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Master Chef

Important Note
Aprons and hairnets must be worn PRIOR to entering the Food Technology Lab. Wash your hands BEFORE handling any food or equipment.

Serves 2

Ingredients 5t Olive Oil 2 Shallots 2 Mushrooms Onion 2 Rashers Bacon 1t Garlic or 1 Clove pkt Fettuccini Pasta 2 Eggs 200ml Cream C Parmesan Cheese

Action Plan 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. gently 13. Serve and garnish appropriately. Prepare equipment and gather ingredients. Place a pot of water onto stove to boil. Peel wash and cut shallots. Wash and slice mushrooms Peel and dice onion. Remove fat from bacon and cut into strips. Crush garlic. When water is boiling carefully add fettuccini and cook until it is al dente. Carefully drain Fry shallots until softened. Add onions, mushrooms and bacon and cook until bacon is Break the eggs and separate the yolks from the white. In a bowl, whisk egg yolks, cream and cheese. Add the bacon mixture to the pasta and then pour the creamy mixture over the top. Stir

pasta and return to the pot. evenly browned.

Ingredients Amount




5 teaspoons 2 2 2 1t or 1 clove 1 packet 2

Olive Oil Shallots Mushrooms Onion Rashers of Bacon Garlic Clove Fettuccini Eggs

200mL cup

Cream Parmesan

Resources Equipment List (Gathering Ingredients)

Item Pot Knife Bowls Measuring Cups Measuring Spoons Colander Wooden Spoon Chopping Board Garlic Crusher Peeler Scrap Bowls Item Pot Knife Bowls Measuring Cups Measuring Spoons Colander Wooden Spoon Chopping Board Garlic Crusher Peeler Scrap Bowls
Time Plan

Use Boiling water for pasta Cut the ingredients Place ingredients in Measuring different ingredients Measuring different ingredients Drain spaghetti Stirring the pasta Cut the ingredients on Crush the garlic cloves Peeling the vegetables Putting the rubbish and left overs in Use Boil water Cut ingredients Put ingredients in Measuring solid ingredients Measuring liquid ingredients Drain the spaghetti once boiled Stir the pasta Chopping ingredients on Crush the garlic clove Peel the vegetables Put the left overs and rubbish in Action Prepare ingredients and equipment Boil water on stove Slice all ingredients Place pasta in boiling water and stir Fry shallots, bacon and mushroom Separate yolk from egg whites and mix eggs with cheese and cream Take pasta off stove and drain then add all ingredients to sauce and mix Clean equipment and wash bench

Resources Equipment List (Preparation)

Time 0-10 10-15 15- 20 15-20 20-30 30-35 40-50 50-60

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