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ALL THE BEST ! 1ST BOOK 1ST CHAPTER AND POPULATION 1. What is population d nsit!" #1$ % 1 & 1$' (. What is th )o*+ula )o* ,*ud -i*th *at " .. What is +i/*ation" 0. What do + an -! th o*i1in/" 2. D )in Hu+an -! 3 o/*aph! -! Rat1 l. 4. What is possi-ilis+" 5. What do + an -! d +o/*aphi, ,!,l " 6. What a* th dis,iplin s in,lud d in E,ono+i, 3 o/*aph!" 7. What is a,tual /*o8th o) population" 1$. 9 ntion an! t8o nations that ta: l ss than (1 ! a*s to in,* as in dou-lin/ population. 11. Stud! /i; n th +ap and ans8 * th )ollo8in/<

11.1 Na+ th nations ha;in/ hi/h d nsit! o) population in Asia. 11.( Na+ th nations ha;in/ l ss than on p *son o) population d nsit!. 11.. 3i; app*op*iat * asons )o* th a-o; t8o =u stions.



1(. Stud! th a-o; +ap and ans8 * th )ollo8in/< #.' 1(.1 Whi,h a* nations ta: a ; *! lon/ ti+ to dou-l th i* population" Wh!" 1(.( Whi,h a* th nations ta:in/ a-out .1 to 0$ ! a*s to dou-l th i* population" What +a! th * ason )o* th +" 1.. Dis,uss th th* +aAo* s,hools o) thou/ht o) Hu+an 3 o/*aph!. 10. E%plain natu*ali1ation o) hu+ans. 12. 9 ntion an! th* app*oa,h s o) Hu+an 3 o/*aph!. 14. Wh! do p opl p* ) * to li; in , *tain * /ions B not in oth *s" E%plain 8ith %a+pl . 15. Distin/uish - t8 n push B pull )a,to*s. 16. D s,*i- th th* sta/ s o) d +o/*aphi, t*ansition. 17. E%plain th )a,to*s a)) ,tin/ population d nsit! 8ith * sp ,ti; ($. What a* th -asi, ,on, pts o) population / o/*aph!" (1. On th /i; n outlin +ap o) 8o*ld +a*: B na+ th )ollo8in/ 1ST BOOK ? POPULATION AND PRI9AR@ ECONO9IC ACTICITIES 1. What is s % *atio" What a* th * asons )o* lo8 s % *atio" (. D )in A/ in/ population" Ho8 do s it a)) ,t th /*o8th o) population" .. D )in Hu+an D ; lop+ nt" Co+pa* attain+ nts 8ith sho*t)all 8hil + asu*in/ hu+an d ; lop+ nt ind %. 0. List out th a* as asso,iat d 8ith pasto*al no+adis+" 2. W*it a not on Citi,ultu* > T*u,: Da*+in/> Ho*ti,ultu* 8ith suita-l %a+pl s. 4. What a* th )a,to*s a)) ,tin/ +inin/ a,ti;iti s" %a+pl s. #.' #.' #.' #.' #.' #.' #2' #2' #2'


5. What a* th ,ha*a,t *isti, ) atu* s o) Plantation A/*i,ultu* " 6. Distin/uish - t8 n P*i+iti; Su-sist n, a/*i,ultu* and Int nsi; Su-sist n, A/*i,ultu* . 7. What a* th +aAo* app*oa,h s to Hu+an D ; lop+ nt" 1$. D s,*i- in d tail E%t nsi; Co++ *,ial 3*ain Da*+in/ and 9i% d Da*+in/. 11. E%plain th Dai*! Da*+in/ and Coll ,ti; Da*+in/. 9ANUDACTURIN3 INDUSTRIES I W*it th ans8 * in 1 o* ( lin s. #1$ % 1 & 1$' 1. What is +anu)a,tu*in/" (. D )in 9 ,hani1ation" .. What a* th p*odu,ts o) Ani+al Bas d indust*!" 0. D )in Hi/h T ,hnolo/! Indust*!" 2. 3i; )i; %a+pl s o) ,otton t %til indust*i s. 4. 3i; %a+pl s )o* a* as 8ith hi/h ,on, nt*ation indust*i s indu, d -! hi/hl! d ; lop d t*anspo*t s!st +. 5. Wh! EN 8 Ruh*F is ,all d so" 6. Whi,h t!p o) a* a ,an - +a*: d as Hi/h T ,h indust*ial lands,ap " 7. Whi,h indust*i s us natu*al +in *als as *a8 +at *ials" 1$. Na+ th indust*i s und * )o* st -as d indust*i s" II. Ans8 * -*i )l! th )ollo8in/< #2 % ( & 1$' 11. What a* A/*o?)a,to*i s" 1(. What a* Doot?Loos indust*i s" 1.. Ho8 to * ,o/ni1 t*aditional la*/ s,al indust*ial * /ion" 10. 9 ntion th ,ha*a,t *isti,s o) +od *n +anu)a,tu*in/" 12. Ho8 is i*on %t*a,t d )*o+ i*on o* " TERTIARY ACTIVITIES AND TRADE TRANSPORT I. W*it th ans8 * in 1 o* ( lin s. #1$ % 1& 1$' 1. What a* t*adin/ , nt *s" 3i; %a+pl (. What is + ant -! non?)o*+al s ,to* o) s *;i, " 3i; t8o %a+pl s. .. What is )* t*ad " 0. Na+ th +aAo* * /ional t*ad -lo,s 8ith )ull )o*+ o) th i* * sp ,ti; na+ s. 2. What is ;olu+ o) t*ad " 4. What is W.T.O." 5. Ho8 is int *national t*ad * sponsi-l )o* n;i*on+ ntal d t *io*ation" 6. W*it a -*i ) not on )a,to*s a)) ,tin/ tou*is+. 7. What a* =uina*! a,ti;iti s" 3i; %a+pl . 1$. Distin/uish - t8 n outsou*,in/ and ho+ sho*in/. II. Ans8 * -*i )l! th )ollo8in/< #2 % ( & 1$' 11. W*it a not on t*anspo*t distan, . 1(. E%plain -*i )l! on nt* p* n u*. 3i; %a+pl . 1.. What is an inland po*t" 3i; %a+pl . 10. Ho8 population a)) ,ts th int *national t*ad " 12. 9 ntion th t!p s o) t*ad SOME HOTS QUESTIONS AND NOTES FOLLOW:


Th )ollo8in/ =u stions a* -as d on th * sp ,ti; +aps and data in th ta-l G stud! th +ap o* ta-l ,a* )ull! B ans8 * th )ollo8in/.

1. D*o+ th a-o; +ap> )ind i. th int *national ai*po*ts o) India. ii. Whi,h ai* po*t has th +a%i+u+ ai* t*a))i, 8ith )o* i/n nations. iii. Na+ th sho*t st *out - t8 n 9an/alo* B D lhi. #.'

(. D*o+ th /i; n data - lo8 < i. Wh! is th %po*t o)a/*i,ultu*al B alli d p*odu,ts d ,linin/ ,ontinuousl! a)t * 1775?76" ii. A)t * attainin/ a p a: 1777?($$$> 8h! has th %po*t o) +anu)a,tu*in/ /oods sta*t d ds ,* asin/" iii. Dind th p*opo*tionat *atio )o*th* +anu)a,tu* d /oods and p t*ol u+ p*odu,ts )o* th lat st ! a*. #.'


2. Composition of India s E!po"t# $%%&'2(() ' Ha/ o) sha* in %po*ts *ommoditi+s $%%&'%, $%%%'2((( 2((('($ A/*i,ultu* B alli d p*odu,ts 16.7. 12.(5 1..22 O* B 9in *als ..$. (.2 (.4( 9anu)a,tu* d 3oods 52.6. 6$.7. 55.7 P t*ol u+ B ,*ud p*odu,ts 1.$1 $.$6 0.(7 Oth * ,o++oditi s 1.( 1.(( 1.40

2((-'() 11.6 ..51 52.74 2.27 (.70

1. Stud! th /i; n ta-l and ans8 * th )ollo8in/< India s .a/o" T"adin0 Pa"tn+"s 1a0+ s2a"+ tota3 t"ad+ 4E!po"t5Impo"t6 S3. No. Co7nt"i+s 2((('($ 2((-'() 1 U.S.A. 1..$ 1$.. 2 U.K. 2.5 ..5 . B l/iu+ 0.4 ..5 0 3 *+an! ..7 ..2 2 Iapan ..6 (.5 4 S8it1 *land ..6 ... 5 Hon/ Kon/ ..5 (.6 6 U.A.E. ..0 4.( 7 China (.2 4.0 1$ Sin/apo* (.2 ..0 11 9ala!sia 1.7 1.5 tota3 ),.8 )&.& ..i What do s th ta-l * p* s nt" ..ii What )o* should 8 ,al,ulat th Ha/ o) sha* o) total t*ad " ..iii Whi,h a* th ,ount*i s sho8 a d ,* asin/ sha* in lat st ! a*" Wh!" ..i; Whi,h a* ,ount*i s sho8 an in,* asin/ sha* in th lat st ! a*" Wh!" 0.Contin+nt'9is+ Dist"i:7tion of .i33ion Citi+s Contin+nt Eu*op Asia No*th B C nt*al A+ *i,a South A+ *i,a A)*i,a Aust*alia Wo*ld Total Ea"3; $%<( (. .( 14 6 . ( ,) .id $%&(s .$ 47 .4 15 6 ( $82 .id 2((( 26 ($4 57 0. 04 4 )-,

