G and I$ (*. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& == Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #311 L *ou /iao 1in Iall $ladder T (( )ead Hortal >in. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel. 'n the temporal region, posterior to the auricle and superior to the mastoid process, at the 9unction of the middle and lower thirds of a cur"ed line connecting I$ G and I$ (*. #31% L ;an #u Iall $ladder T (* Completion $one. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel. 'n the temporal region, in the depression posterior and inferior to the mastoid process, at the le"el of the inferior ridge of the auricle. #31, L 3en S en Iall $ladder T (A 1oot 5pirit. Meeting point on the Iall $ladder Channel with the >ang 6inking Messel. 'n the frontal region, +.3 cun within the anterior hairline, on a sagittal line ascending from the lateral canthus of the eye. #31. L 1an0 3ai Iall $ladder T (B >ang 7hite. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the 5tomach and 6arge 'ntestine Channels and >ang 6inking Messel. 'n the frontal region, ( cun superior to the eyebrow, aligned with the pupil when the eyes are focused forward. #315 L *ou 8in /i Iall $ladder T (3 )ead D"erlooking Tears. Meeting point on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel and >ang 6inking Messel. 'n the frontal region, +.3 cun within the hairline, aligned with the pupil when the eyes are focused forward. #316 L &u C uan0 Iall $ladder T (; !ye 7indow. Meeting Hoint on the Iall

$ladder Channel with the >ang 6inking Messel. 'n the frontal region, (.3 cun posterior to I$ (3 and A cun lateral to the mid4sagittal line. #31) L H en0 1in0 Iall $ladder T (F Lpright Construction. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the >ang 6inking Messel. 'n the frontal region, (.3 cun posterior to I$ (;, on the line connecting I$(3 and I$*+. #314 L C en0 8in0 Iall $ladder T (= 5pirit Container. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the >ang 6inking Messel. 'n the parietal region, (.3 cun posterior to I$ (F and A cun lateral to IM *+. #31" L Nao 7on0 Iall $ladder T (G $rain )ollow. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the >ang 6inking Messel. 'n the occipital region, *.*3 cun lateral to the posterior midline, at the le"el of the upper border of the e&ternal occipital protuberance. #3%9 L Fen0 C i Iall $ladder T *+ 7ind Hool. Meeting Hoint on Iall $ladder Channel with the Triple !nergi%er Channel, >ang 6inking and >ang Motility Messels. At the posterior head, at the 9unction of the occipital and nuchal regions, in the depression between the origins of 5ternocleidomastoid and Trape%ius muscles. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& =G Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #3%1 L Jian Jin0 Iall $ladder T *( 5houlder 7ell. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the Triple !nergi%er and 5tomach Channels. 'n the suprascapular region, midway between the tip of the acromion process and below the spinous process of the se"enth cer"ical "ertebra (CF). ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ or 6eart Disease is -nown or suspected= #3%% L 1uan 1e Iall $ladder T **

Armpit Abyss. Dn the lateral chest wall, on the mida&illary line, A cun inferior to the a&illary fold. #3%, L H e Jin Iall $ladder T *A 5inew 5eat. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel. 5econdary .ront Mu Hoint for the Iall $ladder. Dn the lateral chest wall, on the Bth intercostal space, ( cun anterior to I$**. #3%. L Ri 1ue Iall $ladder T *B 5un and Moon. .ront Mu Hoint of the Iall $ladder that connects with $ack 5hu $6(G. Dn the anterior chest midcla"icular line at the le"el of the se"enth intercostal space. #3%5 L Jin0 &en Iall $ladder T *3 Capital Iate. .ront Mu Hoint of the /idneys that connects with $ack 5hu $6*A. Dn the lateral abdomen at the lower border of the free end of the twelfth rib. #3%6 L Dai &ai Iall $ladder T *; Iirdling Messel. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the Iirdling Messel. Dn the mida&illary line, superior to the iliac crest, at the le"el of the umbilicus. #3%) L ;u S u Iall $ladder T *F .ifth Hi"ot. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the Iirdling Messel. 'n the inguinal region, medial to the anterior superior iliac spine, A cun inferior to the le"el of the umbilicus. #3%4 L ;ei Dao Iall $ladder T *= 6inking Hath. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the Iirdling Messel. 'n the inguinal region, +.3 cun inferior to the anterior superior iliac spine, at the anterior margin of the ileum. #3%" L Ju 8iao Iall $ladder T *G 5quatting $one )ole. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the >ang Motility Messel. At the hip, midway between the anterior superior iliac spine and the greater

trochanter. I$*G is located with patient in the lateral recumbent position with the thigh fle&ed slightly. #3,9 L 6uan *iao Iall $ladder T A+ 0umping 1ound. Meeting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel with the $ladder Channel. 'n the gluteal region, one third the distance from the greater trochanter to the sacral hiatus. 6ocate I$A+ with the patient in the lateral recumbent position with the thigh fle&ed slightly. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& G+ Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #3,1 L Fen0 S i Iall $ladder T A( 7ind Market. Dn the midline of the lateral thigh, F cun superior to the popliteal crease. I$ A( can also be located directly inferior to the tip of the middle finger when patient is standing and the arm is e&tended along the thigh. #3,% L H on0 Du Iall $ladder T A* Central 1i"er. Dn the midline of the lateral thigh, 3 cun superior to the popliteal crease. #3,, L Xi 1an0 #uan Iall $ladder T AA /nee >ang Iate. Dn the lateral side of the knee, superior to the 9ointline, in a depression between biceps femoris tendon and the lateral condoyle of the femur. #3,. L 1an0 8in0 /uan Iall $ladder T AB >ang Mound 5pring. )ui Hoint for Tendons and Muscles. )e 5ea Hoint on Iall $ladder Channel. !arth Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dn the lateral side of the leg, in the depression anterior and inferior to the head of the fibula. #3,5 L 1an0 Jiao Iall $ladder T A3 >ang 'ntersection. Yi Cleft Hoint of the >ang 6inking Messel. Dn the lateral side of the leg, on the posterior border of the fibula, F cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus. #3,6 L ;ai /ui

Iall $ladder T A; Duter )ill. Yi Cleft Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel. Dn the lateral side of the leg, F cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus. #3,) L #uan0 &in0 Iall $ladder T AF $right 6ight. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel to 61A. Dn the lateral side of the leg, 3 cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus. #3,4 L 1an0 Fu Iall $ladder T A= >ang Assistance. 0ing 1i"er on the Iall $ladder Channel. .ire Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dn the lateral side of the leg, B cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus. #3," L Xuan H on0 Iall $ladder T AG 5uspended $ell. )ui Meeting Hoint for Marrow. 'ntersection Hoint of the three >ang channels of the leg. Dn the lateral side of the leg, A cun superior to the prominence of the lateral malleolus. #3.9 L /iu Xu Iall $ladder T B+ )ill 1uins. >uan 5ource point on the Iall $ladder Channel. At the lateral ankle, 'n the depression anterior and inferior to the lateral malleolus. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& G( Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #3.1 L Hu 8in /i Iall $ladder T B( .oot D"erlooking Tears. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel. 7ood Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dn the dorsum of the foot, in the depression between the fourth and fifth metatarsals. #3.% L Di ;u 6ui Iall $ladder T B* !arth .i"efold Con"ergence. Dn the dorsum of the foot, in a depression pro&imal to the heads of the fourth and fifth metatarsal bones. #3., L Jia Xi Iall $ladder T BA Hinched 1a"ine. >ing 5pring Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel. 7ater Hoint on 7ood

Meridian. Dn the dorsum of the foot, distal to the fourth and fifth metatarsophalangeal 9oints, +.3 cun pro&imal to the web margin. #3.. L Hu /iao 1in Iall $ladder T BB .oot Hortal >in. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the Iall $ladder Channel. Metal Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dn the lateral side of the fourth toe, +.( cun from the nail bed. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& G* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& GA Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #overnin0 5essel &eridian #51 L C an0 /ian0 Io"erning Messel T ( 6ong 5trong. 6uo Connecting Hoint of the Io"erning Messel to CM(. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the Conception Messel. Midway between the anus and the tip of the coccy&. #5% L 1ao S u Io"erning Messel T * 6umbar 5hu. Dn the posterior midline at the sacral hiatus. #5, L 1ao 1an0 #uan Io"erning Messel T A 6umbar >ang Hass. Dn the lower back, below the spinous process of the fourth lumbar "ertebra (6B). #5. L &in0 &en Io"erning Messel T B 6ife Iate. 1eunion point on Curious Meridian -ai Mo. Dn the lower back, below the spinous process of the second lumbar "ertebra (6*). #55 L Xuan S u Io"erning Messel T 3 5uspended Hi"ot. Dn the lower back, below the spinous process of the first lumbar "ertebra (6(). #56 L Ji H on0 Io"erning Messel T ; 5pinal Center. Dn the middle back, below the spinous process of the ele"enth thoracic "ertebra (T((). #5) L H on0 S u Io"erning Messel T F

Central Hi"ot. Dn the middle back, below the spinous process of the tenth thoracic "ertebra (T(+). #54 L Jin Suo Io"erning Messel T = 5inew Contraction. Dn the middle back, below the spinous process of the ninth thoracic "ertebra (TG). #5" L H i 1an0 Io"erning Messel T G !&tremity of >ang. Dn the middle back, below the spinous process of the se"enth thoracic "ertebra (TF), appro&imately le"el with the inferior angle of the scapula. #519 L 8in0 *ai Io"erning Messel T (+ 5pirit Tower. $elow the spinous process of the si&th thoracic "ertebra (T;). #511 L S en Dao Io"erning Messel T (( 5pirit Hath. $elow the spinous process of the fifth thoracic "ertebra (T3). #51% L S en H u Io"erning Messel T (* $ody Hillar. $elow the spinous process of the third thoracic "ertebra (TA). Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& GB Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #51, L *ao Dao Io"erning Messel T (A /iln Hath. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the $ladder Channel. $elow the spinous process of the first thoracic "ertebra (T(). #51. L DaI 6ui Io"erning Messel T (B Ireat )ammer. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the si& yang channels. 5ea of #i Hoint. $elow the spinous process of the se"enth cer"ical "ertebra (CF). #515 L 1a &en Io"erning Messel T (3 Mute<s Iate. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the >ang 6inking Messel. $elow the spinous process of the first

cer"ical "ertebra (C(). #516 L Fen0 Fu Io"erning Messel T (; 7ind Mansion. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the >ang 6inking Messel. 5ea of Marrow Hoint. Dn the posterior head, +.3 cun directly below the e&ternal occipital protuberance. #51) L Nao 6u Io"erning Messel T (F $rain<s -oor. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the $ladder Channel. Dn the posterior head, (.3 cun directly abo"e the e&ternal occipital protuberance. #514 L /ian0 Jian Io"erning Messel T (= Lnyielding 5pace. Dn the posterior head, *.3 cun directly abo"e the e&ternal occipital protuberance. #51" L 6ou Din0 Io"erning Messel T (G $ehind the Merte&. Dn the posterior head, B cun directly abo"e the e&ternal occipital protuberance. #5%9 L 3ai 6ui Io"erning Messel T *+ )undred Meetings. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the si& yang channels. Dn the midsagittal line, at the intersection of a line connecting the right and left ear apices. #5%1 L /ian Din0 Io"erning Messel T *( $efore the Merte&. Dn the midsagittal line, (.3 cun anterior to the intersection of the line connecting the right and left ear apices. #5%% L Xin 6ui Io"erning Messel T ** .ontanelle Meeting. Dn the midline, * cun posterior to the anterior hairline. #5%, L S an0 Xin0 #overnin0 5essel L %, Lpper 5tar. Dn the midline, ( cun posterior to the anterior hairline. #5%. L S en *in0 Io"erning Messel T *B 5pirit Court. Meeting point on the Io"erning

Messel with the $ladder and 5tomach Channels. Dn the midline, +.3 cun posterior to the anterior hairline. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& G3 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #5%5 L Su 8iao Io"erning Messel T *3 7hite $one )ole. At the tip of the nose. #5%6 L S ui #ou Io"erning Messel T *; 7ater Trough. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the 6arge 'ntestine and 5tomach Channels. 'n the philtrum, (QA the distance from the nose and the top of the lip. #5%) L Dui Duan Io"erning Messel T *F !&tremity of the Mouth. 1eunion Hoint on the Io"erning with the Conception Messels. At the 9unction of the philtrum with the upper lip. #5%4 L 1in Jiao Io"erning Messel T *= Ium 'ntersection. Meeting Hoint on the Io"erning Messel with the Conception Messel. 'n the mouth, at the 9unction of the frenulum of the upper lip with the upper gum. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& G; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& GF Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 6eart &eridian 6E1 L Ji /uan )eart T ( )ighest 5pring. 'n the a&illary fossa when the arm is abducted, medial to the a&illary artery. Caution Avoid t e a'illar+ arter+= 6E% L /in0 8in0 )eart T * Cyan 5pirit. Dn the medial arm when the elbow is fle&ed, A cun pro&imal to the trans"erse cubital crease. 6E, L S ao 6ai )eart T A 6esser 5ea. )e 5ea Hoint on the )eart Channel. 7ater Hoint on .ire Meridian. 7ith the elbow fle&ed, at the medial end of

the trans"erse cubital crease. 6E. L 8in0 Dao )eart T B 5pirit Hathway. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the )eart Channel. Metal Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the palmar surface of the forearm, (.3 cun pro&imal to the trans"erse wrist crease, on the radial side of fle&or carpi ulnaris tendon. 6E5 L *on0 8i )eart T 3 Connecting 6i. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the )eart Channel to 5'B. Dn the palmar surface of the forearm, ( cun pro&imal to the trans"erse wrist crease, on the radial side of fle&or carpi ulnaris tendon. 6E6 L 1in Xi )eart T ; >in Cleft. Yi Cleft Hoint on the )eart Channel. Dn the palmar surface of the forearm, +.3 cun pro&imal to the trans"erse wrist crease, on the radial side of fle&or carpi ulnaris tendon. 6E) L S en &en )eart T F 5pirit Iate. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the )eart Channel. >uan 5ource Hoint on the )eart Channel. !arth Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the trans"erse wrist crease, in the small depression between the pisiform and ulna bones. 6E4 L S ao Fu )eart T = 6esser Mansion. >ing 5pring Hoint on the )eart Channel. .ire Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the palmar surface of the hand, between the fourth and fifth metacarpal bones. 7hen a tight fist is made, )! = is where the fifth digit rests. 6E" L S ao C on0 )eart T G 6esser 5urge. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the )eart Channel. 7ood Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the radial side of the fifth digit, +.( cun from the corner of the nail bed. Caution Reserve 6E " $or Anconsciousness or S oc-= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& G= Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 6EAR* &ERIDIANS

Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& GG Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 7idne+ &eridian 7I1 L 1on0 /uan /idney T ( Iushing 5pring. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the /idney Channel. 7ood Hoint on 7ater Meridian. Dn the sole of the foot, between the second and third metatarsal bones, one4third the distance from the webs of the toes to the heel. 7I% L Ran #u /idney T * $la%ing Malley. >ing 5pring Hoint on the /idney Channel. .ire Hoint on 7ater Meridian. Dn the medial surface of the foot, in the depression inferior to the lower border of the tuberosity of the na"icular bone. 7I, L *ai Xi /idney T A Ireat 1a"ine. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the /idney Channel. >uan 5ource on the /idney Channel. !arth Hoint on 7ater Meridian. Dn the medial ankle, at the midpoint between the prominence of the medial malleolus and Achilles? Tendon. 7I. L Da H on0 /idney T B 6arge Ioblet. 6uo Connecting point on the /idney Channel to $6;B. Dn the medial ankle, posterior and inferior to the medial malleolus, in the depression anterior to the medial side of the attachment of Achilles? tendon. 7I5 L S ui Cuan /idney T 3 7ater 5pring. Yi Cleft Hoint on the /idney Channel. Dn the medial ankle, ( cun below /' A, in the depression anterior and superior to the medial side of the tuberosity of the calcaneus. 7I6 L H ao 6ai /idney T ; 5hining 5ea. 'ntersecting Hoint on /idney Channel with the >in Motility Messel. Dn the medial ankle, in the depression ( cun inferior to the medial malleolus.

7I) L Fu 8iu /idney T F 1eco"er .low. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the /idney Channel. Metal Hoint on 7ater Meridian. Dn the medial leg, * cun superior to /' A on the anterior border of the Achilles? tendon. 7I4 L Jiao Xin /idney T = 'ntersecting 1each. Yi Cleft Hoint on the >in Motility Messel. Dn the medial leg, * cun superior to /' A and +.3 cun anterior to /' F. 7I" L H u 3in /idney T G Iuest )ouse. Yi Cleft Hoint on the >in 6inking Messel. Dn the medial leg, 3 cun superior to /' A, at the lower end of the gastrocnemius muscle. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (++ Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 7I19 L 1in #u /idney T (+ >in Malley. )e 5ea Hoint on the /idney Channel. 7ater Hoint on 7ater Meridian. Dn the medial side of the popliteal fossa, in the depression between tendons of semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles when the knee is fle&ed. 7I11 L 6en0 #u /idney T (( Hubic $one. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the pubic region, immediately superior to the symphysis pubis, +.3 cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM *. 7I1% L Da 6e /idney T (* Ireat Manifestation. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the pubic region, ( cun superior to the symphysis pubis, +.3 cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM A. 7I1, L /i Xue /idney T (A #i )ole. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the pubic region, * cun superior to the symphysis pubis, +.3 cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM B. 7I1. L Si &an

/idney T (B .ourfold .ullness. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the pubic region, A cun superior to the symphysis pubis, +.3 cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM 3. 7I15 L H on0 H u /idney T (3 Central .low. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the umbilical region, ( cun inferior to the le"el of the umbilicus, +.3 cun lateral to the midline, at the le"el of CM F. 7I16 L 6uan S u /idney T (; 5hu of Abdominal .u. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. At the umbilicus, +.3 cun lateral to the midline, at the le"el of CM =. 7I1) L S an0 /u /idney T (F 5hang $end. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the umbilical region, * cun superior to the umbilicus and +.3 cun lateral to the midline at the le"el of CM (+. 7I14 L S i #uan /idney T (= 5tone Hass. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the umbilical region, A cun superior to the umbilicus and +.3 cun lateral to the midline at the le"el of CM ((. 7I1" L 1in Du /idney T (G >in Metropolis. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the epigastric region, B cun superior to the umbilicus and +.3 cun lateral to the midline at the le"el of CM (*. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+( Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 7I%9 L *on0 #u /idney T *+ Dpen Malley. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the epigastric region, 3 cun superior to the umbilicus and +.3 cun lateral to the midline at the le"el of CM (A. 7I%1 L 1ou &en

/idney T *( -ark Iate. Meeting Hoint on the /idney Channel with the Henetrating Messel. 'n the epigastric region, ; cun superior to the umbilicus and +.3 cun lateral to the midline at the le"el of CM (B. Caution Avoid t e 8iver= 7I%% L 3u 8an0 /idney T ** Corridor 7alk. 'n the pectoral region, in the fifth intercostal space, * cun lateral to the anterior midline at the le"el of CM (;. 7I%, L S en Fen0 /idney T *A 5pirit 5eal. 'n the pectoral region, in the fourth intercostal space, * cun lateral to the anterior midline at the le"el of CM (F. 7I%. L 8in0 Xu /idney T *B 5pirit 1uins. 'n the pectoral region, in the third intercostal space, * cun lateral to the anterior midline at the le"el of CM (=. 7I%5 L S en Can0 /idney T *3 5pirit 5torehouse. 'n the pectoral region, in the second intercostal space, * cun lateral to the anterior midline at the le"el of CM (G. 7I%6 L 1u H on0 /idney T *; 6i"ely Center. 'n the pectoral region, in the first intercostal space, * cun lateral to the anterior midline at the le"el of CM *+. 7I%) L S u Fu /idney T *F 5hu Mansion. Dn the lower border of the cla"icle, * cun lateral to the anterior midline. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 7IDNE1 &ERIDIANS Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+A Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8ar0e Intestine &eridian 8I1 L S an0 1an0 6arge 'ntestine T ( Metal >ang. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel. Metal Hoint on Metal

Meridian. Dn the radial side of the second digit, +.( cun from the corner of the nail bed. 8I% L Er Jian 6arge 'ntestine T * 5econd 5pace. >ing 5pring Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel. 7ater Hoint on Metal Meridian. Dn the radial side of the second digit in slight fle&ion, in the depression anterior to the metacarpophalangeal 9oint. 8I, L San Jian 6arge 'ntestine T A Third 5pace. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel. 7ood Hoint on Metal Meridian. Dn the dorsum of the hand, on the radial side of the second metacarpal bone, pro&imal to the metacarpophalangeal 9oint, at the dorsalpalmar skin 9unction. 8I. L 6e #u 6arge 'ntestine T B Lnion Malley. >uan 5ource Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel. Command Hoint of the .ace and Mouth. Dn the dorsum of the hand, appro&imately at the midpoint of the second metacarpal bone, in the belly of the first interosseus dorsalis muscle. ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected. 8I5 L 1an0 Xi 6arge 'ntestine T 3 >ang 1a"ine. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel. .ire Hoint on Metal Meridian. Dn the radial side of the wrist, distal to the tip of the radial styloid process, in the depression between the tendons of e&tensor pollicis longus and bre"is, in the anatomical snuff bo& . 8I6 L !ian 8i 6arge 'ntestine T ; Meering Hassageway. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel to 6LG. Dn the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, A cun pro&imal to the dorsal wrist crease, on the line connecting 6' 3 at the wrist and 6' (( at the lateral cubital crease.

8I) L ;en 8iu 6arge 'ntestine T F 7arm .low. Yi Cleft Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel. Dn the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, 3 cun pro&imal to the dorsal wrist crease, on the line connecting 6' 3 at the wrist and 6' (( at the lateral cubital crease. 8I4 L Xia 8ian 6arge 'ntestine T = 6ower 1idge. Dn the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, B cun distal cubital crease, on the line connecting 6' 3 at the wrist and 6' (( at the lateral cubital crease. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+B Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8I" L S an0 8ian 6arge 'ntestine T G Lpper 1idge. Dn the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, A cun distal cubital crease, on the line connecting 6' 3 at the wrist and 6' (( at the lateral cubital crease. 8I19 L S ou San 8i 6arge 'ntestine T (+ Arm Three 6i. Dn the radial side of the posterior antebrachial region, * cun distal cubital crease, on the line connecting 6' 3 at the wrist and 6' (( at the lateral cubital crease. 8I11 L /u C i 6arge 'ntestine T (( Hool at the $end. )e 5ea Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel. !arth Hoint on Metal Meridian. Dn the lateral side of the cubital crease when the elbow is close to full fle&ion. 8I1% L H ou 8iao 6arge 'ntestine T (* !lbow $one )ole. Dn the lateral side of the cubital crease, ( cun superior to 6' ((, at the 9unction of the lateral supracondylar ridge of the humerus with the epicondyle. 6ocate 6' (* with the elbow fle&ed. 8I1, L S ou ;u 8i 6arge 'ntestine T (A Arm .i"e 6i.

Dn the lateral brachial region, A cun superior to 6' ((, on the line connecting 6' (( at the cubital crease and 6'(3 inferior to the acromion. 8I1. L 3i Nao 6arge 'ntestine T (B Lpper Arm. Meeting Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel with the 5mall 'ntestine and $ladder Channels. Dn the lateral brachial region, on the anterior margin of the insertion of the deltoid muscle, on the line connecting 6' (( at the cubital crease and 6'(3 inferior to the acromion. 8I15 L Jian 1u 6arge 'ntestine T (3 5houlder $one. Meeting Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel with the 5mall 'ntestine and Triple !nergi%er Channels. Dn the shoulder in the depression on the anterior border of the acromial part of the deltoid muscle when the arm is abducted. 8I16 L Ju #u 6arge 'ntestine T (; Ireat $one. Meeting Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel with the >ang Motility Messel. Dn the superior aspect of the scapular region, in the depression posterior to the acromial e&tremity of the cla"icle and anterior to the scapular spine. 8I1) L *ian Din0 6arge 'ntestine T (F Celestial Tripod. At the anterior margin of the posterior triangle of the neck, on the posterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle, ( cun inferior to 6' (= at the le"el of the laryngeal prominence. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+3 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8I14 L Fu *u 6arge 'ntestine T (= Hrotuberance Assistant. Ma9or 7indow of 5ky Hoint. Dn the neck, on the sternocleidomastoid muscle, A cun lateral to the laryngeal prominence. 8I1" L 6e 8iao 6arge 'ntestine T (G Irain $one )ole.

'n the oral region, directly inferior to the lateral margin of the nostril, le"el with IM *;. 8I%9 L 1in0 Xian0 6arge 'ntestine T *+ 7elcome .ragrance. Meeting Hoint on the 6arge 'ntestine Channel with the 5tomach Channel. 'n the nasolabial groo"e, +.3 cun lateral to the nostril. 8iver &eridian 8R1 L Da Dun 6i"er T ( 6arge Hile. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the 6i"er Channel. 7ood Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dn the lateral side of the first digit, the great toe, +.( cun from the corner of the nail bed. 8R% L Xin0 Jian 6i"er T * Mo"ing $etween. >ing 5pring Hoint on the 6i"er Channel. .ire Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dn the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second metatarsophalangeal 9oints, +.3 cun pro&imal to the web margin. 8R, L *ai C on0 6i"er T A Ireat 5urge. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the 6i"er Channel. >uan 5ource Hoint on the 6i"er Channel. !arth Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dn the dorsum of the foot, between the first and second metatarsal bones, appro&imately * cun superior to the web margin. 8R. L H on0 Fen0 6i"er T B Mound Center. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the 6i"er Channel. Metal Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dn the dorsum of the foot, ( cun anterior to the medial malleolus, in the depression medial to the tibialis anterior tendon. 8R5 L 8i #ou 6i"er T 3 7oodworm Canal. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the 6i"er Channel to I$B+. Dn the medial side of the leg, posterior to the tibial medial margin, 3 cun superior to the medial malleolus. 8R6 L H on0 Du 6i"er T ; Central Metropolis. Yi Cleft Hoint on the 6i"er Channel.

Dn the medial side of the leg, posterior to the tibial medial margin, F cun superior to the medial malleolus. 8R) L Xi #uan 6i"er T F /nee 0oint. Dn the medial side of the leg, inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia, in the upper portion of the medial head of the gastrocnemius muscle, ( cun posterior to 5H G. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8R4 L /u /uan 6i"er T = 5pring at the $end. )e 5ea Hoint on the 6i"er Channel. 7ater Hoint on 7ood Meridian. Dne the medial side of the knee, in the depression of the trans"erse popliteal crease between the upper border of the medial epicondyle of the femur and semitendinosus and semimembranosus tendons. 8R" L 1in 3ao 6i"er T G >in $ladder. Dn the medial thigh, B cun superior to the medial epicondyle of the femur, between sartorius muscle anteriorly and "astus medialis posteriorly. 8R19 L Hu ;u 8i 6i"er T (+ .oot .i"e 6i. Dn the medial thigh, on the lateral border of abductor longus muscle, * cun along the tendonQmuscle from its attachment near the pubic symphysis and A cun inferior to 5T A+. 8R11 L 1in 8ian 6i"er T (( >in Corner. Dn the superior, medial thigh, on the lateral border of abductor longus muscle, ( cun along the tendonQmuscle from its attachment near the pubic symphysis and * cun inferior to 5T A+. 8R1% L Ji &ai 6i"er T (* Lrgent Hulse. At the base of the femoral triangle, medial to the femoral artery, *.3 cun lateral to the anterior midline. 3eware t e

Femoral 5einN 8R1, L H an0 &en 6i"er T (A Camphorwood Iate. .ront Mu Hoint of the 5pleen that connects with $ack 5hu $6*+. Meeting Hoint on the 6i"er Channel with the Iall $ladder, /idney, )eart, 5pleen and 6ung Channels. Dn the lateral abdomen, slightly inferior and anterior to the tip of the free end of the ele"enth rib. 8R1. L /i &en 6i"er T (B Cycle Iate. .ront Mu Hoint of the 6i"er that connects with $ack 5hu $6(=. Meeting Hoint on the 6i"er Channel with the 5pleen Channel. Dn the chest, on the midcla"icular line, in the si&th intercostal space, at the le"el of CM (B. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+F Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8un0 &eridian 8A1 L H on0 Fu 6ung T ( Central Treasury. .ront Mu Hoint of the 6ung that connects with $ack 5hu $6(A. Meeting Hoint on the 6ung Channel with the 5pleen Channel. Dn the lateral chest, inferior to the acromial end of the cla"icle, ; cun lateral to the Conception Messel. Caution Avoid t e 8un0sN 8A% L 1un &en 6ung T * Cloud Iate. Dn the lateral chest, 'n the depression formed by the deltoid muscle, pectoralis ma9or muscle and the cla"icle. 8A, L *ian Fu 6ung T A Celestial 5torehouse. Ma9or 7indow of the 5ky Hoint. Dn the upper arm, on the lateral border of muscle biceps brachia, A cun inferior to the anterior a&illary fold. 8A. L Xia 3ai 6ung T B Iuarding 7hite. Dn the upper arm, on the lateral border of muscle biceps brachia, B cun inferior to the anterior a&illary fold.

8A5 L C i He 6ung T 3 Cubit Marsh. )e 5ea Hoint on the 6ung Channel. 7ater Hoint on Metal Meridian. At the elbow, in the cubital crease, in the depression lateral to biceps brachia tendon. 8A6 L 7on0 Hui 6ung T ; Collection )ole. Yi Cleft Hoint on the 6ung Channel. Dn the radial side of the forearm, 3 cun inferior to 6L 3, on a line from 6L 3 at the cubital crease and 6L G at the lateral side of the wrist crease. 8A) L 8ie /ue 6ung T F $roken 5equence. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the 6ung Channel to 6'B. Dn the radial side of the forearm, (.3 cun superior to the tip of the radial styloid process. 8A4 L Jin0 /u 6ung T = Channel -itch. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the 6ung Channel. Metal Hoint on Metal Meridian. Dn the radial side of the forearm, ( cun superior to the trans"erse wrist crease and in the depression between the radial artery and styloid process. ContraindicationM &o'a is $or(iddenN 8A" L *ai 1uan 6ung T G Ireat Abyss. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the 6ung Channel. >aun 5ource Hoint on the 6ung Channel. !arth Hoint on Metal Meridian. Dn the lateral side of the anterior wrist crease, in the depression on the radial side of the radial artery. 8A19 L 1u Ji 6ung T (+ .ish $order. >ing 5pring Hoint on the 6ung Channel. .ire Hoint on Metal Meridian. Midpoint on the thenar eminence, on the dorsal4palmar surface. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+= Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8A11 L S ao S an0 6ung T (( 6esser Merchant. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the 6ung Channel. 7ood Hoint on Metal Meridian. Dn the radial side of the thenar eminence,

+.( cun posterior to the nailbed. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& (+G Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 !ericardium &eridian !C1 L *ian C i Hericardium T ( Celestial Hool. Meeting Hoint on the Hericardium Channel with the Iall $ladder, 6i"er and Triple !nergi%er Channels. Minor 7indow of the 5ky Hoint. Dn the lateral chest, in the fourth intercostal space, 3 cun lateral to the anterior midline, appro&imately ( cun lateral to the nipple. !C% L *ian /uan Hericardium T * Celestial 5pring. Dn the upper arm, * cun inferior to the a&illary fold, between the two heads of muscle biceps brachii. !C, L /u He Hericardium T A Marsh at the $end. )e 5ea Hoint on the Hericardium Channel. 7ater Hoint on .ire Meridian. At the elbow, on the ulnar side of the biceps brachii tendon, medial to the brachial artery. !C. L Xi &en Hericardium T B Yi Iate. Yi Cleft Hoint on the Hericardium Channel. Dn the anterior forearm, 3 cun superior to the trans"erse wrist crease, between the tendons of palmaris longus and fle&or carpi radialis muscles. !C5 L Jian S i Hericardium T 3 'ntermediary Courier. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the Hericardium Channel. Metal Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the anterior forearm, A cun superior to the trans"erse wrist crease, between the tendons of palmaris longus and fle&or carpi radialis muscles. !C6 L Nei #uan Hericardium T ; 'nner Hass. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the Hericardium Channel to T!B. 5pecial Command Hoint for the Thora&. Dn the anterior forearm, * cun superior to the trans"erse wrist crease, between the tendons of palmaris longus and fle&or carpi radialis muscles.

!C) L Da 8in0 Hericardium T F Ireat Mound. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the Hericardium Channel. >uan 5ource Hoint on the Hericardium Channel. !arth Hoint on .ire Meridian. At the trans"erse wrist crease, between the tendons of palmaris longus and fle&or carpi radialis muscles. !C4 L 8ao #on0 Hericardium T = Halace of Toil. >ing 5pring Hoint on the Hericardium Channel. .ire Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the palmar surface, between the second and third metacarpal bones, pro&imal to the metacarpophalangeal 9oint. !C" L H on0 C on0 Hericardium T G Central )ub. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the Hericardium Channel. 7ood Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the center of the tip of the third digit. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((+ Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((( Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Small Intestine &eridian SI1 L S ao He 5mall 'ntestine T ( 6esser Marsh. 0ing 7ell Hoing on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel. Metal Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the ulnar side of the fifth digit, +.( cun from the corner of the nail bed. SI% L /ian #u 5mall 'ntestine T * .ront Malley. >ing 5pring Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine channel. 7ater Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the ulner side of the fifth digit, in the depression distal to the metacarpophalangeal 9oint, at the 9unction of the dorsal and palmar surfaces. SI, L 6ou Xi 5mall 'ntestine T A $ack 1a"ine. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel. 7ood Hoint on .ire Meridian. 'n the depression pro&imal to the head of the fifth metacarpal bone, at the 9unction of the

dorsal and palmar surfaces. SI. L ;an #u 5mall 'ntestine T B 7rist $one. >uan 5ource Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel. Dn the ulna side of the wrist, in the depression between the fifth metacarpal bone and the hamate and pisiform bones, at the 9unction of the dorsal and palmar surfaces. SI5 L 1an0 #u 5mall 'ntestine T 3 >ang Malley. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel. .ire Hoint on .ire Meridian. Dn the ulna side of the wrist, in a depression between the styloid process of the ulna and the triquetral and pisiform bones. SI6 L 1an0 8ao 5mall 'ntestine T ; @ursing the Aged. Yi Cleft Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel. Dn the ulnar side of the wrist, in the depression between the ulnar styloid process and the triquetrum and pisiform bones. 5' ; can be located when patient<s wrist is in fle&ion with the inde& finger pointing to the sternum. SI) L H i H en0 5mall 'ntestine T F $ranch to the Correct. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel to )!F. Dn the ulnar side of the forearm, between the anterior border of the ulna and fle&or carpi ulnaris muscle, 3 cun superior to the wrist crease, on the line connecting 5' 3 at the wrist and 5' = at the medial epicondyle of the humerus at the elbow. SI4 L Xiao 6ai 5mall 'ntestine T = 5mall 5ea. )e 5ea Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel. !arth Hoint on .ire Meridian. 7ith the elbow in fle&ion, in the depression between the olecranon and the medial epicondyle of the humerus. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((* Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 SI" L Jian H en 5mall 'ntestine T G

True 5houlder. Dn the upper back, with the arm in abduction, ( cun superior to the posterior end of the a&illary fold. SI19 L Nao S u 5mall 'ntestine T (+ Lpper Arm 5hu. Meeting Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel with the $ladder Channel. Dn the posterior shoulder, with the arm in abduction, in the depression inferior and lateral to the scapular spine, ( cun superior to 5' G . SI11 L *ian Hon0 5mall 'ntestine T (( Celestial Iathering. Dn the scapula, in the depression of the infrascapular fossa, one4third the distance between the lower border of the scapular spine and the inferior angle of the scapula. SI1% L 3in0 Fen0 5mall 'ntestine T (* Irasping the 7ind. Meeting Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel with the 6arge 'ntestine, Triple !nergi%er and Iall $ladder Channels. Dn the upper back, with the arm in slight abduction, in the middle of the supraspinous fossa. SI1, L /u 1aun 5mall 'ntestine T (A Crooked 7all. Dn the upper back, in the depression on the medial end of the supraspinous fossa. SI1. L Jian ;ai S u 5mall 'ntestine T (B Duter 5houlder 5hu. Dn the upper back, A cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the first thoracic "ertebra (T(). SI15 L Jian H on0 H u 5mall 'ntestine T (3 Central 5houlder 5hu. Dn the upper back, * cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the se"enth cer"ical "ertebra (CF). SI16 L *ian C uan0 5mall 'ntestine T (; Celestial 7indow. Dn the neck, on the posterior margin of the

sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the le"el of the laryngeal prominence and the trans"erse process of the fourth cer"ical trans"erse process (CB). SI1) L *ian Ron0 5mall 'ntestine T (F Celestial Counternance. Minor 7indow of the 5ky Hoint. Dn the neck, 'n the depression between the angle of the mandible and the anterior margin of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. SI14 L /uan 8iao 5mall 'ntestine T (= Cheek $one )ole. Meeting Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel with the Triple !nergi%er Channel. Dn the face, on the lower border of the %ygomatic bone, inferior to the outer canthus of the eye. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((A Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 SI1" L *in0 #on0 5mall 'ntestine T (G Auditory Halace. Meeting Hoint on the 5mall 'ntestine Channel with the Triple !nergi%er and Iall $ladder Channels. Anterior to the tragus of the ear, in the depression between the tragus and the mandibular 9oint when the mouth is open slightly. Spleen &eridian S!1 L 1in 3ai 5pleen T ( )idden 7hite. 0ing 7ell Hoint on the 5pleen Channel. 7ood Hoint on !arth Meridian. Dn the medial great toe, .+( cun from the corner of the nail bed. S!% L Da Du 5pleen T * Ireat Metropolis. >ing 5pring Hoint on the 5pleen Channel. .ire Hoint on !arth Meridian. Dn the great toe, in the depression distal to the metatarsophalangeal 9oint, at dorsal 4 plantar 9unction. S!, L *ai 3ai 5pleen T A 5upreme 7hite. 5hu 5tream Hoint on the 5pleen Channel. >uan 5ource Hoint on the 5pleen Channel. !arth Hoint on !arth

Meridian. Dn the medial foot, in the depression pro&imal to the first metatarsophalangeal 9oint, at the dorsal 4 plantar 9unction. S!. L #on0 Sun 5pleen T B >ellow !mperor. 6uo Connecting Hoint on the 5pleen Channel 5TB*. Confluent point of the Henetrating Messel. Dn the medial foot, in the depression distal to the base of the first metatarsal bone. S!5 L S an0 /ui 5pleen T 3 5hang )ill. 0ing 1i"er Hoint on the 5pleen Channel. Metal Hoint on !arth Meridian. Dn the medial foot, in the depression midway between the na"icular bone and the "erte& of the medial malleolus. S!6 L San 1in Jiao 5pleen T ; Three >in 'ntersection. Meeting Hoint on the 5pleen Channel with the 6i"er and /idney Channels. Dn the medial leg, A cun superior to the medial malleolus, on the posterior border of the tibia. ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= S!) L 8ou #u 5pleen T F 6eaking Malley. Dn the medial leg, ; cun superior to the medial malleolus, posterior to the medial margin of the tibia. S!4 L Di Ji 5pleen T = !arth<s Cru&. Yi Cleft Hoint on the 5pleen Channel. Dn the medial leg, A cun inferior to the medial condyle of the tibia on the line connecting the medial malleolus at the ankle and 5H G at the lower border of the medial condyle of the tibia. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((B Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S!" L 1in 8in0 /uan 5pleen T G >in Mound 5pring. )e 5ea Hoint on the 5pleen Channel. 7ater Hoint on !arth Meridian. Dn the medial leg, on the inferior border of the medial condyle of the tibia, in the

depression between the posterior border of the tibia and gastrocnemius muscle. S!19 L Xue 6ai 5pleen T (+ 5ea of $lood. Dn the medial thigh, with the knee in fle&ion, * cun superior to the superomedial angle of the patella, on "astus medialis muscle. S!11 L Ji &en 5pleen T (( 7innower Iate. Dn the medial thigh, ; cun superior to 5H (+, on the line connecting 5H (+ abo"e the superomedial angle of the patella and 5H (*, A.3 cun lateral to the upper border of pubic symphysis. S!1% L C on0 &en 5pleen T (* 5urging Iate. 'n the inguinal region, on the lateral side of the femoral artery, A.3 cun lateral to the anterior midline. Avoid t e Femoral Arter+N S!1, L Fu S e 5pleen T (A $owel Abode. Meeting Hoint on the 5pleen Channel with the 6i"er Channel and >in 6inking Messel. Dn the lower abdomen, B cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM A, ( cun abo"e the superior border of the pubic symphysis. S!1. L Fu Jie 5pleen T (B Abdominal $ind. Dn the lower abdomen, B cun lateral to the anterior midline and ( cun below the umbilicus at the le"el of CM F. S!15 L Da 6en0 5pleen T (3 Ireat )ori%ontal. Meeting Hoint on the 5pleen Channel with the >in 6inking Messel. Dn the abdomen, at the le"el of the umbilicus, B cun lateral to the anterior midline. S!16 L Fu Ai 5pleen T (; Abdominal 6ament. Meeting Hoint on the 5pleen Channel with the >in 6inking Messel. Dn the upper abdomen, B cun lateral to the

anterior midline, A cun abo"e the umbilicus at the le"el of CM ((. S!1) L S i Dou 5pleen T (F .ood )ole. Dn the lateral chest, in the fifth intercostal space, ; cun lateral to anterior midline. S!14 L *ian Xi 5pleen T (= Celestial 1a"ine. Dn the lateral chest, in the fourth intercostal space, ; cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM (F. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((3 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S!1" L Xion0 Xian0 5pleen T (G Chest Millage. Dn the lateral chest, in the third intercostal space, ; cun lateral to the anterior midline. S!%9 L H ou Ron0 5pleen T *+ All 1ound .lourishing. Dn the lateral chest, in the second intercostal space, ; cun lateral to the anterior midline. S!%1 L Da 3ao 5pleen T *( Ireat !mbracement. Ireat 6uo Connecting Hoint on the 5pleen Channel. Dn the lateral chest wall, on the mida&illary line, ; cun inferior to the anterior a&illary crease. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((; Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S*:&AC6 &ERIDIAN Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((F Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Stomac &eridian S*1 L C en0 /i 5tomach T ( Tear Container. Meeting Hoint on the 5tomach Channel with the >ang Motility and Conception Messels. Dne the face, on the inferior border of the orbit, in the orbicularis oculi muscle, directly below the pupil when eyes are focused forward. Caution Do not manipulate t e needle as (leedin0 occurs ver+ easil+= S*% L Si 3ai 5tomach T * .our 7hites. Dn the face, on the infraorbital foramen, +.3 cun inferior to 5T ( when eyes

are focused forward. Caution Do not needle deepl+ as to puncture t e e+e(all= S*, L Ju 8iao 5tomach T A Ireat $one )ole. Meeting Hoint on the 5tomach Channel with the >ang Motility Messel. Dn the face, le"el with the border of the ala nasi, in line with the pupil when the eyes are focused forward. S*. L Di Can0 5tomach T B !arth Iranary. Meeting Hoint on the 5tomach Channel with the 6arge 'ntestine Channel and >ang Motility and Conception Messels. Dn the face, in the oral region, +.3 cun lateral to the corner of the mouth, in line with the pupil when the eyes are focused forward. S*5 L Da 1in0 5tomach T 3 Ireat 1eception. Dn the cheek, anterior to the angle of the mandible, on the anterior border of masseter muscle. Caution Avoid t e Arter+N S*6 L Jia C e 5tomach T ; 0aw $one. Dn the cheek, ( cun anterior and superior to the angle of the mandible, in the belly of masseter muscle. S*) L Xia #uan 5tomach T F $elow the 0oint. Meeting Hoint on the 5tomach Channel with the Iall $ladder Channel. Dn the lateral face, in the depression at the lower border of the %ygomatic arch, anterior to the condyloid process of the mandible. 5T F is located with the mouth closed. S*4 L *ou ;ei 5tomach T = )ead Corner. Meeting Hoint on the 5tomach Channel with the Iall $ladder Channel and >ang 6inking Messel. At the corner of the forehead, +.3 cun posterior to the anterior hairline, B.3 cun lateral to the anterior midline. S*" L Ren 1in0 5tomach T G

Man<s Hrognosis. Meeting Hoint on the 5tomach Channel with the Iall $ladder Channel. Ma9or 7indow of 5ky Hoint. Dn the neck, on the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle, at the le"el of the laryngeal prominence. Caution Avoid t e 5asculatureN Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((= Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S*19 L S ui *u 5tomach T (+ 7ater Hrominence. Dn the neck, on the anterior border of sternocleidomastoid muscle, midway between 5T G at the le"el of the laryngeal prominence and 5T (( at the upper cla"icle border. Caution Avoid t e Arter+N S*11 L /i S e 5tomach T (( #i Abode. At the root of the neck, at the superior border of the sternal end of the cla"icle, between the sternal and cla"icular heads of sternocleidomastoid muscle. S*1% L /ue !en 5tomach T (* !mpty $asin. Meeting Hoint on the 5tomach Channel with the 6arge 'ntestine, 5mall 'ntestine, Triple !nergi%er, 6ung and Iall $ladder Channels. At the midpoint of the supracla"icular fossa, posterior to the cla"icle, on the midcla"icular line, B cun lateral to the anterior midline. ContraindicationM Do not use i$ pre0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= S*1, L /i 6u 5tomach T (A #i -oor. Meeting Hoint on the 5tomach Channel with the /idney, Iall $ladder, 6arge 'ntestine, Triple !nergi%er, Hericardium and 6ung Channels. 'n the infracla"icular fossa, on the midcla"icular line, B cun lateral to the anterior midline. S*1. L 7u Fan0 5tomach T (B 5toreroom. Dn the chest, on the midcla"icular line, in the first intercostal space, B cun lateral to the anterior midline.

