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Part II. Vocabulary A.

For questions 1-15, choose the word on phrase A, B, C, or D wich best complete each blank space in the text. ext 1 !ost solid matter is "1#$$$$ o% cr&stals. able, salt and su'ar are perharps the most comon cr&stalline substance in e(er&da& use. )ther substances "*#$$$$ cla& and steel are also made o% cr&stals. +t is o%ten di%%icult to reco'ni,e that substance is cr&stalline, the basic re'ularit& o% its true %orm is because there is a number o% minute cr&stal "-#$$$$ to produce no particular shape. !an& minerals howe(er cr&stalli,e in nature to set ".#$$$$ and well-%ormed cr&stals can be 'rown "5#$$$$ /ource 0andom 1ouse 2nc&clopedia 1. A. Classi%ied B. Composed C. Consisted D. Arran'ed 2. A. Such as B. 2xample C. Alike D. i.e "that is# 3. A. aggregate B. separate C. transter D. remo(e .. A. /i,es B. wei'hs C. shapes D. colors 5. A. 3aturall& B. speciticall& C. commonl&

D. artificially Text 2 his stud& aims at "4#$$$$ the correlation between the wa'e le(el and thw well bein' o% the rubber plantation enterprise workers in 2ast Aceh in period 1567 to 15-5. he ma8or source o% "7#$$$$ is the annual reports a% the 9abour +nspectorate 9ibrar&, :akarta. he results o% the stud& ";#$$$$ that the wa'e o% plantation enterprise workers in 2ast Aceh was (er& low and worth onl& %or subsistence and determined unilaterall& b& the enterprise. workers contributed nothin' to the wa'e determination. he he wa'e le(el was ad8usted to the

li(in' coast, especiall& the price a% rice, and the"5#$$$$ condition o% the enterprise. here%ore, the li(in' standard o% the rubber plantation workers in 2ast Aceh ne(er chan'ed althou'h their wa'e "16#$$$$ /ource http<=8urnal-humaniora.u'>id?*55 4. A. writin' . i!"estigati!g C. dia'nosin' D. interpretatin' #. A. data B. suppl& C. %und D. resource ;. A. anal&,e B. 1&pothesi,e C. i!dicate D. predict 5. A. commercial B. political C. cultural D. fi!a!cial 16. A. decrease

. i!crease C. remained D. %luctuati%e Text 3 he present stud& was carried out %rom Februar& *66- to Februar& *66. in the laborator& and 'lass haouse o% Balittra and in the %armer@s %ield in Barito Auala /outh Aalimantan. and to select the best screenin' method and screenin' paramater on aluminium stress. he he "11#$$$$ o% this stud& were to determinate the correlation amon' Al-resistance screenin' metods preliminar& experiment had selected 5 peanut lineswhich ha(e three "1*#$$$$ o% resistances on aluminium stress "resistance, moderate, and susceptible#. hese lines were used as material on the main experiment "1-#$$$$ three screenin' methods, namel& laborator& screenin' method 'lass house screenin' method and %ield screenin' method. Correlation anal&sis was used "1.#$$$$ the relationship amon' these metdods. Bath anal&sis was used to select the most "15#$$$$ parameter to estimate Al-resistance )rtho'onal (ariance anal&sis was used to select the best screenin' method. /ource http=i-lib.u'>detald?17CC 11. A. acti(ities B. %unctions C. ob$ecti"es D. scope %2. A. le"els B. sources C. 'oals D. positions 1-. A. %ound B. discussed C. concluded D. co!sisted of 1.. A. to desi'n

. to determi!e C. to draw D. to carr& out 15. A. hand& B. exclusi(e C. effecti"e D. tentati(e B. Choose the word or phrase in A, B, C or D that best collocates "combines# with ech o% the undertined words or phases in the %ollowin' sentence< 14. )ne aspeck o% the CCCC'ood 'o(ermance is an emphasis DDDDcorporate 'o(ernment. a. about b.o! c. in d. o(er http. == edissertations nttin'*-1= 1= 67 !alixhw5. Bd%CCCC 17.Epon seein' her burn down house she DD. 9ears heart breakin'l& and %ell unsconsciousl&. A. Bour down B. 1eld back C. Casted o%% D. ursted i!to http< == www. %amil&= .5.174= dru'-dealers-threatened-to-burn-our-house down.CC 1;. he crown 'enerousl& 'a(e the per%ormers three %amous bassists ha(in' 8am-sessions aDDDa% applause. A. cloud B. %ume C. thu!der D. series 15./underland@s &acht was dama'ed b& -6-%oot wa(es that knocked out her communications s&stem promptin' her to set DDDDDD..a distess si'nal. A. out

