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What Is a Line Manager?

A line manager is a person who deals with the effective oversight and management of all activities associated with the activities occurring on a production line. With most company organizations, the role of effectively managing a production line is assigned to an individual who is called a line manager or supervisor. Or A manager who heads a revenue-generating department and is responsible for achieving an organization's main objectives by executing functions such as policy making, target setting, decision making.

What is a Project Manager?

A project manager is an individual who is responsible for the planning, organization, resource management, and discipline pertaining to the successful completion of a specific project or objective. This position may refer to a temporary endeavor containing an end coinciding with the end of the assigned project, but can also be a semipermanent or permanent position. Or A project manager is the person responsible for accomplishing the stated project objectives. Key project management responsibilities include creating clear and attainable project objectives, building the project requirements, and managing the constraints of the project management triangle, which are cost, time, scope, and quality.

Similarities between Project Manager and Line Manager

At the head of each of the major functions within an organisation there will be functional or line managers. These managers have the responsibility for the people who work under them in their departments. The project manager may have a line management role as well, but is responsible for projects that may run across several functions.

Differences between Project Manager and Line Manager

Project Manager manages the work taken up by a single project whereas the Line Manager will be managing the work taken up by a line of projects.Usually projects in organizations are aligned based on the line of business, catered to,by the project. Hence, they will have a Line Manager who manages all those projectsThe Line manager will interact/liase with the Project Managers who manage the projects that fall in his line. The relationship between project managers and line managers is that the project managers divide the work among the line managers and the line managers report to the project managers.

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