S*15 L ;u 1i 5tomach T (3 1oof. Dn the chest, on the midcla"icular line, in the second intercostal space, B cun lateral to the anterior midline. S*16 L 1in0 C uan0 5tomach T (; $reast 7indow. Dn the chest, on the midcla"icular line, in the third intercostal space, B cun lateral to the anterior midline. S*1) L Ru H on0 5tomach T (F $reast Center. At the center of the nipple. Contraindication: D: N:* NEED8E :R &:XA @ S* 1) SER5ES AS A 8AND&AR7 :N81N S*14 L Ru #en 5tomach T (= $reast 1oot. Dn the chest, on the midcla"icular line, in the fifth intercostal space, B cun lateral to the anterior midline. S*1" L 3u Ron0 5tomach T (G @ot Contained. Dn the upper abdomen, * cun lateral to the anterior midline and ; cun superior to the umbilicus, at the le"el of CM (B. Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ((G Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S*%9 L C en0 &an 5tomach T *+ Assuming .ullness. Dn the abdomen, * cun lateral to the anterior midline and 3 cun superior to the umbilicus, at the le"el of CM (A. S*%1 L 8ian0 &en 5tomach T *( $eam Iate. Dn the abdomen, * cun lateral to the anterior midline, B cun superior to the umbilicus, at the le"el of CM (*. S*%% L #uan &en 5tomach T ** Hass Iate. Dn the abdomen, * cun lateral to the anterior midline, A cun superior to the umbilicus, at the le"el of CM ((. S*%, L *ai 1i 5tomach T *A

5upreme Lnity. Dn the abdomen, * cun lateral to the anterior midline, * cun superior to the umbilicus, at the le"el of CM (+. S*%. L 6ua Rou &en 5tomach T *B 5lippery .lesh Iate. Dn the abdomen, * cun lateral to the anterior midline, ( cun superior to the umbilicus, at the le"el of CM G. S*%5 L *ian S u 5tomach T *3 Celestial Hi"ot. .ront Mu Hoint of the 6arge 'ntestine that connects with $ack 5hu $6*3. Dn the abdomen, * cun lateral to the umbilicus. ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected S*%6 L ;ai 8in0 5tomach T *; Duter Mound. Dn the lower abdomen, ( cun inferior to the umbilicus and * cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM F. S*%) L Da Ju 5tomach T *F Ireat Iigantic. Dn the lower abdomen, * cun inferior to the umbilicus and * cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM 3. S*%4 L S ui Dao 5tomach T *= 7aterway. Dn the lower abdomen, A cun inferior to the umbilicus and * cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM B. S*%" L #ui 8ai 5tomach T *G 1eturn. Dn the lower abdomen, ( cun abo"e the pubic symphysis and * cun lateral to the anterior midline, at the le"el of CM A. S*,9 L /i C on0 Stomac L ,9 Sur0in0 /i= &eetin0 !oint on t e Stomac C annel wit t e !enetratin0 5essel= At t e superior (order o$ t e pu(ic s+mp +sisD % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 %= Caution Avoid t e Femoral 5einD spermatic cord in men

and round li0ament in women= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S*,1 L 3i #uan Stomac L ,1 * i0 Joint= :n t e anterior t i0 D directl+ in$erior to t e anterior superior iliac spineD in t e depression lateral to t e sartorius muscle= S*,% L Fu *u Stomac L ,% Crouc in0 Ra((it= :n t e anterior t i0 D on a line (etween t e anterior superior iliac spine and t e superolatero patellaD 6 cun superior to lateral patella= S*,, L 1in S i Stomac L ,, 1in &ar-et= :n t e anterior t i0 D on a line (etween t e anterior superior iliac spine and t e superolatero patellaD , cun superior to lateral patella= S*,. L 8ian0 /iu Stomac L ,. 3eam 6ill= Xi Cle$t !oint on t e Stomac C annel= :n t e anterior t i0 D on a line (etween t e anterior superior iliac spine and t e superolatero patellaD % cun superior to lateral patella= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nownEsuspect= S*,5 L Du 3i Stomac L ,5 Cal$Os Nose At t e -nee re0ionD in t e depression (elow t e lateral side o$ t e patella w en t e -nee is $le'ed sli0 tl+= S*,6 L Hu San 8i Stomac L ,6 8e0 * ree 8i= 6e Sea !oint on t e Stomac C annel= Special Command !oint $or t e A(domen= Eart !oint on t e Eart &eridian= :n t e le0D one $in0er (readt lateral to t e ti(iaOs anterior crestD , cun in$erior to S* ,5 in t e depression to t e lateral side o$ t e patella= S*,) L S an0 Ju Xu Stomac L ,) Apper #reat 6ollow= 8ower 6e Sea !oint o$

t e 8ar0e Intestine= 8ower 3od+ Sea o$ 3lood !oint wit S*,"= :n t e le0D one $in0er (readt lateral to t e ti(iaOs anterior crestD 6 cun in$erior to S* ,5 in t e depression to t e lateral side o$ t e patella= S*,4 L *iao 7ou Stomac L ,4 Ri((on :penin0= :n t e le0D one cun lateral to t e ti(iaOs anterior crestD at t e midpoint o$ a line (etween S* ,5 at t e lateral patella and t e lateral malleolus= S*," L Xia Ju Xu Stomac L ," 8ower #reat 6ollow= 8ower 6e Sea !oint o$ t e Small Intestine= 8ower 3od+ Sea o$ 3lood !oint wit S*,)= :n t e le0D one cun in$erior to S* ,4 at t e midpoint o$ a line (etween S* ,5 at t e lateral patella and t e lateral malleolus= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S*.9 L Fen0 8on0 Stomac L .9 3ounti$ul 3ul0e= 8uo Connectin0 !oint on t e Stomac C annel to S!,= :n t e le0D one cun lateral to S* ,4 at t e midpoint o$ a line (etween S* ,5 at t e lateral patella and t e lateral malleolus= S*.1 L Jie Xi Stomac L .1 Ravine Divide= Jin0 River !oint on t e Stomac C annel= Fire !oint on Eart &eridian= :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD (etween tendons o$ muscles e'tensor di0itorum lon0us and e'tersor allucis lon0usD level wit t e tip o$ t e lateral malleolus= S*.% L C on0 1an0 Stomac L .% Sur0in0 1an0= 1uan Source !oint on t e Stomac C annel= :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD 1=5 cun in$erior to S* .1D in t e depression (etween t e second and t ird metatarsals and cunei$orm (ones= Caution Avoid t e Dorsal Arter+= S*., L Xian #u Stomac L ., Sun-en 5alle+= S u Stream !oint on t e Stomac C annel= ;ood !oint on Eart

&eridian= :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD (etween t e second and t ird metatarsal (onesD 1=5 cun superior to t e we( mar0inD in line wit t e lateral side o$ t e second di0it= S*.. L Nei *in0 Stomac L .. Inner Court= 1in0 Sprin0 !oint on t e Stomac C annel= ;ater !oint on Eart &eridian= :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD at t e pro'imal end o$ t e we( (etween t e second and t ird toes= S*.5 L 8i Dui Stomac L .5 Severe &out = Jin0 ;ell !oint on t e Stomac C annel= &etal !oint on Eart &eridian= :n t e lateral side o$ t e second toeD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail (ed= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *riple 3urner &eridian *31 L #uan C on0 *riple 3urner L 1 !assa0e 6u(= Jin0 ;ell !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel= &etal !oint on Fire &eridian= :n t e ulnar side o$ t e $ourt di0itD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail(ed= *3% L 1e &en *riple 3urner L % 6umor #ate= 1in0 Sprin0 !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel= ;ater !oint on Fire &eridian= :n t e dorsum o$ t e andD 9=5 cun $rom t e we( mar0in (etween t e $ourt and $i$t di0its= *3, L H on0 H u *riple 3urner L , Central Islet= S u Stream !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel= ;ood !oint on Fire &eridian= :n t e dorsum o$ t e andD in t e depression pro'imal to t e $ourt and $i$t metacarpop alan0eal Boints= *3. L 1an0 C i *riple 3urner L . 1an0 !ool= 1uan Source !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel= :n t e dorsal transverse wrist creaseD

(etween t e tendons o$ muscles e'tensor di0itorum and e'tensor di0iti minimi= *35 L ;ai #uan *riple 3urner L 5 :uter !ass= 8uo Connectin0 !oint on *riple Ener0iIer C annel to !C)= Con$luent !oint o$ t e 1an0 8in-in0 5essel= :n t e dorsal $orearmD (etween t e radius and ulnaD % cun superior to *E . at t e dorsal transverse wrist crease= *36 L H i #ou *riple 3urner L 6 3ranc Ditc = Jin0 River !oint on *riple Ener0iIer C annel= Fire !oint on Fire &eridian= :n t e dorsal $orearmD (etween t e radius and ulnaD , cun superior to *E . at t e dorsal transverse wrist crease= *3) L 6ui Hon0 *riple 3urner L ) Conver0ence and #at erin0= Xi Cle$t !oint on *riple Ener0iIer C annel= :n t e dorsal $orearmD , cun superior to t e dorsal transverse wrist creaseD on t e radial (order o$ t e ulnaD at t e level o$ *E 6= *34 L San 1an0 8uo *riple 3urner L 4 * ree 1an0 Connection= Intersection !oint $or t e t ree 1an0 C annels o$ t e arm= :n t e dorsal $orearmD (etween t e radius and ulnaD . cun superior to *E . at t e dorsal transverse wrist crease= *3" L Si Du *riple 3urner L " Four Rivers= :n t e dorsal $orearmD (etween t e radius and ulnaD ) cun superior to *E . at t e dorsal transverse wrist crease= *319 L *ian Jin0 *riple 3urner L 19 Celestial ;ell= 6e Sea !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel= Eart !oint on Fire &eridian= In t e posterior cu(ital re0ionD in t e depression 1 cun superior to t e olecranon w en t e el(ow is $le'ed= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *311 L /in0 8en0 1uan *riple 3urner L 11

Clear Cold A(+ss= In t e posterior cu(ital re0ionD % cun superior to t e olecranon w en t e el(ow is $le'ed= *31% L Xiao 8uo *riple 3urner L 1% Dispersin0 River(ed :n t e posterior upper armD 5 cun superior to t e olecranonD on a line Boinin0 *E 19 at t e posterior el(ow and *E 1. posterior and in$erior to t e acromion= *31, L Nao 6ui *riple 3urner L 1, Apper Arm Conver0ence= &eetin0 !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel wit t e 1an0 8in-in0 5essel= :n t e posterior (order o$ t e deltoid muscleD % cun in$erior to *E 1. at t e posterior and in$erior to t e acromion= *31. L Jian 8iao *riple 3urner L 1. S oulder 3one 6ole= &eetin0 !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel wit t e 1an0 8in-in0 5essel= :n t e posterior deltoid re0ionD in t e posterior depression on t e lateral (order o$ t e acromion w en t e arm is a(ducted "9 de0rees= *315 L *ian 8iao *riple 3urner L 15 Celestial 3one 6ole= &eetin0 !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel wit t e #all 3ladder C annel and 1an0 8in-in0 5essel= In t e scapular re0ionD on t e superior an0le o$ t e scapulaD at t e insertion o$ lavator scapulae muscle= *316 L *ian 1ou *riple 3urner L 16 Celestial :riole= &aBor ;indow o$ t e S-+ !oint= :n t e lateral nec-D posterior and in$erior to t e mastoid process on t e posterior (order o$ sternocleidomastoid muscle= *31) L 1i Fen0 *riple 3urner L 1) ;ind Screen= &eetin0 !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel wit t e #all 3ladder C annel= At t e earD in t e depression (etween t e mastoid process and t e mandi(leD (e ind

t e earlo(e= *314 L /i &ai *riple 3urner L 14 Spasm 5essel= :n t e mastoid (oneD posterior to t e earD at t e Bunction o$ t e lower and middle t ird o$ t e curve t at connects *E 1) at t e earlo(e and *E %9 at t e ape' o$ t e ear= *31" L 8u Xi *riple 3urner L 1" S-ullOs Rest= :n t e mastoid (oneD posterior to t e earD at t e Bunction o$ t e middle and upper t ird o$ t e curve t at connects *E 1) at t e earlo(e and *E %9 at t e ape' o$ t e ear= *3%9 L Jiao Sun *riple 3urner L %9 An0le 5erte'= &eetin0 !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel wit t e Small Intestine and #all 3ladder C annels= In t e temporal re0ionD wit in t e airlineD superior to t e ape' o$ t e ear= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *3%1 L Er &en *riple 3urner L %1 Ear #ate= Anterior to t e earD in t e depression anterior to t e supratra0ic notc and posterior to t e mandi(ular cond+loid process w en t e mout is open= *3%% L 6e 8iao *riple 3urner L %% 6armon+ 3one 6ole= &eetin0 !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel wit t e Small Intestine and #all 3ladder C annels= Anterior to t e earD on t e airlineD level wit t e lateral cant us o$ t e e+e= *3%, L Si H u 7on0 *riple 3urner L %, Sil- 3am(oo 6ole= In t e depression at t e lateral end o$ t e e+e(row= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 C inese Name and Acupuncture !oint 8ocation Alp a(etical :rder 3ai 6uan S u 38,9 3ai 6ui #5%9 3ao 6uan0 385,

3en S en #31, 3i #uan S*,1 3i Nao 8I1. 3in0 Fen0 SI1% 3u 8an0 7I%% 3u Ron0 S*1" C an0 /ian0 #51 C en0 Fu 38,6 C en0 #uan0 386 C en0 Jian0 C5%. C en0 Jin 3856 C en0 8in0 #314 C en0 &an S*%9 C en0 /i S*1 C en0 S an 385) C i He 8A5 C on0 &en S!1% C on0 1an0 S*.% Ci 8iao 38,% Da 3ao S!%1 Da C an0 S u 38%5 Da Du S!% Da Dun 8R1 Da 6e 7I1% Da 6en0 S!15 Da Ju S*%) Da 8in0 !C) Da 1in0 S*5 Da H on0 7I. Da H u 3811 Dai &ai #3%6 Dan S u 381" DaI 6ui #51. Di Can0 S*. Di Ji S!4 Di ;u 6ui #3.% Du 3i S*,5 Du S u 3816 Dui Duan #5%) Er Jian 8I% Er &en *3%1 Fei S u 381, Fei 1an0 3854 Fen0 C i #3%9 Fen0 Fu #516 Fen0 8on0 S*.9 Fen0 &en 381% Fen0 S i #3,1 Fu Ai S!16

Fu 3ai #319 Fu Fen 38.1 Fu Jie S!1. Fu 8iu 7I) Fu S e S!1, Fu *u 8I14 Fu *u S*,% Fu Xi 38,4 Fu 1an0 385" #an S u 3814 #ao 6uan S u 38., #e #uan 38.6 #e S u 381) #on0 Sun S!. #uan C on0 *31 #uan &en S*%% #uan 1uan C5. #uan 1uan S u 38%6 #uan0 &in0 #3,) #ui 8ai S*%" 6an 1an #3. 6e #u 8I. 6e 8iao 8I1" 6e 8iao *3%% 6en0 #u 7I11 6e+ 1n0 3855 6ou Din0 #51" 6ou Xi SI, 6ua #ai C5%9 6ua Rou &en S*%. 6uan S u 7I16 6uan *iao #3,9 6uan0 &en 3851 6ui 1an0 38,5 6ui 1in C51 6ui Hon0 *3) 6un &en 38.) Ji &ai 8R1% Ji &en S!11 Ji /uan 6E1 Ji H on0 #56 Jia C e S*6 Jia Xi #3., Jian Jin0 #3%1 Jian 8i C511 Jian 8iao *31. Jian S i !C5 Jian ;ai S u SI1. Jian 1u 8I15

Jian H en SI" Jian H on0 H u SI15 Jiao Sun *3%9 Jiao Xin 7I4 Jie Xi S*.1 Jin &en 386, Jin Suo #54 Jin0 #u 386. Jin0 &en #3%5 Jin0 &in0 381 Jin0 /u 8A4 Jiu ;ei C515 Ju #u 8I16 Ju 8iao #3%" Ju 8iao S*, Ju /ue C51. Jue 1in S u 381. 7on0 Hui 8A6 7u Fan0 S*1. 7un 8un 3869 8ao #on0 !C4 8i Dui S*.5 8i #ou 8R5 8ian /uan C5%, 8ian0 &en S*%1 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8ian0 /iu S*,. 8ie /ue 8A) 8in0 Dao 6E. 8in0 *ai #519 8in0 Xu 7I%. 8ou #u S!) 8u Xi *31" 8uo /ue 384 &ei C on0 38, &in0 &en #5. &u C uan0 #316 Nao 6u #51) Nao 6ui *31, Nao 7on0 #31" Nao S u SI19 Nei #uan !C6 Nei *in0 S*.. !an0 #uan0 S u 38%4 !i S u 38%9 !ian 8i 8I6 !o 6u 38.% !u Can 3861 /i C on0 S*,9

/i 6ai C56 /i 6ai S u 38%. /i 6u S*1, /i &ai *314 /i &en 8R1. /i S e S*11 /i Xue 7I1, /ian Din0 #5%1 /ian #u SI% /ian0 Jian #514 /in0 8en0 1uan *311 /in0 8in0 6E% /iu Xu #3.9 /u 3in #3) /u C ai 38. /u C i 8I11 /u #u C5% /u /uan 8R4 /u 1aun SI1, /u He !C, /uan 8iao SI14 /ue !en S*1% Ran #u 7I% Ren 1in0 S*" Ri 1ue #3%. Ru #en S*14 Ru H on0 S*1) San Jian 8I, San Jiao S u 38%% San 1an0 8uo *34 San 1in Jiao S!6 S an #uan C51, S an H on0 C51) S an0 #uan #3, S an0 Ju Xu S*,) S an0 8ian 8I" S an0 8iao 38,1 S an0 /u 7I1) S an0 /ui S!5 S an0 Xin0 #5%, S an0 1an0 8I1 S ao C on0 6E" S ao Fu 6E4 S ao 6ai 6E, S ao S an0 8A11 S ao He SI1 S en Can0 7I%5 S en Dao #511 S en Fen0 7I%,

S en &ai 386% S en &en 6E) S en /ue C54 S en S u 38%, S en *an0 38.. S en *in0 #5%. S en H u #51% S i Dou S!1) S i #uan 7I14 S i &en C55 S ou San 8i 8I19 S ou ;u 8i 8I1, S u Fu 7I%) S u #u 3865 S uai #u #34 S ui Dao S*%4 S ui Fen C5" S ui #ou #5%6 S ui Cuan 7I5 S ui *u S*19 Si 3ai S*% Si Du *3" Si &an 7I1. Si H u 7on0 *3%, Su 8iao #5%5 *ai 3ai S!, *ai C on0 8R, *ai Xi 7I, *ai 1i S*%, *ai 1uan 8A" *ao Dao #51, *ian C i !C1 *ian C on0 #3" *ian C uan0 SI16 *ian Din0 8I1) *ian Fu 8A, *ian Jin0 *319 *ian 8iao *315 *ian /uan !C% *ian Ron0 SI1) *ian S u S*%5 *ian *u C5%% *ian Xi S!14 *ian 1ou *316 *ian H u 3819 *ian Hon0 SI11 *iao 7ou S*,4 *in0 #on0 SI1" *in0 6ui #3%

*on0 #u 3866 *on0 #u 7I%9 *on0 8i 6E5 *on0 *ian 38) *on0 Hi 8iao #31 *ou 8in /i #315 *ou /iao 1in #311 *ou ;ei S*4 ;ai #uan *35 ;ai 8in0 S*%6 ;ai /ui #3,6 ;an #u #31% ;an #u SI. ;ei Can0 3859 ;ei Dao #3%4 ;ei S u 38%1 ;ei 1an0 38," Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1%" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 ;ei H on0 38.9 ;en 8iu 8I) ;u C u 385 ;u S u #3%) ;u 1i S*15 Xi #uan 8R) Xi &en !C. Xi 1an0 #uan #3,, Xia 3ai 8A. Xia #uan C519 Xia #uan S*) Xia Ju Xu S*," Xia 8ian 8I4 Xia 8iao 38,. Xian #u S*., Xiao C an0 S u 38%) Xiao 6ai SI4 Xiao 8uo *31% Xin 6ui #5%% Xin S u 3815 Xin0 Jian 8R% Xion0 Xian0 S!1" Xuan Ji C5%1 Xuan 8i #36 Xuan 8u #35 Xuan S u #55 Xuan H on0 #3," Xue 6ai S!19 1a &en #515 1an0 3ai #31. 1an0 C i *3.

1an0 Fu #3,4 1an0 #an0 38.4 1an0 #u SI5 1an0 Jiao #3,5 1an0 8ao SI6 1an0 8in0 /uan #3,. 1an0 Xi 8I5 1ao S u #5% 1ao 1an0 #uan #5, 1e &en *3% 1i Fen0 *31) 1i S e 38." 1i Xi 38.5 1in 3ai S!1 1in 3ao 8R" 1in Du 7I1" 1in #u 7I19 1in Jiao C5) 1in Jiao #5%4 1in 8ian 8R11 1in 8in0 /uan S!" 1in &en 38,) 1in S i S*,, 1in Xi 6E6 1in0 C uan0 S*16 1in0 Xian0 8I%9 1on0 /uan 7I1 1ou &en 7I%1 1u Ji 8A19 1u *an0 C514 1u H en 38" 1u H on0 7I%6 1uan 1e #3%% 1un &en 8A% Han H u 38% H an0 &en 8R1, H ao 6ai 7I6 H e Jin #3%, H en0 1in0 #31) H i 3ian 385. H i #ou *36 H i S i 385% H i 1an0 #5" H i 1in 386) H i H en0 SI) H on #uan C51% H on0 C on0 !C" H on0 Du #3,% H on0 Du 8R6

H on0 Fen0 8R. H on0 Fu 8A1 H on0 Ji C5, H on0 8iao 38,, H on0 8u S u 38%" H on0 S u #5) H on0 *in0 C516 H on0 H u 7I15 H on0 H u *3, H ou 8iao 8I1% H ou Ron0 S!%9 H u 3in 7I" Hi #on0 C51" Hu 8in /i #3.1 Hu /iao 1in #3.. Hu San 8i S*,6 Hu ;u 8i 8R19 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1,9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1,1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

&iscellaneous Causes o$ Disease

E'cessive Se'ual Activit+M E'cessive se'ual activit+ depletes oneOs vital ener0+= * e (od+ draws on Essence at eBaculation and or0asm= E'cessive se'ual activit+ depends on t e stren0t o$ oneOs Essence w ic reac es a pea- durin0 t e twenties and t en declines slowl+= I$ t e constitution is stron0D more activit+ is possi(le= &enOs eBaculation is more depletin0 t an womenOs or0asmD (ut a woman loses Essence t rou0 t e process o$ c ild(irt = Se'ual activit+ not leadin0 to eBaculation in men is t ou0 t to (e non@detrimental to ealt E'cessive se'ual activit+ is one t at leads to mar-ed $ati0ueD especiall+ i$ accompanied (+ ot er s+mptoms suc as diIIinessD (lurred visionD lower (ac-ac eD wea- -nees and $reCuent urination= Se'ual activit+ s ould (e seriousl+ curtailed i$ t ere is /i or 3lood de$icienc+D or especiall+ in t e presence o$ a wea-ness o$ t e 7idne+s= &en are more a$$ected t an women (+ a 7idne+ wea-ness >womenOs se'ual ener0+ is more related to 3lood t an menOs w ic is more related to Essence?= 8ac- o$ se'ual activities is also considered a disease= 7idne+@EssenceM 7idne+@Essence and 7idne+@ 1in are important $or t e nouris ment o$ t e AterusD and t eir de$icienc+ ma+ cause in$ertilit+ in women= 7idne+@1an0 De$icienc+M 7idne+@1an0 de$icienc+ ma+ lead to a lac- o$ se'ual desire or to an ina(ilit+

to enBo+ se' or reac or0asm= In menD it can lead to impotence and premature eBaculation= 7idne+@1in de$icienc+ ma+ lead to e'cessive se'ual desire t at can never (e satis$ied= * e person ma+ also ave vivid se'ual dreams resultin0 in nocturnal emissions in men and or0asms in women= 8atro0enesisM * is includes t e side e$$ects o$ an+ medical treatmentD and illnesses caused (+ medical treatment= In acupuncture or Asian (od+wor- t erap+D t is is a minor pro(lem onl+D as t e (od+ can readBust itsel$ a$ter a $ew da+sD (ut wit er(al t erap+ t ere is a potential ris-= :ver@E'ertionM * is is a $reCuent pro(lem in t e ;est= Insu$$icient rest over a period o$ mont s or +ears means t at t e (od+ as to draw on Jin0 >:ri0inal Essence? $or additional stren0t = * ere are t ree t+pes o$ overwor-M mental overwor-P p +sical overwor-P e'cessive p +sical e'ercise= ! +sical wor- depletes t e Spleen@/i= Repetitive use o$ muscles ma+ cause localiIed /i or 3lood sta0nation= Irre0ular and e' austin0 e'ercise depletes t e /i= E'cessive li$tin0 can deplete t e 7idne+s and t e lower (ac-D and so does e'cessive standin0= &ental overwor- includes wor-in0 lon0 ours in conditions o$ e'treme stressD eatin0 irre0ular mealsD (ein0 alwa+s in a urr+D over a lon0 period= :vert in-in0 depletes t e SpleenD w ile t e irre0ular diet depletes t e Stomac @/i or Stomac @1in w ic can lead to a 7idne+@1in de$icienc+= E'ercise is 0ood $or t e ealt D (ut not w en done to t e point o$ e' austion= 6oweverD lac- o$ e'ercise also leads to sta0nation o$ /iD and t is can lead to Dampness= 1o0a and *ai C i C uan are 0ood $or t ose de$icient in /i w o do not ave enou0 ener0+ $or more ri0orous e'ercise= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1,. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 !arasites and !oisonsM *reated wit er(al prescriptions= !oor ConstitutionM * e personOs constitutional stren0t depends on t e ealt and a0e o$ t eir parentsD particularl+ at t e time o$ conceptionD (ecause t e c ildOs !re@ 6eaven Essence is $ormed (+ t e $usion o$ t e parental Essences= It also depends especiall+ on t e mot erOs ealt and a0e durin0 t e pre0nanc+= A severe s oc- durin0 pre0nanc+ is also detrimental to t e ealt o$ t e c ild= &an+ c ild ood diseasesD particularl+ w oopin0 cou0 D indicate a wea- constitution= !re@ 6eaven Essence can (e prematurel+ drained t rou0 overwor-D inadeCuate restD alco olD

e'cessive se'ual activit+ or can (e preserved and en anced (+ *ai /i /uanD meditationD (reat in0 e'erciseD and /i #un0= * e constitution determines ow muc /i +ou ave in reserve to com(at an+ stress $actors t at mi0 t undermine +our ealt = Small ears wit s ort ear lo(esD accordin0 to t e C ineseD s ow constitutional wea-nesses= !oor Dietar+ 6a(itM From a C inese point o$ viewD diet can (e un(alanced $rom a Cuantitative and a Cualitative point o$ view= &alnutrition is suc a pro(lemD $ound all over t e world= It seriousl+ wea-ens t e /i and t e 3lood and results in Spleen De$icienc+= It is caused (+ eatin0 $ood wit no calori$ic or nutritive valueD or (+ ad erin0 too strictl+ to $i'ed diets= *r+in0 to loose wei0 t (+ not eatin0 enou0 is also detrimental= :ver@eatin0 also wea-ens t e Spleen and Stomac D and leads to retention o$ Food c aracteriIed (+ a (loated $eelin0 in t e Stomac D (elc in0D nausea and 0astric re$lu' > eart(urn?= E'cessive consumption o$ $ood t at is 6ot or Cold in ener0+ can also (e detrimental= 8ar0e Cuantities o$ coolin0 $ood >$ruitsD $ruit Buice and ice creamD salads? can inBure t e 1an0 o$ t e Spleen= E'cessive consumption o$ sweet $oods and su0ar also (loc-s t e Spleen $unction and leads to Dampness= :il+D $ried and 0reas+ $oodD includin0 deep@$ried $oodD mil-D c eeseD (utterD creamD ice@creamD (ananasD peanutsD $att+ meatsD s ould (e reduced in amountD as it ma+ cause Dampness= E'cessive consumption o$ ot $ood >alco ol and spic+ $ood? s ould (e reduced (+ t ose w o are 1in de$icientD especiall+ o$ t e 8iver and Stomac = It is not onl+ w at one eatsD it is also t e wa+ one eats it= Eatin0 in a urr+D 0oin0 strai0 t (ac- to wor- a$ter eatin0D eatin0 late in t e evenin0D eatin0 in a state o$ emotional tension can lead to Stomac 1in de$icienc+= * e main pro(lem is a li$est+le oneD and t at is w at as to (e c an0ed= RestM *oo little restD and a person cannot trans$orm $ood into 3lood and 3od+ FluidsP too muc restD on t e ot er andD leads to Dampness and Sta0nation= *raumaM *rauma includes p +sical accidents suc as (ro-en (ones and (ruisin0= A sli0 t trauma causes Sta0nation o$ /iD a more serious oneD stasis o$ 3lood= In all casesD it causes painD (ruisin0 and swellin0= It ma+ cause lon0@term sta0nation o$ /i i$ com(ined wit ot er $actors suc as

E'ternal Dampness= S iatsu can elp wit old inBuries (+ increasin0 /i and (lood circulation t at is o$ten (loc-ed w ere t ere is scar tissue= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1,5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 :;<=>?@AB >&iscellaneous Causes o$ Disease? Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1,) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

E'ternal Causes o$ DiseaseM * e Evil !ernicious In$luences

E'ternal causes o$ diseases are o$ a p +sical nature and are due to climatic $actors= * e+ encroac upon t e (od+ $rom t e outside environment= * e+ are also called External Pathogenic Factors, EvilsD or Excesses= Evils can penetrate t e (od+ w en t e weat er is unseasona(l+ e'cessive or w en t e De$ensive /i is wea- and t e+ cause an im(alance= I$ our de$ensive s+stem is stron0D it simpl+ repels t e invasion or adBusts to t e sudden c an0esP i$ t e de$ensive s+stem is wea- or t e Evil unusuall+ stron0D an illness develops and ma+ 0o pro0ressivel+ deeper in t e (od+= Asuall+ t ere is an aversion to t e Evil one is a$$ected (+= Evils can appear in com(ination or alone= An Evil descri(es (ot t e cause o$ t e condition and t e condition= ; en a patient is descri(ed as su$$erin0 $rom ;ind 6eatD it does not necessaril+ mean t at it was caused (+ ;ind or 6eat= It is t e wa+ t e (od+ reacts and a description o$ s+mptoms= 6oweverD Evils tend to (e a predominant cause or a00ravation o$ a disease in t eir related seasons= An Evil can penetrate eit er via t e mout D t e nose or t e s-in= 6eat invades more readil+ (+ t e nose and mout =

ColdM E'ternal cold can penetrate t e (od+ o$ t ose

w o live or wor- in cold conditions or cannot dress properl+= It causes /i sta0nation and results in contraction o$ muscles and BointsD crampin0 pain and water+ disc ar0e= DampnessM E'posure to damp weat erD wearin0 wet clot esD a umid environment can cause E'ternal Dampness to invade= It o$ten com(ines wit 6eat and Cold= Dr+nessM Dr+ness attac-s are usuall+ limited to t e respirator+ tract or t e s-in= FireESummer 6eatM E'ternal 6eat can penetrate t e (od+ o$ t ose w o live or wor-

in ot conditionsD and it ma+ com(ine wit e'ternal pat o0enic $actors suc as ;ind or

;indM * is term usuall+ su00ests a pattern o$ dis armon+ rat er t an a climatic $actor= It can appear in an+ season and it can com(ine wit an+ ot er evil= Some people 0et necpro(lems $rom e'posure to ;indD and t e presence o$ ;ind can worsen t e impact o$ t e ot er climatic $actors= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1,4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1," Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

The Formula Flow Chart below is to help the students determine the right way of diagnosis proper remedy. You can also call it Point ndications.
Formula Flow C art
!econdary Problem "lphabeti#ed Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia FinalM A(dominal Distention 381" = Dan S uD C51, = S an #uanD 8R% = Xin0 JianD S!6 = San 1in JiaoD S*,6 = Hu San 8i Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia FinalM A(dominal Fullness !C6 = Nei #uan Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final A(dominal !ain !C6 = Nei #uan Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final A0itation #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD !C, = /u HeD !C5 = Jian S i

Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final An-le Conditions 386% = S en &ai Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final An'iet+ 6E1 = Ji /uan Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Arm Contraction !C6 = Nei #uan Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Arm !ain 6E5 = *on0 8iD !C% = *ian /uanD !C, = /u HeD !C6 = Nei #uanD *319 = *ian Jin0D *3% = 1e &en Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Cardiac Arr +t mia 3815 = Xin S uD 6E5 = *on0 8i Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Cardiac Conditions 3815 = Xin S uD 6E4 = S ao FuD !C) = Da 8in0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Cardiac !ain C51. = Ju /ueD 6E) = S en &enD 6E4 = S ao FuD !C) = Da 8in0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Cou0 6E5 = *on0 8i Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Depression 6E) = S en &enD 8R5 = 8i #ou Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Dream Distur(ed Sleep 6E) = S en &en

Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final E+e Disorders 386. = Jin0 #u Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Fri0 t !alpitations #511 = S en DaoD #5%. = S en *in0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1.9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final Nausea 7I%6 = 1u H on0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final !alpitations 381. = Jue 1in S uD C515 = Jiu ;eiD 6E6 = 1in XiD 6E" = S ao C on0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final !osterior S oulder !ain !C% = *ian /uan Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M Arr +t mia Final !oundin0 :$ * e 6eart 6E" = S ao C on0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM A(dominal !ain #5%6 = S ui #ouD 8I11 = /u C iD 8I. = 6e #uD 8R, = *ai C on0D S!6 = San 1in JiaoD S*,6 = Hu San 8iD *35 = ;ai #uan Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM A0itation 8R% = Xin0 Jian Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM Amenorr ea S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM Anal !rolapse #5%9 = 3ai 6ui Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM An0er

!C4 = 8ao #on0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM Arm &otor Impairment 8I15 = Jian 1u Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM Ast ma #51. = DaI 6uiD 8I14 = Fu *uD !C6 = Nei #uanD S*" = Ren 1in0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM 3ac- !ain #3%9 = Fen0 C i Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM 3itter *aste #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM Cardiac !ain !C" = H on0 C on0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM C est !ain #3., = Jia Xi Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM Constipation 7I1 = 1on0 /uan Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM Cou0 8A) = 8ie /ueD S*" = Ren 1in0 Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM Dea$ness #5%9 = 3ai 6ui Circulation !ro(lems Secondar+M 3lood !ressure FinalM 6+potension #5%5 = Su 8iao Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1.1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est

FinalM A(dominal Distention 38%) = Xiao C an0 S uD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM A(dominal !ain 8A19 = 1u JiD SI1" = *in0 #on0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM Amenorr ea S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM Arm !ain 8A5 = C i HeD SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM 3elow 6eart Distention And Fullness 8I1, = S ou ;u 8i /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM 3reast Swellin0 SI1 = S ao He /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM Cardiac Arr +t mia !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM Cou0 8A11 = S ao S an0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM DiIIiness 38, = &ei C on0D 38. = /u C ai /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM Fever 8A11 = S ao S an0D 8A4 = Jin0 /uD !C" = H on0 C on0D /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM Fin0er !ain 8A11 = S ao S an0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM A(dominal Distention 381) = #e S uD 38%9 = !i S uD 38%% = San Jiao S uD #3," = Xuan H on0D 7I) = Fu 8iuD

8R1, = H an0 &enD S!1 = 1in 3aiD S!% = Da DuD S!. = #on0 SunD S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM A(dominal !ain 38%9 = !i S uD C5, = H on0 JiD C5. = #uan 1uanD C54 = S en /ueD S!. = #on0 SunD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uanD S*%5 = *ian S uD S*%" = #ui 8aiD S*., = Xian #u /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Aller0ies S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Amenorr ea 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM An0er 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM An-le Conditions #3,4 = 1an0 FuD #3.9 = /iu XuD 8R, = *ai C on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1.% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Ap asia S*. = Di Can0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Appre ension !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Ascites C5" = S ui FenD 8I6 = !ian 8iD S!1) = S i DouD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Ast ma 38%, = S en S uD 8A5 = C i HeD 8A" = *ai

1uanD SI1) = *ian Ron0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM A'illar+ Edema #3%% = 1uan 1e /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM A'illar+ Swellin0 381" = Dan S u /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM 3or(or+0mus 7I) = Fu 8iuD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM 3reast !ain #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Cardiac Conditions !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Cardiac !ain #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM C est Discom$ort #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM CirculationD Secondar+M Edema FinalM C est !ain !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Coma #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Constipation 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM C+stitis 3854 = Fei 1an0D #3%" = Ju 8iao /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Dea$ness

#3%9 = Fen0 C iD #3., = Jia XiD SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Diarr ea 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM D+suria 385% = H i S i /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Edema C511 = Jian 8iD C55 = S i &enD C5" = S ui FenD 8I6 = !ian 8i = S!4 = Di JiD S*%% = #uan &en Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1., Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM E+e Deviation 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Facial And 6ead Edema S*.1 = Jie Xi /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Facial And 8ower C ee- Edema S*5 = Da 1in0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Facial Edema S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Fever SI% = /ian #u /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M Edema FinalM Aterine !rolapse 38,6 = C en0 Fu /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M 6emorr a0e /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M 6emorr a0e FinalM Appetite A(sent 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope

FinalM A(dominal Distention C51% = H on #uan /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM Amenorr ea C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM Anal !rolapse C54 = S en /ue /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM Ast ma C51) = S an H on0D S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM 3itter *aste 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM Cardiac !ain !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM C est Discom$ort C51. = Ju /ue /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM Common Cold 38% = Han H u /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM Dea$ness #515 = 1a &enD 8I1 = S an0 1an0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM Diarr ea S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM DiIIiness 38) = *on0 *ianD #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM D+suria 8R1 = Da Dun Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1.. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope

FinalM Edema #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis 8I1" = 6e 8iaoD 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM 6eadac e 38) = *on0 *ianD !C" = H on0 C on0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM 8oss :$ Consciousness 8A11 = S ao S an0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M S+ncope FinalM S+ncope 6E" = S ao C on0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M *C& /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M *C& FinalM A(dominal Distention 7I15 = H on0 H uD 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M *C& FinalM A(dominal &asses C51, = S an #uanD 8R1, = H an0 &en /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M *C&D FinalM A(dominal !ain S!16 = Fu AiD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3one Disorders 38%, = S en S u /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M *C& FinalM C ild(irt Disorders S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M *C& FinalM Depression 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM CirculationM Secondar+M *C&

FinalM Dr+ *on0ue 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M *C&D FinalM 6eadac e 386% = S en &aiD #3.1 = Hu 8in /iD #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD #5%, = S an0 Xin0D 8I. = 6e #uD 8R4 = /u /uanD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal /uestionM Di0estionM Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM A(dominal Fullness #3," = Xuan H on0 /uestionM Di0estionM Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM A(dominal &asses 3814 = #an S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM 3reast !ain 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM 3reast Swellin0 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM Constipation #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1.5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM DiIIiness S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM Edema 385% = H i S i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM Facial Edema 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM * i0 8ateral Distention 38,4 = Fu Xi /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM *i(ial 3one !ain S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion

Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM A(dominal Discom$ort 38.5 = 1i Xi /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM A(dominal Distention 38%1 = ;ei S uD 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD 38%6 = #uan 1uan S uD 385, = 3ao 6uan0D C519 = Xia #uanD C511 = Jian 8iD C56 = /i 6aiD #3%. = Ri 1ueD #3%5 = Jin0 &enD 7I16 = 6uan S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM A(dominal Distention And Fullness S*%% = #uan &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM A(dominal Distention And !ain 7I%9 = *on0 #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM A(dominal Fullness S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM A(dominal !ain 3816 = Du S uD 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD 38.9 = ;ei H on0D C51% = H on #uanD 7I19 = 1in #uD 8R1, = H an0 &enD S!% = Da DuD S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Aller0ies 8I11 = /u C i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Anuria 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM An'iet+ 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Appetite A(sent S*%5 = *ian S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Ascites 38%% = San Jiao S uD C55 = S i &en

/uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Ast ma 7I, = *ai XiD 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM 3ac- !ain 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM 3eri(eri S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1.6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM 3od+ 6eaviness S!, = *ai 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM 3or(or+0mus C51, = S an #uanD 8R1, = H an0 &enD S*,6 = Hu San 8iD S*., = Xian #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM C est Discom$ort 8A5 = C i He /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Constipation 38,, = H on0 8iaoD C51% = H on #uanD 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Cou0 C51. = Ju /ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Dea$ness *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Diarr ea S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Dream Distur(ed Sleep S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM D+smenorr ea

8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM #enital !ain 8R1 = Da DunD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM 6+po0astric Distention And Fullness *%) = Da Ju /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Indi0estion C51. = Ju /ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM Jaundice C51. = Ju /ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM 8ower A(dominal Disorders S*%6 = ;ai 8in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Distention FinalM *oot ac e 8I) = ;en 8iu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM A(dominal Distention And Fullness S!) = 8ou #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM A(dominal Fullness 3859 = ;ei Can0D #5) = H on0 S uD 8R19 = Hu ;u 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM Amenorr ea C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM An-le Conditions #3," = Xuan H on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1.) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM Ast ma

381) = #e S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM 3or(or+0mus C519 = Xia #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM Constipation 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM Diarr ea 38.9 = ;ei H on0D C51% = H on #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM DiIIiness 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM Dr+ *on0ue 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM #enital Swellin0 S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal Fullness FinalM 6+po0astric Fullness 8R19 = Hu ;u 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal 6ardness /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal 6ardness FinalM A'illar+ Swellin0 #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal 6ardness FinalM Constipation 38,% = Ci 8iao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal 6ardness FinalM Epi0astric 6ardness 3elow * e 6eart 3851 = 6uan0 &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal 6ardness

FinalM Stomac !ain C519 = Xia #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal &asses /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM A(dominal &asses S!1% = C on0 &enD S!1, = Fu S e /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM A(dominal !ain 3814 = #an S uD 38%1 = ;ei S uD 7I1) = S an0 /uD 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM Anuria C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM 3or(or+0mus 38%% = San Jiao S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM Coma !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM Diarr ea 38%9 = !i S uD 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1.4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM A(dominal Cold !ain S!15 = Da 6en0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM A(dominal Discom$ort 38." = 1i S e /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM A(dominal Distention 8I4 = Xia 8ianD S!15 = Da 6en0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM A(dominal &asses C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM A(dominal !ain 3811 = Da H uD 38%) = Xiao C an0 S uD

38,. = Xia 8iaoD 38.4 = 1an0 #an0D C55 = S i &enD #3%6 = Dai &aiD #3%) = ;u S uD 7I16 = 6uan S uD 7I14 = S i #uanD 7I%1 = 1ou &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM A(dominal !ain :r Swellin0 S!1, = Fu S e /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM A(dominal Swellin0 C5) = 1in Jiao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Amenorr ea S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM An-le Conditions 8R. = H on0 Fen0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Appetite A(sent 38%1 = ;ei S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Arm &otor Impairment * 35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Arm !ain 8A6 = 7on0 HuiD !C5 = Jian S iD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Ast ma 38%. = /i 6ai S uD S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM A'illar+ Swellin0 !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 3ac- !ain 3814 = #an S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 3eri(eri S*,) = S an0 Ju Xu

/uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 3one Disorders 381) = #e S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 3or(or+0mus 3816 = Du S uD 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD C54 = S en /ueD S!, = *ai 3aiD S!. = #on0 SunD S*%5 = *ian S uD S*,) = S an0 Ju Xu Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1." Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Cardiac !ain C51, = S an #uanD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ainM FinalM C est Discom$ort 8R1. = /i &enD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM C est 8umps 3814 = #an S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM C est !ain !C6 = Nei #uanD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Constipation 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD S!% = Da DuD S!, = *ai 3aiD S*%5 = *ian S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Dea$ness 38%, = S en S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Diarr ea 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD #3%5 = Jin0 &enD 8R, = *ai C on0D S!. = #on0 SunD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Diarr ea wit Andi0ested Food

S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances C51% = H on #uanD #3%. = Ri 1ueD S!. = #on0 Sun /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM DiIIiness 3814 = #an S uD #3., = Jia XiD 8R, = *ai C on0D 8R4 = /u /uanD SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Dorsal Foot !ain$ul Swellin0 S*., = Xian #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM D+spnea C51% = H on #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM D+suria 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD 7I19 = 1in #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Edema 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Endocrine Disorders 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Epi0astric !ain 3851 = 6uan0 &enD S*%9 = C en0 &an /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM #enital !ain 8R. = H on0 Fen0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM #enital Swellin0 8R1 = Da Dun Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 159 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 6ernia 7I19 = 1in #uD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM Di0estion

Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 6iccou0 S*,. = 8ian0 /iu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 6+po0astric !ain 7I11 = 6en0 #uD 8R1% = Ji &aiD 8R6 = H on0 Du /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Impotence 7I19 = 1in #uD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Intestinal !ain C511 = Jian 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 8oss :$ Consciousness !C" = H on0 C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM 8ower A(dominal !ain #3%4 = ;ei Dao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM &emor+ Impaired C51. = Ju /ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM &enstrual Disorders S!4 = Di Ji /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM !erium(ilical !ain C5) = 1in JiaoD C5" = S ui FenD S!1. = Fu JieD S!16 = Fu Ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM !erium(ilical !ain Acute S*%% = #uan &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M A(dominal !ain FinalM Stomac !ain S*%, = *ai 1i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite

FinalM A0itation 381, = Fei S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Anal !rolapse S*%1 = 8ian0 &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM An-le Conditions S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Appetite A(sent #5" = H i 1an0D 7I1) = S an0 /u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM 3ac- !ain 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM 3od+ Ac es #eneral #3," = Xuan H on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM 3or(or+0mus 38%1 = ;ei S uD C5" = S ui Fen /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Cardiac !ain 7I, = *ai XiD 8R1, = H an0 &en Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 151 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM C est !ain 38%1 = ;ei S uD8R1. = /i &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Constipation S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Cou0 381) = #e S uD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Diarr ea 38%, = S en S uD S!% = Da DuD S!, = *ai 3aiD S*%5 = *ian S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite

FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM D+smenorr ea C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM D+suria 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD 8R4 = /u /uanD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Edema 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM El(ow !ro(lems *31 = #uan C on0D *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Di0estionM Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Endometriosis S!. = #on0 Sun /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM E+elid Spasm S*. = Di Can0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Fever 386. = Jin0 #uD S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM #astric Alcer C51% = H on #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM 6ernia !ain 8R. = H on0 Fen0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM Jaundice 8R. = H on0 Fen0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM No Appetite 7I%. = 8in0 XuD S!4 = Di JiD S*1" = 3u Ron0D

S*%9 = C en0 &anD S*%% = #uan &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM No Desire *o Eat #5) = H on0 S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM No !leasure In Eatin0 38.4 = 1an0 #an0D C519 = Xia #uanD C511 = Jian 8iD 7I%% = 3u 8an0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Appetite FinalM No !leasure In Eatin0 ;it A(dominal Distention S*.% = C on0 1an0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 15% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Appetite A(sent S*%1 = 8ian0 &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Appetite E'cessive S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Ast ma #5" = H i 1an0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM 3or(or+0mus 38.4 = 1an0 #an0D 385, = 3ao 6uan0D #3%5 = Jin0 &enD 8I" = S an0 8ianD S!1) = S i DouD S!) = 8ou #uD S*%9 = C en0 &anD S*%% = #uan &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM 3or(or+0mus ;it A(dominal !ain 8I) = ;en 8iu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Cardiac !ain 3816 = Du S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Constipation 38,. = Xia 8iaoD S*.. = Nei *in0

/uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Diarr ea 38%1 = ;ei S uD 38%% = San Jiao S uD C54 = S en /ueD S*,6 = Hu San 8iD S*,) = S an0 Ju Xu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM DiIIiness 38%, = S en S uD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM D+smenorr ea 38,% = Ci 8iao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Edema 7I) = Fu 8iuD S!, = *ai 3aiD S*%5 = *ian S uD S*., = Xian #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM El(ow !ro(lems !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM E+e Disorders 8I, = San JianD 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 C51, = S an #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders Acute S!, = *ai 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M 3or(or+0mus FinalM Intestinal Disorders 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD S!. = #on0 Sun Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 15, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM A(dominal !ain C56 = /i 6aiD S!15 = Da 6en0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM Arm !ain