).$ Whi,h ,ontin nt has th +a%i+u+ nu+- * o) +illion ,iti s in ($$$" 0.( Do s th ,ontin nt ha; +o* d ; lop d o* d ; lopin/ nation" 0.. Wh! Aust*alia is ha;in/ th l ast nu+- * o) +illion ,iti s. 0.0 What do !ou in) * -! th in,* as in th nu+- * o) +illion ,iti s"


2. Sl. No. 1 ( . 0 2 4 5 6 7 1$ 11 1( 1. 10 12 14 15 16 17 ($ (1 (( (. (0 (2

.+0a Citi+s of t2+ =o"3d Na+ o) th ,it! To:!o 9 %i,o ,it! S oul N 8 !o*: Sao Paulo 9u+-ai D lhi Shan/hai Los An/ l s Osa:a Ia:a*ta Kol:ota Cai*o 9anila Ka*a,hi 9os,o8 Bu nos Ai* s Dha:a Rio d Ian *io B Ain/ London T h*an Istan-ul La/os Sh n1h n Count*! Iapan 9 %i,o South Ko* a U.S.A. B*a1il India India China U.S.A. Iapan Indon sia India E/!pt Philippin s Pa:istan Russia A*/ ntina Ban/lad sh B*a1il China 3* at B*itain I*an Tu*: ! Ni/ *ia China Population #in +illions' .0.( ((.6 ((.. (1.7 ($.( 17.7 17.5 16.( 16.$ 14.6 14.4 12.5 12.4 12.$ 10.. 1..6 1..2 1... 1(.( 1(.1 1(.$ 11.7 11.2 11.1 1$.5

<.$ Whi,h ,ount*! has +a%i+u+ nu+- * o) + /a ,iti s" Ho8 +an!" Wh!" 9 ntion th population o) th s ,iti s. 2.( What a* th +aAo* ,ono+i, a,ti;iti s o) + /a ,iti s" Wh!" 2.. D ; lopin/ ,ount*i s ha; +o* + /a ,iti s than d ; lop d ,ount*i s. What is th * ason" 3i; an! . * asons. 2.0 What a* th ad;anta/ s o) + /a ,iti s" 2.2 What a* di)) * nt :inds o) p*o-l +s )a, d -! th p opl o) + /a ,iti s" 2.4 Wh! p*o-l +s * lat d to so,ial - ha;iou* a* ; *! ,o++on in + /a ,iti s"


>OOK I CHAPTER , TRANSPORT AND CO..?NICATION @T*anspo*t is a s *;i, o* )a,ilit! )o* th ,a**ia/ o) p *sons B /oods )*o+ on pla, to th oth * usin/ hu+an> ani+als B di)) * nt :inds o) C hi,l s. JT*anspo*tation is an o*/ani1 d s *;i, indust*! ,* at d to satis)! th -asi, n ds o) so,i t!. It in,lud s t*anspo*t a*t *i s> ; hi,l s to ,a**! p opl B /oods> B th o*/ani1ation to +aintain a*t *i s> B to handl loadin/> unloadin/ B d li; *!. .ODES OA TRANSPORTATION Th p*in,ipal +od s o) t*anspo*tation a* land> 8at *> ai* B pip lin . Th si/ni)i,an, o) a +od d p nds on th t!p o) /oods and s *;i, s to t*anspo*t d> ,osts o) t*anspo*t and th +od a;aila-l . KLAND TRANSPORT< 9ost o) th +o; + nt o) /oods and s *;i, s ta: s pla, o; * land. KTh * ;olution in t*anspo*t ,a+ a-out a)t * 16th , n. Th )i*st pu-li, *ail8a! lin 8as op n d I 16(2 - t8 n Sto,:ton and Da*lin/ton in th No*th *n En/land. ROADSB It is th ,h ap * B )ast * o; * sho*t distan, s and )o* doo*?to? doo* s *;i, s. C?nm+ta33+d RoadB si+pl in ,onst*u,tion> a* not )) ,ti; and s *;i, a-l )o* all s *;i, s. Du*in/ *ain! s ason th s - ,o+ un+oto*a-l . C.+ta33+d RoadB th ! a* =ualit! *oads suita-l in all s asons. Th ! +ainl! d p nd on d ; lop d and d ; lopin/ ,ount*i s - ,aus o) *oad ,onst*u,tion and +aint nan, * =ui* h a;! %p nditu* . CT2+ 2i02+st "oad d+nsit; B th hi/h st nu+- * o) ; hi,l s a* * /ist * d in W st *n Eu*op . HIGH=AYS< Th ! a* + tall d *oads ,onn ,tin/ distant pla, s. Th ! a* ,onst*u,t d in an uno-st*u,t d ; hi,ula* +o; + nt. Th ! a* 6$+ 8id 8ith s pa*at t*a))i, lan s> -*id/ s> )l!o; *s and dual ,a**ia/ 8a!s to )a,ilitat unint **upt d t*a))i, )lo8. D In No"t2 Am+"i*a# ' t2+ T"ans'Canadian Hi029a; lin:s Can,ou; * in B*itish Colo+-ia to St. IohnFs ,it! in N 8)oundland and th Alas:an Hi/h8a! lin:s Ed+onton #Canada' to An,ho*a/ #Alas:a' L T2+ Pan Am+"i*an Hi029a; E ,onn ,ts th South A+ *i,a> C nt*al A+ *i,a B U.S.A.> Canada. LT2+ T"ans'Contin+nta3 St7a"t Hi029a; M ,onn ,ts Da*8in and 9 l-ou*n ;ia T nnant C* : and Ali, Sp*in/s in Aust*alia. LIn R7ssia# .os*o9'V3adiFostoG Hi029a; ? s *; s th * /ions to th ast. LIn C2ina# 2i029a;s M,onn ,ts Tsun/tso> Shan/hai> 3uan/1hou and B Ain/. A n 8 hi/h8a! lin:s Ch n/du 8ith Lhasa in Ti- t. LT2+ Nationa3 Hi029a; No.& M ,onn ,ts Ca*anasi 8ith Kan!a:u+a*i> is th lon/ st in th ,ount*!.


LT2+ Go3d+n H7ad"i3at+"a3 o" S7p+" E!p"+ss9a; is und *8a! to ,onn ,t th )ou* + t*opolitan ,iti s M N 8 D lhi> 9u+-ai> Ban/alo* > Ch nnai> Kol:ota B H!d *a-ad. LIn Af"i*a Hi029a; Aoins Al/i *s in th no*th to Cona:*! in 3uin a B )*o+ Cai*o to Cap To8n. >ORDER ROADSB Roads laid alon/ int *national -ounda*i s a* ,all d -o*d * *oads. All ,ount*i s ha; su,h *oads to t*anspo*t /oods to -o*d * ;illa/ s and +ilita*! ,a+ps. RAIL=AYSB Th ! a* +od land t*anspo*t )o* lon/ -ul:! /oods and pass n/ *s o; * lon/ distan, s. Comm7t+" t"ains a* ; *! popula* in U.K.> U.S.A.> Iapan> B India. Th ! ,a**! +illions o) pass n/ *s dail! to B )*o in th ,it!. Th * a* a-out 1.:+ o) *ail8a!s op n th*ou/hout th 8o*ld. E7"op+ ha th d ns *ail n t8o*: M 0> 0$>$$$:+. Th i+po*tant *ail h ads a* London> Pa*is> B*uss ls> 9ilan> B *lin B Wa*sa8. Pass n/ * t*anspo*t is +o* than )* i/ht. Chann l tunn l -! Eu*o Tunn l 3*oup ,onn ,ts London to Pa*is. R7ssia E 7$ H o) th ,ount*!Fs t*anspo*t M d ns n t8o*: 8 st o) U*als. 9os,o8 is th *ail h ad M und */*ound *ail8a!s B ,o++ut * t*ains a* i+po*tant. No"t2 Am+"i*a M 0$H o) th 8o*ldFs total. D* i/ht in,lud o* s> /*ains> ti+- * B +a,hin *! than pass n/ *s. Hi/hl! indust*iali1 d B u*-ani1 d * /ion o) East C nt*al U.S.A. B Canada. Canada M t*ans,ontin ntal *ail8a!s ,a**! th -ul: o) 8h at B ,oal tonna/ . A7st"a3ia M 0$>$$$:+ o) *ail8a!s> ?(2H in N 8 South Wal s. Th 8 st? ast Aust*alian National Rail8a! lin *uns )*o+ P *th to S!dn !. So7t2 Am+"i*a M d ns )*o+ Pa+pas o) A*/ ntina B ,o)) * /ion o) B*a1il M t*ans?,ontin ntal *ail *out lin:in/ Bu nos Ai* s 8ith Calpa*aiso a,*oss th And s 9ountains th*ou/h th Uspallatta Pass lo,at d at a h i/ht o) .>7$$+. Asia M d ns in China> Iapan B India. Af"i*a ?0$>$$$:+ o) *ail8a!s M Th i+po*tant *out s a* < i. th B n/u la Rail8a! th*ou/h An/ola to Katan/a? Na+-ia Copp * B ltG ii. Tan1ania Rail8a! )*o+ th Na+-ian Copp * B lt to Da*? s? Salaa+ on th ,oastG iii. Rail8a! th*ou/h Bots8ana B Ni+-a-8 lin:in/ th land lo,: d stat s i;. Th Blu T*ain )*o+ Cap to8n to P* to*ia in th R pu-li, o) South A)*i,a. TRANS'CONTINENTAL RAIL=AYB *un a,*oss th ,ontin nt B lin: its t8o nds. Th ! 8 * ,onst*u,t d )o* ,ono+i, B politi,al * asons. T"ans'Si:+"ian Rai39a; E+aAo* *ail *out o) Russia *uns )*o+ St.P t *s-u*/ #8 st' to Cladi;osto: # ast'. It pass s th*ou/h 9os,o8> U)a> No;osi-i*s:> I*:uts:> Chita B