B. o% C. off D. under *6. A%ter a ten *6 hours D.. plane %rom AustraliaD.. radio contact withD /underlandD Frida& A. made B. held C. 'a(e D. had http< ==sail&&'e=*CC *1. he deput& chainer o% the ami'ra% bod& werw accused DDDD extorun' bribes %rom a businessman. A. with B.%rom C. to D.of http<==bata(;-CC **.A member o% the -------------- 0espresentati(es@ ----------------------- le'al ----------------- said the AF)@s mo(e to DDDDDa case re(iew was a'ainst the law. A. propose . file C. sue D. report http<==bata(*.;55;CC *-. he %ossi,ation process de(elops o(er millions o% &ears, durin' wich swamp (e'etation is sunmer'ed DDDDDDwater depleted o% ox&'ent and co(ered b& la& and la&ers o% dand and mud. A. i! B. into C. rou'h D. b& http<==www-------------5

*..1e was awarded a 'old medal %or serios o% outstandin' research. A. takin' B. commitin' C. co!ducti!g D. holdin' http< == in dex php> Ba'e?-%ranceCCCCC *5. he doctor sron'l& recommended himDD.. exercise to keep him %it. A. regular B. usual C. %re'uent D. permanent http< ==cs8conline. 3%ormer.or'.in=*611=61=case-1-t&pe-*diabetes. *4. he ad(ertisement con(iced the audince that the shamppoo would make thei hair DDDDD. A. mo(eable B. 1and& C. !ana'eable D. fertile http< $1.61.htmlCCCC *7./8achroedin who spoke DDDDDo% soup and --------------------produced b& 9ampun' %amers, said he would continue to help %armers with their 'oals. A. slowl& . higly C. loudl& D. uncertainl& http< ==bata(*55675CC *;DDDD.. !&anmarD. A. aken in . Put to C. /it in D. Face o%%

*5.1uman comsumtion o% tossil %uels is expected to %ull& deplete the 2arth@s oil rese(es b& the car *646 A. crude B. rudimentar& C. simple D. basic http< == %ile=c1'F9dl.=.66$!ust$ha(e$Hords$%or$the .66 !st 1a(e Hords %or the )2F9# -6. he de%endant ar'ues the o%%icers o% Corruption 2radication Comission to mone& %rom him. A. squee,e B. extract C. wrin' D. extort http< ==www.the8akarta'''odo-eports-kpk-to-the-police=--;7.5 ) html. "Buku<

Part III. &rammar a!d Structure

A. Se!te!ce Completio! 'or (uestio!s %)%*+ choose the ,ord or phrase i! A+ each of the follo,i!g se!te!ces.

+ C+ or D ,hich best completes

1. Fi(en $$$$$ awareness ine(itable that he would come to (iew the e(er&da& e(ents o% his li(e throu'h the prism o% polities and the national discourse. A. -is le"el of political B. 1is le(el o% politics C. 1is le(el o% politician *. !artin 9uther Ain' at %irst planned to be a law&er or a doctor, but when he 'raduated %rom !orehouse Colle'e at the a'e o% 15, he $$$$ ambitions and went into the seminar&. A. aba!do!ed all this B. had abandoned all this

C. has abandoned all this -. he student %acult& discipline committee $$$$ (iolations o% student rules includin' another count o% alcohol abuse. A. fou!d him guilty of three B. %ound him 'uilt& about three C. %ound him 'uilt& in three