8I11 = /u C iD 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM Arm *remor !C, = /u He /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM Constipation 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM Diarr ea C5. = #uan 1uanD S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances 38%% = San Jiao S uD 7I1. = Si &anD S*,) = S an0 Ju Xu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM D+senteric Disorder 38%" = H on0 8u S uD 38,5 = 6ui 1an0D S!16 = Fu AiD S!4 = Di JiD S*," = Xia Ju Xu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM Edema S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders C51% = H on #uanD S*%5 = *ian S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM 6eadac e S!, = *ai 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM 6emiple0ia 38.9 = ;ei H on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM 6emorr a0e C ronic 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder

FinalM Jaundice S!. = #on0 Sun /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M D+senteric Disorder FinalM 8e0 Num(ness 38%5 = Da C an0 S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM A0itation 3815 = Xin S uD !C. = Xi &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Anal !rolapse #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Arm Contraction 6E. = 8in0 Dao Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 15. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Arm &otor Impairment 8I16 = Ju #uD 8I5 = 1an0 Xi /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Arm Num(ness 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Arm !ain 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Arm !aral+sis 8I11 = /u C i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Art ritis S oulder *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Ast ma 381% = Fen0 &enD 381, = Fei S uD C5%% = *ian *uD 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM A'illar+ !ain

*36 = H i #ou /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 3ac- !ain 381, = Fei S uD 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 3ac- Sti$$ness 381, = Fei S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 3itter *aste 381" = Dan S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 3one Disorders 381" = Dan S uD #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 3or(or+0mus S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Cardiac !ain 3815 = Xin S uD 8A19 = 1u JiD !C, = /u HeD !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM C est Discom$ort C51) = S an H on0D 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM C est !ain #3.9 = /iu XuD 8A19 = 1u JiD 8A" = *ai 1uanD !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Constipation 38,1 = S an0 8iao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Cou0 38., = #ao 6uan S uD 8A5 = C i He /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood 8A5 = C i He /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis

FinalM Dea$ness SI1) = *ian Ron0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Depression 6E5 = *on0 8i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 155 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Diarr ea #3%" = Ju 8iaoD 8R1, = H an0 &enD 8R1. = /i &enD S*%1 = 8ian0 &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM DiIIiness 38%% = San Jiao S uD S*,6 = Hu San 8iD S*4 = *ou ;eiD S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM D+smenorr ea C5. = #uan 1uanD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM D+suria 8R% = Xin0 JianD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Edema 38%1 = ;ei S uD 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Edema 8ower 3od+ S!% = Da Du /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM El(ow !ro(lems !C, = /u HeD !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Eructations 381) = #e S uD !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM E+e Disorders

3814 = #an S uD *31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM E+es 1ellow 6E) = S en &enD !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Facial Edema #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Fear !C5 = Jian S iD !C) = Da 8in0D !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Fever 381) = #e S uD !C6 = Nei #uanD !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Fever *idal 381) = #e S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Foot Cold 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM #astric Disorders 38%1 = ;ei S uD 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders 38%1 = ;ei S uD C51, = S an #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM #enital !ain 385% = H i S iD 8R, = *ai C on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 156 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM #enital !enis !ain 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 6eadac e 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Di0estion

Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 6eadac e &i0raine !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 6eadac e 5erte' #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 6ematuria S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 6emorr oids 38.9 = ;ei H on0D S!, = *ai 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 6ernia 7I" = H u 3in /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 6iccou0 38.6 = #e #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain 38%1 = ;ei S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Indi0estion C51% = H on #uanD C51, = S an #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM In$ertilit+ S*%5 = *ian S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Intestinal Disorders 38%9 = !i S uD C51% = H on #uanD S*%5 = *ian S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Jaundice 38%9 = !i S uD C51% = H on #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM &enses Irre0ular S!. = #on0 Sun /uestionM Di0estion

Secondar+M Emesis FinalM &ental Disorders C51. = Ju /ueD 8A11 = S ao S an0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Nausea C51. = Ju /ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Nausea And 5omitin0 C519 = Xia #uanD S*%. = 6ua Rou &enD *31" = 8u Xi /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM !alm 6eat !C" = H on0 C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Retc in0 8A. = Xia 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Sadness 7I1) = S an0 /u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 15) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM Stomac !ain S*%. = 6ua Rou &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM * roat Disorders C5%, = 8ian /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 5omitin0 38.6 = #e #uanD 38.) = 6un &enD 38." = 1i S eD C514 = 1u *an0D #3%, = H e JinD #3%. = Ri 1ueD 7I16 = 6uan S uD 7I14 = S i #uanD 7I%9 = *on0 #uD 7I%1 = 1ou &enD /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Emesis FinalM 5omitin0 3lood 8I1, = S ou ;u 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM C est !ain

8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM Cou0 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM D+suria C5. = #uan 1uanD 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM Edema 8ower 3od+ S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM Eructations 38.6 = #e #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM E+e Disorders S*., = Xian #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM Fever S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM Flatulence S!) = 8ou #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM 6alitosis !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Eructation FinalM 6iccou0 381) = #e S uD 7I14 = S i #uanD !C6 = Nei #uanD S!14 = *ian XiD S*1, = /i 6u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Ast ma C5%1 = Xuan Ji /uestionM Di0estion

Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM C est Discom$ort 381" = Dan S uD C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM C est !ain C51) = S an H on0D 8A1 = H on0 Fu Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 154 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM C ills 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Cou0 C51) = S an H on0D C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood 38., = #ao 6uan S uD C51) = S an H on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances 8R1, = H an0 &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM D+sp a0ia 38.6 = #e #uanD 38.4 = 1an0 #an0D 38." = 1i S eD C51" = Hi #on0D C5%9 = 6ua #ai S!%9 = H ou Ron0D S*%9 = C en0 &an /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM D+spnea #3.9 = /iu XuD S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Edema 38%% = San Jiao S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Esop a0eal Constriction C516 = H on0 *in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM #astric Re$lu' C515 = Jiu ;ei /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM #astroesop a0eal Re$lu' C5" = S ui FenD #3%, = H e JinD #3%. = Ri

1ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders 38%% = San Jiao S uD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM 6iccou0 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Ina(ilit+ *o Swallow Food !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Indi0estion 38%1 = ;ei S uD S*,. = 8ian0 /iu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Jaundice C51, = S an #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM &enorr a0ia S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM &enses Irre0ular S*%5 = *ian S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM &ental Disorders C51% = H on #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Nausea 38%1 = ;ei S uD C51% = H on #uanD C51, = S an #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM !alpitations C51. = Ju /ue Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 15" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM !erspiration At Ni0 t 381) = #e S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal

FinalM Respirator+ Disorders C516 = H on0 *in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM SeiIures C51. = Ju /ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM S-in Disorders 8I1) = *ian Din0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM Swallowin0 Di$$icult 381) = #e S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M #astroesop a0eal FinalM * roat Disorders 381) = #e S uD C51. = Ju /ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM Ast ma SI15 = Jian H on0 H u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM 3one Disorders 381, = Fei S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM Cou0 7I, = *ai XiD 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood 7I% = Ran #uD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM D+spnea C5%% = *ian *uD 8A5 = C i He /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM E'cessive !roduction :$ ;ater+ Saliva C5%, = 8ian /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM E+e Deviation C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva

FinalM #astric Disorders 3814 = #an S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM 6+persalivation 7I14 = S i #uanD 7I%1 = 1ou &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain 6E) = S en &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM Saliva 8i-e ; ite #lue C51" = Hi #on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM Articaria 381) = #e S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M Saliva FinalM 5omitin0 C51. = Ju /ue Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 169 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM A'illar+ !ain #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM 3itter *aste #311 = *ou /iao 1in /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM C est !ain 381" = Dan S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM E+e Disorders 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM Fever SI. = ;an #uD *31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM #astric Disorders #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan

/uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM 6eadac e 38%% = San Jiao S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM 6emiple0ia #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *aste FinalM 6ernia !ain 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM A(dominal Distention 7I15 = H on0 H uD 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM A(dominal !ain S!16 = Fu AiD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM A0itation 381. = Jue 1in S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arm !aral+sis 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3ac- !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD #519 = 8in0 *aiD #51% = S en H uD #5" = H i 1an0D *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3eri(eri S*,% = Fu *u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3reast !ain S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Cardiac !ain C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C&

FinalM C est Discom$ort C5%1 = Xuan Ji Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 161 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM C est !ain #5" = H i 1an0D 6E4 = S ao FuD S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Constipation S!15 = Da 6en0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Cou0 #3," = Xuan H on0D #51. = DaI 6uiD 8A1 = H on0 FuD 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Diarr ea 38%6 = #uan 1uan S uD S!1. = Fu Jie /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances C54 = S en /ueD C5" = S ui FenD C5" = S ui FenD S*1" = 3u Ron0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM D+spnea 381% = Fen0 &enD 381, = Fei S uD 3815 = Xin S uD #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 7I. = Da H on0D 8A4 = Jin0 /uD 8A" = *ai 1uanD /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM D+suria 38,% = Ci 8iaoD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M *C& FinalM EcIema #51. = DaI 6uiD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Edema 38%, = S en S uD C5, = H on0 JiD 8R1, = H an0 &en

/uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Edema 8ower 3od+ S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM EBaculation !remature 38%, = S en S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Endometriosis 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S uD 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis 8I% = Er JianD S*5 = Da 1in0D *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fever 381% = Fen0 &enD 381" = Dan S uD 8A19 = 1u JiD !C5 = Jian S iD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM #enital Itc in0 C5, = H on0 JiD 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM #enital !ain C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM #oiter C5%% = *ian *uD 8I16 = Ju #u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM #+necolo0ical Disorders S!1% = C on0 &en Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 16% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6ematuria 38%, = S en S uD C5. = #uan 1uanD 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6emiple0ia #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 7I6 = H ao 6aiD S*,6 = Hu San 8iD S*,) = S an0 Ju Xu /uestionM Di0estion

Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6epato(iliar+ Disorders #3%. = Ri 1ue /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6iccou0 S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+pertension #51. = DaI 6uiD S!6 = San 1in JiaoD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3," = Xuan H on0D 8R1, = H an0 &enD 8R1. = /i &enD !C6 = Nei #uanD *319 = *ian Jin0D /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+steria #51% = S en H uD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM In$ertilit+ C5. = #uan 1uanD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Insomnia 8R% = Xin0 JianD !C. = Xi &enD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Intestinal Disorders C5. = #uan 1uanD S!, = *ai 3aiD S*,) = S an0 Ju Xu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8um(ar !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD 38%, = S en S uD 386. = Jin0 #uD #3,1 = Fen0 S iD 8R1, = H an0 &enD S*,9 = /i C on0D S*,1 = 3i #uanD /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM &emor+ Impaired 38., = #ao 6uan S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM &enses Irre0ular

38%, = S en S uD C5. = #uan 1uanD 7I, = *ai XiD S*,9 = /i C on0D /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM &ental Disorders #51. = DaI 6uiD 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD !C5 = Jian S iD S!. = #on0 SunD *319 = *ian Jin0D /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Neurast enia C51% = H on #uanD 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM !eritonitis S*%5 = *ian S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM SeiIures 386% = S en &aiD 386. = Jin0 #uD C51, = S an #uanD #515 = 1a &enD 6E, = S ao 6aiD 8I16 = Ju #uD 8R% = Xin0 JianD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 16, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Stomac Dilated C51, = S an #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Stomac !ain 38%1 = ;ei S uD C51% = H on #uanD S*,. = 8ian0 /iu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Stool ;it Andi0ested Food 38%1 = ;ei S u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5isual DiIIiness #51" = 6ou Din0D #5%. = S en *in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5omitin0 ;it Aprisin0 /i C51" = Hi #on0 Emotions /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM A0itation #51% = S en H uD S*%, = *ai 1i

/uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM A0itation And Fullness 3elow * e 6eart 7I%1 = 1ou &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Arm Cold 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM 3one Disorders #51, = *ao Dao /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Cardiac !ain 381. = Jue 1in S uD !C. = Xi &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM C ills And Fever 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Constipation S!5 = S an0 /uiD S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM D+suria 6E4 = S ao Fu /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Fear !C, = /u He /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Fever !C, = /u HeD S!% = Da Du /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 SI. = ;an #u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Foot Cold 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM 6eadac e #3," = Xuan H on0

/uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM 6eadac e &i0raine #3," = Xuan H on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 16. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM 6emorr oids #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM 6+steria !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Insomnia !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM Jaundice !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M A0itation FinalM &ental Disorders !C4 = 8ao #on0D S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM An0erD FearD Fri0 tD An appiness 7I. = Da H on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM DiIIiness 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM 6eadac e 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM 6emiple0ia

#3," = Xuan H on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain 3814 = #an S u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM Indi0estion S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM Jaundice 8R1, = H an0 &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM 8e0 !ain &edial 7I" = H u 3in /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M An0er FinalM &out Alcers !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Aversion /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Aversion FinalM Dorsal Foot !ain$ul Swellin0 S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Aversion FinalM Esop a0eal Disorders C515 = Jiu ;ei Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 165 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Ap asia From Stro-e 386% = S en &ai /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Arm &otor Impairment #3%1 = Jian Jin0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Arm !ain

SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM C est !ain !C. = Xi &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Cou0 3815 = Xin S uD S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Dea$ness 8I5 = 1an0 Xi /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Diarr ea S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM DiIIiness #5%, = S an0 Xin0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM E+e Deviation #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Facial Edema C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Fear 6E5 = *on0 8iD 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Fever And C ills #515 = 1a &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Fever *idal 386. = Jin0 #u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Foot !ain S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM 6+steria 6E) = S en &en

/uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Intestinal Disorders S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Jaundice 3814 = #an S u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM 7nee Disorders 7I19 = 1in #u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM &ania S*%, = *ai 1iD S*%. = 6ua Rou &enD S*.% = C on0 1an0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 166 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM &ania And Depression 3865 = S u #uD 384 = 8uo /ueD C51 = 6ui 1inD #514 = /ian0 JianD #5%) = Dui DuanD 6E" = S ao C on0D SI) = H i H en0D S*.5 = 8i Dui /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM &enses Irre0ular 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM &ental Disorders 7I" = H u 3in /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Nose(leed !C4 = 8ao #on0D S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Respirator+ Disorders SI16 = *ian C uan0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM SeiIures S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Stomac !ain S!. = #on0 Sun

/uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM Arine DarC51% = H on #uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Depression FinalM 5omitin0 381) = #e S u Emotions Secondar+M Disorientation /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Disorientation FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Disorientation FinalM Dea$ness #3% = *in0 6ui /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Disorientation FinalM Disorientation #511 = S en Dao /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Disorientation FinalM Disorientation And For0et$ulness 8A, = *ian Fu /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Disorientation FinalM 6+pertension #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Disorientation FinalM Insomnia 6E) = S en &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M E'cessive * in-in0 FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Emotions FinalM A(dominal !ain /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM A(dominal !ain #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood !C. = Xi &en Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 16) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

/uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM C+stitis 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Dea$ness Sudden *3% = 1e &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Diarr ea 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Edema S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM E+e Disorders 8I5 = 1an0 XiD *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Fear And Fri0 t #3" = *ian C on0D SI) = H i H en0D *31" = 8u Xi /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Fever 8I% = Er Jian /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Fi$t Di0it Disorders 6E4 = S ao Fu /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Fin0er In$lammation 8I, = San Jian /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders Acute !C, = /u He /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM #enital Itc in0 6E4 = S ao FuD 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 6eadac e 386. = Jin0 #u

/uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 6eadac e 5erte' 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 6emiple0ia #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 6emorr a0e !ostpartum C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 6ernia C5. = #uan 1uanD 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 6ernia !ain 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 6+pertension 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Insomnia 7I6 = H ao 6aiD !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM Irrita(le 6E) = S en &en Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 164 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 7nee Disorders S*,. = 8ian0 /iu /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM 8iver Disorders 8R1, = H an0 &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM &alaria !C5 = Jian S iD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM !erspiration E'cessive in !alms !C4 = 8ao #on0

/uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Fear FinalM SeiIures 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Jo+ /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Jo+ FinalM DiIIiness S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Jo+ FinalM Facial Edema #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Jo+ FinalM #rie$ 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Jo+ FinalM 6eadac e 8I5 = 1an0 Xi /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Jo+ FinalM 6emorr oids S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Jo+ FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice 6E) = S en &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Jo+ FinalM 8um(ar !ain 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Ap asia From Stro-e #51% = S en H u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Arm !ain 6E, = S ao 6aiD SI5 = 1an0 #uD *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Art ritis S oulder 8I11 = /u C i /uestionM Emotions

Secondar+M &ania FinalM Ast ma #51% = S en H u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Aversion *o Cold 3819 = *ian H u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM C est Discom$ort 381, = Fei S u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM C est !ain SI1" = *in0 #on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 16" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Clonic Spasm #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Constipation 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Curled *on0ue Ed0es SI1 = S ao He /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Dea$ness *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Depression S*.1 = Jie Xi /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM DiIIiness 38% = Han H uD 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Ear Disorders *3% = 1e &en /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM E+e Disorders 3819 = *ian H uD #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM Emotions

Secondar+M &ania FinalM Fri0 t &ania 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM 6eat Stro-e 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM 6emorr oids #3," = Xuan H on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Iliac Re0ion !ain S*,% = Fu *u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Jaw Disorders #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM &ania 385 = ;u C uD 3861 = !u CanD #3" = *ian C on0D #516 = Fen0 FuD #51" = 6ou Din0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM &ania And Depression C515 = Jiu ;ei /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM &emor+ Impaired !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM &enses Irre0ular !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM &ental Disorders 7I19 = 1in #uD !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM Nose(leed 8A11 = S ao S an0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M &ania FinalM !elvic !ro(lems 7I" = H u 3in Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1)9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

/uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM SeiIures 6E) = S en &enD !C5 = Jian S iD !C4 = 8ao #on0D S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Arm !ain 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Cardiac !ain 6E. = 8in0 Dao /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Depression 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Diarr ea S!15 = Da 6en0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM DiIIiness #51, = *ao Dao /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM D+spnea 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM El(ow !ro(lems 8A5 = C i He /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Fever *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Jaundice S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness

FinalM 8eu-orr ea 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice Sudden 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM &emor+ Impaired #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD 6E) = S en &en /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM &enses Irre0ular !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM &ental Disorders #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM !alm 6eat !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM !alpitations !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Sadness #511 = S en DaoD 8A, = *ian Fu Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1)1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Sadness And An'iet+ SI) = H i H en0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM S-in Disorders !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M Sadness FinalM Stool ;it 3lood S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM A0itation And 6eat :$ * e 6ands And Feet #311 = *ou /iao 1in /uestionM Emotions

Secondar+M *C& FinalM An0er InBurin0 * e 8iver #54 = Jin Suo /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM Dea$ness #3.. = Hu /iao 1inD 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM DiIIiness 386% = S en &aiD #31) = H en0 1in0D #31" = Nao 7on0D #51) = Nao 6uD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM D+spnea 381% = Fen0 &enD 381, = Fei S uD 3815 = Xin S uD #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 7I. = Da H on0D 8A4 = Jin0 /uD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fever 381% = Fen0 &enD 381" = Dan S uD 8A19 = 1u JiD !C5 = Jian S iD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM #roin Itc es 6E4 = S ao Fu /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6eadac e Frontal 38. = /u C ai /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3," = Xuan H on0D 8R1, = H an0 &enD 8R1. = /i &enD !C6 = Nei #uanD *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+po0astric !ain *wistin0 C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM 7nee Disorders S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8um(ar !ain

381% = Fen0 &enD 38%, = S en S uD 386. = Jin0 #uD #3,1 = Fen0 S iD 8R1, = H an0 &enD S*,9 = /i C on0D S*,1 = 3i #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM &ental Disorders #51. = DaI 6uiD 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD !C5 = Jian S iD S!. = #on0 SunD *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM S-in Disorders 6E1 = Ji /uanD 8I1, = S ou ;u 8iD 8I15 = Jian 1uD !C) = Da 8in0D S*.. = Nei *in0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1)% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Emotions /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5omitin0 C51% = H on #uanD C51, = S an #uanD C5%% = *ian *uD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uanD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *imid FinalM ;orr+ #511 = S en Dao /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M ;orr+ FinalM #enital !ain 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M ;orr+ FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM Art ritis 3811 = Da H u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM C est !ain 381, = Fei S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM Cou0 381% = Fen0 &en /uestionM FeverEC ills

Secondar+M C ills FinalM Dea$ness SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM DiIIiness #31. = 1an0 3ai /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM D+spnea SI1 = S ao He /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM E+e Disorders 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM E+es 1ellow 381" = Dan S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis S*, = Ju 8iao /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM Facial !ain S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM Fever 8A5 = C i He /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM Fever *idal 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM #rie$ 38.% = !o 6u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM 6eadac e 3854 = Fei 1an0D 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM 6+steria 6E4 = S ao Fu Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1), Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM FeverEC ills

Secondar+M C ills FinalM &ental Disorders 6E) = S en &en /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM Nose(leed 8I% = Er Jian /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM !ostpartum A(dominal !ain 7I1. = Si &an /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M C ills FinalM 5omitin0 3lood 381) = #e S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Ap asia From Stro-e *34 = San 1an0 8uo /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Arm !ain *3. = 1an0 C i /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Ast ma 8A4 = Jin0 /u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 3ac- 6eaviness *36 = H i #ou /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 3ac- !ain 3819 = *ian H uD 3811 = Da H u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 3reast !ain #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM C est !ain 8A4 = Jin0 /uD *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Cou0 381, = Fei S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever

FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood 381, = Fei S uD 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Dea$ness 8I. = 6e #uD SI5 = 1an0 #uD *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Diarr ea 8I11 = /u C i /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM DiIIiness #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Dream Distur(ed Sleep #3.. = Hu /iao 1in /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Ear Disorders *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM E+e Disorders #5%, = S an0 Xin0D SI1 = S ao HeD SI, = 6ou XiD *3% = 1e &en /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Facial Edema #3., = Jia XiD S*., = Xian #u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1). Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Fever SI) = H i H en0D S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Fever 6i0 8I1 = S an0 1an0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Fever *idal 8A5 = C i He /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Fever ;it A(sence :$ Sweatin0 #36 = Xuan 8i /uestionM FeverEC ills

Secondar+M Fever FinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 S!% = Da Du /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Fin0er Contraction SI. = ;an #u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Fin0er Num(ness SI% = /ian #u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 6and *remor !C, = /u He /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 6eadac e *31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 6emorr oids 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 6ip Joint &o(ilit+ Decreased 38.9 = ;ei H on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 6+pertension 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Impotence C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Indi0estion S!% = Da Du /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Irrita(le *31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 8e0 !ain S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever

FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice *31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 8um(ar !ain 8R. = H on0 Fen0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 8um(ar Spinal !ain 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM &astitis S*,6 = Hu San 8i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1)5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM &ental Disorders !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM &eta(olic Distur(ances !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Nausea !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Nocturnal Emissions 8R. = H on0 Fen0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM SeiIures !C) = Da 8in0D !C" = H on0 C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM S oc!C" = H on0 C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Stomac !ain C51, = S an #uanD S!, = *ai 3ai /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM * roat Constriction 8I% = Er JianD 8I5 = 1an0 Xi /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever

FinalM * roat Soreness 8I5 = 1an0 Xi /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Alcers !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal S!1 = 1in 3ai /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever FinalM 5omitin0 !C4 = 8ao #on0D S!, = *ai 3ai /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Arm &otor Impairment SI19 = Nao S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM A'illar+ Swellin0 #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 3ac- !ain SI15 = Jian H on0 H u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM C est Discom$ort #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Constipation *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Diap ra0m Spasm 3816 = Du S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM DiIIiness SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM D+spnea 8A1 = H on0 Fu Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1)6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills

FinalM El(ow !ro(lems *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Emaciation 38%, = S en S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM E+e Deviation 386% = S en &aiD 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM E+e Disorders #3%9 = Fen0 C iD S*4 = *ou ;ei /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Facial Edema SI1) = *ian Ron0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Fever #51, = *ao DaoD SI1 = S ao HeD SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Fever And C ills SI) = H i H en0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Fever *idal *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Fin0er &ovement In i(ited SI. = ;an #u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Flaccid *on0ue #515 = 1a &en /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM #astric Disorders #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM #enital !ain S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 6and Dorsal In$lammation

8I, = San Jian /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 6eadac e 385" = Fu 1an0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 6ematuria 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 6iccou0 C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 6+pertension #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Indi0estion 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Intestinal Disorders 38%% = San Jiao S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Jaw Disorders #5%6 = S ui #ou Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1)) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 7nee Disorders 38.9 = ;ei H on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 8e0 &uscle ;ea-ness 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM 8e0 !ain 386. = Jin0 #u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM &ental Disorders S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM &out Dr+ness

*31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM Nec- &ovement Restricted SI1. = Jian ;ai S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M Fever And C ills FinalM !arotitis 8A11 = S ao S an0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM 3itter *aste #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM ;indstro-e #515 = 1a &enD !C4 = 8ao #on0 Secondar+M *C& /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Anal !rolapse #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arm &otor Impairment SI" = Jian H en /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Aversion *o ;ind And Cold 3865 = S u #uD #3, = S an0 #uanD #51" = 6ou Din0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Cardiac Conditions #511 = S en Dao /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3ac- !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD #519 = 8in0 *aiD #51% = S en H uD #5" = H i 1an0D *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Cou0 #3," = Xuan H on0D #51. = DaI 6uiD 8A1 = H on0 FuD 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM Dea$ness #3.. = Hu /iao 1inD 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C&

FinalM DiIIiness 386% = S en &aiD #31) = H en0 1in0D #31" = Nao 7on0D #51) = Nao 6uD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM D+spnea 381% = Fen0 &enD 381, = Fei S uD 3815 = Xin S uD #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 7I. = Da H on0D 8A4 = Jin0 /uD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM El(ow !ro(lems 8I11 = /u C i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1)4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM E+e Disorders 38% = Han H uD #31. = 1an0 3aiD *316 = *ian 1ouD *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fever A$ternoon 381, = Fei S u /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fever ;it A(sence :$ Sweatin0 *315 = *ian 8iao /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6eat In * e 3od+ 8i-e Fire 6E" = S ao C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3," = Xuan H on0D 8R1, = H an0 &enD 8R1. = /i &enD !C6 = Nei #uanD *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM In$ertilit+ C5. = #uan 1uanD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Insomnia 8R% = Xin0 JianD !C. = Xi &enD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C&

FinalM Intestinal Disorders C5. = #uan 1uanD S!, = *ai 3aiD S*,) = S an0 Ju Xu /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Jaundice 38%% = San Jiao S uD 38." = 1i S e /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8um(ar !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD 38%, = S en S uD 386. = Jin0 #uD #3,1 = Fen0 S iD 8R1, = H an0 &enD S*,9 = /i C on0D S*,1 = 3i #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM &astitis C51) = S an H on0D 8A5 = C i He /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nasal Con0estion #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD #5%, = S an0 Xin0D 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM !alpitations C51) = S an H on0D !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM S-in Disorders 6E1 = Ji /uanD 8I1, = S ou ;u 8iD 8I15 = Jian 1uD !C) = Da 8in0D S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Sti$$ *on0ue #515 = 1a &enD !C" = H on0 C on0D *31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Stomac Spasms C51, = S an #uan /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3ac- !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD #519 = 8in0 *aiD #51% = S en H uD #5" = H i 1an0D *36 = H i #ou

Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1)" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM DiIIiness 386% = S en &aiD #31) = H en0 1in0D #31" = Nao 7on0D #51) = Nao 6uD *3%, = Si H u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM E+e Disorders 38% = Han H uD #31. = 1an0 3aiD *316 = *ian 1ouD *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM Facial Edema SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis 8I% = Er JianD S*5 = Da 1in0D *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM &enses Irre0ular 38%, = S en S uD C5. = #uan 1uanD 7I, = *ai XiD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM 6earin0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M Ears FinalM 8eu-orr ea C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM Arm !ain SI" = Jian H enD *34 = San 1an0 8uo /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM 3reast Swellin0 #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM Dea$ness #319 = Fu 3aiD #311 = *ou /iao 1inD #3, = S an0 #uanD 8I6 = !ian 8iD SI1" = *in0 #on0 S*) = Xia #uanD *3%1 = Er &enD *3. = 1an0 C iD *35 = ;ai #uanD *3) = 6ui Hon0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM DiIIiness 7I, = *ai XiD *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss

FinalM Dream Distur(ed Sleep *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM Ear Disorders #3% = *in0 6uiD *31) = 1i Fen0D *3%9 = Jiao SunD *3%1 = Er &enD *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM El(ow !ro(lems SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM E+e Deviation S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM E+e Disorders 386% = S en &aiD #3.. = Hu /iao 1inD 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM Facial !ain #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM Fever #3%9 = Fen0 C iD SI5 = 1an0 #uD *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM Fever And C ills ;it out Sweatin0 SI1 = S ao He /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM Fin0er Contraction SI, = 6ou Xi Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 149 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM Fin0er Num(ness 8I1 = S an0 1an0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM #oiter SI1) = *ian Ron0D *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM #um Disorders *3% = 1e &en

/uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM 6and !ain *3% = 1e &en /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM 6eadac e #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM 6earin0 8oss *314 = /i &aiD *31" = 8u Xi /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM S oulder !ain SI16 = *ian C uan0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM * roat Soreness *31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 6earin0 8oss FinalM *innitus 8I5 = 1an0 Xi /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM Ear Disorders #31% = ;an #uD SI1" = *in0 #on0D S*) = Xia #uanD *31" = 8u Xi /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM Ear !ain #311 = *ou /iao 1in /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM El(ow !ro(lems *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM E+e Deviation #3% = *in0 6uiD S*) = Xia #uanD *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM E+e Disorders *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM E+e Redness And Swellin0

*3%9 = Jiao Sun /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM Facial Edema *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis #3% = *in0 6ui /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM Facial !ain *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM Fever *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM Fin0er &ovement In i(ited *3, = H on0 H u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 141 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM 6eadac e #3., = Jia XiD *3% = 1e &enD *3%1 = Er &en /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM Jaw Disorders *3%1 = Er &en /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM 8ip Sti$$ness *3%1 = Er &en /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM *innitus *3%1 = Er &en /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM *oot ac e 8I5 = 1an0 Xi /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M :titis FinalM 5isual Distur(ances SI16 = *ian C uan0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& /uestionM 6earin0

Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fever 381% = Fen0 &enD 381" = Dan S uD 8A19 = 1u JiD !C5 = Jian S iD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fever 6i0 *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6eadac e 386% = S en &aiD #3.1 = Hu 8in /iD #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD #5%, = S an0 Xin0D 8I. = 6e #uD 8R4 = /u /uanD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6ematuria 38%, = S en S uD C5. = #uan 1uanD 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nose(leed #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5isual DiIIiness #51" = 6ou Din0D #5%. = S en *in0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM 3one Disorders #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Cardiac !ain *36 = H i #ou /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM E+e Disorders S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Facial Edema 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis S*) = Xia #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus

FinalM Failure to Disc ar0e !lacenta S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Fever #3.. = Hu /iao 1in Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 14% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Fin0er !ain *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Forearm !ain *3" = Si Du /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM 6eadac e SI1 = S ao HeD SI, = 6ou XiD SI. = ;an #uD *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM 6eadac e 8ateral 386% = S en &ai /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM 6eadac e &idline #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM 6eadac e &i0raine #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM 6emiple0ia #3% = *in0 6ui /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Impotence 38%, = S en S uD 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Intestinal Disorders S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Jaw Disorders 8I1 = S an0 1an0D *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM 6earin0

Secondar+M *innitus FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice *3% = 1e &en /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM &alaria 8I, = San Jian /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM &ental Disorders SI1" = *in0 #on0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Nausea S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Nose(leed SI% = /ian #u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM SeiIures #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM * roat In$ections SI1) = *ian Ron0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM *innitus 384 = 8uo /ueD #319 = Fu 3aiD #311 = *ou /iao 1inD #3, = S an0 #uanD #3. = 6an 1anD #3.% = Di ;u 6uiD !C" = H on0 C on0D *314 = /i &aiD *31" = 8u XiD *3%% = 6e 8iao /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM *oot ac e *3%1 = Er &en /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *innitus FinalM Articaria 8I5 = 1an0 Xi Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 14, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 3one Disorders 3811 = Da H u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM Diarr ea #5. = &in0 &en

/uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM DiIIiness 3819 = *ian H uD #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM Edema 8ower 3od+ S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM E+e Disorders 8I11 = /u C iD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM E+elid Itc in0 #31. = 1an0 3ai /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM E+elid Spasm S*4 = *ou ;ei /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM #oiter S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 6and *remor *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 6eadac e #3.. = Hu /iao 1in /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 6earin0 8oss #3%9 = Fen0 C iD #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 6+pertension 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM Jaundice SI1 = S ao He /uestionM 6earin0

Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 7nee Disorders #3," = Xuan H on0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 8acrimation 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 8iver Disorders 3814 = #an S u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 8e0 !ain 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM &enses Irre0ular 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM &enses !ain$ul C5. = #uan 1uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 14. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM Nausea !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM Neurast enia S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM Nocturnal Emissions 38., = #ao 6uan S u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM S oc#5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM S oulder !ain *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 5erti0o 38, = &ei C on0D 384 = 8uo /ueD 38" = 1u H enD #34 = S uai #uD #516 = Fen0 FuD

#5%% = Xin 6ui /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M 5erti0o FinalM 5erti0o ;it A0itation #514 = /ian0 Jian /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 3ac- !ain 3865 = S u #u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM C est Discom$ort 3811 = Da H u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM C est !ain #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Cou0 8A4 = Jin0 /u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Dorsal Foot !ain$ul Swellin0 #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM D+spnea #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM D+suria 38,1 = S an0 8iao /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM E+e Disorders *3. = 1an0 C i /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Facial Edema #5%, = S an0 Xin0D *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria

FinalM Fear !C. = Xi &en /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Fever 8I11 = /u C i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 145 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Fever And C ills #51, = *ao Dao /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 6eadac e #51, = *ao DaoD #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 6eadac e &i0raine *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 6emiple0ia #3%9 = Fen0 C iD 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 6erpes Hoster #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 6+pertension #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uanD SI. = ;an #u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 6+steria S*., = Xian #u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Insomnia 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 8actation Insu$$icient SI1 = S ao He /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria

FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion Swellin0 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 8e0 Num(ness 38.9 = ;ei H on0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 8eu-orr ea 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 8oss :$ Consciousness 8I1 = S an0 1an0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 8um(ar !ain 3854 = Fei 1an0D SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM &alaria *3% = 1e &en /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM &astitis 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM &enorr a0ia 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM &ental Disorders 386. = Jin0 #uD SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM &out Deviation S*.. = Nei *in0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 146 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Nasal Con0estion 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM !alm 6eat 6E4 = S ao Fu /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria

FinalM !alpitations !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM !arotitis SI% = /ian #u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 8A5 = C i He /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Saliva E'cessive !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Swallowin0 Di$$icult 38%1 = ;ei S u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM * roat In$ections 8A11 = S ao S an0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM * roat Soreness 8I, = San JianD *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM *innitus #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM Arine Retention 8R. = H on0 Fen0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM 5omitin0 S!. = #on0 Sun /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &alaria FinalM ;rist Joint So$t *issue Diseases 8I5 = 1an0 Xi /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &umps /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &umps FinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM In$ection

Secondar+M &umps FinalM 6eadac e *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &umps FinalM Jaw Disorders #3% = *in0 6ui /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &umps FinalM Jaws Clenc ed S*5 = Da 1in0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &umps FinalM &out Deviation *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &umps FinalM SeiIures SI% = /ian #u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M &umps FinalM * roat Soreness 8A11 = S ao S an0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 14) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M *C& /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M *C& FinalM Anal Diseases 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S u /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M *C& FinalM Decreased Ener0+ 7I. = Da H on0 /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M *C& FinalM EcIema #51. = DaI 6uiD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM In$ection Secondar+M *C& FinalM !alm 6eat 6E) = S en &en /uestionM &ind Secondar+M Dementia /uestionM &ind Secondar+M Dementia FinalM Fever 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM &ind Secondar+M Dementia

FinalM !alpitations 6E) = S en &en /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM 3reast Swellin0 #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Car(uncles And Furuncles #51% = S en H u /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Cardiac Conditions #51% = S en H u /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Constipation #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Epileps+ #54 = Jin Suo /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM E+e Disorders 3819 = *ian H uD #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 3819 = *ian H uD SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM 6eadac e S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM 6eadac e Anilateral *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM In$ertilit+ 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Insomnia 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM &ind

Secondar+M &ania FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 144 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM 8ip *remor #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM 8iver Disorders 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM &ania 385 = ;u C uD 3861 = !u CanD #3" = *ian C on0D #516 = Fen0 FuD #51" = 6ou Din0 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM &anic Ravin0 8I6 = !ian 8iD 8I4 = Xia 8ian /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM &enses Earl+ 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Nec- !ain SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM !ancreatitis S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM !aral+sis Due *o ;ind Sto-e S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM !erspiration At Ni0 t 381, = Fei S u /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Reproductive S+stem Disorders S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM SeiIures 6E) = S en &enD !C5 = Jian S iD !C4 = 8ao

#on0D S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Stomac !ain !C5 = Jian S iD !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Stool ;it Andi0ested Food 8R1, = H an0 &en /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM Suicidal *endencies #516 = Fen0 Fu /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM * roat Constriction *3% = 1e &en /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM * roat In$ections !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ania FinalM 5isual DiIIiness #514 = /ian0 Jian /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM A'illar+ !ain 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM Fever 6i0 8I11 = /u C i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 14" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM 6+pertension #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM Irrita(le 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM Jaw Disorders 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM &ind

Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM 8um(ar !ain 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM !erspiration At Ni0 t 38., = #ao 6uan S u /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM !oor &emor+ #511 = S en Dao /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM Rectal !rolapse !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM SeiIures !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM * irst 6E) = S en &en /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM Aterine !rolapse #5%9 = 3ai 6ui /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &emor+ FinalM 5omitin0 !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ind /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ind FinalM Nose(leed S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ind FinalM * roat Dr+ness 6E) = S en &en /uestionM &ind Secondar+M &ind FinalM 5erti0o #5%9 = 3ai 6ui

/uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M *C& FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 3811 = Da H uD 38., = #ao 6uan S uD #519 = 8in0 *aiD #51% = S en H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM A(dominal !ain S*,5 = Du 3i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 3or(or+0mus #5" = H i 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM C ills And Fever wit out Sweatin0 #3,) = #uan0 &in0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1"9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM Constipation 38,6 = C en0 FuD 385. = H i 3ianD C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM Diarr ea 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM D+smenorr ea 38%. = /i 6ai S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM D+suria 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S uD 38,, = H on0 8iao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM Edema #3,9 = 6uan tiao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM E+e Disorders #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis S*. = Di Can0

/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM #enital !ain S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM #oiter 8I11 = /u C i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 6eadac e #3,1 = Fen0 S i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 6ip &ovement In i(ited S!1% = C on0 &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion Swellin0 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM Jaundice #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 7nee Disorders S*,% = Fu *u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8e0 Atrop + 3861 = !u Can /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + 38,) = 1in &enD #3," = Xuan H on0D S*,1 = 3i #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8e0 !ain 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD 38.9 = ;ei H on0D S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis

S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8ower E'tremit+ !ain S*," = Xia Ju Xu Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1"1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8ower E'tremit+ !ain :r !aral+sis S*.1 = Jie Xi /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8ower 8e0 !ain :r !aral+sis S*,4 = *iao 7ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8ower 8im( Atrop + #3,% = H on0 Du /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM 8ower 8im( Atrop + ;it !ain$ul :(struction #3,5 = 1an0 JiaoD #3,6 = ;ai /ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM &astitis 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM Nocturnal Emissions C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM Nose(leed 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM :rc itis 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM !aral+sis 385" = Fu 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop + FinalM Seminal Emissions 38., = #ao 6uan S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Atrop +

FinalM 5omitin0 8R1, = H an0 &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Diarr ea C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM E+e Disorders #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 7nee Disorders 38%, = S en S uD 385% = H i S iD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD 38.9 = ;ei H on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8um(ar !ain 38%% = San Jiao S uD 38%6 = #uan 1uan S uD 38,. = Xia 8iao 3856 = C en0 JinD 385) = C en0 S anD 385" = Fu 1an0D 3869 = 7un 8un 386, = Jin &enD 3865 = S u #uD #3%) = ;u S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@Apper /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@Apper FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice Sudden C5%% = *ian *u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1"% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Arm !ain 8I1. = 3i NaoD 8I15 = Jian 1u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM C ills 3811 = Da H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction

FinalM D+suria 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM El(ow 6+pertonicit+ SI) = H i H en0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM El(ow !ro(lems 6E. = 8in0 DaoD 8I1, = S ou ;u 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM E+e Disorders #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Facial Edema 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Fin0er Contraction 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Four 8im(s Contraction #311 = *ou /iao 1in /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM #roin !ain #3,9 = 6uan *iao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 6eadac e 3819 = *ian H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 6eadac e &i0raine #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 6eat Stro-e !C, = /u He /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 6emiple0ia #3,1 = Fen0 S iD *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 6+pertension #3.. = Hu /iao 1in

/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3., = Jia XiD #3.. = Hu /iao 1in /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Impotence #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Indi0estion S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Insomnia 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Jaundice 8R, = *ai C on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1", Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 7nee Disorders #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 8e0 Num(ness S*,1 = 3i #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 8e0 !ain #3," = Xuan H on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis S*,% = Fu *u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 8oss :$ Consciousness 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 8um(ar !ain 38.9 = ;ei H on0

/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM &alaria SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM &ental Disorders 6E5 = *on0 8iD SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM &out Deviation 8R% = Xin0 JianD S*. = Di Can0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM !alpitations 6E4 = S ao Fu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM SeiIures 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM S oulder And 3ac- Contraction 3869 = 7un 8un /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM S oulder and Nec- !ain 38.1 = Fu Fen /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM * i0 !ain 38,4 = Fu Xi /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM * roat Soreness *3% = 1e &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Alcer #astric 38%1 = ;ei S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 6E4 = S ao Fu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Contraction FinalM 5omitin0 !C) = Da 8in0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1". Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremities /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremities FinalM Dea$ness *34 = San 1an0 8uo /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremities FinalM 8im( ;ea-ness S!%1 = Da 3ao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremities FinalM Seminal Emissions C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremities FinalM Stomac !ain S!% = Da Du /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremities FinalM Stool ;it Andi0ested Food 38., = #ao 6uan S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Constipation 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Dorsal Foot !ain$ul Swellin0 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Foot !ain 3869 = 7un 8unD #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 6eadac e :ccipital 3819 = *ian H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 6ematuria 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 7nee !ain 3861 = !u CanD S!) = 8ou #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal

Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8e0 &uscle Cramp 3855 = 6e+ 1n0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8e0 Num(ness 38,) = 1in &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness 386. = Jin0 #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Nose(leed #3," = Xuan H on0D 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM !alpitations 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM SeiIures 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM S ocS*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM * i0 And 7nee Swellin0 S*,4 = *iao 7ou Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1"5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Arm Contraction 8I1% = H ou 8iao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Arm !aral+sis 8I1. = 3i NaoD 8I15 = Jian 1u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Forearm &edial !ain 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 6emiple0ia

8I11 = /u C iD SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 6+pertension 8I11 = /u C iD *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 8iver Disorders 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 8oss :$ Consciousness SI1 = S ao He /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM &out Deviation 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Scapular !ain SI1, = /u 1aunD SI" = Jian H enD *31, = Nao 6ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Stomac !ain !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM *innitus SI1) = *ian Ron0D SI, = 6ou XiD SI5 = 1an0 #uD *3% = 1e &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM *oot ac e 8I1 = S an0 1an0D 8I11 = /u C iD 8I% = Er JianD 8I, = San JianD 8A19 = 1u JiD SI5 = 1an0 #uD *3% = 1e &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And Nec/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Arm !ain SI11 = *ian Hon0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal

Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Ast ma #519 = 8in0 *aiD S*16 = 1in0 C uan0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM C ee- And Su( mandi(le Swellin0 #3) = /u 3in /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM C ee- Swellin0 #31% = ;an #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Cou0 3811 = Da H u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1"6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Diarr ea #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Facial Itc in0 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis C5%. = C en0 Jian0 #31. = 1an0 3aiD S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Facial Num(ness C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Facial !ain C5%. = C en0 Jian0D S*) = Xia #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Facial Swellin0 S*.% = C on0 1an0D S*.5 = 8i Dui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 6and !ain

SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 6eadac e 381% = Fen0 &enD #515 = 1a &enD *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 6eadac e &idline 386% = S en &ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 6eadac e :ccipital #515 = 1a &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 6earin0 8oss Sudden *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 6eaviness :$ * e 6ead 385" = Fu 1an0D #34 = S uai #uD #51) = Nao 6u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 6eaviness :$ * e 6ead And Nec38" = 1u H en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 6emiple0ia 38) = *on0 *ian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Insomnia 386% = S en &ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Jaundice SI. = ;an #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Jaw Disorders S*) = Xia #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 8e0 Num(ness #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And Nec-

FinalM 8ips Swellin0 And Sti$$ness #5%) = Dui Duan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1") Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM 8um(ar !ain 8R, = *ai C on0D S*,% = Fu *u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM &alaria #51, = *ao DaoD SI. = ;an #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM &astitis SI1 = S ao He /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM &ental Disorders S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM &out Deviation 38) = *on0 *ianD #3% = *in0 6ui /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nasal Con0estion 38% = Han H uD 38) = *on0 *ian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nec- Nodular #rowt s C5%% = *ian *uD 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nec- !ain 3866 = *on0 #uD #3,6 = ;ai /uiD #516 = Fen0 FuD S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nec- Sti$$ness 38.% = !o 6uD 3869 = 7un 8unD 3865 = S u #uD #516 = Fen0 FuD SI) = H i H en0D *316 = *ian 1ouD *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM !alpitations 386. = Jin0 #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM !arotitis

*35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Saliva E'cessive S*. = Di Can0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM *ension 6eadac e 38" = 1u H en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM * roat Constriction 8I1 = S an0 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM * roat !ain SI1) = *ian Ron0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM *ri0eminal Neural0ia 8I, = San JianD S*. = Di Can0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM *rismus S*.5 = 8i Dui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM ;indstro-e #5%9 = 3ai 6ui Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1"4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM D+smenorr ea C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM D+spnea 3811 = Da H uD #51% = S en H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Fever #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Forearm !ain SI) = H i H en0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle

FinalM #enital Swellin0 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 6emiple0ia C5%. = C en0 Jian0D S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Jaw Disorders SI5 = 1an0 #uD S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 8e0 &uscle Crampin0 385) = C en0 S an /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 8e0 &uscle ;ea-ness 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 8e0 !ain #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM &ental Disorders 3814 = #an S uD SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Nasal Disc ar0e E'cessive S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM S-in Disorders 38.9 = ;ei H on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Stomac !ain #54 = Jin SuoD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Stool ;it 3lood C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM * roat Dr+ness 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction

C5. = #uan 1uanD 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 3814 = #an S uD 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 5omitin0 S!% = Da DuD S*,6 = Hu San 8i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& 1"" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Arm &otor Impairment *31. = Jian 8iao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Arm !ain 8I1, = S ou ;u 8iD SI19 = Nao S uD SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Arm !aral+sis SI" = Jian H en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Art ritis S oulder 6E1 = Ji /uanD SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Ast ma SI11 = *ian Hon0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 3ac- !ain #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 8I1. = 3i Nao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Cardiac !ain 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM D+suria 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM El(ow !ro(lems 6E, = S ao 6aiD 8A6 = 7on0 Hui

