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Miss Emersons 3rd Grade Classroom Technology Use Policy

***Students will be expected to respect and follow the listed rules below. I will monitor students use of our schools technology when in the computer lab. Computers are not toys, these are for educational purposes.

1. Come into the lab quietly to your assigned computer. 2. Only visit approved internet sites 3. Leave workplace as you found it/respect property a. No food or drinks b. Always have clean hands 4. Only print when given permission 5. Lights out means Your Attention Please a. Remove your headphones 6. Obey copyright laws 7. Do NOT give out personal information 8. NO social networking sites

We are very privileged to have a computer for each students. This has expanded our classrooms range of exploration. This privilege comes with great responsibility. Please make sure your third grader understands this. Thank you Miss. Emerson

I agree to follow the Classroom Use Policy at all times and understand the consequences Student Signature: ______________________________ date: ____________________________

I understand the rules and expectations for my child and will abide by them. Parent Signature: ________________________________date: ____________________________

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