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F. Scott Fritzgeralds story that is about a boy who was born old and gets younger everyday is titled_______. The curious Case of Benjamin Button The Great Gatsby The Innocent Boy Growing Young In Chaucers Canterbury Tales, which tale talks about three friends who killed each other for the chest filled with treasures? Pardoners tale Knights tale Merchants tale The Nun Priests tale Rabindranath Tagores poem Innermost One is taken from the collection of devotional songs titled_____. Gitanjali Shakuntala Ramayana Mahbharata Loreto Paras Sulits short story that revolves around theme that beauty can be very dangerous is titled___. The Harvest The Beautiful Stanger Desire Beautiful Liar Paz Marquez Benitez wrote a story about a love triangle amongst Alfredo, Esperanza and Julia. What is the title of this masterpiece? Dead Stars Wedding Dance Desire Tatsulok The film Tatarin is based on the short story by Nick Joaquin titled____. Summer Solstice May Day Eve Three Generations Woman with Two Navels In Paz Latorenas story Desire, the main character has sexy body but a _______. Homely face Twisted mind Scaly skin Low I.Q. Who is considered to be the father of essay? Michel de Montaigne Francis Bacon William Shakespeare George Eliot

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Which work of Leo Tolstoy is about the Napoleonic invasion in Russia? War and Peace Anna Karenina God Sees the truth but Waits Father and Sons Who is considered the goddess of Philippine poetry? Ophelia Alcantara Dimalanta Teresa Subido Aida Rivera Ford Angela Manalang Gloria Dante Aligheries Divine Comedy, originally titled Comedia, is a trilogy. Which among the three is most widely read? Purgatory Inferno Paradise Heaven The reality TV show Big Brother is based on the novel by George Orwell titled____. Big Brother 1984 Brother Brother and Sons The film Gone with the Wind is about the American___. Revolution Civil War Cold War War of the Roses The novel Pride and Prejudice was written by_____. Charlotte Bronte Jane Austen Anne Bradsheet Edith Wharton Who wrote the short story A Rose for Emily? Emil Dickinson William Faulkner Virginia Wolf Mary Shelley I dont care what they think! Ill show them what flying is! The lines are from what best selling novella? A Christmas Carol Jonathan Livingston Seagull Pride and Prejudice Gone with the Wind The pen name of Mary Ann Evans is_______. Emily Watts George Eliot Jane Seymour

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Anne Bradsheet Who wrote the novel War of the Worlds? John Steinbeck H.G. Wells William Golding George Orwell Joy Luck Club was written by_____. Jane Austen Amy Tan Toni Marrison Oscar Wilde Which of the following was written by Virginia Wolf? Tale of Two Cities Mrs. Dalloway Sons and Lovers House of the Spirits

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