/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Endometriosis #3%" = Ju 8iao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Fever And C ills #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Forearm !ain *34 = San 1an0 8uo /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 6and Ina(ilit+ *o #rip Firml+ SI) = H i H en0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 6eadac e 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 6emiple0ia #3,9 = 6uan *iaoD 8I15 = Jian 1u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 6ernia !ain 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 6+pertension 8I15 = Jian 1u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Ina(ilit+ *o *urn :ver ; en 8+in0 Down S!1" = Xion0 Xian0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %99 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Insomnia #3.. = Hu /iao 1in /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Intestinal Disorders

S!15 = Da 6en0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Itc in0 #3,1 = Fen0 S i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 7nee Disorders #3,, = Xi 1an0 #uanD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uanD S*,5 = Du 3i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 8e0 Num(ness #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 8e0 !ain 3855 = 6e+ 1n0D 386% = S en &ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis S*,1 = 3i #uanD S*,. = 8ian0 /iu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 8um(ar !ain 386% = S en &aiD S*,. = 8ian0 /iu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 8um(ar Sti$$ness 38%% = San Jiao S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM 8um(osacral !ain 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM &enses Irre0ular 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Nasal Con0estion 3819 = *ian H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Nec- !ain SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion

FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness SI. = ;an #uD SI4 = Xiao 6aiD S*11 = /i S e /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness ;it Ina(ilit+ *o Rotate #514 = /ian0 Jian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM !arotitis #3% = *in0 6ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM !erspiration At Ni0 t 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Sciatica 38%" = H on0 8u S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM SeiIures S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM S oulder And Arm !ain 6E% = /in0 8in0D 8I) = ;en 8iu Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %91 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM S oulder !ain 8A5 = C i He /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM * irst SI. = ;an #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM * oracic Discom$ort 8A5 = C i He /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM * roat Soreness 8A5 = C i HeD SI% = /ian #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM *innitus *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence

38.9 = ;ei H on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Ran0e :$ &otion FinalM ;rist !ain #3. = 6an 1an /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM #enital Itc in0 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM Jaundice S!5 = S an0 /ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM 8eu-orr ea 38%, = S en S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM &astitis S*,. = 8ian0 /iu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM &out Deviation 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM !erspiration A(sent 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM Stomac !rolapse 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M Sensation FinalM * roat Soreness 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 3ac- !ain and Sti$$ness 38.6 = #e #uan

/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM C est Discom$ort #5" = H i 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Cou0 #51% = S en H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Edema C56 = /i 6aiD C54 = S en /ue Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %9% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Fever 3811 = Da H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Fever *idal 3811 = Da H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 6eadac e Splittin0 #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 6eat Stro-e #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 6emorr oids #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Impotence #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Insomnia #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Intestinal Disorders #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 8e0 &uscle ;ea-ness S*,5 = Du 3i /uestionM &usculos-eletal

Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 8e0 !ain 38,) = 1in &enD #3,6 = ;ai /ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 8oss :$ Consciousness #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice Sudden #515 = 1a &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 8um(ar !ain #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 8um(ar Spinal !ain And Sti$$ness #55 = Xuan S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 8um(ar Spinal Sti$$ness #56 = Ji H on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM &eniereOs Disease 386% = S en &ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM &ental Disorders #51, = *ao DaoD #515 = 1a &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Nausea 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Nose(leed 3814 = #an S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 381, = Fei S u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %9, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM SeiIures 3814 = #an S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal

Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Spinal Sti$$ness And Contraction #54 = Jin Suo /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM Articaria S*,% = Fu *u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 5erti0o *3, = H on0 H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M S-eletal FinalM 5omitin0 38.9 = ;ei H on0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3ac- !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD #519 = 8in0 *aiD #51% = S en H uD #5" = H i 1an0D *36 = H i #ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3one &arrow ;it Coldness 8I" = S an0 8ian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM C est Fullness And Distention #3,5 = 1an0 Jiao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM C est !ain #5" = H i 1an0D 6E4 = S ao FuD S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM D+spnea 381% = Fen0 &enD 381, = Fei S uD 3815 = Xin S uD #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 7I. = Da H on0D 8A4 = Jin0 /uD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM D+suria 38,% = Ci 8iaoD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Endometriosis 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S uD 8R5 = 8i #ou

/uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis 8I% = Er JianD S*5 = Da 1in0D *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fear 6E. = 8in0 Dao /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fever 381% = Fen0 &enD 381" = Dan S uD 8A19 = 1u JiD !C5 = Jian S iD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Flaccidit+ :$ * e 6undred Joints S!%1 = Da 3ao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Foot Swellin0 #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6eadac e 386% = S en &aiD #3.1 = Hu 8in /iD #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD #5%, = S an0 Xin0D 8I. = 6e #uD 8R4 = /u /uanD 8A" = *ai 1uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %9. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6eadac e Anilateral #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6eat In * e Soles :$ * e Feet 386) = H i 1in /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6emiple0ia #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 7I6 = H ao 6aiD S*,6 = Hu San 8iD S*,) = S an0 Ju Xu /uestionM Arination Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6ernia C55 = S i &enD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6ip !ain #3,9 = 6uan *iao

/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+pertension #51. = DaI 6uiD S!6 = San 1in JiaoD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3," = Xuan H on0D 8R1, = H an0 &enD 8R1. = /i &enD !C6 = Nei #uanD *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Insomnia 8R% = Xin0 JianD !C. = Xi &enD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Intercostal Neural0ia #3., = Jia XiD #5" = H i 1an0D *36 = H i #ou /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8a(or Di$$icult 38,, = H on0 8iao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8ac- :$ Ener0+ 7I15 = H on0 H u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion !ain #3,6 = ;ai /ui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + #3,1 = Fen0 S i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8e0 Num(ness #3,, = Xi 1an0 #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8e0 Num(ness And !ain S!) = 8ou #u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8e0 !ain And Swellin0

3861 = !u Can /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8eu-orr ea #5. = &in0 &en Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %95 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8iver Disorders 38.) = 6un &enD #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8ower 8im(s And Feet Cold S*.5 = 8i Dui /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8um(ar !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD 38%, = S en S uD 386. = Jin0 #uD #3,1 = Fen0 S iD 8R1, = H an0 &enD S*,9 = /i C on0D S*,1 = 3i #uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM &enses Irre0ular 38%, = S en S uD C5. = #uan 1uanD 7I, = *ai XiD S*,9 = /i C on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM &ental Disorders #51. = DaI 6uiD 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD !C5 = Jian S iD S!. = #on0 SunD *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness #3," = Xuan H on0D #51. = DaI 6uiD 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nep ritis 7I, = *ai XiD S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nocturnal Emissions 3815 = Xin S uD 38%, = S en S uD 7I, = *ai XiD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM 6earin0

Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nose(leed #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM !erspiration A(sent #51, = *ao Dao /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM !erspiration Continuous !ostpartum 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM !erspiration E'cessive 8I15 = Jian 1u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM !erspiration Spontaneous 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM !ostpartum Aterine 6emorr a0e 8R6 = H on0 Du /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM R initis #5%. = S en *in0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Sadness 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Sciatica 38%6 = #uan 1uan S uD 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S uD #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM SeiIures 386% = S en &aiD 386. = Jin0 #uD C51, = S an #uanD #515 = 1a &enD 6E, = S ao 6aiD 8I16 = Ju #uD 8R% = Xin0 JianD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %96 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM S oulder Joint So$t *issue Diseases 8I15 = Jian 1u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM S oulder !ain

8I19 = S ou San 8iD 8I15 = Jian 1uD SI" = Jian H en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM S-in Disorders 6E1 = Ji /uanD 8I1, = S ou ;u 8iD 8I15 = Jian 1uD !C) = Da 8in0D S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Stomac !ain 38%1 = ;ei S uD C51% = H on #uanD S*,. = 8ian0 /iu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM * irst 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM * roat Constriction #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM *innitus 386% = S en &aiD 8I1 = S an0 1an0D SI% = /ian #uD *314 = /i &ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Alcer #astric S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence 6E4 = S ao Fu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arination FreCuent C5. = #uan 1uanD 7I6 = H ao 6ai /uestionM S-in Secondar+M *C& FinalM Aterine !rolapse C56 = /i 6aiD 7I6 = H ao 6aiD 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM ;ea-ness #eneral 38., = #ao 6uan S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM ; eeIin0

8A5 = C i He /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM ;ind *etan+ ;it 8oc-Baw S*5 = Da 1in0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Convulsions 385 = ;u C u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Epileps+ 38, = &ei C on0D 386, = Jin &enD #31, = 3en S enD #315 = *ou 8in /iD #3" = *ianD C on0D #51) = Nao 6uD #514 = /ian0 JianD #51" = 6ou Din0D #5% = 1ao S uD *3) = 6ui Hon0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM E+elid Spasm 38% = Han H uD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Forearm Num(ness 6E, = S ao 6ai Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %9) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Insomnia #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM 8um(ar !ain #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM 8um(ar !ain #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM &astitis !C. = Xi &en /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM &emor+ Impaired 3815 = Xin S u

/uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM &ental Disorders 386% = S en &ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM &out Deviation 386% = S en &ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Nasal Con0estion #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Nec- &uscle Sti$$ness And *ension 3819 = *ian H u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Nec- !ain *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness #515 = 1a &enD SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Scapular !ain SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM SeiIures 3819 = *ian H uD 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Spinal !ain 3814 = #an S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM * i0 !ain 386. = Jin0 #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM * roat Constriction S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM * roat Dr+ness 8R% = Xin0 Jian

/uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM * roat Soreness 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM *innitus SI1" = *in0 #on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uanD 8R1 = Da Dun Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %94 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Epileps+ FinalM ;rist !ain !C) = Da 8in0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Indi0estion #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8ower E'tremit+ Art ral0ia 8R6 = H on0 Du /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Nose(leed #3," = Xuan H on0D 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM *esticular Swellin0 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 6and Num(ness 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 8I. = 6e #uD 8A" = *ai 1uanD *3. = 1an0 C iD *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation /uestionM Neuromuscular

Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM E+e Deviation #31 = *on0 Hi 8iaoD S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM E+elid Spasm #31. = 1an0 3aiD S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis #3. = 6an 1anD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM #um Disorders C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM 6emiple0ia 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM 6+pertonicit+ :$ * e Jaws *3%% = 6e 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM Indi0estion 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM Jaw Disorders 8I1" = 6e 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM 8oss :$ Sense :$ Smell 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM 8um(ar Sprain #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM &out And E+e Deviation #31% = ;an #uD #3, = S an0 #uanD SI14 = /uan 8iaoD S*, = Ju 8iao Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %9" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM &out Deviation S*.% = C on0 1an0D S*.5 = 8i DuiD S*5 = Da

1in0D S*6 = Jia C eD S*) = Xia #uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM Nec- Nodular #rowt s #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM Nose(leed 386% = S en &aiD 38) = *on0 *ian /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM !arotitis *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM Stomac !ain S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM * roat Soreness 8I% = Er JianD 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM *innitus #3% = *in0 6ui /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM *oot ac e 8A) = 8ie /ueD S*. = Di Can0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Facial Deviation FinalM Aret ral Disc ar0e 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And Nec/uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis C5%. = C en0 Jian0D #31. = 1an0 3aiD S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nec- !ain 3866 = *on0 #uD #3,6 = ;ai /uiD #516 = Fen0 FuD S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM *ri0eminal Neural0ia 8I, = San JianD S*. = Di Can0

/uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Amenorr ea #3%6 = Dai &ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM C est !ain *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Constipation #3%) = ;u S u /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM D+spnea 3811 = Da H uD #51% = S en H u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Facial Neural0ia *3%% = 6e 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Facial *etan+ #3) = /u 3in Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %19 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 3811 = Da H u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 6eadac e 3811 = Da H u D *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 6emiple0ia C5%. = C en0 Jian0D S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 6emorr oids 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 6+steria 6E. = 8in0 Dao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Impotence

#51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Intestinal Disorders 8I11 = /u C iD 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Jaw Disorders SI5 = 1an0 #uD S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice Sudden C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 8um(ar !ain 51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 8um(ar Sti$$ness #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM &alaria 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM &ental Disorders 3814 = #an S uD SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM &out Deviation 8I1" = 6e 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Nec- !ain #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Nose(leed #515 = 1a &enD SI1 = S ao He /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM !alm 6eat 8A19 = 1u Ji

/uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM !alpitations 386% = S en &ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM SeiIures #51, = *ao DaoD SI4 = Xiao 6aiD *319 = *ian Jin0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %11 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Stomac !ain #54 = Jin SuoD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Stool ;it Andi0ested Food 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM * roat Soreness S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM *innitus SI. = ;an #uD S*) = Xia #uanD *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM *oot ac e *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM *rismus *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction C5. = #uan 1uanD 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle

FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 3814 = #an S uD 3854 = Fei 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 5omitin0 S!% = Da DuD S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM 5omitin0 3lood 3814 = #an S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM ;ea-ness #eneral S*,6 = Hu San 8i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M &uscle FinalM ;orr+ 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Coma C51 = 6ui 1in /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Constipation S*%. = 6ua Rou &en /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM C+stitis S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Dorsal Foot !ain And Swellin0 S*.1 = Jie Xi /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM 6and !ain 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM 6emorr oids 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %1% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM 6ernia 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S uD 38,% = Ci 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular

Secondar+M Neural FinalM Impotence 38,1 = S an0 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Indi0estion S*%, = *ai 1i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM In$ertilit+ 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM 8e0 &uscle Cramp #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 38,, = H on0 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM 8um(ar !ain 38%5 = Da C an0 S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM &easles 8I11 = /u C i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM &ental Disorders #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Nec- Swellin0 SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Retention :$ Arine And Feces C5) = 1in Jiao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Saliva E'cessive 7I19 = 1in #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM S oulder !ain SI4 = Xiao 6aiD *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Neuromuscular

Secondar+M Neural FinalM Sti$$ *on0ue SI1 = S ao He /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM *on0ue !ain 8I) = ;en 8iu /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 385, = 3ao 6uan0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Arination And De$ecation Di$$icult 7I4 = Jiao Xin /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Arination Di$$icult C51 = 6ui 1in /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Neural FinalM 5erti0o #5%. = S en *in0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %1, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM Arm !ain *31. = Jian 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM Arm Apper And El(ow Num(ness 38.1 = Fu Fen /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM 3ac- !ain SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM Constipation *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM Dea$ness

SI" = Jian H en /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM 6and Num(ness 8I" = S an0 8ian /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM 6and *remor 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM 6eadac e #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM Impotence 38,% = Ci 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM In0uinal 8+mp adenitis S*,1 = 3i #uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + #3,9 = 6uan *iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM 8e0 &uscle ;ea-ness #3,1 = Fen0 S i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM 8ower 8im( Num(ness #3,% = H on0 Du /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM Seminal Emissions 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S uD 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM S-in Disorders *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM Somnolence *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM * roat Soreness 8I1 = S an0 1an0D SI1 = S ao He /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness

FinalM *innitus *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM Arine Retention 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Num(ness FinalM 5omitin0 #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %1. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Arm !aral+sis *31. = Jian 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Cardiac !ain 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Dea$ness *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis S*4 = *ou ;ei /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM 6emipla0ia #3,% = H on0 DuD #516 = Fen0 Fu /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM 6emiple0ia #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Impotence S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Irrita(le !C, = /u He /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Jaw Disorders 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM Neuromuscular

Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM 8a(or Di$$icult 38,% = Ci 8iaoD #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM 8e0 !ainD #3%" = Ju 8iaoD #3,9 = 6uan *iaoD #3,1 = Fen0 S iD #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM 8um(ar !ain #3%. = Ri 1ue /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM &ental Disorders 3815 = Xin S uD C5%. = C en0 Jian0D 8I11 = /u C i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Nep ritis 38%, = S en S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Neurast enia 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM !erspiration At Ni0 t SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM Sciatica #3," = Xuan H on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM S oc7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM S oulder ;ind Damp 8I15 = Jian 1u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %15 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM * i0 !ain S*,1 = 3i #uan

/uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM ;rist Joint So$t *issue Diseases 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M !aral+sis FinalM ;rist !ain SI. = ;an #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Sciatica /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Sciatica FinalM D+suria 38,6 = C en0 FuD 385. = H i 3ian /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Sciatica FinalM 8e0 !ain 38,% = Ci 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Sciatica FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 38,) = 1in &enD #3%" = Ju 8iaoD #3,9 = 6uan *iaoD #3,1 = Fen0 S i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Sciatica FinalM &alaria #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Sciatica FinalM Sciatica 385, = 3ao 6uan0D #3,% = H on0 Du /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M Sciatica FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arm !ain 8I16 = Ju #u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Epileps+ C515 = Jiu ;eiD #5%1 = /ian Din0D #5%. = S en *in0D #56 = Ji H on0 /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM Fever

381% = Fen0 &enD 381" = Dan S uD 8A19 = 1u JiD !C5 = Jian S iD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6eat Stro-e C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6emipla0ia 8I" = S an0 8ian /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6+steria #51% = S en H uD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8actation Insu$$icient #3%1 = Jian Jin0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8um(ar Spinal !ain #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM &alaria #51. = DaI 6ui Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %16 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM &out Deviation C5%. = C en0 Jian0D #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nec- !ain 3811 = Da H uD #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nocturnal Emissions 3815 = Xin S uD 38%, = S en S uD 7I, = *ai XiD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM SeiIures 386% = S en &aiD 386. = Jin0 #uD C51, = S an #uanD #515 = 1a &enD 6E, = S ao 6aiD 8I16 = Ju #uD 8R% = Xin0 JianD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C&

FinalM S ocC54 = S en /ue /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM S oulder !ain 8I19 = S ou San 8iD 8I15 = Jian 1uD SI" = Jian H en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM S-in Disorders 6E1 = Ji /uanD 8I1, = S ou ;u 8iD 8I15 = Jian 1uD !C) = Da 8in0D S*.. = Nei *in0D /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Soles 6ot 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Stool ;it 3lood 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Sur0ical !ain :r !ost Sur0ical S oc!C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM *innitus 386% = S en &aiD 8I1 = S an0 1an0D SI% = /ian #uD *314 = /i &ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM *oot ac e #3% = *in0 6ui /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arinar+ *ract !ain 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arine Retention C5. = #uan 1uanD 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Articaria 8I15 = Jian 1uD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM S-in Secondar+M *C& FinalM Aterine !rolapse C56 = /i 6ai

7I6 = H ao 6aiD 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5omitin0 C51% = H on #uanD C51, = S an #uanD C5%% = *ian *uD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uanD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM ;indstro-e C54 = S en /ueD #315 = *ou 8in /iD #516 = Fen0 FuD !C" = H on0 C on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %1) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *remor /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *remor FinalM Fever ;it out Sweatin0 *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *remor FinalM 6eadac e wit DiIIiness 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *remor FinalM 8um(ar Sprain #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *remor FinalM &ental Disorders #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *remor FinalM !alpitations !C, = /u He /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *remor FinalM S-in Disorders !C, = /u He /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *remor FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *witc

/uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *witc FinalM E+e Disorders S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *witc FinalM E+elid *witc in0 SI14 = /uan 8iao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *witc FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *witc FinalM Facial !ain 38% = Han H u /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *witc FinalM 6eadac e S*4 = *ou ;ei /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *witc FinalM 6eadac e Frontal #31. = 1an0 3ai /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *witc FinalM &ental Disorders *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M A(dominal &asses /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM D+suria 38%6 = #uan 1uan S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM In$ertilit+ S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM Stool ;it Andi0ested Food 38%% = San Jiao S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M A(dominal &asses FinalM Arine *ur(id 8R% = Xin0 Jian

Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %14 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM 3reast A(scess 7I%, = S en Fen0D 7I%. = 8in0 XuD S*15 = ;u 1iD S*16 = 1in0 C uan0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM 3reast !ain S*15 = ;u 1i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM 3reast !ain And Distention #3.% = Di ;u 6ui /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM C est Discom$ort SI11 = *ian Hon0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM D+spnea C51) = S an H on0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM El(ow !ro(lems SI11 = *ian Hon0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM 6eadac e &i0raine #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM 6eadac e :ccipital #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM 6iccou0 3816 = Du S uD C51) = S an H on0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM Jaw Disorders #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM :3#1N

Secondar+M 3reast FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion Fullness And Distention 7I%6 = 1u H on0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM &astitis #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 8R1. = /i &enD S!14 = *ian XiD S*14 = Ru #enD S*," = Xia Ju Xu /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM Nec- !ain #3%1 = Jian Jin0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM !alpitations 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM S-in Disorders *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM * roat In$ections 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM *innitus #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 3reast FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal 8R, = *ai C on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %1" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM Edema S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM Impotence C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM Insomnia S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N

Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM 8a(or Di$$icult S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM 8a(or Di$$icult :r !rolon0ed 3869 = 7un 8unD 386) = H i 1in /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 38,% = Ci 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM &out Deviation 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness #3%1 = Jian Jin0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM Retention :$ !lacenta 386) = H i 1in /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM S oulder !ain #3%1 = Jian Jin0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M C ild(irt FinalM 5erti0o 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Amenorr ea S!19 = Xue 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM D+suria 38,. = Xia 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Endometriosis S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM #enital Itc in0 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM :3#1N

Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM #enital Diseases C51 = 6ui 1in /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM #enital !ain 38,6 = C en0 FuD 385. = H i 3ianD C5% = /u #uD 7I11 = 6en0 #uD 7I1% = Da 6eD 8R1% = JiD &aiD 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM #enital !ain And Retraction 7I11 = 6en0 #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM #enital Swellin0 385% = H i S i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM 6ernia !ain 8R1% = Ji &ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM In$ertilit+ C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Intestinal Disorders S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Itc in0 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Jaundice 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM 8e0 !ain 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis

38,1 = S an0 8iaoD 3855 = 6e+ 1n0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM 8eu-orr ea C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM 8um(ar !ain 3855 = 6e+ 1n0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM &enstrual 8um(ar !ain 38,5 = 6ui 1an0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Seminal Emissions 38%, = S en S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM * i0 &edial !ain 7I19 = 1in #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Arination FreCuent 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S uD 385% = H i S i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Arine Dar38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Arine Retention 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 8R, = *ai C on0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM C+stitis #3%6 = Dai &ai

/uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM #enital !enis !ain S*%" = #ui 8ai Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM 6emorr a0e !ostpartum C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM 6ernia S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM 6ip !ain 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM In$ertilit+ 7I14 = S i #uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM 8e0 !ain S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM 8eu-orr ea 38,1 = S an0 8iaoD 38,% = Ci 8iaoD 38,, = H on0 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM &enses Irre0ular 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM * roat Constriction 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM Aro0enital Disorders 7I19 = 1in #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM Aterine !rolapse

C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #+necolo0ical Disorders FinalM ;indstro-e C5. = #uan 1uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8actation /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8actation FinalM Facial Edema SI11 = *ian Hon0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8actation FinalM Insu$$icient 8actation S!14 = *ian XiD S*14 = Ru #en /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8actation FinalM Intercostal Neural0ia C51) = S an H on0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8actation FinalM S-in Disorders #3%1 = Jian Jin0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8actation FinalM 5erti0o 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8actation FinalM 5omitin0 8R, = *ai C on0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM D+smenorr ea S!19 = Xue 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM Endometriosis #3%6 = Dai &aiD #3%) = ;u S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM #luteal &uscle !ain 385. = H i 3ian /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM 6emorr oids

38%. = /i 6ai S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM 6ernia C56 = /i 6aiD S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM Intestinal Disorders 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM Jaundice S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM 8a(or Di$$icult 38,. = Xia 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM 8um(ar !ain 38,1 = S an0 8iaoD 38,% = Ci 8iaoD 38,, = H on0 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM 8eu-orr ea 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S uD 38,5 = 6ui 1an0D C5% = /u #uD C55 = S i &enD C5) = 1in JiaoD #3%4 = ;ei DaoD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uanD 7I1% = Da 6eD 7I1, = /i XueD 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM 8um(osacral Joint Diseases 38,1 = S an0 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM &enorr a0ia C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM &enses Irre0ular 38,1 = S an0 8iaoD #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM *innitus 38%, = S en S u

/uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 38%, = S en S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal 7I19 = 1in #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8eu-orr ea FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 8R% = Xin0 Jian Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8oc ia /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8oc ia FinalM Impotence C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8oc ia FinalM 8eu-orr ea S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8oc ia FinalM 8oc ia !ersistent Flow C5) = 1in JiaoD 8R6 = H on0 Du /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8oc ia FinalM &enses Irre0ular C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8oc ia FinalM Nep ritis C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M 8oc ia FinalM 5a0inal Disc ar0e C55 = S i &en /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Amenorr ea C5) = 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM D+smenorr ea C5% = /u #uD 7I5 = S ui CuanD S!4 = Di JiD

S*%6 = ;ai 8in0 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM EcIema S!19 = Xue 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM #enital Swellin0 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 6ernia #3%6 = Dai &aiD #3%) = ;u S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3%6 = Dai &ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Impotence S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM In$ertilit+ C56 = /i 6aiD S*%4 = S ui DaoD S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Intestinal Disorders C56 = /i 6aiD #3%6 = Dai &ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 8e0 !ain #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 8eu-orr ea 38,. = Xia 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 8um(ar Cold Sensation 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 8um(ar !ain 38%. = /i 6ai S uD 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S uD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uanD 8R5 = 8i #ou Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N

Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 8um(ar Spinal !ain 38%. = /i 6ai S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 8um(ar Sprain 38%5 = Da C an0 S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 8um(osacral Joint Diseases 38,% = Ci 8iaoD 38,, = H on0 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM &alaria #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM &enses Irre0ular 38,% = Ci 8iaoD 38,, = H on0 8iaoD C51 = 6ui 1inD C5% = /u #uD C5) = 1in JiaoD #5% = 1ao S uD 7I1, = /i XueD 7I1. = Si &anD 7I15 = H on0 H uD 7I5 = S ui Cuan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Neurast enia S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Nocturnal Emissions C5, = H on0 JiD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Nose(leed 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM :rc itis 38,1 = S an0 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM !alpitations 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM !erspiration At Ni0 t 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Reproductive S+stem Disorders S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N

Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Retention :$ !lacenta C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Sciatica 38,1 = S an0 8iao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Seminal Emissions C5, = H on0 JiD 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM S-in Disorders 8I11 = /u C iD S!19 = Xue 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Spinal Sti$$ness #5) = H on0 S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Sti$$ *on0ue #3.. = Hu /iao 1in /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM * roat Soreness 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Alcer #astric 38%9 = !i S u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence 38%, = S en S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 5erti0o #3., = Jia Xi /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM 5omitin0 8R% = Xin0 Jian /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M &enstruation FinalM ;indstro-e !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM :3#1N

Secondar+M !ain /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ain FinalM Cardiac !ain 7I%1 = 1ou &en /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ain FinalM 8eu-orr ea #3%6 = Dai &ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ain FinalM !erineum !ain And Itc in0 C51 = 6ui 1in /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ain FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ost@!artum /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ost@!artum FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain *36 = H i #ou /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ost@!artum FinalM 8eu-orr ea C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ost@!artum FinalM !ostpartum A(dominal !ain 7I14 = S i #uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ost@!artum FinalM !ostpartum Disorders 8R1. = /i &en /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !ost@!artum FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ FinalM #+necolo0ical Disorders C5% = /u #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ FinalM &alposition :$ Fetus 386) = H i 1in

/uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ FinalM &enses Irre0ular S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ FinalM Nausea And 5omitin0 7I%1 = 1ou &en /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ FinalM !arotitis 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ FinalM * roat Soreness 7I1 = 1on0 /uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M !re0nanc+ FinalM Arine Retention C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM #enitals Itc C5) = 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM #luteal &uscle !ain 38,6 = C en0 Fu /uestionM 6earin0 Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6eadac e 386% = S en &aiD #3.1 = Hu 8in /iD #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD #5%, = S an0 Xin0D 8I. = 6e #uD 8R4 = /u /uanD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM Impotence 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Intercostal Neural0ia #3., = Jia XiD #5" = H i 1an0D *36 = H i #ou /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM &out Alcers

C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nep ritis 7I, = *ai XiD S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM SeiIures 386% = S en &aiD 386. = Jin0 #uD C51, = S an #uanD #515 = 1a &enD 6E, = S ao 6aiD 8I16 = Ju #uD 8R% = Xin0 JianD *3%, = Si H u 7on0D /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM * i0 &edial !ain S!19 = Xue 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM * roat Soreness 8A19 = 1u Ji /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM *innitus 386% = S en &aiD 8I1 = S an0 1an0D SI% = /ian #uD *314 = /i &ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM *oe !ain 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM Aro0enital Disorders 7I1% = Da 6e /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM Articaria 8I15 = Jian 1uD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 38%, = S en S uD #31. = 1an0 3aiD #3%9 = Fen0 C i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus

/uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM 7nee Disorders 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM 8eu-orr ea #3%) = ;u S uD S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM 8um(ar !ain #3%6 = Dai &ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM 8um(osacral !ain 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM &enses Irre0ular C56 = /i 6aiD S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM &etrorr a0ia 7I1. = Si &an /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM :rc itis 8R5 = 8i #ouD S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM !elvic And Reproductive Conditions 7I11 = 6en0 #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM Sti$$ *on0ue 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM Sti$$ *on0ue 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM Stool ;it !us 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM * roat Soreness 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus

FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction C56 = /i 6aiD S!19 = Xue 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM Articaria 38%9 = !i S uD S!19 = Xue 6ai /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal C5, = H on0 Ji D C5) = 1in JiaoD #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 8R6 = H on0 DuD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM Aterine !rolapse 38,1 = S an0 8iaoD C51 = 6ui 1inD #3%4 = ;ei DaoD 7I5 = S ui CuanD 7I4 = Jiao XinD 8R1% = Ji &aiD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM 5erti0o S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M Aterus FinalM 5omitin0 8R1. = /i &en Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M A(dominal /uestionM !ain Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM A(dominal Distention S!4 = Di Ji /uestionM !ain Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM Diap ra0m !ain S!1) = S i Dou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM In0uinal Re0ion !ain And Swellin0 S!11 = Ji &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM 8e0 !ain 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM Nocturnal Emissions 8R4 = /u /uan

/uestionM !ain Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM *innitus 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M A(dominal FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac/uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3acFinalM 3ac- !ain 38.) = 6un &enD 38." = 1i S eD 3859 = ;ei Can0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3acFinalM 3ac- !ain And Sti$$ness 38.. = S en *an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3acFinalM Car(uncles And Furuncles #519 = 8in0 *ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3acFinalM Impotence 385% = H i S i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3acFinalM 5omitin0 38%1 = ;ei S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 3ac- !ain #3%4 = ;ei Dao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 3ac- !ain Radiates *o *esticles S*," = Xia Ju Xu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Cocc+' !ain 38,5 = 6ui 1an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Cou0 #5" = H i 1an0

/uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Edema 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM El(ow !ro(lems SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Foot !ain 38," = ;ei 1an0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %%" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 6and !ain *34 = San 1an0 8uo /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 6eadac e S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 6eadac e ;it C ills 3811 = Da H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 6emorr oids 38,6 = C en0 FuD 385. = H i 3ian /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 6ip &ovement Decreased 385, = 3ao 6uan0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 7nee Disorders 38%, = S en S uD 385% = H i S iD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + 38,6 = C en0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8e0 !ain #3,4 = 1an0 Fu

/uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8ower A(dominal !ain 7I15 = H on0 H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8um(ar And 3ac- !ain #5) = H on0 S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8um(ar And 8e0 !ain 38,5 = 6ui 1an0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8um(ar !ain 38%% = San Jiao S uD 38%6 = #uan 1uan S uD 38,. = Xia 8iaoD 3856 = C en0 JinD 385) = C en0 S anD 385" = Fu 1an0D 3869 = 7un 8unD 386, = Jin &enD 3865 = S u #uD #3%) = ;u S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8um(ar Spine !ain And Sti$$ness 38%" = H on0 8u S uD 7I. = Da H on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8um(osacral Joint Diseases 38,. = Xia 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 8um(o@Sacral !ain Radiates *o 6+po0astrium 8R" = 1in 3ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM &enses Irre0ular 38%. = /i 6ai S uD 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S uD 38,. = Xia 8iaoD #3%6 = Dai &ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Nasal Con0estion 381% = Fen0 &en Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM :rc itis 38,% = Ci 8iaoD 38,, = H on0 8iaoD #3%" = Ju

8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM !arotitis 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Rectal !rolapse 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Respirator+ Disorders #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Sacral !ain 38%5 = Da C an0 S uD 38,% = Ci 8iaoD 38,, = H on0 8iaoD #51 = C an0 /ian0D #5% = 1ao S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Sciatica 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S uD #3,9 = 6uan *iaoD #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM SeiIures #51 = C an0 /ian0D SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Se'ual D+s$unction 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM S-in Disorders 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Stool ;it 3lood 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM *oot Deca+ SI4 = Xiao 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM *oot ac e 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM !ain

Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Arine Retention S*%4 = S ui Dao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Aro0enital Disorders 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Articaria *319 = *ian Jin0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM Aterine !rolapse 38%9 = !i S uD 38,% = Ci 8iaoD C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 5erti0o 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@8ower FinalM 5omitin0 #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@Apper FinalM 3ac- !ain #511 = S en Dao Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@Apper FinalM Irrita(le 3811 = Da H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@Apper FinalM Jaw Disorders SI11 = *ian Hon0D SI" = Jian H en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@Apper FinalM Nec- Swellin0 !osterior C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@Apper FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 3ac-@Apper FinalM S oulder !ain SI, = 6ou Xi /uestionM !ain

Secondar+M C est /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM A(dominal Fullness And Distention S*.5 = 8i Dui /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Cardiac !ain 6E6 = 1in XiD 6E" = S ao C on0D 8A. = Xia 3aiD !C% = *ian /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Cardiot oracic !ain C515 = Jiu ;ei /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM C est And 8ateral Costal Re0ion !ain S!%1 = Da 3ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM C est And 8ateral Costal Re0ion !ain And Fullness 7I%% = 3u 8an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM C est And Sternal !ain C514 = 1u *an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM C est Discom$ort 381. = Jue 1in S uD 38.5 = 1i Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM C est Fullness And !ain S!14 = *ian Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM C est !ain 381. = Jue 1in S uD C51" = Hi #on0D C5%9 = 6ua #aiD C5%1 = Xuan JiD #31, = 3en S enD #3,6 = ;ai /uiD 6E1 = Ji /uanD 7I%1 = 1ou &enD 7I%) = S u Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM C est !ain And 8ateral Costal Re0ion Fullness C516 = H on0 *in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est

FinalM C est !ain And :ppression 7I%5 = S en Can0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM C ills 8I1. = 3i Nao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM D+spnea #5" = H i 1an0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM El(ow !ro(lems 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est /uestionM Circulation Secondar+M C est FinalM Fever 8A11 = S ao S an0D 8A4 = Jin0 /uD !C" = H on0 C on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM #astric Disorders 381" = Dan S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 6eart !ain C511 = Jian 8i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Intercostal Neural0ia 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 8actation Insu$$icient C51) = S an H on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion Fullness 7I%. = 8in0 Xu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion Fullness And

Distention #3,5 = 1an0 Jiao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion !ain !C% = *ian /uanD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 8ateral 8e0 !ain 7I1" = 1in Du /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 8e0 !ain 8ateral #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice Sudden 6E. = 8in0 DaoD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 8um(ar !ain #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM &alaria *3. = 1an0 C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM &elanc ol+ !C. = Xi &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Nose(leed !C. = Xi &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM :ppressive Sensation In * e 6eart C515 = Jiu ;ei Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM !alpitations 3815 = Xin S uD !C. = Xi &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est

FinalM !anic 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM !arotitis SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM !erspiration At Ni0 t 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 8A4 = Jin0 /u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM Scapular !ain 3811 = Da H uD SI11 = *ian Hon0D *315 = *ian 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM S oulder &ovement 8imited 8A% = 1un &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM S oulder !ain 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Stomac !ain !C, = /u He /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Stool ;it 3lood #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM * oracic Distention And Fullness S*1, = /i 6u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM * oracic !ain 3869 = 7un 8unD S*14 = Ru #en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM * roat Soreness 6E5 = *on0 8i SI1) = *ian Ron0 /uestionM !ain

Secondar+M C est FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Arination FreCuent 7I, = *ai Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Arine Retention C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM Aterine !rolapse 7I% = Ran #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 5erti0o S*.9 = Fen0 8on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M C est FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 7I1 = 1on0 /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Epi0astrium FinalM ;indstro-e #3%1 = Jian Jin0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremities FinalM Emaciation #5" = H i 1an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM A(dominal !ain S*," = Xia Ju Xu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM An-le !ain 3869 = 7un 8un /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM An-le !ain And Swellin0 S*.1 = Jie Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Dorsal Foot !ain And Swellin0

#3.% = Di ;u 6uiD S*.% = C on0 1an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM E'ternal &alleolus !ain 386, = Jin &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Foot !ain 3869 = 7un 8unD #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 6eel !ain 385) = C en0 S anD 3869 = 7un 8unD 3861 = !u CanD 7I. = Da H on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 6ip &ovement Decreased 8R11 = 1in 8ian /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 7nee Disorders 3811 = Da H uD #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 7nee !ain 3861 = !u CanD S!) = 8ou #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 7nee !ain And Swellin0 #3,5 = 1an0 Jiao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8ateral &alleolus Edema 385" = Fu 1an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8e0 &uscle Atrop + 385. = H i 3ian /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8e0 &uscle !ain 8ateral #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8e0 !ain 3856 = C en0 JinD #3,) = #uan0 &in0D S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower

FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 38,6 = C en0 FuD #3,, = Xi 1an0 #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8ower E'tremit+ Disorders S*,, = 1in S i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 8um(ar !ain 38,) = 1in &enD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM &alaria #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM &astitis #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM &edial 7nee !ainD Swellin0 And In$lammation 8R) = Xi #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM &enses Irre0ular #3.1 = Hu 8in /iD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM !aral+sis #3%" = Ju 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Seminal Emissions 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM S-in Disorders #3,9 = 6uan *iaoD #3,4 = 1an0 FuD #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Supraclavicular Fossa !ain #3,4 = 1an0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM *esticular !ain 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM !ain

Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM * i0 And 7nee !ain S*,, = 1in S i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM * i0 &edial !ain 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM * i0 !ain #3,9 = 6uan *iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM * roat Constriction 8I11 = /u C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM * roat In$ections S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM * roat Soreness 8A4 = Jin0 /u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Arine Retention 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal S!19 = Xue 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM Aterine !rolapse 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM 5erti0o #3.1 = Hu 8in /i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@8ower FinalM ;indstro-e 7I1 = 1on0 /uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Arm And El(ow !ain

8I4 = Xia 8ian /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Arm Num(ness 8I" = S an0 8ian /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Arm !ain 8I6 = !ian 8iD 8I" = S an0 8ian /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Arm ;ea-ness SI19 = Nao S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM A'illar+ !ain And Swellin0 #3.% = Di ;u 6uiD !C1 = *ian C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 3ac- !ain #3%5 = Jin0 &enD 8I16 = Ju #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM C est !ain !C% = *ian /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM C ills SI19 = Nao S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM C ills And Fever 8I1. = 3i Nao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Cou0 SI15 = Jian H on0 H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM El(ow !ain 8I6 = !ian 8i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM E+e Disorders SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Fin0ers Ac e SI) = H i H en0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper

FinalM 6eadac e &i0raine *3" = Si Du /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 6emiple0ia 8I11 = /u C iD SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion Fullness 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Intestinal Disorders 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 8assitude *34 = San 1an0 8uo /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion !ain 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 8um(ar &o(ilit+ Decreased SI6 = 1an0 8ao Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 8um(ar !ain SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM &astitis SI11 = *ian Hon0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM &emor+ Impaired 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM &ental Disorders 6E. = 8in0 Dao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM &out Dr+ness *3. = 1an0 C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper

FinalM Nasal Disc ar0e 381% = Fen0 &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM !erspiration A(sent 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 8I. = 6e #uD 8A" = *ai 1uanD *3. = 1an0 C iD *35 = ;ai #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Ri( Fullness SI11 = *ian Hon0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Sadness 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Scapular !ain SI1, = /u 1aunD SI" = Jian H enD *31, = Nao 6ui /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Sciatica #3%" = Ju 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM SeiIures #3%9 = Fen0 C iD SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulder And Arm !ain *311 = /in0 8en0 1uanD *31% = Xiao 8uoD *31, = Nao 6uiD *315 = *ian 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulder And 3ac- !ain 3819 = *ian H uD 38.5 = 1i Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulder 6eaviness *31. = Jian 8iaoD *36 = H i #ou

/uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulder &ovement 8imited S*1% = /ue !en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulder !ain 6E% = /in0 8in0D 8I" = S an0 8ianD 8A% = 1un &enD SI1, = /u 1aunD S*1% = /ue !enD *3. = 1an0 C iD *36 = H i #ou Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %,4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulder !ain And Swellin0 S*19 = S ui *u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulder !ain ;it Sti$$ness S*,4 = *iao 7ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulderD Scapula And 3ac- !ain 38.% = !o 6u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM S oulderD Apper ArmD &id 3ac- !ain SI1. = Jian ;ai S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM * roat Constriction *36 = H i #ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM * roat Soreness 8I11 = /u C iD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM *innitus SI1) = *ian Ron0D SI, = 6ou XiD SI5 = 1an0 #uD *3% = 1e &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM *oot ac e 8I1 = S an0 1an0D 8I11 = /u C iD 8I% = Er JianD 8I, = San JianD 8A19 = 1u JiD SI5 = 1an0 #uD *3% = 1e &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM *ri0eminal Neural0ia 8I% = Er Jian

/uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Apper Arm Antero@8ateral !ain 8A, = *ian Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Apper Arm !ain 8A. = Xia 3ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM 5omitin0 38%9 = !i S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M E'tremit+@Apper FinalM ;rist !ain 8I6 = !ian 8iD 8A4 = Jin0 /u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM E+e Disorders #31 = *on0 Hi 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM Facial !ain #3, = S an0 #uanD #51) = Nao 6uD SI14 = /uan 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM 6eadac e 38% = Han H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM 8acrimation 38% = Han H uD #31. = 1an0 3ai Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %," Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM 8acrimation Apon ;ind E'posure 38% = Han H uD #31. = 1an0 3ai /uestionM !ain

Secondar+M Facial FinalM &ania And Depression #5%4 = 1in Jiao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM &ental Disorders #5%, = S an0 Xin0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM &out Deviation 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM :ne Sided 6eadac e #35 = Xuan 8u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM :uter Cant us !ain #315 = *ou 8in /iD #3. = 6an 1anD #36 = Xuan 8i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM Sinus !ain S*, = Ju 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM S-in Disorders 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM Supraor(ital Neural0ia #31. = 1an0 3ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM Swellin0 :$ 8ips And C ee-s S*, = Ju 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM * roat Constriction *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM * roat Soreness S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM !ain

Secondar+M Facial FinalM *innitus #3.. = Hu /iao 1in /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM *oot ac e S*) = Xia #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM *ri0eminal Neural0ia S*) = Xia #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 8I% = Er JianD *31) = 1i Fen0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M Facial FinalM 5omitin0 8I11 = /u C i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %.9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And Nec/uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nasal Con0estion 38% = Han H uD 38) = *on0 *ian /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nec- !ain 3866 = *on0 #uD #3,6 = ;ai /uiD #516 = Fen0 FuD S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nec- !ain And Sti$$ness 38.1 = Fu FenD #319 = Fu 3aiD #311 = *ou /iao 1inD #31% = ;an #uD #31, = 3en S enD #31" = Nao 7on0D #51) = Nao 6uD *315 = *ian 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Nec- Sti$$ness And !ain *31% = Xiao 8uo /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM S oulder Disorders SI" = Jian H en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM S oulder !ain

#3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM Supraclavicular Fossa !ain S*1% = /ue !en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM * irst *3. = 1an0 C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM * roat Soreness *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6ead And NecFinalM *oot ac e 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM C ills 381 = Jin0 &in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM DiIIiness 3865 = S u #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM E+elid Spasm S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders 381" = Dan S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 6eadac e 38, = &ei C on0D 38. = /u C aiD 385 = ;u C uD 386 = C en0 #uan0D 3869 = 7un 8unD 3865 = S u #uD 386) = H i 1inD #31 = *on0 Hi 8iaoD #319 = Fu 3aiD #311 = *ou /iao 1in /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 6eadac e &i0raine S*4 = *ou ;ei /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 6eadac e :ne@Sided #31) = H en0 1in0

/uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 6eadac e ;it DiIIiness 3856 = C en0 Jin Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %.1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 6eadac e ;it 6eaviness *3%% = 6e 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 6+pertension S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 8um(ar !ain 3811 = Da H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 8um(ar Sti$$ness #51% = S en H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM Nec- &o(ilit+ Decreased 3811 = Da H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness 381% = Fen0 &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM :ne Sided 6eadac e #36 = Xuan 8iD #34 = S uai #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM :uter Cant us !ain #35 = Xuan 8u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 38) = *on0 *ianD 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM Seminal Emissions #5. = &in0 &en

/uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM Superciliar+ Re0ion !ain 38% = Han H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM *emporal 6eadac e #3. = 6an 1anD #34 = S uai #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM * roat Soreness 3819 = *ian H uD 8I. = 6e #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM *innitus #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM *oot ac e 8I. = 6e #uD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM Arine Retention 38%% = San Jiao S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM Articaria #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 5a0initis 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 5erte' 6eadac e #5%1 = /ian Din0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %.% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 5erti0o 3819 = *ian H uD *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 5isual Distur(ances *316 = *ian 1ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM 5oice 6oarse 8A19 = 1u Ji

/uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6eadac e FinalM ;rist !ain 6E5 = *on0 8i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6+po0astrium /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6+po0astrium FinalM 5a0inal !ain C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 6+po0astrium FinalM 5a0initis C5, = H on0 Ji /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM Ast ma 38.5 = 1i Xi /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion #3%5 = Jin0 &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion Distention And Fullness S!%1 = Da 3ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion !ain C514 = 1u *an0D #3%% = 1uan 1eD #3%. = Ri 1ueD 6E% = /in0 8in0D !C1 = *ian C i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM 8um(ar !ain 385% = H i S i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM &enses Irre0ular S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM S oulder Joint So$t *issue Diseases 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM *innitus

*36 = H i #ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M 8ateral Costal FinalM Aterine !rolapse #3%6 = Dai &ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM Cou0 381. = Jue 1in S u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM Dental !ain S*, = Ju 8iao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM Erosion :$ * e #ums #5%4 = 1in Jiao Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %., Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM #um !ain And Swellin0 #3" = *ian C on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM #um !ain And Swellin0 And Redness #5%4 = 1in Jiao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM #ums 3leedin0 #5%4 = 1in Jiao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM #ums !ain$ul #5%) = Dui Duan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice Sudden *3" = Si Du /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM &ental Disorders 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM &out !ain 8I) = ;en 8iu /uestionM !ain

Secondar+M &out FinalM &out Alcers C5%, = 8ian /uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM :ne Sided 6eadac e #3. = 6an 1an /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM !arotitis S*6 = Jia C e /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM Saliva E'cessive C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM * i0 Swellin0 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM *innitus S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM *oot ac e #31% = ;an #uD #31) = H en0 1in0D #3, = S an0 #uanD #35 = Xuan 8uD #3" = *ianD C on0D 8I19 = S ou San 8iD SI14 = /uan 8iaoD SI1" = *in0 #on0D S*.% = C on0 1an0D S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM *oot ac e 8ower Jaw S*5 = Da 1in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM *ri0eminal Neural0ia S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM 5isual Distur(ances *3%, = Si H u 7on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out

