Intermediate2 Simple Vs Continous

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Time expressions of simple present tense are these: Never-always-usually-often-rarely sometimes-occasionally-frequently Everyday,week e.t.c Once,twice a week,day e.t.c At the weekends,in the evenings Lets practise: 1- She ________(go) to the cinema every Saturday. 2-Shh!!!The baby ___________(sleep) 3-They often _________(play) basketball but today they___________ (play) football. 4-She is __________(watch) t.v at the moment. 5-I sometimes ___________ (visit) my old school and __________ (see) my teachers.They _________(feel) happy when they see me. 6-Twice a week my brother and I _________ (swim) in the pool. 7-My mother always __________ (cook) well but my sister __________ (not/ cook) well. 8-We __________(not/listen) to music right now. 9-Watch out!!The dog __________ (run) towards you. 10-In the mornings my father __________(get up) early but we _________(not/get up) early. 11-This term,the children ___________(not/take) art course. 12-These days Sandy ___________ (feel) beter.

Time expressions of present continuous tense are these: Now, still, at present, these days, At the moment, right now , this;term,year e.t.c Exclamation (!) sentences Exercise time: 1-Listen!!Somebody ________ (come) here. 2-My parents frequently ___________ (buy) presents for my sister and me. 3-In summers,my uncle __________ (stay) at home. 4-I ___ still ________ (learn) French. 5-Every year,our neighbour John __________ (change) his hair style. 6-She _________ (not/drink) milk at nights. 7-I _________ (not/ water) the flowers usually. 8-We rarely __________(speak) to each other. 9-Heyy!!!_______ you ________ (listen) to me? 10-________you ________(do) your homework every day? 11-________ he _______(do) his project on Mondays? 12-________ he________(not/eat) his salad at present? 13-The dog ___________(bark) now. 14-I _________ (wear) my uniform in weekdays. 15-My sister _________(not/play) the guitar but she _________(play) the violin. 16-They __________(sing)a song at the moment. 17-My father never _________(smoke). 18-My mother ___________(go) to hairdresser once a month.

In S.Present Tense He-she-it take s at the end of the verb.

Do not forget to use am/is/are and ing in Present Cont.Tense

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