Kha-a*o;s:. It is th lon/ st dou-l t*a,: d B l ,t*i)i d T*ans?,ontin ntal Rail8a! in th 8o*ld 8ith 7..(:+s.

T"ans'Canadian Rai39a;s'&(<(:+ lon/ )*o+ Hali)a% to Can,ou; * passin/ th*ou/h 9ont*Oal> Otta8a> Winnip /> Cal/a*!. #Const*u,t d in 1664'

T2+ ?nion I Pa*ifi* Rai39a;' ,onn ,ts N 8 @o*: on th Atlanti, Coast to San D*an,is,o on th Pa,i)i, ,oast passin/ th*ou/h Cl ; land> Chi,a/o> O+aha> E;ans> O/d n B Sa,*a+ nto. A7st"a3ian T"ans'Contin+nta3 Rai39a; E *uns 8 st? ast a,*oss th south *n pa*t M )*o+ P *th #8 st' to S!dn ! # ast' th*ou/h Kal/oo*li > B*o: n Hill B Po*t Au/usta.


T2+ O"i+nt E!p"+ss E *uns )*o+ Pa*is to Istan-ul th*ou/h St*as-ou*/. 9uni,h> Ci nna> Budap st B B l/*ad . Th ,hi ) %po*ts on this *ail *out a* ,h s > -a,on> oats> 8in > )*uits> B +a,hin *!. =ATER TRANSPORT O*+an Ro7t+sB th o, ans o)) * a s+ooth hi/h8a! t*a; *sa-l in all di* ,tions 8ith no +aint nan, ,osts. 9od *n pass n/ * lin *s 7ships' B ,a*/o ships a* =uipp d 8ith *ada*> 8i* l ss B oth * na;i/ation aids. Th d ; lop+ nt o) * )*i/ *at d ,ha+- *s )o* p *isha-l /oods> tan: *s B sp ,iali1 d ships has also i+p*o; d ,a*/o t*anspo*t. T2+ No"t2+"n At3anti* S+a Ro7t+' lin:s No*th ast *n U.S.A.> and N.Wn. Eu*op ,all d th Bi/ T*un: Rout . Po*t Said> Ad n> 9u+-ai> Colo+-o B Sin/apo* a* th i+po*tant po*ts. .+dit+""an+an'Indian O*+an Ro7t+ E ,onn ,ts th hi/hl! indust*iali1 d Wn.> Eu*op an * /ion 8ith W st A)*i,a> South A)*i,a> South? ast Asia B ,o++ *,ial a/*i,ultu* B li; sto,: ,ono+i s o) Aust*alia B N 8 N aland. 3old> dia+ond> ,opp *> tin> /*oundnut> oil pal+> ,o)) B )*uits. T2+ Cap+ of Good Hop+ S+a Ro7t+ E a,*oss th Atlanti, O, an ,onn ,ts W st Eu*op an B W st A)*i,an ,ount*i s 8ith B*a1il> A*/ ntina and U*u/ua! in South A+ *i,a. T2+ No"t2 Am+"i*an S+a Ro7t+B lin:s th 8 st ,oast o) No*th A+ *i,a 8ith Asia. Can,ou; *> S attl > Po*tland> San D*an,is,o B Los An/ l s on th A+ *i,an sid B @o:aha+a> Ko- > Shan/hai> Hon/ Kon/> 9anila B Sin/apo* on th Asian Sid . T2+ So7t2 Pa*ifi* Ro7t+B ,onn ,ts W st *n Eu*op B No*th A+ *i,a 8ith Aust*alia> N 8 N aland B th s,att * d Pa,i)i, islands ;ia th Pana+a Canal. Coasta3 S2ippin0B is a ,on; ni nt +od o) t*anspo*tation 8ith lon/ ,oastlin s> /.> U.S.A.> China B India RUPA DAS> DPS ? RKP> 3EO3RAPH@.

S2ippin0 Cana3s B T2+ S7+J Cana3# 8as ,onst*u,t d in 1647 in E/!pt - t8 n Po*t Said in th No*th and Po*t Su 1 in th South lin:in/ th 9 dit **an an S a and th * d S a. It is a s a l ; l ,anal 8ithout lo,:s a-out 14$:+ B 11 to 12+ d p. A *ail8a! )ollo8s Su 1> B )*o+ Is+alalia th * is a -*an,h lin to Cai*o.


T2+ Panama Cana3B ,onn ,ts Atlanti, O, an in th ast to th Pa,i)i, O, an in th 8 st. Const*u,t d a,*oss th Pana+a Isth+us - t8 n Pana+a Cit! B Colon B! th U.S. /o; *n+ nt 8hi,h pu*,has d 6 :+ o) a* a . It is 5(:+ lon/ B 1(:+ d p. It has 4 lo,: s!st + B ships ,*oss th di)) * nt l ; ls th*ou/h th s lo,:s - )o* nt *in/ th 3ul) o) Pana+a.

INLAND =ATER=AYSB Th d ; lop+ nt o) inland 8at *8a!s is d p nd nt on th na;i/a-ilit! 8idth Bd pth o) th ,hann l> ,ontinuit! in th 8at * )lo8> B t*anspo*t t ,hnolo/! in us . T2+ R2in+ =at+"9a;B is na;i/a-l )o*5$$:+ )*o+ Rott *da+> at its +outh in th N th *lands to Bas l in S8it1 *land. O, an /oin/ ; ss ls ,an * a,h up to Colo/n . Duss ldu*) is th Rhin po*t . It ,onn ,ts th indust*ial a* as o) S8it1 *land> 3 *+an!> D*an, > B l/iu+ B th N th *lands 8ith th No*th Atlanti, S a Rout .


T2+ Dan7:+ =at+"9a;B *is s in th Bla,: Do* st B )lo8s ast8a*ds th*ou/h +an! ,ount*i s. It is na;i/a-l up to Tau*na S ; *in. Th ,hi ) %po*t it +s a* 8h at> +ai1 > ti+- *> B +a,hin *!. T2+ Vo30a =at+"9a;B $$#2((Gm B d*ains into th Caspian S a. Th Col/a? 9os,o8 ,anal ,onn ,ts it 8ith th 9os,o8 * /ion and Th Col/a?Don Canal 8ith th Bla,: S a. T2+ G"+at LaG+s E St. La9"+n*+ S+a9a;< Th 3* at La: s o) No*th A+ *i,a Sup *io*> Hu*on> E*i BOnta*io a* ,onn ,t d -! Soo Canal B W lland Canal to )o*+ an inland 8at *8a!. Th stua*! o) St.La8* n, Ri; *> alon/ 8ith 3* at La: s> )o*+s a uni=u ,o++ *,ial 8at *8a! in th no*th *n No*th A+ *i,a. T2+ .ississippi =at+"9a;sB ,onn ,ts th int *io* pa*t o) U.S.A. 8ith 3ul) o) 9 %i,o in th south. La*/ st* a+ *s ,an /o th*ou/h up to 9inn apolis. AIR TRANSPORTB th )ast st + ans o) t*anspo*tation> -ut ; *! ,ostl!. It is p* ) ** d -! pass n/ *s )o* lon/?distan, t*a; l Calua-l ,a*/o ,an - +o; d. To * a,h ina,, ssi-l a* as. 9ountainous sno8 )i lds o* inhospita-l d s *t t **ains ha; - n ,onn ,t d Th +anu)a,tu*in/ o) ai* ,*a)ts B th i* op *ation * =ui* la-o*at in)*ast*u,tu* li: han/a*s> landin/> )u lin/ B +aint nan, Toda! +o* than (2$ ,o++ *,ial ai*lin s o)) * * /ula* ai* s *;i, s to di)) * nt pa*ts o) th 8o*ld. Int+"'Contin+nta3 Ai" Ro7t+sB N 8 @o*:> London> Pa*is> A+st *da+> D*an:)u*t> Ro+ > 9os,o8> Ka*a,hi> N 8 D lhi> 9u+-ai> Ban/:o:> Sin/apo* > To:!o> San D*an,is,o> Los An/ l s B Chi,a/o a* th nodal points 8h * ai* *out s ,on; */ o* *adiat to all ,ontin nts.