FinalM ;rist Joint So$t *issue Diseases 8A" = *ai 1uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %.. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M &out FinalM ;rist !ain SI5 = 1an0 #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M !ain /uestionM !ain Secondar+M !ain FinalM Ast ma S!%1 = Da 3ao /uestionM !ain Secondar+M !ain FinalM !ain :$ * e Anus And Aret ra C51 = 6ui 1in /uestionM !ain Secondar+M !ain FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 3819 = *ian H u /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM ; eeIin0 8I14 = Fu *uD 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Damp !ain$ul :(struction S*,4 = *iao 7ou /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Damp !ain$ul :(struction ;it Ina(ilit+ *o ;al8R6 = H on0 Du /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Frontal 6eadac e #5%. = S en *in0 /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM #oiter C5%% = *ian *uD 8I16 = Ju #u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Joint ;ind ;it Sweatin0

#3. = 6an 1an /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 385. = H i 3ian /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8um(ar !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD 38%, = S en S uD 386. = Jin0 #uD #3,1 = Fen0 S iD 8R1, = H an0 &enD S*,9 = /i C on0D S*,1 = 3i #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM &astitis C51) = S an H on0D 8A5 = C i He /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM &ental Disorders #51. = DaI 6uiD 7I1 = 1on0 /uanD !C5 = Jian S iD S!. = #on0 SunD *319 = *ian Jin /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nasal Con0estion #5%9 = 3ai 6uiD #5%, = S an0 Xin0D 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nec- !ain 3811 = Da H uD #3.9 = /iu Xu /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Neurast enia C51% = H on #uanD 6E, = S ao 6ai Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %.5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM !alpitations C51) = S an H on0D !C5 = Jian S i /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Sciatica 38%6 = #uan 1uan S uD 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S uD #3,. = 1an0 8in0 /uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM SeiIures 386% = S en &aiD 386. = Jin0 #uD C51, = S an #uanD #515 = 1a &enD 6E, = S ao 6aiD 8I16 = Ju #uD 8R% = Xin0 JianD *3%, = Si H u

7on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Seminal Emissions 38,9 = 3ai 6uan S uD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uan /uestionM Neuromuscular Secondar+M *C& FinalM S oulder !ain 8I19 = S ou San 8iD 8I15 = Jian 1uD SI" = Jian H en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM S-in Disorders 6E1 = Ji /uanD 8I1, = S ou ;u 8iD 8I15 = Jian 1uD !C) = Da 8in0D S*.. = Nei *in0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Spinal !ain #5% = 1ao S uD #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Sti$$ *on0ue #515 = 1a &enD !C" = H on0 C on0D *31 = #uan C on0 /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM S+ncop+ 38% = Han H u /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM * oracic Discom$ort 381. = Jue 1in S u /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM *innitus 386% = S en &aiD 8I1 = S an0 1an0D SI% = /ian #uD *314 = /i &ai /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arinar+ *ract In$ection 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal #5. = &in0 &en /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5erti0o #31. = 1an0 3aiD #3%9 = Fen0 C i

/uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 38%, = S en S uD #31. = 1an0 3aiD #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5omitin0 C51% = H on #uanD C51, = S an #uanD C5%% = *ian *uD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uanD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM !ain Secondar+M *C& FinalM ;rist !ain 8A" = *ai 1uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %.6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM 6emorr oids 38%" = H on0 8u S u /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM Nec- !ain #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM Ni0 t Sweatin0 6E6 = 1in Xi /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM SeiIures 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM Spinal !ain #51, = *ao Dao /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM * irst C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal 7I) = Fu 8iu /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM 5erti0o

38. = /u C ai /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M !erspiration FinalM ;indstro-e #515 = 1a &enD !C4 = 8ao #on0 /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness #3," = Xuan H on0D #51. = DaI 6uiD 8A) = 8ie /ue /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M *C& FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 3811 = Da H uD 38., = #ao 6uan S uD #519 = 8in0 *aiD #51% = S en H uD /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 38%, = S en S uD #31. = 1an0 3aiD #3%9 = Fen0 C i /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction FinalM Ast ma C5%9 = 6ua #aiD 7I%% = 3u 8an0D 7I%, = S en Fen0D 7I%. = 8in0 XuD 7I%5 = S en Can0D 7I%6 = 1u H on0D 7I. = Da H on0D 8A% = 1un &enD 8A, = *ian FuD S*1, = /i 6u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction FinalM Cou0 #519 = 8in0 *aiD 8I14 = Fu *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction FinalM 6+potension S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction FinalM Jaundice #3%, = H e Jin /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction FinalM 8eu-orr ea 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %.) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction

FinalM Respirator+ Disorders C51) = S an H on0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction FinalM Sputum wit 3lood and !us C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction FinalM * oracic Fullness 8A. = Xia 3ai /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Airwa+ :(struction FinalM * roat In$ections 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM C est A0itation !C1 = *ian C i /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM C est A0itation And :ppression 8A% = 1un &en /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM C est and Diap ra0m Discom$ort 38.6 = #e #uan /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM C est And 8ateral Costal Re0ion Discom$ort 38.) = 6un &en /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM C est And 8ateral Costal Re0ion Fullness 7I%, = S en Fen0D S!1) = S i DouD S!1" = Xion0 Xian0D S!%9 = H ou Ron0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM C est Fullness #3%% = 1uan 1eD 6E6 = 1in Xi /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM C est Fullness And Distention 7I%6 = 1u H on0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est

FinalM C est :ppression S*1% = /ue !enD *315 = *ian 8iao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM C est !ain And Fullness S*1. = 7u Fan0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM 6iccou0 #3%, = H e Jin /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM 8ateral Costal Re0ion !ain !C% = *ian /uanD *36 = H i #ou /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM 8e0 &uscle Cramp 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM Nec- Nodular #rowt s S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM !erspiration E'cessive S*1, = /i 6u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM Scapular !ain 3811 = Da H uD SI11 = *ian Hon0D *315 = *ian 8iao Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %.4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM Seminal Emissions 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM S-in Disorders 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM Spinal !ain 3811 = Da H u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM * oracic !ain 3869 = 7un 8unD S*14 = Ru #en /uestionM Respiration

Secondar+M C est FinalM * roat Constriction C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM * roat Disorders C51) = S an H on0D C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M C est FinalM ; eeIin0 C51) = S an H on0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM Cou0 38.5 = 1i XiD C51" = Hi #on0D C5%9 = 6ua #aiD C5%1 = Xuan JiD C5%, = 8ian /uanD #511 = S en DaoD 7I%% = 3u 8an0D 7I%, = S en Fen0D 7I%. = 8in0 XuD 7I%5 = S en Can0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM Cou0 And D+spnea 7I%9 = *on0 #u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM Cou0 ;it A0itation C514 = 1u *an0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM Cou0 ;it Copious ! le0m !C1 = *ian C iD S!%9 = H ou Ron0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM Cou0 in0 3lood SI15 = Jian H on0 H u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM D+spnea C51" = Hi #on0D #519 = 8in0 *ai /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM #astric Disorders #5" = H i 1an0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM #rie$ And Sadness S*1. = 7u Fan0 /uestionM Respiration

Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM 6emopt+sis 7I. = Da H on0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice 8I14 = Fu *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM &ental Disorders #51% = S en H u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM Nose(leed 8A, = *ian Fu Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %." Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 381% = Fen0 &enD 38.. = S en *an0D !C. = Xi &enD S*1. = 7u Fan0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM S oulder !ain 381% = Fen0 &enD SI11 = *ian Hon0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM S-in Disorders 8I14 = Fu *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM * oracic Distention S!%9 = H ou Ron0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM * roat Soreness 8A6 = 7on0 Hui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM *oot ac e 381. = Jue 1in S u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM Articaria 381% = Fen0 &en /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM 5omitin0 3815 = Xin S uD *36 = H i #ou

/uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Cou0 FinalM 5omitin0 3lood 3815 = Xin S u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM Cardiac Conditions 38.. = S en *an0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM D+spnea 38.% = !o 6uD 38.5 = 1i XiD C515 = Jiu ;eiD C5%9 = 6ua #aiD C5%1 = Xuan JiD #3%, = H e JinD 7I%% = 3u 8an0D 8A, = *ian FuD 8A. = Xia 3aiD S!%1 = Da 3ao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion Fullness #5" = H i 1an0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM 8acrimation Apon ;ind E'posure S*4 = *ou ;ei /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM &out Dr+ness #51% = S en H u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM Nasal Aller0ies 38, = &ei C on0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM Nasal Con0estion #5%5 = Su 8iaoD 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM Nec- Sti$$ness #519 = 8in0 *ai /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM Nep ritis S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %59 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM Nose(leed

#51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM Respirator+ Disorders C514 = 1u *an0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM * roat Dr+ness C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal C56 = /i 6ai /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M D+spnea FinalM 5omitin0 !C, = /u He /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Epista'is /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Epista'is FinalM Epista'is Ceaseless #5%) = Dui Duan /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Epista'is FinalM Nasal Con0estion #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Epista'is FinalM Nasal !ol+ps #5%, = S an0 Xin0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M 8un0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M 8un0 FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 38.% = !o 6u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M 8un0 FinalM * roat In$ections C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Aversion *o ;ind And Cold #315 = *ou 8in /i /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal

FinalM Epista'is 3866 = *on0 #uD #35 = Xuan 8uD #516 = Fen0 FuD 6E6 = 1in XiD 8I6 = !ian 8iD 8A, = *ian FuD S*, = Ju 8iaoD S*.5 = 8i Dui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nasal Con0ested #5%% = Xin 6uiD #5%) = Dui DuanD #5%4 = 1in Jiao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nasal Con0estion 38, = &ei C on0D 38. = /u C aiD 386 = C en0 #uan0D 386) = H i 1inD #315 = *ou 8in /iD #314 = C en0 8in0D #5%1 = /ian Din0D 8I1" = 6e 8iao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nasal Con0estion And Disc ar0e #5%. = S en *in0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nasal Disc ar0e Copious And Clear 386 = C en0 #uan0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nasal Disorders 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %51 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nasal :(struction 7I%% = 3u 8an0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nasal !ol+ps #5%5 = Su 8iaoD 8I1" = 6e 8iaoD 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nasal Sores #5%4 = 1in Jiao 8I1" = 6e 8iao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Nose(leed 38. = /u C aiD 386) = H i 1inD #5%, = S an0 Xin0D #5%5 = Su 8iaoD #5%6 = S ui #ouD 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0

/uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM !erspiration At Ni0 t #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Respirator+ Disorders #5%, = S an0 Xin0D #5%5 = Su 8iaoD 8I%9 = 1in0 Xian0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM Retc in0 3lood !C. = Xi &en /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM SeiIures #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM * roat Soreness C5%% = *ian *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM *oot ac e C5%. = C en0 Jian0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Nasal FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 38% = Han H u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Respiration /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Respiration FinalM C est Fullness 7I%. = 8in0 Xu /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Respiration FinalM Dr+ 6eaves S*1" = 3u Ron0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Respiration FinalM D+spnea C514 = 1u *an0D 7I%, = S en Fen0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Respiration FinalM Respirator+ Disorders C5%9 = 6ua #aiD S*1, = /i 6uD S*15 = ;u 1i /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Respiration

FinalM Swallowin0 Di$$icult 8I14 = Fu *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Respiration FinalM * roat Disorders C5%1 = Xuan Ji /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Respiration FinalM 5oice 6oarse C5%% = *ian *u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %5% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M R initis /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M R initis FinalM Epista'is #314 = C en0 8in0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M R initis FinalM Nose(leed 3869 = 7un 8unD 8I1" = 6e 8iao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M R initis FinalM R initis 38. = /u C aiD #35 = Xuan 8u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M R initis FinalM S+ncope 38% = Han H u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Sense :$ Smell /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Sense :$ Smell FinalM 8oss :$ Sense :$ Smell #5%% = Xin 6ui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Sense :$ Smell FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 8I1" = 6e 8iao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Sense :$ Smell FinalM S oc#5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M Sense :$ Smell FinalM 5erti0o 386 = C en0 #uan0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat

/uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat FinalM D+spnea S!14 = *ian Xi /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat FinalM Respirator+ Disorders #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat FinalM S ortness :$ 3reat 8A. = Xia 3aiD !C1 = *ian C iD S!1" = Xion0 Xian0D S*15 = ;u 1i /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat FinalM S-in Disorders S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat FinalM * irst 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat FinalM * oracic !ain And Distention S*16 = 1in0 C uan0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat FinalM * roat In$ections *3" = Si Du /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M S ortness :$ 3reat FinalM 5omitin0 381. = Jue 1in S u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M SneeIin0 FinalM 6eadac e Frontal 38% = Han H u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %5, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M *C& FinalM C est Fullness 38.. = S en *an0 /uestionM FeverEC ills Secondar+M *C& FinalM D+spneaD 381% = Fen0 &enD 381, = Fei S uD 3815 = Xin S uD #3%1 = Jian Jin0D 7I. = Da H on0D 8A4 = Jin0 /uD 8A" = *ai 1uan /uestionM Neuromuscular

Secondar+M *C& FinalM Nocturnal Emissions 3815 = Xin S uD 38%, = S en S uD 7I, = *ai XiD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM !erspiration Secondar+M *C& FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 3811 = Da H uD 38., = #ao 6uan S uD #519 = 8in0 *aiD #51% = S en H u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M *C& FinalM Apper Respirator+ Conditions #516 = Fen0 Fu /uestionM Emotions Secondar+M *C& FinalM 5omitin0 C51% = H on #uanD C51, = S an #uanD C5%% = *ian *uD #5, = 1ao 1an0 #uanD !C6 = Nei #uan /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM Dr+ * roat 6E" = S ao C on0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM 6eadac e 381" = Dan S u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM 8acrimation #31 = *on0 Hi 8iao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM Ri( Constriction #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM SeiIures 6E. = 8in0 Dao /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM Speec Impaired S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM * roat Constriction 8I14 = Fu *u

/uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM * roat In$ections C5%1 = Xuan JiD *3. = 1an0 C i /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM * roat !ain #31% = ;an #uD 8I) = ;en 8iuD S*.5 = 8i Dui /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM * roat !ain And Swollen #516 = Fen0 FuD S*11 = /i S e /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM * roat Sore And Swollen S*1% = /ue !en /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM * roat Soreness C5%1 = Xuan JiD 8I14 = Fu *u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %5. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM * roat Soreness And Swellin0 S*19 = S ui *u /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM *oot ac e *3" = Si Du /uestionM Respiration Secondar+M * roat FinalM 5oice 6oarse 8I14 = Fu *u /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Comple'ion /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Comple'ion FinalM Comple'ion Red SI14 = /uan 8iao /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Comple'ion FinalM Facial Redness And Swellin0 #5%1 = /ian Din0 /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Comple'ion FinalM Facial Swellin0 8I) = ;en 8iu /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Comple'ion

FinalM Jaundice 38.4 = 1an0 #an0 /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Comple'ion FinalM * roat Constriction S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM S-in Secondar+M #oiter /uestionM S-in Secondar+M #oiter FinalM E+e Disorders 8I1. = 3i Nao /uestionM S-in Secondar+M #oiter FinalM #oiter *31, = Nao 6ui /uestionM S-in Secondar+M #oiter FinalM S oulder &ovement 8imited 8I16 = Ju #u /uestionM S-in Secondar+M #oiter FinalM * roat Soreness S*" = Ren 1in0 /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Itc in0 /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Itc in0 FinalM Sciatica #3,1 = Fen0 S i /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Itc in0 FinalM *esticular Swellin0 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Itc in0 FinalM * oracic !ain And Fullness S*15 = ;u 1i /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM A'illar+ Adenopat + #3%% = 1uan 1e /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM C est Fullness #3%, = H e Jin /uestionM S-in

Secondar+M S-in FinalM C ills And Fever SI19 = Nao S u Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %55 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM Facial Redness And Swellin0 #36 = Xuan 8i /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM Fever 8I1. = 3i Nao /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM 6+poc ondriac Re0ion !ain 381" = Dan S u /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM Jaundice #3%. = Ri 1ueD #56 = Ji H on0 /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM SeiIures #51% = S en H u /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM S oulder !ain 8I16 = Ju #u /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM Spleen 6eat #519 = 8in0 *ai /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM S+ncope #5%6 = S ui #ou /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM * roat Dr+ness 6E1 = Ji /uan /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM *oot ac e 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM Alcer #astric 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM S-in

Secondar+M S-in FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM 5omitin0 38%% = San Jiao S u /uestionM S-in Secondar+M S-in FinalM ; eeIin0 8I14 = Fu *uD 8A1 = H on0 Fu /uestionM S-in Secondar+M *C& FinalM 3lotc es !urple@; ite From ;ind 8A. = Xia 3ai /uestionM &usculos-eletal Secondar+M *C& FinalM Intercostal Neural0ia #3., = Jia XiD #5" = H i 1an0D *36 = H i #ou /uestionM S-in Secondar+M *C& FinalM Aterine !rolapse C56 = /i 6aiD 7I6 = H ao 6aiD 8R1 = Da Dun /uestionM S-in Secondar+M Articaria FinalM Articaria #3,1 = Fen0 S i /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M Dreams /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M Dreams FinalM Dreamin0 E'cessive S*.5 = 8i Dui Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %56 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M Insomnia FinalM Insomnia #31% = ;an #uD #3%, = H e JinD #514 = /ian0 JianD #51" = 6ou Din0D #5%. = S en *in0D 8A, = *ian Fu /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M Insomnia FinalM Insomnia ;it Fear S*%) = Da Ju /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M Insomnia FinalM Jaundice 381" = Dan S u /uestionM Sleep

Secondar+M Insomnia FinalM SeiIures #51. = DaI 6uiD !C. = Xi &en /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M Sleep /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M Sleep FinalM Insomnia S*16 = 1in0 C uan0 /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M Somnolence FinalM Somnolence 8A, = *ian Fu /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M *C& /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arm Num(ness 8I1% = H ou 8iao /uestionM Sleep Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6ip &ovement Decreased 8R19 = Hu ;u 8i /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Constipation /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Constipation FinalM A(dominal !ain S!1. = Fu Jie /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Constipation FinalM Constipation 3851 = 6uan0 &enD 3856 = C en0 JinD 385) = C en0 S anD 7I15 = H on0 H uD 7I16 = 6uan S uD 7I1) = S an0 /uD 7I14 = S i #uanD S!1, = Fu S eD S!16 = Fu AiD S*.1 = Jie XiD /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Constipation FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Constipation FinalM 8e0 !aral+sis 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Constipation FinalM 8um(ar pain 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM Stools

Secondar+M Constipation FinalM :rc itis 38,. = Xia 8iaoD #3%) = ;u S u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Constipation FinalM * irst 38%6 = #uan 1uan S u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Constipation FinalM Aterine !rolapse 38,, = H on0 8iao Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %5) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM Diarr ea 38,5 = 6ui 1an0D 38.) = 6un &enD 38.4 = 1an0 #an0D 38." = 1i S eD C55 = S i &enD #55 = Xuan S uD #56 = Ji H on0D 7I1, = /i XueD 7I1. = Si &anD 7I1) = S an0 /u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM #astrointestinal Disorders S*%1 = 8ian0 &en /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM &out Dr+ness 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 7I%9 = *on0 #u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM Sacral !ain 38,. = Xia 8iao /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM Sciatica 38,) = 1in &en /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 38%6 = #uan 1uan S u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM Arinar+ Incontinence S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan

/uestionM Stools Secondar+M Diarr ea FinalM Arinar+ *ract In$ection S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM Stools Secondar+M 6emorr oids /uestionM Stools Secondar+M 6emorr oids FinalM 6emorr oids 38,5 = 6ui 1an0D 3856 = C en0 JinD 385) = C en0 S anD C51 = 6ui 1inD #5% = 1ao S u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M 6emorr oids FinalM 8um(ar !ain 38,6 = C en0 FuD 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M 6emorr oids FinalM 8um(osacral !ain 385. = H i 3ian /uestionM Stools Secondar+M 6emorr oids FinalM Nocturnal Emissions 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M 6emorr oids FinalM Sacral !ain 38%) = Xiao C an0 S uD 38,6 = C en0 Fu /uestionM Stools Secondar+M 6emorr oids FinalM *etan+ #51 = C an0 /ian0 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M 6emorr oids FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction #51 = C an0 /ian0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %54 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Rectal !rolapse /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Rectal !rolapse FinalM Anal and Rectal Conditions 38,5 = 6ui 1an0 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Rectal !rolapse FinalM Rectal !rolapse 385) = C en0 S anD #56 = Ji H on0 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools

/uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM An0er 38.) = 6un &en /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM 3lood And !us In Stools S!16 = Fu Ai /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM Dr+ Stools 7I15 = H on0 H u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM 6eadac e 3866 = *on0 #u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM Irre0ular De$ecation 38.4 = 1an0 #an0 /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM &enses Irre0ular 385% = H i S i /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM Sciatica 38,. = Xia 8iaoD 38,6 = C en0 FuD 385. = H i 3ian /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM Seminal Emissions 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM Stomac Nervous D+s$unction S*%1 = 8ian0 &en /uestionM Stools Secondar+M Stools FinalM Andi0ested Food In Stool C519 = Xia #uanD #55 = Xuan S u /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Diarr ea 38%6 = #uan 1uan S uD S!1. = Fu Jie /uestionM Stools Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6emorr oids #56 = Ji H on0

/uestionM Stools Secondar+M *enesmus FinalM Scrotal Conditions #3%) = ;u S u /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Cold FinalM S oulder !ain #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM *C& Secondar+M De$icient FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances S!4 = Di Ji /uestionM *C& Secondar+M 6eat FinalM An0ina S*1% = /ue !en /uestionM *C& Secondar+M 6eat FinalM E'cessive 6eat In * e 3od+ S*.5 = 8i Dui Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %5" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM *C& Secondar+M 6eat FinalM Jaundice #5" = H i 1an0 /uestionM *C& Secondar+M 6eat FinalM Stomac Dis armon+ S*.1 = Jie Xi /uestionM *C& Secondar+M !ulse FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances C519 = Xia #uan /uestionM *C& Secondar+M !ulse FinalM * oracic Fullness 8A% = 1un &en /uestionM *C& Secondar+M /i FinalM Cardiac !ain C514 = 1u *an0 /uestionM *C& Secondar+M /i FinalM 8ar0e Intestine /i Sta0nation 8I" = S an0 8ian /uestionM *C& Secondar+M /i FinalM Respirator+ Disorders 7I%% = 3u 8an0 /uestionM *C&

Secondar+M /i FinalM Small Intestine Disorders S*," = Xia Ju Xu /uestionM *C& Secondar+M /i FinalM Aprisin0 /i !C1 = *ian C i /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Re(el /i /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Re(el /i FinalM ; eeIin0 C5%1 = Xuan Ji /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Runnin0 !i0let /i /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Runnin0 !i0let /i FinalM :rc itis S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Runnin0 !i0let /i FinalM Runnin0 !i0let /i C5) = 1in Jiao /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM 6ernia 38%" = H on0 8u S uD S!1, = Fu S eD S!1. = Fu JieD S*%6 = ;ai 8in0 /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM 6ernia !ain S!1% = C on0 &en /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM Joint !ain 8R6 = H on0 Du /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM 8um(ar !ain #3%4 = ;ei Dao /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM !ostpartum Aterine 6emorr a0e C5) = 1in Jiao /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM Stool ;it 3lood

38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 8R5 = 8i #ou Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %69 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM Arine Retention 8R5 = 8i #ouD S!" = 1in 8in0 /uan /uestionM *C& Secondar+M S an Disorder FinalM Aterine !rolapse 38,. = Xia 8iaoD S*%" = #ui 8ai /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Sta0nation /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Sta0nation FinalM Stomac !ain S*%1 = 8ian0 &en /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Sta0nation FinalM Alcer #astric S*%1 = 8ian0 &en /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Sta0nation FinalM Aterine 3leedin0 A(normal 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *a'ation FinalM Speec Impaired #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM Di0estion Secondar+M *C& FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances C54 = S en /ueD C5" = S ui FenD C5" = S ui FenD S*1" = 3u Ron0 /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *on0ue /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *on0ue FinalM Sti$$ *on0ue #311 = *ou /iao 1inD S*%. = 6ua Rou &en /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *on0ue FinalM Swollen *on0ue C5%, = 8ian /uan /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *urmoil Disorder

/uestionM *C& Secondar+M *urmoil Disorder FinalM Di0estive Distur(ances 3859 = ;ei Can0D S*14 = Ru #en /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *urmoil Disorder FinalM Edema S!1% = C on0 &en /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *urmoil Disorder FinalM Intestinal Crampin0 3856 = C en0 Jin /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *urmoil Disorder FinalM Nocturnal Emissions 385% = H i S i /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *urmoil Disorder FinalM :varian !ain S!1, = Fu S e /uestionM *C& Secondar+M *urmoil Disorder FinalM 5omitin0 8I19 = S ou San 8i /uestionM *C& Secondar+M ;ind /uestionM *C& Secondar+M ;ind FinalM R initis #314 = C en0 8in0 /uestionM *C& Secondar+M ;ind FinalM Spinal !ain #511 = S en DaoD #51. = DaI 6ui /uestionM *C& Secondar+M Han0 FinalM Emotional 8ia(ilit+ SI) = H i H en0 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %61 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM * irst Secondar+M * irst /uestionM * irst Secondar+M * irst FinalM * irst C5%, = 8ian /uan /uestionM * irst Secondar+M * irst FinalM * irst E'cessive S!%9 = H ou Ron0

/uestionM * irst Secondar+M * irst FinalM * roat Soreness *3. = 1an0 C i /uestionM * irst Secondar+M * irst FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM * irst Secondar+M ;astin0 And * irst Disorder /uestionM * irst Secondar+M ;astin0 And * irst Disorder FinalM Spleen Disorders 38." = 1i S e /uestionM * irst Secondar+M ;astin0 And * irst Disorder FinalM Arination FreCuent 38%6 = #uan 1uan S u /uestionM * irst Secondar+M ;astin0 And * irst Disorder FinalM Arine Dar38%) = Xiao C an0 S u /uestionM * irst Secondar+M ;astin0 And * irst Disorder FinalM ;rist Joint So$t *issue Diseases *3. = 1an0 C i /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Enuresis /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Enuresis FinalM Enuresis C51 = 6ui 1inD C5% = /u #uD 8R19 = Hu ;u 8iD S!11 = Ji &en /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Enuresis FinalM 8ower A(dominal Distention 7I11 = 6en0 #u /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Enuresis FinalM 8um(ar Sti$$ness 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Incontinence /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Incontinence FinalM Dri((lin0 And 6esitant Flow :$ Arine C5% = /u #u /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Incontinence

FinalM Seminal Emissions 385% = H i S i /uestionM Arination Secondar+M *C& FinalM Amenorr ea C55 = S i &en /uestionM Arination Secondar+M *C& FinalM Failure :$ * e ;ater !assa0es *o Flow #3%5 = Jin0 &en /uestionM Arination Secondar+M *C& FinalM 6ernia C55 = S i &enD S!6 = San 1in Jiao /uestionM Arination Secondar+M *C& FinalM Aret ritis C51 = 6ui 1in Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %6% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Arination Secondar+M *C& FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction C5% = /u #u /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Anuria S!11 = Ji &en /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Di$$icult Arination 7I1, = /i XueD 7I. = Da H on0D 7I5 = S ui CuanD 8R19 = Hu ;u 8iD 8R" = 1in 3aoD S!) = 8ou #u /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM D+suria S!11 = Ji &enD S*%) = Da Ju /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Ina(ilit+ *o Arinate C5) = 1in Jiao /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM 8iver Disorders 38." = 1i S e /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Retention :$ Arine

C55 = S i &enD 7I11 = 6en0 #uD 8R19 = Hu ;u 8iD 8R" = 1in 3aoD S!11 = Ji &en S!1% = C on0 &enD S*%) = Da Ju /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM * i0 !ain 38,6 = C en0 Fu /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Arinar+ D+s$unction 385% = H i S i /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Arinar+ :(struction 38," = ;ei 1an0 /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Arination Di$$icult C5% = /u #uD C55 = S i &en /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Aro0enital Disorders 3861 = !u CanD S!4 = Di Ji /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arination FinalM Aterine !rolapse 8R5 = 8i #ou /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arine FinalM Dar- Arine C519 = Xia #uanD #31% = ;an #uD S*," = Xia Ju Xu /uestionM Arination Secondar+M Arine FinalM 6ematuria 8I4 = Xia 8ian /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM #enital !ain 38,6 = C en0 FuD 385. = H i 3ianD C5% = /u #uD 7I11 = 6en0 #uD 7I1% = Da 6e 8R1% = Ji &aiD 8R4 = /u /uan /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M #enitalia /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM &enorr a0ia 7I4 = Jiao Xin /uestionM Aro0enital

Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM !enis !ain 8R1% = Ji &ai Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %6, Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM !ostpartum Aterine 6emorr a0e C55 = S i &en /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM *esticular Swellin0 And !ain 7I4 = Jiao Xin /uestionM :3#1N Secondar+M #enitalia FinalM Arination FreCuent 38%4 = !an0 #uan0 S uD 385% = H i S i /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M Impotence /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M Impotence FinalM Impotence 38,5 = 6ui 1an0D C5% = /u #uD 7I11 = 6en0 #uD 7I1% = Da 6e /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M Impotence FinalM 5omitin0 385% = H i S i /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M In$ertilit+ FinalM In$ertilit+ C5) = 1in Jiao 7I1, = /i Xue 8R11 = 1in 8ian /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M Seminal Emission /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M Seminal Emission FinalM !remature EBaculation S*%) = Da Ju /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M Seminal Emission FinalM Seminal Emissions C51 = 6ui 1inD C5% = /u #uD 7I11 = 6en0 #uD 7I1% = Da 6eD S!4 = Di JiD S*%) = Da Ju /uestionM Aro0enital Secondar+M *C& FinalM De$icienc+ And E' austion :$ * e Five Han0 7I11 = 6en0 #u /uestionM 5ision

Secondar+M E+e /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM DiIIiness 381 = Jin0 &in0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM Facial Edema S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM Inner Cant us Redness And !ain 7I15 = H on0 H u /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM 8acrimation S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM 8iver Disorders 381" = Dan S u /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM &out Deviation #31 = *on0 Hi 8iao /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM :ptic Nerve Atrop + #31 = *on0 Hi 8iaoD #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM !tosis #31. = 1an0 3ai Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %6. Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e FinalM 1ellow E+es 6E% = /in0 8in0D SI14 = /uan 8iao /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM E+e Disorders 381 = Jin0 &in0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM E+e !ain 38. = /u C aiD 386) = H i 1inD 38" = 1u H enD #311 = *ou /iao 1inD #315 = *ou 8in

/i #31" = Nao 7on0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM E+e !ain And Redness #3.% = Di ;u 6ui /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM E+e !ain And Redness ;it Swellin0 #316 = &u C uan0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM E+e Redness 7I1) = S an0 /u /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM 8ateral 8e0 Crampin0 7I1" = 1in Du /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM &ental Disorders S*4 = *ou ;ei /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM S oulder !ain SI6 = 1an0 8ao /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM *eet #rindin0 #3,) = #uan0 &in0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e !ain FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 38" = 1u H enD #31 = *on0 Hi 8iao /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e Redness FinalM 8acrimation Apon ;ind E'posure S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e Redness FinalM Facial &uscle !aral+sis S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e Redness FinalM S oulder !ain 8I1. = 3i Nao /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M E+e Redness FinalM 5omitin0 6E, = S ao 6ai /uestionM 5ision

Secondar+M 8acrimation /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 8acrimation FinalM Facial !ain S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 8acrimation FinalM 6eadac e 381 = Jin0 &in0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 8acrimation FinalM 8acrimation S*, = Ju 8iao /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 8acrimation FinalM 8acrimation Apon ;ind E'posure #315 = *ou 8in /i /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 8acrimation FinalM &out Deviation S*1 = C en0 /i Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %65 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 8acrimation FinalM 5isual Distur(ances S*4 = *ou ;ei /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M *C& FinalM :ptic Nerve Atrop + S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M *C& FinalM :ptic Nerve In$lammation S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM 3lurred 5ision 8I1, = S ou ;u 8iD SI) = H i H en0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM Cloud+ 5ision 7I5 = S ui Cuan /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM DiIIiness #5%1 = /ian Din0D 8A, = *ian FuD SI) = H i H en0D S*.1 = Jie Xi /uestionM 5ision

Secondar+M 5ision FinalM Fever And C ills SI15 = Jian H on0 H u /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM 6eadac e S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM 8acrimation 381 = Jin0 &in0D S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM 8acrimation Apon ;ind E'posure 381 = Jin0 &in0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM &out Deviation S*% = Si 3ai /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM &+opia 38" = 1u H enD #316 = &u C uan0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM Nausea And 5omitin0 386 = C en0 #uan0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM R initis 38, = &ei C on0 /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM Super$icial 5isual :(struction S*, = Ju 8iao /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM * oracic :ppression !C1 = *ian C i /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM 5isual Distur(ances 381 = Jin0 &in0D 38. = /u C aiD #3,) = #uan0 &in0D 8I6 = !ian 8iD SI6 = 1an0 8ao S*1 = C en0 /i /uestionM 5ision Secondar+M 5ision FinalM 5isual DiIIiness 3869 = 7un 8unD 3865 = S u #uD 3866 = *on0

#uD #31, = 3en S enD #315 = *ou 8in /iD #316 = &u C uan0D #31) = H en0 1in0D #3. = 6an 1anD #516 = Fen0 FuD #5%% = Xin 6ui Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %66 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /uestionM 5oice Secondar+M *C& /uestionM 5oice Secondar+M *C& FinalM 8im( 6eaviness #5" = H i 1an0 /uestionM 5oice Secondar+M *C& FinalM Sudden Ina(ilit+ *o Spea- Followin0 ;indstro-e #516 = Fen0 Fu /uestionM 5oice Secondar+M 5oice FinalM 8oss :$ 5oice Sudden C5%, = 8ian /uanD #516 = Fen0 Fu /uestionM 5oice Secondar+M 5oice FinalM *rismus S*6 = Jia C e Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 6 ) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Acupuncture 8ocation Identi$ication 7e+ Alp a(etical :rder 3ai 6uan S u L 38,9M In t e sacral re0ionD 1=5 cun lateral to t e posterior midlineD at t e level o$ t e $ourt posterior sacral $oramen= 3ai 6ui L #5%9M :n t e midsa0ittal lineD at t e intersection o$ a line connectin0 t e ri0 t and le$t ear apices= 3ao 6uan0 L 385,M In t e sacral re0ionD , cun lateral to t e posterior midlineD at t e level o$ t e second sacral $oramen= 3en S en L #31,M In t e $rontal re0ionD 9=5 cun wit in t e anterior airlineD on a sa0ittal line ascendin0 $rom t e lateral cant us o$ t e e+e= 3i #uan L S*,1M :n t e anterior t i0 D directl+ in$erior to t e anterior superior iliac spineD in t e depression lateral to t e sartorius muscle= 3i Nao L 8I1.M :n t e lateral (rac ial re0ionD on t e anterior mar0in o$ t e insertion o$ t e deltoid muscleD on t e line connectin0 8I 11 at t e cu(ital crease and 8I15 in$erior to t e acromion= 3in0 Fen0 L SI1%M :n t e upper (ac-D wit t e arm in sli0 t a(ductionD in t e middle o$ t e supraspinous $ossa= 3u 8an0 L 7I%%M In t e pectoral re0ionD in t e $i$t intercostal spaceD % cun lateral to t e

anterior midline at t e level o$ C5 16= 3u Ron0 L S*1"M :n t e upper a(domenD % cun lateral to t e anterior midline and 6 cun superior to t e um(ilicusD at t e level o$ C5 1.= C an0 /ian0 L #51M &idwa+ (etween t e anus and t e tip o$ t e cocc+'= C en0 Fu L 38,6M In t e 0luteal re0ionD In t e middle o$ t e transverse 0luteal $old= C en0 #uan0 L 386M :n t e eadD %=5 cun posterior to anterior airlineD 1=5 cun lateral to t e midline= C en0 Jian0 L C5%.M :n t e c inD in t e depression in t e center o$ t e mentola(ial 0rooveD (elow t e middle o$ t e lower lip= C en0 Jin L 3856M :n t e posterior le0D 5 cun in$erior to 38 .9D in t e center o$ t e 0astrocnemius muscle= C en0 8in0 L #314M In t e parietal re0ionD 1=5 cun posterior to #3 1) and , cun lateral to #5 %9= C en0 &an L S*%9M :n t e a(domenD % cun lateral to t e anterior midline and 5 cun superior to t e um(ilicusD at t e level o$ C5 1,= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 6 4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 C en0 /i L S*1M :ne t e $aceD on t e in$erior (order o$ t e or(itD in t e or(icularis oculi muscleD directl+ (elow t e pupil w en e+es are $ocused $orward= Caution Do not manipulate t e needle as (leedin0 occurs ver+ easil+= C en0 S an L 385)M :n t e posterior le0D 4 cun in$erior to 38 .9D alon0 t e line connectin0 38 .9 at t e popliteal crease and 38 69 posterior to t e lateral malleolus= C i He L 8A5M At t e el(owD in t e cu(ital creaseD in t e depression lateral to (iceps (rac ia tendon= C on0 &en L S!1%M In t e in0uinal re0ionD on t e lateral side o$ t e $emoral arter+D ,=5 cun lateral to t e anterior midline= Avoid t e Femoral Arter+N C on0 1an0 L S*.%M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD 1=5 cun in$erior to S* .1D in t e depression (etween t e second and t ird metatarsals and cunei$orm (ones= Caution Avoid t e Dorsal Arter+= Ci 8iao L 38,%M In t e sacral re0ionD in t e second posterior sacral $oramen= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= Da 3ao L S!%1M :n t e lateral c est wallD on t e mida'illar+ lineD 6 cun in$erior to t e anterior a'illar+ crease=

Da C an0 S u L 38%5M :n t e lower (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $ourt lum(ar verte(ra >8.?= Da Du L S!%M :n t e 0reat toeD in t e depression distal to t e metatarsop alan0eal BointD at dorsal @ plantar Bunction= Da Dun L 8R1M :n t e lateral side o$ t e $irst di0itD t e 0reat toeD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail (ed= Da 6e L 7I1%M In t e pu(ic re0ionD 1 cun superior to t e s+mp +sis pu(isD 9=5 cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 ,= Da 6en0 L S!15M :n t e a(domenD at t e level o$ t e um(ilicusD . cun lateral to t e anterior midline= Da Ju L S*%)M :n t e lower a(domenD % cun in$erior to t e um(ilicus and % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 5= Da 8in0 L !C)M At t e transverse wrist creaseD (etween t e tendons o$ palmaris lon0us and $le'or carpi radialis muscles= Da 1in0 L S*5M :n t e c ee-D anterior to t e an0le o$ t e mandi(leD on t e anterior (order o$ masseter muscle= Caution Avoid t e Arter+N Da H on0 L 7I.M :n t e medial an-leD posterior and in$erior to t e medial malleolusD in t e depression anterior to t e medial side o$ t e attac ment o$ Ac illesK tendon= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 6 " Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Da H u L 3811M :n t e upper (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $irst t oracic verte(ra >*1?= Dai &ai L #3%6M :n t e mida'illar+ lineD superior to t e iliac crestD at t e level o$ t e um(ilicus= Dan S u L 381"M :n t e middle (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e tent t oracic verte(ra >*19?= DaI 6ui L #51.M 3elow t e spinous process o$ t e sevent cervical verte(ra >C)?= Di Can0 L S*.M :n t e $aceD in t e oral re0ionD 9=5 cun lateral to t e corner o$ t e mout D in line wit t e pupil w en t e e+es are $ocused $orward= Di Ji L S!4M Xi Cle$t !oint on t e Spleen C annel= :n t e medial le0D , cun in$erior to t e medial cond+le o$ t e ti(ia on t e line connectin0 t e medial malleolus at t e an-le and S! " at t e lower (order o$ t e medial cond+le o$ t e ti(ia=

Di ;u 6ui L #3.%M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD in a depression pro'imal to t e eads o$ t e $ourt and $i$t metatarsal (ones= Du 3i L S*,5M At t e -nee re0ionD in t e depression (elow t e lateral side o$ t e patella w en t e -nee is $le'ed sli0 tl+= Du S u L 3816M :n t e upper (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e si't t oracic verte(ra >*6?= Dui Duan L #5%)M At t e Bunction o$ t e p iltrum wit t e upper lip= Er Jian L 8I%M :n t e radial side o$ t e second di0it in sli0 t $le'ionD in t e depression anterior to t e metacarpop alan0eal Boint= Er &en L *3%1M Anterior to t e earD in t e depression anterior to t e supratra0ic notc and posterior to t e mandi(ular cond+loid process w en t e mout is open= Fei S u L 381,M :n t e upper (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e t ird t oracic verte(ra >*,?= Fei 1an0 L 3854M :n t e posterior le0D ) cun superior to 38 69 posterior to t e lateral malleolusD and 1 cun in$erior to 38 5)D 4 cun in$erior to 38 .9 at t e popliteal crease= Fen0 C i L #3%9M At t e posterior eadD at t e Bunction o$ t e occipital and nuc al re0ionsD in t e depression (etween t e ori0ins o$ Sternocleidomastoid and *rapeIius muscles= Fen0 Fu L #516M &eetin0 !oint on t e #overnin0 5essel wit t e 1an0 8in-in0 5essel= Sea o$ &arrow !oint= :n t e posterior eadD 9=5 cun directl+ (elow t e e'ternal occipital protu(erance= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) 9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Fen0 8on0 L S*.9M 8uo Connectin0 !oint on t e Stomac C annel to S!,= :n t e le0D one cun lateral to S* ,4 at t e midpoint o$ a line (etween S* ,5 at t e lateral patella and t e lateral malleolus= Fen0 &en L 381%M :n t e upper (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e second t oracic verte(ra >*%?= Fen0 S i L #3,1M :n t e midline o$ t e lateral t i0 D ) cun superior to t e popliteal crease= #3 ,1 can also (e located directl+ in$erior to t e tip o$ t e middle $in0er w en patient is standin0 and t e arm is e'tended alon0 t e t i0 =

Fu Ai L S!16M :n t e upper a(domenD . cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD , cun a(ove t e um(ilicus at t e level o$ C5 11= Fu 3ai L #319M In t e temporal re0ionD posterior to t e auricle and superior to t e mastoid processD at t e Bunction o$ t e upper and middle t irds o$ a curved line connectin0 #3 " and #3 1%= Fu Fen L 38.1M :n t e upper (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e second t oracic verte(ra >*%?D at t e level o$ 38 1%= Fu Jie L S!1.M :n t e lower a(domenD . cun lateral to t e anterior midline and 1 cun (elow t e um(ilicus at t e level o$ C5 )= Fu 8iu L 7I)M :n t e medial le0D % cun superior to 7I , on t e anterior (order o$ t e Ac illesK tendon= Fu S e L S!1,M :n t e lower a(domenD . cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 ,D 1 cun a(ove t e superior (order o$ t e pu(ic s+mp +sis= Fu *u L 8I14M :n t e nec-D on t e sternocleidomastoid muscleD , cun lateral to t e lar+n0eal prominence= Fu *u L S*,%M :n t e anterior t i0 D on a line (etween t e anterior superior iliac spine and t e superolatero patellaD 6 cun superior to lateral patella= Fu Xi L 38,4M In t e popliteal $ossaD wit t e -nee in sli0 t $le'ionD 1 cun superior to 38 ,"D on t e medial side o$ (iceps $emoris tendon= Fu 1an0 L 385"M :n t e posterior sur$ace o$ t e le0D , cun superior to 38 69 posterior to t e lateral malleolus= #an S u L 3814M :n t e middle (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e nint t oracic verte(ra >*"?= #ao 6uan S u L 38.,M:n t e upper (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $ourt t oracic verte(ra >*.?D at t e level o$ 38 1.= #e #uan L 38.6M :n t e middle (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e sevent t oracic verte(ra >*)?D at t e level o$ 38 1)= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) 1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #e S u L 381)M :n t e middle (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e sevent t oracic verte(ra >*)?= #on0 Sun L S!.M :n t e medial $ootD in t e depression distal to t e (ase o$ t e $irst metatarsal (one=

#uan C on0 L *31M Jin0 ;ell !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel= &etal !oint on Fire &eridian= :n t e ulnar side o$ t e $ourt di0itD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail(ed= #uan &en L S*%%M :n t e a(domenD % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD , cun superior to t e um(ilicusD at t e level o$ C5 11= #uan 1uan L C5.M In t e pu(ic re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD % cun superior to t e upper (order o$ t e s+mp +sis pu(is= #uan 1uan S u L 38%6M :n t e lower (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $i$t lum(ar verte(ra >85?= #uan0 &in0 L #3,)M :n t e lateral side o$ t e le0D 5 cun superior to t e prominence o$ t e lateral malleolus= #ui 8ai L S*%"M :n t e lower a(domenD 1 cun a(ove t e pu(ic s+mp +sis and % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 ,= 6an 1an L #3.M &eetin0 !oint on t e #all 3ladder C annel wit t e *riple Ener0iIerD 8ar0e Intestine and Stomac C annels= In t e temporal re0ionD posterior to t e airlineD at t e Bunction o$ t e upper Cuarter and lower t ree@Cuarters o$ t e distance (etween S* 4 and #3 )= 6e #u L 8I.M :n t e dorsum o$ t e andD appro'imatel+ at t e midpoint o$ t e second metacarpal (oneD in t e (ell+ o$ t e $irst interosseus dorsalis muscle= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= 6e 8iao L 8I1"M In t e oral re0ionD directl+ in$erior to t e lateral mar0in o$ t e nostrilD level wit #5 %6= 6e 8iao L *3%%M Anterior to t e earD on t e airlineD level wit t e lateral cant us o$ t e e+e= 6en0 #u L 7I11M In t e pu(ic re0ionD immediatel+ superior to t e s+mp +sis pu(isD 9=5 cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 %= 6e+ 1n L 3855M :n t e posterior le0D % cun in$erior to 38 .9 at t e popliteal creaseD (etween t e medial and lateral eads o$ t e 0astrocnemius muscle= 6ou Din0 L #51"M :n t e posterior eadD . cun directl+ a(ove t e e'ternal occipital protu(erance= 6ou Xi L SI,M In t e depression pro'imal to t e ead o$ t e $i$t metacarpal (oneD at t e Bunction o$ t e dorsal and palmar sur$aces= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) % Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

