Topic: No

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Full Name: Vu Hong Hanh Class: English 6

"No" is just a simple word with only two letters, however it is used widely in daily life with different e pressions! "e use "No" to deny, to e press dissagreement or #ontradi#tion whenever someone give us a $uestion or a statement! %hough in some #ases, instead of saying "No", we had &etter give a more details answer or use a whole form "No, ' don(t"! %his is a &asi# rule in #ommuni#ation whi#h shows that you really respe#t your partner as well as fo#us on this #onversation a#tually! Ne t, we also use "No" for e pressing sho#) or dissappointment at something one has heard or dis#overed! For instan#e, while dishing up, you &ro)e a &owl &y #han#e! *ou immediately s#ream out loud "+h no," or "No way" to e press the surprise, regret and sho#) ! 'n addition, "no" is also used in noti#es, &anners or slogans for&idding or reje#ting something spe#ified! For e ample, in the pu&li#, signs for for&iddan#e use "No smo)ing" instead of saying a whole long senten#e "*ou must not smo)e in here"! *ou #an also find other signs, &anners with "no" su#h as "No war", "No poverty", "No tal)" and so on! 'n #on#lusion, "No", whether it stands alone or not, appears popularly in our life with a variety of usages and e pressions!

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