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Summer Internship !"#$

Applications are invited from students of Government/Government-funded institutes for 6 8 week summer internship, beginning June , !" # $tentativel%& under the internship programme of ''( )oorkee* 't is open to the students of +*(ech* in C%mputer S&ien&e 'n( En)ineerin) *CSE+* (he number of available seats in this categor% is , for students of institutions other than ''(-s* (here is no seat limit for students pursuing .G programme in /01 at ''(-s* 2o stipend is awarded to the students* (he eligibilit%, selection procedure, and other conditions are as follows3 * 4nl% the students stud%ing in Government/ Government-funded institutes are eligible* !* 0tudents who have completed # semesters or 6 semesters at the starting date of internship ma% appl%* 5owever, preference will be given to the students who have completed 6 semesters* ,* Applications should be dul% forwarded b% the institute authorities and should include the applicant-s C, -ith ph%t%)r'ph, se./ 'tteste( &%pies %/ )r'(e sheets, and a pr%0e&t pr%p%s'. for the work that the candidate wishes to pursue* #* 4nl% the students having /G6A of 7*8 $on " point scale& and above will be considered* 8* 0election will be based upon a merit list that will be prepared on the basis of /G6A and the pro9ect proposal submitted b% the candidate* 4ffer of internship will be sub9ect to the condition that a facult% member agrees to supervise the candidate in the proposed pro9ect* 6* All selected candidates will be re:uired to deposit a non-refundable bench fee of )s* 8"""/per month in the 'nstitute* 7* All e;penses, including travel, boarding, and lodging will be borne b% the selected candidates* Accommodation, if available, will be provided on the campus on pa%ment basis* 8* <ast date for receiving applications is M'r&h #12 !"#$* <ate applications will not be considered* =* Announcements of offers will be made b% M'r&h 3#2 !"#$* "* On.4 h'r( &%pies of applications will be considered* (hese should be sent in an envelope marked >0ummer 'nternship !" #? and addressed to3 Ch'irm'n2 DAC Dept5 %/ C%mputer S&ien&e 'n( En)ineerin) IIT R%%r6ee2 R%%r6ee 7 !$8998 Utt'r'6h'n(2 In(i'

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