6ua #ai L C5%9M :n t e sternal midlineD level wit t e $irst intercostal space= 6ua Rou &en L S*%.M :n t e a(domenD % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD 1 cun superior to t e um(ilicusD at t e level o$ C5 "= 6uan S u L 7I16M At t e um(ilicusD 9=5 cun lateral to t e midlineD at t e level o$ C5 4= 6uan *iao L #3,9M In t e 0luteal re0ionD one t ird t e distance $rom t e 0reater troc anter to t e sacral iatus= 8ocate #3,9 wit t e patient in t e lateral recum(ent position wit t e t i0 $le'ed sli0 tl+= 6uan0 &en L 3851M :n t e lower (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $irst lum(ar verte(ra >81?D at t e level o$ 38 %%= 6ui 1an0 L 38,5M :n eit er side o$ t e tip o$ t e cocc+'D 9=5 cun lateral to t e posterior midline= 6ui 1in L C51M In t e perineal re0ionD at t e midpoint (etween t e anus and t e posterior (order o$ t e scrotum in males and t e posterior la(ial commissure in $emales= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= 6ui Hon0 L *3)M :n t e dorsal $orearmD , cun superior to t e dorsal transverse wrist creaseD on t e radial (order o$ t e ulnaD at t e level o$ *E 6= 6un &en L 38.)M :n t e middle (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e nint t oracic verte(ra >*"?D at t e level o$ 38 14= Ji &ai L 8R1%M Ar0ent !ulse= At t e (ase o$ t e $emoral trian0leD medial to t e $emoral arter+D %=5 cun lateral to t e anterior midline= 3eware t e Femoral 5einN Ji &en L S!11M :n t e medial t i0 D 6 cun superior to S! 19D on t e line connectin0 S! 19 a(ove t e superomedial an0le o$ t e patella and S! 1%D ,=5 cun lateral to t e upper (order o$ pu(ic s+mp +sis= Ji /uan L 6E1M In t e a'illar+ $ossa w en t e arm is a(ductedD medial to t e a'illar+ arter+= Caution Avoid t e a'illar+ arter+= Ji H on0 L #56M :n t e middle (ac-D (elow t e spinous process o$ t e elevent t oracic verte(ra >*11?= Jia C e L S*6M :n t e c ee-D 1 cun anterior and superior to t e an0le o$ t e mandi(leD in t e (ell+ o$ masseter muscle= Jia Xi L #3.,M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD distal to t e $ourt and $i$t metatarsop alan0eal BointsD 9=5 cun pro'imal to t e we( mar0in=

Jian Jin0 L #3%1M In t e suprascapular re0ionD midwa+ (etween t e tip o$ t e acromion process and (elow t e spinous process o$ t e sevent cervical verte(ra >C)?= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ or 6eart Disease is -nown or suspected= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) , Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Jian 8i L C511M In t e upper um(ilical re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD , cun superior to t e um(ilicus= Jian 8iao L *31.M :n t e posterior deltoid re0ionD in t e posterior depression on t e lateral (order o$ t e acromion w en t e arm is a(ducted "9 de0rees= Jian S i L !C5M Jin0 River !oint on t e !ericardium C annel= &etal !oint on Fire &eridian= :n t e anterior $orearmD , cun superior to t e transverse wrist creaseD (etween t e tendons o$ palmaris lon0us and $le'or carpi radialis muscles= Jian ;ai S u L SI1.M :n t e upper (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $irst t oracic verte(ra >*1?= Jian 1u L 8I15M :n t e s oulder in t e depression on t e anterior (order o$ t e acromial part o$ t e deltoid muscle w en t e arm is a(ducted= Jian H en L SI"M :n t e upper (ac-D wit t e arm in a(ductionD 1 cun superior to t e posterior end o$ t e a'illar+ $old= Jian H on0 H u L SI15M :n t e upper (ac-D % cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e sevent cervical verte(ra >C)?= Jiao Sun L *3%9M In t e temporal re0ionD wit in t e airlineD superior to t e ape' o$ t e ear= Jiao Xin L 7I4M :n t e medial le0D % cun superior to 7I , and 9=5 cun anterior to 7I )= Jie Xi L S*.1M Jin0 River !oint on t e Stomac C annel= Fire !oint on Eart &eridian= :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD (etween tendons o$ muscles e'tensor di0itorum lon0us and e'tersor allucis lon0usD level wit t e tip o$ t e lateral malleolus= Jin &en L 386,M :n t e lateral $ootD in t e depression posterior to t e $i$t metatarsal (one and lateral to t e cu(oid (one= Jin Suo L #54M :n t e middle (ac-D (elow t e spinous process o$ t e nint t oracic verte(ra >*"?= Jin0 #u L 386.M :n t e lateral $ootD in t e depression anterior and in$erior to t e tu(erosit+ o$ t e $i$t metatarsal (one=

Jin0 &en L #3%5M :n t e lateral a(domen at t e lower (order o$ t e $ree end o$ t e twel$t ri(= Jin0 &in0 L 381M :n t e $aceD 9=1 cun superior to t e inner cant us w en t e e+e is closed= Jin0 /u L 8A4M :n t e radial side o$ t e $orearmD 1 cun superior to t e transverse wrist crease and in t e depression (etween t e radial arter+ and st+loid process= ContraindicationM &o'a is $or(iddenN Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) . Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Jiu ;ei L C515M In t e epi0astric re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD 1 cun in$erior to t e 'ip oid process and ) cun superior to t e um(ilicus= Ju #u L 8I16M :n t e superior aspect o$ t e scapular re0ionD in t e depression posterior to t e acromial e'tremit+ o$ t e clavicle and anterior to t e scapular spine= Ju 8iao L #3%"M At t e ipD midwa+ (etween t e anterior superior iliac spine and t e 0reater troc anter= #3%" is located wit patient in t e lateral recum(ent position wit t e t i0 $le'ed sli0 tl+= Ju 8iao L S*,M :n t e $aceD level wit t e (order o$ t e ala nasiD in line wit t e pupil w en t e e+es are $ocused $orward= Ju /ue L C51.M In t e epi0astric re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD % cun in$erior to t e 'ip oid process and 6 cun superior to t e um(ilicus= Jue 1in S u L 381.M !ericardium S u= 3ac- S u o$ t e !ericardium t at connects wit Front &u C51)= :n t e upper (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $ourt t oracic verte(ra >*.?= 7on0 Hui L 8A6M :n t e radial side o$ t e $orearmD 5 cun in$erior to 8A 5D on a line $rom 8A 5 at t e cu(ital crease and 8A " at t e lateral side o$ t e wrist crease= 7u Fan0 L S*1.M :n t e c estD on t e midclavicular lineD in t e $irst intercostal spaceD . cun lateral to t e anterior midline= 7un 8un L 3869M Jin0 River !oint on t e 3ladder C annel= Fire !oint on ;ater &eridian= :n t e lateral an-leD in t e depression midwa+ (etween t e e'ternal malleolus and t e tendon calcaneus= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected 8ao #on0 L !C4M :n t e palmar sur$aceD (etween t e second and t ird metacarpal (onesD pro'imal to t e metacarpop alan0eal Boint=

8i Dui L S*.5M :n t e lateral side o$ t e second toeD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail (ed= 8i #ou L 8R5M :n t e medial side o$ t e le0D posterior to t e ti(ial medial mar0inD 5 cun superior to t e medial malleolus= 8ian /uan L C5%,M :n t e nec-D on t e anterior midlineD in t e depression superior to t e +oid (one= 8ian0 &en L S*%1M :n t e a(domenD % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD . cun superior to t e um(ilicusD at t e level o$ C5 1%= 8ian0 /iu L S*,.M :n t e anterior t i0 D on a line (etween t e anterior superior iliac spine and t e superolatero patellaD % cun superior to lateral patella= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nownEsuspect= 8ie /ue L 8A)M 8uo Connectin0 !oint on t e 8un0 C annel to 8I.= :n t e radial side o$ t e $orearmD 1=5 cun superior to t e tip o$ t e radial st+loid process= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) 5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 8in0 Dao L 6E.M :n t e palmar sur$ace o$ t e $orearmD 1=5 cun pro'imal to t e transverse wrist creaseD on t e radial side o$ $le'or carpi ulnaris tendon= 8in0 *ai L #519M 3elow t e spinous process o$ t e si't t oracic verte(ra >*6?= 8in0 Xu L 7I%.M In t e pectoral re0ionD in t e t ird intercostal spaceD % cun lateral to t e anterior midline at t e level o$ C5 14= 8ou #u L S!)M :n t e medial le0D 6 cun superior to t e medial malleolusD posterior to t e medial mar0in o$ t e ti(ia= 8u Xi L *31"M :n t e mastoid (oneD posterior to t e earD at t e Bunction o$ t e middle and upper t ird o$ t e curve t at connects *E 1) at t e earlo(e and *E %9 at t e ape' o$ t e ear= 8uo /ue L 384M :n t e eadD 5=5 cun posterior to anterior airlineD 1=5 cun lateral to t e midline= &ei C on0 L 38,M In t e $rontal re0ion o$ t e eadD 9=5 cun wit in t e anterior airline and 9=5 cun lateral to #5 %. at t e midline= &in0 &en L #5.M :n t e lower (ac-D (elow t e spinous process o$ t e second lum(ar verte(ra >8%?= &u C uan0 L #316M In t e $rontal re0ionD 1=5 cun posterior to #3 15 and , cun lateral to t e mid@sa0ittal line=

Nao 6u L #51)M &eetin0 !oint on t e #overnin0 5essel wit t e 3ladder C annel= :n t e posterior eadD 1=5 cun directl+ a(ove t e e'ternal occipital protu(erance= Nao 6ui L *31,M :n t e posterior (order o$ t e deltoid muscleD % cun in$erior to *E 1. at t e posterior and in$erior to t e acromion= Nao 7on0 L #31"M In t e occipital re0ionD %=%5 cun lateral to t e posterior midlineD at t e level o$ t e upper (order o$ t e e'ternal occipital protu(erance= Nao S u L SI19M :n t e posterior s oulderD wit t e arm in a(ductionD in t e depression in$erior and lateral to t e scapular spineD 1 cun superior to SI " = Nei #uan L !C6M :n t e anterior $orearmD % cun superior to t e transverse wrist creaseD (etween t e tendons o$ palmaris lon0us and $le'or carpi radialis muscles= Nei *in0 L S*..M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD at t e pro'imal end o$ t e we( (etween t e second and t ird toes= !an0 #uan0 S u L 38%4M In t e sacral re0ionD 1=5 cun lateral to t e posterior midlineD at t e level o$ t e second posterior sacral $oramen= !i S u L 38%9M :n t e middle (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e elevent t oracic verte(ra >*11?= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) 6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 !ian 8i L 8I6M :n t e radial side o$ t e posterior ante(rac ial re0ionD , cun pro'imal to t e dorsal wrist creaseD on t e line connectin0 8I 5 at t e wrist and 8I 11 at t e lateral cu(ital crease= !o 6u L 38.%M :n t e upper (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e t ird t oracic verte(ra >*,?D at t e level o$ 38 1,= !u Can L 3861M :n t e lateral $ootD in a depression on t e lateral calcaneusD 1=5 cun in$erior and posterior to t e lateral malleolusD directl+ (elow 3869 w ic is posterior to t e lateral malleolus= /i C on0 L S*,9M At t e superior (order o$ t e pu(ic s+mp +sisD % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 %= Caution Avoid t e Femoral 5einD spermatic cord in men and round li0ament in women= /i 6ai L C56M :n t e lower a(domenD on t e anterior midlineD 1=5 cun in$erior to t e um(ilicus= /i 6ai S u L 38%.M :n t e lower (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous

process o$ t e t ird lum(ar verte(ra >8,?= /i 6u L S*1,M In t e in$raclavicular $ossaD on t e midclavicular lineD . cun lateral to t e anterior midline= /i &ai L *314M :n t e mastoid (oneD posterior to t e earD at t e Bunction o$ t e lower and middle t ird o$ t e curve t at connects *E 1) at t e earlo(e and *E %9 at t e ape' o$ t e ear= /i &en L 8R1.M :n t e c estD on t e midclavicular lineD in t e si't intercostal spaceD at t e level o$ C5 1.= /i S e L S*11M At t e root o$ t e nec-D at t e superior (order o$ t e sternal end o$ t e clavicleD (etween t e sternal and clavicular eads o$ sternocleidomastoid muscle= /i Xue L 7I1,M In t e pu(ic re0ionD % cun superior to t e s+mp +sis pu(isD 9=5 cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 .= /ian Din0 L #5%1M :n t e midsa0ittal lineD 1=5 cun anterior to t e intersection o$ t e line connectin0 t e ri0 t and le$t ear apices= /ian #u L SI%M :n t e ulner side o$ t e $i$t di0itD in t e depression distal to t e metacarpop alan0eal BointD at t e Bunction o$ t e dorsal and palmar sur$aces= /ian0 Jian L #514M :n t e posterior eadD %=5 cun directl+ a(ove t e e'ternal occipital protu(erance= /in0 8en0 1uan L *311M In t e posterior cu(ital re0ionD % cun superior to t e olecranon w en t e el(ow is $le'ed= /in0 8in0 L 6E%M :n t e medial arm w en t e el(ow is $le'edD , cun pro'imal to t e transverse cu(ital crease= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) ) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 /iu Xu L #3.9M At t e lateral an-leD In t e depression anterior and in$erior to t e lateral malleolus= /u 3in L #3)M ;it in t e airlineD anterior and superior to t e auricleD a(out 1 cun anterior to *E %9= /u C ai L 38.M In t e $rontal re0ion o$ t e eadD 9=5 cun wit in t e anterior airlineD 1=5 cun lateral to #5 %. at t e midline= /u C i L 8I11M :n t e lateral side o$ t e cu(ital crease w en t e el(ow is close to $ull $le'ion=

/u #u L C5%M In t e pu(ic re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD at t e superior (order o$ t e s+mp +sis pu(is= /u /uan L 8R4M :ne t e medial side o$ t e -neeD in t e depression o$ t e transverse popliteal crease (etween t e upper (order o$ t e medial epicond+le o$ t e $emur and semitendinosus and semimem(ranosus tendons= /u 1aun L SI1,M :n t e upper (ac-D in t e depression on t e medial end o$ t e supraspinous $ossa= /u He L !C,M 6e Sea !oint on t e !ericardium C annel= ;ater !oint on Fire &eridian= At t e el(owD on t e ulnar side o$ t e (iceps (rac ii tendonD medial to t e (rac ial arter+= /uan 8iao L SI14M :n t e $aceD on t e lower (order o$ t e I+0omatic (oneD in$erior to t e outer cant us o$ t e e+e= /ue !en L S*1%M At t e midpoint o$ t e supraclavicular $ossaD posterior to t e clavicleD on t e midclavicular lineD . cun lateral to t e anterior midline= ContraindicationM Do not use i$ pre0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= Ran #u L 7I%M :n t e medial sur$ace o$ t e $ootD in t e depression in$erior to t e lower (order o$ t e tu(erosit+ o$ t e navicular (one= Ren 1in0 L S*"M :n t e nec-D on t e anterior (order o$ sternocleidomastoid muscleD at t e level o$ t e lar+n0eal prominence= Caution Avoid t e 5asculatureN Ri 1ue L #3%.M :n t e anterior c est midclavicular line at t e level o$ t e sevent intercostal space= Ru #en L S*14M :n t e c estD on t e midclavicular lineD in t e $i$t intercostal spaceD . cun lateral to t e anterior midline= Ru H on0 L S*1)M At t e center o$ t e nipple= ContraindicationM D: N:* NEED8E :R &:XA @ S* 1) SER5ES AS A 8AND&AR7 :N81N San Jian L 8I,M :n t e dorsum o$ t e andD on t e radial side o$ t e second metacarpal (oneD pro'imal to t e metacarpop alan0eal BointD at t e dorsal@palmar s-in Bunction= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) 4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 San Jiao S u L 38%%M :n t e lower (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $irst lum(ar verte(ra >81?= Caution Avoid t e 7idne+s San 1an0 8uo L *34M :n t e dorsal $orearmD (etween t e radius and ulnaD . cun superior to *E . at t e dorsal transverse wrist crease=

San 1in Jiao L S!6M :n t e medial le0D , cun superior to t e medial malleolusD on t e posterior (order o$ t e ti(ia= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected= S an #uan L C51,M In t e upper um(ilical re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD 5 cun superior to t e um(ilicus= S an H on0 L C51)M :n t e sternal midlineD level wit t e $ourt intercostal spaceD (etween t e nipples= S an0 #uan L #3,M &eetin0 !oint on t e #all 3ladder C annel wit t e *riple Ener0iIer and Stomac C annels= :n t e lateral $aceD anterior to t e earD on t e upper (order o$ t e I+0omatic arc = S an0 Ju Xu L S*,)M :n t e le0D one $in0er (readt lateral to t e ti(iaOs anterior crestD 6 cun in$erior to S* ,5 in t e depression to t e lateral side o$ t e patella= S an0 8ian L 8I"M :n t e radial side o$ t e posterior ante(rac ial re0ionD , cun distal cu(ital creaseD on t e line connectin0 8I 5 at t e wrist and 8I 11 at t e lateral cu(ital crease= S an0 8iao L 38,1M In t e sacral re0ionD in t e $irst posterior sacral $oramen= S an0 /u L 7I1)M In t e um(ilical re0ionD % cun superior to t e um(ilicus and 9=5 cun lateral to t e midline at t e level o$ C5 19= S an0 /ui L S!5M :n t e medial $ootD in t e depression midwa+ (etween t e navicular (one and t e verte' o$ t e medial malleolus= S an0 Xin0 L #5%,M :n t e midlineD 1 cun posterior to t e anterior airline= S an0 1an0 L 8I1M :n t e radial side o$ t e second di0itD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail (ed= S ao C on0 L 6E"M :n t e radial side o$ t e $i$t di0itD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail (ed= Caution Reserve 6E " $or Anconsciousness or S oc-= S ao Fu L 6E4M :n t e palmar sur$ace o$ t e andD (etween t e $ourt and $i$t metacarpal (ones= ; en a ti0 t $ist is madeD 6E 4 is w ere t e $i$t di0it rests= S ao 6ai L 6E,M ;it t e el(ow $le'edD at t e medial end o$ t e transverse cu(ital crease= S ao S an0 L 8A11M :n t e radial side o$ t e t enar eminenceD 9=1 cun posterior to t e nail(ed=

Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % ) " Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S ao He L SI1M :n t e ulnar side o$ t e $i$t di0itD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail (ed= S en Can0 L 7I%5M In t e pectoral re0ionD in t e second intercostal spaceD % cun lateral to t e anterior midline at t e level o$ C5 1"= S en Dao L #511M 3elow t e spinous process o$ t e $i$t t oracic verte(ra >*5?= S en Fen0 L 7I%,M In t e pectoral re0ionD in t e $ourt intercostal spaceD % cun lateral to t e anterior midline at t e level o$ C5 1)= S en &ai L 386%M :n t e lateral $ootD in t e depression directl+ in$erior to t e lateral malleolusD at t e dorsal@plantar s-in Bunction= S en &en L 6E)M :n t e transverse wrist creaseD in t e small depression (etween t e pisi$orm and ulna (ones= S en /ue L C54M At t e um(ilicus= S en S u L 38%,M :n t e lower (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e second lum(ar verte(ra >8%?= Caution Avoid t e 7idne+s= S en *an0 L 38..M :n t e upper (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $i$t t oracic verte(ra >*5?D at t e level o$ 38 15= S en *in0 L #5%.M :n t e midlineD 9=5 cun posterior to t e anterior airline= S en H u L #51%M 3elow t e spinous process o$ t e t ird t oracic verte(ra >*,?= S i Dou L S!1)M :n t e lateral c estD in t e $i$t intercostal spaceD 6 cun lateral to anterior midline= S i #uan L 7I14M In t e um(ilical re0ionD , cun superior to t e um(ilicus and 9=5 cun lateral to t e midline at t e level o$ C5 11= S i &en L C55M :n t e lower a(domenD on t e anterior midlineD % cun in$erior to t e um(ilicus= S ou San 8i L 8I19M :n t e radial side o$ t e posterior ante(rac ial re0ionD % cun distal cu(ital creaseD on t e line connectin0 8I 5 at t e wrist and 8I 11 at t e lateral cu(ital crease= S ou ;u 8i L 8I1,M :n t e lateral (rac ial re0ionD , cun superior to 8I 11D on t e line connectin0 8I 11 at t e cu(ital crease and 8I15 in$erior to t e acromion= S u Fu L 7I%)M :n t e lower (order o$ t e clavicleD % cun lateral to t e anterior midline= S u #u L 3865M :n t e lateral $ootD in t e depression posterior and in$erior to t e $i$t

metatarsop alan0eal Boint= S uai #u L #34M 1=5 cun superior to t e auricular ape' and directl+ a(ove *E %9= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S ui Dao L S*%4M :n t e lower a(domenD , cun in$erior to t e um(ilicus and % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 .= S ui Fen L C5"M In t e um(ilical re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD 1 cun superior to t e um(ilicus= S ui #ou L #5%6M In t e p iltrumD 1E, t e distance $rom t e nose and t e top o$ t e lip= S ui Cuan L 7I5M :n t e medial an-leD 1 cun (elow 7I ,D in t e depression anterior and superior to t e medial side o$ t e tu(erosit+ o$ t e calcaneus= S ui *u L S*19M :n t e nec-D on t e anterior (order o$ sternocleidomastoid muscleD midwa+ (etween S* " at t e level o$ t e lar+n0eal prominence and S* 11 at t e upper clavicle (order= Caution Avoid t e Arter+N Si 3ai L S*%M :n t e $aceD on t e in$raor(ital $oramenD 9=5 cun in$erior to S* 1 w en e+es are $ocused $orward= Caution Do not needle deepl+ as to puncture t e e+e(all= Si Du L *3"M :n t e dorsal $orearmD (etween t e radius and ulnaD ) cun superior to *E . at t e dorsal transverse wrist crease= Si &an L 7I1.M In t e pu(ic re0ionD , cun superior to t e s+mp +sis pu(isD 9=5 cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 5= Si H u 7on0 L *3%,M In t e depression at t e lateral end o$ t e e+e(row= Su 8iao L #5%5M At t e tip o$ t e nose= *ai 3ai L S!,M :n t e medial $ootD in t e depression pro'imal to t e $irst metatarsop alan0eal BointD at t e dorsal @ plantar Bunction= *ai C on0 L 8R,M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD (etween t e $irst and second metatarsal (onesD appro'imatel+ % cun superior to t e we( mar0in= *ai Xi L 7I,M :n t e medial an-leD at t e midpoint (etween t e prominence o$ t e medial malleolus and Ac illesK *endon= *ai 1i L S*%,M :n t e a(domenD % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD % cun superior to t e um(ilicusD at t e level o$ C5 19= *ai 1uan L 8A"M :n t e lateral side o$ t e anterior wrist creaseD in t e depression on t e radial side o$ t e radial arter+= *ao Dao L #51,M 3elow t e spinous process o$ t e $irst t oracic verte(ra >*1?=

*ian C i L !C1M :n t e lateral c estD in t e $ourt intercostal spaceD 5 cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD appro'imatel+ 1 cun lateral to t e nipple= *ian C on0 L #3"M !osterior and superior to t e auricular (order and 9=5 cun posterior to #3 4= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *ian C uan0 L SI16M :n t e nec-D on t e posterior mar0in o$ t e sternocleidomastoid muscleD at t e level o$ t e lar+n0eal prominence and t e transverse process o$ t e $ourt cervical transverse process >C.?= *ian Din0 L 8I1)M At t e anterior mar0in o$ t e posterior trian0le o$ t e nec-D on t e posterior (order o$ t e sternocleidomastoid muscleD 1 cun in$erior to 8I 14 at t e level o$ t e lar+n0eal prominence= *ian Fu L 8A,M :n t e upper armD on t e lateral (order o$ muscle (iceps (rac iaD , cun in$erior to t e anterior a'illar+ $old= *ian Jin0 L *319M In t e posterior cu(ital re0ionD in t e depression 1 cun superior to t e olecranon w en t e el(ow is $le'ed= *ian 8iao L *315M In t e scapular re0ionD on t e superior an0le o$ t e scapulaD at t e insertion o$ lavator scapulae muscle= *ian /uan L !C%M :n t e upper armD % cun in$erior to t e a'illar+ $oldD (etween t e two eads o$ muscle (iceps (rac ii= *ian Ron0 L SI1)M :n t e nec-D in t e depression (etween t e an0le o$ t e mandi(le and t e anterior mar0in o$ t e sternocleidomastoid muscle= *ian S u L S*%5M :n t e a(domenD % cun lateral to t e um(ilicus= ContraindicationM Do Not Needle I$ !re0nanc+ is -nown or suspected *ian *u L C5%%M In t e suprasternal $ossaD on t e anterior midlineD Bust a(ove t e Bu0ular notc = *ian Xi L S!14M :n t e lateral c estD in t e $ourt intercostal spaceD 6 cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 1)= *ian 1ou L *316M :n t e lateral nec-D posterior and in$erior to t e mastoid process on t e posterior (order o$ sternocleidomastoid muscle= *ian H u L 3819M In t e nuc al re0ionD on t e lateral (order o$ t e trapeIius muscleD 1=, cun lateral to #5 15 at t e level (etween cervical verte(rae C1 and C%= *ian Hon0 L SI11M :n t e scapulaD in t e depression o$ t e in$rascapular $ossaD one@t ird t e distance (etween t e lower (order o$ t e scapular spine and t e in$erior an0le o$ t e

scapula= *iao 7ou L S*,4M :n t e le0D one cun lateral to t e ti(iaOs anterior crestD at t e midpoint o$ a line (etween S* ,5 at t e lateral patella and t e lateral malleolus= *in0 #on0 L SI1"M Anterior to t e tra0us o$ t e earD in t e depression (etween t e tra0us and t e mandi(ular Boint w en t e mout is open sli0 tl+= *in0 6ui L #3%M ;it t e mout openD in t e depression anterior to t e auricular intertra0ic notc = Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 % Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *on0 #u L 3866M :n t e lateral $ootD in t e depression anterior and in$erior to t e $i$t metatarsop alan0eal Boint= *on0 #u L 7I%9M In t e epi0astric re0ionD 5 cun superior to t e um(ilicus and 9=5 cun lateral to t e midline at t e level o$ C5 1,= *on0 8i L 6E5M :n t e palmar sur$ace o$ t e $orearmD 1 cun pro'imal to t e transverse wrist creaseD on t e radial side o$ $le'or carpi ulnaris tendon= *on0 *ian L 38)M :n t e eadD . cun posterior to anterior airlineD 1=5 cun lateral to t e midline= *on0 Hi 8iao L #31M :n t e lateral $aceD 9=5 cun lateral to t e outer cant us o$ t e e+e= *ou 8in /i L #315M In t e $rontal re0ionD 9=5 cun wit in t e airlineD ali0ned wit t e pupil w en t e e+es are $ocused $orward= *ou /iao 1in L #311M In t e temporal re0ionD posterior to t e auricle and superior to t e mastoid processD at t e Bunction o$ t e middle and lower t irds o$ a curved line connectin0 #3 " and #3 1%= *ou ;ei L S*4M At t e corner o$ t e $ore eadD 9=5 cun posterior to t e anterior airlineD .=5 cun lateral to t e anterior midline= ;ai #uan L *35M :n t e dorsal $orearmD (etween t e radius and ulnaD % cun superior to *E . at t e dorsal transverse wrist crease= ;ai 8in0 L S*%6M :n t e lower a(domenD 1 cun in$erior to t e um(ilicus and % cun lateral to t e anterior midlineD at t e level o$ C5 )= ;ai /ui L #3,6M :n t e lateral side o$ t e le0D ) cun superior to t e prominence o$ t e lateral malleolus= ;an #u L #31%M In t e temporal re0ionD in t e depression posterior and in$erior to t e mastoid processD at t e level o$ t e in$erior rid0e o$ t e auricle=

;an #u L SI.M :n t e ulna side o$ t e wristD in t e depression (etween t e $i$t metacarpal (one and t e amate and pisi$orm (onesD at t e Bunction o$ t e dorsal and palmar sur$aces= ;ei Can0 L 3859M :n t e middle (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e twel$t t oracic verte(ra >*1%?D at t e level o$ 38 %1= ;ei Dao L #3%4M In t e in0uinal re0ionD 9=5 cun in$erior to t e anterior superior iliac spineD at t e anterior mar0in o$ t e ileum= ;ei S u L 38%1M :n t e middle (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e twel$t t oracic verte(ra >*1%?= ;ei 1an0 L 38,"M In t e popliteal $ossaD at t e lateral creaseD medial to t e (iceps $emoris tendon= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 , Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 ;ei H on0 L 38.9M At t e midpoint o$ t e popliteal $ossa= ;en 8iu L 8I)M :n t e radial side o$ t e posterior ante(rac ial re0ionD 5 cun pro'imal to t e dorsal wrist creaseD on t e line connectin0 8I 5 at t e wrist and 8I 11 at t e lateral cu(ital crease= ;u C u L 385M :n t e eadD 1 cun posterior to anterior airlineD 1=5 cun lateral to #5 %, at t e midline= ;u S u L #3%)M In t e in0uinal re0ionD medial to t e anterior superior iliac spineD , cun in$erior to t e level o$ t e um(ilicus= ;u 1i L S*15M :n t e c estD on t e midclavicular lineD in t e second intercostal spaceD . cun lateral to t e anterior midline= Xi #uan L 8R)M :n t e medial side o$ t e le0D in$erior to t e medial cond+le o$ t e ti(iaD in t e upper portion o$ t e medial ead o$ t e 0astrocnemius muscleD 1 cun posterior to S! "= Xi &en L !C.M :n t e anterior $orearmD 5 cun superior to t e transverse wrist creaseD (etween t e tendons o$ palmaris lon0us and $le'or carpi radialis muscles= Xi 1an0 #uan L #3,,M :n t e lateral side o$ t e -neeD superior to t e BointlineD in a depression (etween (iceps $emoris tendon and t e lateral condo+le o$ t e $emur= Xia 3ai L 8A.M :n t e upper armD on t e lateral (order o$ muscle (iceps (rac iaD . cun in$erior to t e anterior a'illar+ $old=

Xia #uan L C519M In t e um(ilical re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD % cun superior to t e um(ilicus= Xia #uan L S*)M :n t e lateral $aceD in t e depression at t e lower (order o$ t e I+0omatic arc D anterior to t e cond+loid process o$ t e mandi(le= S* ) is located wit t e mout closed= Xia Ju Xu L S*,"M :n t e le0D one cun in$erior to S* ,4 at t e midpoint o$ a line (etween S* ,5 at t e lateral patella and t e lateral malleolus= Xia 8ian L 8I4M :n t e radial side o$ t e posterior ante(rac ial re0ionD . cun distal cu(ital creaseD on t e line connectin0 8I 5 at t e wrist and 8I 11 at t e lateral cu(ital crease= Xia 8iao L 38,.M In t e sacral re0ionD in t e $ourt posterior sacral $oramen= Xian #u L S*.,M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD (etween t e second and t ird metatarsal (onesD 1=5 cun superior to t e we( mar0inD in line wit t e lateral side o$ t e second di0it= Xiao C an0 S u L 38%)M In t e sacral re0ionD 1=5 cun lateral to t e posterior midlineD at t e level o$ t e $irst posterior sacral $oramen= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 . Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Xiao 6ai L SI4M ;it t e el(ow in $le'ionD in t e depression (etween t e olecranon and t e medial epicond+le o$ t e umerus= Xiao 8uo L *31%M :n t e posterior upper armD 5 cun superior to t e olecranonD on a line Boinin0 *E 19 at t e posterior el(ow and *E 1. posterior and in$erior to t e acromion= Xin 6ui L #5%%M :n t e midlineD % cun posterior to t e anterior airline= Xin S u L 3815M :n t e upper (ac-D 1=5 cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e $i$t t oracic verte(ra >*5?= Xin0 Jian L 8R%M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD (etween t e $irst and second metatarsop alan0eal BointsD 9=5 cun pro'imal to t e we( mar0in= Xion0 Xian0 L S!1"M :n t e lateral c estD in t e t ird intercostal spaceD 6 cun lateral to t e anterior midline= Xuan Ji L C5%1M :n t e manu(rium midlineD midwa+ (etween C5 %9 and C5 %%= Xuan 8i L #36M In t e temporal re0ionD posterior to t e airlineD % cun in$erior to #3. on t e curved line connectin0 S* 4 and #3 )= Xuan 8u L #35M In t e temporal re0ionD posterior to t e airlineD midwa+ (etween S* 4

and #3 )= Xuan S u L #55M :n t e lower (ac-D (elow t e spinous process o$ t e $irst lum(ar verte(ra >81?= Xuan H on0 L #3,"M :n t e lateral side o$ t e le0D , cun superior to t e prominence o$ t e lateral malleolus= Xue 6ai L S!19M :n t e medial t i0 D wit t e -nee in $le'ionD % cun superior to t e superomedial an0le o$ t e patellaD on vastus medialis muscle= 1a &en L #515M 3elow t e spinous process o$ t e $irst cervical verte(ra >C1?= 1an0 3ai L #31.M In t e $rontal re0ionD 1 cun superior to t e e+e(rowD ali0ned wit t e pupil w en t e e+es are $ocused $orward= 1an0 C i L *3.M :n t e dorsal transverse wrist creaseD (etween t e tendons o$ muscles e'tensor di0itorum and e'tensor di0iti minimi= 1an0 Fu L #3,4M :n t e lateral side o$ t e le0D . cun superior to t e prominence o$ t e lateral malleolus= 1an0 #an0 L 38.4M :n t e middle (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e tent t oracic verte(ra >*19?D at t e level o$ 38 1"= 1an0 #u L SI5M :n t e ulna side o$ t e wristD in a depression (etween t e st+loid process o$ t e ulna and t e triCuetral and pisi$orm (ones= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 1an0 Jiao L #3,5M :n t e lateral side o$ t e le0D on t e posterior (order o$ t e $i(ulaD ) cun superior to t e prominence o$ t e lateral malleolus= 1an0 8ao L SI6M :n t e ulnar side o$ t e wristD in t e depression (etween t e ulnar st+loid process and t e triCuetrum and pisi$orm (ones= SI 6 can (e located w en patientOs wrist is in $le'ion wit t e inde' $in0er pointin0 to t e sternum= 1an0 8in0 /uan L #3,.M :n t e lateral side o$ t e le0D in t e depression anterior and in$erior to t e ead o$ t e $i(ula= 1an0 Xi L 8I5M :n t e radial side o$ t e wristD distal to t e tip o$ t e radial st+loid processD in t e depression (etween t e tendons o$ e'tensor pollicis lon0us and (revisD in t e Fanatomical snu$$ (o'F= 1ao S u L #5%M :n t e posterior midline at t e sacral iatus= 1ao 1an0 #uan L #5,M :n t e lower (ac-D (elow t e spinous process o$ t e $ourt lum(ar verte(ra >8.?=

1e &en L *3%M :n t e dorsum o$ t e andD 9=5 cun $rom t e we( mar0in (etween t e $ourt and $i$t di0its= 1i Fen0 L *31)M At t e earD in t e depression (etween t e mastoid process and t e mandi(leD (e ind t e earlo(e= 1i S e L 38."M :n t e middle (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e elevent t oracic verte(ra >*11?D at t e level o$ 38 %9= 1i Xi L 38.5M :n t e upper (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e si't t oracic verte(ra >*6?D at t e level o$ 38 16= 1in 3ai L S!1M :n t e medial 0reat toeD =91 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail (ed= 1in 3ao L 8R"M :n t e medial t i0 D . cun superior to t e medial epicond+le o$ t e $emurD (etween sartorius muscle anteriorl+ and vastus medialis posteriorl+= 1in Du L 7I1"M In t e epi0astric re0ionD . cun superior to t e um(ilicus and 9=5 cun lateral to t e midline at t e level o$ C5 1%= 1in #u L 7I19M :n t e medial side o$ t e popliteal $ossaD in t e depression (etween tendons o$ semitendinosus and semimem(ranosus muscles w en t e -nee is $le'ed= 1in Jiao L C5)M In t e um(ilical re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD 1 cun in$erior to t e um(ilicus= 1in Jiao L #5%4M In t e mout D at t e Bunction o$ t e $renulum o$ t e upper lip wit t e upper 0um= 1in 8ian L 8R11M :n t e superiorD medial t i0 D on t e lateral (order o$ a(ductor lon0us muscleD 1 cun alon0 t e tendonEmuscle $rom its attac ment near t e pu(ic s+mp +sis and % cun in$erior to S* ,9= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 1in 8in0 /uan L S!"M :n t e medial le0D on t e in$erior (order o$ t e medial cond+le o$ t e ti(iaD in t e depression (etween t e posterior (order o$ t e ti(ia and 0astrocnemius muscle= 1in &en L 38,)M :n t e posterior t i0 D 6 cun in$erior to 38 ,6 at t e transverse 0luteal $oldD on a line Boinin0 38 ,6 and 38 .9 at t e popliteal $ossa= 1in S i L S*,,M :n t e anterior t i0 D on a line (etween t e anterior superior iliac spine and t e superolatero patellaD , cun superior to lateral patella=

1in Xi L 6E6M :n t e palmar sur$ace o$ t e $orearmD 9=5 cun pro'imal to t e transverse wrist creaseD on t e radial side o$ $le'or carpi ulnaris tendon= 1in0 C uan0 L S*16M :n t e c estD on t e midclavicular lineD in t e t ird intercostal spaceD . cun lateral to t e anterior midline= 1in0 Xian0 L 8I%9M In t e nasola(ial 0rooveD 9=5 cun lateral to t e nostril= 1on0 /uan L 7I1M :n t e sole o$ t e $ootD (etween t e second and t ird metatarsal (onesD one@t ird t e distance $rom t e we(s o$ t e toes to t e eel= 1ou &en L 7I%1M In t e epi0astric re0ionD 6 cun superior to t e um(ilicus and 9=5 cun lateral to t e midline at t e level o$ C5 1.= Caution Avoid t e 8iver= 1u Ji L 8A19M &idpoint on t e t enar eminenceD on t e dorsal@palmar sur$ace= 1u *an0 L C514M :n t e sternal midlineD level wit t e t ird intercostal space= 1u H en L 38"M In t e occipital re0ionD in a depression 1=5 cun lateral to t e superior aspect o$ t e e'ternal occipital protru(erance= 1u H on0 L 7I%6M In t e pectoral re0ionD in t e $irst intercostal spaceD % cun lateral to t e anterior midline at t e level o$ C5 %9= 1uan 1e L #3%%M :n t e lateral c est wallD on t e mida'illar+ lineD , cun in$erior to t e a'illar+ $old= 1un &en L 8A%M :n t e lateral c estD In t e depression $ormed (+ t e deltoid muscleD pectoralis maBor muscle and t e clavicle= Han H u L 38%M :n t e $aceD at t e medial end o$ t e e+e(rowD on t e supraor(ital notc = H an0 &en L 8R1,M :n t e lateral a(domenD sli0 tl+ in$erior and anterior to t e tip o$ t e $ree end o$ t e elevent ri(= H ao 6ai L 7I6M :n t e medial an-leD in t e depression 1 cun in$erior to t e medial malleolus= H e Jin L #3%,M :n t e lateral c est wallD on t e .t intercostal spaceD 1 cun anterior to #3%%= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 ) Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 H en0 1in0 L #31)M In t e $rontal re0ionD 1=5 cun posterior to #3 16D on t e line connectin0 #315 and #3%9= H i 3ian L 385.M In t e sacral re0ionD , cun lateral to t e posterior midlineD at t e level o$ t e $ourt sacral $oramen= H i #ou L *36M :n t e dorsal $orearmD (etween t e radius and ulnaD , cun superior to *E

. at t e dorsal transverse wrist crease= H i S i L 385%M :n t e lower (ac-D , cun lateral to t e lower (order o$ t e spinous process o$ t e second lum(ar verte(ra >8%?D at t e level o$ 38 %,= H i 1an0 L #5"M :n t e middle (ac-D (elow t e spinous process o$ t e sevent t oracic verte(ra >*)?D appro'imatel+ level wit t e in$erior an0le o$ t e scapula= H i 1in L 386)M :n t e lateral $ootD at t e lateral $i$t di0itD 9=1 cun $rom t e corner o$ t e nail(ed= H i H en0 L SI)M :n t e ulnar side o$ t e $orearmD (etween t e anterior (order o$ t e ulna and $le'or carpi ulnaris muscleD 5 cun superior to t e wrist creaseD on t e line connectin0 SI 5 at t e wrist and SI 4 at t e medial epicond+le o$ t e umerus at t e el(ow= H on #uan L C51%M In t e upper um(ilical re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD . cun superior to t e um(ilicus= H on0 C on0 L !C"M :n t e center o$ t e tip o$ t e t ird di0it= H on0 Du L #3,%M :n t e midline o$ t e lateral t i0 D 5 cun superior to t e popliteal crease= H on0 Du L 8R6M :n t e medial side o$ t e le0D posterior to t e ti(ial medial mar0inD ) cun superior to t e medial malleolus= H on0 Fen0 L 8R.M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD 1 cun anterior to t e medial malleolusD in t e depression medial to t e ti(ialis anterior tendon= H on0 Fu L 8A1M :n t e lateral c estD in$erior to t e acromial end o$ t e clavicleD 6 cun lateral to t e Conception 5essel= Caution Avoid t e 8un0sN H on0 Ji L C5,M In t e pu(ic re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD 1 cun superior to t e upper (order o$ t e s+mp +sis pu(is= H on0 8iao L 38,,M In t e sacral re0ionD in t e t ird posterior sacral $oramen= H on0 8u S u L 38%"M In t e sacral re0ionD 1=5 cun lateral to t e posterior midlineD at t e level o$ t e t ird posterior sacral $oramen= H on0 S u L #5)M :n t e middle (ac-D (elow t e spinous process o$ t e tent t oracic verte(ra >*19?= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 H on0 *in0 L C516M In t e epi0astric re0ionD on t e anterior midlineD on t e 'ip oid process=

H on0 H u L 7I15M In t e um(ilical re0ionD 1 cun in$erior to t e level o$ t e um(ilicusD 9=5 cun lateral to t e midlineD at t e level o$ C5 )= H on0 H u L *3,M S u Stream !oint on t e *riple Ener0iIer C annel= ;ood !oint on Fire &eridian= :n t e dorsum o$ t e andD in t e depression pro'imal to t e $ourt and $i$t metacarpop alan0eal Boints= H ou 8iao L 8I1%M :n t e lateral side o$ t e cu(ital creaseD 1 cun superior to 8I 11D at t e Bunction o$ t e lateral supracond+lar rid0e o$ t e umerus wit t e epicond+le= 8ocate 8I 1% wit t e el(ow $le'ed= H ou Ron0 L S!%9M :n t e lateral c estD in t e second intercostal spaceD 6 cun lateral to t e anterior midline= H u 3in L 7I"M :n t e medial le0D 5 cun superior to 7I ,D at t e lower end o$ t e 0astrocnemius muscle= Hi #on0 L C51"M :n t e sternal midlineD level wit t e second intercostal space= Hu 8in /i L #3.1M :n t e dorsum o$ t e $ootD in t e depression (etween t e $ourt and $i$t metatarsals= Hu /iao 1in L #3..M :n t e lateral side o$ t e $ourt toeD 9=1 cun $rom t e nail (ed= Hu San 8i L S*,6M :n t e le0D one $in0er (readt lateral to t e ti(iaOs anterior crestD , cun in$erior to S* ,5 in t e depression to t e lateral side o$ t e patella= Hu ;u 8i L 8R19M :n t e medial t i0 D on t e lateral (order o$ a(ductor lon0us muscleD % cun alon0 t e tendonEmuscle $rom its attac ment near t e pu(ic s+mp +sis and , cun in$erior to S* ,9= Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& % 4 " Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 Common Acupuncture Formulas Alp a(etical :rder Fast Find A3D:&INA8 DIS*EN*I:N REN 6 S ,6 A3D:&INA8 !AIN C5 . 5 6 4 !6 #3 %) #5 %9 %6

7I 15 16 1) 14 1" %9 8I . 4 " S! 1 % . 5 6 " 15 16 %1 S* %. %5 %6 %) ,6 ,) ,4 ," .9 ., .. 38 16 %5 ., .4 5) ACNE !6 8I . 11 8A 11 85 11 1. S! 6 19 S* ,6 A8C:6:8IS& #3 4 8I . S! 6 S* ,6 A88ER#IES 8I . 11 38 1% ,4 A8:!ECIA #3 %9 11 8I . 11 38 16 %, ,4 5. A8H6E&EROS DISEASE !4 7I " 8I 5 S* %, .5 *; % 19 A&EN:RR6EA C5 % , . 5 6 #5 1 . 7I 5 1% 1. 8I . 85 4 S! 6 4 19 S* %" ,6 38 14 %9 %, %5 ,) ,4 69 A&1:*R:!6IC 8A*ERA8 SC8ER:SIS C5 1) #5 1. %9 8I . 11 85 ,

S* ,6 38 19 15 69 ANE&IA #3 ., #5 . %9 7I 1 8I . 11 85 4 1. S! 6 19 S* .. 38 11 1% 15 1) 14 %9 %1 AN#INA !EC*:RIS C5 1. 15 !1%,.56)4" #3 %9 #5 4 11 1% 6* , . 5 6 ) 4 " 7I 1 . 5 %, %. 8I . 8A 5 " 85 , SI 1 S* 1" ,6 *; 6 ) AN78E !AIN #3 ," .9 .% 85 6 S* .1 38 54 6, Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %"9 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 AN:REXIA C5 5 6 " 19 11 1% 1, 1. !%6 #3 6 %4 #5 " 6* , ) 7I , 1) %% %, %. %5 %6 %) 8I . 11 85 . 1, S! 1 % . 4 " 1" %9 S* 1" %9 %1 %% %, ,6 ," .% .. .5 *; 1 38 1, 1) 14 1" %9 %% .9 .1 .% .. .6 5) 6. AN:S&IA

#3 %9 #5 16 %, 8I . 1" %9 S! . S* 6 4 38 1 % 1) %1 ANXIE*1 C5 1. 1) !) #5 15 %. 6* . 5 6 ) 4 " 7I 1 . " 8A . 19 85 % 5 SI , . ) S* ,6 .9 38 1. %9 AR& !AIN !56 #3 %1 6* % 5 , 8I 1 . 19 11 1% 15 16 8A 5 6 SI % 6 ) 4 " 19 11 1% S* ,6 *; 1 % , . 5 6 ) 4 " 19 11 1% 1, 1. 15 16 AR*ERIES C5 , S! 19 S* ,6 38 1) AR*6RI*IS !6 #3 ,. #5 1. 8I . 11 15 85 % SI " S! 5 S* ,6 *; 5 38 4 19 11 54 69 AS*6&A C5 6 1% 16 1) 14 %9 %1 %% %, #3 1" %9 %, %5 ,5 #5 19 1% 1.