PIPELINESB ?s+d %t nsi; l! to t*anspo*t li=uids B /as s su,h as 8at *> p t*ol u+ B natu*al /as )o* an unint **upt d )lo8. In N+9 K+a3and> +il: is suppli d th*ou/h pip lin s )*o+ )a*+s to )a,to*i s. In ?.S.A. >i0 In*2 is th )a+ous pip lin > ,a**i s p t*ol u+ )*o+ th oil 8 lls o) th 3ul) o) 9 %i,o to th No*th? ast *n Stat s. CO..?NICATIONSB T2+ t l phon is th ,o++onl! us d +od o) ,o++uni,ation. In d ; lopin/ ,ount*i s> th us o) , ll phon s> +ad possi-l -! sat llit s> is i+po*tant )o* *u*al ,onn ,ti;it!. Sat+33it+ Comm7ni*ationsB int+"n+t is th la*/ st l ,t*oni, n t8o*:. A*ti)i,ial sat llit s a* su,, ss)ull! d plo! d in th a*thFs o*-it to ,onn ,t ; n th * +ot ,o*n *s o) th /lo- 8ith li+it d onsit ; *i)i,ation. C;:+" Spa*+ EInt+"n+tB C!- * spa, is th 8o*ld o) l ,t*oni, ,o+put *i1 d spa, . It is n,o+pass d -! th int *n t su,h as th Wo*ld Wid W - #888'. It is th l ,t*oni, di/ital 8o*ld )o* ,o++uni,atin/ o* a,, ssin/ in)o*+ation o; * ,o+put * n t8o*:s 8ithout ph!si,al +o; + nt o) th s nd * and th * , i; *P It is * ) ** d to as th Int *n t R+Fi+9 H7+stionsB 1. What is a T*anspo*t N t8o*:." (. What is T*ad " .. Na+ th p*in,ipal +od s o) t*anspo*tation" 0. D )in th t *+s pal:i> doli> and Kaha*s. RUPA DAS> DPS ? RKP> 3EO3RAPH@.

#1' #1' #1' #1'

2. Wh n and 8h * 8as th )i*st pu-li, *ail8a! op n d" #1' 4. What a* th * , nt d ; lop+ nts in land t*anspo*tation" #1' 5. What a* pa,: ani+als" 3i; %a+pl . #1' 6. 9 ntion an! on sp ,ial - n )it o) *oad8a!." #1' 7. What do !ou + an -! *oad d nsit!" #1' 1$. Whi,h nation is ha;in/ th hi/h st *oad d nsit!" Ho8 +u,h"#1' 11. What do !ou + an -! hi/h points and lo8 points" #1' 1(. What a* Hi/h8a!s. 3i; %a+pl ." #1' 1.. Whi,h is th lon/ st hi/h8a!" #1' 10. What a* -o*d * *oads" #1' 12. Classi)! th *ail8a! /au/ s. #1' 14. What is a ,!- * spa, " #1' 15. What is ODC" #1' 16. What a* pa,: ani+als" 3i; %a+pl . 17. What a* th ad;anta/ s o) Land T*anspo*t" ($. What is an ORIENT EQPRESS" (1. W*it sho*t not on < 1. Th No*th *n Atlanti, S a Rout . (. Th 9 dit **an an?India O, an *out .. Th Cap o) 3ood Hop S a Rout ((. E%plain th Su 1 Canal 8ith h lp o) Dia/*a+ (.. W*it sho*t not on Pana+a Canal 8ith suita-l dia/*a+ (0. W*it sho*t not on Rhin Wat *8a!s> Th 3* at La: s M St. La8* n, S a8a!. (2. E%plain -*i )l! on th Sat llit Co++uni,ation. #.' #.' #.'

#.' #2' #2' #2' #2'

LPART II CHAPTER $$ INTERNATIONAL TRADE OA INDIA IndiaFs %t *nal t*ad in 172$?21 8as Rs.1(> 10$ +illion 8hi,h *os to Rs.6> .5> 1..$ +illion in ($$0 M $2.

C2an0in0 Patt+"n of t2+ Composition of India s E!po"ts In th a/*i,ultu*al p*odu,ts> th * is a /* at d ,lin in th %po*ts o) t*aditional it +s su,h as ,o)) > spi, s> t a> puls s> t,. In,* as has - n * /ist * d in )lo*i,ultu*al p*odu,ts> )* sh )*uits> +a*in p*odu,ts and su/a*> t,. En/in *in/ /oods ha; si/ni)i,ant /*o8th in th %po*t. T %til s ,to* d ,lin d. Th ,o+position o) ,o++oditi s in IndiaFs int *national t*ad has - n und */oin/ a ,han/ o; * th ! a*s.


C2an0in0 Patt+"n of t2+ Composition of India s Impo"ts Du*in/ 172$s and174$s )ood /*ain> ,apital /oods> +a,hin *! and =uip+ nts 8 * i+po*ts. Non? l ,t*i,al +a,hin *!> t*anspo*ts =uip+ nts> +anu)a,tu* s o) + tals and +a,hin tools 8 * th +ain it +s o) ,apital /oods. Oth *s +aAo* it +s o) IndiaFs i+po*ts in,lud and s +i p* ,ious ston s> /old and sli; *> + talli) **ous o* s and + tal s,*aps> non?) **ous> l ,t*oni, /oods> t,. Di"+*tion of T"ad+ Di"+*tion of India s Impo"ts T"ad+ MTh U.S.A is IndiaFs la*/ st t*adin/ pa*tn *. ROth * ,ount*i s th U.K.> B l/iu+> 3 *+an!> Iapan> S8it1 *land> Hon/ Kon/> th U.A.E.> China> Sin/apo* and 9ala!sia.

S+a Po"ts as Gat+9a;s of Int+"nationa3 T"ad+ MTh + */ n, o) po*ts as /at 8a!s o) int *national t*ad - ,a+ i+po*tant a)t * th ,o+in/ o) th Eu*op an t*ad *s ,oloni1ation o) th ,ount*! -! th B*itish. RTh %t nsion o) *ail8a!s to8a*ds th int *io* )a,ilitat d th lin:in/ o) th lo,al +a*: ts to * /ional +a*: ts> * /ional +a*: ts to national +a*: ts B national +a*: ts to int *national +a*: ts.


So+ o) th Indian s a po*ts alon/ 8ith th i* hint *lands a* as )ollo8s< S3. Po"ts No. 1. Kandla Lo*ation 3ul) o) Ku,h,hh Goods 2and3+d P t*ol u+ B P t*ol u+ p*odu,ts B ) *tili1 * P t*ol u+ B P t*ol u+ p*odu,ts> ,otton B s!nth ti, t %til s 3 n *al /oods B ,a*/o Sp+*ia3 A+at7"+s O))sho* t *+inal at Cadina* ? * du, p* ssu* Natu*al ha*-o* -i// st po*t Contain * po*t M sat llit po*t to * li ; p* ssu* Natu*al ha*-o* Hint+"3and 3uAa*at


Kon:an ,oast 9aha*asht*a

9.P.> 9aha*asht*a> 3uAa*at> U.P. pa*ts o) RaAasthan.

Ia8aha*lal N h*u

Nha;a Sh ;a ? 9u+-ai


At th nt*an, o) Nua*i stua*!

I*on o* o) Kud* +u:h

Ka*nata:a> 3oa> South *n 9aha*asht*a.


