Erronyus Miscellaneous Monologue

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ERRONYUS: I'm Erronyus, Erronyus Miscellaneous Temporarily the Actin !o" o# $o%e& Normally, I'm the !

o" o# '(oice)Mail' an" um uh somethin else I can't *uite YES+ That's it+ O# course+ !o" o# ,or et#ulness+ That's me+ Must remem-er that& I.ll -et you "i"n't e%en /no0 there 0as a !o" o# ,or et#ulness& E%en i# you "i" you pro-a-ly 0oul"n't remem-er& I'm a pretty po0er#ul o" in that respect& Oh yes& I may only ha%e one temple "o0n there 1UT&&& E%ery one o# MY people has a per#ect recor" o# NON)atten"ance& 21oastin &3 4er#ect recor"s across the -oar" An" they "on't 5ust #or et to o& Oh no& Most o# them ha%e e%en #or otten ho0 to et there an" 0hat the temple 0as e%en -uilt #or in the #irst place+ Tal/ a-out "e%otion+ Oh I am so prou"& 6ell 0hen I remem-er to -e& 1ut important as #or et#ulness is, my real passion lies 0ith the cuttin e" e stu##& I li/e lea"in the 0a%e, ne0 territories, pushin the en%elope& I mean, (oice)Mail's oo": I et to -e -oth a !oo" AN7 E%il o" "epen"in on 0hether you're the 8all)ee or the 8all)er& 1ut the latest thin 9 2$eans in, con#i"in &3 A0/0ar" Silences& $i/e 0hen t0o passin ac*uaintances meet up an" #eel compelle" to say 'hi' to one another, -ut "on't /no0 0hat to say ne:t& Their reetin is #ollo0e" -y an A0/0ar" Silence& Not really a lot o# call #or that at the moment& 7o0n in the 0orl" ri ht no0 thin s are still pretty much at the I)Either);no0)You)Really)6ell)Or)I'll)<a%e)To);ill)You sta e& 1ut -elie%e me, this is a ro0th #iel"& I'm oin to -e <U!E in ele%ators& O# course, they ha%en't -een in%ente" yet& They're little -o:es that open on one si"e an" there's num-ers o%er the "oor on the insi"e& So 0hat happens is: people o insi"e this -o: an" as soon as the "oor closes e%ery-o"y races to see 0ho can stare at those num-ers lon er than any-o"y else 0ithout sayin anythin & =An" 0hy9> 1ecause they're terri#ie" o# -rea/in the A0/0ar" Silence+

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