7I 1 % , . 5 6 8I . 4 8A 1 % , 5 6 ) 4 " 19 11 85 4 1. SI . 1. 15 S! %1 S* " 19 11 1% 1, 1. 15 16 14 ,6 *; , 5 38 19 11 1% 1, 1. 15 16 1) 14 %9 %1 %% %, %5 ,6 ,) ,4 .9 51 3AC7 AC6E #5 . 1. SI 6 1. *; , 6 38 " 19 11 %, %. %5 %" 59 51 5. 55 69 6% 6, 65 3AC7 !AIN #3 %5 %6 #5 5 6 ) 19 1% 1. 7I ) 15 S! % , 5 *; , 38 ,, .9 5. 69 3E8C6IN# C5 1% 1, !6 7I %1 S* ,6 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %"1 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 38ARRED 5ISI:N !1 #3 . 1, 1. 15 16 1) .1 ., #5 16 14 %9 %1 %% 6* 5 7I 1 . 8I % SI 6 S* 4 38 1 % . 5 6 14 %, 3REAS* !AIN !1, #3 .1 .% SI 1 S! 5 S* 14 3R:NC6I*IS C5 1, 1. 1) 14 1" %9 %1 %% %,

!6" #3 19 11 14 %9 %1 #5 19 1% 1. 6* , 7I , %1 %% %, %6 %) 8I . 4 19 11 8A 1 , 5 6 4 " 85 1 1. SI 1. 15 S! 14 S* 19 1. 15 ,6 *; , 19 38 4 19 11 1% 1, 1. 1) 14 ,6 ,) ,4 ," .1 .% ., CA8F CRA&! #3 ,9 ,. S! 6 S* ,1 38 59 5. 55 56 5) 61 6, CARDIAC !AIN !.6 CA*ARAC* !6 #3 1 % , 1. %9 .1 #5 1. %9 %4 8I . 11 8A " 85 , S* 1 % 6 1. *; 1 5 %, 38 1 % 4 19 11 14 6. 6) CER5ICA8 !AIN #3 %1 #5 1. 8I . SI 19 11 1% 1, 1. 15 *; , 5 15 38 11 1, 69 C6ES* !AIN ! 5 6 #3 ,. 6* 6 4 " 7I %1 %. %. %6 %) 8A 1 % . ) 4 " 85 1. SI 1 11 S! 14 1" %1 S* 1, 1. 14 1"

*; 5 6 38 1. 15 1) 1" %. %5 .% C6R:NIC FA*I#AE S1NDR:&E C5 . 6 !64 #3 %9 #5 . 8I . 11 85 4 S! 6 S* ,6 38 1) 14 %9 ,4 C8ENC6ED JA;S S6) 8I . C:&A DA %6 EX %. >S iXuan? Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %"% Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 C:&&:N C:8D C5 1% #3 14 1" %9 #5 1. 16 8I . 11 S! 6 S* ,6 *; . 5 38 11 1% 1, C:NJANC*I5I*IS !) #3 1 . 1. %9 ,) .% #5 1% 1. 8I . 5 %9 8A " 85 % S* 1 % ,6 .. *; %, 38 1 % 19 14 %9 C:8I*IS C5 6 #3 %4 7I % ) 15 8I .

8A 4 85 % 4 11 S! 1 " 1. C:NS*I!A*I:N C5 1 . 6 1% !6 #3 %. %) %4 ,. 6* 5 7I 6 4 15 16 1) 14 8I % , . 6 11 1, 85 1 % , 4 1% S! , 5 6 1, 15 16 S* %% %, %5 %6 %) %4 ,6 *; 6 38 %, %. %5 %) %4 ,9 ,1 ,% ,, ,. ,4 .5 .6 .4 59 5% 56 5) 54 SJ 6 C1 76 C:N5A8SI:N 8I . 8I5 , C:A#6 C5 6 1% 16 1) %9 %1 %% %, !%. #3 4 19 11 %9 %1 .. #5 " 19 11 1% 1. %, 7I 1 , 1" %% %. %) 8I . 11 1, 15 14 8A 1 % . 5 6 ) 4 " 19 11 85 1. SI 1 % 15 S! 5 1. 14 %9 S* " 1% 1, 1. 15 16 1) 14 1" %9 %5 ,6 ,4 .9 .1 *; 5 19 38 11 1% 1, 1. 15 1) %9 %1 ,) ,4 .% ., .. .5 DEAFNESS C5 % 5 %, !%,.5)" #3 1 % , . 19 11 15 1) %9 %, %5 .1 ., .. #5 15 16 %9 6* 5 6 8I 1 % , . 5 6 11 1) 1" 85 , 5 6 4 SI 1 , 5 4 " 16 1) 1" S* 1 . ) ,6 ,4

*; % , 5 ) 4 " 19 16 1) 14 1" %1 %, 38 1 14 %, 65 DE!RESSI:N C5 , 6 1% !.6 #5 . 1, 1. %9 6* , ) 8I . 85 , 8A . S! 6 38 1, 15 ,4 6, Ren 6 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %", Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 DIA3E*ES C5 . 1% DA 6 !6 #5 %6 6* 6 7I % 5 ) 85 % S %5 ,9 ,6 S! . 6 S* ,, ,6 38 1, 15 1) %9 %% %, %6 %4 %" ,1 ,% ,. 59 DIARR6EA C5 . 5 6 4 " 1% 1, !6 #3 %5 %6 ," #5 , . 5 6 7I 4 1, 1. 8I 19 11 85 6 4 1, S! , . 6 1. 15 S* 16 %% %5 ,. ,6 ,) ," *; 6 14 38 19 %1 %% %, %. %5 %4 ,5 ., DI5ER*ICA8I*IS C5 6 S! 6 S* %5 38 %5 DIHHINESS #3 . 4 %9 .1 ., #5 1. 1) 1" %9 %. 7I 1 8A ,

S* 4 ,6 38 , 5 " 19 1% .9 6% 6. 65 6) DR1 &:A*6 #3 .. 8I , 8A 11 S* 1" *; . D1S!E!SIA C5 5 6 19 11 1% 1, !6 #3 %5 #5 5 7I 1 1" %9 8I . 1, 85 , 4 1, 1. S! , . 5 6 ) S* %1 %% %, %5 ,6 .. .5 38 1) %9 %1 %5 .% EAR AC6E #3 11 S* ) *; 1" ECHE&A AND I*C6IN# S! 6 19 SI 11 8I 11 EDE&A C5 5 6 4 " 11 #3 %4 #5 %4 7I ) 8I 6 85 1, S! 4 " S* %% %5 %4 ., 38 %9 %% %, %) .) 5% E83:; !AIN !, 6* 1 , 5 " 8I 19 11 1% 1, 15 8A 5 SI ) *; 19 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %". Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 E&!61SE&A C5 1% 1, 15 16 1) %9 %1 #5 . 19 1% 1. 6* , 6

7I 1 , . " %9 8I 1 8A 5 ) 4 " 11 85 1 SI 1. S! %1 S* 1, 1. 16 ,6 .9 38 11 1% 1, 1) 14 %% %, ,6 ,) ,4 END:&E*RI:SIS #3 %6 %4 %" #5 % . 7I % 4 85 5 S! " 1% S* %" 38 %, ,9 ENARESIS C5 . 6 #5 1 7I , 11 85 1 " S! 6 S* %, %5 ,6 38 %% %) %4 ,% ,, E!IS*ASIS Du %, 8I . E1E !AIN #3 1 11 16 .. #5 %, 8I , . 5 11 S* 4 *; %, 38 1 % 6 14 54 E1E REDNESS 8I . 85 , *; 1 % , 38 14 E1E >S*1E? #3 1. 8I . 85 , S! 1 " S* % ,6 FEAR 6* . 5 4 7I 1 . 8I 1,

S* ,6 *; 14 38 %, ,4 .) 66 FE5ER DA 1. !," #5 . 1, 1. 16 6* " 8I 1 % . 5 11 8A 19 11 SI 5 S! % S* ., *; 1 , 5 6 15 38 5 11 1% 1, 1" ," FIN#ER !AIN SI . ) 4 F8AN7 !AIN !1%4 #3 ,. ," .9 .1 #5 5 85 1, S! 1) 1" %9 %1 F::* !AIN #3 ," .1 7I % , 85 , S* ,. .1 .. *; , . 38 55 56 61 6% Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %"5 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 #A88S*:NES C5 19 1% 1, #3 ,. 85 1, 1. S* ,6 *; 6 38 14 1" #AS*RI*IS C5 19 1% 1, 1. 15 !56)4 7I %9 8I . 11 8A 5 85 1, S! . 5 S* 1" %1 %% %, %. %4 ,6 ,) *; 6 4 38 1, 1) 14 1" %9 %1 %% %6 66

#ENI*A8 !AIN C5 1 #3 ,9 #5 1 7I 19 11 1% 85 . 4 1% 38 .) ." 59 #IN#I5I*IS #3 . 1% #5 %) 8I . SI 4 16 1) 14 S* . 5 .% .. .5 *; % %9 #:A* 85 % , . S! . 5 6 S* .. 38 ," 6EADAC6E >6AN#:5ER? C5 5 #3 . 4 %9 7I 1 SI 1 S* % 4 .. *; 1% 38 69 6EADAC6E >FR:N*A8? #3 1. %9 #5 1. %9 %, %. 8I . SI 1 S* 4 38 % 6, 6EADAC6E >&I#RAINE? C5 . 1% #3 1 . 5 6 4 " 11 1% 1. 15 1) 14 1" %9 ,4 .. #5 1" 7I 19 11 8I . 19 11 8A 6 S! 6 S* 4 ,6 .. *; , 5 19 %% %, 38 % ) 19 6% 6) 6EAR* !A8!A*AI:NS C5 . 1% 1. !6)

#3 ,5 6* 5 ) 7I %5 S* ,6 38 1% 15 6EE8 !AIN 7I , . S! 5 38 5) 69 61 6E!A*I*IS #3 %. ,. #5 1. 85 . 1, 1. S* ,6 38 14 1" %9 %1 6ERNIA C5 % , . 5 6 ) #3 %6 %) 7I 6 85 1 % , . 5 6 1% S! 5 6 1% 1, 1. S* %, %6 %) %4 %" ., 38 %" ,9 ,% 55 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %"6 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 6ICCA!S C5 6 1% 1, 15 1) %% !64 #3 %9 %. #5 16 %6 7I , 1) 14 8I 5 " 8A 6 85 % 4 1, 1. S! , S* 11 1, 14 %5 ,6 38 1. 1) 14 1" %1 ,4 .9 .1 S ,6 A3 1) 61!:C6:NDRIAC !AIN SJ 6 #3 ,. 61!ER*ENSI:N C5 1% !4" #3 %9 %5 ,. 6* ) 7I 1 , 8I 11 85 % , 1,

S! 6 S* ,6 .9 38 15 1" 5. 61!ER*61R:ID C5 %% %, !6 #3 1 %9 %1 %6 #5 1% 1. 7I 15 8I . S* % " 19 %6 38 19 11 61!:*ENSI:N #5 %9 %5 %6 6* 1 5 6 7I 1 85 , S! 6 S* " ,6 38 15 1) 14 %% %, ,4 I&&ANE S1S*E& 8I . 11 S! 19 #5 1. %9 S* ,6 INC:N*INENCE C5 1 % , . 6 #3 ,. #5 . %9 6* 4 S* %% ,6 38 %% %, %. %5 INF8AENHA !6 #3 %9 #5 1, 1. 16 8I . 8A ) " 19 S! 15 S* ,6 *; 5 38 11 1% ,4 INS:&NIA C5 . 6 1% !6) #3 1) %9 .1 .. #5 . 14 1" %9 %. #5 . 14 1" %9 %. 6* 6 )

7I 1 6 %. 8I 1 . 8A " 19 85 % 19 SI , S! 1 % 6 " S* 1% %) ,6 .9 .5 *; 16 38 1, 15 14 %9 %1 %, %6 ,9 ," .% 6% IN*ERC:S*A8 NEARA8#IA 8) Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %") Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 JA; >8:C7 JA;? C5 %. #3 ) #5 %9 8I . 1" S* 5 6 ) .. *; 6 1) %% J:IN* !AIN S .1 7IDNE1 S*:NES #3 %6 ,. 7I , S! 6 S* ,6 38 %% %, %. %5 %6 %) .6 .) 7NEE INF8A&&A*I:N #3 ,1 ,, ,. ," #5 , 7I 19 S! " 38 5. 56 7NEE !AIN #3 ,9 ,, ,. ," #5 1% 1. 7I 1 19 85 . ) 4 SI % S! " 19 S* ,, ,. ,5 ,6 38 5, 5. 8E# !AIN #3 %4 %" ,9 ,1 ,. ,) ," .9 .1 7I % 4 19 85 " 11 S! 6 " 19 S* ,1 ,% ,4 38 ." 5. 56 5) 54 6% 6, 6. 65

8I5ER CIRR6:SIS 85 , " 1. S! 19 S* ,6 38 14 1" %9 %, %. %5 8:; 3AC7 !AIN #3 %5 %6 %) %4 %" ,9 ,. #5 1 % , . 5 6 ) 4 " 7I , ) 85 % , . " 11 1, SI , S! % , 4 S* ,1 ,6 ,) 38 1, 14 %% %, %5 %6 ,9 ,1 ,% ,, ,. ,5 ." 51 5. 55 69 6% 6, 6. 65 8:; 3AC7 S!RAIN #3 ,. 7I " 85 6 S! 4 " 38 %, %. %5 59 51 55 &ENS*RA*I:N >IRRE#A8AR C1C8E? C5 1 % , . 5 6 ) #3 %6 ,. .1 #5 % 7I % , 5 6 4 1, 1. 15 85 1 % 5 " 11 S! 1 6 " 19 S* %5 ,9 ,6 38 14 %, ,1 ,% ,, ,. &EN:!AASE A3 ,1 &EN:RR6A#IA C5 , . 5 6 6* 1 4 7I % 19 85 1 % , 6 S! 1 % 6 4 S* 19 1% ,6 *; , 38 %, 5. &A8*I!8E SC8ER:SIS #3 .1 #5 1% 6* 1 85 , 5 S! 19 S* ., Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %"4 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5

&ASC8E S!AS&S S ,. &ASCA8AR D1S*:!61 C5 . 6 1% !6 #3 ,. ,5 #5 . 7I %) 85 4 1, 1. SI , S! 6 S* %5 ,6 38 %9 %1 %% %5 5. 5) 69 NAASEA C5 1% !.6 #3 1. 6* . 8A . " 5 85 , 1, S! 1 S* 14 %. ,6 *; 5 ) 38 1" %1 NEC7 !AIN #3 . %9 %1 ,6 ," .9 #5 1, 1. 16 8I . 11 8A ) SI , 6 1, 1. 15 S* 5 *; 5 19 15 1) NEC7 S!RAIN #3 %9 SI , 1. *; 19 16 38 1% 6. NEC7 S*IFFNESS #3 ) 1, 1" %9 %1 ,6 ," #5 19 1. 15 16 14 1" 6* , 8I 1 11 8A ) SI , . 5 ) 1. 15 16 1" S* 6 11 *; 5 19 1% 15 16 38 1 % . 19 11 1% 6. 65 66 NI#6*&ARES 7)

C, A3 15 NI#6* S;EA*IN# 66 SI , INS:&NIA 6) S! , 6 7,6 REN %. A36% S .5 :3ESI*1 #3 ,. 8I . 85 , S! 6 S* ,6 :*I*IS EX*ERNA #3 % 8I 1 . 11 SI 1" S* ) *; , %% :*I*IS &EDIA #3 % , 1% %9 %1 .1 8I . 11 SI 1. 15 1) 1" S* 6 ) ,6 *; 5 1) 1" %1 Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& %"" Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 !A8!I*A*I:N !.6 6) !AR7INS:NOS DISEASE C5 . #3 %9 #5 . 1% %9 SI , !NEA&:NIA C5 1% 1) %% #5 1% 1. 7I %. %5 %6 %) 8I . 19 11 1, 8A 1 5 6 ) " 85 1. SI 1. S* 1, 1. 15 16 ,6 *; 5 6

38 11 1% 1, 1. 15 %9 %, ,6 ,) ,4 !R:S*A*I*IS C5 , . #5 . S! 6 " S* ,6 38 %, %4 .) !S:RIASIS !6 8I . 11 15 85 , S! 6 19 S* %5 38 %5 REC*A8 !R:8A!SE C5 % , . 4 !6 #3 %9 #5 1 % . %9 7I 1 5 15 S! . 6 " 1% S* 15 %5 %6 ,6 *; 1 , ) 38 %% %, %. %5 ,1 ,% ,, ,. 5) 54 SCA!A8A !AIN SI 4 " 19 11 1, 1. *; 15 SCIA*ICA #3 %5 ,9 ,1 ,% ,, ,. ,5 ,6 ,) ,4 ," .9 #5 , . 7I . 85 . S! % . 6 " S* ,1 ,6 38 %, %. %5 %6 %) %4 %" ,9 ,1 ,% ,, ,. ,5 ,6 ,) ,4 .4 ." 59 51 5, 5. 5) 54 69 6. SEXAA8I*1 !:IN*S DA . Ren . S6:A8DER !AIN #3 . %9 %1 %" ,9 6* % 8I 11 1. 15 16 8A % SI , 6 4 " 19 11 1% 1, 1. S* ,% ,4 *; , 6 19 1, 1. 15 16 38 19 %1 ,) S*:&AC6 AC6E

C5 " !5 #5 4 7I 14 8A 1 S! % , . 5 S* 1" %9 %1 ,6 S*R:7E C5 1% %. !56" #3 1% 15 %9 %1 ,9 ,. ," #5 1% 15 16 %9 %6 6* " 8I 1 . " 19 11 8A 19 11 85 % S* ,6 *; 19 38 19 14 %5 5. 6% Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ,99 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 S;EA*IN# #ENERA8 65 7) S;EA*IN# >!A8&S? 8 19 !4 64 S;EA*IN# >AR&!I*? 61 S;EA*IN# >S:8E? 71 S;E88IN# Ren 5 " Sp " A3 %9 S1NC:!E C5 4 #3 ., #5 %9 %6 6* , " 8A 11 85 1 SI , 5 S* ,6 .5 38 , ,4 54 *AC61CARDIA #3 %9 6* , ) 7I %5

SI 1. S! 1" S* ,6 38 19 11 1% ,4 *6I#6 !AIN #3 ,9 85 11 S! 5 S* ,% 38 51 *6:RACIC DIS:RDERS 8) S ,. *6R:A* S:RENESS C5 %% 7I 1 % , 6 8I 1 % , . 11 1) 14 8A 5 6 ) 4 " 19 11 85 , SI 1) 1" S* " 19 11 1% *; 1 % , 6 38 11 15 5. *INNI*AS #3 % . 19 11 1% %9 %1 .% #5 . %9 8I . 5 6 SI % , . 5 " 16 1) S* ,6 .. *; 1 % , 5 1) 14 1" %1 %% 38 4 *::*6AC6E C5 %. #3 % . 5 6 19 1% 1) #5 16 %6 7I 6 8I 1 . 6 19 11 85 % , S* 6 ,6 .% .. *; 5 1) SJ , 5 A3 69 8I . speci$ic $or lower Baw S* .. speci$ic $or upper Baw *RI#E&INA8 NEARA8#IA C5 %. #3 1 11 1. %9 .1 8I . 11 %9 8A )

85 , SI . 4 14 S* 1 % , . 5 6 ) 4 ,6 .9 .. 38 % Acupuncture Formulas ;;;=A3C*8C=C:& ,91 Fa' >"%4? .64@96)5 *RIS&AS >8:C7JA;? C5 %. #3 ) #5 %9 8I . 1" S* 5 6 ) .. *; 6 1) %% A8CER >#AS*RIC? C5 19 1% 1, 1. !64 6* 5 ) 8I . 1, 8A 5 S! 1 S* ,6 ,4 *; 6 38 1) 14 1" %9 %% %, %5 ,4 .. .5 A*ERAS !R:8A!SE C5 1 6 #5 %9 7I 1 % , 11 85 4 1% S! 6 S* ,6 38 ,1 ,% 5ENERIA8 DH >#:N:RR6EA? C5 1 % , . 7I . ) 4 " 19 1% 14 85 1 . S! 6 11 1% 15 S* %5 ,1 38 %% %. %6 %) %4 ,1 ,% ,, ,. ,5 .4 5) 61 5ER*I#: C5 . 6 1% !16) #3 , . 4 1, 15 16 1) %9 %1 ,. .1 ., #5 16 14 1" %9 %1 %% %, %. %6 6* , 5 6 ) 7I 1 , 8I 1 % . 8A , 19 85 % , SI , ) 15 S! 6

S* % ) ,6 .9 .1 *; % , 1% %, 38 1 % 5 6 4 " 19 11 15 16 1) 14 %9 %, .9 54 69 6% 65 66 6) 5ESSE8 DIS:RDERS 8" 5:&I*IN# !6 S ,9 ,6 #3.1 5:&I*IN# DAE *: !RE#NANC1 C5 %% !6 7I %1 S* ,6 38 1) ;EA7NESS S ,6 DA . ;RI*ERSO CRA&! !54 8I , . 5 11 8A 6 ) " 19 11 SI . 6 *; . 6 ,9% C:&3ININ# 8:CA8 AND DIS*AN* !:IN*S * is tec niCue com(ines local and adBacent points wit distant points= * e adBacent points ma+ (e used independentl+ or in com(ination wit t e local points= * e distant pointsD 0enerall+D are located (elow t e el(ows and -nees= E'amplesM DISEASED AREA 8:CA8 !:IN*S ADJACEN* !:IN*S DIS*AN* !:IN*S Fore ead #31.D 1intan0 Du%9 8I.D S.. *emple #34D *ai+an0 #3%9 SJ,D SJ5D #3.1D #3., Nape A319 DA1. SI,D A369D A365D SI6D 8) E+e A31D S1D Du%,D A3%D #31D #31.D 1intan0D 1u+ao #316 SI6D 8iv,D 8I.D #3,)D S.. Ear SJ1)D SJ%1D SI1"D #3% #3%9 SJ,D SJ5D #3.1D

#., Nose 8I%9D 1intan0D S%D S,D S6D S) #3%9 8)D 8I.D 8I11D S.5 &out and c ee- S.D S6D S) SI14 8I.D S.1D S.. * roat Ren%%D Ren%,D SI1) A319 819D 811D 76 C est Ren1)D Ren%% 81D A31, 85D 8)D !6 Costal re0ion 8iv1.D #3%) 8iv1,D A314 SJ6D #3,. Apper a(domen Ren1% S%1D A3%1 !6D S,6 8ower a(domen Ren.D Ren6 S%5 Sp1D Sp6D 8iv4D A36) 8um(ar re0ion A3%,D A3%5 A3,% A3.9D SI,D SI6D Du%6 S oulder area SJ1.D SJ15D 8I1.D 8I15D SI"D SI19 #3%1 8I.D S,4 7nee area S,5D 6edin0D Xi+an S,6D #3,.D 8iv4D A3.9 S..D A369 Rectum Du1 A3,9 A35) ,9, *6E !RI&AR1 S!ECIFIC 6EA8IN# !:IN*S F:R EAC6 INDI5IDAA8 3:D1 !AR* 3:D1 !AR* !:IN* A3D:&ENM A!!ER S* ,6 C5 1% 8:;ER S! 6 C5 6 AN78E 38 69 #3 .9 ANAS 8I . S! 6 AR&S 8I . 8I 11 8A 5 3AC7M A!!ER 38 69 8:;ER 38 5. 38ADDER S! 6 C56 C5, 38::D 38 1) 3:NES 38 11 3:;E8S S! 6 7I , 3RAIN 8I . 8I5 , #5 16 3REAS*S ! 6 8I5 , C6EE7S 8I . C6ES* ! 6 8A ) C:CC1X 38 69 C:8:N 8I . S* %5 EAR #3 %5 7I , E83:;S 8I . 8I 11 ES:!6A#AS 8I . 38 1) E1ES 8I . 8I5 , FACE 8I . FA88:!IAN *A3ES C5 6 S! 6

,9. 3:D1 !AR* !:IN* FIN#ERS 8I . *6 5 FEE* 38 69 F:RE6EAD 8I . #A88 38ADDER #3 %. #3.9 #ENI*:ARINAR1 S1S*E& C5 , 7I , #A&S 8I . 6AIR 38 5. 6ANDS 8I . *6 5 6EAR* 6* ) C5 1. 6I!S #3 ,9 #3 ,. IN*ES*INES C5 . S* %5 JA; SI 14 8I . 7IDNE1S #3 %5 7I , 7NEES #3 ,. 38 69 38 5. 8E# 38 5. #3 ,. 8I5ER 8I5 1. 8I5 , 8A&3AR 38 69 38 5. 8AN# 8A 1 38 1, &:A*6 8I . &ASC8ES 8I5 , #3 ,. NEC7 8A ) 8I . *6 5 NER5:AS S1S*E& 6* , #5 16 N:SE 8I . 8I %9 :5ARIES S! 6 ! 6 #5 , !ANCREAS 8I5 1, S* ,6 ,95 3:D1 !AR* !:IN* !E85IS S! 6 7I , !ENIS C5 , 7I , S! 6 !6AR1NX 8I . REC*A& 38 69 RES!IRA*:R1 S1S*E& 8A 1 38 1, SEXAA8 :R#ANS C5 , C5 6 S! 6 S6:A8DERS 8I . 8I 11 8I 15 SI , S!INEM CER5ICA8 8A ) 8I . *6:RACIC 38 69 8A&3AR 38 5. S*:&AC6 S* ,6 C5 1% ! 6 *EE*6 8I . S* .5 *ES*IC8ES C5 , C5 6 S! 6 *6I#6 38 5. ,96 :r0an Diseases L Sensitive !oints >i$ present? Q &u Q S u points Q points $or s+mptoms L >or? Sensitive points Q 1uan Q 8uo Q Xi Q points $or s+mptoms L >or? Sensitive points Q Earpoints

L >or? Sensitive points Q 8ocal points Q Distant points on t e a$$ected C annel 8ocal Disorders >el(ow painD $or instance?M L Sensitive points >i$ present? Q 8ocal points Q Distant points on a$$ected and related C annels L >or? Sensitive !oints Q Earpoints $or El(ow Q Earpoint S en&en L >or? Sensitive !oints Q *sin0 points Q 8ocal points Q Distant points on a$$ected and related C annels Distal !oints Acupuncture points are not alwa+s c osen locall+ to treat a pro(lem= :$ten distal points are c osen= * ese points are 0enerall+ located Cuite $ar $rom t e diseased area >o$ten (elow t e el(ows and -nees?D and are c osen $or t eir a(ilit+ to treat t e pro(lem= 8ocal !oints * ere are two -inds o$ local acupuncture pointsM classical acupuncture points w ic are located close to t e area o$ painD andD points o$ sensitivit+ >not actual points? called RA S iS pointsD w ic ma+ also (e e$$ective= E'perience !oints * ese acupuncture points ave (een proven (+ clinical e'perience over time to (e ver+ e$$ective in t e treatment o$ a particular disorder= Interior@ E'terior >1in@1an0? * e twelve re0ular meridians are paired to0et er into si' 0roups= :ne o$ eac pair represents t e interior >+in? aspect o$ t e relations ip w ile t e ot er represents t e e'terior >+an0? o$ t e relations ip= For e'ample t e Spleen >+in? and Stomac >+an0? are one pair= A Stomac pro(lem ma+ t ere$ore (e treated wit points on t e Spleen meridian= Front and 3ac-M :$ten points are c osen $rom (ot t e $ront o$ t e (od+ and t e (ac- o$ t e (od+ in order to elicit (alance in t e acupuncture treatment= A 0ood e'ample o$ t is would (e t e com(ination o$ a Front >&u? point and a 3ac- >S u? point in t e treatment o$ a disorder= Apper and 8owerM Disease in t e upper part o$ t e (od+ ma+ (e treated (+ selectin0 points in t e lower part o$ t e (od+ and vice versa= For e'ampleD #5 %9 on t e top o$ t e ead is an e$$ective point to treat emorr oids= 8e$t and Ri0 tM Acupuncture points in t e ri0 t side o$ t e

(od+ ma+ (e selected $or diseases in t e le$t side o$ t e (od+ and vice versa= * is t+pe o$ treatment ma+ (e implemented $or t e purpose o$ (alancin0 t e ener0+ in a meridian on di$$erent sides o$ t e (od+D or in t e case o$ ead acupunctureD one side o$ t e ead ma+ (e treated to a$$ect t e opposite side o$ t e (od+= ,9) Acupuncture *erms and #lossar+ A(dominal DistentionM A(dominal distention is a common conditionD w ic usuall+ results $rom over@eatin0D rat er t an $rom a serious illness= Simple wei0 t 0ainD premenstrual s+ndrome >!&S?D pre0nanc+D or t e unconscious swallowin0 o$ air can also cause distention= A(dominal distention is o$ten caused (+ intestinal 0as= * is ma+ result $rom eatin0 $i(rous $oods suc as $ruits and ve0eta(les= 8e0umes suc as (eans are common sources o$ intestinal 0as= !eople w o are lactose intolerant cannot properl+ di0est dair+ $oodsD and eatin0 suc $oods ma+ cause distention= A(dominal distention ma+ also occasionall+ result $rom t e accumulation o$ $luid in t e a(domenD w ic can (e a si0n o$ serious medical pro(lems= * ere are usuall+ ot er s+mptoms in t is case= AcupunctureM * e practice o$ insertin0 ver+ t in needles in speci$ic acupuncture points or com(inations o$ points on t e (od+ to improve ealt and well@(ein0= * ere are over 1D999 acupoints t at can (e stimulated t rou0 t e insertion o$ needles= Allopat +M A term $or conventional medicineD used most $reCuentl+ (+ its critics= * e word was coined (+ Samuel 6a nemann= See alsoM Allopat ic medicine Alternative &edical S+stemsM * e precise name o$ an NCCA& classi$ication $or t ose $orms o$ alternative medicine t at are (uilt upon a complete s+stem o$ t eor+ and practice= Alternative &edicineM FA 0roup o$ diverse medical and ealt care s+stemsD practicesD and products t at are not presentl+ considered to (e part o$ conventional medicine=F Alternativel+ de$ined in t e Cam(rid0e Advanced 8earnerOs Dictionar+ asM a wide ran0e o$ treatments $or medical conditions t at people use instead o$ or wit western medicineM

Alternative medicine includes treatments suc as acupunctureD omeopat + and +pnot erap+= See Alternative medicine $or additional de$initions= Anal !rolapseM Rectal prolapse is a condition in w ic t e rectum $alls downwards and turns inside out= Initiall+D t e rectum sta+s inside t e (od+D (ut as t e condition worsensD it ma+ protrude outside t rou0 t e anus= * ere is o$ten wea-ness o$ t e anal musclesD w ic ma+ result in lea-a0e o$ mucus or stool= Incomplete rectal prolapse involves t e a(normal protrusion o$ rectal mucosa t rou0 t e anus= * ere is a partial overlap o$ t is dia0nosis wit c ronic prolapsed emorr oidsD especiall+ i$ part o$ t e prolapse is emorr oidsD and part o$ t e tissue is rectal mucosa= I$ t e protrusion o$ rectal mucosa is onl+ partialD t en t is is called a partial mucosal prolapse= Aromat erap+M * e use o$ essential oils and ot er aromatic compounds $rom plants to a$$ect someoneOs mood or ealt = Aromatic StomacicM 6er(s t at are aromatic and promote di0estion (+ movin0 dampness= Arr +t miaM Cardiac arr +t mia is an+ o$ a 0roup o$ conditions in w ic t e electrical activit+ o$ t e eart is irre0ular or is $aster or slower t an normal= Some arr +t miae are li$e@t reatenin0 medical emer0encies t at can cause cardiac arrest and sudden deat = :t ers cause a00ravatin0 s+mptomsD suc as an awareness o$ a di$$erent eart (eatD or palpitationD w ic can (e anno+in0= Some are Cuite small and normal= Sinus arr +t mia ,94 is t e mild acceleration $ollowed (+ slowin0 o$ t e normal r +t m t at occurs wit (reat in0= In adults t e normal restin0 eart rate ran0es $rom 69 (eats per minute to 199 (eats per minute= As-lepiosM >8atinate spellin0 Asclepius? t e #ree- 0od o$ medicine w o treated t e sicwit t e elp o$ is dau0 tersD 6+0eia and !anacea= A+urvedaM F* is compre ensive s+stem o$ medicineD developed in India over %D999 +ears a0oD places eCual emp asis on (od+D mindD and spirit= * e 0oal is to restore t e natural armon+ o$ t e individual= An A+urvedic doctor identi$ies an individualOs

constitution or overall ealt pro$ile (+ ascertainin0 t e patientOs meta(olic (od+ t+pe >5ataD !ittaD or 7ap a? t rou0 a series o$ personal istor+ Cuestions= * e patientOs constitution t en (ecomes t e $oundation o$ a speci$ic treatment plan desi0ned to 0uide t e individual (ac- into armon+ wit is or er environment= * is plan ma+ include dietar+ c an0esD e'erciseD +o0aD meditationD massa0eD er(al tonicsD and ot er remedies=F 3ates &et odM An alternative approac to e+esi0 t improvement and maintenance= Recent reviews and clinical trials ave $ailed to s ow its e$$ectiveness and it is lar0el+ considered pseudoscience= 3io$eed(ac-M 8in-s t e mind wit t e (od+ t rou0 i0 @tec nolo0+ devices t at allow t e mind to control certain (odil+ $unctions= In t is treatment met odD an individual is oo-ed up to monitorin0 devices w ic provide an indication o$ ow (rain wavesD (reat in0 patternsD muscle activit+D sweat 0land $unctionD pulseD s-in temperatureD and (lood pressure are respondin0 to rela'ation tec niCuesD suc as meditation= F3io$eed(ac- as (een used to reduce stressD eliminate eadac esD recondition inBured musclesD control ast matic attac-sD and relieve pain=F 3iolo0icall+ 3ased * erapiesM * e precise name o$ an NCCA& classi$ication $or alternative treatments t at use su(stances $ound in nature andEor some ot er natural t erap+= 3iomedical &odelM A conceptual model o$ illness t at e'cludes ps+c olo0ical and social $actors and includes onl+ (iolo0ical $actors in an attempt to understand a personOs illness= 3iops+c osocial &odelM Sees ealt D illness and ealin0 as resultin0 $rom t e interactin0 e$$ects o$ events o$ ver+ di$$erent t+pesD includin0 (iolo0icalD ps+c olo0icalD and social $actors= 3lood De$icienc+M A lac- o$ (lood wit si0ns o$ anemiaD diIIinessD dr+ s-in or airD scant or a(sent menstruationD $ati0ueD pale s-in and poor memor+= 3loodM A (road term to descri(e t e p +sical (lood in t e (od+ t at moistens t e

musclesD tissuesD s-in and airD and also nouris es t e cells and or0ans= In oriental medical s+stems man+ terms ave more meanin0 t an in ;estern medicine@@t is is one o$ t ose= 3lood in C inese medicine is a nouris in0 su(stance w ic cools and moistens t e tissues includin0 t e s-inD and anc ors t e s en >mindEspirit?= * ere$ore someone w o is (lood de$icient ma+ ave dr+ s-inD or t eir sleep ma+ (e distur(ed (+ vivid dreams= ,9" 3od+ ;or-M * e pre$erred name $or massa0e treatmentsD (ecause t is ealt pro$ession is tr+in0 to disassociate itsel$ $rom t e se' industr+= 3od+ wor- Finvolves pressin0D ru((in0D and ot erwise manipulatin0 muscles and ot er so$t tissues o$ t e (od+D causin0 t em to rela' and len0t en and allowin0 pain relievin0 o'+0en and (lood to $low to t e a$$ected area= Asin0 t eir ands and sometimes $eetD el(owsD and $orearmsD massa0e t erapists ma+ use over )5 di$$erent met odsD suc as Swedis messa0eD deep@tissue massa0eD neuromuscular massa0eD and manual l+mp draina0e= &assa0e is considered e$$ective $or relievin0 an+ t+pe o$ pain in t e (od+Os so$t tissueD includin0 (ac-D nec-D and s oulder painD eadac esD (ursitisD and tendonitis= 3or(or+0musM 3owel soundsD t e 0ur0lin0D rum(lin0D or 0rowlin0 noise $rom t e a(domen caused (+ t e muscular contractions o$ peristalsisD t e process t at moves t e contents o$ t e stomac and intestines downward= * e plural is (or(or+0mi= 3owel sounds are normal= * eir a(sence can indicate intestinal o(struction= 3owel sounds ma+ also (e temporaril+ a(sent a$ter a(dominal sur0er+= * e word F(or(or+0musF as (een rum(lin0 around t e En0lis lan0ua0e $or some %99 +ears= Its earliest -nown use in En0lis dates to 1)"6= * e word arrived $rom New 8atinD (ut traces its wa+ (ac- to t e #ree- F(or(or+IeinDF w ic means Fto rum(le=F 3reat in0 &editationM &an+ $orms o$ meditationD especiall+ AsianD $ocus on (reat in0 in t eir tec niCueD includin0 +o0aD Ci0on0D vipassanaD etc= FDeep (reat in0 involves slowD

deep in alation t rou0 t e noseD usuall+ $or a count o$ 19D $ollowed (+ slow and complete e' alation $or a similar count= *o elp Cuiet t e mindD one 0enerall+ concentrates $ull+ on (reat in0 and countin0 t rou0 eac c+cle= * e process ma+ (e repeated 5 to 19 timesD several times a da+=F CalmativeM 6as a sedative or calmin0 e$$ect on t e mind and t e nerves= CA&M An acron+m $or Complementar+ and Alternative &edicine= * is is an um(rella term $or a lar0e ran0e o$ treatments and t eories on t e nature o$ ealt and illnessD man+ o$ t em unrelatedD w ic ave in common t at t e+ are not 0enerall+ accepted (+ t e conventional medical esta(lis ment= ; ile some scienti$ic evidence e'ists $or or a0ainst some CA& t erapiesD $or most t ere are -e+ Cuestions t at are +et to (e answered t rou0 well@desi0ned studiesD includin0 w et er t ese t erapies are sa$eD w et er t e+ wor- $or t e diseases or medical conditions $or w ic t e+ are usedD and w et er t e e'planations proponents o$$er $or t em are correct= * e list o$ t erapies included under CA& c an0es 0raduall+= C annelsM :ver %999 +ears o$ empirical practice as mapped out t e course o$ t e $low o$ /i alon0 t e c annels and identi$ies -e+ $ocus points alon0 t ese c annels= It appears t at t e+ were identi$ied to e'plain t e pro0ression o$ diseases and also (+ t e massa0in0 or needlin0 o$ t e c annelsD relievin0 s+mptoms= C elation * erap+M * e use o$ c elatin0 a0ents suc as ED*A to remove eav+ metals $rom t e (od+= ; ile in conventional medicine c elation t erap+ is used onl+ to treat eav+ metal poisonin0D some alternative practitioners advocate t e use o$ c elation t erap+ to treat coronar+ arter+ disease= ,19 C inese &edicineM * e 0roup o$ p ilosop ies em(odied (+ C inese medicine is more accuratel+ re$erred to as :riental &edicineD wit roots in man+ di$$erent Asian countries= * is millennia@old Asian medical tradition wor-s to (rin0 (alance to t e (od+ t rou0 acupunctureD massa0eD Eastern er(alismD dietP and li$est+le c an0es suc as martial arts and meditation=

C iropracticsM A popular $orm o$ alternative medicineD in w ic t e most commonl+ utiliIed intervention is spinal manipulation= Some c iropractors maintain t at t eir spinal adBustments move verte(rae to release pressure on spinal nerves to improve ealt = F* is care involves t e adBustment o$ t e spine and Boints to in$luence t e (od+Ks nervous s+stem and natural de$ense mec anisms to alleviate pain and improve 0eneral ealt = It is primaril+ used to treat (ac- pro(lemsD eadac esD nerve in$lammationD muscle spasmsD and ot er inBuries and trauma=F Complementar+ &edicineM Alternative treatments t at are used alon0side >Fcomplementar+ toF? conventional medicineD especiall+ as palliative care= Cuppin0M An adBunctive p +sical tec niCue o$ *C& >C inese &edicine? emplo+ed (+ acupuncturists= It involves creatin0 a vacuum in specialiIed cups to a$$ect t e (od+= It increases $luid circulation in t e tissues and as (een s own to reduce in$lammation= It is also used on internal pro(lemsD includin0 coldsD and appears in traditional medicines around t e world includin0 *ur-is D Roman+ and 3raIilian= 1ou can see Sicilian immi0rants usin0 it in R* e #od$at er IIS to treat colic= Damp 6eatM Collection o$ Dampness and 6eatD o$ten resultin0 in in$ection >(acterial or viral?= De$icient 3loodM 3lood is one o$ t e $ive essential ener0ies o$ t e (od+ in :riental &edicine= 3lood is t e p +sical mani$estation o$ /i and is responsi(le $or carr+in0 nouris ment and moisture to t e :r0ansD tissuesD and muscles= De$icient (lood s ows a 0eneral pattern o$ diIIinessP paleD lusterless $aceP pale lipsP dr+ s-in or airP scant mensesP pale *on0ue materialP t in !ulse= De$icient /iM /i is t e $undamental li$e $orce or ener0+ t at is $ound in all livin0 t in0s and is $ormed $rom t e interaction o$ +in and +an0 ener0ies= De$icient /i s ows 0eneral wea-nessP paleD (ri0 t $aceP s allow respirationP low or so$t voiceP spontaneous sweatin0P pale *on0ue materialP Empt+D wea- !ulse= De$icient 1an0M 1an0 is one o$ t e two $undamental polar ener0ies $ound in all livin0 t in0s= 1an0 Cualities or conditions are otD dr+D and e'cessiveD on or near t e sur$ace o$

t e (od+= 1an0 complements +in= De$icient 1an0 is similar to De$icient /i (ut wit si0ns o$ Interior ColdD includin0 cold lim(sP aversion to coldP pu$$+ *on0ueP slow !ulse= De$icient 1inM 1in is one o$ t e two $undamental polar ener0ies $ound in all livin0 t in0s= 1in Cualities or conditions are coldD dampD de$icientD and $ound in t e interior o$ t e (od+= 1in complements +an0= De$icient 1in is similar to De$icient 3loodD (ut c aracteriIed (+ Fappearance o$ 6eatDS includin0 a0itated mannerP red c ee-sP warm palms and solesP ni0 t sweatsP red *on0ue material and rapidD t in !ulse= Diet@(ased * erap+M Ases a variet+ o$ diets in order to improve ealt and lon0evit+D to control wei0 tD as well as to treat speci$ic ealt conditions li-e i0 c olesterol= ,11 Disease &odelsM 6ow people w o ave studied diseases tr+ to e'plain t em= Doctrine o$ Si0naturesM Developed around 1599 and claims t at a plantOs p +sical appearance reveals its medical value= * e Doctrine o$ Si0natures is o$ten associated wit ;estern er(alism= D+smenorr eaM * is condition re$ers to t e pain or discom$ort associated wit menstruation= Alt ou0 not a serious medical pro(lemD itKs usuall+ meant to descri(e a woman wit menstrual s+mptoms severe enou0 to -eep er $rom $unctionin0 $or a da+ or two eac mont = D+spneaM Di$$icult or la(ored (reat in0P s ortness o$ (reat = D+spnea is a si0n o$ serious disease o$ t e airwa+D lun0sD or eart= * e onset o$ d+spnea s ould not (e i0nored (ut is reason to see- medical attention= * e word d+spnea comes t e #reeFd+s@FD di$$icult+ Q FpnoiaFD (reat in0 T di$$icult+ (reat in0= D+spnea is t e American spellin0 and d+spnoea is t e 3ritis >mis?spellin0= Common &isspellin0sM d+speniaD d+psenaD d+psneaD d+spena Eclectic &edicineM A nineteent @centur+ s+stem o$ medicine used in Nort America t at treated diseases (+ t e application o$ sin0le er(al remedies to e$$ect speci$ic cures o$ certain si0ns and s+mptoms= EdemaM &eans swellin0 caused (+ $luid in +our (od+Os tissues= It usuall+ occurs in t e

$eetD an-les and le0sD (ut it can involve +our entire (od+= Causes o$ edema includeM Eatin0 too muc saltD Sun(urnD 6eart $ailureD 7idne+ diseaseD 8iver pro(lems $rom cirr osisD !re0nanc+D !ro(lems wit l+mp nodesD especiall+ a$ter mastectom+D Some medicinesD Standin0 or wal-in0 a lot w en t e weat er is warm= E$$erentM Neural pat wa+s t at ave an Oe$$ectO= * e+ carr+ si0nals $rom t e (od+ to t e central nervous s+stemP e=0= +our sense o$ touc = EmesisM 5omitin0= An emesis (asin is usuall+ -ept and+ $or sur0er+ patients recoverin0 $rom 0eneral anest esia since nausea and vomitin0 are common in t at situation= From t e #ree- emein >to vomit?D $rom t e Indo@European root wem@ >to vomit?D t e source o$ t e words suc as wam(le >to $eel nauseated? and vomit= Empt+ FireM In E'cessE6eat conditions w ere t e FFireF o$ten rises to t e eadD and t ere are si0ns suc as splittin0 eadac esP diIIinessP red $ace and e+esP dr+ mout P dea$ness or sudden rin0in0 in t e ears= In additionD irrita(ilit+D $reCuent an0er and insomnia ma+ (e presentD as well as constipationP dar-D scant+ urineP red *on0ue wit rou0 D +ellow mossP and a rapid and $ullD as well as ;ir+D !ulse= * is pattern is o$ten seen in ;estern medicine as essential +pertensionD mi0raine eadac esD (leedin0 o$ t e upper di0estive tractD menopausal complaintsP e+e diseases suc as acute conBunctivitis and 0laucomaP or ear distur(ances suc as la(+rint itisD &eniereOs diseaseD or otitis= Ener0+ * erapiesM * e name o$ an NCCA& classi$ication $or alternative treatments t at involve t e use o$ purported ener0+ $ields= ,1% EructationM * e voidin0 o$ 0as or o$ a small Cuantit+ o$ acid $luid $rom t e stomac t rou0 t e mout = Normall+ t e air in stomac is passed downstream into t e intestines= 3elc in0 occurs w en t e stomac airD instead o$ 0oin0 downD 0oes up into t e esop a0us and is e'pelled t ou0 t e mout = As in 0astroesop a0eal re$lu' disease >#ERD? or eart(urnD t is process reCuires t at t e one wa+ valve (etween esop a0us

and stomac >lower esop a0eal sp incter or 8ES? rela' and allow t e re0ur0itation o$ air upward into t e esop a0us and t en out t rou0 t e mout ma-in0 a sound= E'ercise@(ased * erap+M Ases a variet+ o$ traditional $orms o$ p +sical e'ercise in order to improve ealt and lon0evit+D and to increase muscle massD as well as to treat speci$ic ealt conditions and to relieve stress= FasciaM Connective tissue w ic wraps around and is continuous t ou0 muscle tissue= It is t is connective tissue w ic t e contractile muscle cells pull on to e$$ect movement= It also connects t e muscles to tendon (ones and eac ot erD $or e'ample t e $ascial s eet at t e lower (ac- is an attac ment $or man+ di$$erent musclesD and t ere$ore ti0 tness in one place can also a$$ect a distant muscle= Flower Essence * erap+M A su(@cate0or+ o$ omeopat + w ic uses omeopat ic dilutions o$ $lowers= * is practice was (e0un (+ Edward 3ac wit t e 3ac $lower remedies (ut is now practiced muc more widel+D utiliIin0 $lowers all over t e world= * ere are numerous ma-ers o$ $lower essencesD usin0 t e $lowers t at are local to t eir re0ion= Fol- &edicineM * e collection o$ procedures traditionall+ used $or treatment o$ illness and inBur+D aid to c ild(irt D and maintenance o$ wellness= #astroesop a0ealM #astroesop a0eal re$lu' disease= 1our esop a0us is t e tu(e t at carries $ood $rom +our mout to +our stomac = #astroesop a0eal re$lu' disease >#ERD? appens w en a muscle at t e end o$ +our esop a0us does not close properl+= * is allows stomac contents to lea- (ac-D or re$lu'D into t e esop a0us and irritate it= 1ou ma+ $eel a (urnin0 in t e c est or t roat called eart(urn= SometimesD +ou can taste stomac $luid in t e (ac- o$ t e mout = * is is acid indi0estion= I$ +ou ave t ese s+mptoms more t an twice a wee-D +ou ma+ ave #ERD= #ra amismM Recommended ard mattressesD open (edroom windowsD c astit+D cold s owersD loose clot in0D pure water and vi0orous e'ercise= #reen !rescriptionM A card 0iven (+ a doctor or nurse to a patientD wit e'ercise and li$est+le 0oals written on it=

