PVF Strategy

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Students are paired up and assigned a roles as either Student A or B. The students then either read or are read a series of prompts, and are given a short amount of time in which to respond to it. Student A responds first, while Student B listens. When time is up, the roles are reversed. Student B should not repeat anything that has been said by Student A already (or vise versa if students are alternating who responds first) .

Content Application
English Language Arts/Reading: In many schools, students are divided into reading groups based on ability levels, and each group read a book appropriate for their skills. In a class where this is the case, PVF would be a nice break from doing full group discussions. Instead, students can pair up with another student in their group and quickly discuss the books. Questions might include Favorite character and why, Most important moment so far, What do you think will happen next? Prompts may also be book or story specific.

Intelligence Style

Paired Verbal Fluency



Interpersonal: Students must interact with their peers in a oneon-one setting. Because of the nature of this strategy, they must listen very carefully the what their partner is saying, so that they do not repeat it. Verbal-Linguistic: Students must express their thoughts and opinions verbally within an allotted amount of time. This makes the students choose their words carefully, since often they do not have much time to get their point across.

Allow students 1-2 minutes to formulate 3 open-ended questions on the book they are reading. They will then pair up with another student in their reading group and take turns asking and responding to each others questions. When Student A reads a question, Student B will respond first, and Student A will respond second. After both students have responded, Student B will ask a question.


Students will have prompts read aloud to them. The questions or prompts will focus on story elements, and should have finite answers, although there should be multiple options for each.

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