N 8 9an/alo*

Kana*a ,oast> Ka*nata:a


H ad o) C +-anad La: H ad o) Hoo/l! *i; *


E%po*ts?i*on?o* i*on? ,on, nt*at s> ) *tili1 s> p t*ol u+ p*odu,ts> di-l oil> ,o)) > t a >8ood pulp> !a*n> /*anit ston > +olass s P t*ol u+ p*odu,ts> *u-- *> spi, s> tinn d )ish P t*ol u+ p*odu,ts> i*on B st l> Aut > t a> +an/an s *i, > )ish p*odu,ts Bul: ,a*/o?i*on o* ,oal> p t*ol u+ B p t*ol u+ p*odu,ts B ) *tili1 *s> Aut B Aut p*odu,ts> ,otton B ,otton !a*n t,.> I*on o* > +an/an s



1$2 :+s do8nst* a+ )*o+ Kol:ata

Su n o) K *ala> Sn. A*a-ian s a Ka*nata:a> M natu*al S.Wn> Ta+il ha*-o* Nadu Ri; *in U.P.> Biha*> po*t Iha*:hand> W.B.> Si::i+> N.En> Stat s> N pal >Bhutan R du, s Kol:ata> th O*issa> ,on/ stion Biha*> at Kol:ata Iha*:hand> po*t Assa+

Pa*ad8 p

9ahanadi D lta 1$$:+s )*o+ Cutta,: Co*o+andal ,oast o) Andh*a P*ad sh


Cisha:apat na+

I*on o* > p t*ol u+ B / n *al ,a*/o


Ch nnai

South? ast *n Co*o+andal ,oast in Ta+il Nadu

3 n *al ,a*/o> )ish p*odu,ts> di-l oil> p t*ol u+ p*odu,ts

D p st ha*-o*? handl la*/ ; ss ls Land lo,: d ha*-o*? ,onn ,t d to th s a -! a ,hann l ,ut th*ou/h solid *o,: B sand A*ti)i,ial ha*-o* -uilt in 1627? shallo8 8at * n a*

O*issa> Chhattis/a*h> Iha*:hand Andh*a P*ad sh

Ta+il Nadu B Pondi,h **!




(2:+s no*th o) Ch nnai South *n +ost in th south ast o) Ta+il Nadu 3 n *al ,a*/o> ,oal salt> )ood /*ains> di-l oils> su/a*> ,h +i,als B p t*ol u+ p*odu,ts



th ,oast To * li ; th p* ssu* at Ch nnai po*t To * li ; th p* ssu* o) Ch nnai po*t

Ch nnai

Ta+il Nadu

R+Fi+9 H7+stionsB 1. What is Int *national T*ad " #1' 1. What is a s a po*t" #1' (. What is a ha*-ou*" #1' .. What is a hint *land" #1' 0. What is th ;olu+ o) t*ad " #1' 2. What do + an -! total ;alu o) t*ad " #1' 4. What is + ant -! di* ,tion o) t*ad " #1' 5. What a* th +ain ,ha*a,t *isti,s o) IndiaFs )o* i/n t*ad " #.' 6. S a po*ts a* 3at 8a!s o) Int *national T*ad . Co++ nt. #.' 7. E%plain th ,han/in/ patt *n o) th int *national t*ad o) India"#2' 1$. Wh! do s India i+po*t di-l oil B puls s in spit o) - in/ an a/*i,ultu*all! *i,h ,ount*!" #.'

PART II CHAPTER $2 GEOGRAPHICAL PERSPECTIVE ON SELECTED ISS?ES AND PRO>LE.S EnFi"onm+nta3 Po337tion T En;i*on+ ntal pollution * sults )*o+ Eth * l as o) su-stan, s and n */! )*o+ 8ast p*odu,ts o) hu+an a,ti;iti s. T Pollution ,an - ,lassi)i d into< Rai* pollution> R8at * pollution> Rland pollution and nois pollution. M=at+" Po337tion N Indis,*i+inat us o) 8at * -! in,* asin/ population and indust*ial %pansion l ad d /*adation o) th =ualit! o) 8at *. RUPA DAS> DPS ? RKP> 3EO3RAPH@.

T Hu+an - in/s pollut th 8at * th*ou/h indust*ial> a/*i,ultu*al and ,ultu*al a,ti;iti s. N Indust*i s p*odu, indust*ial 8ast s 8at *> poisonous /as s> ,h +i,al s+o: > t, a* dispos d o)) in *unnin/ 8at * o* la: s. TD st*o! th -io?s!st + o) th s 8at *. T 9aAo* 8at * pollution indust*i s a* l ath *> pulp and pap *> t %til s and ,h +i,al. T In +od *n a/*i,ultu* ino*/ani, ) *tili1 *s> p sti,id s and h *-i,id s a* us d. T Th ! in)ilt*at th soil to * a,h th /*ound 8at *. T D *tili1 * indu, s an in,* as in th nit*at ,ont nt o) su*)a, 8at *s. T Cultu*al a,ti;iti s su,h as pil/*i+a/ > * li/ious )ai*s> tou*is+> t,. also ,aus 8at * pollution. TTh dis as s ,o++onl! ,aus d du to ,onta+inat d 8at * a* dia**h a> int stinal 8o*+s> h patitis> t,. RAi" Po337tion T Ai* pollution is ta: n as addition o) ,onta+inat s li: dust> )u+ s> /as> )o/> odou*> s+o: o* ;apou* to th ai*. T Co+-ustion o) )ossil )u ls> +inin/ and indust*i s a* th +ain sou*, s o) ai* pollution. TTh s p*o, ss s * l as o%id s o) sulphu* and nit*o/ n> h!d*o,a*-ons> ,a*-on dio%id > ,a*-on +ono%id > l ad and as- stos. T Ai* pollution ,aus s ;a*ious dis as s * lat d to * spi*ato*!> n *;ous and ,i*,ulato*! s!st +s. T S+o:! )o/ o; * ,iti s ,all d as u*-an s+o/ is ,aus d -! at+osph *i, pollution. Nois+ Po337tion T Nois pollution * ) *s to th stat o) un- a*a-l and un,o+)o*ta-l to hu+an - in/s 8hi,h is ,aus d -! nois )*o+ di)) * nt sou*, s. T Th +ain sou*, s o) nois pollution a* ;a*ious )a,to*i s> + ,hani1 d ,onst*u,tion and d +olition 8o*:s> auto+o-il s and ai*,*a)ts> t,. T Nois )*o+ si* ns> loudsp a: *s us d in ;a*ious ) sti;als> p*o/a*++ s asso,iat d 8ith ,o++unit! a,ti;iti s. T Th l ; l o) st ad! nois is + asu* d -! sound l ; l %p* ss d in t *+s o) d ,i- ls UdBV. T Th -i// st nuisan, is th nois p*odu, d -! t*a))i,> - ,aus its int nsit! and natu* d p nd upon su,h )a,to*s as th o) ai*,*a)t> t*ain and th ,ondition o) *oad as 8 ll as that o) ; hi,l .R T Nois pollution is ha1a*dous in +an! + t*opolitan and -i/ ,iti s in India. ?":an =ast+ Disposa3 T U*-an a* as a* / n *all! +a*: d -! o; * ,*o8din/> ,on/ stion> inad =uat )a,iliti s to suppo*t th )ast /*o8in/ population and ,ons =u nt poo* sanita*! ,ondition )oul ai*. T Solid 8ast * ) *s to a ;a*i t! o) old and us d a*ti,l s> ./.< stain d s+all pi , s o) + tals> -*o: n /lass8a* s> plasti, ,ontain *s> pol!th n -a/s> ash s> )loppi s> CDs> t,. du+p d at di)) * nt pla, s. T Th s dis,a*d d +at *ials a* also t *+ d as * )us > /a*-a/ and *u--ish> t,. and a* dispos d o) )*o+ t8o sou*, s< Rhous hold o* do+ sti, sta-lish+ nts> and Rindust*ial o* ,o++ *,ial sta-lish+ nts.


