9 Square Strategy

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Students are given 9 squares with a word or phrase written along each edge. Students must assemble these 9 squares into one larger square by matching up the edges with the corresponding phrases on them. This may be done individually, with small pieces to the puzzle, or as a whole class activity, with large pieces spread out on the floor.

Content Application
Science: Students receive 9 squares with either a scientific term or definition written along the edge and a blank sheet with 9 squares on it. Students will match up the terms with the appropriate definition and double check them with either the teacher or another student. Once they are sure of the arrangement, they can glue them into place on the larger sheet, allowing them to use it as a vocabulary review later.

9 Square
Intelligence Style
Interpersonal: If this is done in a whole class setting, student must interact with their peers to find the correct configuration of squares. They also may check their individual configurations with their peers. Verbal-Linguistic: Students must match words to their definitions. Bodily-Kinesthetic: Done in a whole group setting, students would have to be up and moving in order to arrange the squares. Individually, students must manipulate the puzzle pieces to reach the correct arrangement.

Students will receive 9 squares with terms or definitions on them, and their sheet to attach them to will also have definitions written around the edges of the squares. Students will have to not only math the squares to each other but match the squares to the board before gluing them down.



Students will receive 9 squares with words or definitions written around the edges, but only 1 square will have something written on all 4 sides. the others will have terms and definitions on only 3 or 2 sides. This will make it easier for students to figure out which squares go where.

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