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Reading 1

4th Class Astri Widoretno

Universitas Terbuka
Korea Selatan

Reading for the Gist

Gist? The main point or part. The central idea; the essence. Mengapa reading-for-the-gist diperlukan? Mengidentifikasi intisari suatu bacaan Menarik kesimpulan yang tepat tentang isi suatu bacaan Menyimpulkan makna tersirat suatu bacaan Mencocokkan deskripsi verbal dengan informasi nonverbal, seperti grafik, ilustrasi, gambar, dll

Exercise 1
Activity 5

Activity 7
Activity 8 Activity 9

Exercise 2
Activity 1

Activity 3
Activity 5 Activity 7 Activity 9

Exercise 3
Activity 2

Activity 4

Reading for Detailed Information

Keterampilan untuk mendapatkan informasi yang diperlukan secara terperinci dan

cepat. Reading a text for detailed information with an emphasis on precise understanding.

Exercise 1
Siapkan kertas, buatlah gambar seperti berikut ini:

Tebaklah siapa nama penghuni apartemen ini dan apa pekerjaan mereka!

Exercise 1
There are four floors in a block a flats. Two women and two men live in the flats; they are an architect, an artist, a doctor and a photographer.

The architect lives on the ground floor. The photographer and the
doctor are women. Philips is not an artist. Jane lives on the first floor. Susan is not a doctor; She lives under Dan.

Exercise 1
Activity 1

Activity 3
Activity 5

Exercise 2
Activity 1

Activity 3
Activity 5


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