T Solid 8ast ,aus h alth ha1a*d th*ou/h ,* ation o) o-no%ious s+ ll> and ha*-ou*in/ o) )li s and *od nts> 8hi,h a,t as ,a**i *s o) dis as s li: t!phoid> diphth *ia> dia**h a> +ala*ia and ,hol *a> t,. T In + t*opolitan ,iti s li: 9u+-ai> Kol:ata> Ch nnai> Ban/alo* > t,.> a-out 7$ p * , nt o) th solid 8ast is ,oll ,t d and dispos d. R7"a3'?":an .i0"ation T Population )lo8 )*o+ *u*al to u*-an a* as is ,aus d -! +an! )a,to*s li: hi/h d +and )o* la-ou* in u*-an a* a> lo8 Ao- oppo*tuniti s in *u*al a* as and un-alan, d patt *n o) d ; lop+ nt - t8 n u*-an and *u*al a* as. P"o:3+ms of S37ms T U*-an , nt *s in India a* +o* di)) * ntiat d in t *+s o) th so,io? ,ono+i,> politi,o?,ultu*al and oth * indi,ato*s o) d ; lop+ nt than an! oth * a* as. T Th * a* )a*+ hous s and hi/h in,o+ /*oup lo,aliti s ,ha*a,t *i1 d -! 8 ll d ; lop d u*-an in)*ast*u,tu* s li: 8id *oads> st* t li/ht> 8at * and sanitation )a,iliti s> la8ns> 8 ll?d ; lop d /* n - lt> pa*:s> pla! /*ound and p*o;isions )o* indi;idual s ,u*it! and *i/ht to p*i;a,!. T Th Wslu+sX> Ahu//i?Ahopa*iX ,lust *s and ,oloni s o) shant! st*u,tu* s. T Th s a* inha-it d -! thos p opl 8ho 8 * )o*, d to +i/*at )*o+ th *u*al a* as to th s u*-an , nt* s in s a*,h o) li; lihood -ut ,ould not a))o*d p*op * housin/ du to hi/h * nt and hi/h ,osts o) land. T Th ! o,,up! n;i*on+ ntall! in,o+pati-l and d /*ad d a* as. T Slu+s a* * sid ntial a* as o) th l ast ,hoi, > dilapidat d hous s> poo* h!/i ni, ,ondition> poo* ; ntilation> la,: o) -asi, a+ niti s li: d*in:in/ 8at *> li/ht and toil t )a,iliti s> t,. T Th s a* as a* o; *,*o8d d ha;in/ na**o8 st* t patt *n p*on to s *ious ha1a*ds )*o+ )i* . T 9ost o) slu+ population 8o*:s in lo8 paid> hi/h *is: p*on > uno*/ani1 d s ,to*s o) th u*-an ,ono+!. T Th ! a* th und * nou*ish d> p*on to di)) * nt t!p s o) dis as s B illn ss. T Th po; *t! +a: s th + ;uln *a-l to d*u/ a-us > al,oholis+> ,*i+ > ;andalis+> s,apis+ apath! B so,ial %,lusion. Land D+0"adationB Th * a* t8o p*o, ss s that indu, land d /*adation. T Th * a* a 8ast lands li: > /ulli dY*a;in s land> d s *ti, o* ,oastal sands> -a** n *o,:! a* as> st p slopin/ land> and /la,ial a* as 8hi,h a* p*i+a*il! ,aus d -! natu*al a0+nts T8at *lo// d and +a*sh! a* as> land a)) ,t d -! salinit! and al:alinit! and land 8ith o* 8ithout s,*u-> 8hi,h ha; la*/ l! - n ,aus d -! nat7"a3 as 9+33 as 27man fa*to"s. R+Fi+9 H7+stionsB 1. What is pollution" #1' (. What is pollutant" #1' .. Ho9 do hu+an - in/s pollut 8at *" #1' 0. Gi; %a+pl )o indust*ial 8ast s" #1' 2. 9 ntion th ,o++on dis as s ,aus d -! 8at * pollution. #1' 4. What is s+o/" #1' 5. What a* dis as s ,aus d -! ai* pollution " #1'


6. What is nois Pollution" #1' 7. What is dB" #1' 1$. What is solid 8ast " #1' 11. What a* dis as s ,aus d -! solid 8ast " #.' 1(. What a* p*o-l +s o) slu+s" #2' 1.. 9 ntion th natu*al and th hu+an )a,to*s o) land d /*adation. #.'



S1. What a* Suina*! a,ti;iti s" S(. 9 ntion th a* as o) %t nsi; ,o++ *,ial /*ain ,ulti;ation. S.. What is WTO" S0. Na+ th )a,to*s to d ; lop th inland 8at *8a!. S2. 3i; )ou* %a+pl s )o* th Edu,ational to8ns. S4. Whi,h ,o*po*ation is * ) ** d to as Indian" S5. Na+ th pla, s ,onn ,t d -! NH 1. S6. 9 ntion an! ( sou*, s o) nois pollution. S7. Na+ )ou* la*/ st t*adin/ pa*tn *s o) India. S1$. W*it a sho*t not on Ia8aha*lal N h*u Po*t. S11. S1(. What a* th ,*oppin/ s asons o) India" On th -asis o) th 8idth o) th t*a,: ,lassi)! th Indian Rail8a!"

S1.. Stud! th /i; n ta-l and ans8 * th )ollo8in/< >asin 9is+ G"o7nd 9at+" Pot+ntia3 and ?ti3isation in India 4C7:i*KmOY+a"6 S.No. Na+ o) -asin 3*ound 8at * Total R pl nisha-l L ; l o) * sou*, s Utilisation #H' 3*ound8at * 1 B*ah+ani 8ith Baita*ni 0.$2 6.02 ( B*ah+aput*a (4.22 ...5 . Cha+-al 5.17 0$.$7 0 Ka; *i 1(.. 22... 2 3an/a 15$.77 ...2( 4 3oda;a*i 0$.42 17.2. 5 Indus (4.07 55.51 6 K*ishna (4.01 .$..7 7 Ku,h,hh B Sou*asht*a B Luni 11.(. 21.10 1$ Ch nnai B South Ta+il Nadu 16.(( 25.46 11 9ahanadi 14.04 4.72 1( 9 /hna 6$2( ..70 1. Na*+ada 1$.6. (1.50


10 12 14 15 16 Total

No*th ast ,o+posit P nna* Su- *na* :ha Tapi W st *n 3hat

16.60 0.7. 1.6( 6.(5 15.47 0.1.0(

15.( .4.4 7.25 ...$2 ((.66 .1.75

a' Whi,h *i; * -asin has th hi/h st total * pl nish a-l /*ound 8at * * sou*, " -' In 8hi,h *i; * -asin is th l ; l o) /*ound 8at * utili1ation is th hi/h st. ,' Whi,h *i; * -asin has th lo8 st * pl nish a-l /*ound 8at * * sou*, " S10. D )in th di)) * nt s,hools o) thou/ht in hu+an / o/*aph!. S12. W*it a sho*t not on O*i nt E%p* ss. S14. 9 ntion th* ,o+-ination o) an u*-an a//lo+ *ation. S15. Na+ th a/ n,i s in;ol; d in th %plo*ation o) +in *als. S16. List out th p*o-l +s )a, d -! th p opl li;in/ in slu+s. S17. 9 ntion th Indust*ial * /ions B dist*i,ts. S($. What a* th )a,to*s a)) ,tin/ th +inin/ a,ti;it!" S(1. S((. S(.. S(0. S(2. S(4. What a* th ;a*ious t!p s o) u*-an s ttl + nts" 3i; %a+pl s E%plain th Tou*ist Att*a,tions 8ith * sp ,ti; %a+pl s. D s,*i- th ,on, pts o) Population 3 o/*aph!. What a* th di)) * nt -as s o) Int *national T*ad " Classi)! th +od *n Indian lan/ua/ s. On th /i; n outlin +ap o) 8o*ld id nti)! th / o/*aphi,al D atu* s na+ d asA> B> C> D. A a* a o) ,o++ *,ial li; sto,: * a*in/. B th )i*st t ,hno pol . C s apo*t in No*th A+ *i,a. D ,anal ,onn ,tin/ t8o s as. #.%1&.'


S(4. On th /i; n +ap o) India +a*: B na+ th )ollo8in/ a'Th stat ha;in/ lo8 st lit *a,! *at . -' An oil * )in *! in W st B n/al. ,' Stat l adin/ in ,o)) p*odu,tion. ANS=ER KEY

1. Suina*! a,ti;iti s a* s *;i, s that )o,us on th ,* ation> * ?a**an/ + nt B int *p* tation o) n 8 B %istin/ id asG data int *p* tation B th us B ;aluation o) n 8 t ,hnolo/i s. 3old ,olla* p*o) ssions. #1' (. A* as o) E%t nsi; Co++ *,ial 3*ain Culti;ation< Eu*asian st pp s> th Canadian B A+ *i,an P*ai*i s> th Pa+pas o) A*/ ntina> th C lds o) South A)*i,a> th Aust*alian Do8ns B th Cant *-u*! Plains o) N 8 N aland. #1'


.. Wo*ld T*ad O*/ani1ation is th int *national o*/ani1ation d alin/ 8ith th /lo-al *ul s o) t*ad - t8 n nations. It s ts th *ul s )o* th /lo-al t*adin/ s!st + and * sol; s disput s - t8 n its + +- * nations. It ,o; *s t*ad in s *;i, s> su,h as t l ,o++uni,ation and -an:in/> and oth * issu s li: int ll ,tual *i/hts. #1' 0. Da,to*s to d ; lop inland 8at *8a!< Na;i/a-ilit! 8idth and d pth o) th ,hann l> Continuit! in th 8at * )lo8> T*anspo*t t ,hnolo/! in us . 2. Edu,ational to8ns o) India< Roo*:i> Ca*anasi> Ali/a*h> Pilani> Allaha-ad> t,. 4. Indian Ai*lin s is :no8n as Indian. 5. NH?1 D lhi to A+*itsa*

#1' #1' #1' #1'

6. Th +ain sou*, s o) nois pollution a* ;a*ious )a,to*i s> + ,hani1 d ,onst*u,tion and d +olition 8o*:s> auto+o-il s and ai*,*a)ts> t,. #1' 7. Th U.S.A.> is th la*/ st t*adin/ pa*tn *. Oth * ,ount*i s a* U.K.> B l/iu+> 3 *+an!> Iapan> S8it1 *land and 9ala!sia. #1'

1$. Ia8aha*lal N h*u Po*t at Nha;a Sh ;a 8as d ; lop d as a sat llit po*t to * li ; th p* ssu* at th 9u+-ai po*t. It is th la*/ st ,ontain * po*t in India. #1' 11. C*oppin/ S asons o) India< #.' C*oppin/ S asons 9aAo* ,*ops ,ulti;at d No*th *n stat s South *n stat s Kha*i) < Iun ? S pt Ri, > ,otton> -aA*a *i, > +ai1 > *a/i +ai1 > Ao8a*> tu* Ao8a*> /*oundnut Ra-i< O,t?9a*,h Wh at> /*a+> Rap s d> *i, > +ai1 > *a/i> +usta*d> -a*l ! Ao8a*> /*oundnut Naid< Ap*il?Iun C / ta-l s> )*uits> *i, > ; / ta-l s> )odd * )odd *

1(. On th -asis o) 8idth o) th t*a,: o) Indian Rail8a!s> th* ,at /o*i s a* < #.' Ga70+ Distan*+ in m+t+" tota3 3+n0t2 in Gms p+"*+nta0+ B*oad 1.454 04>6$5 50.10 9 t * 1.$$$ 1.>(7$ (1.$( Na**o8 #hill! a* as' $.54( $* $.41$ .>1(0 0.70 1.. a' 3an/a> -' Indus?55.51 ,' Su- *na* :ha? 1.6( #.'