.. )ne mission o% a uni(ersit& $$$$$ 'raduates who are tolerant o% man& races, %aiths and cultures. A. to se!d to the ,orld B. to send to in the world C. to send throu'h the world 5. his school has a (er& 'ood reputation because all students and teachers $$$$$ A. despite cheati!g B. despise to be cheated C. despise bein' cheated 4. A new stud& conducted %or he Horld Bank b& !urdoch Eni(ersit&@s +nstitute %or /cience and echnolo'& Bolic& "+/ B# has demonstrated that public transport is more. A. efficie!t tha! cars B. e%%icient as cars as C. e%%icient that those o% cars 7. $$$$ is 'rowin' at startlin' pace. A. I!ter!atio!al trade B. +nternationall& trade C. rade international ;. he histor& test was (er& di%%icult $$$$$ don@t know wether + will 'et a 'ood mark %or this sub8ect. A. to do B. to be done C. %or bein' done

5. Despite the %act that tele(ision pro'rams ha(e not been satis%actor&, $$$$ a 'reat and positi(e in%luence in the de(elopment o% +ndonesia as the national lan'ua'e. A. it has B. which has C. it had

16. 2conomics are con(inced that the e%%ect o% economic crisis in +ndonesia $$$$ in 1557 still can be %elt now. A. ,hich started B. was started C. started 11. he peasants a'ricultural acti(ities ha(e been quite in%luenced b& the unpredictable season. /o %ar the sta%% o% !eteorolo'ical )%%ice has announced $$$$ the chan'es in the climate is still not known. A. ,hat cause B. causin' C. the cause 1*. he unique :a(anese traditional musical instrument $$$$$ is popular in Central :a(a and belie(ed to ha(e existed since the %ourteenth centur&. A. called &amela! B. which called Famelan C. was called Famelan 1-. A 'reater e%%icienc& water use $$$$ the 'rowin' demand o% a chan'in' world. A. is !eeded to meet B. needed to be met C. needed to meet 1.. For the (er& %irst time politicians in the Hestern countries reali,ed that imperialism was e(il and $$$$ bitter su%%erin's in man& parts o% the third world. A. caused B. the& caused C. has caused 15. he Australian institute o% sports $$$$ more than 166 sport scientists and doctors and collaborates with score o% others in uni(ersities and research centers. A. employs B. is emplo&ed C. emplo&ed . Clo.e Test 'or (uestio!s %/ 0 2*+ choose the ,ord or phrase i! A+ + C+ or D ,hich best completes each bla!1 space i! the text.

ext 1 +t is which askin' how the act o% readin' became somethin' to (alue in itsel% as opposed %or instance to the act o% con(ersation or the act o% takin' a walk. !ass "14#$$$$$ is a recent phenomenon and + su''ested that the aura which decorates readin' is relic o% the importance o% readin' to our 'reat-'reat-'randparents 9iterac& "17#$$$$ a mark o% social distinction separatin' a small portion o% humanit& %rom the rest. he %arm laborer who was ambitious "1;#$$$$ did not da&dream that the& would become schoolteacher or doctors, he da&dreamed that the& would learn to read, and that a world would there%ore open up to them in which the& did not ha(e to labor in the %ield %ourteen hours a da& %or six da&s a week in order to bu& salt and cotton. )n the next rank o% societ&, ample time %or readin' menat that the reader was %ree %rom the necessit& to spend most o% his wakin' hours "15#$$$$. his sort o% attitude shades into the contemporar& man@s boast o% his wi%e@s cultural acti(ities. Hhen he sa&s that his wi%e is interested in books and music and picture, he is not onl& enclosin' the art in a %emale world, he is sa&in' that he is rich enou'h to pro(ide her with "*6#$$$$$. %/. A. 2iteracy B. 9iterature C. 9iteral %#. A. used to be B. is used to bein' C. was to bein' %3. A. for his childre! B. about his children C. o% his children %4. A. ma1i!g a li"i!g B. made a li(in' C. make a li(in' 25. A. the leisure to do !othi!g B. the leisure to do an&thin' C. the leisure to do somethin' ext * Cancer research is a 8i'saw pu,,le in recent &ears more pieces "*1#$$$$$ but we are still lookin' %or the center pieces. I!a& be when all these other pieces %it to'ether we will be able to (isuali,e

