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Social Marketing Basics

Nancy Hoddinott
Manager, Social Marketing NS Health Promotion

Introduce social marketing concepts

Review steps in developing a social marketing plan

Apply social marketing concepts

Have fun

What is social marketing? Steps in social marketing plan Lunch (12:15) Applying the concepts Wrap-up/Evaluation (3:30)

What is social marketing?

Sounds like youre running a dating service
Dept. of Health employee

What is social marketing?

Use of marketing principles and techniques to influence a target audience to voluntarily accept, reject, modify, or abandon a behaviour for the benefit of individuals, groups, or society as a whole.
Kotler et al., 2002

Multidisciplinary and complementary strategies are required to change behaviour Research based (audience-centered) Long-term

Monitoring and evaluation

What is social marketing?

Uses traditional marketing principles and techniques: Focuses on the consumer (audience-centered) Marketing research Segmentation Defined objectives/goals Exchange theory perceived benefits costs Marketing mix product, price, place, promotion Evaluation

What is different from commercial sector marketing?

Product sold: goods and services vs. behaviour change Goal: financial gain vs. individual/societal gain

Competition: other organisations offering similar goods vs. current or preferred behaviour

Social marketing is not.

just advertising

just communications
an image campaign expert driven done in a vacuum a quick process

Steps in Social Marketing Plan

Where are we?

Where do we want to go?

How will we get there? How will we stay on track?

Steps in Social Marketing Plan

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Define the problem Select and analyse target audience Set objectives, goals Product, price, place, promotion Evaluation plan Implementation plan

Step 1 Define the Problem

Review data sources, literature

Determine campaign purpose

What actions/behaviour change could reduce the problem) Who must act to solve the problem?

SWOT analysis Review current and past efforts

Step 2 Select/Analyze target audience

Formative research

Collect and analyze demographic, socioeconomic, cultural, behavioural data on target audience Segment audience
Select target audience(s) - size, reachability, readiness

Step 2 Select/Analyze target audience

Current knowledge, beliefs and behaviours Perceived benefits and barriers to action

Step 3 Set goals and objectives

What do you want audience to do
Will achieving this goal impact the problem?

Behavioural objectives, quantifiable


Step 4 Apply Marketing Principles

Behaviour, service being exchanged with audience for a price and benefit Must compete successfully against benefit of current behaviour Fun, easy, popular

Cost to the target audience of changing (financial, time, effort, lifestyle, etc.)

Channels where products, programs are available Make accessible, move programs/products to places audience frequents

Communication with audience about product/program, price and place Advertising, media relations, events, direct mail, entertainment, personal selling

5th P
Stimulate policy that influences voluntary behaviour change (system and environmental change)

Step 6 Evaluation Plan

Based on goals and objectives What will be measured
Process (assessment of campaign elements and execution) Outcome (impact)

How it will be measured When will it be measured How results will be reported

Step 7 Implementation Plan

Who will do what, when, how (how much)

Elements of successful campaigns

(Kotler et al., 2002)

Use what has been done before Start with target group most ready for action Promote single, doable behaviour (clear, simple terms) Promote a service to support the behaviour Address perceived benefits and costs Make access easy

Elements of successful campaigns

Develop attention-getting, motivational messages Use appropriate media (exploit audience participation) Make it easy and convenient for action (fun, easy, popular) Allocate resources for effective reach Allocate resources for research Track results, adjust

Change Objectives
Think of your organisation, identify an issue you are trying to resolve/change.
Develop a campaign purpose

Translate success over the next three years:

Key audiences (internal, external, partners) Concrete behaviours, actions, decisions that each would adopt

Change Objectives
Target Audience What you want them to do

F. Lagarde, 2004

Audience Analysis & Segmentation

Choose most important audience Analyse those who have adopted the behaviour and those who have not
Demographic data Needs, benefits Barriers Influencers Media habits Membership Segmentation

Implications (Product, Price, Place,

New or improved offering (behaviour, product, service) to make it more attractive (benefits) and easy (barriers) Ways of making it less costly or time consuming Ways to reduce barriers and improve access Messages, channels, messengers
F. Lagarde, 2004

Kotler, P., Roberto, N, Lee, N. 2002. Social Marketing: Improving the Quality of Life. Thousand Oaks,CA:Sage Productions Inc. Social Marketing National Excellence Collaborative. The Managers Guide to Social Marketing. Lagarde, F. 2004. Worksheets to Introduce Some Basic Concepts of Social Marketing Practices. Social Marketing Quarterly, 10(1).

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