#roup &odalitiesM Forms o$ CA& t at an individual must see- out and per$orm wit a 0roup o$ li-e@minded people= 6eatM An e'ternal or internal FclimaticF im(alance or ailment c aracteriIed (+ $everD aversion to eatD overactivit+D constipationD de +drationD sparse darurinationD and insomnia= 6eat can also pro0ress and penetrate to t e interior o$ t e (od+ and $reCuentl+ com(ines wit damp to create internal eat@damp im(alances= 6eat is 1an0 in c aracter= ,1, 6emorr oidsM :r pilesD are varicose veins o$ t e rectum or anus= * e+ are common in middle and later li$eD o$ten caused (+ +ears o$ c ronic constipation= * e t ree di$$erent t+pes o$ emorr oids includeM Internal emorr oids @ $ound inside t e rectum= * e+ are painless (ut tend to (leed= !rolapsed emorr oids @ a more severe and pain$ul $orm o$ internal emorr oids= * ese veins pus t rou0 t e anus and an0 out o$ t e (od+D particularl+ a$ter 0oin0 to t e toilet= SometimesD t e anal sp incter >rin0 o$ muscle? can stran0ulate veins t at an0 out permanentl+= E'ternal emorr oids @ t ese are li-e small emorr a0es >(leeds? under t e s-in around t e anus= * e+ $eel li-e ard lumps= 6er(alismM * e practice o$ ma-in0 or prescri(in0 er(al remedies $or medical conditions= 6er(olo0+M * e traditional C inese medical practice o$ com(inin0 plantsD mineralsD and parts o$ animals $or medical treatment= 6eroic &edicineM An+ medicine or met od o$ treatment t at is a00ressive or darin0 in a dan0erousl+ ill patient= 6olismM * e stud+ and advocac+ o$ w oleness in ealt D scienceD politicsD or an+ ot er area o$ li$e= 6omeopat +M An alternative medical practice $ounded on similars= * e underl+in0 t eor+ is t at disease states are cured (+ remedies w ic produceD on a ealt + personD similar e$$ects to t e s+mptoms o$ t e patientOs complaint= FFor e'ampleD someone su$$erin0 $rom insomnia ma+ (e 0iven a omeopat ic dose o$ co$$ee= Administered in

diluted $ormD omeopat ic remedies are derived $rom man+ natural sourcesD includin0 plantsD metalsD and minerals= Num(erin0 in t e t ousandsD t ese remedies ave (een used to treat a wide variet+ o$ ailments includin0 seasonal aller0iesD ast maD in$luenIaD eadac esD and indi0estion=F 6+drot erap+M * e e'ternal use o$ water in t e medical treatment o$ disease= 6+pnosisM FAn altered state o$ consciousnessD it is c aracteriIed (+ increased responsiveness to su00estion= * e +pnotic state is attained (+ $irst rela'in0 t e (od+ t en s i$tin0 t e clientOs attention toward a narrow ran0e o$ o(Bects or ideas as su00ested (+ t e +pnotist or +pnot eraptist= * e procedure is used to access various levels o$ t e mind to e$$ect positive c an0es in a personOs (e avior and to treat numerous ealt conditions= For e'ampleD +pnosis as (een used to lose wei0 tD improve sleepD and reduce pain and stress=F 6+pnot erap+M * e treatment o$ a s+mptomD diseaseD or addiction (+ means o$ +pnotism= Inte0rative &edicineM As de$ined (+ NCCA&D com(ines conventional medical treatments and CA& alternative treatments $or w ic t ere is some i0 @Cualit+ scienti$ic evidence o$ t eir sa$et+ and e$$ectiveness= InterventionsM An+ attempt to modi$+ a medical or ealt condition= Iridolo0+M * e stud+ o$ t e iris to determine ealt = >See also e+olo0+ and sclerolo0+=? ,1. Jin S in J+utsuM An ancient Japanese tec niCue $or ener0+ ealin0D usin0 deep (reat in0 and t e placement o$ oneOs ands on speci$ic areas o$ t e (od+D called Sa$et+ Ener0+ 8oc-s >or SE8s?= It was rediscovered in Japan in t e earl+ 1"99Os (+ &aster Jiro &urai= 6e tau0 t t e tec niCues to &ar+ 3urmeister in t e late 1".9sD and s e (rou0 t it to t e AS= Jin0M * e Su(stanceD or EssenceD t at underlies all or0anic li$e and is t e source o$ or0anic c an0e= It is t ou0 t o$ as $luid@li-eD and is supportiveD nutritive and is t e (asis o$ reproduction and development= It as $unctions (ut mainl+ is seen as t e store o$

ener0+ one is (orn wit D determinin0 a personKs constitution= :n a continuum it is seen as a more 1in dense /iD as opposed to S en >mindE Spirit? w ic is a more rare$ied /i 0ivin0 rise to consciousness= Journalin0M A tec niCue $or reducin0 stress (+ writin0 a(out stress$ul events in +our li$e= 8eu-orr eaM Is t e medical term $or a certain t+pe o$ va0inal disc ar0e t at is common durin0 pre0nanc+ as well as at ot er times durin0 +our reproductive +ears= I$ +ou ave leu-orr eaD +ou ma+ ave a t ic- and stic-+ va0inal disc ar0e t at is w iteD +ellowD or 0reen= It can var+ wit a womanOs menstrual c+cle as er ormone levels c an0e= 5a0inal disc ar0es are o$ten a si0n o$ va0inal +east in$ectionsD (acterial va0inosisD or se'uall+ transmitted diseases= 8eu-orr ea ma+ or ma+ not indicate t e presence o$ in$ectionD and it is not usuall+ accompanied (+ ot er si0ns and s+mptomsD suc as itc in0D painD (urnin0 or irritationD or rednessD o$ t e tissue= :nl+ a Cuali$ied ealt pro$essional can tell +ou w et er +ou ave an in$ection= I$ +ou ave an+ unusual t+pe o$ va0inal disc ar0e durin0 pre0nanc+ or at an+ ot er timeD alwa+s consult +our ealt pro$essional (e$ore tr+in0 an+ over@t e@counter treatments or ome remedies= 8i$e E'tensionM A movementD t e 0oal o$ w ic is to live lon0er t rou0 interventionD and to increase ma'imum li$espan or avera0e li$espanD especiall+ in mammals= Researc ers o$ li$e e'tension are a su(class o$ (io0erontolo0ists -nown as F(iomedical 0erontolo0istsF= 8i$est+le DiseasesM Diseases t at appear to increase in $reCuenc+ as countries (ecome more industrialiIed and people live lon0er= 8i$est+leM Descri(es t e particular attitudesD a(its or (e aviors associated wit an individual= 8ower ;armerM Anatomical location re$errin0 to t e a(dominal area (elow t e navelD especiall+ encompassin0 t e 7idne+ and 8iver >t e location o$ t e liver is related to its &eridian pat wa+ in t e lower 0roin?= * e condition o$ Damp 6eat in t e lower ;armer

ma+ re$erD $or e'ampleD to an in$ectious process in t e lar0e intestine >d+senter+? or in t e (ladder >urinar+ tract in$ection?= &anipulative and (od+@(ased met odsM * e precise name o$ an NCCA& classi$ication $or alternative treatments t at are (ased on manipulation andEor movement o$ one or more parts o$ t e (od+ >See also manipulative t erap+?= &assa0e * erap+M FInvolves pressin0D ru((in0D and ot erwise manipulatin0 muscles and ot er so$t tissues o$ t e (od+D causin0 t em to rela' and len0t en and allowin0 pain relievin0 o'+0en and (lood to $low to t e a$$ected area= Asin0 t eir ands and ,15 sometimes $eetD el(owsD and $orearmsD massa0e t erapists ma+ use over )5 di$$erent met odsD suc as Swedis messa0eD deep@tissue massa0eD neuromuscular massa0eD and manual l+mp draina0e= &assa0e is considered e$$ective $or relievin0 an+ t+pe o$ pain in t e (od+Os so$t tissueD includin0 (ac-D nec-D and s oulder painD eadac esD (ursitisD and tendonitis= &editationM F&ental calmness and p +sical rela'ation is ac ieved Uwit meditationV (+ suspendin0 t e stream o$ t ou0 ts t at normall+ occup+ t e mind= #enerall+ per$ormed once or twice a da+ $or appro'imatel+ %9 minutes at a timeD meditation is used to reduce stressD alter ormone levelsD and elevate oneOs moodP In additionD a person e'perienced in meditation can ac ieve a reduction in (lood pressureD adrenaline levelsD eart rateD and s-in temperature=F :t er $orms o$ meditation wor- wit $ocusin0 or distractin0 oneOs attention rat er t an Fsuspendin0 t e stream o$ t ou0 tsF= &iddle ;armerM Anatomical area (elow t e c estD (ut a(ove t e navelD includin0 t e Spleen and Stomac in *raditional C inese &edicine t eor+D t e term SpleenEStomac dis armon+ o$ten re$ers to a variet+ o$ di0estive disorders= &ind@(od+ ConnectionM Sa+s t at t e causesD developmentD and outcomes o$ an illness are determined as muc $rom t e interaction o$ ps+c olo0ical and social $actors as t e+ are due to t e (iolo0ical $actors o$ ealt = &ind@(od+ InterventionsM * e precise name o$ an NCCA& classi$ication t at covers a

variet+ o$ tec niCues desi0ned to en ance t e mindOs capacit+ to a$$ect (odil+ $unction and s+mptoms= &o'aM An er(al preparation o$ &u0wortD dried and rolled into a pole w ic resem(les a ci0ar= It is not smo-edD (ut used $or warmin0 re0ions on t e (od+ includin0 acupuncture points= Ase o$ mo'a is called mo'i(ustion= It is one o$ t e tec niCues o$ traditional C inese medicine= &o'i(ustionM * e practice o$ (urnin0 an er( >&o'aE artemesia vul0aris? over an areaD on a needle or on t e s-in >wit precautions to prevent (urnin0 t e s-in? in order to warm t e area= * is warmin0 can (e used to en0ender t e production o$ /i and (lood >*oni$+in0?D to promote circulation and ealin0= In Japanese acupuncture s+stems t e use o$ mo'a is more re$ined and it can (e used $or almost an+t in0D to clear eat even in t e case o$ $ever= &uscle Ener0+ *ec niCueM (asicall+ involves usin0 motion on t e part o$ t e client to $acilitate len0t enin0 o$ muscle tissue to return it to its normal restin0 len0t = &+o$ascial ReleaseM A tec niCue w ic releases muscular tension (+ wor-in0 on connective tissue >$ascia?= It is currentl+ t ou0 t t at t e transverse pressure applied induces t e perip eral nervous s+stem to release t e muscle= It can (e e$$ective in an+ pro(lem $eaturin0 ti0 t muscle tissueD and is ver+ e$$ective in relievin0 m+o$ascial pain= Natural 6ealt M An eclectic sel$@care s+stem o$ natural t erapies t at purports to (uild and restore ealt (+ wor-in0 wit t e natural recuperative powers o$ t e uman (od+= Natural 6+0ieneM A variation o$ t e nature cure= Its maBor practices are $astin0D $ood com(inin0D and a raw $ood diet= ,16 Natural * erap+M * e treatment met od used (+ advocates o$ natural ealt = Nature CureM * e pro0enitor o$ naturopat + in Europe= It postulates t at all disease is due to violations o$ natureOs lawsD and t at true ealin0 consists in a return to natural a(its=

Naturopat ic &edicineM * e eclectic practice o$ Naturopat ic Doctors >N=D? usin0 man+ di$$erent natural t erapies as treatment= * e ori0inal met od o$ treatment o$ Naturopat + was t e water cure= Some ot er treatments are as $ollowsM o Acupressure o Acupuncture o C inese martial arts o C inese pulse dia0nosis o Coin ru((in0 o Cuppin0 o Five Elements o Food t erap+ o 6er(olo0+ o Jin0 o &eridian o &o'i(ustion o Nei0on0 o /i0on0 o San Jiao o Seven star o S en o *ao 1in o *C& model o$ t e (od+ o *ri00er point o *ui na o 1in and +an0 o Han0 Fu t eor+ :!IM :utside !ernicious In$luence @ :utside $actor precipitatin0 a sudden onset o$ acute illness= In ;estern medicine termsD t is $reCuentl+ re$ers to onset o$ an acute in$ectious processD suc as t at seen wit t e common cold or $lu >:!I ;ind@Cold or :!I ;ind@ 6eat?= :ri$icesM * e sense or0ans o$ t e eadD includin0 e+esD earsD nose and mout = In conditions w ere t e ori$ices are FclosedDF t ere is unconsciousness= :rt opat +M Started in 149% in t e AS and developed into t e natural +0iene movement= :titisM :titis media= Ear in$ections are t e most common illnesses in (a(ies and +oun0 c ildren= &ost o$tenD t e in$ection a$$ects t e middle ear and is called otitis media= * e tu(es inside t e ears (ecome clo00ed wit $luid and mucus= * is can a$$ect earin0D (ecause sound cannot 0et t rou0 all t at $luid= ,1)

!atent FormulasM A pre@made medicinalD usuall+ (ased on a Classic *C& decoction= !atents come in man+ $ormsD plastersD ointmentsD linimentsD s+rupsD liCuorsD (ut are usuall+ in pill $orm= !atent &edicinesM 8i-e ;estern :ver@* e@Counter dru0sD 0enerall+ $or more minor conditions= *+picall+D t e+ are used $or acute conditions li-e onset o$ colds or $or c ronic (ut sta(le conditionsD li-e ast ma= !atent medicines are more convenient t an (rewin0 decoctions and t us are i0 l+ suited $or ta-in0 outside o$ t e ome= !attern DiscriminationM * e met od (+ w ic C inese !at olo0+ is classi$ied= Anli-e ;estern medicineD t e disease entit+ is not t e (asis= !attern Discriminations are muc (roader and (ased primaril+ on ow t e condition is mani$estin0 in t e individual patient= ! +sical EducatorsM *eac p +sical $itness and e'ercise= !eritonitisM Is an in$lammation >irritation? o$ t e peritoneumD t e tissue t at lines t e wall o$ t e a(domen and covers t e a(dominal or0ans= !lum 3lossomM >C inese medicine? * e name o$ (ot a tool >also called FSeven StarF? and a tec niCue in traditional C inese medicineD as well as a metap or used (+ several di$$erent C inese martial arts= !ositional ReleaseM A i0 l+ use$ul tec niCue (orn o$ osteopat ic practiceD (ased on t e idea t at $indin0 a position o$ a muscle w ere it is under no strain >position o$ ease? allows t e muscle to release= It is t ou0 t t at t is position allows t e nervous s+stem to reset a$$erent stimulus oldin0 t e muscle in a contracted and pain$ul position (+ minimiIin0 t e pain$ul stimuli= It is per$ormed (+ t e t erapist (+ movin0 a Boint 0entl+ wit out t e participation o$ t e clientD in di$$erent ran0es o$ motionD w ile ease is determined (+ palpation and t e $eel o$ t e movement= It can also (e done wit t e client 0ivin0 $eed(ac- a(out pressure on a tender point= !ro$essionaliIed &odalitiesM A pro$essional used in t is conte't is re$errin0 to a person en0a0in0 in a 0iven activit+ as a source o$ liveli ood or as a career= It is a provider(ased t erap+ w ere someone w o is -nowled0ea(le a(out a speci$ic alternative ealt

t erap+ provides care or 0ives advice a(out its use= It re$ers to all doctorEpatient relations ips w ere t e pro$essional is $unctionin0 in t e role o$ a doctorD w et er licensed or not= * e pro$essional is providin0 some t+pe o$ treatment or t erap+ w ic t e patient cannot per$orm on t emselves= !ro0ressive Rela'ationM F* is t erap+ involves t e successive tensin0 and rela'in0 o$ eac o$ t e 15 maBor muscle 0roups= !er$ormed l+in0 downD one 0enerall+ (e0ins wit t e ead and pro0resses downwardD tensin0 eac muscle as ti0 tl+ as possi(le $or a count o$ 5 to 19 and t en releasin0 it completel+= :$ten com(ined wit deep (reat in0D pro0ressive rela'ations are particularl+ use$ul $or reducin0 stressD relievin0 tensionD and inducin0 sleep=F /iM * is C inese word is usuall+ translated as ener0+D or vital ener0+= * e c aracter is $ormed o$ a picto0ram meanin0 rice and anot er meanin0 steam or vapour= *o0et er t e+ impl+ t at /i can (e material or immaterialD and as a connotation o$ t e transition $rom one state to anot er= * is is t e wa+ it is seen in /i0on0 practice and C inese medicine= * ere is a continuum $rom t e solid material /i >Jin0? to t e /i w ic we ,14 in$luence wit needlesD massa0e or e'ercise >and er(s? t rou0 to t e more rare$ied S en >mindEspirit?= 3+ wor-in0 on t e Cualit+ o$ /iD one can t ere$ore (ene$it ones p +sical constitutionD and t e Cualit+ o$ ones consciousness= /i0on0M An increasin0l+ popular e'ercise aspect o$ C inese medicine= /i0on0 is mostl+ tau0 t $or ealt maintenance purposesD (ut t ere are also some w o teac itD especiall+ in C inaD $or t erapeutic interventions= * ere are undreds o$ di$$erent sc oolsD and it is also an adBunct trainin0 o$ man+ East Asian martial arts= * e term /i0on0 is relativel+ recent and re$ers to p +sical practices w ic aim to wor- on /i= * e c aracter #on0 meansD wor-D or endeavourD so it is wor-in0 on oneKs /i= * ere are undreds o$ di$$erent s+stems o$ /i0on0D o$ten stemmin0 $rom $amil+ traditions or martial arts sc oolsD and

man+ variations to t ose s+stems= * e+ are 0iven t e la(el o$ internal e'ercises as t e+ wor- on oneKs internal s+stems= Some /i0on0 involves movementP ot er s+stems old static postures= Seated meditation can also (e seen as /i0on0D and some (elieve t at an+ e'ercise can (e /i0on0 i$ t e ri0 t intention and presence o$ mind is (rou0 t to it= R@A * erap+M An alternative cancer t erap+ utiliIin0 natural su(stances t at purports to induce re@di$$erentiation and apoptosis in tumors so as to cause a reduction o$ cancer cell num(ers or an elimination o$ a00re0ations o$ mali0nant cells= Rei-iM !urports to (e an ener0+ ealin0 t erap+D w ic is claimed to elp t e (od+Os a(ilit+ to eal itsel$ t rou0 t e $low and $ocusin0 o$ ealin0 ener0+ >rei-i means F0 ostl+ ener0+F?= Durin0 treatmentD t is ealin0 ener0+ is said to (e c anneled t rou0 t e ands o$ a practitioner into t e clientOs (od+ to restore a normal ener0+ (alance and ealt = Ener0+ ealin0 t erap+ as (een used to attempt treatment o$ a wide variet+ o$ ailments and ealt pro(lems and is sometimes used in conBunction wit ot er alternative and conventional medical treatments= Sel$@care &odalitiesM Forms o$ CA& t at individuals can per$orm (+ t emselvesD even i$ t e+ need to (e trained to do so= * ese cover tec niCues t at can (e sel$@ tau0 t wit t e aid o$ (oo-s or instructional videosD or can (e learned $rom an e'perienced practitioner= Alt ou0 some initial trainin0 is neededD once t ese tec niCues are learnedD +ou will need no additional outside assistance unless +ou want to improve +our s-ills= Seven EmotionsM SadnessD $ri0 tD $earD 0rie$D an0erD Bo+ >e'treme e'cita(ilit+? and pensiveness= * ese are all considered as potential causes o$ illness= S enM * e spirit and mental $aculties o$ a person w ic include t e Iest $or li$eD c arismaD t e a(ilit+ to e' i(it sel$ controlD (e responsi(leD speaco erentl+D t in- and $orm ideas and live a app+D spirituall+@$ul$illed li$e= &ind or Spirit= It is seen on a continuum as a rare$iedD more +an0 $orm o$ /iD as opposed to Jin0D a condensed store o$ /i= S en 0ives rise to conscious t ou0 t and all spiritual considerations o$ t e uman

condition= It was t ou0 t (+ t e *aoists to reside in t e ead or (rainD and (+ t e Con$ucians to reside in t e eart= It can (e su(divided into constituent parts in dia0nostic termsM will >I i?D intent >+i?D mind >s en?D et ereal soul > un?D and corporeal soul >po?= Si' E'ternal EvilsM 8i-e t e seven emotionsD causes o$ illness and disease= Also -nown as t e si' climatic $actorsD t e si' e'cesses and t e si' evil Ci= * e si' e'ternal evils are terms $rom nature t at are used to descri(e t e condition= * ese include windD coldD summer eatD dampnessD dr+ness and $ire= *erms are also used metap oricall+ to indicate t e (e avior o$ a particular ailment or condition= ,1" Sta0nation o$ 3lood >or Con0ealed 3lood?M * e 3lood as (ecome o(structed and is not $lowin0 smoot l+= * ere is s arpD sta((in0 pain accompanied (+ tumorsD c+sts or swellin0 o$ t e :r0ans >most commonl+ t e 8iver?= Sta0nation o$ /iM >or Stuc- /i? * e normal movement o$ /i is impairedD w ere it does not $low t rou0 t e (od+ in a smoot and orderl+ $as ion= Sta0nant /i in t e lim(s and &eridians ma+ (e t e ori0ins o$ pain and ac es in t e (od+= Sta0nation o$ /i in t e 8un0s ma+ result in cou0 in0 and d+spnea= Sta0nation o$ /i in t e 8iver ma+ result in distension in t e ri(s and a(domenD or elsew ereD includin0 (reast distension= Sta0nationM A (loc-a0e or (uildup o$ Ci or (lood t at prevents it $rom $lowin0 $reel+= Is a precursor o$ illness and disease and is $reCuentl+ accompanied (+ pain or tin0lin0= Stomac 6eatM *oo muc eat in t e stomac is represented (+ (ad (reat D (leedin0 or swollen 0umsD (urnin0 sensation in t e stomac D e'treme t irstD $rontal eadac es andEor mout ulcers= Summer 6eatM :veractive $unctionin0 o$ an or0an s+stem resultin0 in s+mptoms o$ t irstD aversion to eat and cravin0 $or coldD in$ectionD in$lammationD dr+nessD red $aceD sweatin0D irrita(ilit+D dar- +ellow urineD restlessnessD constipation and F +perF conditions suc as +pertension= Sweat * erap+M * e com(ination o$ 0roup counselin0Eps+c ot erap+ wit 0roup

sweatin0= #roup sweatin0 is social interaction w ile e'periencin0 ps+c o p +siolo0ical responses to eat e'posure= #roup sweatin0 as stron0 cultural validit+D as it as e'isted t rou0 out t e world $or t ousands o$ +ears to promote well@ (ein0= E'amples include t e Finnis SaunaD t e Russian 3aniaD t e American Indian Sweat 8od0e Ceremon+D t e Islamic 6ammamD t e Japanese &us i@3uroD and t e A$rican Si$utu= Sweat t erap+ as (een $ound to accelerate and intensi$+ counselin0 process= Sweatin0 procedures are (ene$icial $or t e prevention and treatment o$ some lun0D eartD and s-in pro(lems= It promotes deeper sleepD pain relie$D muscle rela'ationD and as (een elp$ul in treatin0 insomnia and art ritis= It also promotes positive e$$ects on $eelin0 states= S+ncopeM S+ncope >SINO-o@pe? is temporar+ loss o$ consciousness and postureD descri(ed as F$aintin0F or Fpassin0 out=F ItOs usuall+ related to temporar+ insu$$icient (lood $low to t e (rain= ItOs a common pro(lemD accountin0 $or , percent o$ emer0enc+ room visits and 6 percent o$ ospital admissions= It most o$ten occurs w en t e (lood pressure is too low > +potension? and t e eart doesnOt pump a normal suppl+ o$ o'+0en to t e (rain= It ma+ (e caused (+ emotional stressD painD poolin0 o$ (lood in t e le0s due to sudden c an0es in (od+ positionD over eatin0D de +drationD eav+ sweatin0 or e' austion= S+ncope ma+ occur durin0 violent cou0 in0 spells >especiall+ in men? (ecause o$ rapid c an0es in (lood pressure= It also ma+ result $rom several eartD neurolo0icD ps+c iatricD meta(olic and lun0 disorders= And it ma+ (e a side e$$ect o$ some medicines= *ai C iM A set o$ smoot D $lowin0 e'ercises used to improve or maintain ealt D create a sense o$ rela'ation and -eep Ci $lowin0= *aiBiM * e supreme ultimate or 0reat polarit+= * is is represented (+ t e commonl+ -nown +in@+an0 s+m(ol and is t e name 0iven to t e popular internal martial art *aiBi= ,%9 C KuanM #reat polarit+ $ist >t e word C Kuan means $istD (o'in0D 0raspin0 (ut also lettin0

0o in di$$erent conte'ts?= It is a core principle in oriental t ou0 t and medicine= Dia0nosis uses t e idea o$ t e interconnectednessD interdependenceD and mutuall+ trans$ormin0 nature o$ +in and +an0 to understand dis armon+ in t e person and ow t is a$$ects ealt = *antraM Emp asiIes a ritual connection wit elements $rom an Indian cultural (ac-0round= *antric tradition uses se'ual rituals $or spiritual development= *aoM * e ancient p ilosop + o$ oneness in all creation= *C&M * e a((reviation $or *raditional C inese &edicine= * erapeutic Ni ilismM S-epticism re0ardin0 t e t erapeutic value o$ dru0s or medical treatment voiced (+ p +sicians= * e 6ippocratic :at e' orts doctors to avoid t erapeutic ni ilism= * omsonianismM A $orm o$ er(alism in use durin0 t e 1"t centur+ in t e AS= *i(etan E+e C artM A mandala@li-e c art used to improve e+esi0 t t rou0 e'ercise= *innitusM Causes o$ tinnitus include earin0 lossD e'posure to loud noises or medicines +ou ma+ (e ta-in0 $or a di$$erent pro(lem= *innitus ma+ also (e a s+mptom o$ ot er ealt pro(lemsD suc as aller0iesD i0 or low (lood pressureD tumors and pro(lems in t e eartD (lood vesselsD Baw and nec-= *reatment depends on t e cause= *reatments ma+ include earin0 aidsD sound@mas-in0 devicesD medicines and wa+s to learn ow to cope wit t e noise= *oni$icationE*oni$+M *o nouris D support or stren0t en t e condition o$ CiD (lood or weaor0an $unction= *o'icit+M Applies to an+ in$lammationD in$ection or severe eat disease= *raditional C inese &edicine >*C&?M A s+stem o$ ealt care w ic is (ased on t e C inese notion o$ armon+ and (alance inside t e uman (od+ as well as armon+ (etween t e (od+ and its outside environment= * e medical s+stem t at ori0inated in C ina appro'imatel+ ,999 +ears a0o= It consists o$ not onl+ AcupunctureD (ut 6er(olo0+D &assa0e >*uina?D E'ercise >*ai /i?D &o'a(ustionD Cuppin0D NutritionD and ot ers= *C& as its own pat olo0+ s+stemD w ic uses a (roader c aracteriIation o$ illness >!attern

Discriminations? t an ;estern &edicineKs disease (ased pat olo0+ s+stem= Constantl+ re$ined and improved over t e course o$ its istor+D it o$$ers treatments $or a wide variet+ o$ ailmentsD (ot c ronic and acute= Its e$$ectivenessD low costD less invasive natureD and low incidence o$ side@e$$ects ave made it an attractive alternative to conventional care= *raditional Japanese &edicineM !re@;estern Japanese medicine was stron0l+ in$luenced (+ traditional C inese medicine and is o$ten seen as a su(@ cate0or+ o$ *C&= *ri00er !ointsM Areas o$ m+o$ascial >muscle? tissue w ere t e local circulation as (een impeded to t e e'tent t at t e+ are eld in contracture= * e+ are e'Cuisitel+ pain$ul are c aracterised (+ re$erred pain patterns= * at isD t e point causes pain elsew ere in t e (od+= * e+ $orm in muscle t at is eld in undue stress $or lon0 periods and pain can (e mana0ed (+ releasin0 t em= * e patterns o$ re$erral and common sites o$ tri00er point $ormation ave (een mapped and o$ten correspond wit acupuncture points and c annels= ,%1 *riple 3urner or *riple ;armerM Represents t e t ree production centers $or warm ener0+ and water= * e upper (urner is t e eartElun0 s+stemD t e middle (urner is t e spleenEstomac D and t e lower (urner is t e -idne+E(ladderEintestines= *riple ;armerM Also called F*riple 3urnerF and San Jiao in C inese= In :riental &edicineD t is is a +an0 or0an orD more precisel+D an Fener0+ s+stem t at as no eCuivalent in conventional medicine= * e *riple ;armer is crucial to all p ases o$ di0estion and as t ree partsM * e Apper 3urner >$rom mout to Stomac ?P t e &iddle 3urner >$rom Stomac to 8ar0e Intestine?P and t e 8ower 3urner >$rom Small Intestine to t e Rectum?= *uinaM *raditional C inese massa0e tec niCue t at $ocuses on meridians and acupoints= Apper ;armerM Anatomical area includin0 t e ead and c est= Aropat +M A specialiIed (ranc o$ alternative medicineD includin0 an+ sort o$ oral or e'ternal application o$ urine $or medicinal or cosmetic purposes=

5isualiIationM :r 0uided ima0er+D Finvolves a series o$ rela'ation tec niCues $ollowed (+ t e visualiIation o$ detailed ima0esD usuall+ calm and peace$ul in nature= I$ used $or treatmentD t e client ma+ visualiIe isE er (od+ as ealt +D stron0D and $ree o$ t e speci$ic pro(lem or condition= SessionsD conducted in 0roups or one@on@ oneD are t+picall+ %9@,9 minutes and ma+ (e practiced several times a wee-= #uided ima0er+ as (een advocated $or a num(er o$ c ronic conditionsD includin0 eadac esD stressD i0 (lood pressureD and an'iet+=F ;ei CiM De$ensive ener0+D t e *C& eCuivalent o$ t e immune s+stem= ;ei Sta0e o$ Fe(rile DiseaseM * e $irst sta0e o$ Four Sta0es o$ Fe(rile Disease= * e ;ei /i is t e protective /i o$ t e (od+= * is sta0e develops w en an :!I is in t e $irst dept o$ t e (od+D wit s+mptoms suc as $everD a sli0 t $ear o$ coldD eadac eD and cou0 in0D sli0 t t irstD wit or wit out perspiration= It is o$ten an earl+ sta0e o$ :!I ;ind@ 6eat s+ndromeD seen wit t e common cold or $lu= ;ei S+ndromeM ;ea-ness and eventual wastin0 o$ t e musculatureD especiall+ o$ t e lower e'tremitiesD and t e resultant impairment o$ motor $unction= ;ellnessM 6as (een used in CA& conte'ts since 6al(ert Dunn (e0an usin0 t e p rase F i0 level wellnessF in t e 1"59sD (ased on a series o$ lectures at a Anitarian Aniversalist C urc in Arlin0tonD 5A= ;ellness is 0enerall+ used to mean a ealt + (alance o$ t e mind@(od+ and spirit t at results in an overall $eelin0 o$ well@(ein0= ;estern &edicineM * e (iolo0ical and (ioc emistr+ (ased medical s+stem used in t e Anited States and most ;estern nations= Sometimes people use t e word Allopat +D (ut t is term is so (road t at it includes (ot *C& and ;estern &edicine= ;estern &edicine is t e treatment o$ c oice $or man+ li$e@t reatenin0 conditionsD includin0 traumaD eart attac-D stro-eD and cancer= ; olenessM &ore t an mere completeness or $ullness= It implies a realit+D s+stem or trut in w ic all parts or aspects are present in ri0 t and ealt + relations ip wit eac ot er= * is ri0 t relations ipWor s+ner0+Wis a maBor $actor in t e w ole (ein0 F0reater

t an t e sum or its partsF= From t e perspective o$ pre$erential w olenessD a ealt + ,%% person is more w ole t an an ill or inBured oneD and curin0 or $i'in0 t em is central to t eir ealin0= In contrastD $rom t e perspective o$ e'istential w olenessD illness and inBur+ are part o$ t e lar0er w oleness o$ li$eD and real ealin0 would entail appreciation and positive en0a0ement wit illness and inBur+ as well as wellness= ;ind InM *raditional C inese &edicine t eor+D t is re$ers to an+t in0 t at as sudden onset and movement= * is ma+ re$er to sudden onset $rom an :utside FactorD suc as t e common cold or $lu >:!I ;ind@Cold or ;ind@6eat? as seen in an in$ectious or conta0ious disease= :rD t is ma+ re$er to sudden onset $rom t e insideD suc as Internal ;ind >o$ten re$erred to as 8iver ;ind?D w ere t ere is diIIinessD tinnitusD num(ness o$ t e lim(sD tremorsD convulsions and stro-e >apople'+?= 3ecause ;ind is associated wit movementD it is o$ten reco0niIed (+ si0ns t at move $rom place to placeD suc as itc in0 or s-in eruptions t at c an0e locationD spasmsD tremors o$ t e lim(sD twitc in0D diIIinessD or Boint and muscle pains t at move t rou0 out t e (od+= ;ind s+mptoms are sudden and acuteD $reCuentl+ occurrin0 in t e sprin0D and commonl+ occur in tandem wit ot er e'ternal causes o$ illnessD especiall+ cold= ;indM Causes t e sudden movement o$ a condition= E'amples are a ras t at is spreadin0D onset o$ coldsD $everD c illsD verti0oD spasms or twitc es= ;ind@ColdM An :!I condition >acuteD in$ectious disease? c aracteriIed (+ eadac eD soreness due to o(structed &eridiansP relativel+ severe c illsP low $everP w iteD moist *on0ue mossP $loatin0D ti0 t !ulse= ;ind@6eatM An :!I condition >acuteD in$ectious disease? similar to ;ind@ ColdD owever t e $ever tends to (e i0 er and t e c ills are less pronouncedP t e !ulse is $loatin0 and $astP t e *on0ue is dr+ and reddis D wit a +ellow moss= 1an0 De$icienc+M A cold condition due to lac- o$ t e eatin0 Cualit+ o$ +an0= S+mptoms include let ar0+D poor di0estionD coldD lower (ac- pain and decreased se'ual drive=

1an0M In t e *aiBi s+m(olD t e w ite al$ wit t e seed o$ (lac- in it= * e parts ma-in0 up t e C inese c aracter mean t e sunn+ side o$ a ill= It descri(es t e active part o$ natureD t e more air+D movin0D ot and ascendin0 Cualities o$ t e worldD uman p +siolo0+ or disease= 1in and +an0 are seen as a d+namic inter$ace w ic is interdependentD trans$ormin0 and mutuall+ supportive= * ere cannot (e one wit out t e ot er and eac contains t e potential o$ its opposite= 1in De$icienc+M A eat condition t at results in s+mptoms o$ ni0 t sweatsD $everD nervous e' austionD dr+ e+es and t roatD diIIinessD (lurred visionD insomnia and a (urnin0 sensation in t e palms o$ t e andsD soles o$ t e $eet and t e c est= 1inM In t e *aiBi s+m(olD 1in is represented (+ t e dar- al$ wit t e seed o$ w ite in it= * e C inese c aracter means t e dar- side o$ a ill w ic s ows us t e roots o$ t e p ilosop + in t e natural world= It descri(es t e passive part o$ natureD t e more solidD 0roundedD still cold and descendin0 Cualities o$ t e worldD t e person or illness= 1in and +an0 are seen as a d+namic inter$ace w ic is interdependentD trans$ormin0 and mutuall+ supportive= * ere cannot (e one wit out t e ot er and eac contains t e potential o$ its opposite= Represents cool and t e su(stance o$ t e (od+D includin0 (lood and (odil+ $luids t at nurture and moisten t e or0ans and tissues= ,%, 1o0aM A diverse and ancient East Indian practice= * ere are man+ di$$erent st+les and sc ools o$ +o0a= It is 0enerall+ a com(ination o$ (reat in0 e'ercisesD p +sical posturesD and meditation t at calms t e nervous s+stem and (alances (od+D mindD and spirit= It is t ou0 t to prevent speci$ic diseases and maladies (+ rela'in0 t e (od+D deepenin0 respiration and calmin0 t e mind= 1o0a as (een used to lower (lood pressureD reduce stressD and improve $le'i(ilit+D concentrationD sleepD and di0estion= It as also (een used as supplementar+ t erap+ $or suc diverse conditions as cancerD dia(etesD ast maD and AIDS= Han0$uM Descri(es t e solid or0ans >Ian0? t at store vital su(stances and t e ollow

or0ans >$u? w ic are responsi(le $or transportation= ,%. ,%5 Re$erences AcupressureOs !otent !ointsD &ic ael Reed #ac D 3antam 3oo-sD 1""9 Acupuncture Ener0eticsM A Clinical Approac $or ! +siciansD Josep &= 6elmsD &edical Acupuncture !u(lis ersD 1""5 Acupuncture meridians dem+sti$ied= Contri(ution o$ radiotracer met odolo0+F= Retrieved on %99)@95@9)= Al(erto 5illoldo= S amanD 6ealerD Sa0e 6amon+ 3oo-sD %999= IS3N 9@69"@ 695..@5 Alts uler 86D &a er J6= AcupunctureM a p +sicianOs primerD !art I= J :-la State &ed Assoc = %99%P6>5?M,)5@,)4= Availa(le atM at ttpMEEodp=od=ni =0ovEconsensusEconsE19)E19)Xstatement= tm accessed Septem(er 5D %995= 3etween 6eaven and Eart M A #uide *o C inese &edicineD 3ein$ield and 7orn0oldD 3allentineD 1""1 3irc SJ and Felt R8= Anderstandin0 Acupuncture = New 1or-D N1M C urc ill@ 8ivin0stoneD IncP 1"""= 3oaler J= Acupuncture in t e mana0ement o$ erpes Ioster= Acupuncture in &edicine = 1""6P1.>%?M49@4,= Ceniceros SD 3rown #R= AcupunctureM a review o$ its istor+D t eoriesD and indications= Sout &ed J = 1""4P"1>1%?M11%1@11%5= C eI RA= Acupressure and ot er t erapies $or nausea and vomitin0 in pre0nanc+= InM Saltmars ND Ed= * e ! +sicianOs #uide to Alternative &edicine = AtlantaD #aM American 6ealt ConsultantsP 1"""M%11@%1.= C inese Acupuncture And &o'i(ustionD C ie$ Editor C en0 Xinnon0D Forei0n 8an0ua0e !ressD 3eiBin0D C ina= C inese 6er(al &edicineM Formula G Strate0iesD 3ens-+ G 3aroletD Eastland !ressD 1""9 C inese 6er(al &edicineM &ateria &edicaD 3ens-+ G #am(leD Eastland !ressD 1"", C inese 6er(al !atent FormulasD Ja-e Frat-inD S +a !u(licationsD 1""6 C uan0 *suM Inner C aptersD *ranslated (+M #ia@Fu Fen0 and Jane En0lis D 5inta0e 3oo-sD 1").

Dean CFD &ullins &D 1uen J= Acupuncture= InM Nove+ D;D ed= Clinician$s Complete %eference to Complementary&"lternative 'edicine = St= 8ouisD &oM &os(+P %999M1"1@ %9%= DillmanD #eor0e and C risD * omas= "dvanced Pressure Point Fighting of %yu(yu )empo. A Dillman 7arate International 3oo-D 1"".= IS3N 9@"6,1""6@,@, Er0il 75= AcupunctureM istor+D t eor+D and practice= InM ;isnes-i 8AD Ed= The Physician$s ntegrative 'edicine Companion = NewtonD &assM Inte0rative &edicine CommunicationsP %999M14@%4= Er0il 75= C inaOs traditional medicine= InM &icoIIi &SD ed= Fundamentals of Complementary and "lternative 'edicine = New 1or-D N1M C urc ill 8ivin0stone Inc=P 1""6M145@%%,= Ernst ED ; ite AR= Acupuncture as a treatment $or temporomandi(ular Boint d+s$unction= Arc :tolar+n0ol 6ead Nec- Sur0= 1"""P1%5M%6"@%)%= Essential o$ C inese &assot erap+D !en0 Jen 1i C en0= Ewies AD :la 7= &o'i(ustion in (reec version Y a descriptive review= "cupunct 'ed = %99%P%9>1?M%6@%"= Findin0 E$$ective Acupuncture !ointsD Den &ai S udo= #ao D= Chinese 'edicine = New 1or-D N1M * underOs &out !ressP1"")M1"1@1")= ,.. #arciaD 6ernan and AntonioD Sierra= *ind in the +lood , 'ayan -ealing . Chinese 'edicine. Redwin0 3oo-sD 1"""= S3NM 1@566.,@,9.@% 6ui 77D 8iu JD &a-ris ND et al= Acupuncture modulates t e lim(ic s+stem and su(cortical 0ra+ structures o$ t e uman (rainM evidence $rom &RI studies in normal su(Bects= -um +rain 'app = %999P"M1,@%5= Irnic DD 3e rens ND &olIen 6D et al= RandomiIed trial o$ acupuncture compared wit conventional massa0e and Fs amF laser acupuncture $or treatment o$ c ronic nec- pain= +'/ = %991P,%%M15).@15)4= 7aptc u- *J= AcupunctureM t eor+D e$$icac+D and practice= "nn ntern 'ed = %99%P1,6>5?M,).@,4,= 8ao 8D 3er0mann SD 6amilton #RD 8an0en(er0 !D 3erman 3= Evaluation o$ acupuncture $or pain control a$ter oral sur0er+= "rch 0tolaryngol -ead 1ec( !urg = 1"""P1%5M56)@

5)%= 8ao *seM *ao *e C in0D *ranslated (+ #ia@Fu Fen0 and Jane En0lis D 5inta0e 3oo-sD 1"") 8ee 6D 8iu ;D 6un0 DD et al= 6uman (rain $&RI correlates o$ acupuncture@ induced anal0esiaM preliminar+ $indin0s= !resented atM 45t Scienti$ic Assem(l+ and Annual &eetin0 o$ t e Radiolo0ical Societ+ o$ Nort AmericaP Decem(er 1D 1"""P C ica0oD Ill= Naeser &AD Ale'ander &!D Stiassn+@Eder DD #aller 5D 3ac man D= Acupuncture in t e treatment o$ paral+sis in c ronic and acute stro-e patientsM improvement correlated wit speci$ic C* scan lesion sites= "cupuncture . Electro,therapeutics = 1"".P1"M%%)@%."= National Acupuncture and :riental &edicine Alliance= 8ist o$ states wit statutesD re0ulationsD and (ills in pro0ressM Burisdictions wit acupuncture and oriental medicine statutes= Accessed on Septem(er 5D %995 at ttpMEEwww=acupuncturealliance=or0 = Need amD Josep P 8u #wei@DBen >1"49?= Celestial 2ancets= Cam(rid0e Aniversit+ !ressD p=199= IS3N 9@5%1@%151,@)= Need amD Josep P 8u #wei@DBen >1"49?= Celestial 2ancets= Cam(rid0eD A7M Cam(rid0e !ressD pp= %41@%4%= IS3N 9@5%1@%151,@)= NI6 Consensus Statement= "cupuncture = 3et esdaD &d= National Institutes o$ 6ealt = Novem(er ,@5D 1"")P15>5?M1@,.= !eu-er E*D ; ite AD Ernst ED !era FD Filler *J= *raumatic complications o$ acupuncture= "rch Fam 'ed = 1"""P4M55,@554= !roctor &8D Smit CAD FarCu ar C&D Stones R;= *ranscutaneous electrical nerve stimulation and acupuncture $or primar+ d+smenorr oea= Cochrane 3atabase !yst %ev = %99%P>1?MCD99%1%,= Roscoe JAD &atteson SE= Acupressure and acustimulation (ands $or control o$ nauseaM a (rie$ review= "m / 0bstet 4y necol= %99%P145>5 Suppl?MS%..@S%.)= Rot $eld #S= * e scienti$ic mec anisms o$ acupuncture= InM ;isnes-i 8AD ed= The Physician$s ntegrative 'edicine Companion = NewtonD &assM Inte0rative &edicine CommunicationsP %999M%.@%4= Sierpina 5D Fren-elD &= AcupunctureM A Clinical Review= !outhern 'edical /ournal D

%995P"4>,?M,,9@,,) *ai D= ; at is acupuncture< Complement * er Nurs &idwi$er+D %99%P4>,?M155@15"= * e C inese 6er( Selection #uideD C arles A= 3elan0erD ! +totec D 1"") * e Complete 3oo- o$ S iatsu * erap+D *oru Nami-os iD Japan !u(licationsD Inc=D 1"41 * e Foundation o$ C inese &edicineD #iovanni &aciociaD C urc ill 8ivin0stonD 1"4"= * e 6eart o$ t e 3udda Os *eac in0M *rans$ormin0 Su$$erin0 into !eaceD Jo+D and8i(erationD * ic N at 6an D 3roadwa+ 3oo-sD 1""4 * e !ractice o$ C inese &edicineM * e *reatment o$ Diseases wit Acupuncture and C inese 6er(sD #iovanni &aciociaD C urc ill 8ivin0stonD 1"". ,.5 * e ;e( * at 6as No ;eaverD *ed J= 7aptc u-D Con0don and ;eedD 1"4% *iran D= Nausea and vomitin0 in pre0nanc+M sa$et+ and e$$icac+ o$ sel$@ administered complementar+ t erapies= Complement Ther 1urs 'idwifery = %99%P4>.?M1"1@1"6= Adani JD :$man J= Ase o$ acupuncture in smo-in0 cessation= InM Saltmars ND ed= * e ! +sicianOs #uide to Alternative &edicine= AtlantaD #aM American 6ealt ConsultantsP 1"""M%.5@%.)= 5ic-ers AD Hollman C= A3C o$ complementar+ medicineM acupuncture= +'/ = 1"""P,1"M"),@")6= 1oun0 #D Jewell D= Interventions $or preventin0 and treatin0 pelvic and (ac- pain in pre0nanc+= Cochrane 3atabase !yst %ev = %99%P>1?MCD9911,"= Sea Cucum(er ,.6 ;e welcome +ou to complete t e assi0nment in &icroso$t ;ord= 1ou can easil+ $ind t e assi0nment at www=a(ctlc=com= :nce completeD Bust simpl+ $a' or e@mail t e answer -e+ alon0 wit t e re0istration pa0e to us and allow two wee-s $or 0radin0= :nce we 0rade itD we will mail a certi$icate o$ completion to +ou= Call us i$ +ou need an+ elp= I$ +ou need +our certi$icate (ac- wit in .4 oursD +ou ma+ (e as-ed to pa+ a rus service $ee= 1ou can download t e assi0nment in &icroso$t ;ord $rom *8CKs we(site under t e Assi0nment !a0e= www=a(ctlc=com 1ou will ave "9 da+s in order to success$ull+ complete t is assi0nment wit a score o$ )9Z or (etter= I$ +ou need an+ assistanceD please contact *8CKs Student Services= :nce +ou are $inis edD please mailD e@mail or $a' +our answer s eet alon0 wit +our re0istration $orm=XX

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