the whole pictureJ sa&s a Chinese woman '&necolo'ist. "**#$$$$$ man, since prehistoric times has been pra&ed to the diseases, it is onl& in the last 56 &ears that scientist ha(e come out o% the clues the& are collectin'. he trouble is that cancer is not one disease "*-#$$$$$$ se(eral. here are di%%erent t&pes o% cancer and each requires a di%%erent treatment. All ha(e one thin' in common the uncontrolled beha(ior o% cells that ha(e ceased to work normall&. he human bod& is a mar(elous %actor&, so or'ani,ed that while a child 'rows it "*.#$$$$ additional cells. )nce the child 'rows to "*5#$$$$$$ the s&stem stabili,es producin' extra cells onl& to replace cells dama'ed or destro&ed b& illness or in8ur&. /ource< Aoo, . 15;5. Better Speed Reading. Aowloon. Kouth Book 0oom. 2%. A. ha"e bee! fou!d B. ha(e %ound C. would ha(e been %ound 22. A. Although B. because C. i% 23. A. but B. so C. and 26. A. ma!ufactures B. manu%acturin' C. manu%actured 2*. B. adolescence C. adulthood

C. 7rror Ide!tificatio! 'or (uestio! 2/ 0 65 choose the ,ord or phrase i! A+ + C+ or D ,hich is ,ro!g. *4. 8ostly "isitor9A: o :apan are impressed b& the politeness o% the :apanese %or example, the& seldomLBM see taxi dri(ers who are rude, when shoppin'LCM the& ma& %requentl& %ind department store sta%%s bow and hotel posters tr& their best to help them.


*7. he improper use land has also hit alarmed9A: rates in some coastal areas where %ishermen ha(e pumped uoLBM under'round water to breed %ishLCM %or export and %or local consumers.

*;. Alarmed b& the countr& record low bith rate the /outh Aorean 'o(ernment plans to lower school entr& a'eLAM, increaseLBM education subsidies, helpi!g reduce9C: the cost o% brin'in' up children and pro(ide %urther assistance %or those who need. *5. a 'ood seller-bu&er relationship normall& depe!d o!9A: satis%actor& material and satis%actor& pa&ment which means seller make sureLBM the product meetLCM the requirements o% the bu&er who is expected to settle the pa&ment promptl&.

-6. A brand is aLAM name, term, si'n, s&mbol, orLBM desi'n, or a combination o% them, is i!te!ded9C: to identi%& the 'oods or ser(ices o% one seller or 'roup o% sellers and di%%erentiate them %rom those o% the competition. -1. !ost o% us place enormous emphasisLAM on the importantLBM o% primar& relationship. He re'ard the abilit& to maintain such relationships as a si'n o% mental healthy9C:

-*. /&l(ia and 1arr&LAM whom ,e 1!o, them9 : well celebrated their %i%teenth weddin' anni(ersar& at mountain resort and some o% their %riends LCM were at the resort %or the whole weekend. --. Ese o% the %irm@s telephone must be accurate when dialin', make their con(ersations preciseLAM and to the point, but the& must also ha(e a pleasant but pro%essionalLBM manner which will creati"e9C: a 'ood public ima'e.

-.. Considerin' theirLAM pre(ious per%ormance, the accountantsLBM who conducted the audit were high9C: recommended b& the committee. -5. /te(e usuall& %inishesLAM a crossword pu..les9 : in an hour but this one reall& hasLCM him stumped.


-4. +n the second month o% &our internship, &ou will learn how to resol(eLAM customer complaints super"isio! of9 : %ront desk sta%% and planLCM store displa&s are also tasks &ou will learn to do. -7. + suppose it was ine(itable that as m& word-base broadedned, + could %or the %irst time pick upLAM a book and readLBM and bega!9C: to understand what the book was sa&in'. -;. El&sses /. Frant and 0obert 2. 9ee met inLAM the parlor o% a modest house at Appomattox Court 1ouse, Gir'inia, i!9 : April 5, 1;45, to work out the terms %orLCM the surrender o% 9ee@s Arm& o% 3orthern Gir'inia. -5. )nce the writer has a rou'hLAM topic area alread& outli!e9 :+ he or she ma& returnLCM to the audience and purpose %or the essa&. .6. !ost o% the people +@(e talked with sa& that the& are co!fide!ce9A: in doin' social l&in' and think it is accepted and necessar&LBM. he& think it@s the ci(ili,edLCM wa& %or %olks to beha(e.

