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Read the text about Valentines Day and do the given tasks.

Valentine's Day, or St Valentine's Day, is celebrated every year on 14 February. t's the day !hen "eo"le sho! their a##ection #or another "erson $or "eo"le%& by sending anony'ous cards, #lo!ers or chocolates !ith 'essages o# love. (nd traditionally on Valentine's Day in a lea" year ) every #our years ) !o'en can "ro"ose 'arriage to their lovers%

*he day gets its na'e #ro' a #a'ous saint, but there are several stories o# !ho he !as. *he 'ost "o"ular belie# about St Valentine is that he !as a "riest #ro' Ro'e in the third century (D. +'"eror ,laudius had banned 'arriage because he thought 'arried 'en !ere bad soldiers. Valentine thought this !as un#air, so he broke the rules and arranged 'arriages in secret. -hen ,laudius #ound out, Valentine !as sentenced to death and thro!n in .ail. *here, he #ell in love !ith the .ailor's blind daughter. /is love and belie# in 0od cured her blindness, and !hen he !as taken to be killed on 14 February he sent her a love letter signed 1Fro' your Valentine1.

*he #irst Valentine 'essage $a"art #ro' the one St Valentine !rote hi'sel#%& is thought to be a "oe' #ro' ,harles, Duke o# 2rleans to his !i#e in 1413. /e !as ca"tured at the 4attle o# (gincourt and !as i'"risoned in the *o!er o# 5ondon to a!ait execution. 4ut Valentine's Day didn't beco'e "o"ular in the 67 until the 18th century. 4y the 19th century it !as traditional #or "eo"le to s!a" hand!ritten 'essages o# a##ection. :rinted cards soon re"laced these, 'aking it easier #or "eo"le to say 1 love you1 secretly.

Valentine's Day is a very old tradition, thought to have originated #ro' a "agan #ertility #estival. *he Ro'ans had a #estival called 5u"ercalia in the 'iddle o# February, o##icially the start o# their s"ringti'e. (s "art o# the celebrations, boys dre! na'es o# girls #ro' a box. *hey'd be boy#riend and girl#riend during the #estival and so'eti'es they'd even get 'arried% *he ,hristian church decided they !anted to turn this #estival into a ,hristian celebration and decided to use it to re'e'ber the death o# St Valentine too. 0radually, St Valentine's na'e started to be used 'ainly by 'en to ex"ress their #eelings to those they loved.

;o!adays, Valentine's Day is 'assive, !ith celebrations o# love !orld!ide #ro' ndia to celand. 4ut it's not .ust about sending 'essages to "eo"le you love ) you can also .ust say you care% n the 67, a 'assive a'ount o# 'oney is s"ent on !hat so'e say is the 'ost ro'antic day o# the year< == 'illion s"ent on #lo!ers , 8 'illion red roses are sent , 1= 'illion cards are sent . 4ut in =>>1, text 'essaging ex"loded, !ith around ?> 'illion -64@V 'essages sent% (nd according to research< hal# o# all 'obile users ex"ect Valentine's txt 'sgs #ro' loved ones, one in #our use txt 'sgs to ask so'eone out on 14 February , one in #our have sent so""y 'essages to !rong "erson% So, have a ha""y Valentine's Day but re'e'ber< don't #eel le#t out i# you don't get a card ) it's the giving that counts!

+x. 1. Read the text and give each "aragra"h the 'ost suitable headline.
/o! do "eo"le celebrate no!A E -hen did card sending startA E /o! did it beco'e a celebrationA E -hat is Valentine's DayA E -hy is it called Valentine's DayA

+x. = Read the text and !rite !hat do these nu'bers re#er to A 14 1413 19th 8 'illion == 'illion ?> 'illion +x. ?.5ook at the highlighted !ords and 'atch the' !ith theier de#initionsA
1. =. o# death ?. 4. 3. C. 8. trial 9. H. a##ection F.. anony'ous "riest .ail F.. blind execution F.. s!a" "agan 'assive F.. a. to 'ake an exchange F.. b. the carrying out or undergoing o# a sentence F.. c. i'"ressive or i'"osing in Buality d. excessively senti'ental F.. e. irreligious or hedonistic #. ( tender #eeling to!ard anotherG #ondness F.. g. a "rison, #or the detention o# "ersons a!aiting F.. h. unable to see i. !ithout any na'e

+x. 4. Read the Buestion and ans!er the'.

1. -hat is the article aboutA FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF =. -hen is Valentines Day FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFFF. ?. !hen can !o'en "ro"ose to 'enA FFFFFFFFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFFF.. 4. -ho !as ValentineA FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFF. 3. -ho !as ,laudiusA FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFF.. C. -hy !as Valentine sentenced to deathA FFFFFFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFFF 8. -hat !as the #irst Valentine 'essageA FFFFFFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFFF.. 9. -hat !as 5u"ercaliaA FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFF.. H. -here is Valentines Day celebrated no!adaysA FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFF. 1>. -hat "eo"le do on that day A FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.FFFF.

+x. 3. 6se the !ords #ro' the text to descrive the given "ictures.

+x. C. Decide !hich ans!er is the best. D*heis text is #ro' a$n&< a. e)'ail d. advert b. extract #ro' a book e. article c. letter #. lea#let

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