Learning Area: 1.0 Respiration: Theme: Management and Continuity of Life

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THEME : MANAGEMENT AND CONTINUITY OF LIFE LEARNING AREA: 1.0 RESPIRATION L. OBJ. : 1. 1 Analysing The Human Breathing Mechanism L. OUT. : - Identify the structure f the human res!irat ry system - Identify the structure f the lung


L. OBJ. :1. 1 Analysing The Human Breathing Mechanism L. OUT.: #escri$e the !r cess f inhalati n and e%halati n - &elate the changes f air !ressure in the th racic ca'ity t inhalati n and e%halati n - #escri$e the $reathing mechanism L. OBJ. : 1." Understanding The Trans! rt f O%ygen In the Human B dy L. OUT.: #escri$e the diffusi n f %ygen fr m the al'e li int the $l d ca!illaries - #escri$e the trans! rt f %ygen $y $l d - #escri$e the diffusi n f %ygen fr m the $l d ca!illaries int the cells L. OBJ. : 1.( &ealising The Im! rtance f A Healthy &es!irat ry )ystem L. OUT.: List the su$stances *hich are harmful t the res!irat ry system - +%!lain the effects f ! llutants n the res!irat ry system - List the diseases f the res!irat ry system - ,ractice g d ha$its t im!r 'e the -uality f air LEARNING AREA: 2.0 BLOOD CIRCULATION AND TRANSPORT L. OBJ. : ".1 Understanding The Trans! rt )ystem In Humans L. OUT.: #escri$e the circulat ry system as a system f tu$es *ith a !um! and 'al'es that ensure ne- *ay fl * f $l d )tate the functi n f the heart - Identify the structure f the human heart

. 3

L. OUT.: ca!illaries -

/HI0+)+ 0+1 2+A& / m!are and c ntrast the structure f the arteries4 'eins and

&elate the characteristics f the $l d 'essels t their functi ns / m!are and c ntrast %ygenates and de %ygenated $l d Illustrate the !ath f $l d fl * in the circulat ry system #escri$e the r le f the $l d circulat ry system in the trans! rt f su$stances +%!lain the im! rtance f maintaining a healthy heart

L. OBJ. : "." Analysing The Human Bl d L. OUT.: - )tate the c nstituents f $l d and their functi ns - )tate the $l d gr u!s - Match the $l d gr u! f the d n r t that f the reci!ient - Justify the im! rtance f $l d d nati n 5 L. OBJ. : ".( Analysing The Trans! rt )ystem In ,lants L. OUT.: - #escri$e h * *ilting ccurs - #escri$e *hat trans!irati n is - #escri$e the functi n f st mata - Identify the fact rs affect the rate f trans!irati n - #escri$e the r les f trans!irati ns

Disediakan oleh: (Musliza bt Ab Rashid)

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