Part IV. ;eadi!g Comprehe!sio! Chose the best a!s,er to each (uestio! based o! the i!formatio! ,hich is stated or implied i! the text. ext 1 Do,! sy!drome )----------"Bara'raph 1# Down s&ndrome is a con'enital "present at births# disorder characteri,ed b& (ar&in' de'rees o% mental retardation and a (ariet& o% ph&sical abnormalities. Cause< 3ormall& each cell in the human bod& has to chromosomes the cells in someone with Down s&ndrome howe(er .7 ha(e. +n wa&s not &et known the presence o% the extra chromosome causes all o% the unusual characteristics o% Down s&ndrome. +n 55 percent o% cases, the condition is called trisom& *1 " because the extra chromosome is attached to the *1 th pair o% chromosomes#, and the mistake in 'enetic codin' is one that apparentl& could happen to an&one. +n 5N o% cases, the s&ndrome is caused b& a de%ect that is belie(ed to run in %amilies. Symptoms<))))))))))))))))=paragraph 2>

Down s&ndrome is marked b& a number o% ph&sical characteristics somewhat started e&es in small sockets "which is wa& it is used to be called mon'olism#, a small, short head, %lattened in back, trunk, arms and le's, a sin'le, rather than a double crease across the top o% the palm, %labb& arms and le's with por muscle tone, a wide 'ap between the %irst and second toes, and 'enerall& retarded ph&sical de(elopment. A child with Down s&ndrome ma& ha(e a poorl& %unctionin' th&roid 'land "which re'ulates metabolism, the rate at which the bod& uses ener'&# and pituitar& 'land "which re'ulates other 'lands includin' those responsible %or 'rowth, maturation, and reproduction#. About one third are born with heart de%ects and both the skin and mucous membrane are especiall& susceptible in in%ectious. Pre"e!tio!< )))))))))))))))=paragraph 3> Brospecti(e parents can reduce then chances o% ha(in' a child with Down s&ndrome b& startin' their %amilies earl&. At a'e *6 a woman@s risk o% 'i(in' birth to a child with Down s&ndrome is onl& 1 in *666 li(e births, but at a'e -5 the is 1 in -66, at a'e .6 is 1 in 166, and at a'e .5 it is 1 in .6 li(e births. he a'e o% the %ather also has some beatin' on the risk, but not as much as the a'e o% the mother. Dia'nosis o% Down s&ndrome can be made between weeks 14 and 1; o% pre'nanc& throu'h a procedure called amniocentesis. Durin' amniocentesis, the doctor will insert a needle throu'h the mother@s abdominal wall and into the uterus. A sample o% the amniotic %luid is hen drawn into s&rin'e, 'rown on a culture plate and anal&,ed to see i% there are abnormal chromosomes. A newer technique used to check the chromosome o% the 'rowin' %etus is called amniocentris chorionic villus samplin'. his procedure per%ormed durin' the ei'ht or nine week % pre'nanc& in(ol(es the remo(al o% a small portion o% the placenta b& a small instrument inserted throu'h the woman cer(ix. Homan@s tissue that is obtained can be immediatel& e(aluated %or the presence o% chromosome abnormalities. /ource< CA0+ /)E0C2 BA0E AA023A KA3F D+C2 AA 2BA9 +DAA ADA O 1. Hhat is not true about the chromosomes o% a child with Down s&ndrome> P the lac1 of chromosomes causes the child ab!ormality *. +t can be in%erred %rom the text that Down /&ndrome ? Ca! happe! to o!ly certai! i!di"iduals ,ith specific chromosomes? -. he word Qretarded@ in line *7 is closest in meanin' to the word $$$$$$$$ ? -i!dered ? .. Hh& is down s&ndrome used to be called mon'olism> ?The child ,ith the sy!drome has the mo!gol loo1? 5. Hhat is the main idea o% para'raph 14

PThe pre"e!tio! of ha"i!g child ,ith do,! sy!drome? 4. +t is implied in para'raph - o% the text that $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ?The older the mother+ the higher the ris1? 7. he word Qthose@ in line -- re%ers to $$$$$ ?@ther gla!ds? ;. Accordin' to the text, what is true abut chorionic (illus> ?The procedure i!cludes dra,i!g the sample of am!iotic fluid? 5. Hhere ini the text does the write describe the ph&sical appearance o% a child wit down s&ndrome ?li!e %3)2? 16. he text will most likel& appear in $$$$$ ?-ealth maga.i!e?


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