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Candidate:__Luke Mueler _ Assessor:____Pamela J. Lucas_ Advisor:_P. Lucas_____ Date:__3/20/13 Grade/Subject:__8th grade English__ Topic/skill taught:_TAG_________________ School:_Whittier Elementary________________ Observation: (check one) Completed by: (check one) _X_ 1st observation Cooperating teacher:___Mr. Banach ___ 2nd observation ___ Other (specify) ________________ ___ Candidate

___ Cooperating teacher __X_ Education supervisor _____Emerging ___X__Proficient

Overall Performance: _____Inadequate


Planning (conceptualization/diagnosis/coordination)
1. Engages in pre-assessment 2. Demonstrates content knowledge (1.4) and content area learning strategies. 3. Designs instruction based on assessment of student strengths, needs, learning styles, and learning differences (3.1, 4.1)

Comments You discussed the lesson with the cooperating teacher.

It is very apparent that you are knowledgeable about both content and content area learning strategies. You selection of TAG is a very appropriate strategy for use with the students. It is clear that you use your knowledge of the school culture to develop and build the lesson. However, it is not clear how the lesson is based upon students learning styles, strengths, and learner differences. It is clear that the lesson is based upon students needs to interact socially. The lesson was designed in consultation with the cooperating teacher. You use the textbook and the worksheets built around the TAG activity.

4. Coordinates resources to design effective instruction (9.4) consults with cooperating teacher uses print, audio-visual, and computer technology 5. Plans motivational instruction by relating lessons to student interests, humor, provides student choice, questioning, and investigation (1.1, 5.2) 6. Plans for differentiation Plans stimulating, varied input (brain compatibility) Use talents and students interest Vary input strategies Uses posters, ads, photos, multi-media Provide for the use of manipulatives Be alert to students styles and intelligences

This is largely engaged in an auditory manner. You remind the students of what they did yesterday and that you will build from there. The lesson is differentiated by students ability to determine how they will respond to the questions in the TAG activity. They will use a map or the textbook itself. Your use of TAG is a good one. It guides students through a process that provides a close reading of details and facts related to the ideas in the reading. It also guides them towards analysis.

Cooperative grouping Marzanos Six Steps for vocabulary instruction Plans for a variety of questions Quality of Lesson Plan Alignment of assessment, standards, learning activities, objectives Procedures o Pre, during , post Pre-assessment Context/setting described Performance Inviting (communication/integrative interaction) 1. Contributes to a welcoming learning community (learns student names, talks with students before and after the lesson) (3.8) 2. Creates a safe, non-threatening environment (brain compatibility) Empower learner with technology Alert to student learning styles Builds trust Provide an advocate for every student Provide an atmosphere of curiosity Spark natural curiosity Use unique student talents . . . 3. Demonstrates enthusiasm for teaching and learning (1.3) 4. Recognizes the importance of verbal and nonverbal communication in projecting a pleasant, professionally engaging demeanor while interacting with the cooperating teacher and students (effective use of inflection, volume, eye contact, gestures, facial expression, body positioning, movement in the classroom) (6.4) Performance

The lesson plan is very well done. The CCSS and the cognitive objectives are well selected and appropriate to the lesson. The procedures for the lesson are clear. However, the context could be a bit more specific. You dont say a lot about students learning styles. The assessment could be a little more specific also. You are looking for students to engage in certain cognitive behaviors and the degree to which their answers are correct. It is commendable that you will ask the students to complete an exit slip. _____Inadequate _____ Emerging___X__Proficient __X___Distinctive The environment is very positive. The atmosphere of the school and classroom is very welcoming. The classroom is very positive. Students are somewhat playful. Students are very engaged. You know the students by name. It is clear that you have taken the time to get to know the students and build trust with them. It is clear that you are very enthusiastic about teaching and learning. It comes across in your tone of voice and interactions with the students as they respond to the questions that you are guiding them through. Your manner is engaging.

_____Inadequate _____ Emerging___X__Proficient __X___Distinctive

Teaching (communication/diagnosis/integrative interaction) 1. Sets context for the lesson (5.1) 2. Lesson plan implementation Differentiation Sensitivity to learning style, cultural differences 3. Creates active meaningful learning (brain compatibility) Uses project based learning Uses community learning Gives students responsibilities Have students create products/services Have students work on teams, tasks forces, committees Maintain high expectations Marzanos Six Steps Engages students in critical thinking/problem solving 5. Models and supports active listening, interactive discussion, and thoughtful response in reading, writing, and other media (2.3, 6.1, 6.2) 6. Uses different types of explanation, levels of questioning (text explicit, text implicit, script implicit, literal, inferential, synthesis, evaluation) and discussion to challenge and support student thinking (3.2, 6.3) 7. Uses literacy strategies to facilitate learning 8. Manages resources of time, space, activities, and attention to engage students productively (5.3) 9. Classroom Management

You begin by telling the students what you are going to do, continuing the previous discussion. You tell them what they need. Then you describe what the students, will do. You are reviewing. Then you have them do the worksheet in pairs. You use the TAG (Textbook Activity Guide) You guide them through the strategy by asking the questions an on the TAG worksheet. This modeling is well done. It prepares the students for engaging in the activity as pairs. The use of the TAG activity allows for students scaffold their answers to the questions. Their thinking processes extended to analysis. I question whether or not students engaged in synthesis. You spend time explaining what is expected for homework. Your use of resources was excellent. Classroom management was not an issue or concern.

Performance Assessing (diagnosis/integrative interaction) 1. Uses appropriate informal and formal assessment strategies that link to lesson objectives (8.1) 2. Provides specific feedback to learners and involves them in self assessment (8.3) 3. Provides accurate timely feedback (brain compatibility) Students self-assess their work Promote reality for assessments Make criteria of assessing explicit Maintain/Create portfolios / 4. Reflects on the impact of the lesson on student learning, modifying the plan and instruction when appropriate (8.5) 5. Reflects on own performance in relation to Alverno education abilities and WI Teacher Standards (8.5, 9.2, 9.3)

_____Inadequate _____ Emerging_X____Proficient __X___Distinctive You walk around the room to monitor their process and their progress. You provide the students with feedback as you monitor their answers to the questions in the TAG worksheet. You engage students in completing an exit slip. State standards, knowing the subject is a definite strength. You state that you feel well prepared to respond to their questions and redirect the conversation. I have confidence, I feel comfortable enough to say what Im not sure. I crafted questions that they could do. The written and oral communication was very supportive. Coordination and conceptualization. Coordination being able to handle their questions, I was flexible enough to work large group, small group.


Being able to take basic concepts from the text and apply it to students ability to think like a historian. They need to know facts, but they need to analyze, debate. It is important for me to develop their own ideas about being a historian and support their position. You can take ideas from history and work with them. _____Inadequate _____ Emerging__X___Proficient _X__Distinctive

Students are well prepared to engage in thinking. They follow prompts well and move into higher level thinking. More independent work next time. They can use the strategy next time. You would have to build, Do the independent work first. Liked the design of the lesson, building upon the independent work. Step for multiple levels of questions to answer.

Final remarks: This lesson was very well done. It is very evident that you have made connections between students and strategies. Your use of TAG was very appropriate. The planning was very well done.

LTM 621 Observation reflection questions

1. How did you incorporate strategies from LTM 621 in this lesson? 2. What knowledge, pedagogy, and dispositions from your work in either LTM 612 or LTM 631 did you bring to bear on this lesson in its design and implementation? 3. How do the Wisconsin Teacher Standards and Alverno Graduate Education Abilities mesh in this lesson? You need only address two standards and two abilities in your response.

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