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Using Running Records to Plan and Differentiate Instruction

Goals for the Day!

1. Understand how to analyze a Running Record (Analysis compared to model) 2. Determine teaching points after analyzing a RR (Teaching Points for Reading Group)

3. Develop grade level communication tool/student goal sheet (Develop tool)

Analyze Running Record

Mini Lesson/ Crafting:

Reading to Build /Activate BK: Why use Running Record Analysis?

4 As Text Protocol
What Assumptions does the author of the text hold?

What do you Agree with in the text?

What do you want to Argue with in the text?

What parts of the text do you want to Aspire to?

Pair Share

Share each of your As with a partner.

Principles of Classroom Assessment

Assessment should inform and improve instruction Assessment procedures should help teachers discover what children can and cannot do Classroom assessment should provide insights into the process of reading

Work time/ Crafting:

Group 1: Analysis Training
(Computer Lab)

Group 2: Guided Analysis Practice and Application (Library)

Group 3: Independent Analysis and Application (Library)

Goals for Worktime

1. Determine teaching points after analyzing a RR Analyze RR, Create Teaching Points for Reading Group members 1. Develop grade level communication tool/student goal sheet (Develop tool): What needs to be included? Record thinking as you work. Be ready to share with grade level team by 12:30.

Guided Analysis Process

1. Read about Meaning, Structure, Visual 2. Practice Analysis with model 3. Review support material: Resource packet Tools packet Teaching Point packet

Meaning Structure Visual

Whole Group Reflection/Share

1. Understand how to analyze a Running Record (Analysis compared to model) Determine teaching points after analyzing a RR (Teaching Points for Reading Group) 2.

MIP: What is the Most Important Point about the Running Record and Analysis?

Whole Group Reflection/Share

Develop grade level communication tool/student goal sheet (Develop tool)

How does your grade level team plan to communicate student goals among teachers and make them clear to students?

Principles of Classroom Assessment

Assessment should inform and improve instruction Assessment procedures should help teachers discover what children can and cannot do Classroom assessment should provide insights into the process of reading

How might RR analysis increase student achievement ?

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