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Student A

Student B



Match the questions to the correct responses.

Match the questions to the correct responses.

1. When did you learn to ride a bicycle?

1. When did you learn to ride a bicycle?

2. What did you do with your friends when you were a


2. What did you do with your friends when you were a


3. How did you feel on the first day of school?

3. How did you feel on the first day of school?

...... a. We used to climb trees.

...... a. We used to climb trees.

...... b. I felt nervous and excited.

...... b. I felt nervous and excited.

...... c. When I was five.

...... c. When I was five.



Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

Complete the sentences so they are true for you.

1. When I was younger, I used to ................................ .

1. In the past, I ............................................................ .

2. At the age of ten, I ................................................. .

2. My greatest adventure happened when ....................

3. Once when I was 14 years old, I.............................. .

............................................................................... .

4. On the first day of school, I felt ............................... .

3. When I was a child, I used to .................................. .

5. In the past, my family .............................................. .

4. Once when I was eight years old, I .......................... .

5. At the age of 14, I .................................................. .

Ask your partner questions and complete the

sentences so they are true for him / her.

1. In the past, my partner............................................ .

2. My partners greatest adventure happened when ......

Ask your partner questions and complete the

sentences so they are true for him / her.

............................................................................... .

1. When my partner was younger, he / she used to .......

3. As a child, he / she used to ..................................... .

............................................................................... .
2. At the age of ten, he / she ...................................... .

4. Once when my partner was eight years old, he / she

............................................................................... .

3. Once when my partner was 14 years old, he / she ....

5. At the age of 14, my partner .................................. .

............................................................................... .
4. On the first day of school, he / she felt .....................
............................................................................... .

5. In the past, my partners family ............................... .


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