10. Di)) * nt S,hools o) Thou/ht<


=+3fa"+ o" H7manisti* s*2oo3 of t2o702t M ,on, *n d 8ith di)) * nt asp ,ts o) so,ial 8 ll?- in/ o) th p opl . Th ! in,lud housin/> h alth B du,ation. Radi*a3 s*2oo3 of t2o702t M +plo! d 9a*%ian th o*! to %plain th -asi, ,aus o) po; *t!> d p*i;ation B so,ial in =ualit!. Cont +po*a*! so,ial p*o-l +s 8 * * lat d to th d ; lop+ nt o) ,apitalis+. >+2aFio"a3 s*2oo3 of t2o702t M laid +phasis on li; d %p *i n, B also on th p *, ption o) spa, -! so,ial ,at /o*i s -as d on thni,it!> *a, B * li/ion> t,. #.' $<. T2+ O"i+nt E!p"+ssB This lin *uns )*o+ Pa*is to Istan-ul passin/ th*ou/h St*as-ou*/> 9uni,h> Ci nna> Budap st and B l/*ad . Th ti+ ta: n )o* Aou*n ! is 74 hou*s. Th ,hi ) %po*ts on this *ail *out a* ,h s > -a,on> oats> 8in > )*uits> and +a,hin *!. #.' 14. ?":an a003om+"ation *onsists of t2"++ *om:inationsB i. a to8n and its adAoinin/ u*-an out/*o8ths> ii> t8o o* +o* adAoinin/ to8ns 8ith th i* out/*o8ths> iii> a ,it! and on o* +o* adAoinin/ to8ns 8ith th i* out/*o8ths to/ th * )o*+in/ a ,onti/uous sp* ad. #.' 15. A0+n*i+s inFo3F+d in t2+ +!p3o"ation of min+"a3sB In India> s!st +ati, su*; !in/> p*osp ,tin/ and %plo*ation )o* +in *als is und *ta: n -! GSI E 3 olo/i,al Su*; ! o) India. ONGC'Oil B Natu*al 3as Co++ission .ECL' 9in *al E%plo*ation Co*po*ation Ltd. N.DC' National 9in *al D ; lop+ nt Co*po*ation I>.' Indian Bu* au o) 9in s >G.L'Bha*at 3old 9in s Ltd. HCL' Hindustan Copp * Ltd. NALCO'National Alu+iniu+ Co+pan! Ltd. #.' $,. P*o-l + o) Slu+s< Slu+s a* * sid ntial a* as o) l ast ,hoi, > dilapidat d hous s> poo* h!/i ni, ,onditions> poo* ; ntilation> la,: o) -asi, a+ niti s li: d*in:in/ 8at *> li/ht and toil t )a,iliti s> t,. O; *,*o8d d ha;in/ na**o8 st* t patt *n p*on to s *ious ha1a*ds )*o+ )i* . Slu+ population 8o*:s in lo8 paid> hi/h *is:?p*on uno*/ani1 d s ,to*s o) th u*-an ,ono+!. #.' 17. .a/o" Ind7st"ia3 R+0ions 1.9u+-ai?Pun R /ion (.Hu/li R /ion .. Ban/alo* ?Ta+ilNadu #.' .ino" Ind7st"ia3 R+0ions 1.A+-ala?A+*itsa* (.Saha*anpu*? 9u1a))ana/a*?BiAno* Ind7st"ia3 Dist"i*ts 1.Kanpu* (.H!d *a-ad ..A/*a


R /ion 0.3uAa*at R /ion 2.Chotta Na/pu* R /ion 4.Cisa:apatna+ 3untu* R /ion 5.3u*/aon?D lhi M9 *ut R /ion 6.Kolla+ MT*i;and*u+ R /ion

..Indo* ?D 8as?UAAain 0.Iaipu*?AA+ * 2.Kolhapu*?South Kannada 4. No*th *n 9ala-a* 5.9iddl 9ala-a* 6. Adila-ad?Ni1a+a-ad 7.Allaha-ad?Ca*anasi? 9i*1apu* 1$. BhoApu*?9un/ * 11.Du*/?Raipu* 1(.Bilaspu*?Ko*-a 1..B*ah+aput*a Call !

0.Na/pu* 2.38alio* 4.Bhopal 5. Lu,: no8 6.Ialpai/u*i 7.Cutta,: 1$. 3o*a:pu* 11.Ali/a*h 1(.Kota 1..Pu*nia 10.Ia-alpu* 12.Ba* ill!

($. Da,to*s A)) ,tin/ 9inin/ A,ti;it!< #i'. Ph!si,al )a,to*s in,lud th si1 > /*ad and th +od o) o,,u** n, o) th d posits. #ii' E,ono+i, )a,to*s su,h as th d +and )o* th +in *als> t ,hnolo/! and us d> ,apital to d ; lop in)*ast*u,tu* and th la-ou* and t*anspo*t ,osts. #.' (1. T!p s o) U*-an S ttl + nts< D p ndin/ on th si1 B s *;i, s a;aila-l B )un,tions * nd * d> u*-an , nt* s a* d si/nat d as< To9n< Sp ,i)i, )un,tions li: > +anu)a,tu*in/> * tail B 8hol sal t*ad > B p*o) ssional s *;i, s %ist in to8ns. Cit;B A l adin/ to8n> 8hi,h has outst*ipp d its lo,al o* * /ional *i;als. La*/ * than to8ns B ha; /* at * ,ono+i, )un,tions. Th ! ha; t*anspo*t t *+inals> +aAo* )inan,ial institutions B * /ional ad+inist*ati; o))i, s. Population ,*oss s th on +illion +a*: it is d si/nat d as a +illion ,it!. Con7":ationB R sult d )*o+ th + */in/ o) o*i/inall! s pa*at to8ns o* ,iti s. 3* at * London> 9an,h st *> Chi,a/o B To:!o a* %a+pl s. .+0a3opo3isB PS7p+" .+t"opo3itan * /ion %t ndin/ as union o) ,onu*-ations. Boston in th no*th to south o) Washin/ton in U.S.A.> is a + /alopolis. .i33ion Citi+s< Citi s ha;in/ +o* than a +illion populations. #2' ((. To7"ist Att"a*tionsB C3imat+B Th 9 dit **an an ,li+at o)) *s hi/h * t +p *atu* s> lon/ hou*s o) sunli/ht B lo8 *ain)all th*ou/hout th p a: holida! s ason. Lands*ap+B .an! p opl li: to sp nd th i* holida!s in an att*a,ti; n;i*on+ nt> 8hi,h o)t n + ans +ountains> la: s> sp ,ta,ula* s a ,oats B lands,ap s. Histo"; I A"tB An a* a o) pot ntial att*a,ti; n ss. P opl ;isit an,i nt o* pi,tu* s=u to8ns B a*,ha olo/i,al sit s> B nAo! %plo*in/ ,astl s> pala, s B ,hu*,h s. C73t7"+ I E*onom;B Th s att*a,t tou*ists 8ith a p n,hant )o* %p *i n,in/ thni, B lo,al ,usto+s. Ho+ sta! has + */ d as a p*o)ita-l -usin ss li: heritage homes in 3oa> 9adi: * B Coo*/ in Ka*nata:a. #2' (.. >asi* Con*+pts of Pop73ation G+o0"ap2;B G"o9t2 of Pop73ation' Chan/ o) population in pa*ti,ula* a* a - t8 n t8o points o) ti+ is :no8n as /*o8th o) population. G"o9t2 Rat+ of Pop73ationB Th ,han/ in population %p* ss d in p *, nta/ . RUPA DAS> DPS ? RKP> 3EO3RAPH@.

Nat7"a3 G"o9t2 of Pop73ation B This is th population in,* as d -! di)) * n, - t8 n -i*ths B d aths in a pa*ti,ula* * /ion - t8 n t8o o) ti+ . Nat7"a3 G"o9t2B Bi*ths M D aths A*t7a3 G"o9t2 of Pop73ationB This is Bi*ths M D aths Z In 9i/*ation M Out 9i/*ation PositiF+ G"o9t2 of Pop73ationB Wh n th -i*th *at is +o* than th d ath *at - t8 n points o) ti+ o* 8h n p opl )*o+ oth * ,ount*i s +i/*at p *+an ntl! to a * /ion. N+0atiF+ G"o9t2 of Pop73ationB I) th population d ,* as s - t8 n t8o points o) ti+ it is :no8n as n /ati; /*o8th o) population. It o,,u*s 8h n th -i*th *at )alls o* p opl +i/*at to oth * ,ount*i s. #2' (0. Diff+"+nt :as+s of Int+"nationa3 T"ad+B Diff+"+n*+ in nationa3 "+so7"*+s' Th 8o*ldFs national * sou*, s a* un ; nl! dist*i-ut d - ,aus o) di)) * n, s in th i* ph!si,al +a: up i. . / olo/!> * li )> soil B ,li+at . Pop73ation fa*to"sB Th si1 > dist*i-ution B di; *sit! o) p opl - t8 n ,ount*i s a)) ,t th t!p B ;olu+ o) /oods t*ad s. It in,lud s ,ultu*al )a,to*s B si1 population. Sta0+ of +*onomi* d+F+3opm+ntB In a/*i,ultu*all! i+po*tant ,ount*i s> a/*o p*odu,ts a* %,han/ d )o* +anu)a,tu* d /oods 8h * as indust*iali1 d nations %po*t +a,hin *! B )inish d p*odu,ts B i+po*t )ood /*ains B oth * *a8 +at *ials. E!t+nt of fo"+i0n inF+stm+ntB Do* i/n in; st+ nt ,an -oost t*ad in d ; lopin/ ,ount*i s 8hi,h la,: in ,apital * =ui* d )o* th d ; lop+ nt o) +inin/> oil d*illin/> h a;! n/in *in/> lu+- *in/ and plantation a/*i,ultu* . T"anspo"tB With %pansions o) *ail> o, an B ai* t*anspo*t> - tt * + ans o) * )*i/ *ation B p* s *;ation> t*ad has %p *i n, d spatial %pansion. #2'

2<. C3assifi*ation of .od+"n Indian Lan07a0+sB Aami3; S7:'Aami3; >"an*2OG"o7p Aust*i, #Nishada' Aust*o?Asiati, 9on?Kh+ * 1..6H 9unda Aust*o?N sian D*a;idian #D*a;ida' ($H South D*a;idian C nt*al D*a;idian Sino?Ti- tian $.62H Ti- to?9!an+a*i Sia+ s ?Chin s No*th D*a;idian Ti- to? Hi+ala!an No*th Assa+ Assa+? 9!an+a*i

Sp++*2 A"+as 9 /hala!a> Ni,o-a* Islands W.B.> Biha*> O*issa> Assa+> 9.P. 9aha*asht*a Outsid India T.N.> Ka*nata:a> K *ala A.P. 9.P.> O*issa> 9aha*asht*a Biha*> O*issa> W.B. 9.P.> IBK.> H.P.> Si::i+ A*una,hal P*ad sh Assa+> Na/aland> 9anipu*> 9i1o*a+> T*ipu*a> 9 /hala!a


Indo?Eu*op an #A*!an' 5.H


I*anian Da*di, Indo?A*!an

Outsid India IBK IBK> PunAa-> H.P.> U.P.> RaAasthan> Ha*!ana> 9.P.> Biha*> O**isa> W.B.> Assa+> 3uAa*at> 9aha*asht*a >3oa.

Samp3+ H7+stion Pap+" ?NSOLVED S1. What is du+pin/" S(. 3i; )ou* %a+pl s )o* * li/ions and ,ultu*al to8ns" S.. What do !ou + an -! out sou*,in/" S0. What do !ou + an -! ,!- * spa, " S2. Id nti)! 0 ,iti s 8h * +a%i+u+ nu+- * o) ai* *out s ,o; *a/ . S4. What is solid 8ast " S5. What is t ,hno pol " S6. W*it a sho*t not on Ch nnai Po*t" S7. Na+ th hi/h st Int *national Po*t" S1$. What is Op n S:! Poli, " #1' #1' #1' #1' #1' #1' #1' #1' #1' #1'

S11. W*it a sho*t not on R ,!,l and R us o) 8at *" S1(. 9 ntion th* +aAo* Inland 8at *8a!s o) India" S1.. 9 ntion an! th* + asu* s p*opos d to p*o+ot Sustaina-l d ; lop+ nt in th Indi*a 3andhi Canal Co++and a* a. S10. W*it a sho*t not on an! th* Non? Con; ntional Sou*, s. S12. List out th* sou*, s o) 8at * pollution" S14. E%plain an! th* land us " S15. B*i )l! %plain th ,lassi)i,ation o) Indian to8ns on -asis o) th i* ;olution S16. What a* th ph!si,al and so,ial )a,to*s 8hi,h a)) ,t th t!p o) p*i+a*! a,ti;iti s in di)) * nt * /ions. S17. D )in En;i*on+ ntal D t *+inis+> Possi-ilis+> and N o D t *+inis+. S($. What is sla; t*ad " 3i; %a+pl s" S(1. What a* Hi/h Wa!s" W*it a sho*t not on an! )ou* hi/h8a!s o) th 8o*ld. S((. E%plain th ;a*ious app*oa,h s o) Hu+an D ; lop+ nt. S(..E%plain th ;a*ious ,ons =u n, s o) 9i/*ation" S(0.What a* th ;a*ious ,*it *iaFs - in/ us d to ,lassi)! th *u*al s ttl + nts. S(2. Classi)! th Indust*i s on th -asis o) *a8 +at *ials 8ith suita-l %a+pl s. S(4. Id nti)! th ) atu* s sho8n on th 8o*ld +ap. A? an Ai* po*t B? Canal a,*oss to O, ans. C? A* a o) +i% d )a*+in/ D? Count*! 8ith hi/h st HD RUPA DAS> DPS ? RKP> 3EO3RAPH@.

On th /i; n out lin +ap o) India +a*: and na+ th )ollo8in/. A? St l plant in O*issa B? H ad=ua*t *s o) No*th East D*onti * C? Copp * p*odu,in/ , nt* .

SA9PLE PAPER ANSWER THE DOLLOWIN3< 4$!$(Q$(6 1. D )in A* al Di)) * ntiation. (. Ho8 to )ind th a,tual /*o8th o) population" .. What is Citi,ultu* " 0. What is A/*i?-usin ss" 2. Na+ th )a,to*s * sponsi-l )o* th d ; lop+ nt )o* inland 8at *8a!s. 4. What is a h alth! ,it!" 5. What a* di)) * nt st* a+s o) int *nal +i/*ation" 6. What a* )a,to*s a)) ,tin/ *u*al +i/*ation" 7. What is s=uatt * s ttl + nt" 1$. What is po*t and ha*-ou*" 11. What a* st ps outlin d in u*-an st*at /!"# -!$(Q-(6 1(. B*i )l! %plain th t!p s o) t*ad . 1.. W*it a not on O*i nt E%p* ss. 10. Ho8 to * ,o/ni1 th t*aditional indust*ial * /ions 12. What a* ,ha*a,t *isti,s o) E%t nsi; Co++ *,ial 3*ain Culti;ation" 14. What a* )a,to*s in India a)) ,tin/ th s % *atio" 15. Na+ th a/ n,i s * sponsi-l )o* %plo*ation o) +in *als" 16. What a* )a;ou*a-l ,onditions )o* ,hotta Na/pu* indust*ial * /ion" 17. What a* * , nt ,han/ s +ad to d ; lop in India" ($. What a* p*o-l +s o) U*-ani1ation" (1. What a* di)) * nt sta/ s o) d +o/*aphi, t*ansistion"4<!<Q2<6 ((. What a* th ;a*ious ) atu* s o) hous s -as d on th n;i*on+ ntal adaptations" (.. E%plain th )un,tional ,lassi)i,ation o) to8ns 8ith %a+pl s. (0. What a* outsou*,in/ and + di,al tou*is+" (2. B*i )l! d s,*i- on th app*oa,h s o) Hu+an D ; lop+ nt" (4. On th outlin +ap o) India +a*: and na+ th )ollo8in/B4$(!$O2Q<6 iii. Th stat )i*st d ; lop d th *ain 8at * ha*; stin/. i;. A pla, )o* s *i,ultu*


;. ;i. ;ii. ;iii.

A ,oal +in in Andh*a P*ad sh A so)t8a* t ,hnolo/! pa*: in Utta* P*ad sh. An ai*po*t na+ d a)t * a lad! P*i+ 9inist *. An ato+i, po8 * station in RaAasthan.



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